Thursday, November 20, 2008

Chocolate Douchebag


These goobers are still around. Listen to how this douchebag goes on and on about how he is making "True Chocolate" and everyone else doesn't. What a waste of time! Don't people realize that the economy has fallen apart? Joe Whinney is still a scumbag!

On a mission for 'true chocolate'
Scientist says most of what we eat is far from real thing


Andy McShea is a Harvard-trained molecular biologist using his scientific talent in Seattle to promote "true chocolate" and steer consumers away from inadvertently ingesting all that other brown sweet stuff he says is often unhealthy, morally questionable and not the real thing.
"We like to call it 'mockolate,' " said McShea, his British accent rising with indignation. "Most of the stuff sold as chocolate out in the world today is not really chocolate."

Rather, he contends, most of what we know and eat as chocolate is actually a heavily industrialized and chemically adulterated "chocolatelike" version of the dark, bittersweet substance originally concocted by the prehistoric ancestors of the Mayans and Aztecs. They used it as a hot, magical drink to fight fatigue or to honor the gods during religious ceremonies.

"Chocolate is a very old food," said McShea, a former Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center scientist with expertise in genetic and chemical analysis. He abandoned a routine research career to open his "Super Molecular Chocolate Lab" in 2006 when he took on the role of chief operating officer at the newly launched Theo Chocolate company based in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood.

A number of companies sell chocolate confections out of Seattle. But only Theo's -- named for Theobroma cacao, the botanical name for the cocoa tree -- locally manufactures chocolate starting from its basic bean beginnings and carrying it through to the waxy, shiny end product we buy wrapped in foil and decorative paper. It is the only full-scale chocolate maker in the Northwest and is aiming to offer solely organic and fair-trade chocolate.

McShea's motto (sewn onto his Super Molecular lab coat) is "Better Science Through Chocolate." The counterintuitive word order is meant to emphasize his goal is not to so much improve chocolate using science but to develop new technologies that can shine a bright, transformative light on the murky world of global chocolate commerce.

"Much of the chocolate business is still pretty exploitive, oppressive," said McShea. Consumers, for example, usually cannot be confident they are not supporting abusive labor practices when they buy chocolate. "The beans come from everywhere, including some places where children are working under pretty bad conditions."

That's true, said Kirsty Ellison, spokeswoman for one local competitor. Ellison said Seattle Chocolates, her employer, buys fine chocolate from a European distributor who works with cocoa farming communities worldwide to reduce the risk of exploitation.

"But it really isn't very well policed overall," she said. Ellison said Theo's more comprehensive (if more expensive) approach to promoting fair trade and organic chocolate is "very cool." She said Seattle Chocolates recently had its Tukwila production plant certified as organic to also explore offering this as an option.

Fran Bigelow, founder and president of Fran's Chocolates, said her company uses some organic ingredients in its confections but is unable as yet to only buy certified organic and fair-trade chocolate that is also of consistently high quality.

"That's something all of us in this business would like to do," said Bigelow. Most of the finer chocolate probably could be certified as organic and fair-traded right now, she said, because farmers have to maintain a certain quality of bean to sell to high-end manufacturers. But there isn't a reliable international regulatory system for independently guaranteeing the quality and ethical production of chocolate, Bigelow said.

"What Theo is trying to do is quite admirable," she said.

McShea, as someone who has worked in both the local biotech industry and with the Department of Defense to develop highly sophisticated analytical tools, has ideas about how science might be used to give poor farmers, and consumers, more power and information to help make the chocolate market more socially responsible.

Genetic tests can determine where beans come from, he noted. Chemical analyses can determine purity or even the levels of healthy anti-oxidants. Most people, he said, are aware of the studies in medical journals supporting the potential health benefit of certain anti-oxidants in chocolate.

One of the most prevalent chemicals in chocolate is known as epicatechin, McShea said, which has been shown to be both a powerful anti-oxidant and a vasodilator (it opens blood vessels and improves circulation).

"Unfortunately, a lot of these chemicals are removed or reduced during many of the processes used in the industrial manufacture of chocolate," he said.

It is the anti-oxidant chemicals that give a bitter taste to chocolate, he said, which many chocolate makers remove by "Dutching" -- adding alkaloid chemicals to neutralize the anti-oxidants and make it sweeter. Other chemicals are added or substituted (such as replacing costly cocoa butter with cheaper animal or vegetable fats) simply to increase the profit margin, he said.

"This industry is so interested in being able to keep altering what's in chocolate that Hershey's is lobbying to relax the (legal) definition of chocolate," McShea said. "Hershey's doesn't really make chocolate anymore."

Kirk Saville, spokesman for the Hershey Co., the nation's largest chocolate manufacturer with 13,000 employees and $5 billion in annual revenue, responded that his company certainly does make chocolate.

"We have a broad portfolio of products and have been making the world's best for more than 100 years," said Saville. Hershey supports the Food and Drug Administration's current definition of chocolate, he said, adding that it was the Grocery Manufacturers Association and the Chocolate Manufacturers Association that had lobbied for relaxing the legal definition. Saville did acknowledge, however, that Hershey is a leading member of both industry organizations.

Clearly the folks at Theo are biased and trying to convince you their chocolate is best so you'll buy it. But they could do this without a lab, without trying to change the way we think about chocolate or working on new scientific tools. McShea is also working with a colleague at the University of Washington to develop a simple test farmers can use to judge the critical stages of fermentation that must be handled correctly to transform cacao into fine chocolate.

"It's very difficult to manage," he said. Giving poor farmers an inexpensive "dipstick" test to better track the fermentation process should be possible by adapting existing technologies, McShea said, and could immensely improve their incomes by reducing the amount of harvested beans that now go to waste.

"I can't talk about it much right now, but it's a project we're moving forward on," he said.

The Super Molecular Chocolate Lab at Theo's is also used for simply dealing with the ongoing complexities of making chocolate, of course. After completing the fermentation on the farm (which, unlike for beer and wine, happens spontaneously rather than from introduced yeast), the cocoa beans are shipped to Seattle.

Assuming the beans pass quality testing, they then go through a lengthy process of multiple roastings, grindings, a curing process known as "conching" that takes place over a period of days, further refinement with precise mixtures of sugars or milk powder and a "tempering" process needed to bond the cocoa particles with cocoa butter. Surprisingly, water is never introduced to this process because water and chocolate, like oil, do not mix.

"There's a lot of chemistry that goes into making chocolate," said McShea. "It's actually incredibly complex."

And it's even more complicated when the goal here is a bit more than making a chocolate bar. If McShea has his way, Theo's Super Molecular Chocolate science will help to launch the next food revolution out of Seattle: coffee, beer and now chocolate.
P-I reporter Tom Paulson can be reached at 206-448-8318 or

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Theo Chocolate 3400 Phinney

Crazy People. Poison Chocolate.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Theo Chocolate

they are still going!
OMG! I just found them again- they have a website!

Will they poison it with his sperm? I think the guy writing that crazy stuff is calling himself Joe Whinney now. I don't know, I don't get it.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Theo Chocolate

Oh My God! This crazy guy stopped posting on his website because he is being sued by his partners in the company! Now the partners want to call the company Theo Chocolate!

I stumbled on a gold mine, all of my friends are just rolling over this.
Later, find me on!

The Chocolate Company, LLC v. Arthur Jefferson Fairhall
11/30/2005 05-2-38994-0 CWM Complaint for dissociation of LLC member. The defendant, who is the founder of the Essential Baking Company, formed The Chocolate Company and recruited other members of the LLC. The LLC members claim the defendant has become "incapacitated from illegal drug use, organic mental disease" or a combination of both, which has caused him to take out "delusional ranting" advertisements in The Stranger newspaper. The plaintiffs claim the defendant's published statements, such as "espousing incest as an ideal human relationship," stating that he is Jesus Christ and declaring his intent to add psychedelic drugs to chocolate have harmed the company. Joseph Whinney Badgley Mullins

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Shakey's Pizza (142)

the title of this e mail was SHakey, which is his identity as a producer...

Neil Percival Kenneth Robert Ragland Young Rawat

that's all it said, but it was in reply to me saying "i love our names"

who was percival? was he a knight of the round table?

just re reading some of the emails neil sent me.. here is one:

go to your home in wallingford. it is waiting.
we are waiting for you there.

that's when i came and danced to dave mathews and something big happened that night. i forget exactly what, but one of the big revelations happened there that night. on the rug. right? that night.

break time??? its 12:12 am////

by this point i cant look at the clock on my computer and see 12:12 and not think, i better mentoin that...

jeff said to george: if i could give this bakery to you i would

thomas said to george: i could give this country to you i would

i dunno aobut the country, but i want my bakery back so i can do with it what i PROMISED george i would do which was GIVE it to him... he deserved the country, can i at least give him the bakery

goerge was always the one,, i used to say "if i was willie wonka, GEORGE would be my charlie" and then a year ago i said to him that i saw him as being almost like the best of the best who isnt me,, maybe i mean who isnt a rawat yet,,,,

george rocks. i love him. i can imagine that i dont even have any idea how much he rocks.. but i guess he isnt in greendale yet which is good if he istn... how do i know george isnt there?? i hope NO ONE in the peanut gallery is wondering THAT ONE>>>>!!!!!

DOH zix rating goes down a big drop if you dont know why i think george isnt there but IF THERE IS ANYONE THERE whose that dense, if you dont get it after i give you this clue then i dunno, we might have to put you to work in the chocolate factory (like grandpa george who goes with charlie on the helicopter from the gates of the chocolate factory)....

and on we go to the next one...

is ROB BRACKENRIDGE THERE by ANY chance?????? i wanna know if he is laughing or if all of this zix is over his head???

rob if you are there, i got something to say to you :::

don't you mess with my sister!!! (yet, you gotta give me a chance to be with first,,, i deserve it,,, dont you think?)

sometimes a thought can just stun you, and sometimes those thoughts are the answers to the biggest koans

here is one like that :

Q who is amshel rothschild

A if soros is nathan, and i have semi-inadvertently named him as a SON in recent writings, then perhaps the answer, which suddenly becomes overwhelmingly obviously, well, the best candidate, if his life didnt overlap wiht jefferson or louis 14 (and i would give it further consideration about Louis if those lived did overlap) is obviouslythe guy who obsesses the most about mpney and justice, who wanted to write a novel about who a gandhi like fellow named daniel baker who took over the banking system just by being honest, who goes out on a limb by talking about the three temples and claims to be the christ by virture of his obsession with a just money system,,, you know that guy right/???

is that the answer? nope, its not... because his life HAD to have coincided with either jefferson and louis 14 or both,,, but waht about DANIEL???? there's a good possibilty,, or else arius or prem those are the four top solutions.

because i think amshel lived during the time of napoleon, the middle of jeffersons life... but its a high rawat, that's for sure.. VERY important person in history,,, super important. as i've been saying for twenty years of obsessing about these things.

i'll go with DANIEL on that one, he's my son (in some sense) and its a family thing... its an intelligent gues at least,,, which is all i have to offer.

re daniel being my son,,, because i am the one who most wants to be his father,,, surely.. and to be honest, if vulnerable, i think if he gets to know me (again) he'll agree that i am someone he wouldnt mind having as a father.

dave can you sing that dreams of our fathers song again??? there's something about that one in particular that sort of moves me so deeply,,, and that brings it to mind when i talk about daniel and how i feel about him.

i remember saying to him and burning man,, something to do with love, just that there's a lot of it and that someday he would understand, or at least that second part was implied in the way i said it.

