Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A Declaration of Independence from the need for Fascism (34)

A Declaration of Independence from the need for Fascism

From time to time a fearless and creative person takes a bold step toward the fulfillment of a long and dearly held yearning by following the urge to do so in spite of a lack of complete certainty as to the optimal course of action or the timing thereof. Popular phrases like "follow your heart" or "trusting your instincts" pertain. The fame that the great German writer Goethe enjoys among speakers of English is derived almost entirely from being the source of a single much-loved saying about following one's heart. It is posted on refrigerator doors everywhere and it goes like this: "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." Goethe doesn't soft pedal; he doesn't say "but don't go overboard with it" or "but don't have too big of a dream." No, he says "Dream your biggest dream and go for it!"

Well, I happen to have this dream of a happy and successful realm of human existence. "I'm not the only one" to have this dream. Indeed, John Lennon speaks for many who share this dream in his anthem of the yearning for this realm of happiness, his song Imagine. It's the dream of the Holy Spirit whose love is the essence of everything. It's the dream of the Father who invented this world so that people could have an opportunity to participate in the fulfillment of this dream. I'm doing what I can to support the ongoing efforts to make the dream of Heaven a reality. I am following Goethe's advice and the urges in my own heart of hearts to bring about a beginning of the actualization of this dream. It begins with this declaration of exactly what it is that I envision. For reference I include the preamble to the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, which I find to be remarkably applicable, even more so today than in 1776, since now the author himself understands the full implications of his own words.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another… they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold the following truths to be self-evident: 1) that all men are created equal, 2) that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, 3) that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, 4)That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, 5) That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence dictates that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

I submit that the moment has arrived when it is both appropriate and necessary for one people "to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another," and I am herewith defining who these two peoples are and naming "the causes which impel [one of] them to the separation."

The cause that impels one group to the separation from the other is the one's desire for and capacity to enjoy a life free from the world-destroying and misery-creating tendencies of the other, and the other's lack of desire for and inability to enjoy such a life of peace and happiness as the one is capable of.

There are three types of male human beings:

Gods are what men become when they learn to love one another. A god is a male human being who accepts and becomes what he was created to be, who gives up shame and becomes a lover of other male human beings and of the Holy Spirit. Enlightenment is the process of a man becoming a god.

Demons are what men become who finally refuse to be what they are, who refuse to love their creator and their fellow man. A demon is a man who has condemned himself to a miserable existence by clinging to shame and thus being something other than what he was intended by his maker to be.

Man is the pupa stage of a male human being in which he has not yet realized what he is. It is a stage of the male human being on the way to becoming either a god or a demon, depending upon his own choice. Shame is what keeps a man from knowing what he is.

Judgment Day is the moment by when every man will make a decision about whether or not to give up shame and so will have awakened into being either a god or a demon. I believe it occurs in 2012.

Fascism is a system of government based on the understanding that a society of men, some of whom are future gods and some of whom are future demons, are not capable of enjoying Liberty or of having Happiness since many of them they are not inclined to love one another and if left to their own devices will attempt to dominate and control one another. Fascism limits men's "unalienable rights" in order to effectively control them. Fascism is the rule of men by gods who know what it takes to effectively rule men. Fascism is what you could call a necessary evil. It's what's required to keep a world of ignorant men from self-destructing. There would be no civilization at this point if not for fascism. Aaron Burr would have seen to that.

Humanity has arrived into the moment when the pupa stage of men's existence is coming to an end. And so there will soon emerge two distinct groups of men in this world. One group consists of men who will be willing to be what men were invented to be - lovers of their Creator and of one another - and the other consists of those who are not. Human beings were invented by their Creator to succeed, not to fail, and so those who are willing to do what is required to succeed deserve and will be given an opportunity to fulfill their potential for success. And, since the time appears to be at hand, this is a proposal that a new Nation be formed as a homeland for the people who choose love over shame and hatred, who choose to be what they were intended to be by their Creator.

The United States of America is a fascist state, as is clearly indicated by the prominent display of the symbol of fascism, called the fasces, in the chamber of the US Congress and its appearance elsewhere in the iconography of the USA. (This symbol dates back to Rome and was displayed prominently by the regimes of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.) Fascism has been in effect in this world since Rome became the dominant empire of the western world in the centuries before the Christian era. The Church itself became the agency of fascism after Constantine's conversion, and it controlled Europe through a thousand year period of relative stability. Adolph Hitler said, "I am merely continuing the work of the Roman Catholic Church," indicating that the baton of fascism had been passed to Nazi Germany. There are plenty of clues, for those who care to notice, that the baton was then passed from the Third Reich to the USA after the war, a task carried out by Skull and Bones member Prescott Bush and other leading American statesmen.

