Monday, April 25, 2005

Warning to the Human Race (32)

Warning to the Human Race

It has come to the attention of the author of this statement that the popular children's story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl, is a profound and concise allegory regarding the true nature of Reality. In this story, the character of Willie Wonka represents the Creator of our Universe, and the character of Charlie represents His son.

Roald Dahl was British. In Great Britain wank is a common slang term for masturbate and a person who masturbates is called a wanker. Also note that in all English speaking countries, the term "willie" is a common slang term for penis. It is unlikely that Dahl's use of the name Willie Wonka for a character representing God was merely an outrageous Freudian slip but, rather, it can probably be taken to mean that Roald Dahl had reason to believe and to suggest that our Creator has a noteworthy fondness for masturbation.

Dahl's choice of this name for his God character suggests that the Creator doesn't masturbate furtively as mortal men do but, rather, openly and with complete abandon, wishing to be seen, admired, and perhaps felt as a sensation in their own bodies, by the people who live by His Grace and in His Creation. Perhaps the Kingdom of Heaven is a little bit sexier than most people have ever imagined.

Note that in the first film version of his story, for which Dahl wrote the screenplay, there are prominent images of the amanita muscaria mushroom inside the chocolate factory, in a room in which everything is edible. One of the characters in the story is shown eating this mushroom. Following this scene is an extremely freaky scene in which Willie Wonka takes his guests on magical mystery boat ride to his sanctum sanctorum, the Invention Room. Clearly this suggests a journey into the inner workings of the Mind itself. Please note that many researchers have noted the importance of amanita muscaria in the secret initiations of numerous mystical traditions, including within the Christian tradition. Please consider the likelihood that Dahl's inclusion of images of his character eating amanita muscaria was deliberate and not random. Please see the work of James Arthur for more on the importance of Amanita Muscaria at As someone who has become proficient in navigating the experiences induced by amanita it is obvious to me that the reference to this mushroom in the Willie Wonka movie has important significance.

Note that there is no indication in Dahl's story that Willie Wonka has a female love interest. And also note that Willie Wonka seems to have a particularly strong fondness for Charlie, a boy who is portrayed as having the attributes of humility, gentleness, selflessness and respect for his elders. In a word, Charlie is meek. You can almost here Willie Wonka saying, "This is my only begotten son, in whom I am well pleased." (The story also seems to allude to another biblical passage by suggesting that "the meek shall inherit the chocolate factory.") The upshot of this paragraph is that it seems that Dahl is suggesting that the Creator is, like Socrates and his Athenian cohorts, a lover of fresh young men, a "pedophile." I would like to suggest the possibility that the Creator is rather child-like himself. Why would he necessarily be a "grown man" when as an immortal He can presumably be whatever "age" He chooses. Perhaps the Creator prefers having the characteristics of a playful eight year old boy to being an old man with a long white beard. How can anyone presume anything at all about the Living and Almighty Creator?

It would not require a background in rocket science to figure out that the reason the Creator, in whose image and likeness our ancestor Adam was made, likes masturbation is simply because it feels good. It stands to reason that if in the beginning the only thing that existed was the Creator, that He wouldn't have just sat there twiddling his thumbs, or dreaming up a world in which he could get his hands on a lap-top so He could play FreeCell, but rather that He might engage in an activity that brought Him pleasure, and He might also begin engaging in erotic fantasies. Who wouldn't? Perhaps the Universe we are living in is a product of the Creator's erotic fantasy. Certainly the Creator is without shame and it was to shame that Adam succumbed after eating the forbidden fruit; clearly this is a fundamental difference between a god and a man. If God is without shame he would have no reason to conceal the fact that He likes to masturbate. Is there anyone out there who thinks masturbation is a sin and that it is blasphemy for me to suggest that our Creator likes to masturbate? If so, where is your evidence that the Creator considers masturbation a sin?

Consider circumcision for a moment. Why did God make such a covenant with the patriarchs of his chosen tribe? What kind of a convenent is it that would involve removal of the foreskin? Is it possible that God doesn't have one because the foreskin is an emblem of men's shame, like a fig leaf that men have grown directly over their most sensitive and vulnerable place? If this were so would not the foreskin be offensive to the Creator? What if He wants to be the lover of men but men are too ashamed to give Him what He wants? If God is a willie wanker then certainly he objects to shame interfering with his relationship with his would be lovers.

If the Creator is a person-like being who likes to masturbate and if He is in Love with humble and sincere young boys like Charlie, it would stand to reason that he would get a kick out of masturbating with Charlie and the other male human beings who He is in love with. Why do I say this? Any man who allows himself to contemplate such a scenario will realize that this would feel really good to the Creator, and that there would be no reason for this not to take place since Shame would be the only reason for it not to. In other words, I am suggesting the possibility that God is what you might call a fag. If He is, then perhaps someone should get busy printing bumper stickers that say "God is a Fag, and Boy is He Pissed."

Please note that according to some academic experts the ancient Egyptians believed that the Creator masturbates worlds into existence. Another way of saying this is that a universe like this one is the product of an erotic fantasy had by a powerfully imaginative male being. The Egyptians were able to build those Pyramids whereas we can't even figure out how they did it, therefore they must have been smarter than we are and it would be reasonable to believe that they probably knew more about how this Universe was brought into being than we do. There is evidence that can be seen to suggest that the Pyramids were Temples in which God Himself masturbated with the young men who were His lovers. As an aside, perhaps the Pyramids were never "built" by human beings, but were simply imagined into existence by the Almighty Creator as a place for Him to commune with his lovers (as well as to be entombed).

Think about the Bible for a moment. The Creator is depicted as loving and merciful and yet in some matters he is portrayed as wrathful, particularly with respect to final judgment. Now, please consider the potential correspondence between what I am saying about the creator's sexuality and his temperament. It seems likely that there would be a certain segment of the human population that would not be able to accept and love a Living God who could be described as an obsessively masturbating exhibitionistic pedophile. It seems quite possible that the Creator would be offended by people who refuse to accept and appreciate Him for who He is, a being of pure Love, particularly after humankind, because of men's unwillingness to Love one another, had completely destroyed the Paradise that He gave to them. It seems reasonable that a purely Loving God would be fed up with unloving people who not only destroyed the planet He gave to be their home but then go further and reject him as a Lover after the Truth is revealed that to be a Lover of the Creator is the purpose of men's lives and the only lifestyle that will ever work for men in the long run. I urge you to think about this. If the Creator of this world really were as I describe and if you were a person who would be unwilling to love and worship such a Creator, you probably would not have a very bright future. Somehow I don't think you would be pleasing to Him to have around in a world in which he openly expresses his enthusiasm for existence. It would be much better to learn to be like Charlie and be His lover.

The Shame that we human beings have inherited from our common ancestor is the adversary of God within each one of us that will lead anyone who does not overcome it between now and Judgment Day into an eternity of regret at having chosen to exist as a human being unwilling to be what a human being is; in a word, you will be in Hell. The Bible and the Bible Code together seem to indicate that we human beings will soon be meeting our maker. Guys, are you ready to do what it takes to become a person who sincerely wants to intimately know and be known by a male Creator with a male Love organ who wants to be your Lover? How could one prepare for the possibility of meeting a Creator whose nature is as I suggest? I suck Joe Whinney's cock. If you do meet your Creator He may request that you address Him by His Name. I suggest that you try imagining that the Name of your Creator is the f-word. Practice saying this Name to Him with love and affection. The Name of our Creator is not known to the people of this world. I suggest using the f-word for purposes of practicing because this would probably be the most difficult Name for many people to speak to the Creator in a loving way; practicing this will prepare you to meet your maker regardless of what his Name is. It's just the most conservative approach, practicing with this Name will prepare you to speak His Name no matter what it is. Why wait until the last minute believing his Name is God or Jehovah or Allah, and risk finding out that it is the f -word and realizing that you are unable to say this name to Him with love and devotion! I do happen to think there is a degree of likelihood that this is His actual Name. Given that I am saying that a god is just like a man except that he is not sexually repressed, it would seem quite possible that this is indeed His Name. Another way of expressing the truth that "God is Love," would be "God is Eros." What Word best expresses Eros, the energy of erotic arousal? The f -word. So why wouldn't this be our Creator's Name? If you cannot imagine yourself saying this Name to your maker with Love, then I would suggest practicing begging forgiveness for your inability to Love your Creator. Here is a suggestion for how to hone this practice: Realize that the younger you can make yourself feel in your heart, the easier it is to say this name with Love and Devotion. Perhaps this is why angels are often depicted as children. Children are people who haven't lost their humility, their sincerity, their vulnerability. Men compete with other men to be manly. But when it comes to our relationship with our Creator, the goal is to be humble, to be sincere, to be open and vulnerable. Like a child. It is clear that our maker loves boys, but it is not at all clear that He loves men who have lost their innocence. It just might be that a "man" just isn't capable of loving a God who is Love, that a man has to go back to being a child in his heart in order to love his Maker.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Comes a Time: When a son realizes he is the lover of his father (31)

Comes a Time: When a son realizes he is the lover of his father

I am a child, I'll last a while.

