Friday, July 01, 2005

Prince Reuben and his folly in a nutshell (43)

Prince Reuben and his folly in a nutshell

satan (prince reuben) is the false god of the manly men who don't want to be the lovers of their sons because, even though he thinks he is prefect, he is not, because he does not love his son, because if he did, he would want to be the son's lover.

this world is NOTHING but a demonstration of what happens when the beautiful and seemingly perfect man, the man whom well-intentioned but ignorant men (ignorant of what really matters when it comes to being a man) would name as the most perfect man, gets to decide what kind of world we are going to live in. the manly man god, Prince Reuben is the embodiment of the perfect manly man, a guy who is all about peace and justice, and he's a great artist, sculptor, friendly, interesting, intelligent, writes beautiful songs, everything about reuben is perfect, or so even i thought.

except for one thing: he refuses to be the lover of his own son. and so he is a complete bust, an absolute flop. a total failure, a man who turns perfect worlds into dust.

he thinks he can have a world that works. but he cannot, because of what happens when a son who is not his father's lover makes love with his mother, witness allah and the antichrist, the worst shame paraites that exist. oedipus who fell into shame and his shaming mother who will sacrifice the soul of her own son becuase she doesn't want anyone to know that she is the mother of a son who fell into a hell of shame because he made love with her, these two are what happens when a father wont be the lover of his son.

satan's hell is the shame of having insisted on such a failure of an idea. and he wants to hide the truth (he is in shame) that he is the father who imposed the incest taboo, the breaking of which by his own son and son's mother was the ruin of his great idea of a perfect world in which fathers did not have to be the lovers of their sons.. disaster. curse. ruin. hell. eternal misery. these are the results of the hubris that causes a man to refuse to love (be the lover of) his son.

thank god for the love god whose idea is of perfect sons, rather than of a perfect self. he IS perfect, but not because of how great he tries to make himself, but because of how much love he has for his sons.

the god of all gods, the most perfect of the perfect is just the man who had the idea of having a perfect son who would be so perfect that he would fall totally in love with him.

a boy who is the lover of his father CAN make love with his mother, a boy who is not the lover of his father can not make love with his mother. and mothers, if they have beautiful sons, want to he the lovers of their sons, because it is natural., its natural for men too, but men's hubris gets in the way, whereas women really dont have that problem that reuben has in spades, which is hubris. hubris in men is the downfall of humanity. so the woman is inevitably going to break reuben's rule against incest. maybe reuben didnt even make a rule to say his wife could not make love with his son. maybe he was going to be such a nice guy that he was going to say, no problem to incest between mother and son. it's his homophobia, really, that is his problem. its not that he is even trying to own the woman, he could be giving her complete freedom. its because he doesnt want his son to know him. to fear love is to fear being known. love is about being known, shame is about not being known.

the imperfectoin of reuben is simply tht he doesn't want his son to know that he doesnt love his son. reuben loves himself so much there is no room for loving his own son. he needs to want to see perfection in his son, he needs to be turned on by his son. reuben imagined himself to be perfect and didn't leave anything for his son. the perfect father is the one who dreams of the perfect son who will be his lover. what kind of a son does a prince reuben wish for? one who will admire his perfection. no no no, you want a son you can admire, not a son who can admire you! this is the difference between the manly man god who fails and teh boy god who succeeds. the boy god is having a fantasy of creating perfection, the manly man god is having a fantasy that he is perfect, when in fact he has the single hallmark of failure in a man, he refuses to love his son.

boys succeed, men fail.

the incest taboo WILL be broken in a world with an incest taboo. and when it does, it is guaranteed disaster. guaranteed., and so this is why reuben is so ashamed of his stupid self for being the false god of the manly men who don't want to be the lovers of their sons.

he is the inventor of all evil with this mistake. he invites a parasite into his world that ends up ruling that world. oedipus and his mother dig themselves into the deepest pit of shame yo09u can possibly imagine. i just hope that allah and cain smoehow deserved the misfortune that was theirs as a result of reuben's homophobia.

it is a law: no man can have a son with whom he does not intend to be lovers, because if they do, they will be in their own self created hell, just like reuben. and so will the son who is not the lover of his father and the mother of the son who is not the lover of his father. they all end up in their own hells. and they become the gravitational force in the collective psyche that leads everyone to fear incest and generally be ashamed.