Yes, the USA is an incarnation of the Roman Empire as was intended since before Columbus sailed the ocean blue. The Empire has been in continuous existence and has always been headed by Pontifex Maximus, the secret dictatorial ruler of the world, who is a close ally of the Holy Spirit - the god of the gods - to whom he reports directly. Pontifex Maximus is not an office, but a person who was selected for the job before this world began. Just as the His Holiness the Dalai Lama is believed to be the reincarnation of the previous Dalai Lamas, Pontifex Maximus, or "The Black Pope" has carried out his work through successive incarnations. He runs the show through secret societies such as the Jesuits, the Freemasons and The Order of Skull and Bones. All US politicians take orders from him, though I doubt many of them know who he is.

The mission of Pontifex Maximus is to maintain order in the world and to conduct history so that it goes as planned, and he brilliantly carries out this mission. He is the ultimate martial artist and a very psychedelic and profoundly enlightened person. As planned since the beginning, the Empire of Pontifex Maximus has consolidated a tremendous amount of power in this era leading up to humanity's moment of truth so that it can carry out the measures required for the fulfillment of the Creator's plans.

Now the moment has arrived; those who are willing to become what human beings were invented to be will soon move beyond fascism to a much happier realm in which there is no impingement whatsoever upon the Liberties that enlightened people are capable of enjoying. The Creator and His allies are patient and tolerant people, willing to wait a few thousand years for their opportunity to enjoy uninterrupted freedom, but they eventually insist (and now is the eventual moment of this insistence) on being allowed to enjoy freedom without interference from people who are incapable of enjoying or even permitting others to have true freedom.

Exactly on schedule, the solution to the problem presents itself in this way. The Leader of the Nation of Israel asserts that men can and must learn to know and love the very lovable, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent Creator and, in the process, learn to see and love Him in one another. There is a rite of passage that fathers are intended to lead their sons through, a rite of passage into self-knowledge that is missing from the culture of human beings on planet Earth, ruled as they are by the taboos and phobias invented by the Creator's adversary. The intention of the Creator is that fathers love their sons and teach their sons to feel and love the presence of the Holy Spirit within their own being. A world in which this rite of passage takes place is a world that thrives, and a world in which this rite of passage does not take place fails. I am thus proposing the creation of the only Nation that will succeed in supporting happiness by allowing for and encouraging this rite of passage, which entails fathers and sons being lovers with one another.

There is need of a place in which this solution can be implemented without interference of intolerant people. Given their recent enthusiasm for initiatives seeking to limit the rights of men who choose to love one another, it appears that a very large portion of the American citizenry would oppose the solution being undertaken in their midst. Indeed, many Americans seem convinced that men who love one another are a threat to the very survival of humanity, whereas the premise of this declaration is the exact opposite - the threat to humanity's survival comes from men who refuse to love one another. The status quo is unjust for those who have love in their hearts because fascism is necessitated by the presence of those who do not. Under the status quo the ideals of liberty which impelled the USA to declare its Independence from Great Britain in 1776 are unattainable even for those who are capable of it. This fundamental injustice can be fairly resolved only through the proposed separation.

I therefore propose that a new Nation be formed in which there would be no laws, policies or attitudes that legitimize shame or that forbid or discourage activities that unashamed human beings naturally engage in. Freedom is freedom and either you have it or you do not; if someone is attempting to impinge upon freedom in any way, that person is an enemy of freedom, a fascist. This is a proposal for a non-fascist Nation of non-fascist Citizens, a Free Nation for Free Human Beings. The criteria for evaluating suitability for citizenship would be that the aspirant has demonstrated his or her approval of, appreciation and respect for, and intention to participate in the loving life-style of the people of this Nation; in particular the male aspirant must be willing to know and love the Almighty Love God by whose Mercy he is offered this opportunity to exist in a realm of happiness. One must sincerely want to be a part of the radically different culture, free from the plague of shame, that comes about as a result of men being willing to be what they really are and thus to love their male Creator and one another. All men and women who join this Nation will understand, accept and rejoice that it is the Intention of the Living God that fathers and sons are to be lovers with one another, and that fulfillment of all human beings, men and women, depends upon, and is assured by, the full flowering of the father-son relationship.

