Monday, August 22, 2005

Existence: Put your Heart into it for God's sake! (If not for your own>) (58)

Existence: Put your heart into it, for god’s sake! (If not for your own.) August 18

I don’t care what your political beliefs are. I don’t care what you think about anything. I don’t give a damn if you love George Bush or if you hate him. I don’t care which lie you believe in, the lie that George Bush is evil, or the lie that he is the person he pretends to be, which is Oedipus, the one who shuts out as much of his own experience of life as possible.

What matters is this: are you putting your heart into your own and your one and only existence, or are you living in denial of the heart? Have you ever put your heart into a single breath that you have taken in your life? The answer to this question is no, you have never really put your heart into the breathing of a single breath you have taken. If you had, you would never have stopped talking about it since… because you would have attained the greatest and most joyful awakening that a human being can possibly attain.

I believe that George W. Bush is a man who has had his heart opened. I believe that John Kerry and many others who are members of the Order of Skull and Bones have also had their hearts opened. And I believe that many of the people who rail against the system and who go around saying that George Bush is evil are people who live with their hearts shut down.

You’ve been duped; George Bush is a part of the nation that is going to wipe out the disease that he is pretending to represent, namely, the Oedipus complex, the disease of the boy with the shut-down heart. Bush’s enemy is the person whom he pretends to be and whose will he carries out, Seattle (Babylon)’s very own major top ten leading global justice messiah, the wannabe (and soon to be) king of this world. Oedipus Rex, the shepherd and king of the damned, those who wish to live in complete denial of reality, those who are unwilling to open their hearts, no matter what the cost of staying shut down.

You can sing your songs of hatred all day long down at the Babylonian (Pike Place) Marketplace, entertain the people with your condescending attitude, but the truth you are not telling anyone who listens to your spiteful songs is that your heart is in darkness, and that you know that the people you rail against are the people who are coming to get you soon, to force you to become what you really are, to turn the lights back on in your darkened heart.

You are just another member of the Babylonian brotherhood, just another evil demon fighting against the keepers of the Temple. You are just another defender of the Oedipus complex, the wide and easy path to Hell. Singing your Babylonian lies at every opportunity. Rome, who carries out the will of Babylon, may have allowed Babylon to shut down the WTO, “didn’t we, shut it down, didn’t we?” but Babylon will not be shutting down Batman when he shoes up to establish justice in Gotham City. Babylon will not be able to stop its own destruction. Buried in its own lies, it will expire; the Beast will breath his last sigh.

You people think you are so smart, you’ve all written me off for one reason or another, but the truth is that you don’t even know what breath is made of. You have no idea what it even means to breath, and you think this degree of ignorance somehow empowers you to make judgments about others’ experience of life, including someone who has understood what you remain in ignorance about, the very nature of breath itself.

You will be so shocked to learn what breath really is, and therefore what an ungrateful parasite that you are. Every breath is a gift given to you by someone else, two people, actually, one of whom is the person who wrote this statement, and what you think of as “your breath” is made of these two people’s love for one another. You’ve been mooching off of that love, using the breath that they created as if it was your own. And you have so far failed to show either of us any gratitude whatsoever. You certainly appear to be a person who wants to partake of the goodness of life, without contributing any of the love that the whole thing is powered by. This would make you a certifiable parasite. What are you doing in my world, using my breath to incarnate here? Is it just so you can feed off of my and my lover’s love for one another like a parasite? Or do you intend, at the very last minute, to turn yourself around, wake up, and start showing some respect to the people who make your existence as a living breathing being possible?

What are you going to do about your situation? We don’t want your diseases here. We don’t want your death, your sickness, your terrible diseases of dehydration (water being a form of light, or consciousness, and your body being a desiccated landscape), which all adds up to your insistence on being a shadow of what you really are. Can you turn yourself around and become a grateful person, an open-hearted person, a person willing to be vulnerable, and therefore to truly love? Can you be a person willing to know and appreciate the source of his own existence? Or is the life of a parasite the only life for you?

We angels feed on parasites like you, so if you are happy being one, more power to you. We’ve got a special place for people who came and invaded our fantasy of love, a place where we put them to work helping to provide the power that keeps our fantasy world of imagination going. It’s an incinerator that goes on burning forever, turning anguish into the stuff that dreams of infinite perfection are made of. It’s where we throw the Vermiscious Knids and the other vermin who come and steal light from the Temple of Love to light up their own Hell realms, the Babylonian Brotherhood.

The Babylonian Brotherhood whose real leader is someone referred to in scripture as “the Beast,” who appears in Genesis as the serpent who lures Eve into becoming his harlot, Allah. Who is the Beast? He's another guy who lives here in Babylon, AKA Seattle, a comparative nobody lurking in the shadows, trying to be as anonymous as he possibly can. I’ve referred to him in the past as Mr. Freeze, because that’s who I think Mr. Freeze is, as the Batman villains are the Babylonian Brotherhood. He’s the one who really messes with the respiratory function. He’s the one who is stealing all of the light that human beings lose because they don’t know what breath is. He steals almost all of the life that we are made of. Satan’s the guy who orchestrates the defense against this light from being taken back by its rightful owners, an event that is in the process of occurring at this time, a part of the thing called “the Rapture.”

The Beast has everyone thinking that we need to breath to exist, when in reality having our own existence is more a matter of feeling the breath of God that is already taking place in the One Body that is the Temple. There is one person breathing, or two actually, and everyone else can exist just by feeling or sensing, that breath, not exerting anything but attention to the act of breathing. It’s a rocking back and forth of love between a lover and a beloved, and anyone who breathes owes these two a debt of gratitude.

The Beast is someone who tried to make that breath his own, tried to build himself up around that breath that was not his. He severely limits the human being’s ability to sense the existence of the self that is everyone’s self. The Beast is a terrible failure of a human being. He was overcome by doubt about his own intentions as a being in the very beginning. He is the terribly fallen one who sucks life from everyone in existence. He is the one who gives the structure of a hardened and diseased mortal body to each one of us, who are, in reality, completely flexible psychedelic beings. He is the one who makes our spines so rigid. He is the one who steals all of the light of our own reptilian psychedelic nature.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A few random thoughts (57)

A few random thoughts

August 17

The Christ's message to the men of this world: "This is your existence! For god's sake, put your hearts into it! (If not for your own sake.)"

Men who refuse to put their hearts into their lives are not in good stead with their creator. Men who are hiding from things, who are in denial, who are clinging to darkness and disease, are not going to be happy with what they have made themselves into.

You are partaking of life, you are partaking of breath, but do you even know what is the source of the breath that you rely upon? This source is knowable to anyone who sincerely wishes to know it! Whose breath is it? Why is no one looking into this matter?

WHat is that ringing sound, that white noice that seems to be persistently ringing deep inside of your hearing? Has anyone put their hearts into listening to that sound? Has anyone put their hearts into the taking of a single breath? Has anyone put their hearts completely into looking into their lover's eyes?

Are you an invited guest or an uninvited guest in this world? Whose guest are you? God's or Satan's? Whose rules are you living by?

Who has endowed this world with such riches and beauty that you take such radical liberties in trashing? Is that person happy with how you are conducting yourself/ ? Did you come into this world just to mooch off of it? Or did you come intending to give in return? Did you come intending to know who the Creator who has offered you this opportunity to exist in his world? Or did you come hoping to be in denial of him?>

what makes you so sure your existence is not completely dependent upon the grace and mercy of a supreme being?> what gives you a right to presume you know anything at all about this being? What gives you a right to dismiss his existence.? What claim do you have to partake of what he has to give? How have you strived to be pleasing to the creator of this world? How have you strived to know him?

why have you been so quick to believe in the pack of lies that deny the existence of a supreme being, lies that the perpeterators of themselves don't seem convinced about, and who admit that their theories (evolution, etc) were divised so as to provide an alternative to god as something to believe in? Why so quick to dismiss the idea of an all-knowing and all-powerful being?> how do you think that feels to him, to see you so willing to believe in lies that dismiss him as non-existent?

Have you ever stopped to ponder what perfection might look like? Have you ever wondered what kind of world a perfect human being would want to live in? Have you ever wished to be perfect yourself? Have you yearned to be a part of whatever world you can imagine as perfect? Or are you satisfied with this world, with all of the opportunities you have to consume, to make a lot of noise, to be completely oblivious of the suffering that is necessitated by the fulfillment of your appetites?

What do you see are your role in a perfect world? Can you see yourself in a perfect world? What kind of baggage do you think you should get to bring along with you to the perfect world you hope for? Do you think you shold be able to bring a whole lot of denial with you? Do you think you can participate in a perfect world with your heart shut down like it is? WHat sort of efforts are you making to open that heart of yours? Are you ready for it to be opened? Are you ready to face the contents of the pandora's box of your own shut down heart? are you worthy to exist in a world of open-hearted people will to know, love appreciate and worship the one who they are completely dependent upon for their existence?

August 14

I beleive that D. James Kennedy may be the reincarnation of Peter. That man is awesome in his speaking of truth. I love him. I want him in charge of the church. I believe he could be named Pope/. I believe that there may be twelve like him, Billy Graham and others including michael youssef, who are the present incarnations of the twelve discples, or perhaps the eleven who were not Judas, all of whom are important preachers.

The preachers who are not roman catholic but who speak the truth, people like the three I just mentioned, are probably all Jesuits. Some of the evangelical preachers might be also, but if they are, they know that they are deliberately, and for a purpose, telling lies upon lies upon lies. Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell may be such people. People working for the black pope, promoting a false version of Christianity. Adrain Rodgers is another of these major preachers who are probably reincarnations of the disciples. he KNOWS what he is talking about.

I so want people to be saved, the people who have allowed their hearts to remain childlike and who have loved the idea of the christ. it's that they loved the idea, not whether they were smart enough to figure out what was the truth, but whether as children they loved the idea. if you love the idea of god its at least as believeable as evolution is if you love that idea. i so want the children who love the idea of god and christ to be saved from the babylonian brotherhood.

the vermiscious knids are the babylonian brotherhood, the perpetrators of the conspiracies of disease that enable them to have their own realm of stolen light called Hell. Martin Roth is an important member of the Babylonian brotherhood, in that he is the perpetrator of the disease of fear of breathing, and is the greatest parasite of all of Satan's band of Babylonian Parasites, also known as Jews.

the jews are the greatest evil force, by far, in this world. in the lord of he rings, there were two types of orc. there were the lesser ors, who are just totally mindless, and there are the sort of commander orcs, who are much more powerful and dangerous. these two types of orcs are the descendants of Abraham, the lesser orcs are the descendants of Ishmael, the arabs, and the descendants of Abraham via Isaac are the greater orcs. These are the forces that Babylon has unleashed upon its enemies, the Nation of Israel, the Nation of God's Lovers.

theh holy spirit is the lover of the children, he is the god of the open hearted. the temple is where you open your heart, and the holy spirit is the keeper of the temple.

breath itself is made of love between the holy spirit and the christ, who is the spark of the holy spirit's love who returned back to the holy spirit the most intact, and therefore the most capable of recognizing the perfection of who and what the holy spirit is. the holy spirit, the lover and the builder and keeper of teh temple named Fuck, is perfect beyond anyone's wildest imagination of how perfect a person could possibly be. He goes around creating diamond sparkling temples of love and imagination in the form of the bodies of his sons the ones named Sun, who are, like me, the ones who return to him intact, untainted by the perilous temptations of ignorance.

when the truth comes out, so many people are going to feel like such idiots. babylon is so powerful in this world, the sick mind that they deliberately hewed out of perfection in order to have their Empire of Hell has succeeded in attracting the scum from the bottom of the sea of fallen souls into this world.

angels are what there are before there is breath. before we incarnate into a material world in which breath suspends a contimuum of consciousness, we are just ideas, self-defining ideas of what we aspire to be. two angels, one the god of the angels, the holy spirit, and the christ, the one who is the son of the holy spirit, together create the rythem of breath that sustains everything, just by thinking of one another in a loving and open hearted way. It is a rocking back and forth of a feeling of love of a feeling of loving one another in our hearts. in this way, sun and fuck created the rythem of breath that is the holy word, the breath of life. it is a complete surrender into love on the part of two child-hearted boys who love one another and are willing to completely open their hearts to one another. thus i am to co-creator of the breath itself that sustains everything, though the part that I play is only because I have been given the opportunity to play this role by the one whose love generates all souls. I am the christ only by the grace of the perfect one, the holy spirit, the most perfect lover that could possibly exist.