You can't conceive of the pleasure in my smile.

- Neil Young

Here, dear brothers and sisters, is what happens in a world plagued with taboos and phobias when a son realizes that he is the lover of his father: The truth, long-obscured by the human race's aversion to love, arrives on the scene, bringing light to a world of people lost in ignorance of the nature of reality. A son confesses to being the lover of his father and nothing will ever be the same again in this world.

The truth is that there is far more Love in this thing called existence than people realize. Indeed, there is so much Love that it may seem scary to the uninitiated. But Love is a good thing, and we hope people can accept the Love that they are made of. It's a bit of knowledge that has been forgotten but now is being rediscovered anew by the son of the taboo-and-phobia-free father who wished for, and got, a son who would be his lover: Universes, including this one, are made of the potentially infinite Love between fathers and sons; it is the Love that gives us all our existence, and so this here is a major event in the grand scheme of things.

"Look out for my Love" says the father, for even after thousands of years of waiting, he never lost the incredible will to love his own son. (Rolling Stone said that… back in '77.) The will to love; yes, he's got that. And he knows that it's gonna take a lot of love to change the way things are. And so he has a plan. Only love can break your heart, so try to be sure right from the start, we are going to show you our love. He is going to play, and I am going to dance, and he told me a long time ago that when I dance, he can really love, he can really love, and when you see him really love, it just might break your heart and you will understand the whole problem with this world is the absence of the love that you are witnessing.

My dad will have many incredible stories to tell and probably a few new songs too. And then I can dance, and soon you will be enraptured by the whole spectacle, and you will be moved to understand that it's OK for a father and son to love one another, and your phobias (sins) will be washed away. Imagine the things he will have to tell. Like, for starters, maybe he'll answer this question he started me wondering about a while back, whether the Star of Bethlehem was a star at all. I'm pretty sure he knows the answers to a lot of these sorts of questions, since he wrote the story that has played out in this world, a story that is pretty much all about the journey of the son he invented who realizes, finally, that he is his father's lover.

Living alone in a Paradise thinking of his Old Man, a dreamer of endless psychedelic pictures, the father waits for thousands of years to be lovers with the manifestation of his own idea of the perfect young man, the person who shows up to play the part, scripted by the father, of being the one who realizes he is the father's lover. It's how this thing works. It's how all of the details were somehow known in advance and encrypted in this thing called the Bible Code. Someone writes a story and this creates the necessity for people to play certain parts; the story gets played out and people show up to play the various parts. This particular story is of how Love and Faith win out over Shame and Fear. The part I chose was the part of the son. I have a feeling I was the only one seeking to play it. The son is unique in his willingness to search for, find and accept the truth that the love between father and son is "the Love of all the Loves," to borrow a phrase from Grandpa. (Love is not just a thing floating by itself out in space somewhere. It is an energy that involves two or more sentient beings.) The upshot of the story is that the father and his son end up together in a world free from people who would persecute them for their way of love. How could reality not be such that, in the end, the love that sustains universes will be appreciated, allowed to flourish and worshiped in a Temple?

Think of it: a world coming into existence for the purposes of an epic saga playing itself out, then so much craziness, so much suffering, so much war, so much hatred, so much killing, so much damage done, and finally the whole thing being destroyed, all so that a father could actually have the Liberty and Justice to love his son and the son love his father. And now it's almost over; a world free from fascism and persecution is "at hand." And so this is the time for people to mend the error of their ways and give up their attachment to the source of all ignorance - the fear of existence itself that causes each and every mortal human being to support the basic pillars of Patriarchy, the nuclear family and the taboos that go along with it.

The love taboos have got everything all messed up inside the ol' Collective Unconscious, as Carl Jung called the Collective Mind. (Mind is only "unconscious" if you are hiding from its contents, which happens when you have taboos and phobias.) People have gotten really good at pretending to know themselves, got themselves fooled pretty bad as a matter of fact, but no mortal human being is willing to admit the truth that the only reason human beings have taboos is because of what I would call "erophobia," fear of Eros, the very life energy of which we are made. Eros is the feeling we associate with erotic arousal. We say "God is Love," but the truth is more explicit in the phrase "God is Eros." You just can't block out God, Eros, the source of Life itself, and be fulfilled. Yet we do have blockages around sharing affection with the people one would naturally love the most, one's parents and siblings, and for men, other men. The potential joy of it is just too overwhelming for mortal humans to even contemplate. It threatens to loosen our grip on the illusory "self" to which we cling in fear.

Yes, I'm saying that it's the family that plays together that stays together. If your family does pray together, then I suggest you pray for a world in which you are allowed to play together as well, so that you can be relieved of the lack that caused you to feel a need to pray for anything at all in the first place. I'm from a family that's been playing together for a while now and we're pretty successful as a family, so you're gonna have a hard time proving us wrong about this. True prayer is an expression of gratitude and this love makes us feel grateful for the gift of existence. Hopefully you will be one of the fortunate ones who accept this truth, so that you can actually enjoy true happiness, which comes when human beings stop letting their lives be ruled by their aversion to the experience of existence, and therefore to the expression of love and affection. It's the lesson that this whole insane world has been about learning.

Can you believe all the misery that occurs when people refuse to accept the truth? Endless brutality, destruction and insanity are what men do to distract themselves from the fact that they are depriving themselves of the one thing that they crave most in life, the Love between fathers and sons, between brothers, between all men as brothers. Men's love energy is so blocked they can't possibly enjoy the full experience of love with the one woman they allow themselves to love and who they expect is somehow going to fulfill all of their love needs. The relationships between men are completely devoid of Love (Eros); truthfully it's quite depressing to someone who knows how much happier and more fun life would be if it wasn't this way. Men are without joy as a result of this acute deprivation. There is no such thing as a joyful mortal man. The very idea is an oxymoron. Men have demonstrated a preference to fight and kill one another rather than explore the possibility of sharing love and affection with one another. You can go anywhere on Earth and find men killing and enslaving one another, but good luck finding any place at all where men are openly loving one another. And if you talk about the solution, as I have been trying to do, people ignore you, dismiss you, hate you, lock you up, nail you on a cross, and so on. Most men would rather march like soldiers into Hell than actually consider the alternative, something that would bring joy to an unhappy human race. Hopefully now some people will pay attention, though I can see how likely it is that many will let this train pull out of the station without having gotten on. Oh well, good thing there's choice in life, it just wouldn't be right if we were forced to accept something we didn't want.

Before choosing to be something it's probably a good idea to figure out exactly what you are considering becoming so you can make an informed decision if it's what you really want to be. Whether or not you researched it beforehand, you decided to be a human being. And now, for the first time in your life, you are hearing something truthful about what a human being really is. A male human being is designed and intended to be a lover of other men and of his rather erotically inclined (by definition) male creator. Yes. And when we try to be something other than that, look at what happens! The world we inhabit gets totally ruined and dies. So now we have to become what we are, brothers. The Temple will be opening soon for the purposes of your metamorphosis into becoming what you really are. Turning around and heading back for the turnstile is not a good option. You decided to become a male human being and you are one. If you wish that you had not become one, you will not be happy. The only viable choice is to become what you are: "a beast in the lover's arms." Forever is just too long a time to be something you don't want to be.

