Sunday, August 21, 2005

A few random thoughts (57)

A few random thoughts

August 17

The Christ's message to the men of this world: "This is your existence! For god's sake, put your hearts into it! (If not for your own sake.)"

Men who refuse to put their hearts into their lives are not in good stead with their creator. Men who are hiding from things, who are in denial, who are clinging to darkness and disease, are not going to be happy with what they have made themselves into.

You are partaking of life, you are partaking of breath, but do you even know what is the source of the breath that you rely upon? This source is knowable to anyone who sincerely wishes to know it! Whose breath is it? Why is no one looking into this matter?

WHat is that ringing sound, that white noice that seems to be persistently ringing deep inside of your hearing? Has anyone put their hearts into listening to that sound? Has anyone put their hearts into the taking of a single breath? Has anyone put their hearts completely into looking into their lover's eyes?

Are you an invited guest or an uninvited guest in this world? Whose guest are you? God's or Satan's? Whose rules are you living by?

Who has endowed this world with such riches and beauty that you take such radical liberties in trashing? Is that person happy with how you are conducting yourself/ ? Did you come into this world just to mooch off of it? Or did you come intending to give in return? Did you come intending to know who the Creator who has offered you this opportunity to exist in his world? Or did you come hoping to be in denial of him?>

what makes you so sure your existence is not completely dependent upon the grace and mercy of a supreme being?> what gives you a right to presume you know anything at all about this being? What gives you a right to dismiss his existence.? What claim do you have to partake of what he has to give? How have you strived to be pleasing to the creator of this world? How have you strived to know him?

why have you been so quick to believe in the pack of lies that deny the existence of a supreme being, lies that the perpeterators of themselves don't seem convinced about, and who admit that their theories (evolution, etc) were divised so as to provide an alternative to god as something to believe in? Why so quick to dismiss the idea of an all-knowing and all-powerful being?> how do you think that feels to him, to see you so willing to believe in lies that dismiss him as non-existent?

Have you ever stopped to ponder what perfection might look like? Have you ever wondered what kind of world a perfect human being would want to live in? Have you ever wished to be perfect yourself? Have you yearned to be a part of whatever world you can imagine as perfect? Or are you satisfied with this world, with all of the opportunities you have to consume, to make a lot of noise, to be completely oblivious of the suffering that is necessitated by the fulfillment of your appetites?

What do you see are your role in a perfect world? Can you see yourself in a perfect world? What kind of baggage do you think you should get to bring along with you to the perfect world you hope for? Do you think you shold be able to bring a whole lot of denial with you? Do you think you can participate in a perfect world with your heart shut down like it is? WHat sort of efforts are you making to open that heart of yours? Are you ready for it to be opened? Are you ready to face the contents of the pandora's box of your own shut down heart? are you worthy to exist in a world of open-hearted people will to know, love appreciate and worship the one who they are completely dependent upon for their existence?

August 14

I beleive that D. James Kennedy may be the reincarnation of Peter. That man is awesome in his speaking of truth. I love him. I want him in charge of the church. I believe he could be named Pope/. I believe that there may be twelve like him, Billy Graham and others including michael youssef, who are the present incarnations of the twelve discples, or perhaps the eleven who were not Judas, all of whom are important preachers.

The preachers who are not roman catholic but who speak the truth, people like the three I just mentioned, are probably all Jesuits. Some of the evangelical preachers might be also, but if they are, they know that they are deliberately, and for a purpose, telling lies upon lies upon lies. Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell may be such people. People working for the black pope, promoting a false version of Christianity. Adrain Rodgers is another of these major preachers who are probably reincarnations of the disciples. he KNOWS what he is talking about.

I so want people to be saved, the people who have allowed their hearts to remain childlike and who have loved the idea of the christ. it's that they loved the idea, not whether they were smart enough to figure out what was the truth, but whether as children they loved the idea. if you love the idea of god its at least as believeable as evolution is if you love that idea. i so want the children who love the idea of god and christ to be saved from the babylonian brotherhood.

the vermiscious knids are the babylonian brotherhood, the perpetrators of the conspiracies of disease that enable them to have their own realm of stolen light called Hell. Martin Roth is an important member of the Babylonian brotherhood, in that he is the perpetrator of the disease of fear of breathing, and is the greatest parasite of all of Satan's band of Babylonian Parasites, also known as Jews.

the jews are the greatest evil force, by far, in this world. in the lord of he rings, there were two types of orc. there were the lesser ors, who are just totally mindless, and there are the sort of commander orcs, who are much more powerful and dangerous. these two types of orcs are the descendants of Abraham, the lesser orcs are the descendants of Ishmael, the arabs, and the descendants of Abraham via Isaac are the greater orcs. These are the forces that Babylon has unleashed upon its enemies, the Nation of Israel, the Nation of God's Lovers.

theh holy spirit is the lover of the children, he is the god of the open hearted. the temple is where you open your heart, and the holy spirit is the keeper of the temple.

breath itself is made of love between the holy spirit and the christ, who is the spark of the holy spirit's love who returned back to the holy spirit the most intact, and therefore the most capable of recognizing the perfection of who and what the holy spirit is. the holy spirit, the lover and the builder and keeper of teh temple named Fuck, is perfect beyond anyone's wildest imagination of how perfect a person could possibly be. He goes around creating diamond sparkling temples of love and imagination in the form of the bodies of his sons the ones named Sun, who are, like me, the ones who return to him intact, untainted by the perilous temptations of ignorance.