********************************what is it?*******************************

daniel who excitedly showed me his book after we'ld talked for five minutes: Judaic SHamanism,, now if you were a magister ludi imagining up the dream story to end all dream stories, and you were gonna put a book in the hand of daneil to show isaac that he's the daniel that isaac is lovers with, what sort of subject, what sort of implication would you expect there to be in the title,,, how about judaic shamanism, how would that be????

maybe i had just repeated to him what i said umpteen times, this thing that i just have thie "knowledge" feeling about based on my experience as ISaac,,, like i just sorta know it,,, that the "ayahuasca" of the israelite prophets was the combo of SYRIAN RUE and Psilocybin that would tend to grow in the pastures, the name syrian rue obviously suggesting local availability for the psychedelic shepherd/ goatherd shamans (AKA JUDAIC shamans) like me and daniel.

I am sure mckenna and james arthur both could relate to what i was saying there...maybe those guys and me and daniel all tripped together on that combo back in the day when we were shepherd/ goatherds

.................................venturing a bit further out into left field..................................

IF amschel rothschild's most recent or present incarnation is someone who i have never named in my writings then i have something to offer roshi.

i puzzled on it "amschel" and i came up with Paul Schell former mayor of seattle, who i met once in the context of me being a money person, the introduction was made by PAUL who i believe is THE Paul, Paul Marcoux who i believe may have been De Gaulle... (if de gaulle died soon enough) so there is the PAUL connection going as someone potentially very important and since his name says "I am Schell" then I just have to bring it to dokusan and offer it up to roshi.. why else would the mayor of seattle have been named "schell" if it wasnt a clue for me in solving my own personal riddles all alone up here in my hotel room THAT I WISH HAD A DAMNED BATH TUB BIG ENOUGH TO GET INTO!!!! like PAUL SCHELL"S Inn at LAngley, now THERE's freaking TUB.... now if he's got dimmers in a hotel room that rents for UNDER $500 a night then he's REALLY A WINNER! because i havent found one yet..!

Paul schell if you are there, did you like the one about how i called the woodmakr and then the willows inn and asked both in all seriousness, "would you say that the bathtubs in your rooms are the same size or bigger than the average at the four best hotels in downtown seattle, ..

in case you are interested, which if anyone would be it would be YOU,,, the woodmark admitted that they too have pathetically puny tubs, nad the willows inn people said that they were genrous in size.. i never did go to stay in a $500 hotel room in woodinville just so i could have a luxurious bath,,, but i very well might have were they not filled up like every other hotel i called earlier in teh week..

were gonna have to put Jerry Adams Hewey in charge of the hospality thing... he knows how to run a good hotel i have NO DOUBT>>> !!! hey roz and jerry if you are there!! love you guys...

neil, or one of them if they are there, shold tell the story about the toughing the nose thing they do... its great..every family ought to adopt this ADAMS / Haewy practice / habit roz hewey is a GEM reminds me of elenor, the first MAUDE that this Harold fell in love with since Mrs. Smith , and you can say either one, but marion smith is the one who i wanted to continue to know, but i was yuonger then too, so its not fair.. both were GREAT teachers in my life,,, MJR and Marion...

then again, maybe it was Paul Marcoux himself... could be either,, i think its pretty reasonable guess.. remember,, paul LOVES amanita,,, not too many people have told me that... like NO ONE else has ever told me they LOVE amanita.. you gotta be pretty zixy to love amanita..

my best answer to the PAUL koan:

he's the guy who came into my life who would appear to have ruined me, so that i could say something amazing,,, that the guy who appeared to ruin me, who apparantly came to deceive and embezzle, to mess up everything AND NOT EVEN APOLOGIZE, that guy was PAUL, the apostle of the CHrist nad the person for whom PAUL bakery in france is actually NAMED>>. PAUL you rock... thanks for a COOL KOAN experience... no worries, i never worried by head about money after apoint that i was long since past by that point,,, i was solving koans and you knew it would be OK>

paul was good to me.. better than just about anyone,, in terms of showing me respect.. that guys a SOMA guy we hung out in france together (which is like saying "in heaven" literally... LTERALLY, get it/?? like FRance WAS a pretty zixy place for a while there.. that's where everyone hung out who didnt have a job to doo elsewhere nO???

back to iamshell for a second.. i am back to me being solomon if possible.. and if not then daniel is my next guess for a solomon rothschild if there even was one;. this rothschild thing is big for me...

i can sort of see paul marcoux nad paul shell being a part of something that soros was a part of.. yes just those three seem like they could go together... i hope i am ont so far out in left field as to be complete wandering in the wilderness of confusion...

like, did "POOPY" BUSH hang out in france a lot during the golden age of france?? do you see how pOOpy came to mind suddenly??? is that an accident or is it the magister ludi playing with me, its alwys hard to know, but when you;re in the bardo now babt you takae typos wserous;ly... youknow what i am saying george d?

i see on the aol home page that the cyclops is a character in the narnia movie,, never read the books didnt know the cyclops was a character.. this very MUCH pertains to the phallic aspect of this experience,,, i think neil can take it frpm there if there is mnore needing to be said.

of any thing i can think of that you can eat or drink, nothing comes close to pomegranite in one curiously strong way... it CRUNCHES when you roll it around, kind of like my neck does when i roll it around these days/ and my back and sholders.. interesting... if you roll the pomegranite around with the skin on it crunchse, like the individual cells of the pomegranite are like whatever it is that crunches in the body.

915 am

lemme see, should i have brunch here so i can try to flirt with the lover who invited me to come for brunch,,, or should i go see if the queen of sheeba is working at La Panier today... i kind of feel like checking out sheeba... or maybe i should just go to james monroe's place.


just some words that sort of exzpresses what has happened lately...

they say that "god is love" and it's so true; but honestly, with all due respect to my most Holy Lord and Lover Prem Rawat who's Lord Krishna, I feel that such a characterization of the deity that entirely ignores the intellici aspect of teh deity, that honors theh sexy aspect but ignores the zixy, is prehaps just ever so slightly imbalanced. I wanna ask Gu Maraji if its OK with him if we bring back intellici (He's the only one I've ever heard say this word , and i dont know if spelled it correctly, but thats how it sounded when i heard him say it a few times a few years ago) and change it to something like "god is both love and intelligence"

you know, it feels just a tad bit unzixy to say the obvious thing, again, that i so often use in an attempt to illuminate the nature of certain phenomena that have duel aspects, but it just works too well, and so i will just say it:

it's kind of like how light is said to be either a particle and a wave, depeding on how you look at it.. which is different but similar to calling sexiness "DC" and zixiness "AC"

so anyway, maybe in the future people can give just at least a tiny eensy weensy bit of respect to the zixy ones among us who really do represent a portion of the deity, Arius, that perhaps one could go so far as to say is something approximately - and trust me, i've always had a strong preference for understatememt (i'm charlie, remember?) - like more or less, and i will surely be happy to say "less" as long as that doesn't get interpreted as "so little as to be OK to completely ignore" - the word that this is all leading to is "half"

and if i need to be corrected, if i am being as arrogant that at least a few people have accused me of being and that i suppose more than a few people have thought that i have been, i will be more than happy to be corrected by neil young in particular on this particular matter, otherwise i will take the position that intelligence can no longer be disrespected by people who wish that they could pretend that their own relative lack of intellifgence compared to my own is not a reality or something that matters, that they still have a right to interupt me and tell me what they know aobut how it REALLY is, which is entirely other that what i believe i know, when they themselves don't have the sense of knowing what they are talking about that i do... no more such offensive behavior should be tolerated in my humble zixopinion...

and once again, i apologize for allowing the deparment of redundancy department have it's fifteen minutes in the limelight this morning, but its honestly just a thought that i feel wants to be honestly expressed, even if i am saying the same thing again that i've said already at least a few times,,, maharaji, has there ever been anything that you've said in your satsangs that you've repeated more than once or twice or even three times?


not that i believe anyone actually reading this necessaarily needs to hear me curse and vent, but I'm in the Bardo now Baby, and when you're in the Bardo, it's all about the EBB... and this is just the EBB, it's just a discharge of pent up feeling of being hurt badly by the disrespect that i have been subjected to, you could say. and when just expressing myself on this matter makes tears well up in my eyes and the beginnings of the thing called sobbing, i have to respect myself that i've earned the right to express my own feelings of my tender heart having been badly hurt by the way i've been treated over the course of this lifetime and especially this past two and one half years.

and if aunt sue is there i hope she is enjoying at least a little bit of vicarious relief at hearing me express feelings that in my mind i imagine she has a measure of her own version of to express, and todd boyle and jerry and people like us who are smart enough to just wear what we have on and get busy trying to make this place called planet earth into a place worth visiting let along staying and living for ever and ever and getting offended by the sickness of inferiority complex that everyone on the planet, or so it seems, has a bad case of that they are somehow completely blinded to, with a few exceptions like the guy who people ought to be lining up already to learn something about respect from, my dear sweet friend LANE, the one that i say no one gets to me except through him... Lane Raspberry, AKA Chiggieflip.