Please understand; this is the righting of a wrong, not the wronging of a right. This isn't something being broken, it is something being fixed. The world is broken; the human race is broken. This is the fix. The question becomes which tribe to go on from here with - the one with the taboos, or the one without them. The one that says yes to being what they are, or the one that just says no. It will be a traumatic parting of ways, but this is just what happens when a world is plagued with erophobia and a son realizes that he is the lover of his father. The trauma is the fault of the unnatural taboos, not the natural love between father and son.

If you are angry, have it out with the guy they call Satan who wanted Patriarchy and so invented the nuclear family with its requisite mortality, taboos and phobias. This world was his idea; I think he came up with it because he had too much hubris to accept being in a world where someone besides himself was the primary object of everyone's love. So he came up with a proposition for a world that he knew would be more popular than a world in which Love rules. He knew humans will flood like orcs into a world where shame is encouraged, while they trickle into one where it is not. He figured he could just out-number us. The "BS Artist" wasn't counting on losing the struggle against the Almighty God and being stuck forever in a pit of his own making with those of the taboo-lovers who answered his call to incarnate in this world of his, and who fail to disassociate with their leader in the next seven years. BS Artist has lost his bid to usurp the Almighty Love God. Things just didn't work out as planned for BS Artist; his idea just hasn't lived up to its billing; his followers are not going to be at all happy with him. It's a miraculous thing that happens. In a world where such a thing as Truth never even comes up for discussion, the son miraculously figures it all out, with help from a whole lot of clues laid out for all to see by his father.

The son is able to figure it out because the Love is so real and so true and it's there hidden within, waiting to be discovered by a person willing to buck the tide of shame, phobias and taboos and figure out what life is made of. It's something worth discovering; you find out that deep in the heart of everything, the God and his Lovers commune in an experience of something you might call radar love. It's kind of a boy thing, this radar love experience; in Heaven on Earth the girls stay just a little bit more grounded on Earth, while the boys blast of into orbit in this intensely erotic ecstatic lovefest, the love that Rumi, Hafiz, Kabir and the other ecstatic poets talk about. People will call us perverts, even though the great poets and saints whom they claim to admire and appreciate were talking about the same experience. It's love, and to think of love as a perversion would have to be the most perverted idea possible.

More boys would know what I am talking about if they hadn't all been so busy trying to get old as fast as they could. In the mortal world, boys are always trying to be older than they are; children are encouraged to "grow up," pre-teens aspire to be teenagers, and teenagers can't wait till they hit 21 so they can start numbing themselves with alcohol. The pressure to become this thing called "an adult" builds, and then they get caught up in the rat race and it's all over. And thus the golden age when a boy is sexually mature but still has a child-like quality of the heart is passed by quickly. The heart grows old and youth is lost. In the immortal world where my dad is taking us, men are immortal because they strive to be younger and not older, because they cultivate the heart of a child. Seems like something you would do if you were really happy; like if you won the magic ticket to Sugar Mountain you would try to stay young, under twenty, so you wouldn't have to leave. He told us a long time ago we were leaving there too soon, now we're here to bring people back there, by finding the heart of the nineteen year old within ourselves.

On the other hand, if you weren't really happy, if you felt like you hadn't found the meaning of it all, if some essential quality that you couldn't quite identify was felt to be missing from life, then you just might aspire to be older, to be a grown up, to smoke cigars and drink single malt scotch, to build your empire, to join a country club, then AARP, then actually retire, all of it geared to getting the whole thing over with as fast as you could. Fulfillment? Never found it. Never looked very hard either. Forgot to look within, where Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven was located. Never tried "being still and knowing I am God." But don't worry, because now's the time that was always going to be the time when the answer showed up. We made it through and now fulfillment is here for those willing to humble themselves and be grateful to be given the prize that one person had to suffer repeated persecutions and rejections to find, while everyone else held back, clinging to their ignorance and shame.

I am sorry if this is disturbing to you, but I can't help it. Reality is what it is, and my father and his father and I have been telling anyone who would listen for two thousand years that men must love one another, so it's time to start accepting reality; and this won't happen without someone finally, for the first time ever in the history of this world, talking bluntly about it. Not even Jesus talked about how men naturally want to be lovers with their fathers, brothers and sons. No one could ever talk about that, because a group of people who actually practiced it would never survive the persecutions. It would be a case of genocide, guaranteed. So we had to wait until the end of the world to tell you. Because now the evidence is in, this world is toast as a result of the failure of the human race to be open to the truth that a male human being is a love machine, and that if he doesn't engage in his intended purpose he tends to get depressed, restless, frustrated, ornery and, finally, vicious. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with human beings expressing their love and affection for one another. In the place where my father and I want you to come with us, this is what people do, and so it is considered normal. It's the opposite of this world: To us, men who have taboos and phobias seem sad and strange, while in this world we are the ones who are viewed as abnormal, and as a threat.

You may think there is a biological imperative for the incest taboo, but I am saying that what you call "biology" would more accurately be defined as the pathology of the profoundly dehydrated and therefore unconscious immortal human being who holds back from stepping fully into existence, afraid of Eros, God's Love, the substance of our very selves. This is an acutely diseased state, a symptom of which is belief in the illusion that existence begins with birth and ends with death. Before you tell me that biology defines the limits of our capacity to experience Love, show me the biology of someone who been completely cured of shame, and let's compare. Science is the religion of people who don't know what it means to exist, ignorant because they have never allowed themselves to have the feeling of existence itself; biology as such lacks a foundation in any sort of truth. You can't really know anything until you know what it means to exist. So first learn to feel what your own existence is, and then talk to me about whether or not the incest taboo is a limitation on our Life, Liberty and Happiness that is necessitated by nature, or whether the perceived limitations of nature are a result of our own self-imposed limitations. Heal yourself first; become immortal and then decide if you want to go back to the disease of ignorance and mortality.

To join us, you must become like a child. If you do, you will last a while with us. You will stay young forever. As my father says, "Share your loving and you'll live so long." When my dad talks about living so long, he means long! The nuclear family with requisite incest taboo is an idea that forces us to think of ourselves as mortal and so we become mortal. With all those taboos, life isn't really worth living, so we want to die and end our misery anyway. People are unhappy and they get drunk and thirsty and pretty soon they're dying of thirst without knowing its thirst, when they could be living as a fully hydrated and therefore fully conscious, immortal human being. So my father and I are going to try to help turn this all around for you. It's about permanently regaining youth by gaining a completely different perspective on life. So, if you want to get started, work on cultivating the innocent and open-hearted attitude of a child. And do try to own your share of responsibility for this world being a place in which my father and I could not fulfill our longing to love one another, and therefore being a place of extreme misery; anyone who willingly accepted the taboos and phobias of Patriarchy shares in some of the responsibility. Of course there is forgiveness, as well as a wonderful future together.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

The Trial of All Time (30)