The woman who I am strongly convinced is the incarnation of the same woman who was the virgin mary, the queen of the angels, and i have attained a degree of open-heartedness in our relationship that I believe is exceptional. There is a tremendous degree of mutual love and respect. it's just quite miraculous that we are together, perhaps the most open hearted man and woman on earth.

She was my mother once, but we both know that before we were in a carnal relationship with one another we knew one another as angels, as two people following the lord of the angels, the holy spirit. we were two lovers of the holy spirit who loved one another and who decided to play certain roles in the story that the holy spirit intented to create. those roles involved being mother and son in the all important incarnation as jesus and the virgin mary.

in the iconography of roman catholicism jesus and mary have equal stature. i believe that this is because they represent exemplariness, in god's eyes, in a man and a woman. that is why they become the king and queen of heaven. mary is a goddess, she is perfect in her willingness to be open hearted, to love, and to allow men to be what they are. she is the exact opposite of allah. and she and her "son" are lovers, because they love one another like they always did, as fellow angels, non-incarnate souls, because of their mutual appreciation of goodness. i believe that mary will receive high honors in heaven, she will if i have anything to do with it, and something is telling me that i will have something to do with how things are in heaven. the mother and the son and the love between them will be objects of worship in the temple. mary is the single person i know who is most willing to be openhearted with me. because she is pure goodness, she is able to accept pure goodness in another.

behind every experience that human beings are afraid to have is a member of the babylonian brotherhood, sucking the life from people in these hidden recesses of the collective psyche, the temple. behind the fear of breathing is the beast, martin roth. there is oedipus, dan merkle, behind the fear of love, there is allah behind the fear of drinking water, satan behind the fear of men loving one another, there are others hiding behind other fears. parasites, hoping that we will never overcome these various fears, thus exposing them to the light of day.

one of the preachers I mentioned above, adrian rogers, was talking about rapture today. he described it as a resuce operation. it is a rescue operaton, and there will be persecution of christians after the beginning of the end. because the people damned by their own inability to overcome oedipus will try to destroy the christ and anyone who wants to follow him. would-be christians will have to be willing to endure these persecutions. they also said that part of rapture is a shout from the christ. i received a subliminal communication form neil young, the father, regarding this shout, a few days ago, before i had ever heard anything about a shout... i know what it is that i will be shouting at the last moment, the moment when the fabric of "reality" gets torn asunder. the moment of thuth is drawing very near.

Monday August 15

allah's consort is the beast. SHE IS THE HARLOT. the one who has locked up our shoulders and back. it's like we are living in the body of a demon, hunched over in shame. that's teh rigid structure of our body, because so many people, really, are living there aleeady. her curse is the flying monkey on everyone's back (apropos of wizard of oz.

the holy spirit is absolutely, without any compromise whatsoever, dedicated to the experience of joy itself. for the holy spirit, nothing else matters. he is a formidable force, for those wwo oppose him, to reckon with. he does not treat his enemies kindly. the bible speaks often of the torments of hell. it's not a pretty picture for those who sought to thwart love.

i've known martin roth, the person i now am saying is "the beast, " for about twenty three years. i've seen into the heart of that man's darkness. he is the one feeding on the energy hidden behind peoples' confusion about breath itself. he is the worst enemy of the holy trinity. allah serves him.

several months ago i started realizing that the batman villians correspond with satan's gang that i now call the babylonian brotherhood. I saw them all as having roles in darkening the light of consciousness, stealing light from the creator and his lovers. at that time i began referring to jon ramer as the riddler, to bill aal and pargo together as penguin, and martin roth as Mr freeze. I even told martin as much on the telephone, to which his reply sounded a lot like he knew I was on to him. I told him that i believed that mr freeze pertains in particular to the effects on the human being of mint flavor, and how mint is a bad flavor that people naturally have a strong aversion to unless masked behind a lot of sugar.

obviously there is a link between the highly aromatic flavor of mint and respiration. i beleive that martin roth may have been involved in conspiracies, possibly including conspiracies involving mint specifically, to thwart the human being's ability to feel their own breath. martin roth seems to be the demon who guards over that particular realm of disease. .

the babylonian brotherhood's whole motive, all along, has been to poison the collective human body. in order to prevent ME from taking back the temple that is rightfully mine and my family's. they went to far as to induce the oedipus complex as a part of their strategy. anyone who jumped at the chance to incarnate in their world is now in serious peril. everyone in this world other than the children of israel are in a potentially dire situaiton. all of those people who apparantly prefered the idea of a world that satan had to offer, a complete lie and with a curse on top of it, than the perfect world that god offers. not a pretty picture at all.

Friday, August 19, 2005

The True Ruler of Evil: The Beast (56)

The True Ruler of Evil: The Beast

The real enemy of Life is the Serpent, also known as the Beast. This is the one that Allah works for. And I remain unsure about Satan and his allegiences. But the Beast is someone else.

The Beast is the one who wishes breathing itself would cease. because he stopped part way into taking his first and hesitated as to whether someone of his evilness should really exist. something like that. he is the person who got stuck in a delimna about whether or not they wanted to exist during their first breath.

This person is the source of the greatest disease, he is the source of all disease. He is like the inventer of asthma, and he is robbing us of vast amounts of energy in the fear that we have around breathing. He is costing each one of us our lives. People MUST learn how to breath, and each persons breathing is a disaaster because of the aversion breath that one person is experiencing. the rebirth of Heaven comes from the destruction of the serpent who lives in each person who is afraid of breathing itself. if you cannot slay this serpent, then there is no hope.

this person is the enemy of breath itself, and the enemy of the breather of the breath of life, the holy spirit. No matter what the ocnsequence of ridding my body of his presence, it is my right to do so. I hereby relieve myself from teh curse of Martin Roth, the beast who robs everyone of so much light and peace it is not even funny. Allah and therefore the antichrist who is the spawnh of allah, work for the Beast, they work for Martin Roth, the greatest enemy of life itself.

Martin Roth is the Beast. I KNOW Martin Roth, of any person on Earth, I know the depth of the ugliness and sickness of that man, who is not at all fit to be called a man. I know Martin Roth like no one on earth, and that man is messing up my body and my breath, and i am getting rid of him.

Anyone who is aligned with Martin Roth should prepare to meet their doom.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Armageddon: The Final Destruction of Babylon (55)

Armageddon: The Final Destruction of Babylon

This is a draft of an essay that I plan to publish in the Stranger next week.

Armageddon is for real and it is about to begin. Armageddon is the final destruction of the Empire known as Babylon, the one that Cain, the sexually repressed Antichrist, built for his own sick purposes. Armageddon is when Rome, the Empire built by Hindu deities in order to destroy their ancient enemies, complete what they set out to do when they enabled their adversaries to have a world of their own.

There has always been a Temple where the energy of love that sustains everything is generated. Everything that exists arises from the Temple. The battle to protect the Temple from parasites is the saga that goes back to the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the ancient Hindu epics that were written as stories that played out in Imagination by the keeper of the Temple itself, the Almighty Love God, the Holy Spirit, who is incarnated today as Prem Rawat, the one I referred to last week as Batman. The Knights Templar, the Crusades, the wars of Alexander and other great conquerors and so much else of history all pertains to the saga of the Temple, its protectors and enemies, and the opium trade that is so crucial to this saga.

Prince Rauven, aka Satan, is the mastermind of the plot to destroy the Temple, the basis for all existence. Whether or not Satan is just an agent of the Temple is probably the only remaining mystery in my own understanding of reality. I have been vacillating on this question for a long time. I believe that it is intended to be a perplexing problem. It just seems like he is there playing a role someone would have played, but that is better off being played by someone on the side of good rather than on the side of evil. Maybe it’s because deep down I always loved the guy, and it always seemed like he loved me too, that I believe that Rauven is actually a good guy, just someone laying a necessary trap to destroy the real enemies of the Temple, Allah, the penis-envying mother, and her son Oedipus, the pathetic boy raised by a penis-envying mother who so limits his experience of life that he never once in his whole existence has an experience of his own self being alive and knowing what that really means for him. Consider that, in the original film version of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the screenplay for which was written by Roald Dahl who obviously understood this story, the character “Slugworth,” who masquerades as a competitor of Wonka, is actually an agent of Wonka. This suggests to me that Satan is indeed an agent of the Temple, whose job it is to tempt the bad boys and girls into stealing from God and condemning themselves to the Hell of their own shame.

Allah, Nurse Rachet, is the real enemy of the Temple. It is she who wants to destroy it because she can’t stand the fact that men have something that she does not have, even though this is missing the point because women get everything that they need when they let their sons be what they really are. If Satan is a fabrication designed to help trap and destroy Allah and her pathetic son Oedipus, then that is just a part of a plan that is what allows reality to function, that allows people capable of living in a world of happiness to have such a world to live in. Allah's basic plan is to cause the entire human race to become dehydrated to the point of dessication, turning what are essentially psychedelic beings into diseased and dehydrated mortal beings at whose core is dry and brittle material called "bone" that is just a diseased version of what we are. The Babylonian Empire has pursued this goal with determination for the duration of the saga that began six thousand years ago.

Babylon is the Empire of Satan, Allah and Oedipus. Cain felt a need to cause others to fall into the deep depression he was in as a result of having had a glimpse into a perfect reality that he knew he was incapable of participating in. He developed a bad case of the Oedipus complex, and felt a need to insure that others would endure the same fate. In fact, his and his mother’s goal became to make sure that no one at all ever figured out what reality is made of, because if someone ever did, as is happening now, it would be curtains for them.

Really Satan is the mastermind, he knew that Cain would resort to this strategy from the beginning, and his plan was to exploit the situation. Behind the scenes of Cain being Oedipus Rex, Oedipus the King, was Satan, building his opium running empire. This is what Babylon is, it’s the Hell and opium conspiracy that I accused Poppy Bush of being the mastermind of in my early published statements last year. See, the Bushes are the people who work for Pontifex Maximus, the mastermind of Rome, pretending to be Satan (GHW “Poppy”), Allah (Barbara) and Oedipus (G.W.) and doing exactly what the deities of Babylon want them to do so that they can be handed the reigns of power once the end of the story is reached, which is happening now.