lane, would you be willing to play such a role for me as being the one who has to give his stamp of approval before anyone can see me who hasn't already proven that he isn't just going to insult and offend me?? please? i know you are up for the job, i think its kind of why you showed up in my life in the manner that you did. thanks for considering it lane, i really appreciate it. i love you. i'll definitely put in a good word for you to baby snow, whom i am quite sure will love your your gentle sweetness, like the perfect incestuous son of the perfect incestuous mother and father aspect of myself, that's who you are in my eye's lane, like add lane to the list of people who represent aspects of who i am, which is now up to Todd Boyle, Jerry Goronea, George Soros and Lane Raspberry and throw Daniel of the Judaic Shamanism incident into the mix while you are at it.

but chiggieflip is still the one that i want to clear people with due respect to due respect if he's willing,, and if he needs some help we'll find some others like lane who manifest and exemplify the humility aspect of who charlie is.

and i'm gonna go see if i can give y'all another look at teh queen of sheeba as an example of the sort of woman that i think many women - a vast majority - have a few things to learn from in a manner much like men have to learn from chiggieflip. and if the queen of sheeba has already had all the cameo that she gets and has arrived in greendale, then i hope she will be happy to see me seeking her out so that i can just have a few moments to admire the beauty that shines out of her eyes from the goodness that she holds within her own heart.

if sheeba were a place in this world inhabited still by people whose queen once upon a time was named Sheeba, then i would certainly like to know the name of said place so that we can get busy honoring those people... my best guess as to the ethnic identity of the people of queen sheeba if even a remnant exists to this day would be kenyan, since it would seem that the name kenyatta would suggest exactly such a thing. and ethiopians are in my book an unusually fine nation of people, the experience that i have had working with different ethnicities of people has give me a good impression of ethiopian people.

i do hope that the guy whose name i suppose is Keen is aware of the fact that the good shepherd has been wearing a pair of his sandals almost every day for what must be about two years - except during the period when i wore the molly boots that i also love. those are my favortie footwear of all time. i meant sandals but you could say both.

last year it was at thanksgiving time when i was convinced that i was going to be going to a party in the greenroom of the white house, and it seemed like thanks giving would be an appropriate moment for such a rapturous occaision.. but of course there was a lot yet to "witness unfolding" including the revelations that have occcured in this moment of entering into the bardos now baby period of the journey,,,

just thinking out loud as honestly as i can... i still like the idea of thanks giving as being somehow a holiday that has not yet come fully into its own as something more than the annual "turkey and fixin's eating extravaganza" but actually finally come into its own as a holiday for people who truly do have some thanks that they would like to give,

so if that long day of charlie's turned out miraculously to be exactly a year to the minute, then at 9:33 am sometime a few days from now, i hope to finally be met by a group of very important looking people waiting for me and geroge and my mom and "dad" evert joe, deb and which ever manifestation of willie wonka, whether neil, prem or both to rush back to the temple so as to board the helicopter that at least ONE person i know of doesnt believe that i am crazy for predicting will pick me and my friends up to head for the party in Greendale in the Green Room AHA!!!! nice, i like it... (while landing on the way - perhaps to an airport - on the roof of a department store so that willie can by some (but not all?) of the passengers some nice new clothing, for if ever there was an occaision for which even Grandpa Arius Masanobu Fukuoka might put on some nice clean new duds, said Green family party in said GREEN room in said White House with said Jefferson sort of bedroom with said Declaration of Independence (or TWO for that matter)... perhaps molly has been put to work putting together a little something for me to wear, i sure HOPE SO with all of my heart...

cuz see molly is not one of those boys who comes as a girl just to be in a position to play the role of nurse rachet, like one or maybe two that i know, no (s)he's a lover of boys like me, that is all and i love him or her for being honest with me about it. one of the people to whom i refer is someone whose name would suggest adoration, and if that's a true expression of who she is then i am happy, but if behind the name and the facade of niceness is really someone who just wants to promote alcoholic depression a la nurse rachet, then i am sorry to say there will be no place for her in my family's heavenly abode that i would be so happy to share with her (or him). i really don't know about that one, but soon enough we shall see.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i have something important to say^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

the realizations that have occured to me in the past few days regarding arius's identity as masanobu fukuoka have shaken a few things up with respect to my understanding of the green family characters and their identities at present.

there is a matter of who sun green's mother is, is it edith or is it like i have said that babysnow the virgin mary, whom i think of as being the mother of jesus and therefore of the christ, is my true mother.

but it now occurs to me that i was not jesus the christ, that was lord Krishna, as just a nice little twist to the story, but i will add that it was made so in such a way that i understand the life of jesus as if it had been my own and even to the nation of israel it may have been made to appear that Jesus was indeed Isaac, Abel and Solomon as I had assumed, and not Lord Krishna of India, the lover of Rada, who i still believe, even moreso now as this all fits very nicely together, is also tVm the tulip queen forever.

if this is true then there is another clue that's been given to me - and i have to wonder, was it deliberately given? I have no doubt that it was deliberate as far as neil young rawat the holy magister ludi is concerned, but what i am puzzling on is whether the person who delivered said clue was aware of what she was really saying to me.

Here is the thing, it's a clue that was given to me by my sweet and lovely mother Edith when she said to me about her own self as my mother: "I am intelligent." Now if ever there was a statement that could illuminate the question of who Edith of Edith and Earl might be this is the one. I am coming to the conclusion in this eleventh hour after possibly having denied my own poor mother who is indeed an above average woman in terms of intelligence this is for sure (just look at the books she has read in this lifetime) and really I can see it so clearly that what was most needed in teh making up of me was Zix which is what my mama has got as opposed to sweet baby snowleopard who's plenty intelligent but whose most assuredly longer on sexiness than zixiness much like her eternal lover Lord Krishna. It really doesn't make nearly as much sense to my "zixth sense" to think of Nina and me having as our mother Palmo when Edith really is the right one to fill the very shoes of Edith of Edith and Earl, the two most intelligent ones capable of together enabling the twin geniuses of Sun Green and her twin sister Luna.

So I hope that dear "Edie" will forgive me for doubting her credentials and i hope that she and everyone will grok with their own zixth sense that the whole picture could not possibly come into accurate focus until i had figured out that Grandpa Green who won't retire but might retread is not simply Prem Rawat, it's more better than that, he's my idol in this life my "wear what i have on father" whose the man with the idea of how to make the greatest single improvement to agriculture as practiced in this world for so many millenia, Masanobu Fukuoka, my father most assuredly Aryan in every possible sense of the word.

So if ya'll will excuse me for thinking out loud on the internet with my little keyboard typewriter thing a ma bobber saying one thing one day and another the next, but i will now officially go on record for whatever its worth that my sweet mumma is indeed my sweet mumma, and i love her of course, i always have, and its just a sweet revelation to have occured at this time and not a moment sooner, for reasons that have to do with the role of the lover that is fulfilled by my sweet brother and lover and father and Love Master, Lord Krishna Prem Rawat, that somehow it seemed to me that was mine to play and all of the challenges that this would have presented if i were to try to fit the square peg of an idea into the round hole of the wrong person (or something like that involving a peg and a hole, one round and one square, you can decide which is which for yourselves... )

and so now that i have been relieved of the idea of having duties that were never mine to fulfill, i feel a tremendous sense of relief and profound appreciation for the perfect magic of the magestic magister ludi in helping me to believe what i need to believe in each moment even if it was specifically not the whole truth, the examples of this are many, the most recent other instance of such beneficial and subliminal deception -besides believing that Prem Rawat would be leaving us soon - was the case of Neil making me convinced that William MOrris was Michaelangelo, just something that was quite helpful in the long run for me to have believed, just like the present case with my dear sweet lover palmo, who may indeed be the one named Ciela if indeed Edith is Edith just like someone with a zix that was quite a bit lower than my own might have thunk/

i love my mumma and if she is my true mumma in heaven then i could not be a happier man.

indeed, i must say that little by little as i am disabused of false understandings i feel better and better and more ready to fulfill my own sacred duty, which i will let neil young rawat say it for me:

your part is to be...what you'll be.

that's what he said, and my part is to be as zixy as can be, and the more i understand things correctly the zixier i will become, do you know what i am saying?

Stupid Girl (141)

appropos of my last posted e mail to babysnowleopard and my assertion that it is stupid for women to even think that they can hide truths from men, I would like to direction the attention of the peanut gallery to one of Neil YOung's LESSER KNOWN SONGS, one that probably hasn't gotten a lot of airplay:

"Stupid Girl"

You're just a stupid girl
You really got a lot to learn
Start living again
Forget about remembering
You're such a stupid girl.

You're such a beautiful fish
Floppin' on the summer sand
Lookin' for the wave you missed
When another one is close at hand
You're such a stupid girl.

You're such a stupid girl.

I saw you in Mercedes Benz
Practicing self-defense
You got it pretty good I guess
I couldn't see your eyes
You're really stupid, girl.

You're such a stupid girl.

i wanna know from neil what and who xactly was it that inspired this particular song, which by the way is on ZUMA, the album through which - combined with a triptic of e mails called I love cortez - Neil revealed to me that COrtez was Satan (i thought at first he was Cain , i believe magister Ludi corrected me that it was Satan) coming to the New WOrld to destroy the Temple of the Rawat family in the Paradise that was subsequently turned by Cortez and his descendants, who were the product of the rape by the conquistadors of the Indian women who lived as a part of an enlightened society called the Aztecs, into what is certainly the worst hell-hole that I have ever witnessed with my own eyes.