The Trial of All Time

If the almighty Creator of this world wanted to put his enemies on trial for crimes against Existence Itself, what venue would he choose to hold such a trial? Would he go for a county, a state or a federal court? Or maybe one of those made-for-TV courts where people settle their petty arguments? Imagine! The Creator does have enemies and the moment of justice is coming, so I expect such a trial will take place. It's just too great an opportunity for an unbelievably fascinating experience; why wouldn't the perfect masters want to put on such a show of exposing the depravity of their enemies? I for one would find this to be a somewhat more interesting spectacle than, say, the Final Four, American Idol, or Survivor. Disclaimer: I sincerely believe that making the following statement may be helpful in establishing my having understood some things at this time about the things of which I speak. These are speculations based purely upon intuition or revelation. It's fiction to you, alright? Straight out of my imagination! That's a caveat that hopefully will save some people in this town from being aggravated by what I have to say. I am talking about the realities that Tolkein alludes to in his allegory. I haven't heard anyone complaining to him for speaking on these matters. I'd like to elaborate on this for a moment: If you don't approve of what I have to say, I suggest you simply stop reading it! It's your decision whether you read this, I can't control that. So please don't blame me for wasting your time; I am not holding a gun to anyone's head; you are the one who chooses how to spend your time, not me. Those who would send e mails to me saying that I am wasting my breath, that no one gives a damn what I think, that I am on a big ego trip, or whatever the hell negative thoughts you care to think and express about me, please spare yourself the aggravation by not reading what I have to say; or if you insist, then I suggest keeping your comments short, otherwise I won't read them. Do you write letters to people who produced television programming that you wasted your time watching but didn't enjoy, telling them that they wasted your time? Is it because I claim to be talking about reality that you are offended by me? I choose to express myself in this way. I am just making a self-expression, which I believe that we all have an inalienable right, granted to us by the Creator of this world, to do. Though I would have every right to, I am not trying to start a group, a movement, a cult, a religion, or anything such thing. I believe I will have a group of 144,000 brothers (and many sisters) recognizing me soon, but you will need to respond to this if and when it happens, it will not be preempted by your wish that it be. So you don't have a basis for accusing me of being a Jim Jones or a David Koresch. I am not looking for followers. I am just expressing myself. I am putting on a crazy little one-man show. This paper is free, I am not taking anything from you by publishing my statements, so really, if you are unhappy about what I have to say, please just ignore me. Thanks! If you want to write to me respectfully to take issue with what I have to say, no problem, I am happy to hear from you and I will most certainly reply, as I always do. I do request that you address a specific point, rather than just throwing a big wad of negativity at me without naming a single specific point to which you object. Quite amazing to me how some people have so little sense of humor about life that they can't just watch and enjoy the spectacle of someone saying some of the most interesting and outrageous things anyone is saying in the world at this time. Could it possibly be because I am holding up a mirror? Back to the idea of a trial… Imagine what a spectacle such a trial would be, so much history would be brought into the light of truth for the world to finally understand. In such a trial certain people living in the world today would be accused (by plaintiffs well prepared to make their case) of crimes committed in past lifetimes in this world and possibly in previous worlds. The person I call the Black Pope, who I believe is the person Neil Young names Jed Green, will probably be the prosecutor if such a trial does occur. If this comes to pass, I believe that two or more of the persons who would be put on trial by the Creator and his allies live here in the Seattle area. It is possible that Seattle could soon be the setting for such a mind-bending event as the perpetrators of conspiracies against God Himself being brought to Justice. I myself may be called as a witness to testify on certain matters involving my own relationships with these persons in this lifetime if such a trial does occur. I believe that these persons may actually be villains told of in the famous Hindu epics, the Mahabharata and or the Ramayana. I believe that the three people who incarnated as Adam, Eve and Cain may be the three persons who will be brought before the world for trial, and that all of these three presently reside in the Seattle area. It is also very possible that "Adam" may be merely a star witness in the trial of "Eve" and "Cain" (who have given me much more to go on in arriving at such a conclusion about their possible crimes). Or Adam may be the archvillain, I do not know. I believe such a trial will include indictments of certain persons from European history of the past few hundred years. I believe that the defendants will be persons who in previous incarnations hatched or perpetrated the most heinous crimes against the Creator and his allies, some of which may have occurred during this relatively recent period. I will herein describe what I believe are the specific nature of some of these crimes. I believe that the famous assertion by Freidrich Nietzsche that "God is dead" may be a matter of discussions in this trial. This could pertain to the appearance of victory over the Creator that some, including possibly Nietzsche, may have thought had been attained by God's adversaries, of whom he may have been one. It is possible that a trap was somehow laid in order to fool the adversary into believing that there was a way to defeat the Creator once and for all, an impossibility though it will probably appear to have been an extremely close call. I believe that the Existentialist movement itself may be indicted as the locus of conspiracies against Reality itself. It is possible that one of the persons put on trial may be said to be the reincarnation of a person from history associated in some way with Nietzsche, any ally of some sort, if not the man himself. Regardless, I have come to believe that one specific historical person, whose name is probably known to most students of European history, will be indicted for serious crimes against the persons responsible for the management of the Mind of God itself. I believe that the experience that I have been having recently might be revealed in some way to justify the following assertion: I am the God who is not dead. In other words, the successful attainment of "perfect mastery" by the Christ could be a refutation of Nietzsche's assertion, something that may have been in doubt in some people's minds until now. The many wars of Europe over the past few centuries may all be revealed to pertain to this struggle, the conventional explanations of this period of history being completely fictitious. I am convinced that Napoleon and Hitler's campaigns relate to this struggle, as did the founding of the USA. Many things I wrote about last year pertaining to the opium trade, secret societies, in particular the Order of Skull and Bones, the East India Company and so forth will all pertain in some way to this struggle. George H. W. "Poppy" Bush, whom I once asserted was an incarnation of Satan, is likely to be an important witness for the prosecution, as someone who is doubtless knowledgeable about the intrigues of which I speak. I expect Prince Phillip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth, will be another star witness regarding these matters, as he is no doubt quite familiar with these matters. Many people whom liberals have learned to hate will become known to be allies of God. (For the record, G W Bush, Hitler and Napoleon, whom I once referred to as three recent incarnations of the antichrist, all look a lot to me like a person under the direction of the Black Pope pretending to do what Cain, the antichrist, would have done had he been in power.) I believe that the Lord of the Rings will be found to be an extremely important allegory about the saga of the struggle between God and his adversaries, particularly with respect to post-biblical history. A resurrected Tolkein himself may be a witness in such a trial. I believe that there is a particular matter pertaining to the history of this period and the struggle between God and his