when the truth comes out, so many people are going to feel like such idiots. babylon is so powerful in this world, the sick mind that they deliberately hewed out of perfection in order to have their Empire of Hell has succeeded in attracting the scum from the bottom of the sea of fallen souls into this world.

angels are what there are before there is breath. before we incarnate into a material world in which breath suspends a contimuum of consciousness, we are just ideas, self-defining ideas of what we aspire to be. two angels, one the god of the angels, the holy spirit, and the christ, the one who is the son of the holy spirit, together create the rythem of breath that sustains everything, just by thinking of one another in a loving and open hearted way. It is a rocking back and forth of a feeling of love of a feeling of loving one another in our hearts. in this way, sun and fuck created the rythem of breath that is the holy word, the breath of life. it is a complete surrender into love on the part of two child-hearted boys who love one another and are willing to completely open their hearts to one another. thus i am to co-creator of the breath itself that sustains everything, though the part that I play is only because I have been given the opportunity to play this role by the one whose love generates all souls. I am the christ only by the grace of the perfect one, the holy spirit, the most perfect lover that could possibly exist.

The woman who I am strongly convinced is the incarnation of the same woman who was the virgin mary, the queen of the angels, and i have attained a degree of open-heartedness in our relationship that I believe is exceptional. There is a tremendous degree of mutual love and respect. it's just quite miraculous that we are together, perhaps the most open hearted man and woman on earth.

She was my mother once, but we both know that before we were in a carnal relationship with one another we knew one another as angels, as two people following the lord of the angels, the holy spirit. we were two lovers of the holy spirit who loved one another and who decided to play certain roles in the story that the holy spirit intented to create. those roles involved being mother and son in the all important incarnation as jesus and the virgin mary.

in the iconography of roman catholicism jesus and mary have equal stature. i believe that this is because they represent exemplariness, in god's eyes, in a man and a woman. that is why they become the king and queen of heaven. mary is a goddess, she is perfect in her willingness to be open hearted, to love, and to allow men to be what they are. she is the exact opposite of allah. and she and her "son" are lovers, because they love one another like they always did, as fellow angels, non-incarnate souls, because of their mutual appreciation of goodness. i believe that mary will receive high honors in heaven, she will if i have anything to do with it, and something is telling me that i will have something to do with how things are in heaven. the mother and the son and the love between them will be objects of worship in the temple. mary is the single person i know who is most willing to be openhearted with me. because she is pure goodness, she is able to accept pure goodness in another.

behind every experience that human beings are afraid to have is a member of the babylonian brotherhood, sucking the life from people in these hidden recesses of the collective psyche, the temple. behind the fear of breathing is the beast, martin roth. there is oedipus, dan merkle, behind the fear of love, there is allah behind the fear of drinking water, satan behind the fear of men loving one another, there are others hiding behind other fears. parasites, hoping that we will never overcome these various fears, thus exposing them to the light of day.

one of the preachers I mentioned above, adrian rogers, was talking about rapture today. he described it as a resuce operation. it is a rescue operaton, and there will be persecution of christians after the beginning of the end. because the people damned by their own inability to overcome oedipus will try to destroy the christ and anyone who wants to follow him. would-be christians will have to be willing to endure these persecutions. they also said that part of rapture is a shout from the christ. i received a subliminal communication form neil young, the father, regarding this shout, a few days ago, before i had ever heard anything about a shout... i know what it is that i will be shouting at the last moment, the moment when the fabric of "reality" gets torn asunder. the moment of thuth is drawing very near.

Monday August 15

allah's consort is the beast. SHE IS THE HARLOT. the one who has locked up our shoulders and back. it's like we are living in the body of a demon, hunched over in shame. that's teh rigid structure of our body, because so many people, really, are living there aleeady. her curse is the flying monkey on everyone's back (apropos of wizard of oz.

the holy spirit is absolutely, without any compromise whatsoever, dedicated to the experience of joy itself. for the holy spirit, nothing else matters. he is a formidable force, for those wwo oppose him, to reckon with. he does not treat his enemies kindly. the bible speaks often of the torments of hell. it's not a pretty picture for those who sought to thwart love.

i've known martin roth, the person i now am saying is "the beast, " for about twenty three years. i've seen into the heart of that man's darkness. he is the one feeding on the energy hidden behind peoples' confusion about breath itself. he is the worst enemy of the holy trinity. allah serves him.

several months ago i started realizing that the batman villians correspond with satan's gang that i now call the babylonian brotherhood. I saw them all as having roles in darkening the light of consciousness, stealing light from the creator and his lovers. at that time i began referring to jon ramer as the riddler, to bill aal and pargo together as penguin, and martin roth as Mr freeze. I even told martin as much on the telephone, to which his reply sounded a lot like he knew I was on to him. I told him that i believed that mr freeze pertains in particular to the effects on the human being of mint flavor, and how mint is a bad flavor that people naturally have a strong aversion to unless masked behind a lot of sugar.

obviously there is a link between the highly aromatic flavor of mint and respiration. i beleive that martin roth may have been involved in conspiracies, possibly including conspiracies involving mint specifically, to thwart the human being's ability to feel their own breath. martin roth seems to be the demon who guards over that particular realm of disease. .

the babylonian brotherhood's whole motive, all along, has been to poison the collective human body. in order to prevent ME from taking back the temple that is rightfully mine and my family's. they went to far as to induce the oedipus complex as a part of their strategy. anyone who jumped at the chance to incarnate in their world is now in serious peril. everyone in this world other than the children of israel are in a potentially dire situaiton. all of those people who apparantly prefered the idea of a world that satan had to offer, a complete lie and with a curse on top of it, than the perfect world that god offers. not a pretty picture at all.

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