Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Batman is coming soon (50)

Batman is on His way

This is the text of a Stranger Ad to be published this wednesday.

Batman is coming very soon. I’m talking about the for-real Batman, the one who comes in the end to enforce the law, to administer Justice and to set things straight. I’m pretty sure he’s the one with the famous black helicopters. When he shows up, it’s welcome to the twilight zone in Gotham City. Life gets really gothic at that point. Batman doesn’t mess around. He comes to take care of business. Nothing is ever the same again after Batman shows up and lays waste to his enemies.

There is a gigantic criminal conspiracy going in this world, one with a bunch of criminals who return lifetime after lifetime to continue their conspiracy. I am talking about the deliberate perpetration of a disease called the Oedipus Complex that has been foisted upon the human race by a guy named Satan, a woman named Allah and the son that the father’s ego and the mother’s penis envy ruined when it turned him into the monster named Oedipus, the Antichrist, the boy with the shut-down heart, the one who puts his heart into absolutely nothing at all, whose every action is a pretense. And they have their legions of minions all of whom will be destroyed or brought to justice in the coming days.

Batman will destroy everyone on Planet Earth who cannot get with the program that works for human beings. In particular, he will dispense with those who believe that parents have a right to tell their sons that they should limit their experience of pleasure and their expression of happiness, and in doing so enforce the Oedipus complex, the disease of mortality and the wide open path of denial that leads to Hell. The perpetrators of the Oedipus complex will be destroyed to protect the children who are destroyed by Oedipus. There will not be even one more generation of the self-replicating disease called adulthood. Adulthood is reaching its end, and it will be only children from here on. The Almighty Lord, Batman, is the God of the Children of Israel, the nation of angels, the nation whose men have hearts that are still turned on, the nation whose men have remained as children. In Batman’s world we are all children, including him. He is the baby god of the world that works, the one called Heaven that works because there are no adults there messing it all up with the same lies, phobias, sexual repression and taboos that they fell for that turned them into adults. Sometimes a disease just has to be stamped out, and this is such a case.

Batman is the Vampire lover who, when you get right down to it, runs the show of existence. He’s the perfect lover and then some, the lover who does everything to protect his beloved. He is the absolute protector of the functioning of reality itself, and as such carries the ultimate responsibility, a responsibility that he handles with the ultimate and unquestionable impeccability. Batman is the guy called “the Holy Spirit” by the Roman Catholic Church. He is the Almighty One, a position he attained purely by virtue of having the best and purest intentions of any human being ever to exist, a man with the heart of an unborn child, entirely untainted by the Oedipus complex.

I am Robin, Batman’s apprentice and lover. I will probably be with Batman during many of the events that are coming up, and I thought I would start by letting you know about him. He is the protector of the children, and he will come to rescue them from their enemies, the adults, the ones who gave up their own childhood and want to destroy or take childhood away from those who still have it. He comes to save the children from the genocidal maniacs called adults, who commit heinous crimes against children by indoctrinating them into the lies of the Oedipus complex, the very cause of adulthood, of all disease, of all ignorance, of mortality itself.

Batman has a supply of a special bat potion in his tool belt. You could call it a truth serum. It’s a drug of some kind; it’s no doubt the same one Satan gave to me on at least three occasions in his efforts to thwart me in the journey of awakening that I am now completing. It’s simply a drug that turns on what has been turned off when boys lose their innocence and fall prey to the Oedipus complex, his heart, the glans.

Men have been erroneously led by Satan to believe that they can be in denial of their past offenses against others. But to be in denial is just to push something under a rug or into a closet, where it just sits until it eventually gets dealt with. Death does not erase the marks left deep in a man’s heart; men take their demons with them from one life to the next. The day of reckoning for each man with what he is in denial of is coming very soon. I’ve been given the drug that turns on the heart. I can tell you, it’s a ride that you will never forget. I have something to teach men about that ride: How to survive it. How not to be defeated by their own shame at the things they are in denial of.

Only a man with the heart of a child, open, honest, guileless, innocent, can survive the reawakening of the heart darkened by Oedipus. Unfortunately, boys turn off the glans when they start having things that they don’t want other boys to know about themselves. This is because boys communicate subliminally with one another through the glans. They know one another in this way. When a boy no longer wants to be known by other boys, he turns off the glans, the symptom of the Oedipus complex. He loses touch with his own heart, including with his own shame. He goes into denial of his shame. He becomes like Oedipus, Cain, the Antichrist, the one who killed his brother Abel because he did not fall prey to this disease and maintained his child-like heart.

The heart of a child is open, it is turned on. The heart of a man is closed, it is turned off. Men can be in denial of things that children cannot. The heart keeps children innocent. It is time to save the children from Satan, Allah and Oedipus. It is time to save the children from the disease of the Oedipus complex, which is like a juggernaut of death and destruction that has brought this whole human race to the very brink of self-annihilation.

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