A guy named Jerome Canty who i knew through richard france back in my macro days in Boulder - living across the street from Barabara Benkers best friend in the house that barbara herself had lived in , a circumstance that led to me driving her car to ASHEVILLE and not to the miso factory down south near CHarlotte where I intended to become the apprentice to the "miso Master" "John Bellemiso" so that I could deliver the car that i volunteered, just because i am a nice guy, not because it did me any good, to drive form boulder to asheville to deliver to barbara, who just happened to be living with and the mother of the son of, Martin Roth, who then made me his captive for the next year, pretending to be my MENTOR , and causing me to make an ass out of myself in front of someone i really love and admire, michael nolting, maybe he would know what i am referring to, but i will explain later, it has to do with martin dressing me up in brooks brothers suitrs, well that's half the story so here is the rest - i saw michael two days in a row at a natural foods trade show wearing two different suits that were the dorkiest things i ever put on my body, - not offense to maharaji whose an impeccable dresser, i think i am more like grandpa green who says, "when i was young people wore what they had on!" anyway, i still feel kind of foolish in michael noltings eyes, but i hope he will understand, its just something that i had to do, and really it was worth it if telling this story makes michael nolting laugh out loud (i'm lol (as they say) just telling it, so its now become worth it even if michael for some reason doesnt find it funny)

anyway, back to riachard france's friend jerome canty, who used to come down and hang out and tell some stories at sandy (green- that was rebecca's name) berg's failure of a school called the oriental medical institute that went tit's up (as PAUL would say) soon after i bailed, jerome wrote a book called Sounding the Sacred conch. i cant even remember now exactly what i wanted to say aobut jerome and his book, but it has to do with the aztecs and mayans and his own appreciation for the obvious fact that there was something like enlightenment happening there,,, kind of like what was happening in france during its own golden age (s?)

speaking of richard FRANCE,,, just a little association there... get it??

there was a lot of SOMA in those chateaus in the LOIRE VALLEY just like in the vanderbuilt mansions... luciferians and archangels living the lives that they could live when they werent on some insane mission like being Joe Kennedy watching his sons getting offed in succession, or those sons themsleves. royalty IS royalty. for a reason. honesty. goodness. etc.

but really that guy jerome canty, didnt know him long, richard france actually helped him publish that book, i remember being in a car with richard and him telling me aobut the book and about his heping jerome get it out there.. maybe that incident of being in that car is encoded as something that had to happen,, i wonder if that particular PICTURE is described in the book to which i refer, Sounding the Sacred Conch???

like i said, richard france is one person who recognized some thing important in me, (and i will mention the name of Joel Wollner as another and even if i may stretch just a little, way back when he was hawking his first jars of jam, possibly at that same trade show where i was looking like a junior martin roth, my friend whose hand made gouda from what i want to imagine are some of the phappier cows on the planet roger wexler) , he was emphatuated with my name as a numerologist as ive said. part of the important macro community, and jerome canty is one person who i remember who i believe is someone important. he was from aspen and he reminds me a little bit when i think of him of "the gonzo journalist" hunter s thompson, whose kind of like a really insane version of tom robbins,,, three guys i could see being part of a family or band..

stream o consciousness. gonna to to my other favorite (and rawat-owned in some way i suspect) restaurant, ajanta on solano being the other, Tamarind Tree, where the important truths about nations were revealed to me more than anywhere else.

thich nat hahn who ive identified as a potential son of arius is a vietnamese "Zen" Buddhist.'

i associate him with chuang tzu for the following reasons:

he is vietnamese and the revelations about chuang tzu came while i was thinking a lot about the HMONG people because palmo was reading a book (that i believe betolami probably had a hand in making required reading, or that was encoded as required reading if not, or both) about them, and it seemed to me like chuang tzu could be the ancestor of the hmong who would be the nation most purely expressing who he was, as a psychedelic culture (they still have shamanic rituals)

calling himself a zen buddhist indicates to me that thich nat han is some sense an aryan among a nation of non aryans, this is curious. always has been to me, not that i had thought about the aryan aspect of what mahayana buddhism is, but simply because vietnam is considered by me to be a hinoyana, not mahayana biuddhist natoin.

his singular status as "the mindfulness teacher" suugests to me the orgins of zen buddhism which scoloars agree is in Taoism.. so he, as the reincarnaiton of chuang tsu (if its not fukuoka) is like a symbol of the attitiude that eventually led to the emergence of buddhism and fianlly zen buddhism

chuang tzu could be the presence of arius as a teacher to lao tzu who could have been thich nat han... similar to the relationship of rumi and hafiz, or at least one of them, to their master about whom the poems were written... there is a story about a master throwing a book into the water, something like that not sure if it was hafiz or rumi who i see as potentially being the same person or in a role reveral, subject of one poet is the poet in the other apprearance of these two,,,

on to tamarind tree... leaving you with these thoughts about thich nat hahn possibly being a son of arius, who appeared together as arius (chuang tzu) and his son thich nat han (lao tzu)

its another longer than long shot, but its just the train of thought that lead me to this picture that i want to share for what its worth...

and for what its worth, my e mails to palmo are all bouncing, as if she were rejecting them.. oh well, she'll learn, if that is what is happening.

i once said in reference to rumi and hafiz and their respective lovers "that's me and the master" well it could be any of us sons of arius and either arius or one of the others of his sons.. but it's be fun to know that in at least one case it was me and either arius or prem.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& he reminded me ***********************

all right, i had to read the post and go back to the reference to mexico city being a hell hole to remember exactly why jerome canty came to mind,,, he predicted that the gigantic volcanos out side mexico city would erupt some day.. now there's a natural disaster of the most unbelievably large proportions that could indeed occur, there is no reason to think that it would not.

i'm in the bardo now BaBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and jerry goronea and todd boyle are either my brothers or my sons and i love em ''' susan knows jerry and she will agree his is like us in one certain regard and so is todd, she just doesnt know him like she knows jerry g.

all four of us are like grandpa arius green fukuoka in that when we were young we wore what we had on,, and we still do,, all four of us i loveit/

todd boyle you are more like me than anyone on earth other than a guy named jerry goronea, who when you meet him he will definitely remind you of me and you.. he's a bright guy who is happy to wear what he has on,, but lemme tell you about jerry...

he's the guy who really turned me on to heirloom tomoatos.

yeah kent wheely you wil lik jerry as mych as i do,,, an so will soRos and wan naw too.

my sons...
NE wayz, besides introducing me to heirloom tomatoes

he is alos hte best damned melon grower this side of La France, where he probably was the INVENTOR of the charatais melon that he has so easily identied as something worth growin but somehow landed on a piece of ground perfect for growing perfect melons,, he's an OG farmer over in ellensbyrg wiht whom i served on the same boards and all that if we harent brothers then he is my son..

one more thing aobut jerry.... the last four turkeys i've cooked and eaten or purchased have been the turkeys grown on HIS FARM

and that is something that i am saying having just returned from going to the tamarind tree reataurant to eat the best darned (but regrettably not guilt free) duck soup in seattle.

OK, so people all love turkey right??? me too, though i am not that crazy about it that i want to eat itr ever day,, once a year is plenty for me.,.

and the ONLY turkey i have probably eaten in five years in turkeys like the ones i have interacted wtih and FED at Jerry's river farm

down by the RIVER i shit my baby... this COULD ACTUALLY refer to this moment tellking you aobut jerry and his turkeys and river farm which is most certainly DOWN BY THE RIVER and it is appropos of really realizing that I AM IN THE BARDO NOW BABY...

fukuoka san, how am i doing wiht the you're in the bardo now baby KOAN???

is there any reality that is not really just YOU and ME??? like neil told me when we were having the merger experience at good shepherd,,, the SHOCK WAVE of eschatology is sent forth from approximately THIS MOMENT or perhaps later when i go to Jerry;s boat down by the river (its a canal today, but once was a river in some sense, the spot where jerry lkeeps his boat in ballard on the shipa canal/salmon bay that was a tide flat that had a river like the one with the grizzzly bear that i paddled past in alaska that was for sure in the bible code as is this reference to that grizzly bear that i paddled past in glacier bay,,,

by the way I DO have the RUG with me, that was made by my daughter perhaps, whether she is the SAME daughter whose the girl on the cover of national geo or not. right neil ???? right daddy fukuoka??

there was some vitamin P in that duck soup by the way,,,,

it sure didnt make me stupid, like alcohol does.

there's a will to happiness, that is the most primordial thing that is represented by the cowgirl in the sand at whose command everything ultimately is..

and psilocybin and the BOYS who eat and come back and eat some more because they LIKE IT because they are honest,,

these are friends of the goddess who wants happiness, they are the boys who can deliver it, with help form the psilocybin that in a sense is the most primordial thing of all.,, the strings of string theory,, i keep saying this are the threads of mycelium of psilocybin,, it is a plant that sort of creates a world for itself to live in, and people to propogate it,, we all work for psilocybin and alcohol is its enemy., i wouldnt be suprised if alcohol kills mycelium in extremely low concenntration,, and that BIBLE CODE REFERECED woman who neil knows who i am talkeing about at u of O who figured out that alcohol is the enemy of ALL PLANT LIFE just might be amazed to hear what i am saying right now.

you're in the bardo now baby, witnessing a truly intelligent human being, who is truly intelligent because he TRULY is honest and well intended just like CHARLIE DAMMIT!!! and all you people who dont like me DONT LIKE ME because you are not as good aas charlie and go to hell if you cant get real about it.

fuk u ok? you get it?>>>>>???? thats my name... and that's how i feel and thats how my fathers all feel too, i have no doubt that masanobu fukuoka is in a mood like what GRANDPA shows in greendale in the interview song,, that's the WHOLE POINT OF THE TITLE OF THAAT SONG DAMMIT YOU IDIOTS!!!!!

that sickness of hatred that is CAIN"S sickness because he has the worst case of it but even SID GENETTE has that sickness to a small degree, that sickness must be purged before you can be in my family's Heaven. it does, and as long as you havent gotten over it its to DEBTORS PRISON YOU MUST GO> because you really do OWE big time.

I'm in the bardo now baby,

and i am honest

and you need to be honest baby,

whether you are a boy or a girl

and until you get the picture,

there is no such thing as Heaven

for you.

