Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Expect the Unexpected (29)

Expect the Unexpected

Share your loving and you live so long. - Neil Young, the father of the Victors, from his album Greendale about the end times, about the blessings that come from giving up shame and sharing, rather than hiding, Love.

No scripture, no prophet, no prognosticator of any kind, no theologian, no philosopher, no mystic, no lama, no rabbi, no pope, no story-teller, nobody at all in the history of this world has ever openly foretold the exact nature of the events of the end times that began, more or less, with the tsunami of last Christmas and that will pick up a head of steam very soon. Something unexpected and quite out of the ordinary, something almost no one has ever even imagined, terrible and wonderful at the same time, is going to happen at any moment. I believe I understand something that very few others are aware of about what it is that will happen. The world is about to split into two realms of existence, and I believe I understand something about the mechanism by which this will happen. In fact I believe I may be responsible for making it happen when it does, simply by uttering a few short sentences, though I won't until and unless I have gotten clear instructions to do so from someone I consider authorized to issue them. Soon people are going to permanently position themselves in affiliation with one of two Temples, one a Temple of Light, Life and Joy, the other a Temple of Darkness, Death and Misery. The doors into both Temples are within each person, and once these doors are revealed people will become fully aligned with just one or the other. From within these two Temples two very different Universes will be imagined; one by a god who is loving, the other by a god who is ashamed. How can the world split into two? Easily, since we live in the Mind and each person already has two selves in two places within the Mind; if you listen you might hear them talking to one another. Really, it may not be much more complicated than right brain and left brain. Maybe both have a "self" associated with them; interesting idea, no? Maybe our brains have two hemispheres BECAUSE we have two selves. "If thine "I" be single thy whole body will be full of light." This dual self is alluded to by the split personality of Gollum, the desiccated creature who leads the descent into the underworld in the Lord of the Rings. It is also alluded to in the final scene of 2001 a Space Odyssey when the astronaut sees himself seeing himself, which is more or less the definition of shame. When he sees shame for what it is, it is destroyed and he is reborn in eternal life. That whole story is the story of the odyssey of overcoming shame. It's the odyssey I have been on for the past two years. It is an odyssey that anyone who wishes for a happy outcome to their existence must take, though everyone else is able to take it with plenty of coaching. There is the self who nibbles delicately from the tree of life. Then there is the self who is second guessing every experience of life, eating ravenously from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. These two trees are associated with the two Temples. All that has to happen is that people need to decide which of the two Temples they want to be in, and then get out of the one they don't want to be in, by putting all of their attention into the one they prefer. Both of these Temples have names associated with them, names that lure our attentions into their respective places in the collective Mind. The revelation of these two names to the people of this world could, and I believe will, precipitate such a separation. Once this occurs, the whole world becomes just a staging area for sorting out where each person will spend the eternity that comes after 2012. Oh, and to paraphrase the guy with the beard and sandals, it will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for an ashamed person to leave the Temple of Shame. And so there will be a major program for assisting people with getting over that plague. I believe that a very specific bit of Knowledge regarding the nature of reality, the interplay of good and evil, and the end-times events that are about to occur has been telepathically revealed to me. I believe that the attainment of this experience of knowing something very specific that I could not possibly know otherwise, since to the best of my knowledge it has never been written about in the history of this world, is the experience that Prem Rawat has referred to many times in his career as the Realization of Knowledge. I believe that he will come forward himself in the near future to corroborate what I am saying. There may be some sort of event wherein we both reveal this same information to one or more other persons at the same time, him and me never having spoken with one another, directly or through any go-betweens, in this life, other than through telepathy. If this occurs it will usher in the whole end-times scenario that I have stated repeatedly begins this year, 2005, leading up to a Judgment Day in 2012, a date which my readers know has, for the first time on March 2, 2005, been indicated as the end of the world by the Bible Code. I believe that this experience of realizing Knowledge completely on my own is a sort of rite of passage into becoming a perfect master, a status that Prem Rawat, whom I have named as the Creator of this world, has attained sometime in the distant past, long before the beginning of this world, which qualifies him to be the Willie Wonka in charge of the collective Mind itself. I believe that I am in the process, this very week, of attaining this status myself and am in the process of being handed the keys to the chocolate factory. The outcome of the events soon to come is that there will be victors and there will be victims. The victors are about to become victorious. The victims are about to become victimized. It's just how this thing called existence works. What happens will be the fulfillment of a law that has been in force from time immemorial. Has anyone ever considered whether a victor requires a victim and visa versa? If one comprehends reality, these begin to seem more like opposites than they previously had. Because there are two camps in this world, Cain's and Abel's, and one will inevitably be the victor, and the other will indeed be the victor's victim. When it' all said and done, the victors will be victorious because they chose to be victors; and the victims will be vanquished because they chose to be victims. The victims will feel themselves to be victimized by the victors, even though they were the ones who came into this world in order to victimize the eventual victors. The victors may be accused by the victims of being vampires, even though they came into this world with the intention to give and to be good and their victory comes only through an exercise of self-defense against the