Sunday, May 08, 2005

On the Big Bang and Darwin (35)

On the Big Bang and Darwin

on the Big Bang: it's what happens when a god has an orgasm.

We all live in the having of an erotic fantasy that began with the Big Bang. The one having this fantasy is the perfect master, the man with the heart of a child in whom the Holy Spirit, the one who originally had the idea of how happiness could be achieved, has taken up residence. The master has attained the ability to withstand an infinite amount of ecstasy without having an orgasm. The perfect master, represented in Roald Dahl's story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by the aptly named Willie Wonka, is a boy-man who has perfected the art of masturbation. His fantasy is of other boys having this experience of ecstasy with him, and of a world of boys and girls that thrives and prospers as a result of boys having this experience of unlimited joy with Him. Reality is pretty simple, really. It is just about a process of human beings coming into existence, about the fear of allowing oneself to come into existence (shame), and about the choice of whether to overcome this resistance and so have happiness, or to pass up the opportunity to fully exist and so have misery.

If you've ever counted the ways in which human beings are different from all other life forms, did you include that unique use to which male human beings put their opposable thumbs, the activity known as masturbation? Male human beings were created in the image and likeness of the Creator who invented reality and made their existence possible. Let us not overlook this particular attribute of what gods and men are. We have the capacity to bait (attract) the master, the child-like man, the baby god, the tele-tubbie god, who has mastered the art of ecstasy and who wants to share and enjoy this experience with other men.

The world that we live in is a stage in the process leading to the fulfillment of the fantasy of the Holy Spirit, the one who conceived the reality that is in the process of being constructed. We live in the final moments of the culminating stage of a process that has taken as long as 26,000 years and several worlds to fulfill. The perfect master and one of his lovers (think of Krishna and his disciple Arjuna) are having a fantasy together. It's really the ultimate fantasy, in the sense that it is the fantasy that is powered by the greatest degree of eroticism of any fantasy ever had by anyone.

The fantasy is of a son, a boy who will awaken to being the lover of the father and the Holy Spirit. They dream of a son who will realize that the nature of reality is an erotic fantasy of which he is the primary object and who realizes that the purpose and imperative of human life is to cooperate with and enjoy the fantasy that generated this Universe in the first place. This fantasy will be fulfilled. There is no question about it. Having attained, completely on his own, an awakening to the nature of reality, the son is in a position to teach other men the purpose of their lives and so save them from what would otherwise have been the inevitable consequences of their failure to become a person willing and able to cooperate with the plans of the inventor of the Universe in which they live. This is why the son is called "the savior."

These three are the Holy Trinity recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as, together, the deity that rules Heaven and Earth. (The fourth musketeer is Pontifex Maximus, an ally, lover and relative of the other three and the secret emperor of this world. Gods rule over the universes they create, and fascism is, by definition, the means of their rule of a world of ignorant human beings.) The son is born into a world in which the human race is entirely ignorant of reality and he awakens and attains true Knowledge of Reality. He realizes that shame is the limiting factor for human beings and he takes off the fig leaf of Adam and re-attains what was lost in the human race's ancestor's fall into shame. And he offers to save anyone who wants to be saved from their ignorance and shame, giving them the means to move on to a new world free of shame and all of the misery that it causes.

The people of this world ignore, spurn, reject, persecute and kill the one person in their midst who understands what a human being is; but in spite of their hatred of the truth, in the end the men of this world are given one last chance to understand how the only possible world that can sustain happiness works, and to join the Tribe that understands, accepts and rejoices eternally in this reality. All of those men and women who want to enjoy the blessings of eternal existence in a realm of happiness marry the son and become his lover. And so the phobia and taboo free Tribe of the Lovers of the Almighty Love God rolls on through eternity, leaving those who rejected what they had to offer - membership in their Tribe, on the Tribe's terms - in their wake.

Those who say "no" to the Holy Spirit's plan are left to figure out what they can make of their existence, having rejected the only possibility of happiness. Their leaders, the proponents of shame, taboos and phobias, the BS artist Prince Reuben (Satan) and his son, the damned hero Cain, no doubt make their best efforts to come up with something that works… it's not a pretty picture, but that's not the fault or the problem of the father, the son or the Holy Spirit, who had offered the people of this world the only alternative to the Hell that becomes the only alternative to the Heaven that the Holy Spirit is imagining into existence.