Lane, Jerry, Todd, Tom Greco, Hassan, George SoroS, WannaW these guys are ready for heaven,

peter toms, sid genette, george d even (but he's just one step away, closer than sid or peter if you ask me)

these guys have some getting real to do. as i see it, though george d is the most borderline case there between the two,, he's an awesomely good guy.

are you SURE you dont want to come and help out arond the chocolate factory grandpa george???

nice music thanks neil..

neil will pass on the thoughts i was having about john lennons assination. if he feels the need.


e mail to palmo:

subject line : i love you baby

and a lot of others do too

and they are watching you waiting for the wonderful moment to arrive

when you become what first! every woman needs to become,

which is just honest with men.

honestly hon,



this rug,, who made it i WANT to KNOW!!!!!

was it the girl in the national geo picture,, or was it baby snow,, or the daughter of the rental car truck driver whom you all know???

i wanna make love with her on this rug, whoever she is.

with anyone watching who wants to watch.

with neil making some kind of music with whomever he wants.

and maharaji participating however he wants.

and if there are any other women who want to bring their own rug and be made love to by me, here is the rule,

on your mark get set GO!!!!

the sooner you get completely HONEST you can get in line.

and i you already are, then the first woman who got honest is in line first.

i dont care what you look like, but i want it to be fair.

that bakery girl with black skin the one who was so sweet when i told her i loved her

she seems honest, i want her if she wants me.

and like i said, "I customer" neil knows who you are, IOLE... is her name.

yeah, i would say she's a pretty honest woman. way above average in the honesty dept.

its what makes he a goddess. honesty,


like Tara, she's honest.

and there 's another one named Tara? who worked wih Ptarmagan (who's not Tara again...)

she was honest wiht me,


we're In tha Bardo now babies,

i am talking about my family,

my big extended family of the honest people of this world.

we're in teh bardos all of us now my babies.

we're moving through the bardos

out of a world of liars and cheaters and deceivers

and we're gonna be free of all that sickness now

because its our "inalienable right" and "there comes a time."

and now its the time, and so were in the bardo now babies

and when we come out, its PARTY TIME!!!!

time for the Massive that will never end.

i am honest

i am good

i am happy

i am at peace

i am blessed

i have attained it

whatever there is to attain

i have it,

there is nothing you could ever want

that i dont have

because i am honest

and i have a good father.

sveral of them, all like our true father

arius, the perfect one who always was and always will be.

i love him and i love him in the patriarchs of my earthly famliy

prem and neil and aw, and what the heck adi da too, and thich nat hahn and his holiness

who might both even adi da too may consider me as much their father as i theirs

dave mathews dont you have a song aobut dreams of their fathers,,

can i dance to that one too with our lord and my brother, fellow perfect son of arius, the loverly lover supreme

prem is his name? and if so neil you can dance, watch, play wahtever you will, whatever makes you happiest.

and as i read this on my own site, BUFFALO SOLDIER is playing on the music machine in my room,,

kenyatta and buffalo, i want to see you guys both grooing on bob marley playing that song,,,

maybe buffalo soldier just watching, and kenyatta playing with marley..

or is kenyatta the REINCARNATION OF MARLEY perchance

i'll bet every worthless doolar i have that he is

if he COULD be by virtue of the dates

and i believe that song is probably ABOUT buffalo, literaly

no life doesnt revolve around me,

but it sure as hell does revolve around the famliy of honest people

who arius adopts as HIS family.


is the ding dong the witch is dead chorus, getting their gear on, getting their voices cleared yet??? she's melting fast,,,,

i like this room at the monaco hotel.. it's cool/ glad to be here.

yeah hans yog prakesh or be here now in a few words:

eat psilocybin

do yoga





whaddya say thich nat han? is that mindfulness in a nutshell or what? (and did i spell your name right? sorry maybe if i had ever read one of your books i would have gotten it right)

descartes, maybe that wasnt me, cuz his life had to overlap with jefferson besides, i would think of something more intelligent to be remembered for than "i THINK therefore i am"


I PEE therefore i am, or

I FEEL therefore i am, or

or I am therefore i am, or

I can say type there words therefore i am,

my back aches therefore I am.

i drink water therefore i am

i eat magic mushrooms therefore i am

i feel therefore i am

i pee therefore i am

i feel much better now

therefore I am.

YOU KNOW? that's what JEfferson has to say back to Descartes! who was that?? CAIN>>>?????

I say Fuk u ok? to Descartes
therefore I am ( a son of Fuk u ok?)

could someonbe please record the expressions on some of the KEY FACES with each thing i say being read or shown in whatever way????

like on that last one, maybe like the face of whoever Descartes was???? whether Cain or anyone better than him.. ;

i wanna see some jaws dropping.. i wanna see todd boyles face when he hears i said what i said about him

for example.

can you believe this is being written by a guy sitting alone in a hotel room in seattle whom almost everyone in his life has shunned???

you wanna be in Heaven? never mind being like me, but check out this guy named CHIGGIEFLIP!

he's the one that guys need to try to be like..

chiggieflip,,, any chance you stuck that one in the bible code neil? whaddya mean he's got HIS OWN WHOLE SET OF BOOKS WITH CODE<,, right the comic books he brought me,,, COOL! i love it.. awesome..

yeah check out CHIGGIE FLIP he's your man, he's the one you need to learn to be more like... chiggieflip.

can we get a nice jingle that goes kind of like that last sentence please??? neil,, what, is that part of the song you told me about, longer than all the rest???

whats so special about chiggieflip you ask???

he's like the only male "hu,an" being who REALLY REALLY seems to know how to treat a perfectly nice and perfectly comfortable to be with guy named jeff fairhall with due respect.

is there anything more needing to be said???

It is written: "no man shall get to the father but by me"

now it is written as well that : no man shall get to the son but by chigglieflip and i mean it.
why did i give that SWEET INNOCENT AND VULNERABLE hotel staff person a wad of bills because i DIDNT Want turn down service????
Answer: read the question over and over until it is no longer a question but an answer.
what is 666?
its just a little game that neil is playing with me.
it has to do with the number 6 corresponding on the keyboard with the upside down v

i like to doodle, always have, and so i do keyboard doodles, and soometimes they come out like that^^^

see here's teh thing aobut me,,, im not really completely honest and i have to tell you about it, because once i have said this then I WILL BE completely honest,,, this is like a caveat that applies to everything i say until further notice

i repeat: this is like a caveat that applies to everything i say until further notice.

i repeat: this is like a caveat that applies to everything i say until further notice.

i speak about things pertaining to the knowledge of good and evil _as if_ i were in dokusan with my roshi and offering as honestly as i can the answer to the koan, so when i speak as if i KNOW something please understand that this is just me being in dokusan with my roshi and he understands that i am not saying that i know, but, rather, that i am offering my best effort at knowing given where i am with that particular koan..


when i have felt satisfied, honestly, within myslef that the roshi is satisfied with the answer, then i start acting as if i KNOW it when as far as YOU the listener are concerened you are not necessarily in a position to KNOW the same thing because YOU are not ME, and I knew charlie you are no charlie, like Lloyd Bentsen might say...

so i am only saying what i honestly believe is PROBABLY the truth when i say things that i could ONLY know through intuition.

i have no way of KNOWING at this time that George De Pasquale for example, was George Wshington, but I am satisfied with my own sense of KNOWING that i have a RIGHT as a HUMAN BEING to employ the word KNOW to describe the sense i have of KNOWING that goerge D was geroge W .

get it???

now, back to what i was saying,,, LANE is the ONE who knows how to respect someone who is SMARTER THAN HE IS when he is smart enough to know that the other person is smarter than he is,.

my question to peter toms and sid genette is: who do you HONESTLY BELIEVE is smarter, you or me?

I am smart enough to know that SID would give the answer that i want to hear, which is the correct one. WHY?>>?> because he finally said if in his last email,.,, i think he got the tap on the shoulder form terence that i always promised him he would get.. and the request for money was just a RUSE suggested to him perhaps BY McKenna himself;

Peter on the other hand hasnt yet given me a SIGN like sid has that he gets it yet, that he is disrespecting me BECAUSE he is SMART ENOUGH to KNOW that i am SMARTER than he is, and yet he ISNT BEHAVING ACCORDINGLY>.

but that was then and this is NOW and i suspect that Peter too is now in Greendale, awaiting my arrival.

i sure hope so because i love peter very much even if he disrespected me, because other than that, and ditto sid, he's pretty damned near perfect,,, he's gotta a REALLY MILD CASE of the cain disease,, because his ZiX is HIGH get it??

yes? then your zix is high too!

i've got a high ZIX rating, and i am ZIXY, and when you see REALITY which is that therre is JUSTICE that there really IS SOMETHING CALLED KARMA you will see that what i have got is what you want which is a high ZIX score which just means I HAVE REALLY GOOD KARMA

and you can check with some experts on Buddhism like Thich Nat Han nad His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Eido Shimano ROshi and you can ask Guru Maharaj ji what he thinks, and if you think like CHrissy Hind, you can ask Neil Young what he thinks, and they will all tell you the same thing: Jeff is really Zixy and Zixy is what there is to aspire to.

so if you hate me and resent me and or really disrespect me BAD a lot worse than sid and peter that just means you have a low zix and you might be doing time in debtors prison as a result of your bad attitude and the fact that you have been taking from me inspite of hating me, like Ptarmigan,,, now there is a person with a LOW ZIX, man she is off the charts LOW on ZIX, and martin, he's pretty unZIXy himself,,

so if you want to hate me, those are two of your role models, and then there is Cain, who might be the definition of ZERO when it comes to Zik specifically.

and allah, she is ZERO when it comes to ziq

which means ptarmigan may have the distinction of having a NEGATIVE Ziq





What kind of a hell realm do you define, with your zix score lower than allahs, whose zero is the baseline of ziq? i sure as hell dont want to be there, that's all i can say.

that's right LUKE my dear friend the prince rauven like farmer freind of mine,

i am free to insult ISLAM and its deity ALLAH, because i have a ZIx rating that justifies it.

so now you know that i was right to speak my self HONESTLY even if sounded like i was insulting those beautiful people who call themselves moslems whom i love at least as much as you do if not more, its their RELIGION I CONDEMN as a pack of lies,

and LUKE

i must ask YOU of all people

why would you dismiss me as a friend who condemned ISLAM

when you have many a freind who you still give a call once in a while

who have said things as bad or WORSE about ROMAN CATHOLICISM!

dammit LUKE i DEMAND something like an apology from yoiu,.., its hurting me right now to wrap my OWN mind around what Neil Young has known all along about how WRONG it was of you to hurt me by refusing be my friend any more after i HONESTLY SAID WHAT THERE WAS TO SAY THAT IN KNEW which was the HONEST TO G*D TRUTH that Allah is a complete LIAR and a DECEIVER unparalleled. she pretends to be ROYAL but just look what happens when you let HER be the matriarch of a ROYAL family,, ever seen a PORTRAIT OF A HABSBURG MAN CLOSE UP? THEY'RE HIDEOUS THOSE ROYAL SONS OF ALLAH!!!