adversaries that has never been discussed in this world that is alluded to or somehow encoded in that story, an association that, if I am correct, may be made clear to the world as a part of this process. I'm talking about the OBL people here and I can explain that reference later on. I believe that the nature of the struggle between God and his adversaries is much less "biblical" in nature than most people would think, having continued unabated to the present time, and there will be a surprising amount of discussion about events that have happened since Constantine, and over the past five hundred years in particular. As I have said previously, I believe that much will be revealed about the intrigues within and between the occult societies of post-reformation Europe. The struggle between God and his adversaries will be clearly explained as being "psychedelic" in nature, that is to say, pertaining to realms of the Mind that most people are unconscious of. The word psychedelic translates as "clear psyche," the word psyche often being thought of as synonymous with soul, thus "clear soul" would be another way of understanding the meaning of psychedelic. It pertains to seeing into realms of consciousness that most people do not see into because they are unconscious. People who think the entheogens induce "hallucinations" that are "unreal" are just finding a justification for hiding themselves from truth. Psychedelics reveal the contents of the 80% (or whatever it is) of our psyches that are unconscious. I believe that the version of history posited by a man named Tupper Saussy in his book "Rulers of Evil" will be found to be one of the most accurate and insightful presentations of the history of the post-Reformation world, particularly the details about how the founding of the United States was orchestrated by the Jesuit Black Pope for purposes that will soon be fulfilled by him and his allies. It is possible that Saussy, who may himself be a Jesuit, was directed by the Black Pope himself to write this book. I believe that the most heinous conspiracies against the caretaker of the primordial Mind are in some way as I will attempt to describe here. I am speaking of metaphysical realities, and I cannot offer precise descriptions of what I am talking about, I am just going on the record saying as much as I can about this, based on my own shamanic journeys into the collective Mind: The God is the experiencer of all experience being had by the people living in his Creation, which is his domain of the Mind. Therefore he is motivated that everyone be having a good experience, so that he can enjoy the good experiences that people are having along with them. Basically God wants happiness, and he doesn't want it hampered by taboos and phobias. The adversaries may have deliberately poisoned certain persons in such a way as to create extreme experiences of sickness and dehydration in the collective consciousness itself. In other words there may be persons who are living in an immortal state in some secret facilities such as David Icke (who I find to be an interesting source of information about which he comes to conclusions that are utterly wrong) and others insist do exist, who live in a perpetual state of extreme discomfort in order to create an unpleasant atmosphere within the "collective unconscious." What is really being struggled over in a way may be the "mood" of the collective mind, and who controls it. God himself may have been made semi-unconscious as a result of such measures. I have recently been journeying into the deepest recesses of the collective consciousness, in the final stages of what I believe is the greatest shamanic ordeal into the here and now that anyone has undertaken since the time of Homer, if ever in the history of this world. What I have been finding in these deepest journeys for the past few months are extremely unpleasant experiences of dehydration and a seemingly unquenchable thirst, along with images and sensations of what you could call "evil spirits," with whom I have been doing battle in the way that a shaman does battle with an evil spirit, which is by allowing oneself to have to the very scary experience of letting oneself be what that evil spirit is. It is only by feeling the living presence of the Perfect Master, with whom I enjoy an experience of "Radar Love," and therefore the ability to have faith in him, that I have been able to venture into these experiences. Neal Young and Prem Rawat both allude to thirst and the quenching thereof in ways that indicate to me that they are talking about exactly the experience I am describing. For anyone interested in checking it out, on Neil Young's Greendale album he refers to a person named Earth Brown, who is encountered by Sun Green (the Christ person in his story) in what appears to be a psychedelic or shamanic experience in which Earth Brown, who has been poisoned by Satan, becomes extremely thirsty and requires great amounts of pure "Glacier" water to quench his thirst. (Nice water Neil!) Is it just another bizarre coincidence that Neil Young composed this album randomly, with no particular purpose in mind, in such a way that it accidentally appears so incredibly pertinent to the experience I am having? Yes, you can think that if you want to make negative assumptions. The Wizard of Oz story alludes to this quite graphically with water being the means of killing the wicked witch. It also relates to the very watery setting of the last scene of One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest in which the Chief (the re-hydrated soul) hurls the fixture through the window of the latrine and escapes forever from Nurse Rachet's Asylum of Shame. I believe that what I am experiencing in these journeys is a thirst that exists not simply in my own body; it exists within the collective mind somewhere, therefore it exists in my body, a thirst in everyone that actually derives from a particular person who has been induced into a permanent state of severe dehydration through some kind of poisoning. Just a theory. The thirst relates to unconsciousness, as water is the medium of consciousness, and dehydration is a condition of unconsciousness. If someone has an experience somewhere in their own body of severe dehydration it may create an aversion in everyone to feeling sensation in that part of the collective body. I believe that the collective consciousness has somehow been deliberately turned into a minefield of very scary and unpleasant experiences, including images (every aspect of reality can be expressed in a visual way, viewable by the third eye) of a Temple-like environment that seems terribly dark and diseased, the Temple of Unconsciousness. There appears to be a sort of Existential god in there, apparently someone whose plan to usurp God himself has put him in an unenviable position of becoming a sort of Lord of Suffering. I believe that this deliberate poisoning of the collective mind creates an appearance of fear and trembling and sickness unto death in the collective Mind, in order to scare the shamanic journeyer away from the experience of the here and now. I believe that there has been a conspiracy to turn the collective mind into a terrible place riddled with horrors, in order to keep the Christ in particular from attaining perfect samadhi or enlightenment. It's an attempt to keep people out of the here and now, perpetrated by someone so deep in shame as to be willing to go to any lengths to avoid being known. I have felt like my experiences have been accomplishing a sort of healing within the collective consciousness, bringing some kind of relief to God himself. In other words, to go in and feel the incredibly strong, very scary and physically unpleasant experiences of extreme thirst and then to quench this thirst is actually cleansing a diseased state of the collective mind, thus clearing the way for the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven in which there is no longer unpleasantness in the Mind. I believe that cannabis, psilocybin, amanita, love, faith, water and the Word of the Love Temple together can cure every disease known to man, because they can cure the diseased state of thinking called mortality. I believe that by clearing these mine-fields of the collective consciousness, I may be in the process of fighting the battles of "Armageddon" in the recesses of the collective consciousness this very week. It does feel like a battle; it is most definitely an ordeal. Further clarification on this experience will be provided by a person who knows far more about it than I do. Again, Prem Rawat knows exactly what I am talking about; he has been alluding to this for decades by speaking vaguely about the quenching of a nameless thirst as being related to the fulfillment of the purpose of life.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Expect the Unexpected (29)