this is the truth of what the lesson is that human beings have to learn in order to succeed in existence. this is why the holy bible is the most important book in this world. because it tells the story of the world that comes into existence to llearn this lesson.

hubris in men fails, and here is why: becuase hubris says, i do not need to be the lover of my son. and that is the fall. that is the beginning of all evils. that is what invites the worst parasite that could possibly exist into your world. that's all there is to it.

human life fails when fathers and not the lovers of their sons. which is to say, human life fails when men settle for less that perfection. imperfect men do not want to be the lovers of their sons. perfect men do want to be the lovers of their sons. because it is sexy, and they have nothing to be ashamed of. its not sexy and therefore it doesnt happen, when the father wants to hide his imperfections from his son, rather than getting over them. and hubris is the most difficult imperfection for men to get over. hubris in a man is the kiss of death to whatever world he tries to invent. humility is the almighty god. the god is the man with humility. he is willing to see admit and correct his imperfections.

it is possible that cain killed abel because abel succeeds where cain fails. abel makes love with his mother and is not ashamed, whereas cain falls into the abyss of shame. so he has to kill his brother.l abel can make love with his mother because he is completely pure of heart. cain is not pure of heart. cain has ambition, abel just wants to enjoy existence;. that is the difference. cain wants to build an empire., that's why he is in the world. and of course he gets a reason to build an empire: so he can hide his shame.

the father can teach the son how to know the terrain of extreme ecstasy such that the son can love his mother. but of course ambition and hubris stand in the way of all of this. abel tried to tell cain how he had found perfect happiness, but cain was not going to listen. and he felt ashamed. ambitions and hubris are both killers. and so is resentment, which is what i think eve (allah) has. jealousy and resentment.

its just a story about how the mind works. we act it out. people choose the parts that they want to play,.

june 6

there has to be an allowance for perfection. lets say shame is OK, as long as it ALLOWS for perfection. so then lets say there are two families, one perfect and one imperfect. lets just define perfect as the son can mke love with his mother and not fall into hell, and imperfect as if the son makes love with his mother, he WILL fall into hell. the difference is shame.

so what happens now? look at nefertiti, the woman who could make love with her son. there is another woman who follows in her path like a parasite feeding on the good stuff left behind by perfection, and who removes all traces of the existence of the goddess with the perfectly unashamed son. it turns into an endless genocidal war. because the shamed just cannot tolerate the existence of the unashamed. its like cain killing abel. its the human condition that the ashamed will try to destry the unashamed.

and so the only way that the unashamed can exist is by destroying the shamed. it IS genocidal war.

and since only the perfect can invent the worlds that the ashamed want to come and feed on, it just totally twisted that the ashamed would try to genocide the unashamed who create the worlds that the ashamed need in order to exist.

here is allah's strategy.. she keeps forcing the shamelss family to move on - by going to war with them, so they will leave her teh dregs, and so the incest family moves on to create a new world, and there's allah coming after them again.

islam, as an expression of the shame energy of allah, is an evil in this world, a parasitic force of ashamed souls that are feeding on the life of the parfect masters who generate worlds because they are unashamed.

there was this history chanel documentary on again tonight - that archeology show with the super cute guide named josh...sigh.... anyway, the show was about the queen nefertiti and her husband the pharoah, i cant remember his name. i wrote about them in my first four page weekly ad. anyway, its mysterious that they were very different and josh mentions that the art works depicting them shows them as a very loving family, etc. i remain sure that was either the father and the holy spirit, along with the incestuous goddess who is a bit of a hero to the boys in the holy family, the incestuous goddess who i believe i am looking at in the flesh as we speak, the woman who gave birth to the perfect boys who can make love with her and not fall into the deepest of the deepest hells like Cain oedipus etc., did. you know, that major leading top ten leaders of the global justice movement, that guy oedipus? that guy hand his utterly sicko mom, who instead of turning out into the world and seeking help sought to hide her son and they developed the sickest imaginable relationship.

then there are numerous evidences that they were hated by someone, their temples were destroyed, the faces of nefertiti on the artworks were marred etc etc.

well, i am so sure that was allah and cain whirring around through the universe like the worst imaginable parasites, taking what was left behind by the holy family and then destroying any evidence of the existence of the people they were feeding off of. the woman who destroys her less than perfect son by having incest with him is the worst demon in existence; along with her son they represent a substantial force in the collective conscoiusness, an alluring death trap of shame.