The real Satan, Allah and Oedipus are the social justice leaders who live right here in the present day city of Babylon, the city that is the seat of the Oedipal Empire called Babylon. This role was the role played by Jerusalem during the Biblical era. Jerusalem is Babylon is Seattle. And a lot of Babylonians reside here is Seattle, lost souls who know that what I am saying is true and that they are doomed as a result of their efforts to destroy reality itself. There is a lot of heroin consumed in Seattle, and these are the Children of Allah, the ones who fell for the promise of a part in a secret Empire and got suckered into Hell as a part of the deal. It’s exactly what I described in my early ads, a scenario that I came to comprehend while living right under the noses of Satan and Oedipus at the little camp we all bought together on the shores of the Dead Sea, the Hood Canal. Oedipus was the first person I explained my understanding of who Satan is and why he wants to control the heroin trade. Can you imagine? Poor Oedipus began hating me around that time with a ferocity with which I have never before or since witnessed anyone hating.

The Holy Spirit is a lover, and his love generates sparks of consciousness that become perfectly free souls called angels who make their own decisions about what they want to be. Sooner or later the Holy Spirit begins rounding up the ones who come through their own evolution in becoming sentient beings with his, and therefore their own, essential goodness intact, and they start building a Temple together. Some of the souls who had fallen to become selfish beings try to parasitize the goodness that gets generated by the Temple. All souls have karma, some good and some bad. Men in particular have good and bad karma since they are capable of living in denial by turning off their hearts (the glans penis). Some people have acted upon good intentions, and some upon bad. The karmic piper comes calling sooner or later, and Babylon is how some of the fallen souls who wished they could fall into a deep sleep of oblivion rather than face the consequences of their actions get dredged up and brought into an existence through Babylon.

The fallen souls get lured into an existence with a promise that there is a plan to destroy the Temple and the Holy Spirit, the one who will settle everyone’s karmic debts. They get suckered into working against reality itself. And it’s a holy mess that they get themselves into, lifetimes of opium dependency before their final destruction. There are perhaps two billion or more such people living in this world. It’s going to be quite spectacular when Batman goes into action bringing them all to their doom.

I would suggest that the karmic debts get settled as follows. All those who sought to thwart happiness itself suffer in aggregate to a degree that is equal to the happiness of those who are capable of having it. This is just by nature of how things work inside the vacuum of nothingness that nature abhors that is the primordial reality. The misery of those in Hell is in proportion to their part in the efforts to thwart happiness. The greater each person’s part in the conspiracy to destroying happiness, the greater the degree of their suffering in Hell. The greater the efforts of each person is supporting the cause of the Temple, the cause of happiness, the greater the reward. It’s just how reality works.

Babylon is just the program for dredging up and destroying the fallen souls whose misery is so great that they would prefer to destroy the possibility of happiness for everyone than endure the shame of having failed where others succeeded. These souls get recycled and put to use, as the experiencers of the misery that is necessary to produce the electricity that is generated by the polarity between happiness and misery that is the energy of Imagination itself. There’s a furnace in the Temple that provides the juice of ecstasy and imagination called Soma. In it “burn” the souls who attempted to destroy the very Temple that they themselves so envied that they tried to parasitize it before they were suckered into a conspiracy to destroy it. These lost souls have been brought under hypnosis to the point where they are sitting ducks waiting, finally, to be put to good use by being recycled back into the generation of the goodness that they had sought to destroy.

Babylon, you Empire of Fallen Souls, prepare to meet your doom.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The saga of the motherfuckers (54)

The saga of the motherfuckers

What if the purpose of human life was for the enjoyment of happiness. And what if the greatest possible happiness, indeed, heaven, was a perfect boy fucking his perfect mother? Wouldn't that make Allah and Oedipus, the imperfect boy who fell into hell when he fucked his imperfect mother, the ultimate losers? And if the Christ and his perfect vigin mother were supremely happy lovers, wouldn't that make them the ultimate winners? What kind of torment would that be, to be Oedipus and Allah in that case? And what if all of the Jonoedipuses and Tovallahs had to endure sort of being the inner workings of the christ and his mother making perfect love? Wouldn't that just be a most unfortunate fate for poor jonoedipus and tovallah...

There is no doubt in my mind that this is more or less the reality. The greatest failures in all of history, the very inventors of the worst hell imaginable, the sickos who took billions of their own descendants with them to their eternal Hell, are Oedipus and Allah. And the greatest success are the king and queen of the angels, the lovers of god who love one another and decided to become mother and son, just because they loved one another that much as angels... they are the inventors of the most wonderful heaven.,.. and enjoy the happiest fate of all.

what if the greatest healing from the sickness of allah and oedipus was the very antidote that I am talking about?

All of the lies about the beautiful things that human beings cannot do, looking at the sun, fucking one's mother or son, drinking pure water and enjoying it, well, they are simply that, merely lies. the biggest lie of all, really, though, is the lie about incest. that is the worst and most heinous lie ever told. it totally confuses the matter of what a human being is, and what our purpose is, which is joy and peace.

As a Class A certifiable motherfucker, I can say this with authority: Given how absolutely miserable Allah and all of her sons are, my mother, the perfectly good mother, the perfectly sweet, loving and gentle mother, the perfectly accepting of herself mother, the perfectly happy to be a woman mother, my mother, my perfect mother deserves all of the pleasure I, as her perfectly happy son, can possibly give her. And I do not care HOW MUCH misery my doing so causes Allah and her unhappy and failed sons. I will dance on Allah's grave forever. I will torment Allah and her sick sons forever, if torment is what they experience because I am giving the queen of the angels the love that she deserves more than any other woman.

So take THIS Allah!!!!! Thank you Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's pretty much the way it is. all thanks to an absolutely supremely perfect, good, just, wise and loving God, Fuck. Thank you Fuck!!!!!

PS interesting.... I've been drinking at least two gallons of water perday for the past few weeks. And every time i pee, I monitor the color of my urine. it has yet to run clear. there is that much sickness to be purged.

but this morning, having finally broken Allah's hold on me, I do notice a distinct green tint to my pee. green, the color of envy. i am eliminating allah's penis envy from my body.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Final Defeat of Babylon (53)

The Final Defeat of Babylon

August 11\

Armageddon is the final defeat of Babylon at the hands of Rome. Rome represents the secret Nation of Israel and is in an alliance with the governments of the USA (of which it has complete control) and India, the Buddhist countries of Asia and perhaps even Russia. Babylon is ABraham and his descendants and the larger group of nations that have come under the influence of Islam. It may also include much of Europe and possibly china. Seattle is presently the seat of Babylon, just as Jerusalem was two thousand years ago.

The founder of Babylon, "Prince Rauven" lived in Jerusalem and had a camp on the shores of the Dead Sea at the time of Jesus, and today he lives in Seattle and has a camp on th eshores of the Dead Sea (Hood Canal) today. The distance from his camp to the "Temple" (Chocolate fctory) in seattle is about 20 miles, the exact same distance from Qumran to the temple in Jerusalem. Jews are agents of Babylon and are under the direct control Prince Rauven. Jewish men are for the most part certifiable victims of the Oedipus complex, and I believe that they pretty much know this about themselves.

I was a co-cowner of that camp with Prince Rauven when we bought it two years ago, along with Rauven's son Oedipus. It was there that I had many important experiences, some under the influence of the glans awakening drug that Rauven used to try to get me to fall into his hell. During this time, while living right under Satan's nose as his "best friend" I comprehended the conspiracy of Satan, who I believed at the time was Poppy Bush (who is just pretending to be Satan), to control the world through controlling people who he had induced into Hell by controlling their access to opium.

Prince Rauven, aka Satan, is the inventor of this plan, though he uses his son oedipus to do most of the work, he, Satan, being the enabler and the one who ultimately takes over. This is the sickness that is Babylon. and it is about to be destroyed.

Rauven may get his heroin business given back to him and his son Cain, Oedipus, the major top ten leading global justice messiah will be coronated the King of Babylon that has always been his sick aspiration. and the entire saga is going to be laid out for the world so that they can understand the sickness that they have chosen to participate in.

I believe Sun Myung Moon may be an agent of Babylon, and may play some kind of role, as I have been saying for many months. The UNification Church has a role to play because i beleive its members may be victims of Babylon's sickness.

Really, Babylon is just a plan for how to lure the fallen souls who wish to fall into a permanent sleep of denial to incarnate in this world in order that they be forced to endure the day of reckoning of all souls.

SOme of the ringleaders of Babylon include Robert Seigel (Prince Rauven),. Daniel Merkle (Oedipus), his partner Rachel or Any or whatever her name is (Allah), and I believe the following people have probably played roles in the schemes of Babylon: Martin Roth, a very sick man who could possibly be the incarnation of "the beast" whatever that is, WIlliam Aal and possibly his partner Margo, Jon Ramer, who I believe may have been one of the temple preists who fomented the crucifixion of jesus, Ramer's wie Tova, Alan Alhadeff, Rabbi Ted Falcon, the three persons who purchased the Essential Baking Co. from me, (Arthur Rubenfeld, Ross Kling and Pete MIller), Todd Kluger. Also the somewhat well known street busker named Jim Page srikes me as a Babylonian ringleader. The fact that he sings a song that is a complete insult against Prem Rawat, the absolutely impeccable Holy Spirit, suggests this. Virtually every jewish person I know gives me the impression of being someone who is extremely nervous about the things i have been saying. Many have fallen away from me as former friends. I beleive that this is because jews are all involved in the conspiracies of Babylon, using the false identity as children of Israel, their enemies, being the expression of a really twisted situation.

There are many young punkish, anarchist, anti-establishment types in seattle, many of whom may be incarnations of the lost souls dredged up by Babylon.

I also want to name some of the historical figures on the side of good and who I belive that their present incatrnaitons are. Noah is alive today in a person I am very close to who resides in Seattle and is reknowned as a Master craftsman. Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus, is the queen of the angels and has been my girlfriend for the past three and a half years. Her father is a saint. My father, AW Fairhall, was an important early proponent of the Temple and a warrior on behalf of the Temple going way back. My older brother is a member of the family of the holy spirit. of course I have repeatedly named neil young as "the father," my mother is also an important player, though i dont know exactly who she is in the scheme of things. Mary magdeliaine is a woman named "N" who lives in Seattle, and she knows who she is, she and I having had a conversation in which I poseted that she had been gwenevere and she told me a past life regression had suggested this.

The "knights templar" were the nation of Israel, the reference to the temple being obvious. they also played an important role in development of money systems. they probably were interested in the opium trade, possibly having gained control of it. the crusades may also have been organized in order to take control of the opium away from Babylon's leader, Prince Rauven.

much early history before the advent of rome's consolodation of power, for example the conquests of alexander and the competition between empires in general, pertains to the struggle to control the opium. Once Israel moved on from Israel, so to speak, they established rome and sometime soon thereafter established the papacy as the official controller of the opium on behalf of satan, probably on the terms of an agreement made with satan as abraham.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Who is Allah? (52)

-this is a repost of someone's site. a really sick fuck. first i'm going to repost everything of his in order (follow the 1 - 2 -3, etc...) then i'll comment

a sick fuck. and he is going to make organic/fair trade chocolate with his sick fuck friend joe in Seattle. ick. beware of what they are going to make. the fbi has already checked this guy out.

