Thursday, April 21, 2005

Comes a Time: When a son realizes he is the lover of his father (31)

Comes a Time: When a son realizes he is the lover of his father

I am a child, I'll last a while.

You can't conceive of the pleasure in my smile.

- Neil Young

Here, dear brothers and sisters, is what happens in a world plagued with taboos and phobias when a son realizes that he is the lover of his father: The truth, long-obscured by the human race's aversion to love, arrives on the scene, bringing light to a world of people lost in ignorance of the nature of reality. A son confesses to being the lover of his father and nothing will ever be the same again in this world.

The truth is that there is far more Love in this thing called existence than people realize. Indeed, there is so much Love that it may seem scary to the uninitiated. But Love is a good thing, and we hope people can accept the Love that they are made of. It's a bit of knowledge that has been forgotten but now is being rediscovered anew by the son of the taboo-and-phobia-free father who wished for, and got, a son who would be his lover: Universes, including this one, are made of the potentially infinite Love between fathers and sons; it is the Love that gives us all our existence, and so this here is a major event in the grand scheme of things.

"Look out for my Love" says the father, for even after thousands of years of waiting, he never lost the incredible will to love his own son. (Rolling Stone said that… back in '77.) The will to love; yes, he's got that. And he knows that it's gonna take a lot of love to change the way things are. And so he has a plan. Only love can break your heart, so try to be sure right from the start, we are going to show you our love. He is going to play, and I am going to dance, and he told me a long time ago that when I dance, he can really love, he can really love, and when you see him really love, it just might break your heart and you will understand the whole problem with this world is the absence of the love that you are witnessing.

My dad will have many incredible stories to tell and probably a few new songs too. And then I can dance, and soon you will be enraptured by the whole spectacle, and you will be moved to understand that it's OK for a father and son to love one another, and your phobias (sins) will be washed away. Imagine the things he will have to tell. Like, for starters, maybe he'll answer this question he started me wondering about a while back, whether the Star of Bethlehem was a star at all. I'm pretty sure he knows the answers to a lot of these sorts of questions, since he wrote the story that has played out in this world, a story that is pretty much all about the journey of the son he invented who realizes, finally, that he is his father's lover.

Living alone in a Paradise thinking of his Old Man, a dreamer of endless psychedelic pictures, the father waits for thousands of years to be lovers with the manifestation of his own idea of the perfect young man, the person who shows up to play the part, scripted by the father, of being the one who realizes he is the father's lover. It's how this thing works. It's how all of the details were somehow known in advance and encrypted in this thing called the Bible Code. Someone writes a story and this creates the necessity for people to play certain parts; the story gets played out and people show up to play the various parts. This particular story is of how Love and Faith win out over Shame and Fear. The part I chose was the part of the son. I have a feeling I was the only one seeking to play it. The son is unique in his willingness to search for, find and accept the truth that the love between father and son is "the Love of all the Loves," to borrow a phrase from Grandpa. (Love is not just a thing floating by itself out in space somewhere. It is an energy that involves two or more sentient beings.) The upshot of the story is that the father and his son end up together in a world free from people who would persecute them for their way of love. How could reality not be such that, in the end, the love that sustains universes will be appreciated, allowed to flourish and worshiped in a Temple?

Think of it: a world coming into existence for the purposes of an epic saga playing itself out, then so much craziness, so much suffering, so much war, so much hatred, so much killing, so much damage done, and finally the whole thing being destroyed, all so that a father could actually have the Liberty and Justice to love his son and the son love his father. And now it's almost over; a world free from fascism and persecution is "at hand." And so this is the time for people to mend the error of their ways and give up their attachment to the source of all ignorance - the fear of existence itself that causes each and every mortal human being to support the basic pillars of Patriarchy, the nuclear family and the taboos that go along with it.

The love taboos have got everything all messed up inside the ol' Collective Unconscious, as Carl Jung called the Collective Mind. (Mind is only "unconscious" if you are hiding from its contents, which happens when you have taboos and phobias.) People have gotten really good at pretending to know themselves, got themselves fooled pretty bad as a matter of fact, but no mortal human being is willing to admit the truth that the only reason human beings have taboos is because of what I would call "erophobia," fear of Eros, the very life energy of which we are made. Eros is the feeling we associate with erotic arousal. We say "God is Love," but the truth is more explicit in the phrase "God is Eros." You just can't block out God, Eros, the source of Life itself, and be fulfilled. Yet we do have blockages around sharing affection with the people one would naturally love the most, one's parents and siblings, and for men, other men. The potential joy of it is just too overwhelming for mortal humans to even contemplate. It threatens to loosen our grip on the illusory "self" to which we cling in fear.