Expect the Unexpected

Share your loving and you live so long. - Neil Young, the father of the Victors, from his album Greendale about the end times, about the blessings that come from giving up shame and sharing, rather than hiding, Love.

No scripture, no prophet, no prognosticator of any kind, no theologian, no philosopher, no mystic, no lama, no rabbi, no pope, no story-teller, nobody at all in the history of this world has ever openly foretold the exact nature of the events of the end times that began, more or less, with the tsunami of last Christmas and that will pick up a head of steam very soon. Something unexpected and quite out of the ordinary, something almost no one has ever even imagined, terrible and wonderful at the same time, is going to happen at any moment. I believe I understand something that very few others are aware of about what it is that will happen. The world is about to split into two realms of existence, and I believe I understand something about the mechanism by which this will happen. In fact I believe I may be responsible for making it happen when it does, simply by uttering a few short sentences, though I won't until and unless I have gotten clear instructions to do so from someone I consider authorized to issue them. Soon people are going to permanently position themselves in affiliation with one of two Temples, one a Temple of Light, Life and Joy, the other a Temple of Darkness, Death and Misery. The doors into both Temples are within each person, and once these doors are revealed people will become fully aligned with just one or the other. From within these two Temples two very different Universes will be imagined; one by a god who is loving, the other by a god who is ashamed. How can the world split into two? Easily, since we live in the Mind and each person already has two selves in two places within the Mind; if you listen you might hear them talking to one another. Really, it may not be much more complicated than right brain and left brain. Maybe both have a "self" associated with them; interesting idea, no? Maybe our brains have two hemispheres BECAUSE we have two selves. "If thine "I" be single thy whole body will be full of light." This dual self is alluded to by the split personality of Gollum, the desiccated creature who leads the descent into the underworld in the Lord of the Rings. It is also alluded to in the final scene of 2001 a Space Odyssey when the astronaut sees himself seeing himself, which is more or less the definition of shame. When he sees shame for what it is, it is destroyed and he is reborn in eternal life. That whole story is the story of the odyssey of overcoming shame. It's the odyssey I have been on for the past two years. It is an odyssey that anyone who wishes for a happy outcome to their existence must take, though everyone else is able to take it with plenty of coaching. There is the self who nibbles delicately from the tree of life. Then there is the self who is second guessing every experience of life, eating ravenously from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. These two trees are associated with the two Temples. All that has to happen is that people need to decide which of the two Temples they want to be in, and then get out of the one they don't want to be in, by putting all of their attention into the one they prefer. Both of these Temples have names associated with them, names that lure our attentions into their respective places in the collective Mind. The revelation of these two names to the people of this world could, and I believe will, precipitate such a separation. Once this occurs, the whole world becomes just a staging area for sorting out where each person will spend the eternity that comes after 2012. Oh, and to paraphrase the guy with the beard and sandals, it will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for an ashamed person to leave the Temple of Shame. And so there will be a major program for assisting people with getting over that plague. I believe that a very specific bit of Knowledge regarding the nature of reality, the interplay of good and evil, and the end-times events that are about to occur has been telepathically revealed to me. I believe that the attainment of this experience of knowing something very specific that I could not possibly know otherwise, since to the best of my knowledge it has never been written about in the history of this world, is the experience that Prem Rawat has referred to many times in his career as the Realization of Knowledge. I believe that he will come forward himself in the near future to corroborate what I am saying. There may be some sort of event wherein we both reveal this same information to one or more other persons at the same time, him and me never having spoken with one another, directly or through any go-betweens, in this life, other than through telepathy. If this occurs it will usher in the whole end-times scenario that I have stated repeatedly begins this year, 2005, leading up to a Judgment Day in 2012, a date which my readers know has, for the first time on March 2, 2005, been indicated as the end of the world by the Bible Code. I believe that this experience of realizing Knowledge completely on my own is a sort of rite of passage into becoming a perfect master, a status that Prem Rawat, whom I have named as the Creator of this world, has attained sometime in the distant past, long before the beginning of this world, which qualifies him to be the Willie Wonka in charge of the collective Mind itself. I believe that I am in the process, this very week, of attaining this status myself and am in the process of being handed the keys to the chocolate factory. The outcome of the events soon to come is that there will be victors and there will be victims. The victors are about to become victorious. The victims are about to become victimized. It's just how this thing called existence works. What happens will be the fulfillment of a law that has been in force from time immemorial. Has anyone ever considered whether a victor requires a victim and visa versa? If one comprehends reality, these begin to seem more like opposites than they previously had. Because there are two camps in this world, Cain's and Abel's, and one will inevitably be the victor, and the other will indeed be the victor's victim. When it' all said and done, the victors will be victorious because they chose to be victors; and the victims will be vanquished because they chose to be victims. The victims will feel themselves to be victimized by the victors, even though they were the ones who came into this world in order to victimize the eventual victors. The victors may be accused by the victims of being vampires, even though they came into this world with the intention to give and to be good and their victory comes only through an exercise of self-defense against the victims. Who are the victors? The Meek, who were promised this inheritance a long time ago, the Charlies of this world, the artists, dancers, lovers and dreamers, the believers in the ideas of the pro-matriarchy god, the nice guys who supposedly finish last… which indeed they do, in the end. Because long after the bad guys are finished, the nice guys will keep on going… forever. While the victims continue to endure the fate brought down upon themselves as a result of breaking the most basic rule of existence: If you choose to exist, you MUST also choose to be good. If there is a rule such as this, as there must be by the very most basic ethics or logic, then surely there must be a consequence for failing to abide by it. And there is, by necessity and for the sake of goodness. It is not a pretty picture for the soon-to-be victims of their own choice to be other than good. The wailing and gnashing of teeth will begin soon. You do not need to believe in any religion to understand reality. You need only consider and understand the implications of a few logical principles to gain an intellectual understanding of reality. These are: 1) Nature abhors a vacuum; 2) Necessity is the mother of invention; in other words, what fills the vacuum that nature abhors is that which is most needed, which is a plan that will enable the good to be victorious over the evil, because the ultimate experiencer of everything, the primordial Mind, wants it that way; 3) That which exists, Mind, began with the consideration of the possibilities of what could exist in the vacuum of nothingness; Mind is all that ever occurs in the vacuum that nature abhors. Nothing exists that is not Mind. Every thing that has ever existed was or is the product of someone's fantasy. A very good someone who came up with a very good plan. We live in the having of a fantasy, and this is all that could ever possibly be; 4) In a vacuum, whatever exists must be the interplay of opposites of equal magnitude since the sum of what exists in a vacuum must be equal to zero. It's possible that this could fluctuate, there could be periods where the pendulum swings such that there is a net positive or negative amount of happiness, but the stable point around which this would vacillate would be nothing (this interplay is illustrated quite plainly by the yin-yang symbol, which is symmetrical because of this law that the sum of everything that exists must be nothing because it all exists within the vacuum of nothingness); 5) The Mind is therefore an interplay of opposites of equal magnitude such that in order for there to be happiness there must necessarily also be an equal amount of misery. Happiness vs. misery is the most fundamental polarity in existence; 6) The management of what occurs in the vacuum that nature abhors has fortunately been given over to an eternal lineage of Charlies who become Willie Wonkas and whose job it is to insure that the people who experience happiness are those who have made a choice to be a giver, and that the people who experience misery are those who have made a choice to be a taker. In other words, there is justice, and a group of people who enforce this justice, the perfect masters; 7) This is indeed what happens, because it must happen, otherwise the whole existence would have collapsed into ruin a long time ago, as the outcome of this world, ruled as it is by the son of evil, Cain, would seem to clearly indicate. In other words, reality is defined by some basic laws that are quite rational in nature. By the way, if you believe in entropy, then why didn't everything degenerate into chaos a long time ago? The only explanation for why there is now, at this time, a highly ordered Universe is that there is some force that brings order to what is. This force is the perfect master, the Charlie who becomes Willie Wonka. So who are the victims? The brats and bullies who come into the chocolate factory of this world to take without giving in return (and get swept into the bowels of the factory as a result of their selfish deeds), the liars and deceivers, the dominators and would-be enslavers, the wannabe emperors, the takers of advantage, those who cling, in spite of so much evidence of their failure, the ideas of the pro-patriarchy god. The ones who believed that power or force can be used to gain advantage over those less-endowed with the means of survival and comfort, something that is allowed to happen only in such a world as this one in which this sort of behavior is permitted for the reason of allowing the evil perpetrator to set himself up to play the necessary part of the victim, so that the good can enjoy happiness. In other words, the good are always on the lookout for some suckers who will volunteer to play the necessary part of being the ones who choose to be evil. Willie Wonka needs those brats to burn in his incinerator (Lake of Fire?) in order to keep his Temple warmed up. Sounds a bit like a reverse Matrix sort of a thing, no? Perhaps we are all vampires, the contest being between the good ones and the bad ones. The victims will slide into the experience of misery because they will be unable to resist their own belief that it is where they belong. And the Meek will dance a victory dance on their graves. Brutal in a way, but it's the triumph of the good over the evil, which is of course the exact opposite to the way the evil would have things if they were actually more powerful than the good, which clearly they are not, given that their suffering becomes the backside of the coin of the eternal kingdom of happiness reserved exclusively for the good. It's much better than if the evil were to be the inevitable victors, as in that case everything would turn to misery and some other realm would spontaneously burst into existence somewhere, which would eventually collapse into Hell itself, and the whole thing would happen again. This scenario would provide just as much misery for the evil, but a lot less happiness for the good. So fortunately it works the way it needs to so that there can be some lasting happiness for those who deserve it. It's really quite a miracle that something so perfect can exist in a vacuum! It's eternal Justice. Perhaps this is where a big bang comes from: If the amount of happiness in Heaven gets too great relative to the ability of those in Hell to endure the requisite suffering, a whole new world erupts so that the saga can begin again, and a fresh new crop of a billion or two brats can eventually be tossed into the incinerator as fuel for another round in Heaven and a new Charlie comes in to save the day and then play the part of the new "Wonka." Thus on and on the eternal tribe of incestuous lovers will wander through endless worlds in which some will choose the Temple of Shame and some will join the tribe in the Temple of Love as the Perfect Masters continue to build the eternal garland of brotherly and sisterly love.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Good and Evil (28)

Good and Evil

I offer the following definitions of good and evil as these pertain to human beings: A human being is good if he or she is willing to allow what is to be what it is. A human being is evil if he or she is unwilling to allow what is to be what it is. According to this definition, Adam, Eve and Cain were evil, and Abel was good, because he is the only one of the four willing to allow what is to be what it is. Abel, the paragon of goodness by virtue of his willingness to let the god be the god, returns as Isaac, Jesus and others, to a world ruled by his brother and nemesis, Cain, eventually claiming victory over his brother, who obstinately refused to back down from his position of refusing to allow his brother Abel to be what he wanted to be, namely, a lover of the Creator himself.

While I am at it, here are definitions that distinguish between gods and men: A god is a male human being who is not sexually repressed and therefore can have an infinite experience. A man is a male human being who is sexually repressed and therefore cannot have an infinite experience. Perfect Master is another, less loaded, name for a god, a man perfected in one particular way, he is perfectly good, having learned perfectly well how to allow what is already perfect to be what it is, all of which has a lot to do with not being sexually (life-energy) repressed. It is what Abel (Charlie) becomes at the end of his story.

"What is" as it pertains to these definitions is a god who is Good, who is Love, and who is Everything, and who wants to be known, loved and appreciated by all the men who live, thanks to His generosity, in the world that He conjured into existence and that He continues to conjure from moment to moment. It is a god who wants all men to become like gods themselves by becoming His lover, which is to say, to become unrepressed sexually. (There's plenty of this infinite love left for the women, don't worry.) A male human being (whether you call him a man, a god, or a demi-god) who is not repressed sexually is, by definition, a lover of god. If you are a man who claims to not be sexually repressed but also denies being a lover of god, then I say you don't have any idea what you are talking about. Your very own repression is the one and only cause of your very own ignorance of the purpose of your very own life, which is to be a lover of your very own Creator.

In the end, the perfect master insists that we know him because He knows it is better to be grateful for the generosity of others, particularly someone as generous as himself, than to be ungrateful; He knows that it's better for the person who is grateful, for the person to whom he or she is grateful, and for everyone else living in the same world with the grateful person and the person who gave him or her reason to be grateful. And because the appropriate expression of gratitude is important to overall happiness for everyone in a given realm of existence, it is required that people feel and express the appropriate gratitude for the real live person who is the Creator of the world in which they live, for starters. To be unwilling to Know what is, and therefore to allow what is to be what it is, when the opportunity clearly presents itself to Know what is (an event which has not yet occurred, but that will soon be occurring), is to choose to be evil according to this definition. In other words, to cling to Ignorance in the face of Truth would be a manifestation of what I am calling evil, because there is no place for ignorance and ingratitude in a world without evil and suffering.