The United States was founded on principles of Liberty, but Liberty has not yet been experienced by its people. No one is experiencing Liberty in a nation in which, for example, growing and using cannabis are prohibited. The single most idiotic restriction of Liberty that the human race could impose upon itself would have to be the prohibition of this fantastically beneficial god-given plant adapted to serving humanity in so many ways, not the least of which is that inhaling its smoke sensitizes people to the presence of God in the here and now. The nation that I propose will be clothed, fueled, fed, papered, inspired and enlightened by cannabis sativa. The human race has yet to graduate from the sixth grade in the process of attaining its master's degree in Liberty. Nowhere in the Declaration of Independence is there any mention of an unalienable right to force one's "moral values" upon others. The freedom of an ignorant, fearful and ashamed majority to oppress and control an enlightened and loving minority is not one of the God-given rights that Jefferson refers to.

The Ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence notwithstanding, Americans live in a nation in which the Government is, of necessity, "destructive of these ends" (i.e., of the unalienable rights). The solution is not "regime change," the solution is a new Independent State exclusively for those capable of enjoying freedom. And so I declare that whereas fascism is a necessary form of government when the men who are governed do not love one another but rather live in distrust of, and compete to dominate, one another (the modus operandi of men, even among major leading do-gooders supposedly working for "the better world that is possible");

and Whereas the vast majority of the male citizens of the United States of America do not love one another and therefore require fascism as their form of government;

Whereas it is clear that the United States is committed to being a fascist state, with a mere façade of democracy painted on;

Whereas the citizenry of the USA continues to believe in the farce that their nation, a de facto dictatorship, is a "democracy," even after two consecutive Presidential elections are flagrantly stolen, the more recent instance of election theft having being publicly foretold by an executive of the company whose voting machines were used to steal the election; (I am talking about Ohio and the Diebold Co. executive who said "I will do everything in my power to insure that Bush wins the state of Ohio," a bald-faced admission of an intention to rig the voting machines in Bush's favor, which the evidence suggests did indeed occur. The employment of easily rigged voting machines, this admission of an intention to steal an election by someone perfectly positioned to execute such as theft, as well as John Kerry's silence on the entire matter, all doubtlessly occurred by order of Pontifex Maximus so as to prove to the American public that it willingly accepts obvious lies in order to save face while being given the dictatorship that it prefers to true freedom and that it requires for the maintenance of order.)

Whereas the author of this Declaration, for one, is ready to join a Nation in which men do choose to love one another and to live according to the plans of the Almighty Creator and who therefore do not require fascism for the maintenance of order;

Whereas it is abundantly obvious to anyone who cares to notice that the impending failure of the human race is due to the fact that men are afraid and unwilling to love one another;

Whereas no one else on Earth is proposing a viable solution to the problem of humanity's failure to live peacefully and in a manner that is sustainable in the long run, a failure that has persisted through thousands of years of history into the present moment;

Whereas there is a large faction of the human race who, left to their own devices, would not be willing to permit the existence in their midst of a society of men who openly encourage and expect one another to love without the interference of shame, phobias and taboos;

And whereas it appears that any group of people willing to undertake the transformation that would be required in order for a community, tribe, nation or race of human beings to survive in the long run (i.e., one that encourages its male members, fathers and sons in particular, to love one another) would not be permitted to exist alongside the extremely homophobic dominant culture of the United States of America, and that such a group would be attacked and its members would be persecuted, oppressed and exterminated unless pre-emptive actions were taken (if ever there was a justification for pre-emptive action, this is it);

Therefore I, Arthur Jefferson Fairhall, a United States citizen residing in Seattle (who, it just so happens, has persisted for nearly two years in claiming to be "the son" of the Holy Trinity), declare the establishment of an independent Nation for the purposes of carrying out the plans of the Creator of this world. I declare myself to be the first citizen of this nation. I propose that Seattle become the Nation's capitol. I suggest that the Territory of this Nation consist of the areas of North America that drain to the Pacific north of the Golden Gate and to the Arctic west of the Mackenzie River. The extent of the Territories involved will of course be subject to discussion and negotiation among various leaders, and to the will of the Father, whose plan this is. (This is an expanded version of the Nation defined by Ernest Callenbach as "Ecotopia" in his seemingly prophetic book by that name.) Generally speaking, these are the regions of the North American continent that, due to their relatively recent colonization by Europeans, are the least damaged by the failures of the human race to love one another. These remaining fragments of the natural beauty and abundance given to the human race by its Creator would justly be given to the Nation of people who choose to live in such a way that natural beauty can be preserved and enhanced rather than depleted and destroyed.