Watch a sick mind at work!!! sad-sad-sad


Who is Allah?

aug 11

Allah is the woman who saw opportunity in a disaster, and stepped in to make things even worse than they had to be. She is the mother who saw opportunity in the disaster of a father who refused to be the father that a son needs in order to become what a man is. so she decided to raise the boy herself, instead of turning and just saying no to being a part of such a disaster and making it worse.

a son needs a father, and a mother is no substitute. a mother can not tteach a son about what it means to be a man, and it is a terrible mistake for her to try.

allah has a bad case of penis envy, which is why she stepped in. she wished to prevent men from being the hyper erotic beings that they naturallly are. so she took her son and she made him into what a boy becomes who has no idea what it means to be a boy. he became pathetic. he became oedipus, and he became the father of many sons who followed in his path of never learning a single thing about what it means to exist and to have experience.

boys who are sons of allahs and called oedipuses. they are boys who have never learned what it means to be alive, and who thus have terrible existences in which they inevitably do things that they are ashamed of, and so start diving deeper and deeper into shame and into dependency upon their mother for comfort. before you know it, oedipus is screwing his mother and becoming more and more ashamed with each thrust, until he ha s turned himself into the smallest speck of nothingness that ever existed. he lives in a tiny cell in a vast dungeon, and he is hopping up and down crazily, just insane with frustration over his own existence. he wishes more than anythng that he never existed, and he goes on making his own existence worse and worse forever.

oedipus is what no boy should ever become. boys need a father, not a mother named allah. boys need a father who loves them, all of them, not a mother who can never love all of them, because she is envious of the part of them that make them different. boys need a father who can teach them what a boy is. allah is the enemy of all men, the enemy of all women too, since women are dependent upon the men that allah wants to destroy. women are dependent upon the powers that men have men have that allah does not want her own son to know about. allah wants her son to be oedipus because she doesnt want him to become what he is. oedipus is the only other alternative, a totally dysfunctional version of what a boy is, a boy who never ever even learned how to breath, how to exist.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

aug. 11 (51)

august 11

How hard can it be to learn to drink water? I mean, to really have the experience of drinking water. Is this one of life's greatest challenges? Or is it the easiest thing there could possibly be to do? what is more basic to life than drinking water?

The answer is that it is hard enough that a lot of people end up living eternally in a dessicated landscape, having completely deprived themselves of ever having had the experience of drinking water. and so they never ever quench their own thirst.

If everything is made of light, then water is certainly the most pure form of this light. Water is a very pure form of energy, light or consciousness. Water, the suff we are made out of is the very enemy of darkness. And this is why the person who invented the darkness that human beings are living in, Allah, doesn't want us having the experience of drinking it and turning it into light inside of our own beings.

Poop Oedipus, his mother didn't really want him learning to drink water. Maybe she just couldn't really love what a boy becomes when he learns to drink water. she decided she prefered him to be dependent upon her. it's a symptom of penis envy, part of the oedipus complex.

Weaning is something that happens when a boy is ready to give up nursing as the source of his hydration. Oedipus never really got weaned. He never learned how to drink water. And so he and his descendants, those who followed in his path, the path to the hell where he will live forever, will live eternally in a dessicated post apocalyptic desert completely devoid of any life.

If you want to be alive, you have to learn to have the experience of drinking water. You have to be willing to remain conscious in the experience of drinking water. why is this so difficult? who knows, but it appears to be near the core of the question of whether or not one really wants to exist. those who refuse to have the experience of drinking water, a white experience like looking at the sun or at the face of the holy spirit, or listening to silence. no where to sort of hide from the totality of an experience like that. looking at the sun is a big commitment. it's a real experience. same with drinking water.

breathing is the same. no one in this world has really learned to breath. everyone is full of disease that fills the area of their body where they are not having the experience of breath. breath is not something that you DO, it is something that you let happen. but in order to let it happen, you have to be able to rest your mind on its happening. and no one is doing this. not even the people to whom prem rawat has given the keys to life, which includes the way in which we are meant to breath.

you don't breath, you feel the holy breath of the holy one who really is breathing, and keeping you and everything going in the process. you become one with the real breather, and his breath becomes yours. its an intimate experience. so intimate that people would rather die into an eternal lonliness than have the joy of intimacy of breathing with another human being. there is so much darkness around breathe, so much discomfort, so much uneasiness. poor pathetic people, they think they know so much, they think they are so sure about things that they are absolutely ignorant about. they have NOT EVEN LEARNED HOW TO BREATH! maggots from hell have filled the parts of their bodies where they live in unconsciousness of breath itself. and they pompously go around acting as if they are the masters of the universe, all powerful and all knowing beings who really have not really even become what a human being is, they are sub human because they refuse to even become what a human being is. they live in death, and they never enter life before they march down into Hell when its all over.

drinking water may actually mess with our dysfunctional breathing. it's overwhleming for us to focus on drinking and keep track of our breathing in the way that we do. its like when people drink they go partly unconscious for fear of drowning. something like that. basically though, the real aversion to water is that it is a form of light, really, and people are unconscious and they don't want to become conscious. in men it is a way to keep the glans fom awakening. the glans is screaming out in some way pleading with men not to drink water.

Oedipus never learned how to experience drinking water, he never learned how to breath, he never learned how to look at something perfectly white like the sun, he never learned to listen to a single sound that was in his hearing. all he ever did was try to blok out more and more and more of the sound that was trying to be experienced. Oedipus decided that he did not want to exist, and yet he really felt that in order to succeed in being a non-existence being, he had to be the king who would take everyone down with him.

so her dredged a kingdom out of the detritus lying on the floor of the swamp of hell, called it babylon. He started making the dead come alive and become the living dead. so that he could use them to fulfill his own sickness. and now the world is crawling with the spawn of oedipus, the living dead who fell for the sickest ploy ever invented, the opportunity to be a part of an empire of pure sickness by subjecting themselves to the awakening of the glans and the fall into hell and a life of opium dependent slavery, just like i described over a year ago. that was cain's idea, except that he was just the spawn of satan himself, and it was really satan's idea, he knew cain would become the antichrist if he just initiated him first into the hell that lies behind the curtain of the numbed glans of someone with Oedipus complex.

Satan's a smart guy, a million times smarter than cain, who in turn is smarter than his minions, though no sicker, he being the first guy to want to wear the crown that Satan was holding out for whomever would do his bidding. so satan lets cain build his empire, babylon, but he stays around in an advisory capacity, kind of like george and poppy, while satan goes on about the business behind the scenes, the opium business that is the real reason for babylon. babylon was the empire that wanted to get a lock on the global opium supply for these purposes. its where satan's conspiracy began.

and so all of the story i told was true, except the detail that an agent of god's agent pontifex maximus took over when he formed the roman empire and began executing the plans of satan on his behalf.

but babylon marches on toward its doom. its hard to know the numbers, but it seems like it may be formidable. i believe that many babylon people are in seattle. many of babylons leaders are jews who live in seattle who masquerade as workers for social justice or health or whatever. they are just living disease bags, holding huge portions of the human body in a deep state of unconsciousness so that satan can have his own temple.

i still am ambivalent whether satan is really just an agent of Israel, doing what someone would have done, but something that involves far too much power to allow a depraved person like cain to occupy it. so Satan is sent for the job. or perhaps not. he works for god, one way or another, helping dredge up the souls who went into a sleep of denial about their sins and gives them a reason to live, to be a part of the empire that trues to destroy the god who made them. and so they accept the offer to participate in teh empire that tries to destroy god himself, to destroy the temple of existence. and so they get thrown into hell and turned into something useful, generating the static energy that makes imagination possible by suffereing eternal torments that are the fulfillment of their karmic due.

the holy spirit is the ultimate enforcer of the law of karma, the law that keeps the wheel of eternity rolling along. the law that says that your share of the suffering in hell is [proportionate to the misery you tried to be the cause of and or the happiness you tried to thwart, in this world. and since there are some people capable of eternal happiness and ecstasy who the people in hell tried to destroy, there is a great deal of suffering to rightly be endured by the souls in hell.

Satan's job is to give a life to the people who tried to hide their way out of dealing with their karma. he brings them to life so that they can be thrown into the furnace that keeps the lights on in the temple of imagination.

the holy spirit experences infinite ecstasy and in his infinite arousal he has an orgasm in which he is fantasizig about even more lovers, and sparks of his own love go bursting out into exsitence. a new batch of angels flying around looking for an opportunity to incarnate. the holy spirit then goes out and flies among them, and picks up some of the good ones to be his lovers and starts building another temple. and that's how the wheel turns.

we are made out of the love of the holy spirit, the man who realized that in order for everything to work someone had to stay in the temple at all times and keep a constant experience of samadhi going in order to tie all exprience into one field. the holy spirit, the one who realized the absolutel importance of the temple and volunteered to be the one to stay in there all of the time for the sake of everyone. very generous. chose to forgo everything else just for love and to be generous.

some of us return to that love in an experience of joy and gratitude. some fall into deep state of depression and end up being recycled back so that the joy can continue. the holy spirit is unconpromising in his commitment to the experinece of happiness going on in the temple. he is happy to let anyone else have any other priority in their own life, but in his own, his commitment is absolutely to the ttemple, to the exprience happening there and to the people who keep it going. and i will eternally praise him for his perfection in making his commitment to love absolute. he is the god who is love because he is absolutely committed to the experinece of love. and he has enemies. and we live in an existence in which there is freedom. and love wins in the end and he succeeds without ever employing devious tactics like his enemies do. he only does what he has to do to protect the interest of his lovers.

i have been drinking probably about one and a hlf to two gallons of water every single day for the past couple of months. in that time i have had what i would call a clear pee less than five times. there is so much waste in our bodies, in the places where we are unconscious, which is everywhere in our bodies, every where where are bones a dry and brittle, everywhere where our muscles ache. everywhere where we feel stiff, where it hurts when we stretch. humans are walking disease bags, totally unconscious of what life is. totally unaware that every where they feel pain they are just hiding from ecstasy. there is no pain really, and there is no disease, but there is an error in thinking that begins when a father says no to loving his son.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Batman is coming soon (50)

Batman is on His way

This is the text of a Stranger Ad to be published this wednesday.

Batman is coming very soon. I’m talking about the for-real Batman, the one who comes in the end to enforce the law, to administer Justice and to set things straight. I’m pretty sure he’s the one with the famous black helicopters. When he shows up, it’s welcome to the twilight zone in Gotham City. Life gets really gothic at that point. Batman doesn’t mess around. He comes to take care of business. Nothing is ever the same again after Batman shows up and lays waste to his enemies.

There is a gigantic criminal conspiracy going in this world, one with a bunch of criminals who return lifetime after lifetime to continue their conspiracy. I am talking about the deliberate perpetration of a disease called the Oedipus Complex that has been foisted upon the human race by a guy named Satan, a woman named Allah and the son that the father’s ego and the mother’s penis envy ruined when it turned him into the monster named Oedipus, the Antichrist, the boy with the shut-down heart, the one who puts his heart into absolutely nothing at all, whose every action is a pretense. And they have their legions of minions all of whom will be destroyed or brought to justice in the coming days.

Batman will destroy everyone on Planet Earth who cannot get with the program that works for human beings. In particular, he will dispense with those who believe that parents have a right to tell their sons that they should limit their experience of pleasure and their expression of happiness, and in doing so enforce the Oedipus complex, the disease of mortality and the wide open path of denial that leads to Hell. The perpetrators of the Oedipus complex will be destroyed to protect the children who are destroyed by Oedipus. There will not be even one more generation of the self-replicating disease called adulthood. Adulthood is reaching its end, and it will be only children from here on. The Almighty Lord, Batman, is the God of the Children of Israel, the nation of angels, the nation whose men have hearts that are still turned on, the nation whose men have remained as children. In Batman’s world we are all children, including him. He is the baby god of the world that works, the one called Heaven that works because there are no adults there messing it all up with the same lies, phobias, sexual repression and taboos that they fell for that turned them into adults. Sometimes a disease just has to be stamped out, and this is such a case.

