Wednesday, July 20, 2005

There is an experience that men can have (45)

There is an experience that men can have but that the vast majority of men of this world are not having. It is a very good experience, and experience of happiness. As a matter of fact, it is a perfectly good experience perfectly worth having. It is the experience of loving the source of life itself, the Love of the Creator, who is a very loving male human being who has become the Creator, the Wille Wonka of the chocolate factory of Imagination, he is empowered to dream up the worlds that exist solely by virtue of a Law that says that this is the responsibility of the most perfectly loving person among all people living in a given world. Because those are the only world with a prayer of success.

I speak of men because it is men's experience that I understand, and because I believe that men's experiences of life falls short of its potential. I have come to believe that the purpose of human life, as far as men are concerned, is to have this experience and that the crux of every man's existence becomes the moment of truth when he is faced with the decision about whether or not he is willing to have it. I believe that this moment of truth is at hand, this being the year 2005 that comes seven years before the year named in many prophecies, including those contained within the Bible Code, to be the end of the saga in which we are now living, 2012.

The experience I am talking about is the experience that the Creator himself has while engaged in the act of doing that which enables him to conjure world's like this one in the Imagination of the One Mind that is all that really exists. The Creator is loving us, and he wants love in return. He wants us to be loving with him, doing with him what he does that makes our existence possible. This entails doing together the thing we call masturbation. The Creator, the God who invents the worlds that exist in the Imagination of the One Mind, is the Willie Wonka god, the GOd who masturbates and wants to do so with the men who come to live in the worlds that are constructed out of his experience of ecstatic love.

The experience that I am refering to goes by many names including Enlightenment, Nirvana, Oneness with God, God-realization, Self-realization, Ecstastic Love or Ecstasy, Joy, and Heaven. All of these and other words that connote the superlative experience of love, joy or fulfillment associated with both the JudeoChristian and Hindu/Buddhist/Taoist religious traditions, as well as other traditions, all refer to the experience of which I speak.

The reason that the men in this world are not having this experience is because they are afraid to have it. I am talking about the experience that lies beyond the orgasm that mortal men have, and that limits their experience of joy, because they are afraid of the potentially infinite experience of love that exists within the realm of erotic love and ecstasy. Men are afraid to have this experience because the founder of the human race of planet Earth refused to have this experience and indoctrinated his descendants into denial of the existence of this experience.

This experience of which I speak is a matter of significant controversy. There is a group of men in this world whose sole objective has for a long time been that no one at all have this experience. They have attempted to eradicate all knowledge of this experience. The leader of this group is one and the same as the founder of the race of human beings who are not having this experience, the person called Satan in the Holy Bible. The reason Satan is called "The Adversary" of the Creator is because he is trying, by whatever methods he can come up with, to lead men to the inevitable decision, in the moment of truth, to say no to having the experience that the Creator wants them to have with him. All forms of sexual repression, including the taboos against men loving one another, masturbation, incest, discussions of shame, etc., come about as agencies of Satan's plan to lead the men of this world into a final rejection of the Creator and his proposition of Love.

Satan is a person who decided a long time ago that he would be the leader of the men who refuse to have the experience of love and happiness that men are capable of having. He's been working on the fulfillment of his agenda for six thousand years since he incarnated as Adam in order to indoctrinate this human race into the lie that he knew would further his objective by bringing about a race of men ignorant of and resistent to having this experience.

The lie that the liar called Satan told is the father of all lies, the origin of all misery, of darkness, ignorance and mortality itself; it's the lie that boys should feel ashamed of masturbation, the first lie and the worst lie ever told. This lie has come down through the generations intact in the form of an inviolable and unquestionable rule or commandment called a taboo. This is how Satan, the deity of shame, tricked a whole race of men into falling into a terrible trap of sexual (eros- life energy) repression, beginning with Cain, the son of Satan in his incarnation as Adam who killed his brother Abel.

Satan later appeared in the saga recounted in the Holy Bible as Abraham, and then later still as the so-called "friend" of Jesus, whose name I believe was Reuben, who visited Jesus while he was fasting in the wilderness. In this lifetime he is incarnated as a "social justice" advocate who, significantly, happens to be of Jewish decent who lives in Seattle and goes by the name of Robert S. His quasi-partner in a Law pracice is Dan M. who I've been identifying for the past year as Cain the Antichrist, the son of Satan (Adam) who decided he would be in denial of the shame that his father introduced as a force of the collective psyche.

Dan M poses as a heroic, even messianic figure in the "global justice movement," and is associated with the leadership of the World Social Forum (which relates interestingly with the predictions of many Evangelicals that the Antichrist is associated somehow with a plan for One WOrld Government) an annual event that has occured in most year in Porto Allegre, Brazil and has attracted tens of thousands of anti-globalization, anti-corporate activists annually. Dan M is in fact the living embodiment of the deity of shame's denial. The third member of the Unholy Trinity from Hell is the woman who first apprears as Eve, and who becomes Allah after her son Cain falls into the terrible pit of shame after the two of them become incestuous lovers. (Cain is the same as Oedipus, this story just being a further chapter of his life.) At least as of recently she and Dan M were together as life partners.

The other son of Satan, as Adam, was the Christ, who first appears in the Biblical story as Abel, the one who decided that his way of dealing with shame was to get over it. The Christ is the son of Satan, the deity of shame, who gets over shame. The Antichrist is the son of shame who prefers to be in denial of shame. Abel's success in overcoming shame was intolerable to Cain, who thus killed him in an act of preemptive genocide in order to rid the world of the potential for the existence of a race of men who get over shame, a race who would make it impossible for Cain and his flock to live in denial of their shame.