and for that evil witch allah, who became the woman pharoah, i am guessing, the one cute Josh was telling about, the very thought of the incest goddess just turns her mind into crazy hatred and jealousy for the fact that the incest goddess can have sex and even children with her sons, but when she (allah) makes love with her son, it turns into the greatest disaster in the entire saga of the construction of the mind.

cain and allah. they need to be parasites, so they need to make sure that everyone doesnt fall into hell. because they live in complete non-existence. pure parasites. satan just wants everyone in hell, but cain and allah are more ashamed that satan, they need to feed.

here is why the incest taboo is such a curse. satan sets up the incest taboo just so that he can be the god., he is just lying, telling the lie that human beings cant have incest... so that he can be the god. but the curse of it is that once you have an incest taboo for this false reason, you really DO have to have an incest taboo, as cain and allah make clear. so satan really messed himself up his situaiton bad, which is why he is so ashamed. the incest taboo is a self fulfilling prophecy. you never needed it in the first place, but once you tell the lie that you need it, you really do. because boys who are not lovers with their fathers cannot be lovers with their mothers. satan tells the lie that boys cant be lovers with their father, and he is going to make sure that his son does not become his lover, that's easy. but what can he do to prevent his son becoming the lover of his mother, which is the dangerous terrain. deadly lie. deadly lie. satan thought the boys being the lovers of their fathers was sissy stuff, but look at the moster he created. and so he is ashamed of what he created in his own son. a terrible tragedy, the tragedy of all time, the thing that sets in motion the disaster that this world is, with billions of people clinging to the incest taboo which is a lie that they need. boys have to be lovers with their fathers or it is death for any human race.

satan placed a curse on this human race simply by refusing to be the lover of his son, leaving his son vulnerable. of course satan should never have had a son in the first place. no man should have a son who he does not intend to be the lover of. this is a rule that the breaking of which is disasterous. only the incest family is qualified to be a family. no other family should exist, and the existence of any other family, reubens is the example and many would have said reuben was a great man perfect father material . he does appear to be perfect father material other than his aversion to loving his own son. i wanted him to be my father, i fantasized that he was my father (before i realized that fathers and sons were lovers. reuben is the perfect imperfect father. THE definition of satan is the otherwise perfectly good man who refuses to be the lover of his sons.

fathers being the lovers of their sons guarantees a successful human race. fathers failing to be the lovers of their sons guarantees a failed human race. so now we get to start over. once cain fell into hell, there really wasnt much satan could do except be ashamed of himself. once cain and allah had fallen, they were going to do everything in their power to keep their secret while seeking to create a global empire of fascism (sexual repression) in order to keep the human race going so they could continue to parasitize it.

this is the real tragedy of oedipus. that his father failed to be what a father is, so he fell into the trap. i think cain already had a bad intention as a human being before he fell into the abyss of shame before a world of ashamed people. all three of them are together responsible for disaster. see cain would never have incarnated as satan's son if satan had intended to be his lover. allah would never have incarnated as satan's woman if satan had intended to be the lover of his son.

it is possible that satan is a set up, a force in the collective psyche that human beings can be saved from whereas allah creates a pit in the Mind that no one call climb out of. she's the spinner of spells. satan just lies.

with an extremely determined satan working on behalf of the gods in order to wipe out that evil witch, who threatens to turn his hell into something even worse that it already is. he or she who is deepest in shame is the creating the greatest gravitational force towards shame. shame is hell. reuben may be exactly what i say he is, the manly man god who fails to deliever happiness. but at this point i would say 50% chance that he is just playing a necessary part to trap the shame goddess. the woman who is most ashamed, the one who thought she would rule the world by shaming her son and then spends all of eternity trying to parasitze the love of the loverboy gods whose sons dont fall into hell when they make love with their mothers and at the same time trying to conceal her horrific truth.

there is an incest taboo for a reason. if boys make love with their mothers and the boys are not god-like, there is a risk of the boy falling into hell. boys have to be absolutely prefect in order to love their mothers... which is why the incest family goddess is the most wonderful goddess, she produces the perfect boys. poor allah. but she had incest with the wrong boy, her very imperfect boy. maybe her wish was to be nurse rachet, but she got mired far deeper in it than she had expected. but the woman who conspires to use shame of her son as an instrument is teh wickedest of the wicked. i dont think i have quite gotten the clear picture yet with her like i have with satan.