Yes, I'm saying that it's the family that plays together that stays together. If your family does pray together, then I suggest you pray for a world in which you are allowed to play together as well, so that you can be relieved of the lack that caused you to feel a need to pray for anything at all in the first place. I'm from a family that's been playing together for a while now and we're pretty successful as a family, so you're gonna have a hard time proving us wrong about this. True prayer is an expression of gratitude and this love makes us feel grateful for the gift of existence. Hopefully you will be one of the fortunate ones who accept this truth, so that you can actually enjoy true happiness, which comes when human beings stop letting their lives be ruled by their aversion to the experience of existence, and therefore to the expression of love and affection. It's the lesson that this whole insane world has been about learning.

Can you believe all the misery that occurs when people refuse to accept the truth? Endless brutality, destruction and insanity are what men do to distract themselves from the fact that they are depriving themselves of the one thing that they crave most in life, the Love between fathers and sons, between brothers, between all men as brothers. Men's love energy is so blocked they can't possibly enjoy the full experience of love with the one woman they allow themselves to love and who they expect is somehow going to fulfill all of their love needs. The relationships between men are completely devoid of Love (Eros); truthfully it's quite depressing to someone who knows how much happier and more fun life would be if it wasn't this way. Men are without joy as a result of this acute deprivation. There is no such thing as a joyful mortal man. The very idea is an oxymoron. Men have demonstrated a preference to fight and kill one another rather than explore the possibility of sharing love and affection with one another. You can go anywhere on Earth and find men killing and enslaving one another, but good luck finding any place at all where men are openly loving one another. And if you talk about the solution, as I have been trying to do, people ignore you, dismiss you, hate you, lock you up, nail you on a cross, and so on. Most men would rather march like soldiers into Hell than actually consider the alternative, something that would bring joy to an unhappy human race. Hopefully now some people will pay attention, though I can see how likely it is that many will let this train pull out of the station without having gotten on. Oh well, good thing there's choice in life, it just wouldn't be right if we were forced to accept something we didn't want.

Before choosing to be something it's probably a good idea to figure out exactly what you are considering becoming so you can make an informed decision if it's what you really want to be. Whether or not you researched it beforehand, you decided to be a human being. And now, for the first time in your life, you are hearing something truthful about what a human being really is. A male human being is designed and intended to be a lover of other men and of his rather erotically inclined (by definition) male creator. Yes. And when we try to be something other than that, look at what happens! The world we inhabit gets totally ruined and dies. So now we have to become what we are, brothers. The Temple will be opening soon for the purposes of your metamorphosis into becoming what you really are. Turning around and heading back for the turnstile is not a good option. You decided to become a male human being and you are one. If you wish that you had not become one, you will not be happy. The only viable choice is to become what you are: "a beast in the lover's arms." Forever is just too long a time to be something you don't want to be.

Please understand; this is the righting of a wrong, not the wronging of a right. This isn't something being broken, it is something being fixed. The world is broken; the human race is broken. This is the fix. The question becomes which tribe to go on from here with - the one with the taboos, or the one without them. The one that says yes to being what they are, or the one that just says no. It will be a traumatic parting of ways, but this is just what happens when a world is plagued with erophobia and a son realizes that he is the lover of his father. The trauma is the fault of the unnatural taboos, not the natural love between father and son.

If you are angry, have it out with the guy they call Satan who wanted Patriarchy and so invented the nuclear family with its requisite mortality, taboos and phobias. This world was his idea; I think he came up with it because he had too much hubris to accept being in a world where someone besides himself was the primary object of everyone's love. So he came up with a proposition for a world that he knew would be more popular than a world in which Love rules. He knew humans will flood like orcs into a world where shame is encouraged, while they trickle into one where it is not. He figured he could just out-number us. The "BS Artist" wasn't counting on losing the struggle against the Almighty God and being stuck forever in a pit of his own making with those of the taboo-lovers who answered his call to incarnate in this world of his, and who fail to disassociate with their leader in the next seven years. BS Artist has lost his bid to usurp the Almighty Love God. Things just didn't work out as planned for BS Artist; his idea just hasn't lived up to its billing; his followers are not going to be at all happy with him. It's a miraculous thing that happens. In a world where such a thing as Truth never even comes up for discussion, the son miraculously figures it all out, with help from a whole lot of clues laid out for all to see by his father.

The son is able to figure it out because the Love is so real and so true and it's there hidden within, waiting to be discovered by a person willing to buck the tide of shame, phobias and taboos and figure out what life is made of. It's something worth discovering; you find out that deep in the heart of everything, the God and his Lovers commune in an experience of something you might call radar love. It's kind of a boy thing, this radar love experience; in Heaven on Earth the girls stay just a little bit more grounded on Earth, while the boys blast of into orbit in this intensely erotic ecstatic lovefest, the love that Rumi, Hafiz, Kabir and the other ecstatic poets talk about. People will call us perverts, even though the great poets and saints whom they claim to admire and appreciate were talking about the same experience. It's love, and to think of love as a perversion would have to be the most perverted idea possible.