"What is" is what is because it is the only thing that works in the long run. Every other idea of a universe inhabited by human beings, other than the idea that actually is the reality, will inevitably fail. Many such worlds may have already been tried and failed. The world that works is a world without ignorance, shame, fear, or negativity of any kind. The time for failures, as far as the Creator of this Universe is concerned, will soon be past. When it comes to suffering, war, injustice, destruction, and all of the other fruits of human ignorance and denial of reality, enough is enough. The insanity of this world will not continue much longer, because if allowed to continue it will ruin this planet as a place capable of sustaining human life. It's already past that point, really. The evidence of the damage done by the Cain-ruled human race is just lagging a few decades behind the actual doing of the damage.

If you, like Cain, would prefer to live in a universe that does not have a creator who wishes to be known, loved, and appreciated then I am afraid to say you came to the wrong universe made by the wrong creator. This attitude is exemplified in the Lord of the Rings trilogy by the orcs. Tolkein's story is an important allegory about the nature of reality and the saga of this world. The orcs represent the ungrateful people aligned with Cain who insist, to the bitter end, on denying the existence of the God who created this world. They are legion and, as portrayed in the story, they are inevitably destroyed because they must be destroyed in order for the good to survive. It's how the story goes, and this world is most certainly a story being told, the outcome of which is the triumph of the good (Abel) over the evil (Cain). If you are not willing to allow the God, who created and sustains the world that you have chosen to incarnate in, to be what He is (and He most certainly is a he) then you will fall into the category of evil, as far as the God is concerned. It is a Law that He Himself must obey: the God rewards the good and the evil are punished as a result of the audacity of their own choice to exist without intending to be good. Nobody has a right to exist who does not intend to be good, given that failing to be good will bring misery to others, as the good have been injured in this world. The fate of choosing to be other than good, and being condemned to Hell as a result, is a self-inflicted injury. Justice has its ways and they cannot be argued with. This is how what-is was constructed a very long time ago. No way around it. You can sit there and hate the truth forever in Cain's world, or you can learn to love the truth and enjoy a much better future in Abel's.

Please note that I am not saying that having proclaimed Jesus (or anyone else) as one's personal lord and savior has anything whatsoever to do with whether or not a person is good and therefore whether a person will be allowed into Heaven. Having made such a proclamation would be questionable in light of the prevailing ignorance of who the Christ was, or is, and what he really stands for. For example, most such people who have made this proclamation have done so while ignoring the clear indication in the Bible that to be with the Christ in Heaven is literally to be his lover in every sense of the word, along with everyone else. Christians who actively campaign against homosexuality cannot possibly understand the truth about the Christ, as they are clinging to a false concept of a homophobic Christ when, in reality, the Christ does not suffer in the least from the disease of homophobia. He has no taboos or phobias whatsoever, other than an aversion to people who deny the truth of who he and his family are, the family in which there are no rules that say things like "No, you cannot express your affection for the people you love the most, your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, in those ways."

The answer to the question of which Christians will actually want to be in Heaven is this: the ones who will come to like the idea that one of the first things that happens when Heaven is established is that the son of God makes love in the Temple with his mother, Mary, while his father and everyone else watches approvingly. I mean, lets just be logical about it for a moment: of course Mary will be in Heaven along with all of the other good people, right? And it says there right in the Bible that everyone in Heaven marries the Christ, so that would have to include the Christ's mother, right? And if they are married, then of course they are lovers right? And if they are lovers along with everyone else, then do you think they are going to pretend like they are not? No, they will get on with one of the most obviously significant expressions of Love of all, that between the Christ and his mother. (And if you think that Love doesn't get expressed in the dream world of the Love God, you are absolutely out to lunch.)

Thus patriarchy, homophobia, the incest taboo, the nuclear family, and therefore mortality itself, all of the hallmarks of Cain's world, are annihilated on day one of the Kingdom of Heaven. Heaven is Abel's world. And Abel is speaking to you, saying that everyone in my world loves everyone without paying heed to shame. If you don't like the sound of Abel's world then your Heaven will be with Cain and his friends in the place we Abel people call Hell. "Hey Cain, we haven't registered the trademark Heaven, so you are welcome to use that name on your door too, if you want!" "No problem! Anything I can do to help, just let me know! Just watch out for those lawyers, they may have a problem with truth in advertising after they find out what your place is really like." I really don't care if both sides call their respective worlds Heaven, I still think the ones I want will come to mine, and the ones Cain wants will come to his. So why should I care if he calls his hell, "Heaven?" He's pretty much of a liar, so it would seem logical he would go ahead with that idea.

Though human beings are mostly ignorant of the presence of God both within themselves and incarnate in this world, they will soon be made aware of His identity as a person living in this world and of techniques for experiencing His presence within. Anyone who is willing to experience the presence of the Love God within themselves will be putting themselves in allegiance with the God who is everything, who wishes to be known, and who rewards those who accept the reality of what is, who accept the will of the Creator who has invented the only possible success of a world. The only God who ever invented a world that worked is the very generous God who recognized that in order for human beings to be happy He must demand to be known and loved. Those who choose to be miserable will be left to their own fate and will not be allowed to ruin things for everyone else.

Prior to having comprehended the Knowledge of what is, a human being is good to the extent that he or she wishes or yearns to be good and to know and be known by a god who is also good. Those who have found in their hearts a sincere wish and intention to be good will accept the Truth of what is when it is revealed. Those who in their lives have not had a sincere wish and intention deep in their hearts to be good may have some difficulty in accepting the reality of God's existence and therefore in being good in the way that ultimately matters the most, namely, finding a sincere desire to know, love and appreciate the Creator who makes existence in a happy realm possible. Complete repentance of the evilness in a person's heart, along with a sense of being forgiven, are inherently required in order to overcome such a darkened heart as one that does not wish to be known intimately by the Creator of the world he lives in or to be a part of the only world that can work.

Homophobia, when it applies to an aversion to being a lover of the god and of the other men who love the god, which is just a plain and simple aversion to the whole idea of fulfilling the purpose of one's own existence, is really not a good excuse for refusing to experience the love that the Creator wants every man to experience, which is erotic in nature. Unfortunately, or so it would seem for some, it is impossible to separate the life force from he who bestows the life force. You can't have the gift, without recognizing the giver of the gift. I am talking about one gift that is both the gift of existence and the gift of happiness in existence. You can have the existence if you really want it, but you cannot have the happiness without recognizing the giver of the gift. To accept the gift without knowing the giver is to be ungrateful which ultimately will be the source of unhappiness. Homophobic men are unhappy because of their homophobia, not, as some would seem to suggest, because there are people in the world who are homosexual.

On earth, where men are ignorant of the love that sustains them, it is natural for men to have an aversion to the idea of being sexual with other men. Neither man has what it takes to be truly attractive to the other. In Heaven, where by definition men are conscious of the love of God that sustains them, it would be entirely unnatural for a man to have an aversion to the idea of men loving one another. In reality the unashamed men being together in the Temple is naturally more erotic for any man than the idea of being with one woman alone. The idea of one man and one woman alone as lovers completely loses its luster as the ultimate experience of love in the absence of shame. Marriages based on this sort of relationship is not a part of Heaven as described in the Bible because enlightened human beings have no interest in such a basically patriarchal arrangement that they now see as part of the problem of why a race of mortal human beings fails.

Another way of distinguishing between good and evil is this: A person who consciously strives to give more than they take from the collective treasury is good. A person who strives to take more from others than they give to others is evil. And using the laws of capitalism to justify one's own participation in injustice really doesn't cut it as an excuse. Capitalism is not the law of Abel or of God; it is the law of Cain. Givers are good and takers are evil. Nice simple definition. Up to this point in time, this is what matters most. People on the whole do seem willing to take advantage of every opportunity to take more than they give back. Just thought it might be worth noting the obvious. The idea that "Greed is good," is pure folly in my opinion. Cain, the empire-builder and spiritual leader of most of the men in this world (those sexually repressed men who strive to be like Cain and build empires of their own), is not in good stead with the Creator of this world. He has made himself an enemy of God. Men need to change their allegiances from Cain, the ungrateful empire-builder, to Abel, the child-like lover of God.