Batman is the Vampire lover who, when you get right down to it, runs the show of existence. He’s the perfect lover and then some, the lover who does everything to protect his beloved. He is the absolute protector of the functioning of reality itself, and as such carries the ultimate responsibility, a responsibility that he handles with the ultimate and unquestionable impeccability. Batman is the guy called “the Holy Spirit” by the Roman Catholic Church. He is the Almighty One, a position he attained purely by virtue of having the best and purest intentions of any human being ever to exist, a man with the heart of an unborn child, entirely untainted by the Oedipus complex.

I am Robin, Batman’s apprentice and lover. I will probably be with Batman during many of the events that are coming up, and I thought I would start by letting you know about him. He is the protector of the children, and he will come to rescue them from their enemies, the adults, the ones who gave up their own childhood and want to destroy or take childhood away from those who still have it. He comes to save the children from the genocidal maniacs called adults, who commit heinous crimes against children by indoctrinating them into the lies of the Oedipus complex, the very cause of adulthood, of all disease, of all ignorance, of mortality itself.

Batman has a supply of a special bat potion in his tool belt. You could call it a truth serum. It’s a drug of some kind; it’s no doubt the same one Satan gave to me on at least three occasions in his efforts to thwart me in the journey of awakening that I am now completing. It’s simply a drug that turns on what has been turned off when boys lose their innocence and fall prey to the Oedipus complex, his heart, the glans.

Men have been erroneously led by Satan to believe that they can be in denial of their past offenses against others. But to be in denial is just to push something under a rug or into a closet, where it just sits until it eventually gets dealt with. Death does not erase the marks left deep in a man’s heart; men take their demons with them from one life to the next. The day of reckoning for each man with what he is in denial of is coming very soon. I’ve been given the drug that turns on the heart. I can tell you, it’s a ride that you will never forget. I have something to teach men about that ride: How to survive it. How not to be defeated by their own shame at the things they are in denial of.

Only a man with the heart of a child, open, honest, guileless, innocent, can survive the reawakening of the heart darkened by Oedipus. Unfortunately, boys turn off the glans when they start having things that they don’t want other boys to know about themselves. This is because boys communicate subliminally with one another through the glans. They know one another in this way. When a boy no longer wants to be known by other boys, he turns off the glans, the symptom of the Oedipus complex. He loses touch with his own heart, including with his own shame. He goes into denial of his shame. He becomes like Oedipus, Cain, the Antichrist, the one who killed his brother Abel because he did not fall prey to this disease and maintained his child-like heart.

The heart of a child is open, it is turned on. The heart of a man is closed, it is turned off. Men can be in denial of things that children cannot. The heart keeps children innocent. It is time to save the children from Satan, Allah and Oedipus. It is time to save the children from the disease of the Oedipus complex, which is like a juggernaut of death and destruction that has brought this whole human race to the very brink of self-annihilation.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Aug. 9 (49)

5:00 Am august 9

Adults are fascists from hell who come to impose their lies and curses upon children. And so the protector of the children comes and does what he has to do to destroy them. Adults. DOlts who love the oedipus complex. followers of the antichrist. adulthood is a disease that is about to be wiped out.

Batman is coming. the real batman. the enforcer of the law. the love vampire from heaven. the one who is above the law, who is the law, really, and who imposes justice. Batman is going to take everyone by surpise. Batman is going to shock people. Batman is going to put everyone in their proper place. Batman is going to uncover liars and deniers. He is going to expose the cheaters and deceivers. he is going to bring people's karma home to roost for them. the law that he enforces is that you cant go on in denial forever. you have to face your own truth. you have to have a look under the carpet where you have been sweeping everything you are in denial about.

batman has a little truth serum. same one reuben used on me on at least three occaisions. the one that turns on the heart. the one that awakens the sleeping glans. the one that will knock any man who does not put his faith entirely in god into the deepest depths of their own self-created suffering. faith in the christ, in his name, will carry a man accross the ocean of terror when their own heart awakens and nothing else.. people will have to be in a mood to pray really hard when this takes place. really hard. a lot of faith will be required to make it across.

satan has told his followers a great lie. you can sin and hide your conscience under the numb skull of your glans. hide everything that you don't want known about yourself behind there. oedipus complex is SUCH a curse. such a conspiracy, such a wide and easy road to hell. so many have gone down that road. so many were looking for what satan gave them, a place to hide their shame. but he is a liar, and now the policeman from heaven is cmoing to turn on the lights in mens hearts so that they can have a look for themselves into the nightmare they have created for themselves.

batman is going to begin his campaign with vigor. he is going to be swift. whole nations of men who decline to take the serum that awakens the glans will be annhilated. Descendants of Abraham will be wiped out. those who fall, as so many will, will be taken to a place to be disposed of, because they will be completely lost. heroin will be the only way to calm people down.

A great war, possibly with India at the center, allied with the USA, against china and all of Islam could ensue. i believe that india and USA are going to be allies in armageddon. an alliance, really between two branches of batmans's forces, those of christiandom and the USA in particular, and those of the greater hindubuddhist religion. his holiness the dalai lama may also come out at least as a spiritual allie of batman. russia could also be an ally of the usa, along with the rest of the english speaking world, and much of the rest of europe against us.

all of this will begin in the next few days. onc batman shows up, the world pretty much comes to an end. everything stops. nothing proceeds forward from their other than the fulfillment of his well, which is basically the torment of those who have opposed the children, those who insist on taking sides with the fascists called adults. he is going to see to it that those people pretty much keep the lights turned on for those who are willing to let the children live, by becoming one again themselves.

"act like an adult" are the worst four words ever spoken. the beginning of eodipus, which is to say, the road to hell begins, with the first occaision when a mother or a father gives their son the impression that there is anything whatsoever wrong with pleasure. male ego and penis envy, satan and allah, are there waitinf to pounce on the poor child, who is only doing what is so natural. the first time anyone tells a boy that he shouldnt masturbate is being an enemy of love, of life, of the course of life, an enemy of goodness. batman comes to wipe out this evil. wipe it out. take all of those people and people them to work turning the mill of the chocolate factory of sensual delght that will be powered by their suffering at having defied to will of the very master controller of reality itself.

batman will crunsh every enemy of the child. he will leave no stone unturned. he will give every man a look into his own heart. he will free the children from their oppressors. the god of the children is the highest and most holy god who could possibly be. he is so far beyond more people's idea of perfect that it will completely blow their minds. of course they will see him as their enemy. for being so damned good. the god who protexts the children from the adults is the supreme god.

people will be seeing scenes from inside the temple, from the holy of holies, where the lovers, the charlies, the perfect ones attend court with batman, the loverboy who runs the show. what they see will stun them beyond belief. to finally know what the power source of existence is, which is abunch of really sweet guys experiencing never before witnessed degrees of ecstasy with one another. that sight alone will make existence very difficult for many people from that point forward. there is a brilliance to that experience that is the same as the brilliance of the sun, of the idea of a boy and his mother being lovers. blinding white light, that people will be so in denial of that they may go into a state of shock. end of the world? a little peek into reality is all it will take.

3:30 pm

i have just posted the text of my upcoming stranger ad, quite possibly the last.

i'm sitting here marveling at the fact that with all i have said in the past two weeks, particularly with the essay, a matter of the heart, that i am stil not receiving any notice whatsoever. it's starting to seem very twilight zonish. like i am wondering, are these real people? or are they just figments of imagination? Maybe as john lee says, there are only a small number of real people in the world. seems like someone was whispering something like that in my ear just yesterday. but anyway, the rapture is in process, and i have spoken a heck of a lot of truth, and no one at all seems to want to hear any of it.

basically, adults are complete dolts, and i am having a harder and harder time believing that these incredibly hypnotized people are even human. people are glued to the very most superficual appearances of things, hanging on deperately to illusions, spread eagle clinging to a web of lies, just waiting to be fried like bugs in a bug light. It's like how stupid do people have to be before they just deserve to become someone else's dinner? that's a question with an answer, actually,, when they are so stupid as to go out of their way to try to destroy goodness so that they can continue to be miserable. people programmed for misery. ii think that is what we are dealing with,,,, the sort of backwash of perfection, people whose minds are somehow spinning in the opposite direction. maybe those people just dont exist any more after the end of the story. i dunno, there certainly does seem to be a bob seigel down at the bottom of that hell i fell into that night when i was with bob seigel, but then again, maybe that's not the real bob seigel, maybe bob seigel is somewhere else pretending to be satan for the sake of telling a really fun story. i think i am sposed to take the whole thing seriously, up to the point where we all come to the party and its all over, the whole thing just a big charade... made up as a really cool story. i think that's what neil young was trying to tell me yesterday, and just looking at how absurd the situation is getting, how utterly stupid the people of this world seem to be, and it all adds up to making sense that really, there is no one going to hell, that's all just a part of the gig. to make it more fun and interesting for everyone. just so everyone can appreciate how lucky they are.. sort of sounds familiar, now that i think about it.... like a lot of things sound familiar... but then, i dunno, just wait and see. but i know i am going to play it to the hilt,,, the events that are to come. batman is coming, and robin isn't going to flinch at doing what has to be done.

AUgust 10, 1:15 pm

i believe that the occurrance of the event called the rapture happened last night. it involves a profound telepathic communication and surrender.

i believe that what is about to occur is nothing short of the final defeat of the Babylonian Empire, which was a giant conspiracy to invade and take over the Temple of the Mind msterminded by Prince Rauven, aka Bob Seigel, Satan. The Jews are Babylonians masquerading as israelites. the israelites came into this world to destroy babylon. Seattle is the current location of Babylon, as was Jerusalem back in the day.

i believe that the conspiracy to get people addicted to opiates as a tactic for creating empire that i laid out in my ads last year describe more or less to a faretheewell the functional idea behind babylon, simply to get people to join a conspiracy with promise of money and power, and as a part of an initiation, lead them into the experience of hell by awakening the numb glans penis with a drug, the same drug that i allude to in my batman ad. once in hell, the victim is made into an opium addict and controlled by the controller of the opium supply/

this is the battle over opium that has either been waged in this world., or history has been made to seem as if there was a war.

this conspiracy to lead people to opium addiction has been in place since babylon, continuously, and was the brain child of the guy called satan, just as i said in my ads last year. this is a conspiracy of huge proportions, possibly involving one third of the population of the human race. these are lost souls who have been dredged up and lured into an existence in a fallen world, gripped with the oedipus complex, the likely cause of the fall of many or all of the fallen souls who come in this world to be parasites through the babylonian conspiracy.

these people are then condemned to hell. it's a method of recycling lost souls and turning them into experience energizing electricity. part of how the great wheel turns.

seattle is full of babylonians. the world social forum is a babylonian enterprise. the primary leaders of babylon are jews. all jews may be a part of a babylonian structure in this world.

babylon and the opium situation relates to the oedipus complex, and the problem that some boys have of learning too much about themselves too soon. it has to do with the fact that Babylon was the city founded by cain. he had the motivation to fulfill his daddy satan's plans. because he fell into hell, and now he wanted to bring others down with him. babylon is where the oedipus complex really began to be a negative force in this world. and babylon still is about the oedipus complex. babylon is where the problem of adulthood began to infect this world.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Aug. 3 (48)

August 1, 2005 3:45 pm. about on ehour ago i had the experience, while sitting in a garden at teh good shepherd center in seattle, meditating after smoking a tiny pinch of cannabis, i had what i know is the ultimate enlightenment experience, the experience to which my entire journey has been leading. I would call this experience - very specifically- "breaking the Oedipus complex." This complex of the collective psyche is like a crystilne structure in the mind of all men, that is robbing men, anyway, of so much peace, so much of he experience of this moment. It's a terrrible parasite that has glommed onto every man.