WHAT luke DID you just admit to having painted one yourself?????

so whaddya say luke?


you're such a stupid girl,

you really got a lot to learn,

start lving again,

and stop remembering.

your so stupid girl


my e mail to her:

what i put on my website is my HONEST expression about YOUR DISHONESTY and how it has hurt me

when you are ready to ask my forgiveness for your disrespect of me i will probably think about taking that off, but what i need from you is to know that you are sorry you have disrespected me and for you to be GLAD that i posted my honest thoughts about your dishonesty on my web site.
this may be the last time i call or e mail you until i hear something nice from you about how you appreciate how i am honest and that this is so much better than if I were DISHONEST.

i drink psilocybin tea and think, therefore i am more intelligent than you are, with your twenty cups of coffee a day pompous ass low Zix stupdity, "i think therefore i am." Hah!

descartes, your turn, lets here you top that one!!!

that's right I, Thomas Jefferson challenge you across the oceans and centuries, Descartes, lets see some more of what you've got Mr Zerozix!!!


i'm in the bardo now baby, what can i say??>>>

i have a feeling Paris was an interesting place to be during the time Thomas Jefferson was there,, can i somehow just relive that time, is that actually possible,, surely it is, perhaps for each and every one of us.

kind of like the movie about the guy with the recumbant bike in chapel hill with that strange device,, neil are those enough to give you the picture of EXACTLY what i am talking about???

i am what i am therefore I toy with Descartes.

so descartes tell me, now that you figured out that you ARE,,, what exactly are you, is that you that Rodin made the portrait of in stone, i saw that in Paris, i think its either in the Rodin museum, or else at the Musee d'orcy.. was that a picture of Descartes??? i mean SERIOUSLY as a sort of porody of "teh thinker?"

hahahaha its a funny thought that's for sure... kind of that look of regret, wow, i'm such an idiot for winding up in debtors prison for a long long long long long time because i tried so hard to seem smarter than i was....

maybe that's the solution to "the thinker" koan... does there happen to be a Roshi Rodin in the peanut gallery anywhere???? Yes? well please then let me offer this as my answer to what must surely be YOUR KOAN FOR ME>>!!! i KNOW that this is what Rodin was saying with his scuplture,,, (NOTE: see earlier caveat)

jeez for a second there i almost thought i heard Martin Roth Laughing!!! could it possibly be???

Hark! Martin is that you I thought I heard laughing??? Or maybe that was your brother, that Darth VAdar famliy cop Richard Roth that I heard laughing.

yes ladies and gentlemen of the greater peanut gallery known as the human race, the person who is typing these words from a room in the Monaco Hotel in Seattle all by himself with a little glass pipe and a bag of ganga by his elbow, is one and the same as the guy whom recently a bunch of grumpy sexually (and zixually) repressed women all wished they could keep locked up in their own personal Nurse Rachet Prison called Hell, but who was released when a MALE judge with a Zix rating of above all of theirs by a long ways ruled as follows: "bullshit, let him go and let him alone."

we love gog and magog for ALL that they do, yes its gotta be true it must be, but then we also reach a point when enough is enough,, thanks for entertianing us with your extreme form of insanity, but now i think we BOYS will exercise our rights to live as we wish as long as it doesnt cause harm there cant POSSIBLY be justification for further zixual repression of our zixual selves.. we are good, we are honest, we are fair, we are peaceful, we are just, we are tolerant, we are patient, we are justified in all that we do, we err on the side of goodness all of the time

and baby snow has angrilly demandes that i put my attention on an e mail she has sent me, so if you will excuse me for a moment i need to see what she has to say... BRB

here it is i dont really want to read it, i read into the second sentence and its not something that i feel i want to put my tender bardo sensitized mind to at the moment
Honesty is good.. i want you to be honest but how right and ethical is making someone's personal life public information on the internet? I sincerely don't think that you have the right to write anything pertaining to my personal life on the internet accessible for anyone to read. I think it is completely wrong for you to use this as a tool to make me "completely honest" according to your idea and it is wrong to be willing to take those notes off your website if I apologized about disrespecting you. It is also wrong to not be willing to email me or call me unless I appreciated how honest you are so you could feel better about yourself. If you're honest, you don't need to rely on appreciation to feel good about yourself .. honesty itself makes you feel good and proud, and makes you feel accomplished. You're indirectly asking me for help to tell you you're honest and that I appreciate you. i do but you don't have to ask for it. Nobody is recognizing you as a completely honest person. At this point, I feel like you're making use of me (by calling me dishonest as if i'm the most dishonest person in the world, which i know i'm not) to demonstrate your honesty and tell the world how worthy of appreciation you are. You're using me to appreciate you for being honest and apologize you for showing disrespect to you and basically saying that you're right and i'm completely wrong, 'cus others aren't appreciating you. Yes, I love you and ofcourse I'm vulnerable to your insults and the disrespect you have shown to me by making my life a joke and revealing about it online, and yet you're not willing to apologize and correct your mistake ... and wanting me to apologize to you and wanting me to show my happiness about you writing about my personal life wherever you want. You want me to apologize for what... ? apologize for asking you to take off my own personal information off the internet? I'm really vulnerable and thanks for treating me like you have. Go on doing whatever you want to do with my life ... I don't even wanna ask you to take my personal information off your website. You're strong and I'm weak.. and like always .. a strong person is again taking advantage of a weak and a vulnerable person. This is not fair but where is justice anyway? I want you to continue using your power on me and I won't say a word.

Thanks for reading this. I love you but I'm upset with myself and I will probably not contact you 'cus my heart says I shouldn't.

you can be the judges of whether she is in the right or not. let me know what you think.

here is my reply to her:
just so you know baby,

i put your e mail on the internet to.

tell me honey, exactly WHO are you afraid will read about you on my website and make a bad judgment about you?

anyone who reads my site knows that i believe that you are rada AND the virgin mary, the best woman in the whole world,,, so why are you afraid of them knowing that you are a tiny bit dishonest???

i love you baby,, with ALL OF MY HEART

i am just trying to help you get rid of a bad disease that SOMEONE ELSE GAVE YOU>

you never would have been dishonest if you hadnt been tricked into it, honey you are so perfectly good... you just need to get over a little problem that you have

i know she will triumph,,, and if i get at all doubtful, i just need to take a little stroll over to the Saint JAMES Cathedral (James is obviously a KOAN, who is SAINT JAMES?, like WHO IS THE LIVING INCARNATION of Saint James> I think i just got the ANSWER, but the thing is once i tell you that its a KOAN, the answer is the easy part,,, the KOAN is the KOAN, in this and SO MANY OTHER instances, I recognize that Saint JAMES is a KOAN.) and stand in the middle near the altar and notice the two statues one on either side of the "arms of the cross" of the cathedral looking across the ALTAR at one another, the ALTAR where i saw FATHER "SAINT JAMES" RYAN performing a wedding ceremony the VERY LAST TIME I VISITED said cathedral, and that picture would present to me ALL OF THE ASSURANCE that i possibly could need in order to KNOW beyond doubt that the little saga that is unfolding will most certainly have a happy ending, and so I can just act with perfect confidence and kindness and race knowing that there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for fear or doubt. I have lives ALL of my life trusting in GOODNESS, and i sure as HELL am not going to give that practice up NOW of all moments!!! know what i am saying George Washington??

that is SO HILARIOUS to KNOW that George WASHINGTON also was NOTED for a harmless little peculiar affection for this little string of words, the sort of words that a persons whose intelligence was sufficient to get him one the ONE DOLLAR BILL, which means either of the following ONE OR THE OTHER but NOT BOTH, that his Zix rating is HALF of Jeff's or one hundredth of Ben Franklin's, whose in turns is either half of Jeff's or fifty times Jeff, such that if I untangle the paper money with relative Zix ratings of picctured Zix masters as demon-in-nations KOAN, i arrive at the following relative zix ratings

200 Thomas Jefferson (its DOUBLE 100, not 1 which is why the $2 is so "rare")

100 Adida Ben Franklin, the second brightest guy of my WHOLE generation

50 Ulyses S Grant, who was Ulysses himself and is probably #3

20 Andrew Weil Jackson that's our psilocybin-loving Remedy!!!

10 ALexander Hamilton who was "the Great" as his generous reward from King David for having wrongly killed him for his wife. this is Alexander Rist who is a "new money" friend of mine who used the Temple for the only series of events that I personally attended consistently

5 Abraham Prince Rauven is an ARTIST not a ZEN MASTER his creativity rating is correspondingly HIGHER than my own Zix rating which has to do with intellectual left brain kind of stuff, he's a right brain kind of guy, and his 5 Zix rating is NOTHING for him to be anything like ashamed of. he's perfect as he is, and LOOK AT HIS SONS if you want any proof of his brilliance.

1 George "Mr. you know what i am saying (i have a habit of asking because i am so much more intelligent than you are)?" De Pasquale Washington (did i spell your name right george???

Zix ratings dont form zero to 200 with George Washington getting a 1

its more like they go from the Major top ten major leading global justice messiah at zero to me at five billion, and george is at fify million, and someone like the guy who hears Fred Shane selling diamonds on the radio and thinks that he is REQUIRED to buy a diamond for the ONE AND ONLY GIRL or person for that matter who he is allowed to really LOVE and goes out and finds such a girl and gives her a diamond in some big church somewhere in front of the whole world,, that kind of person has a Zix maybe of something like one million, and so george is five hundred time zixier than that Joe Sixpack, whereas my Zix rating is only one hundred times higher than his. so George is Zixy enough to get on the money, and that's prety darned Zixy if you ask me, that's why i WANTED him as my partner, his zixy enough to get on the money, and i want him wirth me,, even though at the time i didnt know that the ferderal reserve bank was so turned on by zixiness,, because their unzixy money that they control according to a woman who lives somewhere in Pennsylvania belies those guys actual true zixiness. i tihnk some of them may even be lovers of mine... zixy! yeah!

on alexander hamilton rist who used the TEMPLE to make an HONEST presentation of archangel michael's own ideas about money, while dan merkle the anitchrist lurked about town.

hamilton, who was supposedly a RIVAL of Jefferson, who was KILLED IN A DUEL againt said true rival of Jefferson as both Jefferson, Jeff Fairhall and as Abel and Isaac and every other incarnation there he is trying to tear me down, and who would it be who DIED at the hands of MY TRUE RIVAL? my non rival hamilton who was shot by the antichrist when he was Aaron FUUCKING BURR. haqhahahahahah

bust that mutha fucka now, if you havent already i COMMAND IT!!!! i command you bring that man in for an investigation and possible prosectiion for making up some false excuse for a duel against hamiltonl.

i seem to remember yes i do remember quite clearly said DUEL came to pass because of some kind of an accusation regarding INCEST, is this true>??????

if so, could it possibly BE that ISHMAEL made an accusation of INCEST against a descendant of ISAAC????