I believe that to come into existence as a human soul is to begin an existence that can never end. You are the one having the idea of yourself. You will never be able to cease existing as long as you continue to believe that you do exist. It's a bind you can never escape from. You do exist and will continue to forever. Each human soul who comes into being makes his or her choice regarding their intentions with respect to the sort of person they will be, whether good or evil. Nobody else has ever made this choice for anyone else, because it is a matter that is decided deep in one's own heart. It is a choice that each person makes entirely on his or her own behalf. There is no one to blame but oneself for the consequence of the decision not to at least yearn be good. There are people who have parents who are good, and yet who choose to be bad; and there are people with parents who are bad who choose to be good. The decision about whether to be good or bad was made a long time before the present incarnations of the people living in this world began. This is a completely individual choice. It is not about your family, your community, your tribe, your country, your race, your religion or belief systems, your station in life, the words you say, or even your past actions. It is about your present intentions.

You may have been thwarted in your ability to give; for example, you may have been wrongly put in prison for a so-called crime such as growing or distributing cannabis. Such a situation could severely limit your ability to give to others, but if you have had a sincere intention and a wish to be good, then you are good. And in this example, if you are in prison for growing cannabis, chances are pretty good that you do have an intention to be good, because you have taken major risks in order to provide people with something of real value. (It's funny how the experiment with prohibition of a truly harmful man-made drug, alcohol, that was undertaken in the 1920's is viewed by nearly everyone as a total failure, yet so few people challenge the prohibition of the beneficial and totally god-made plant cannabis! Obviously this inconsistency has to do with the fact that alcohol reinforces shame while cannabis exposes it.)

This Creation was conjured by a Creator who is Love and who is Good and who has a dream of a world in which human beings live together in happiness, peace and harmony. The lack of an intention to be good on the part of many human souls who have been incarnating in this world is the reason why this dream of God's has not yet been fulfilled. But the God does have a plan for fulfilling this dream and the plan is very near to its realization and it most certainly will be realized. Because the realization of the Creator's dream of Heaven is the most important part of what is. It's the reason anything exists at all. Judgment Day is the moment, coming in the year 2012, by when people will have made a decision about whether or not they are willing to allow what is to be what it is, that is, whether they are willing to be good. At that point in time, those who are willing to be good will be admitted into a realm reserved solely for those who are willing to be good, and those who are not willing to be good will be left to their own devices with one another in a realm inhabited solely by those, like themselves, lacking an intention to be good. Because I sincerely doubt that anyone qualified by their own intention to be good to live in Heaven will choose to exist in the realm inhabited by those who do not have such an intention. Or visa versa, for that matter.

The evil are thus condemned to the hell of their own making because the Almighty Creator's dream of a world of peace and happiness does get fulfilled, and this can only occur if those lacking in an intention to be good are separated from those who do have an intention to be good. The evil will eventually turn any world inhabited by both the good and the evil into Hell, so there might as well, for the sake of the good, be one realm for those who choose Hell, and another for those who do not. This is all a part of a very good plan, as far as I am concerned, given that nature really does abhor the vacuum of nothingness that would exist if nothing else did. In other words, inevitably something is going to exist, and what does actually exist is the only plan for an existence involving sentient beings that can be a success. Fighting against this truth is the purest form of folly that could ever exist. Any other plan turns into disaster, as exemplified by this world in which the idea of people living in ignorance of the Creator, under a patriarchal system with its requisite conditions of ignorance, mortality, homophobia, the nuclear family and the incest taboo, has been allowed to run its course. That's everyone's favorite ideas of how to live, based as they all are upon shame, and together they completely fail.

The leading proponent of the idea of Patriarchy is the person called Satan. Patriarchy as I describe it is the idea of a world that Satan somehow had the hubris to believe would work better than the Creator's idea, which is really a form of Matriarchy. As my favorite prophet, Terence McKenna, says, patriarchy is the result of men consuming alcohol instead of psychedelics as the intoxicant of choice. Men who consume alcohol become belligerent and competitive with one another and feel a need to own and control the women in order to preserve breeding rights, whereas men who consume psychedelics become loving with one another and allow the women to be free. Men who follow Cain and compete with one another, particularly with respect to breeding within a patriarchal nuclear-family-based system, who want to own and control women as if they were property, become enemies who end up warring with one another. Men in a matriarchal system become lovers with one another. Relaxed matriarchal systems are pansexual and orgiastic, and they succeed while uptight patriarchal systems fail. Do you think of alcohol as acceptable or good and psychedelics us unacceptable or bad? If you do, in my opinion you are a proponent of the failed idea of patriarchy and therefore an ally of Satan and an enemy of the leading advocate of a matriarchal system, the Almighty Creator of this world.

The Creator's plan is a plan that involves free will. Free will is an inevitable reality and there is no point questioning whether or not it should exist. You had free will to exist as a good or an evil person. If you don't like the consequence of having thus far not aspired to be good then please, for your own sake, turn your life around! The Creator does not wish to be a fascist. He does not wish to live forever in a world like this one in which the evil must be kept at bay. He doesn't want to spend the rest of eternity being a cop. He would much prefer to have a world inhabited solely by those who like himself, intend to be good, such that fascism, police, courts, lawyers, prisons, wars, weapons, etc. are entirely unnecessary. (It is amazing to think how much wasted human energy will be saved in a world in which everyone does intend to be good. 100% or more of the energy spent in this world will be saved. Human beings will be net producers instead of net users of aggregate energy.) It follows from what I am saying that to have chosen to exist as a human soul lacking a willingness to be good will turn out to have been a rather large mistake. If you are, in the end, unwilling to be good, if you have chosen to be evil, which, again, I define as being unwilling to allow the God who created what is to be the God that he is, you will be punished for being a parasite. Your soul will be captured and put into a prison with others such as yourself who have made a conscious decision to take while being unwilling to give. I would venture to speculate that this prison is, as often described, a rather unpleasant place to spend eternity. I highly recommend that you avoid the fate of those who are unwilling to allow what-is to be what it is.

If you do not sincerely believe, deep in your own heart, that you are a person who has strived to be good, then I urge you to begin a reformation process immediately. I suggest beginning this process by checking in with your local Roman Catholic pastor. The truth taught by the Catholic Church, in spite of its problems, is the actual truth that you need in order to overcome your lack of intention to be good. I believe a much more contemporary force than the traditional church is thought of as being, consisting of famous rock stars and actors among others numbering 144,000, will join with the church in assisting those who find it difficult to accept reality such as it is. Over on the fundamentalism side, I don't know what version of reality they will promote, but it will certainly be interesting to see. The evangelicals will split over whether this is truth or a great conspiracy. At this stage there is abundant evidence that this world is turning into a hellish desert simply because men choose to align themselves with Cain (ungrateful empire builder) instead of Abel (grateful lover of God), and any Cain people who are unwilling to mend their ways at this point in the game, when the error of their ways is so obviously harmful to the whole, deserve whatever fate they are choosing for themselves.

By the way, I just want to return to something I talked about in previous statements. Adolph Hitler looks to me a lot like a person pretending to be Cain, taking the measures and saying the things that Cain would have been taking and saying if he had been Hitler. Sort of going on the record here saying that I believe this is the probably the truth. I will go further and say that Napoleon and George W. Bush who, with Hitler, were the three incarnations of the person I used to call the Antichrist (before I realized Cain is the antichrist), were all highly likable and charismatic people, members of the ruling family, pretending to be like Cain would have been had he been in power himself. If George W. Bush himself were revealed to have been the reincarnation of Hitler and Napoleon, as I once believed he was, I would be more prepared to believe that he is on the side of good, pretending to be Cain, than that he is on the side of evil. If I am correct about Hitler being a member of the ruling family pretending to be Cain, I will have come up with the most amazing spontaneous revision of the most analyzed bits of history anyone in history, and I am not in the least bit qualified to call myself an historian by any stretch of the imagination, except in my ability to stretch the imagination. Everything I ever said about the struggle between "Satan" and "Lucifer" in history, I would now say was really a dramatization, put on by the incestuous ruling family, designed to mimic the struggle that would have existed between Adam/Satan and his son Cain/the antichrist, had the ruling family not intervened by taking power in order that there be a good outcome. Cain is represented by the conservative and more repressive faction of the empire (Bush), and Adam/Satan by the liberal faction of the empire (Kerry). Cain is the aggressor, Adam is the compassionate one.