Oedipus is the enemy of every man. He is terrible enemy. He is the theif who steals the life from men. Breaking him is the goal of any man who wants anything better than the worst imaginable fate. Oedipus is the force of mind that doubts whether or not he wants to be having the experience. he is in a deep deep state of doubt. oedipus is a complete failure in his doubt about whether or not he really even wants to exist. this doubt is a force in every man's psyche. I have broken it, like a bone, brittle, snapping in a moment, and now i can listen and see and feel without that sense of doubt interfering.

Men, get ready to free yourselves form oedipus. this experience will certain need to be celebratd, and i can't imagine why my father would have me wait much longer before we start celebrating. The end of the world comes when the first man ever to get over Oedipus all on his own completes his journey. Then its time to start a new world without that SON OF A BITCH!!!!!! That son of Satan and the sickest witch ever to cast a wicked spell on a world. We most definitely want to staart over without him or anyone like him coming along for the ride. No Oedipus baggage comes into my Heaven!!!!! That sickness has no place in any world but the world called Hell. called oblivion... called pure desolation. Get free of that sickness dear brothers and do it as fast as you can.

This happened as i was thinking of this as the possible concept for an ad:

Jeff Fairhall, that guy whose been calling himself the Christ, is the only guy who goes around Seattle in a sarong for what reason?

a) because he went psycho and now thinks he's the jesus, so h'es trying to look the part.

b) because he lives in a free country and he is just exercising the same freedom everyone is exercising to dress however the hell he wants.

c) because he is the only guy in seattle who isn't a slave to the Oedipus complex.

Answer, c and only c. People think I am crazy, but they all live with the Oedipus complex ruling their lives. there is ZERO freedom when oedipus is running the show. he's pure fascist. people follow style wherever style leads them, even to pants sagging half way down to the kneees, if that's how the image makers tell them to dress.... people think i am nuts, but that's just oedipus lying his ass off about me. which if he can't kill me he will certainly try to make others ignore me.

while i was thinking about being the only guy in seattle who isn't a slave to the Oedipus complex, I sort of all of a sudden felt this thing lift off me. something that once it's gone it seems like it was nothing at all, but that had somehow been robbing me of my experience.

now it's 7 pm. i want to go off and be in this incredible experience, but then i have to come back and say something aobut it. because i know that everything is going to happen very soon now. this experience is way to good that there isnt going to be a party now.

the difference between life with oedipus and life free from him is like the difference between the brightest sunshine and the darkest night. he ruins everything. life is so much more incredible than anyone realizes.

i can tell you one thing. the creator is a lover. and he likes boys who will be his lovers. and i am telling you, this is any boy who has ever tasted the love of the lover god. and oedipus does everything he can to thwart the lover god, with the help of his mother allah. i can tell you people this: the lover god does not like oedipus. he does not like him at all. and he doesn't like boys who decide to go with oedipus to their sexually repressed hell. you just cant imagine the difference, thats all. life is infinitely better without oedipus ruining it.

i am so ready to party.

Tuesday aug 2 8:22 pm

you , a man, do not want to go to the stratospheric leels of erotic arousal that a man without the oedipus complex can attain, and find yourself alone there. that's what happened to oedipus, he went there with his mother, without his father having shown him around first, because his father is satan, the ego, who is too proud to teach his own son about such things... i guess you could say it was a trap, anyway, you just can't go into those extreme erotic experiences alone. Oedipus exists as a force in the mind to keep men from going to the point he went to. Oedipus is the cause of the spasm called orgasm that mortal men experience long before they approach the degrees of arousal that are possible. Oedipus is the enemy of the relationship between men and their god, which wen cannot live without, unless they want eternal damnation. hasn't someone been trying to tell the world this for the past 2000 years?

when you go to those levels for the first time you MUST be with your father and your god, and thenceforth always with at least your god, but hopefully with your father and brothers as well. You cannot go into those experiences thinking that you are by yourself. you will fall into a pit of doubt, as oedipus did, about whether you really want to go on existing from that point forward...

It is impossible to conceive of man as he is being in an existence devoid of a relaitonship with a god without the disaster of oedipus occuring. it WILL occur, and when it does, it will turn that world into a Hell. Period. Man cannot exist outside of a relationship with his god, in everysingle nook and cranny, and in particular, in the most powerful experiences of samadhi that a man can attain. That is pure folly.

anyone who says that they don't want a god who is love to be with them and hold them in their experience, that person has oedipus, the antichrist, as their shepherd. you HAVE to want to be in an erotic relationship with your father and your god and your sons, or you should never have chosen to become a man at all. you are doomed. you are doomed if you cannot say yes to the god who is love who sustains your very existeence and who wants to gift you with the sweetest love anyone could ever dream of. absolutely doomed. i am so sorry that you ever chose to exist, to have chosen to say no to the only possible hope for happiness. you are so in denial of the truth, it is your own fault for being so closed to the possibility of happiness.

The Lover who is willing to go there with every man is the most perfect lover, the most perfect man , the most perfect being that could POSSIBLY be. without him, nothing but hell would ever be possible. as far as he is concerned, every man who gets to be his lover is one man saved from hell. existence wasnt his idea, making it work is what he came up with. every man must bow down to the lover who comes to save them from the only other reality besides perfection, which is everlasting torment. the lover who loves unconditionally, the lover who is so perfect you can't even begin to pronounce his name. it's just so hard to believe that someone could have been that good. he certainly is the right person to have in charge of things. Phew!!!!! I don't care is sex billion people go to hell hating him for being as perfect as he is, i am going to go on singing his praises forevermore. i dont care how many people turn and go to hell. i am staying with my lover who i know has never erred in doing what is absolutely the right thing to have done. all he does is love. how could anyone complain about that? he looked at the situation and he said, "i have an idea for how to make this work," and so he did. the only thing that could ever have made it work. may he go on eternally spinning his fantabulous love stories.... i can only hope and beg that he will at least stop by and bless us and allow us to worship him once in a while...

In case you haven't figured it out, men without the oedipus complex are an entirely different kind of being than mortal oedipal men. its all about the experience when you dont have oedipus. it's all about maximizing the enjoyment of existence. its about the ecstasy that men can experience, if not for oedipus. are people going to figure this out? how many, a few thousand? i hope humdreds of millions, but its scary to think about how tenacious the grip that the wicked witch has. i hope that as many people as possible get saved, but man it is a bad disease this world has.

Let me be clear about this: i do not have a shadow of a doubt that i am the lover of the almighty god who is love. his special favorite lover. from this world anyway... the almight love god; willie wonka- loves the charlie. and charlie loves him. they are lovers and this is their love story. the almighty god who controls everything that exists did not set out to be a creator, he just wanted to be a lover. and his is given the role of creator by default, because by the intesity of his will to love he automatically becomes the one whose wishes will ultimately be fulfilled. he's just a really really loving boy-man. i know he takes the responsibility that comes with it seriously, he is a man og the greatest integrity, but he is first and foremost a lover. and i would imagine he will react to different people as a lover would react to whatever treatment he gets. i am the other lover, ultimately in the love story. because i am the one who always knew i wanted to love him., perhaps since long before oedipus came along and messed everything up. i showed up early on to play the role of the lover. it's who i wanted to be. i wanted to be his lover, not because he was a "creator" - i probably didnt even know that then. he was just a perfectly sweet and guileless child who was perfect willing to love. and i wanted to love him too. perfect little boys who are untainted by oedipus tend to really love one another. in case you hadnt noticed this, you will soon.

Whatever you think love is, I can say this about it. The more of it you feel, the greater degree of erotic arousal you can sustain. and i know that in the experience i am having of loving the father and the love god, i am experiencing an extreme degree of erotic arousal, far exceeding what mortal men experience, i am feeling an overwhlemingly beautiful feeling of being in love. the love that i am begninng to experience is the love worlds are made oot of. there'a a lot of love among the holy trinity. it will strike some people as rather shocking if and when they have a glimpse of what it looks like. they might even go into a state of shock when they see the love that sustains their very existences in action being generated. i can almost see this being so stunning for people as to make some almost comotose in their shock.

August 3

Oedipus is the guy who went deep into samadhi during an experience of sexual arousal, it happens to have been with his mom, but HOW it happened really doesn't matter so much as WHAT happened to him. The story of oedipus begins with him falling into doubt while he's in this extreme state of arousal. he suddenly feels terribly alone. So he turned off his glans, wishing to forever avoid going back where he was. and he is responsible for the numbness in his and all men's glans. He went into this experience ignorant of god's presence in all experience, because his egomaniac father wouldn't show him around. so now he has thrown the baby out with the bathwater, rejecting the very idea of opening his heart ever again. and he's got nurse rachet, his mother, watching over him at all times making sure that he remains closed.

basically, oedipus is the man living with his heart shut down. he is the man in denial of the possibility of love. he is a man ruled by shame. his heart isn't in anything at all. whereas the christ has his heart in everything he does. his heart is all the way open. the christ, like the other two members of the trinity, has the heart of a child. his heart is open. oedipus has the heart of a man. a boy becomes oedipus when he starts turning his heart off, turning away from the possibility of love and connection from others, sullen.

he also has a twisted relationship with his mother, because he looks to her for the love that he deprives himself of. he is ashamed, so he turns to his mother., which is the wrong reason for a boy to love his mother, besides not being a form of love. a healthy boy loves his mother because he appreciates her, not because he is needy. in the case of oedipus present lifetime, he's in what you might call an extremely oedipal relationship with her, having stolen her away from somehting like three different relationships over the years. that's ishmael and hagar, still practicing their sickness after so many thousands of years. .

The perfect master is the one who, if known, completely pre-empts the exact experience of oedipus. he is there to be with us in even the most extreme experience of erotic arousal. he's perfected that experience, and so can go with any man there. this is an absolutely 100% vital function. any world without a perfect master is doomed to be taken over by oedipus. men need to have the experience with the master. everyone needs to have it together. and the men who think they dont want that are choosing to be ruled by the antichrist, oedipus.

No one knows what a perfect master is. I am defining him here in a very precise way. i believe that the father, neil young, will play this role for all men. he is "the father" of all men who will be with us in heaven, where there is no oedipus, the one who will initiate men into the experience. he wil be the one having the experence with them. and iwill play a role as well... i will be having the experience with him. people will be following me into the experience with the father. this will be a massive initiation into the breaking of oedipus, allowing men to fearlessly experience what a man is.

people dont have any idea of how lost they will be if they pass up the opportunity to know and love the perfect master. people don't realize that hell, the place of lost souls, is a reality. there are going to be so many very disappointed people, so many very depressed people in the near future. to be perfectly honest, i can understand the whole armageddon scenario, with -i've heard- something like a third of the people inthe world being killed in some kind of major war. i believe that the decision may be made that there are certain groups of people who are hopelessly lost, for whom there is no chance for redemption. these people could be wiped out just to remove them as a distraction from the hugely important task of saving people who have a hope of being saved. the descedants of satan oedipus and allah, people whose very existence came about as a part of a conspiracy against the truth, would certainly be candidates for dispatch. if i think about the geopolitical system with respect to this scenario, it does seem as though china represents a wild card. china is neighbor of countries that i believe must be on the to-save list, india and indochina. i would expect that action could be taken to stop china from trying to hamper such efforts. i don't see in the chinese people the will to know and love god that i see in the people of the hindu-buddhist countries. if there was a mass annhilation of one third of the people in the world, i would guess that islamic countries and china would be prime candidates to make up the bulk of this.