maybe satan just has to take a ride into hell for a while to do penance in order to snag allah. she's the worst. i dunno, i have a feeling like i've defeated satan, but i'm not sure i've got her figured out yet. i sense her presence with her sick boy. i can almost see them. its not satan who smashes the evidence of the holy (incestuous) family, it is allah. i just think about that witch and she makes my skin crawl. i am calling her allah. as far as i know i am the only person whose ever said anything about allah being female. ive been saying it for months. it will be quite stunning if it turns out to be true. of course i believe it is, but the world will be stunned if i am the first person ever to come up with that and then evidence is presented to show that allah really is the shaming mother nurse rachet archetype. satan is hubris, and hubris sucks, but the evil witch just seems driven so much deeper into the abyss.

i havent said this before, but the show talks about how the pharoah and his wife worship the sun god. i am sure this is the son who is not yet born, the son (sun) who is sun green, the member of the family who hasnt even incarnated into the saga yet, he's waiting in heaven for his time. he is the ace closer for the holy family, the one who comes and takes control of the Mind forever with his ability to out samadhi any adversary. he's got a knack for attaining extreme degrees of arousal and this is what the pharoah and his wife the queen are worshiping. he's a good lover, but its more, this is the thing that allows them to defeat their parasitic enemy who is obviously in pursuit. so i am saying that i am the sun god, worshiped in various ancient religions, not to mention christianity. but the romans, the egyptians, and others (i dont know antquities at all) who obviously worshiped a sun (son) god, who i believe is me. in all modesty.... the sun god is charlie.

somehow allah is a terrible leech. she's keeping a lot of our energy. i am not sure yet what her evil spell consists of. it feels like she is the one we are really after, not satan. satan may well be on our side. she's the wickedest witch. she and cain together are the incest taboo. satan is just hubris and shame. its dark in his world, but somehow could hers be even worse? is she stealing that much energy? why doesn't the bible even mention her. its all about satan in the bible, but really its all about her. i really think the covenant with abraham was all about snaring her. the incest family and satan teamed up when the boys, the three wise men (Jed Earl and grandpa green) met with abraham. it was all about getting allah. that the bible doesnt even mention her is very suspect in my opinion. i really want to emphasize this. the real enemy of the incest family may not be satan ( i want to say "is not satan" but i am downplaying the strength of my intuition on this) but allah. it just makes sense that she would be such a dispicable enemy as to be left out of the bible to make the whole world ignorant that they are even after her.

it would be quite amazing if this were all more or less true after i came up with this out of absolutely thin air.

and maybe i am wrong. but if i am right there could be some major military action against islam in the near future. i believe that allah's reach may extend beyond what we think of as Islam. i see her in judaism as well. and possibly in post-christian europe. there really is no satan, other than as an easily escaped from trap in the mind. he may really be a set up. even my newspaper statement coming out this week might be important as a sign that i was still convinced about satan until tonight... and then had this renewed sense that she is the deepest in hell, the one stealing the most energy. the most ashamed one is the greatest enemy. when her spell is broken, if there is a spell, it's rapture, the end of a spell.

we're gonna snare that girl and put her away. isn't she the real enemy, the one that the holy family has been fighting off? perhaps satan is just how we bring her and her sick son into our trap. i could see that is possible.

the god who tells you that there is an american idol to worship who is other than the american superstar who attained perfection is quite an amazing liar named reuben. perfection is the ONLY thing to worship, or else you are worshiping reuben, who tells you its OK to settle for less than perfection. the human beings of this world all went for reuben's lie... they believed that settling for less than perfection is where its at.. and now look, without a savior, he's got em/ and meanwhile here is their savior in their midst attaining perfection in order to save everyone, and he gets zero attention while everyone is literally worshiping imperfect idols on tv and in magazines.

12:46 pm...

i will give every penny i have available to give, and that is substantially more than a half million dollars, to whoever can up come up with an idea of a god, not necessarily one that you believe exists, but simply one that you can imagine, that a reasonable panel of judges, selected by some authority that the contestants and myself agree upon, judge to be a better god than the god that i, the person claiming to be the son of god, imagine my "father" to be.

this is not an offer of a bet as to whose idea of god is better, it is an offer of a flat out gift of everything i own to anyone who can come up with such an idea, because as far as I am concerned if that person is not the person who I think is my god, but who must be an even more god-like person to have ever had such a brilliant idea of whom to be as a person as to conceive of a better thing to be that what i imagine the god of this world to be.