More boys would know what I am talking about if they hadn't all been so busy trying to get old as fast as they could. In the mortal world, boys are always trying to be older than they are; children are encouraged to "grow up," pre-teens aspire to be teenagers, and teenagers can't wait till they hit 21 so they can start numbing themselves with alcohol. The pressure to become this thing called "an adult" builds, and then they get caught up in the rat race and it's all over. And thus the golden age when a boy is sexually mature but still has a child-like quality of the heart is passed by quickly. The heart grows old and youth is lost. In the immortal world where my dad is taking us, men are immortal because they strive to be younger and not older, because they cultivate the heart of a child. Seems like something you would do if you were really happy; like if you won the magic ticket to Sugar Mountain you would try to stay young, under twenty, so you wouldn't have to leave. He told us a long time ago we were leaving there too soon, now we're here to bring people back there, by finding the heart of the nineteen year old within ourselves.

On the other hand, if you weren't really happy, if you felt like you hadn't found the meaning of it all, if some essential quality that you couldn't quite identify was felt to be missing from life, then you just might aspire to be older, to be a grown up, to smoke cigars and drink single malt scotch, to build your empire, to join a country club, then AARP, then actually retire, all of it geared to getting the whole thing over with as fast as you could. Fulfillment? Never found it. Never looked very hard either. Forgot to look within, where Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven was located. Never tried "being still and knowing I am God." But don't worry, because now's the time that was always going to be the time when the answer showed up. We made it through and now fulfillment is here for those willing to humble themselves and be grateful to be given the prize that one person had to suffer repeated persecutions and rejections to find, while everyone else held back, clinging to their ignorance and shame.

I am sorry if this is disturbing to you, but I can't help it. Reality is what it is, and my father and his father and I have been telling anyone who would listen for two thousand years that men must love one another, so it's time to start accepting reality; and this won't happen without someone finally, for the first time ever in the history of this world, talking bluntly about it. Not even Jesus talked about how men naturally want to be lovers with their fathers, brothers and sons. No one could ever talk about that, because a group of people who actually practiced it would never survive the persecutions. It would be a case of genocide, guaranteed. So we had to wait until the end of the world to tell you. Because now the evidence is in, this world is toast as a result of the failure of the human race to be open to the truth that a male human being is a love machine, and that if he doesn't engage in his intended purpose he tends to get depressed, restless, frustrated, ornery and, finally, vicious. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with human beings expressing their love and affection for one another. In the place where my father and I want you to come with us, this is what people do, and so it is considered normal. It's the opposite of this world: To us, men who have taboos and phobias seem sad and strange, while in this world we are the ones who are viewed as abnormal, and as a threat.

You may think there is a biological imperative for the incest taboo, but I am saying that what you call "biology" would more accurately be defined as the pathology of the profoundly dehydrated and therefore unconscious immortal human being who holds back from stepping fully into existence, afraid of Eros, God's Love, the substance of our very selves. This is an acutely diseased state, a symptom of which is belief in the illusion that existence begins with birth and ends with death. Before you tell me that biology defines the limits of our capacity to experience Love, show me the biology of someone who been completely cured of shame, and let's compare. Science is the religion of people who don't know what it means to exist, ignorant because they have never allowed themselves to have the feeling of existence itself; biology as such lacks a foundation in any sort of truth. You can't really know anything until you know what it means to exist. So first learn to feel what your own existence is, and then talk to me about whether or not the incest taboo is a limitation on our Life, Liberty and Happiness that is necessitated by nature, or whether the perceived limitations of nature are a result of our own self-imposed limitations. Heal yourself first; become immortal and then decide if you want to go back to the disease of ignorance and mortality.

To join us, you must become like a child. If you do, you will last a while with us. You will stay young forever. As my father says, "Share your loving and you'll live so long." When my dad talks about living so long, he means long! The nuclear family with requisite incest taboo is an idea that forces us to think of ourselves as mortal and so we become mortal. With all those taboos, life isn't really worth living, so we want to die and end our misery anyway. People are unhappy and they get drunk and thirsty and pretty soon they're dying of thirst without knowing its thirst, when they could be living as a fully hydrated and therefore fully conscious, immortal human being. So my father and I are going to try to help turn this all around for you. It's about permanently regaining youth by gaining a completely different perspective on life. So, if you want to get started, work on cultivating the innocent and open-hearted attitude of a child. And do try to own your share of responsibility for this world being a place in which my father and I could not fulfill our longing to love one another, and therefore being a place of extreme misery; anyone who willingly accepted the taboos and phobias of Patriarchy shares in some of the responsibility. Of course there is forgiveness, as well as a wonderful future together.

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