victims. Who are the victors? The Meek, who were promised this inheritance a long time ago, the Charlies of this world, the artists, dancers, lovers and dreamers, the believers in the ideas of the pro-matriarchy god, the nice guys who supposedly finish last… which indeed they do, in the end. Because long after the bad guys are finished, the nice guys will keep on going… forever. While the victims continue to endure the fate brought down upon themselves as a result of breaking the most basic rule of existence: If you choose to exist, you MUST also choose to be good. If there is a rule such as this, as there must be by the very most basic ethics or logic, then surely there must be a consequence for failing to abide by it. And there is, by necessity and for the sake of goodness. It is not a pretty picture for the soon-to-be victims of their own choice to be other than good. The wailing and gnashing of teeth will begin soon. You do not need to believe in any religion to understand reality. You need only consider and understand the implications of a few logical principles to gain an intellectual understanding of reality. These are: 1) Nature abhors a vacuum; 2) Necessity is the mother of invention; in other words, what fills the vacuum that nature abhors is that which is most needed, which is a plan that will enable the good to be victorious over the evil, because the ultimate experiencer of everything, the primordial Mind, wants it that way; 3) That which exists, Mind, began with the consideration of the possibilities of what could exist in the vacuum of nothingness; Mind is all that ever occurs in the vacuum that nature abhors. Nothing exists that is not Mind. Every thing that has ever existed was or is the product of someone's fantasy. A very good someone who came up with a very good plan. We live in the having of a fantasy, and this is all that could ever possibly be; 4) In a vacuum, whatever exists must be the interplay of opposites of equal magnitude since the sum of what exists in a vacuum must be equal to zero. It's possible that this could fluctuate, there could be periods where the pendulum swings such that there is a net positive or negative amount of happiness, but the stable point around which this would vacillate would be nothing (this interplay is illustrated quite plainly by the yin-yang symbol, which is symmetrical because of this law that the sum of everything that exists must be nothing because it all exists within the vacuum of nothingness); 5) The Mind is therefore an interplay of opposites of equal magnitude such that in order for there to be happiness there must necessarily also be an equal amount of misery. Happiness vs. misery is the most fundamental polarity in existence; 6) The management of what occurs in the vacuum that nature abhors has fortunately been given over to an eternal lineage of Charlies who become Willie Wonkas and whose job it is to insure that the people who experience happiness are those who have made a choice to be a giver, and that the people who experience misery are those who have made a choice to be a taker. In other words, there is justice, and a group of people who enforce this justice, the perfect masters; 7) This is indeed what happens, because it must happen, otherwise the whole existence would have collapsed into ruin a long time ago, as the outcome of this world, ruled as it is by the son of evil, Cain, would seem to clearly indicate. In other words, reality is defined by some basic laws that are quite rational in nature. By the way, if you believe in entropy, then why didn't everything degenerate into chaos a long time ago? The only explanation for why there is now, at this time, a highly ordered Universe is that there is some force that brings order to what is. This force is the perfect master, the Charlie who becomes Willie Wonka. So who are the victims? The brats and bullies who come into the chocolate factory of this world to take without giving in return (and get swept into the bowels of the factory as a result of their selfish deeds), the liars and deceivers, the dominators and would-be enslavers, the wannabe emperors, the takers of advantage, those who cling, in spite of so much evidence of their failure, the ideas of the pro-patriarchy god. The ones who believed that power or force can be used to gain advantage over those less-endowed with the means of survival and comfort, something that is allowed to happen only in such a world as this one in which this sort of behavior is permitted for the reason of allowing the evil perpetrator to set himself up to play the necessary part of the victim, so that the good can enjoy happiness. In other words, the good are always on the lookout for some suckers who will volunteer to play the necessary part of being the ones who choose to be evil. Willie Wonka needs those brats to burn in his incinerator (Lake of Fire?) in order to keep his Temple warmed up. Sounds a bit like a reverse Matrix sort of a thing, no? Perhaps we are all vampires, the contest being between the good ones and the bad ones. The victims will slide into the experience of misery because they will be unable to resist their own belief that it is where they belong. And the Meek will dance a victory dance on their graves. Brutal in a way, but it's the triumph of the good over the evil, which is of course the exact opposite to the way the evil would have things if they were actually more powerful than the good, which clearly they are not, given that their suffering becomes the backside of the coin of the eternal kingdom of happiness reserved exclusively for the good. It's much better than if the evil were to be the inevitable victors, as in that case everything would turn to misery and some other realm would spontaneously burst into existence somewhere, which would eventually collapse into Hell itself, and the whole thing would happen again. This scenario would provide just as much misery for the evil, but a lot less happiness for the good. So fortunately it works the way it needs to so that there can be some lasting happiness for those who deserve it. It's really quite a miracle that something so perfect can exist in a vacuum! It's eternal Justice. Perhaps this is where a big bang comes from: If the amount of happiness in Heaven gets too great relative to the ability of those in Hell to endure the requisite suffering, a whole new world erupts so that the saga can begin again, and a fresh new crop of a billion or two brats can eventually be tossed into the incinerator as fuel for another round in Heaven and a new Charlie comes in to save the day and then play the part of the new "Wonka." Thus on and on the eternal tribe of incestuous lovers will wander through endless worlds in which some will choose the Temple of Shame and some will join the tribe in the Temple of Love as the Perfect Masters continue to build the eternal garland of brotherly and sisterly love.

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