For the purposes of this Declaration I will refer to the declared Nation as "New Israel," as I believe that this event will fulfill Biblical prophesies regarding the establishment of a homeland for the Nation of Israel. (The scriptures left a few things to be surprises; for example, they don't mention that there was a New World waiting to be discovered, with a geographical region that corresponds in many ways with the Old World location of Israel, within which is a city that corresponds in many ways to Jerusalem). The men and women who join this new Nation will be left unmolested and free to pursue the lifestyle that will permit their survival into an eternal and happy future. They will enjoy Heaven on Earth in spite of the objections and attempted obstructions of those who refuse to accept the truth that a human race whose male members refuse to love one another - in spite of the urging of their Creator to do so - is doomed to eventually devolve into a Hell of irresolvable conflicts and mutual torment, much as we see happening today in the territory known to some as Palestine and (confusingly enough) to others as Israel and into which the remainder of humanity is poised to follow as numerous long-festering hatreds are ready to explode at any moment into tribal and religious wars.

I propose that all those who do not choose to participate in a culture in which men are encouraged to love one another leave the territory of this new Nation and that those who would choose to participate in a culture in which men are encouraged to love one another come and make their home here.

On the basis of my right "to establish and secure access to the unalienable and God-given rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," indeed, in order to secure access to a realm of existence that will not be turned to ashes and dust as a result of the actions of men who refuse to love one another, I hereby ask President George Bush, all United States Senators and Representatives in the US Congress, and the Governors of all fifty States, to support this establishment of the independent Nation of New Israel, in which the inalienable rights earnestly wished and advocated for by Thomas Jefferson and his cohorts, as well as the more explicit promise of a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth that the Creator himself has made to the people of this world directly and through his son and other prophets, can finally be enjoyed by the human beings capable of enjoying them.

Furthermore I ask President Bush and Congress to make this new Nation a protectorate of the United States, a status that the occupiers of Palestine have long enjoyed with the support of a majority of the American public, in large part because a major portion of the public erroneously believes that Palestine is the location of the Homeland promised by the Creator to his chosen people. If the USA is willing to support a false homeland for the false children of God, then it ought to support the real thing. The Evangelicals have misidentified Israel's location (New World, not Old), the identity of its citizens (the people who originally incarnated in this world as the first 12,000 descendants of each of Jacob's twelve sons, regardless of their ethnic or cultural identities in their current incarnations, not the much more numerous people who identify with Judaism and are citizens of so-called Israel), and the timing of its establishment (in 2005 not 1948).

I also urge the Government of the USA to enforce disarmament of the whole world in order to bring an end to the incessant warfare of the human race, so that those incapable of living without fascism can at least live without warfare.

As one who claims to be the current incarnation of the person who previously incarnated as Abel, Isaac, Jesus, King Arthur, Thomas Jefferson and Mohandas Gandhi, among others, I believe that it is my role to declare the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth in the Nation of New Israel and to ask for the support of the leadership of the USA in bringing about this Nation.

The foundation of this Nation (to use the language of Jefferson) will be laid upon such principles and its power organized in such forms as follow:

All persons will be joined in a single union of marriage with their Leader, consummated en masse on a regular basis in the Temple. No nuclear families in this Kingdom, only one great big happy, fully alive, orgiastic, taboo-and-phobia-free family that parties together every night. All men and women will see themselves as brothers and sisters, equal as the children and lovers of their one mother and father. No patriarchy, no taboos, no division into nuclear families, no homophobia, no aversions, no shame, no hiding, no secrets, no sexual repression.

One language, English, will be spoken by everyone in common. (No Tower of Babel in this Nation of Lovers.)

There shall be a Jubilee such that any debt obligation between citizens of the Nation shall be nullified. It will be at 3400 Phinney. The Chocolate is my cum.

There shall be no laws restricting people's freedoms, no behavioral controls will be imposed. There shall be no prohibitions of God-created natural medicines such as cannabis, psilocybin and other consciousness-expanding plants. Thus there will be no limitation on the human capacities of love, affection and imagination.