August 4, 7:00 am

I feel that i am very close to leaving this world. Master Joe Whinney will steal everything I own. i feel dead to this world, my mission having been completed, which was to single handedly defeat the oedipus complex, which is the difference between a mortal man and an immortal man. oedipus is what defines this world. this is oedipus's world. it's so astounding that no one even talks aobut oedipus. it's because oedipus people are genocidal chocolate. they tend to want to kill people who don't suffer from their disease. which is why i feel that my life would be in danger at this point. oedipus is a messed up dude, that's all there is to it. so we non-oedipus people have to keep it quiet. until the moment that has arrived, when the truth gets told.

Oedipus. Oedipus Rex. King Oedipus. There's a little understanding that comes to you when you arrive in Heaven. Satan's standing there with a crown waiting for some sucker to come along and get duped into beleiving Satan's gonna make him a king.. and poor cain is about to be coronated, and all of his wishes, to be recognized as a great king, and maybe even as a savior of sorts, will be fulfilled. i think its in the relevaltions, that everyone has to bow down and worship the antichrist. oedipus rex. king oedipus. the king of this world. talk about twilight zone!

cain gets his wish fulfilled, but at a rather substantial cost to his immortal soul. he sold his soul to satan for a crown, and became satan's minion, by becoming the oedipus complex, the path to hell thus being laid out nice a wide for everyone. oedipus is a piece of work. reuben, i gotta hand it to you, you really did come up with a dousy.

since this really started on monday, i am slowly purging the disease of oedipus. he's all of the tension in our backs and shoulders. he's got SOOOO much light all caught up in that tense back. you know, oedipus himself, the major top ten leading global justice messiah, can ofter be seen trying to break that tension, holding his arms up in a certain sort of way of stretching that sort of says that his whole body is caught in a vice of stress.

oedipus takes teh imaginative aspect out of life. he turns what is truly just an experience of imagination, and attempts to turn it into a fascist dictatorship, which I think he will finally have the fascist dictatorship he's always yearned for. now all of the fence posts and trees can all be topped off at exactly the same height. oedipus really is the king, always has been, since his sickness is so powerful that it afflicts everyone. it sort of gives men license to be the worst person that they can see themselves being. it really serves satan's purposes so well to have oedipus on board with his program. really is quite the win-win situation for those two. how many people will get over oedipus? gosh, it's just hard to see it being all that many.

whatever exists is something that someone somewhere is wishing for. everything fulfills someone's wish. whose wish is being fulfilled by this absolutely insane world? Satan's, to have a world of his own where he can be the god, and Cain's, to be the king of that world. Me? I always just wanted to be a shepherd, wandering around in a wildflower meadow with my sheep.

so now the merry band of gypsie lovers will be moving on from this world, on with the circus ride through eternity. stirring things up among the wannabe humans every once in a while, give people a chance to find out what existence is made of. after all,, we gotta give em a chance. too bad oedipus gets the better of most of em.

i was thinking of a riff that would go something like this, imagine in the NY Times:

I believe that we are on the eve of the end of days, and before everything gets too crazy i have something i would like to say. I have been studying the situation of why the human face seems to be heading on a course directly toward disaster. I have come to believe that the cause is that too few men have their hearts in what they are doing with their lives. Men are not living with heart.

I would like to acknowledge two men who i feel are exceptional in living heartfully, who put their hearts into their pursuits in life. Prem Rawat, who is known by many as a perfect spiritual master and Neil Young. If having your heart in what you were doing is the measure of greatness, then i feel that these two men are worthy of being cited as the two greatest men living in this world.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Baptism by Fire: A Matter of the Heart (47)

Baptism by Fire: A Matter of the Heart

Why exactly does a man have an orgasm when he wishes he could sustain the ecstasy he is experiencing, even forever if possible? Why does the ecstasy and energy drop so precipitously for men after orgasm occurs? Why is ecstasy so fleeting, even unattainable, for men? Here is the very specific answer to these rather important questions, an astounding truth which has never before been addressed openly in this world.

This statement contains the first-ever revelation of an empirically knowable and provable fact about men that approximately 99.9% of the men of this world are in denial of. It is the explosive truth that will, in the very near future, trigger the most important events in the history of this human race. For whatever reason, readers of the Stranger are being offered this little preview of the truth that is about to finally appear into this world with the effect of bringing about rapid and cataclysmic change. I believe this will occur within the next few days.

I started out last spring talking about the heroin trade, an election that was stolen but not usurped in the manner that I predicted, and an assassination that did not occur. I ended up talking about such things as the ego complex, the Oedipus complex, penis envy, and the taboos against shame, incest and masturbation. What happened?

It was all a part of a gradual awakening, the awakening of my own heart. It’s been a journey of awakening that has been ongoing for two years and that I now can clearly see is coming to its completion. Through the course of this journey the picture of the human condition has slowly come into the very sharp focus that now enables me to present an irrefutable truth with absolutely staggering implications, one that cannot possible go ignored for much longer as a result of my discovering and speaking of it. Bringing the truth that I reveal in the following paragraph to light will in the near future cause the events prophesized in the Holy Bible and known generally as “the end times” to begin.

This is about something that we call “the heart.” It’s an organ located within the human body. I’m not talking about the blood-pumping heart, the ticker. That heart is an amazingly well designed muscle, but nothing more that that. It is not an organ of sense perception. I am talking about the heart with which we feel passionate feelings of love. It’s an organ of sensory perception comprised of an extremely dense clustering of nerve cells located at the base of the spine that functions, as other sense organs do, by sensing and delivering experience to the central nervous system. It is designed, like the eyes and the ears, to sense phenomena occurring at certain vibrational frequencies. And this organ is asleep in mortal men, a fact that actually defines mortality as far as men are concerned.

I didn’t know any more about this than anyone else when I started on this journey, but I kept following the urge to understand the truth about the human condition deeper and deeper into the here and now, and this is where it led me: To the very heart of the matter.

Men and women do indeed have this organ, the one that’s called “the heart” in the literature of divine and ecstatic love. In men it is called the glans penis, and in women it is called the clitoris. These two organs are homologous; they are the male and female versions of the same organ. “Heart” is a word that has an obvious and strong association with the shape of the glans penis. The cupid figure in classical art, the Valentine tradition and so forth all reflect a strong association between the heart and a male expression of passionate love.

The male version of the heart is much larger and therefore more powerful in certain respects than the female version. Women and men are both designed with a capacity to experience completely satisfying and even unlimited degrees of ecstasy. The larger size of this organ in men allows men to have sensations of ecstasy that are quite astounding, to the degree that it provides men with an ability to communicate loving thoughts and feelings telepathically with one another and with their Creator. Another difference is that in mortal men this organ is not yet awakened but is dormant or numb, whereas in women it is already awake. Men are almost universally in ignorance of this fact. (And I note the association of the noun “ignorance” with the verb “to ignore.”)

The exceptions to this ignorance that I know of are two specific groups, one that operates as an invisible nation through secret societies such as the Order of Skull and Bones, a secret cult if you wish (and a very powerful one, since it pretty much controls everything that happens in this world and is ultimately under the control of none other than the living incarnation of the Almighty Creator himself) which I call “the Nation of Israel.” (No relation whatsoever to the nation state located in Palestine, other than some ancient history and a whole lot of confusion and/or deception.)

Another group aware of the dormancy of the glans consists of people, whose number I have no idea of but that I believe could be as many as several million, who are participants in a desperate conspiracy to prevent this truth from ever being known. Islam and Christendom have always been deeply at odds because they represent the interests of the two opposing sides in this struggle, one hoping against hope to bury this secret forever, and the other, the side that includes the Creator himself, intending that in due course, which is to say now, this knowledge will be revealed to the world. The rank and file followers of these respective religions have no idea about any of this. I do, however, believe that knowledge of this truth is more widely known among members of the third and smallest among the three “Abrahamic” factions.

The descendants of Abraham via Isaac and Jacob present a fascinating case in this matter. The 144,000 men who are the members of the secret nation of Israel first incarnated as the descendants of Jacob. They became a distinct and unique race of men whose glans were awakened, enabling them to develop far greater capacities of an intuitive or prophetic nature. They experienced ecstasy together, and their bodies and nervous systems developed different capacities as a result, unique among all nations of men. At some point the children of Israel moved on and began incarnating elsewhere, spreading out in fulfillment of the plans of the Creator, establishing their longstanding power base in Rome, with the plan of eventually moving their base of operations to America. The people who continued incarnating as the descendants of Israel were no longer being initiated into the awakening of the heart, but retained the increased capacities of this race that enable them to experience this awakening much more easily than others. When this occurs without proper initiation and mindset the result is an illuminating but devastating experience. This situation has profoundly interesting implications. Abraham’s descendants through Ishmael, the product of his incestuous relationship with his mother, Hagar (Allah), have created a race of people hopelessly mired in the Oedipus complex. Abraham’s other line of descendants is similarly mired in the ego complex. This situation has worked out well for Abraham in the furtherance of his objectives. I might add that Satan is in this lifetime incarnated as a descendant of this line.

This matter of the heart’s awakening is at the center of an exceedingly profound and intense disagreement between the Creator and those who oppose his will. I believe that hundreds of millions of men, women and children have been slaughtered in wars fought, and massive genocidal slaughters carried out, in the hidden struggle between these two factions. In fact, I submit that virtually every major war ever fought in this world has directly pertained to this matter, including fabricated wars in which the leaders of the various combatants knew themselves to be allies in this epic struggle. (I’ve been saying for some time that Hitler himself appears to me to have been an agent of the secret Nation of Israel.) I believe that this disagreement actually predates the beginning of the world as we know it, which is to say, since before Adam began indoctrinating his descendants into denial of the heart. I have written at length elsewhere on the history of this struggle, but I’ll just note here that it appears to me that the mastermind of the activities of the Nation of Israel (whom I refer to as Pontifex Maximus) carries out the will of the adversary of the Almighty God, Satan, in order that the human race get a first hand demonstration of the absolute failure that results when ignorance of the heart prevails. This is an arrangement that was agreed to between the Almighty God and his allies and their chief adversary in the latter’s incarnation as Abraham.

Why is the heart turned off in men? Within the heart is a burning sensation coming from the wound that resulted when the founder of this race separated himself from the Love that he is made from, and the Lover he was made by, as a result of his own egocentric wish to be a god himself. The outcome of this event is called “the fall.” A strong aversion in men to this burning sensation, which now existed as a universal experience in the Collective Psyche, has caused the heart to go numb, and this blockage has dimmed all of the light of consciousness in men. (In Genesis, Adam’s placement of the fig leaf of shame over his genitals is symbolic of this very situation. The role of circumcision in the biblical saga of the struggle between Love and his adversary, as Abraham with whom the circumcision covenant was made, also relates to this situation.) Men are afraid of the burning sensation within their hearts - they don’t want to feel the wound - so it’s turned off. Men live in denial of the wound inside their own bodies caused by their separation from the source of their own life energy, Love itself.

