Monday, May 16, 2005

If in the next seven years. (36)

If in the next seven years.

If in the next seven years

you become a person who would prefer

to live in a world in which anything and everything about you,

your actions, thoughts, feelings, motivations and intentions,

can be known by anyone and everyone,

you will have given up shame

and become a lover

of that which is the source of your own existence

and of love itself;

you will have become a lover of the Love god;

you will have attained immortality in happiness

and have arrived in the Kingdom of Heaven.

If in seven years from now you remain a person

who would prefer to live in a world in which you can conceal things about yourself,

have secrets from others and so remain veiled in shame,

you will have declined to become a lover of that which is the source of your own existence,

you will remain forever in the realm of your choice,

along with those, who, like you,

preferred shame to love when all was said and done.

This is what "the end times" are about.

It's about making a choice to give up shame, or not.

To overcome the fall of Adam, or not.

Brothers and sisters,

it matters not, at this stage, whether you "believe in God."

What matters at this stage is whether you are a person

who would prefer that there WAS a God

who loved you and knew everything about you;

whether you would prefer such an existence

in which you are completely known by a Creator who is also your lover,

whether you become a person who would wish to come naked before such a lover and show him your love,

or whether you are one who would prefer to hide from such a God,

if there were one.

In other words, this is what matters:

how would you relate to a god if there were one?

Because, if you are a person who would prefer to hide from a God if there were one,

you are ruled by shame,

and shame is your enemy and potential destroyer

regardless of whether or not there is a God.

Shame is what keeps you from being what you are,

which is a fully conscious and alive being

capable of experiencing a great deal of unconditional happiness,

that is, happiness not dependent upon circumstance.

Forget the religious crap and let's just define as "mortal"

a human being who is other than a fully conscious and alive being

capable of experiencing unconditional happiness.

If you have not yet become what a human being is,

there is a difference between what you are and what you could be.

"Know thyself," said the wise man

And lover of boys,


If you are banking on the hope that you will not exist forever,

that your misery will be over with some day,

you just might want to consider covering your bases anyway.

You would need to give up shame if you were going to exist


in anything better than a realm of pure misery.

That much makes sense, and this does as well:

Regardless of your religious beliefs,

you will enjoy the remainder of THIS life much more

if you choose to give up shame

when the opportunity presents itself

in the very near future.

Boys, when you come into the Temple,

to worship and praise the God whose love

is the energy source of your very existence,

and that you can feel most strongly and ecstatically

when you are sexually aroused,

you will know what it is to be what a boy is

when he has overcome shame

and become an immortal lover of the Love God.

And girls, when you meet the boys

who go to the Temple

to worship and praise the God

whose love is the source of your life,

and that you can feel most strongly and blissfully

when you are sexually aroused,

you will know what it is to be

what a girl is when the boys have overcome shame

and both boys and girls have become immortal.

Both the men and women will be so grateful

that they will all marry the Charlie

who figured out the purpose of human life

and how the Willie Wonka God wants to be loved,

and who was willing to give the God

the love that He wants to share with us.

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