On Charles Darwin: He was right. Those most fit for survival are indeed the ones who do survive.

Many evolutionary biologists believe that speciation takes place in jumps, not in a continuous process of incremental adaptations. The process is much like how tectonic plates build pressure for thousands of years before shifting and remaking the topography of the world. There is a pent up energy of human evolution that is about to be released. Humankind is about to undergo a major shift, a quantum evolutionary leap.

There is a survival trait that has invisibly been developed in some and that has not been developed in others. Those who have developed this trait will carry on. Those who refuse to adopt this trait will soon be separated from those who do and will perish. The trait is love. Those who love will survive, and those who do not love will not. Humanity is about to become a "species" in which willingness to love and be loved is a universal trait, which is more or less the same as saying that human beings will soon become beings who know and are known.

There is also a human trait that is about to be eliminated, the anti-love trait called shame. If love is light, then shame is darkness. If love is existence, shame is non-existence. Shame not only keeps human beings from being known and loved, it also keeps them from loving and knowing. And shame is about to be annihilated.

What challenges must be faced in the struggle of a human being - or more importantly, a Tribe or a Nation of human beings - to survive? There are wars to fight, that's what; there are wars to win or to lose, wars that are fought between various forces seeking to control a world created for a specific purpose. Genocide is what you survive when you survive as a Nation in a fallen world of ashamed human beings. The wars end up being between those who want a world that allows shame (and therefore death) to rule human beings, and those who want a world free of shame and death. In the end, everyone gets things their own way, but only after the two sides battle it out and the crown jewel of a mortal universe is destroyed in the process.

A struggle ensues because the shame people fail as a group and so seek to parasitize the love people. Basically, the love people are just trying to keep the shame people from dragging them down into their shame-Hell. Who are the humans most fit to survive and be victorious in these wars? No question about it: The Nation of the Twelve Tribes of Israel is the survivor of these wars.

I do not speak of the incorporated nation called "Israel" that occupies the territory known as Palestine; I am talking about an invisible nation consisting of 144,000 boys who masturbate together while worshiping the Living God who is Love, along with their very happy consorts. This is the Nation that survives. It is the Nation that is about to claim victory in the war that will indeed end all wars. Israel, the Nation of Lovers of the Living God, will be victorious every single time. We cannot be defeated. We are invincible.

There is an insurmountable advantage when the men love and trust one another and are loving and trust-worthy in return. Vast amounts of energy are wasted by a Nation in which men do not love and trust one another and this energy is put to far better use by a Nation in which men do love. There is just no comparison, as the world shall soon see. There is no possible way that the ashamed can defeat the unashamed; the haters, no matter how viscious, are vanquished.

It's a bit of a joke that anyone ever thought that they could defeat the Holy Spirit himself. But our buddy Prince Reuben decided he would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven, and so the story proceeded of a duel to control reality between Reuben (Satan) and his people and the Holy Trinity and theirs. This saga is about to be wrapped up.

The people of this world will understand how thoroughly defeated the forces of shame are when it is revealed that practically every ounce of gold bullion, along with other forms of wealth with intrinsic and lasting value, in the world is under the control of the children of Israel. When the intrinsic wealth of the world is understood to be completely disengaged from the money supply, the house of cards that we call the global money system will collapse and the famines predicted for the end times will begin. This could happen at any moment.

You see, the Nation of Israel has amassed a bit of power in this world, something it has achieved through the coordinated efforts of the Nation whose supreme leader is Pontifex Maximus - the lover and ally of god who has carried out his mission in repeated incarnations. He has coordinated the efforts of the Children of Israel through his secret societies and any moment now the complete victory of the Nation of Israel is going to be apparent to all.

The unashamed, those who do what an unashamed human being naturally does, defend themselves against and triumph over the ashamed who seek to parasitize and ultimately to destroy them.

I hope some day you'll join the Tribe that survives. I believe that the line to join the tribe of boys who masturbate together while worshiping the god who is Love will begin forming soon.

Your mind will be blown along with everyone else's by what happens and who the children of Israel turn out to be. I believe that every US senator, congressperson and governor along with many of the wealthiest individuals and many of the biggest names in entertainment will admit to being members of the Tribe that survives and will come forward to encourage others through the process of awakening into the Reality that is going to explode into the world.

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