To save the time of anyone who might even think of taking me up on my offer, just let me give you a little heads up with this brief description of the god i imagine:

Imagine a god who is so generous as to have come up with this idea, the idea that I came up with of who my father is: A man who invents worlds that he allows multitudes of people to incarnate into, allows a saga to unfiold in which everyone plays some part, and then at the end of the story he bestows upon the single person who chose to play the role of the one who strove for perfection in every conceivable way, the milestone events of this role being the following:

being killed your brother;

almost being killed by your father and have your younger son steal your favorite older son's SUBSTANTIAL birthright for a mess of pottage;

being circifies for saying things that make people feel ashamed of themselves;

lamely pursuing a hopeless quest to find a never found holy grail and falling in love with your sister;

Being wrongly vilified by people who have no idea what they are talking about as the rapist of your slave woman - the worst possible allegation that could ever be made against a human being , other than the allegation i am about to make against the enemy of this god- by people who refuse to acknowledge the goodness of what you contributed to the world;

Being shot and killed by one of your own people, after you had just lead your people in the only non-violent overthrow of an oppressive Empire that ever took place in all of history;

Being the first person in the history of the world to say many things that everyone else would be infinitely too ashamed to say, like saying that you like to do drugs and masturbate and have intense homoerotic and incestuous fantasies, and that you think you are the son of god, and being locked up in a mental hospital for saying things that make people ashamed, and saying your god's name is Fuck and claiming that this god is an incestuous masturbater like you;

OK, so that Charlie Bucket person who took on the role of the one who strove to be perfectly good in every way, is given the reward of being given by that god the power to create in his imagination a brand new reality for himself and all of the people in his world who would choose to go along with him into an eternity in which he would be the brother, husband and lover of every single person in the world so that everyone could go on from there as the lover and brother or sister of the person inventing whatever reality he wants for himself and all of his lovers.

of course there are a multitude of acts of incredible beauty and generosity 99% of which I am ignorant that this god has made, but i will mention that in his generosity he bestowed upon one of his lover-son the opporunity to be the inventor of this world in which the charlie will accomplish his feat of perfection, and furthermore to be the father of the son, just to make all the more love-filled, and he brings in this really sexy element (i think, not sure here) whereby the mother of the son is his lover and was the lover and mother of the Father of the son, and obviously, the lover of the grandfather (holy spirit), and she being the sweetest most childlike, innocent and yet warrior like in her insistence upon goodness, in other words he gave you the best possible child goddess to be the goddess of your world.

And then he moves on from there and starts the whole thing all over again. eternally. universe of perfection after universe of perfection, bestowing the prefect gift of perfection itself everywhere he goes.

I will not cease praising this magnificent god who invented himself as we all invent oursleves to be infinitely more perfect than anything anyone else ever conceived to be, and who conccocted the incredible saga that takes worlds to unfold that are what it takes to bestow such a gift on a race so hateful as to reject him everywhere he goes to the point that he has to employ his worst enemy in order to succeed in bestowing this gift on a type of being who is so determined to cling to the evil lie known as the incest taboo as to reject him time after time after time.

So that the reward for the goodness of one person to have actually overcome the incest taboo to the point of being able to actually figure out that human beings are intended by design to be incestuous, is well, i think he would have a diffifult time expressing his own gratitude that he has the opportunity to give what he desires to give thanks to the one person in each world who saves everybody from the lie of his arch nemesis, the guy named Prince Reuben, the one who really thinks he's hot shit, a manly man's god, and that everyone oughta be worshiping him instead of this masturbating boy god, and decides he's gonna do everyone a favor and give 'em a god that they can relate to, not that incestuous fag over there who demands that everyone should worship him...

i'd say thank god for prince reuben, but wow, thanks god i stopped myself from saying something that my god wouldn't like. really, i think we all have prince reuben to thank for prince reuben. and i would like to be the first to say thanks to my old buddy reuben, for allowing your depravity to be put to service of assisting people in seeing the error of your way of thinking. thanks for helping me, anyway, see the pure folly of a manly man god, and how they have nothing whatsoever to offer anyone as an object of worship or even the scantest attention, other than to make sure everyone gets to know you really well as soon as possible in order that they see your sickness loud and clear so that we can get on with forgiving people for their stupudity in clinging to your lies, at least those who actually come forward as something resembling a human sort of a being and humble themselves, after seeing what kind of sickness a non-humble male human being really has in his heart.