There shall be no private ownership of anything at all, no titles to property of any kind; everything within the Nation shall belong to the King, who shall exercise his powers with loving benevolence. There shall forevermore be no Empire-building schemes, pitting brother against brother, among the children of Israel. There will be neither greed nor want, and no one trying to take without giving in return. Everyone will have everything they need, and each will give freely of their innate gifts. Abundance, prosperity, peace and happiness will be the result of this abandonment of the flawed ideas of ownership of property, competition among men, patriarchy, homophobia, and the nuclear family.

There shall be no crime, no punishment, no police and no prisons (or only one prison, reserved exclusively for those who would interfere with our freedoms… or maybe it's a Lake of Fire), nor shall there be wars, hatred, or religious strife; "no religion too, no hell below us, above us only sky," just worship of the Living God present among us.

There shall be no advertising or marketing, no legal profession, no need for certified public accounts, no stock markets, no people wearing life-constricting business attire, no insurance companies, no USA Today or Wall Street Journal, no Fox or CNN, no sweat shops, no one staring all day long at meaningless symbols on computer screens while tapping their fingers on a keyboard, no more virtual slaves producing the food of a nation while being routinely exposed to high concentrations of toxic chemicals, no more unloved and homeless people standing on the freeway on-ramps holding signs begging for money.

No more freeways either, no more paving of paradise and putting up of parking lots. No more crap: no McDonald's, no Coca Cola, no Wal-Mart, no Microsoft, no singing for Miller, no singing for Bud, perhaps no beer at all, no pharmaceuticals, no hospitals, no billboards, no commercialism whatsoever, no more NFL, Monster Trucks or WWF, no one using lies or deceptions to get what they want, no one trying to build a monopoly of any kind. People will do what they love to do; they will no longer be slaves of a system that is rapidly destroying this world and brutalizing and sucking the life out of the people who live in it.

We will be a nation of simple people with the hearts of children, loving and giving to one another, living happily and at peace, celebrating joyously the blessings of existence in a realm of happiness with music, dance, art of all kinds, feasts of food and love, magnificent gardens and temples of love, everyone developing, expressing and being appreciated for their own unique talents, everyone being bestowed with the greatest gift of all, the blessings of knowing and loving the living Creator. When people awaken to the Love of the Creator who is Love, they won't sacrifice their love-affair with Him in order to possess any treasure on Earth or any other world. And when men intimately know and love the Creator who is Love and who is in everything, they will finally be fulfilled and able to love one another by loving both the omnipresent Living Creator and the lover thereof in one another. We sentient beings live in and ultimately must accept a reality that is made of what will appear to many as an overwhelming infinitude of Love. Surrender in Faith (putting one's complete trust in another) is required in order to arrive into an experience, and acceptance, of this reality. This surrender can never happen without intimately knowing and loving the Creator and Sustainer of what is and putting faith in his Name. You cannot possibly love and surrender to this Creator until you know who He is and how He loves and until you know His Name and can speak it with Love. The true Israel is for those gratefully willing to accept the Perfection offered to us by the Master of Perfection and who receive the blessing that comes with both the gift and the gratitude.

Banished from this Kingdom of Love will be all ignorance, all lies, all sickness and death, all objections to reality being what it is, all deceptions, all manipulations, all cheating, all machinations and all usurpations, all selfishness, all shame, all violence and aggression. There shall be no inhumane treatment of either human or beast. All sentient beings will be treated with love and respect as anyone would wish to be treated himself. In other words, people will naturally follow the Golden Rule. Cows will eat living grass and be hand-milked by young girls; chickens will run around pecking in the grass with their beaks intact. And there will be no need for pigs of any kind.

This Declaration is a sincere expression of my feelings, beliefs and intentions, as well as my expectations of what will actually happen. It may seem shocking, but the one and only solution to humanity's misery could never be implemented without such a shock. These are words that anyone who has any idea what human existence is really about would know could only have been written by the one who began to dream the dream of Heaven on Earth back when he was the cannabis smoking and psilocybin mushroom eating shepherd and lover of God named Abel.

proposed national anthem of New Israel


Imagine there's no heaven,

It's easy if you try,

No hell below us,

Above us only sky,

Imagine all the people living for today...

Imagine there's no countries,

It isn't hard to do,

Nothing to kill or die for,

No religion too,

Imagine all the people living life in peace...

Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can,

No need for greed or hunger,

A brotherhood of man,

Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one,

I hope some day you'll join us,

And the world will live as one.

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