Abel returned as Isaac, the son of Satan in the latter's pivotal incarnation as Abraham, and Isaac did indeed become the founder of a race of men who were not indoctrinated into Satan's lie. The true Nation of Israel that descended from Issac's son Jacob consists of 144,000 men who made a conscious choice in the beginning to be willing to love other men, and in particular to love the Almighty God who is Love, the most loving of all of the men who are willing to love one another.

Cain and Eve also appeared in the story at the time of Abraham as Ishmael and his mother Hagar. As the story goes they were banished by Abraham and founded the nation that came to be known as the Arabs. Eventually they return again as Mohammed and his mother in order to found a religion in an attempt to counteract the growing menace of Abel's Nation of Israel, which presented the spectre that Cain had attempted to preempt when he killed Abel, namely, the spectre of the light of truth illuminating their and their descendants' shame and their denial of it.

A situation of particularly great significance developed after the 144,000 sons of Israel ceased incarnating within the particular lineage that descended from Jacob and spread out over the world, incarnating as persons of various ethnicities, as needed to further the fulfillment of their nation's objectives, which are to create the conditions in which they can openly exist as a Nation and practice their shame-free lifestyle, without the likes of Cain the Antichrist and his mother Allah trying to genocide them out of existence.

The Children of Israel had greatly expanded their consciousness as a result of having the intense experiences of ecstasy that I am talking about. They greatly increased their capacities to experience life itself. The people who followed into this lineage are of course the Jews, who are not at all the same as the Nation of Israel since they have not, since the original 144,000 moved on, practiced the lifestyle that caused Israel to become a unique race of men. This situation has a great deal of significance. The descendants of Satan as Abraham, the Jews and the Arabs, both occupy important roles in the saga.

One question that naturally come up in regards to the matter of men loving one another or not is the following: if men are going to love one another then what sort of limits, if any, should be placed on the expression of this love? When you really wrap your mind around these sorts of questions you realize that the only possible answer to the question is that in order for everything to work out, men need to go all the way to the ultimate experience of loving one another. This inevitably entails getting together and doing what Satan forbids his descendants, through their indoctrination into his Commandment, to do, namely to masturbate together and experience together the unlimited experience of ecstasy that men can experience. Men need to have the ultimate experience of pleasure and happiness, otherwise their coexistence will be fraught with unspoken questions and aversions. Men need to love one another and they need to get it over with and really experience the full extent of this experience. The bottom line is the men need to experience the maximum experience of happiness and arousal, together, that they are capable of experiencing, in order to live together in peace and happiness, without shame. Because the only reason NOT to have a really fantastic experience together would be shame, and when shame (Satan) is allowed to play a part everything eventually slides into his Hell.

The knowledge of this experience is going to be presented so as to be undeniable to the men of this world in the near future, and the men who are willing to have it will seperate themselves from the men who are not willing to have it. When you have a society of men who have said yes to the opportunity to love one another it functions at an entirely different level and in a different way that a society of men who have said no to the opportunity to love one another. The difference between these two societies is the difference between Heaven and Hell.

I am saying that there is a subset of this first category of men that I identified, the category of the men who are willing to love one another. This subset is a secret... I'll use the word "cult," a secret cult consisting of 144,000 men, some of whom may not presently be aware of their membership in this cult. This group of men are the living incarnations of the people who first incarnated as the 12,000 male descenadants of each of the twelve sons of Jacob, the Children of Israel. They have enjoyed a great deal of success in the great game of competition among nations that men play. In the very near future it will be revealed that this small group of men have for hundreds of years secretly been amassing a sufficient portion of the world's wealth such that they could at this point lay down their collective hands and claim complete victory in the competition for dominance in this world.

This "cult," the true Nation of Israel, is going to do exactly this in the near future and the result is going to be cataclysmic. All national currencies could, and I believe will, lose all of their value instantaniously when this occurs. It will be a truly apocalyptic scenario. I believe that "Israel" has accumulated virtually all of the world's gold reserves, and simply by revealing this fact Israel could topple the house of cards monetary system, since the national currencies have no intrinsic value whatsoever, in particular since the lynchpin currency of this system, the US Dollar, is so far out of whack in its balance of payments that it is unrealistic to believe that this imbalance will ever be rectified.

I believe that this cult of men and the women who associate with them will soon all relocate to one specific region of the world. This will be the location of the promised land for the Nation of Israel, which I believe will be in a geographical location in the New World that corresponds to Palestine's location in the Old World, that is, in a strip of relatively fertile land in the far western region of the largest continent in the (new) world, with a capital, I believe, in Seattle, which is the city playing the same archetypal role that Jerusalem occupied in the earlier chapters of the saga that played out in the Old World.

These 144,000 men will then begin to openly practice the lifestyle practiced by the Nation of Israel, a lifestyle which is not hampered by what I call the Commandments from Hell, the taboos of shame and sexual repression that are the laws by which the men of this world live. At this time the remainder of the category of men who are willing to love one another will begin the process of overcoming their indoctrination into Satan's lie and thus their resistence to the idea of men loving one another and will come and join the Nation of Israel. Those men who elect not to join the Nation of men who love one another and their Creator will, by default, be electing to stay in the realm whose ruler is the man who decided a long time ago to be the ruler of that realm, Satan, who, by the way, is a person many would describe as a seemingly good, charming, talented and even brilliant person. I myself was among these before I realized who he is.

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