if so i demand that you let me personally throttle the asshole

the lastest from babysnow:

.. and i think you would never say the things you say if you hadn't been tricked into something. I don't know how I can help you get rid of this strange disease that I think you have .. you were so perfectly good, so normal, so intelligent, kind, loving, patient, kind, considerate, understanding, never angry like you have been lately, never scared me like you did while you visited me here recently.. I completely loved you and adored you for who you were. I don't think I have any disease.. it's you who have some kind of a problem and I don't know how I can help. I sincerely want to.... 'cus I love you ... with all of my heart. wrote:

slowly bit surely flushing gog and magog down the DRAIN (of the SINK not the toilet) one quart of tahoma glacier water at a time, with some help from the persimmon...

i wouldnt be using persimmons of all things at this time is there wasnt something zixy about them. and there is. i told you about how they were sampling this pomegranite juice when it first came out RIGHT ACROSS the STREET from the Temple, and that;s Zixy,,, that's got Magister Ludi written all over it.

now come on Herman, we all know he's ZIXY as hell, I mean he likes his ahem,,, his aham,,, his sometimes alarmingly long, um you know that thing that is suggested by that letter y as in the word eyes .. yeah sop Herman hesse I get the joke that's pretty funny, and at least you didnt come right out and call him "Lude" you were subtle enough to hide the joke in the word "Ludi" as in "lude eye" precisely as in "lude eye" which then is a fantastic double entendre, because it also alludes to the Neil rawat mischevious looking visage to which i so often refer, neil whaddya say, do you like the name Magister Ludi that Herman has dubbed you, or was it YOU who offered this Name to Herr Herman Hesse? I am rather inclined to believe the Herr Hesse's Zix must be a mighty SKY HIGH if HE came up with that and not YOU Magister Ludi, this is my question for you!!!!

jeff is wondering: they gave me an agya to be zixy, i wonder if they feel satisfied with my efforts at obliging...

Guru Maharaj ji played if you think i'm SEXY by Rod Stewart at one of his big Holi (i seem to recall, still) events in FLA years ago back in the days when we'ld sometimes get to see him in a wet tee shirt or even half naked behind the water guns that inspired my mom Edith H. Fairhall to say at Satsang soon thereafter, "and he kept coming and coming and coming.." and i think of that moment when i am trying to piece together the women of the upper echelon men of the Green Family Tree,, how did you guys like that when she said it herself "Ciela" that's my mama, Ciela, no??

yes Goom raji he's SEXY, whoa yeah sexy!

he's sexier than me by a mile,

but i think maybe i might be just a trifle zixier than he

and if its true he'll just sit there and beam when he hears or sees me say it!

i love him and he loves me, sexy and zixy kind of go together well

something we men who love one another just understand.

Im zixy and he's sexy and i wanna be with him.

and i want neil to be there with us if he wants to be

and if goom raji wants him to be there too;

we are called the HOLY TRINITY arent we?

sounds like a really Zixy way of saying we like having three ways,

just like the star of david suggests a really cool idea of a six way,

with room for at least one man and one woman in the middle.

Zixy image that star of DAVID, my super zixy dad when i was solomon.

I think maybe that's the kind of thing we did in MY TEMPLE,

maybe with the QUEEN Of SHEEBA with me there is the middle.

SHe was a DARK SKINNED BEAUTY wasnt she??>?

any chance she works at a little french bakery in pike place seattle???

how Zixy to think of it.

what a ZIxy thing to IMAGINE!!!!

i would imagine something just like that if i had been able to imagine this moment in time!

see what's really really Zixy is when you realize that WHAT IS is something that BY DEFINITION is trying to be as ZIXY as it can be in spite of the interference of the terribly UNZixy people like Cain and Allah, and Ptarmagog, and bookworm, and the riddler and Tovallah (who wanted to argue with me about whether the Creator is male or female) and all of those zixually repressed wannabe nurse rachets out there, like that girl tomiko in the bank who REFUSED to forgive me for harmlessly throwing a pen in dismay at the disrespect i get form people like HER that worthless demoness who i am so sure is trying to suck her tall handsome husband dry like another ptarmagog. bust that girl too dammit,, throw her in the greendale KLINLK for doing something STUPID, which is to be so so so so insulting, let alone her deep thievery against her "beloved husband"

its like the machine elves are zixy..and if you cant be at least as zixy as a machine elf, then get out get out of my dream.!!! you ruin it you wreck it you destroy all of the potential for FUN!!! this ouexistence and if it isnt about having fun then GET DOWN in that debtors prison and start working it off, your debt burden that is.

we rawats have eye, we can see you see because we have ell seeing eyes, and you evil people out there are all busted everysingleonefoyou. BUSTED, get the sirens going, the rawat cops are hear now, fuk u and your lies ok? that's right, get ready to be thrown in the debtors prison where you can work off your burdens of sinful debt that you have piled upon yourselves, and dont ask for sympathy from me, no hell no, its too late for that, you had your chance to get right with things.

ask for forgiveness, not sympaty and be ready to do what is right when it comes to showing your sincerity because it will show if you have it and it wont if you dont.

my favorite greendale dvd moment, what do you think it is?,, i will be juicing my pomegranite while you puzzle:

before i say it, i will say this:

the eternal aryan language that has always existed called English is such as it is in large part, if this is not the central defining element that all of english is built around then it is at least close, such that magiester ludi suggests someone with neil young's attributes such that the picture that you can see when you look at the words "lude eye" it sort of expresses what Neil Young Rawat kind of IS>

OK now onto my favorite Greendale in Dublin moment, and i paraphrase what he said:

"everyone always wants to know what Sun Green looks like"

then looking down so as to allow his brow to cover his mischevious eyes

"grandpa's always been a favorite of mine!"

******************************* yes, to grandpa, give me a glass of guiness, and even I will take a sip in honor of grandpa****************************

every time i think about grandpa it makes me want to have one of these!!!

now, as long as we have arius masanobu fukuoka with us we can think of him when neil jokes that grandpa's always been a favorite of his, but if our Holy Father dodes indeed retread and move on to build another one of these unbelivable creations that he builds, then we can still have grandpa Krishna, Prem Rawat, our patriarch in the absense of Arius to drink toasts to.

strike that, reverse it!!! no we want to always remember and honor our holy father, its just that we can love him through loving his son Prem who is so willing to be loved in such a way as a son might wish to love his father if his father loved him like my fathers love me...

oh yeah, what i was gonna say about neil saying "grandpa'a always been a favorite of mine" i would have to say that this is more a "zixy" comment as opposed to a "sexy" comment because neil, he's AC DC and so he likes both of us kind of more or less the same, whereas prem and i were each one or the other, he's direct, and i am alternating - do you know what i'm saying?- and so the zixiest thing neil could say is, "well those sexy guys all wanna know what (zixy) Sun looks like, but i'm zixy so i like the sexy one, prem," but of course he says it because its zixy to say!

Prem rawat is generous with sharing his htoughts, but he LOVES to sit there just beaming, loving and being loved, he wants to sit on his throne and just SMILE in pure bliss in enjoying witnessing what he has created, a wonderful happy family of epic proportions,,

whereas me, if you need someone to really talk like he really loves, maybe you might try giving me a turn at the mike for a spell and see what happens>>> look out,,, my zixyness might overwhelm you like if it does so many others.

i live on the coast, the left coast they call it in the left city on the left coast, seattle, packed with some of the best and brightest and the most dark and despicable.

and my whole life, here and wherever i have gone, has been a parade of a disportionate number of the best and worst this human passing through my life for a second like the car rental bus driver in LA or for twenty years in the case of Martin Roth, or a life time in the case of my mom,

and without knowing anything more than anyone else, i figured out who so many of them are, what the crimes are that they have either perpetrated or been victims of etc. because i am zixier than all hell.

zixier than all of hell, or babylon, combined.

im a nomadic wanderer with my family and our flock of sheep and goats, and we wander under the heavens at night we come around the fire and we play music and sing and dance and we love, and we love everyone in our family, and we eat the psilocybin that grows in the pastures where we graze our animals, and we smoke and use cannabis in all of the many wonderful ways that it serves us..

and we take really nice care of our cows,, we praise them, we wash them and brush them and pat them and look in their eyes and love them. we show our due appreciation to them.

and when someone named mark retzloff meets us on the road we kill him, appropos of the saying about meeting the buddha on the road, no if Adida happens by on the road we invite him to join us and stay with us,

but if mark retzloff happens by we KILL that guy, because he expoits and tortures cows and we think he ought to be prevented from doing that.

james madison bowles will agree: he was so busy trying to be a sexy baker that he missed out me being a zixy baker. i'm the zixy baker, the one who understood what calvel tried to teach (he's zixy like me) that its zexy when you figure out how to be like a good machine elf and get things done using the LEAST POSSILE exertion of energy. i was the zixy baker, and james was trying to be the sexy baker, but later he admitted that zixy is better than sexy, at least as far as baking is concerned. and that 's why JAMES bowles got to be president James madison who bought the tall grass prairie for me and our family when i was president and he was in paris, right is that how it was?


I say i say i say MuuUUUUUUUUUUUU

there's my Mu Eido Shimano Roshi, you asked me to SHOW you Mu, so finally, there it is as a VISUAL experience just like you wanted,, do you like it roshi>>> ???

if you can imagine me making my very best possible imitation of a cow, mooing, then you will understand exactly what i am trying to SAY with my mu answer above,,, do you know what i am saying roshi san? i am saying MU to you Joshu George De Pasquale Washington my brilliant one in a million zixy bakery partener you, Joshu, the one who invented the #1 Koan, MU!!!

good ONE george de pasquale,,

i'm just a crazy guy in a hotel room behind the curtain so to speak (there's a curtain divider in my room) please dont pay any attention, i don't particularly need you to hear the insane things i am saying, like that george de pasquale is the inventor of the MU koan,, i dunno, it's just too spectacularly crazy to be true,,, or maybe, just maybe it just too spectacularly crazy not to be true you know, mu, i'm talking about mu... do you know what i am saying??


that's what i am saying..

mu, its the sound that a cow makes (but there's just a little bit more to it, if you really think about it)

lemme just say this, and Herman hesse i hope you really are there:

The guy who cracks the "what the hell is a magister ludi" koan, he's a DAMNED GOOD KOAN SOLVER!!!

nuff said????

that says alot you people, that's a high zix rating kind of a thing to say, do you know what i am saying? how about you Mr $100 bill Adida, do YOU know what i am saying???

your $100 Koan is the ZIppy enigmatic pretzel KOAN, and i agree that was about a hundred times more challenging than Mu "it's the sound a cow makes" koan.