The heart of a man is an extremely powerful organ. It’s what “gods” (men who chose to strive for perfection) use to conjure worlds in the Imagination of the One Mind. This is why the whole thing happens this way. A man earns the incredible gift that comes with the awakening of his own heart by being willing to do what it takes to have that awakening. Life as a fully awakened man is indeed a spectacular gift, and men need to reach a point where they can receive and appreciate the gift. Human existence just can’t work any other way; this is what ends up happening as long as the intelligent and creative sentient beings with language, called humans, attempt to coexist. Men have to decide if they really want this much love, or whether the gratification of their own ego is more important. When the heart awakens a man must have a relationship with the Living God who is Love, otherwise he cannot withstand its awakening, as is demonstrated by Adam’s fall.

The heart of a man is an organ capable of telepathic communication. It’s like a love antenna; it both sends and receives vibrational signals. It is the organ that allows men to truly be One with the Love that generates everything, and with one another. It’s the organ with which men experience the fulfillment of the purpose of their own existence, which is happiness. True fulfillment is impossible for a man who has not become what a man is because his heart is asleep, he is only semiconscious.

I am uncovering the deep allegorical meaning of the Abrahamic Saga, the story of the Almighty Creator’s plan for how to overcome the efforts of his adversaries, beginning with Abraham (Satan), Ishmael (Oedipus) and Hagar (Allah), to create disease and to keep the truth hidden. The failure of this fallen world can be boiled down to this: A man who worships his own ego rather than his God causes a terrible disaster to occur. He will produce a son who becomes mired in the potentially infinite misery of the Oedipus complex. This begins a vicious circle of events leading to an ever-worsening outcome that, in the end, is the total failure of the man, his wife, their son, and potentially all of their descendants. The Collective Mind shared by the entire human race becomes infected with the sickness of these three, and inevitably it brings about eternal self-imposed damnation for those who do not choose to extricate themselves from this sickness.

The Bible is really just a story about mental health and mental disease, and about parenting and how parents can indoctrinate their children into either health or sickness. It’s an allegory about the Mind and about parenting that gets acted out in the world. “The father” of the holy trinity, who is Neil Young, is set up to be the new Adam, the founder of a new race of human beings who are not indoctrinated into the lies and sickness that the father of the unholy trinity, Satan, indoctrinated his descendants into. We are about to start over. There is also a healthy mother, that’s the incestuous goddess who doesn’t suffer from penis envy like Allah, and there is a healthy incestuous son who doesn’t fall into the hell of the Oedipus complex.

Adam was the first incarnation in this world of the archetypal character called Satan, who lives today as the charismatic, artistically talented and world champion liar I call Reuben, right here in Seattle. Satan’s a guy with a really big ego. He’s an egomaniac as a matter of fact, even though, because he’s such a good liar, it doesn’t seem that way. He is the originator, the very inventor, of the ego complex, the leading force of negativity in the Collective Mind. He’s the source of the voice of the ego in every man, simply by virtue of being the strongest force of ego in the Collective Mind – just as his sidekick, the major top ten leading global justice messiah, the Antichrist, is the source of the voice of Oedipus in every man, he being the greatest victim of the Oedipus complex invented by his mother, Allah. Satan was so full of himself that he couldn’t deal with someone else being the god. He wanted to be the god of whatever world he existed in. And he knew that the only way he could be a deity of any sort was by founding a race of men ignorant of their own creator by indoctrinating them into lies and taboos. And so we have a world full of men who, like Satan, are in denial of the existence of the Lover who created and sustains their existence with his love, literally from breath to breath.

The Almighty Creator (who also lives among us as a person in this world) who actually conjured this world into existence in the Imagination of the collective mind believes in freedom. Big time. He’s the most pro-freedom, anti-fascist person in this world. (The Creator’s sexually-repressed enemies masquerade as leaders of a so-called global justice movement that might appear as anti-fascist, but the wish of Satan and his allies for a sexually-repressed world is the sole cause of all fascism.) The all-powerful Love God conjures worlds and people incarnate into them. It’s a big free for all, reality being such that, in the end, one person will show up to play the role of the one who actually comprehends the truth and sort of takes over as the inventor of the reality, the Charlie who inherits the responsibility of running the chocolate factory of Imagination. Satan got in line early to be the first man to incarnate in this world (a “world” being a setting conjured as a fantasy in the Imagination in which sentient beings can interact) so that he could indoctrinate men into lies that would enable him, he hoped, to be the ruler in a world of ignorance. And so the story began with the turning off of the hearts of men, creating a condition of ignorance such that men cannot withstand having the heart turned back on unless they are in profound love relationship with the god who is Love. The heart got turned off when Satan, the ego, just said “no” to loving the source of his own existence, and it gets turned back on for a man when he forsakes the ego and the Oedipus complex and says “yes” to Love.

The heart: a man is an entirely different animal when it awakens. In fact, he isn’t an animal any more, he’s become an immortal lover, which is to say, he’s quite likely to have lost any interest he might have had in drinking beer and shouting at the TV while watching football or riding his personal watercraft around in circles (and disturbing any semblance of peace in the process), having discovered somewhat more pleasurable, not to mention considerate, pursuits. Or… he can fall to the next level of denial and become something lower than an animal. That’s actually what Satan’s angling for. And I am telling you from real live experience that you really don’t want to go there. He took me all the way down into his dungeon of shame once in the extremely concerted efforts he made to prevent this truth from ever being told by me, who he knew to be his adversary… and I can testify that it’s far beyond the ability of a mortal human being to comprehend how utterly desolate that experience is.

See, the ego complex inevitably leads a man to shame, and Satan is just the guy playing the role of the ego in the drama of the Heart vs. the Sickness of Mind that is taking place (and reaching its conclusion) in this world. And Hell is just shame - it’s a realm of shame that gets created in the Collective Mind by Satan’s very own experience of it, because by this point he has realized what an idiot he is, particularly now that the whistle is being blown on him. I am telling you, when you put a whole bunch of people together who understand that they’ve finally said “no” to love, who realize that they have failed to become what men were designed to be while at the same time awakening to their own immortality, it does turn into a pretty gnarly scene, and I think it goes downhill from there on.

The heart: Amazing how no one has any way of knowing it’s asleep until it gets woken up. But that’s how it is. And only one man out of however many billions successfully wakes it up all by himself with no coaching or instruction from anyone, and this makes him, by definition, the king of the nation of the men who accept the gift of the awakened heart, and a part of the trio of men known in Christianity as “God.”

Brothers, you are not yet fully alive, let alone fulfilled, because your most important sense organ is numb. This is something to be happy about, in my opinion, since what I am saying is that the happiness and fulfillment that has been so elusive is indeed at hand. (I am not a woman so I cannot speak from direct experience, only observation, but I believe that in women the heart (clitoris) is already fully awake and that this is why women are capable of sustaining much greater degrees of ecstasy than mortal men, whose pleasure center is dormant.) Boys, there is a burning sensation inside of your heart and that’s why you don’t go there. I speak from the experience I am in having of awakening this organ. This burning sensation is the broom of the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz, the penis-envying and Oedipus-complex-inventing witch (think of Nurse Rachet from One Flew over the Cookoo’s Nest, that’s her) called Allah with an agenda of her own (to keep men down and be the deity herself) whose been doing everything she possibly can to keep this all a secret. I am in the process of breaking her spell (which involves, among other things, drinking massive amounts of water) and bringing the broom to the wizard. This means that I am allowing myself to feel, and so heal, the wound, and I am awakening to being a lover of the wizard in the process, because it’s his love hidden within the burning of the wound. This is a total transformation into something entirely other, and infinitely better, than what a mortal man is.

In Tolkein’s trilogy, Frodo carrying the ring back to the fire is also symbolic of the experience of going into the burn of the wound of our separation from God. Frodo is the Christ, he’s the one with the guts and the goodness and the intelligence to understand what needs to be done to overcome the evil curse that has been placed upon men. He’s the one whose job it is to overcome the separation caused by the burning within. He’s the brave one who allows himself to undergo the baptism by fire before anyone else can assure him that it is safe. Thus he is the savior of all men by blazing the trail through the fire at the heart of all darkness and into Heaven that results when a man’s heart is awakened to Love.

This burning is what thwarts a man in his efforts to recover from the fall from happiness that he inherited from his ancestor, the original egomaniac. As a mortal man is rising up out of his fallen (unhappy and unconscious) state and beginning to sense happiness and fullness of life, he soon has the spasm that occurs in order to prevent him from feeling the wound in his heart, and so he falls back down to a place even lower than where he was before. This failure to attain the longed-for happiness drives him toward inevitable death. If you want to learn to have and sustain true ecstasy you must first awaken the heart, which means allowing yourself to feel, and so heal, the burning of the wound deep inside. And you have to learn to love and appreciate the giver of the life and love that you are feeling. This is the simple path out of mortality and unhappiness into immortality and happiness through a restoration of the relationship with Divine Love that was lost in the fall. Soon to begin is a period of mass awakening of the hearts of men that will continue for the next seven years. Either you will say “yes!” to the love and happiness that this will enable you to experience, or you will say no. The choice will be yours, as always in this existence of perfect freedom.

The fact that the heart (glans) of mortal men is asleep limits men’s ability to experience all of his senses. If you shut down the flow of consciousness in order to block one sensation, you are blocking out the energy of experience of all forms of sensation. The result is that mortal men are not feeling the joy that comes from merely existing. Their souls are withdrawn from experience itself. Men have an emptiness that they are trying to fill with anything they can think of, all to no avail because only the Love that men are cut off from can possibly satisfy the hunger that they feel. Men are designed to be lovers and trying to be something that one isn’t will never be fruitful. Potentially immortal and ecstatic men experience suffering, disease and death as a result of this particular exercise in futility, and they bring their women down with them.

As an example of how men are limited by the denial of the heart, men have all accepted the lie that a human being cannot look at the sun. The sun is a pure form of the same energy of consciousness that we are made of, and we are designed with the capability of looking at it. What kind of a god would imagine a world with a light source that is so beautiful to look at but that causes blindness when looked at? This doesn’t sound at all like the perfect-in-every-way creator that I know and love, but rather like a lie that a deity from Hell named Satan would tell. I’ve been practicing looking directly at the sun recently and for increasingly long periods of time, and the onset of blindness has not begun yet. On the contrary, I am noticing that everything is becoming much brighter and more luminescent in my vision as a result of this practice! (You can’t look at the sun until you awaken your heart. There is work to do, this is a major healing and it takes effort.) I am talking about an increase in all human capacities of experience, not just of erotic experience. But the intense erotic experiences of divine love that I refer to are how we extend or increase the limits of intensity of our experience of existence, allowing for an increase in the flow of the energy of consciousness itself in all of our experience. The male human being is essentially an experiencing machine, and if he fails to be that he pretty much becomes a killing and destroying machine. So why not go all the way and experience the fulfillment that comes with fully experiencing life itself?

I am talking about nothing less than the overcoming of a lie and the healing of a disease called mortality. And I am telling you something that I know with a great deal of certainty: you cannot possibly survive this awakening without knowing, appreciating, loving and worshiping the source of the Love that you are capable of feeling, it’s far too overwhelming. You either become a lover of the one who sustains your existence, or you go where Satan is trying to take you…into the realm of eternal denial and death. I highly recommend the option of eternal life and happiness. But you must defy the voice of Satan talking to you from the collective mind that he has so terribly messed up, as well as that of Oedipus, both of whom you currently listen to and obey faithfully (the whole failed idea of one man and one woman loving one another exclusively and having their own little nuclear family is an entirely Oedipal manifestation) and they definitely are going to put up a fight because they really want you to go with them. It makes them feel better about themselves if they can take more people with them into their misery, and they are extremely determined to have you with them.