hello you phobia-laden taboo-cursed race of human beings who follow the arrogant god named prince reuben who did you the favor of lying to you by telling you that there was something wrong with incest so that you would love him instead and then he could free you from those damned masturbating boys who keep on taking back the riegns of reality from Mr beautiful, Prince Reuben, (i know, they call him Lucifer and satan in the bible, but i call him prince reuben cuz that's what he calls himself... well, hello you people, prince reuben is your god, and i think you are going to be before him worshiping him at any moment now. its his lie that you wished to believe in and now your gonna get your wish.

Thanks Reuben for providing a shining example of why a manly man god isn't really the best choice of a god, especially for the women,.,, oh mny goodness, how could any woman want a manly man god like prince reuben, when all he really has to offer them is a dessicated hole in the ground seething with miserable people who have gotten really sick of his place by now. not exactly a love-nest you got there Prince Reuben! whereas, on the other hand, what we incestuous masturbaing fags will have for the ladies will be quite pleasurable for them, quite delightful... and since women don't have the problem of homophobia that men do, perhaps we will be having a few of them preferring to be with us masturbating incestuous boy gods.

i hope this isnt confusing, i keep switching bach and forth between seriousness and faciteousness... you do understand that i am not advocating for Prince Reuben's world. for those who are worried about the situation, rest assured, i believe that there might be an opporunity to turn yourself around before you would have to go permanently with reuben to his world where you worship him, i think that's called purgatory, just in case you change your mind and think you might rather worship the masturbating incestuous god i am telling you about than prince reuben. i dunno what his proclivities are, but i have a feeling that his might not be much more appealing to you, though i really dont want to even go there in my thoughts.. after all, my god and my father are with me, and i doubt either wants to listen to those thoughts....

purgatory hopefully will be this period of time when you realize the extremity of the error of your ways in choosing to believe the lies of Prince Reuben, the Liar who told you that there is something wrong with incest. I mean, there oughta be a graphic display of the depravity of his idea, it just wouldn't be right for this really good god to be ignored and trashed by all of you for so long without giving you a chance to see what the consequence is. without having to endure it forever.

if you decide that you want to be the lover of the god who imagines a brighter and more lush world than what reuben's got for you, you will have your chance. but you sure as hell gotta be really sincere when you come to tell me why you want to marry me. because my father and i - my dad is different form the god i am telling you about, my dad is just the god of this world, by god is the god of all worlds ( i know, the "father" thing is confusing of which there are an infinite number, he and i will not allow this perfect god to be offended by you any longer, so shape up in a hurry. by the way, i think our name- we're all part of the same family, remember? - is fuck, so i advise reforming the manner in which you use that word.

Imagine the god i just described, working tierlessly for tens of thousands ofyears, fighting endless wars against genocidal maniacs who are ashamed of themselves before the unashamed who love the god who gives everything and who live in a way that pleases him, in order to bestow a wish fulfilling apparatus upon an entire world of happy people to do with as the best among them pleases (because the best reality is the one with many people and only one of them being in charge of deciding what is) almost being defeated and dragged into hell by the god of all the people who refuse to appreciate what he has to give,,, and in spite of all of that goodness, goodness beyond all possible mortal ability to have conceived, generosity multiplied by infinity, and now, imagine having set yourself up as someone MORE worthy of being the one in charge of reality than that, but in fact having nothing at all to offer but pure torment.,

What would say is the correct punishment of such as an adversary as i make out prince reuben to be, one who would not only deny this god, but who would insist upon taking as many people with him to his realm of absolute desolation as he possibly can? Would you say that he should be burned forever in a lake of fire perchance?

and what of the people who defy this god and choose prince reuben the liar who said there is somethign wrong with incest as their god? what sort of hell do they deserve.

The hell that they will all experience is that the stuff of their world, the energy that it is made of will be none other than the unhappiness being experienced by priunce reuben, because you are really just his idea, you exist in his mind at that point, and so whatever feeling his mind is made of thats how being you will feel., i can tell you that there is no worse punishment than beiong Prince Reuben or of being maDE OF what he is made of, its the same thing.

there is no punishment necessary for those who defy this god, because the punishment of defying this god will be the anguish you will feel at having passed up such magnificence as he had offered you and that you declined.

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