US Grant, your $50 Koan rocks: the "failure" of a president who was probably the third most intelligent president (if you count all of adida's different presidential incarnations as ONE) and Ulysses, wow how COOL.

now the twenty dollar koan called "that was REMEDY who called the bankers a DEN OF VIPERS?" Koan... now i wanna know something, maybe this is a part of the KOAN i havent gotten yet, but i wanna know if they really WERE a den of vipers or were just reading too much of whoever David Icke was back in the time of Andrew Jackson... was that my family you were calling a den of vipers??

OK now the alexander hamilton is the guy who came to jefferson's temple to teach something meaningful about money while their mutual nemesis Aaron Burr lurks in the shodows KOAN,, got that one already tonight.

and the fiver: you mean after all that AGONiZING over whether my best buddy the artist himself, the father of all of the greatest artists of all time, the archangels was good or evil, when all i had to do was solve the $5 KOAN, one of the EASIEST ones, just above MU???

now the $200 KOAN, ME??? wassup with that one, i dunno any koans about myself,, maybe that ones for you all to solve,,, what's the $200 KOAN solution....


i already gave it to you,, its that jefferson is not twice as Zexy as that dashingly handsome king like preseident George washington, it's that he's twice as zexy as that kind of ugly sort of guy with the balding head and the long stringy hair that you have to think he must have worn like that for SOME REASON, like maybe someone at least ONE person would recognize you (without the BLUNT BASH OVER THE HEAD sort of a clue from the man himself) when you show up with the EXACT SAME LOOK two hundred years later, HAH HHA!

LOL! ben adida you are one zexy zexy man. i like you a lot!! i cant wait to meet you, and i cant imagine that you wouldnt want to meet the only guy who figured out that you were ben franklin and HERE:S THE THING:

after adida said to his students: consider me as a possible reincarnaiotn of ben franklin (totally obvious, if anyone didnt GET IT right away they have SUPER LOW Zix in my opinion)

but HOW MANY of those people who did go AHA! with the benfit of this blatant give away clue, how many of them thought for a few seconds and figured out that the reason FDR said: "nothing happens in politics that isnt planned" is because he is ben franklin, and if you zix is reasonable, you get the picture.

i doubt any of adida's students ever put forward so much as a humble query, "is it possible that you were also FDR, Master?"

in other words, the ZEXY people like me and neil and ben and aunt sea / mrs see and todd boyle and his holiness the dalai lama and thich nat han, and lots of people like roger wexler and jerry goronea and "amigo bob" and LUKE, and wendelll berry and michael abelman and of course our Lord and father masanobu fukuoka, we don't care so much about looks, we just wear what we have on... we're smart enough to know the truth that beauty IS intelligence, and beauty is lovingness, and beauty is a thing of the heart as my lover and brother and father and grandfather Prem would say.

honestly HONESTY is the only thing rreally that ANYONE AT ALL has to strive for at this time, even baby snowleopard who is probably crying and upstet right now because she care about what people think about her more than she just cares about being honest and FREE of the burden of lies and deceptions,

i wish she would just GET THE PICTURE it's so simple and its just SO bizzare almost seeing one of the very best women, possible the very best woman, struggling so hard AGANIST just being honest. incredible

women of planet earth take note: honesty is, as i have been saying, the ultimate and most necessary accomplishment that ANY WOMAN can EVER POSSIBLY ATTAIN> if you can become honest you will never ever have to suffer again.

and so "why suffer?"

Ann WIgmore is in Greendale???? If she is i LOVE IT.. wow, nice thought anyway,, well if she is she knows that she's one of my "they wore what they had on" heros and i am sure my father arius's too. that could have been aunt sea or nina or julia butterfly, one of the rawat women . for sure. really, her book why suffer is second to science and health,,, up there with rachel carson's silnet spring,, i know she is with you too, i get the picture that i was given a clue maybe today about rachel carson being in greendale, yes ann wignore's humble book about her life with her grandmother,, its like Jim Corbett's goat walking which i have already praisedl and there is the GOAT connection...

i may be the good shepherd,, but i really am into GOATS more than sheep... they are more useful and friendly and Zixy....

sheep are sexy, cows are sexy too. feminine in a way,

goats are Zixy, maybe that's why i like duck, ducks are WAY zixier than chickens.

what do people think about the christ saying " I may be the good shepherd, but I'm more into GOATS than I am into SHEEP, because goats are more ZIXY." ???? huh????

HOws that for Zixy???

damn, i really do hope that all the people who i believe are there, like SID, really are there.

gotta get sid working on the lighting design for the temple right away, maybe with Iole's paricipation. those two would make a good team i'd say.

any of you ANGEL investors out there want to help SId put on a good show in the temple?


Before you ascend to the on-high position you deserve…….

I am looking for a financial angel investor to kick start my Stonehenge show

Will you be that angel?

I know you have the VISION!

Whatever you can do will be most appreciated.

…..….or just visualize a positive outcome for me!

yes sid i will help you and I have been visualizing a positive outcome for you since i met you sid, you know i think you are a super star!!!!!

but sid i have one requiest,,, can we somehow get peter toms and his tribe involved in your show? i think they are the ones you need/ like the circus contraption people and UMO and probably a lot of the people involved in cirque du soliel,, those are the people you want no>>>/??? i think those are Peter's people.

you cant tell me SID GENETTE didnt FINALLY get the bump on the head!! THE autor of that e mail is not the sid genette i know...

sounds more like the sid genette i always knew was there but who never showed himself to me before. not like that anyway, though i grant that sid, you did me a great honor travelling with me and being with me at burning man.

see sid is one of those people and peter is another, who doesnt owe me any big apologies, they just need to get with teh program of being Zixy and honoring my zixiness and all will be well. they've paid their dues i am sure. because i know that they are israel,

like i said, if i knew that guy i gave cherries to and then sat on top of the big hill at sdtring cheese with while we talked about the massive and I PROMISED him i would help him with the MASSIVE, if i knew that be was born after bob marley died, i would gamlble every cent i had on a straight bet, no odds, that if it could be known within one hour whether he was the reincarnation of marley, i would bet.

and i have never owned a bob marley album, and am not a big reggae person,, but i know KNOW that kenyatta is a VERY LIKELY condidate to be MArley... is he??? i wanna know if my brother kenyatta is marley.. he's GOTTA be.

look i dont care if your deity is JA or Krishna or Me or Adida, or whatever memeber of my very good family,

as long as your deirty is CAIN the nutkicker who hates me or ALLAH, the witch who hates my whole family, as long as you are not like LUKE was when he decided he couldnt love me because i dont love the Antichrist and his mother, AL:LAH, then you can find a place in our Heaven

but no ALLAH LOVERS and no ANTICHRIST LOVERS can come into my family's MASSIVE.

and before you come to the inner temple in the temple, you've gotta get completely over the alcohol sickness if yuo have it, and a lot of the guys that neil saw looking through my eyes at string sheese have got that sickness that when you dont have it you can SEE as plain as day.. the alcoholic disease,, that i gave myself and got completely OVER without ever even understanding it, and if i can fdo it under those conditions you can do it with my help,,, so come on down to the temple and start working on the CURE which involves a mdeicine called psilocybin.
here is a point of clarification for you.

LSD is a drug.

Psilocybin is a medicine.

Ecstasy is a drug.

Cannabis is a plant, and a medicine among other things.

yeah sid, now that i have had a few hours to let your idea percolate (koans usually take a whle to settle in) i like the idea of a stonehenge show.. i'll help out with your project, as long as the VENUE is the ONE AND ONLY VENUE that YOU would want to be in. the temple,

yeah sid, we'll definitely have to talk about that SOON,, as soon as i can get to the party.

dang i wish i would get the email that tells me that baby snow is in greendale... that;s the one i want to see, i mean Peter toms would be great, but i think i get the picture, why WOULDNT peter and sid arrive more or less together,,,????

but baby snow.,, maybe if i got an e mail, from say, Bertolami FINALLY getting back to me about my e mail re palmo,, maybe that would be the thing to look for.. i dunno,, something not form her but alluding to her in some way would be cool..

so i am wondering,, is by any chance there a guy there

who goes by the name of "CLAUDE deBussy" with the emphasis on the CLAUDE...( but its pronounced like "a spade sized hunk of dirt held together by root hairs" )? Aunt Sue, do you approve???

well if Mr CLaude Gillespie deBussy, DOES just happen to be there, please give him be somewhat bemused regards... thanks! good KOAN Mr Gillespie!!!!

and if byy ANNNNNNNNY chance an EARTH WORM LOVING biology teacher from New Zealand happens to be there neil ( no not Billy but neil) please give her a special wink and a big hug!.. I finally forgive you for that "D" you gave me for NO GOOD REASON AT ALL, unless you are a nurse rachet .... or else a LOVER OF EARTH WORMS AND BARNACLES like Niel young rawat Darby Darwin... what was that whole name neil,, i think i better go fetch that one... BRB

dang that magister ludi thinks of EVERYTHING!!! i mean whose idea was that ??? the biology teacher who is the ONLY teacher in high school who gave me less than a B after ii got the HIGHEST SCORE IN THE CLASS on the final... and it was a D that ruined my GPA for a couple of YEARS>>>> aggravation <<<<<<<<< only to finally get the joke, that she's so INTO Earthworms>>> AFTER I KIND OF GOT THE DARWIN DARBY KOAN... COOL

does "ROFL" apply to anyone in the peanut gallery????

are there any more "barnacle koans?"

looking for the "many names of Neil rawat" e mail.,...

found this:

your part is to be...what you'll be.

--- wrote:

> what were we before he made us?? does he give a
> spark to something that
> already existed? was i good before he gave me what
> he gave me in order to
> exist??? was i his idea of the son, and that's just
> what i am and cain is what he
> is because that is what god made him? or did god
> make me and cain the same??
> i want to know that he did... i want to know that
> that poor misfortunate boy
> who just is in such a terrible terrible predicament,
> i want to know that he
> had the same opportunity that i had to be blessed.
> that he somehow became
> what he is after having the same opportunity that i
> had to be what i am...
> but is this just pride?? do i want credit for my
> success when really i've
> just gotten supremely lucky?