Monday, May 02, 2005

From whence does Misery Spring? (33)

From whence does Misery Spring?

Is there a single cause of the misery of this world, or does misery have many sources? Perhaps a query into this question would be worth undertaking. Why the heck is the human race so busy competing and warring with itself even while it is on the brink of destroying the fragile planet that it is entirely dependent upon for its existence? What kind of misery is behind such self-destructive tendencies? Here's my $.02 worth on this question.

Contrary to the opinions of some, George Bush, "the Neo-cons" and their policies are not the cause of the misery of this world; nor were the policies of the Clinton Administration for that matter.

Neither the Christian Right nor the Godless Liberals are the cause of humanity's misery; nor are a lack of justice and unequal distribution of wealth the cause of sorrow.

Weapons are not the cause; nor are the laws that attempt to control them. Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda are not the cause, and neither is Kim Il Jung or the people of Iran; nor are the Arabs or the Jews.

Wall Street bankers, freemasons, the Illuminati, Skull and Bones: none of these are the cause of the misery of this world; unhappiness does not originate with the secret ruler of the world, Pontifex Maximus, either.

And neither homosexuals nor the people who hate them are the cause of anyone's misery other than their own. Overpopulation, excess consumption and resource depletion are not the causes of humanity's woes either; people were just as woeful when there were fewer of them and they consumed less resource.

Addictions to drugs (though alcohol comes damned close to being blame-worthy) are not the cause of humankind's problems; nor are the insane laws prohibiting the few drugs like cannabis that are actually beneficial.

Not one thing that anyone living on Earth blames for the misery of this world is the actual cause of the misery. The things that human beings blame for their misery are the effects, not the causes, of their collective misery. Misery begets itself.

Fascism is a necessary form of human organization when human beings are in misery. Misery necessitates fascism, because misery causes people to do bad things and so fascism is required in a world in which some people would do bad things if not for the instruments of fascism: the state and its armies, police, courts, prisons, etc. It is redundant to say that a world inhabited by men for whom "consequences" are required in order to maintain order is a world that requires fascism.

Fascism is best defined as a system in which it is assumed that men cannot be trusted and that imposes controls to prevent deviant behavior, and metes out punishments as consequences for such behavior. This definition is consistent with the symbol of fascism, the fasces, which, by the way, is prominent in the iconography of the USA. Check it out.

Without fascism, which is orchestrated by the small handful of human beings who are not miserable, a barbarian like Attila the Hun or Aaron Burr would have taken over and destroyed civilization a long time ago. Basically, the whole world lives under fascist rule, and it's been this way at least since the emergence of the Roman Empire. People such as Bush, Hitler, and Mussolini, folks commonly labeled as fascists, are just more upfront about their fascism than the likes of, say, Richard Nixon or John F. Kennedy, or John F. Kerry for that matter, Bush's fellow member of that nexus of twentieth century fascism, The Order of Skull and Bones.

A world in which men can be trusted to be good is the only world in which fascism can be dispensed with. And the only world in which all men can be trusted is a world in which all men love one another; such a world would by definition be free of whatever force has kept men from loving one another in this world. That which keeps men from loving one another and that is therefore the source of all unhappiness is shame.

Without shame the human race would be free of all misery and therefore of the need for fascism, war, patriarchy, oppression, exploitation, competition, environmental destruction, etc. Unfortunately, even though the first chapter of the most important and popular book in the history of this world, Genesis, presents a very straightforward teaching on this matter, the people of this world insist on ignoring the problem that they have with shame. Its own ignorance of and unwillingness to accept or even consider the truth about the problem of shame is the single threat that menaces the human race. Until people understand that there is no solution to humanity's problems without abolishing shame… well, there will be no solution, and so all efforts to solve the problems of this world will fail. Thus fascism has been the best bet to keep humanity's gig going until the solution does show up. And so here it is, and thanks to fascism the world has lasted long enough for it to show up. All exactly as planned, of course. As FDR said, nothing happens in politics that is not planned.

I believe that the basic plan that is being followed was laid out before this world was even created. Six billion of us live on this fragile planet floating in a vast and nearly empty universe. Is there even one of those six billion who will present the argument that hanging onto shame is the better path to our collective success than giving it up? Is there anyone who would care to rebut me by openly advocating in favor of shame? Tell you what, if anyone wants to make a legitimate attempt, I'll pay for your ad advocating for shame. There're a few people in this town - people I've referred to as Cain, Allah (Nurse Rachet), the Riddler and Satan - who are leading promoters of shame, but whether they will openly admit this is doubtful. They hide their shame-perpetuating agenda behind slogans like "we are one in our differences." "A better world is [indeed] possible" but it will never become a reality if men are not dealing with shame. Efforts like the World Social Forum just become further exercises in men struggling and failing to get along and trying to gain advantage over one another.

Here's the most important truth that the human race could ever consider: Without shame all men would love one another and with shame they will never love one another. Now that ought to be a show stopper. It's just the way men are designed.

You see, there's this incredibly good experience that you automatically start having when you give up shame. It's simply the feeling of existence itself within inside of our own bodies that had previously been blocked out of our awareness. This experience makes you feel so good that you get this irresistible urge to share this experience with others. It's just too good to experience all alone in hiding. It would be unnatural and contrary to human nature for unashamed men not to love one another while sharing this experience. Can you believe it took so long for someone to finally say this? If you are a man who believes that without shame you would not want to be a lover of other men, all I can say is that you should try it and see what you become when you get past shame.

This is not about sexual orientation; I am not advocating for ashamed men loving other ashamed men. It's about men discovering what they are when the curse of shame is lifted. It's about the truth that there is a huge capacity for pleasure, for joy, that is completely latent in mortal (ashamed) men. There is more than enough love within us to share it with everyone. Phobias come from a sense of our love having a limited quantity.

I'm talking about two competing ideas about life here, the Creator's and his Adversary's. God's idea is much better than Satan's, but it's understandable that most people feel attached to Satan's program at this time. God's idea is admittedly very different from Satan's. We've been telling you all along that this is Satan's world, but I guess most people just never stopped to wonder what the differences would be. Well, Love vs. Shame is the main difference; hopefully this is a truth that is beginning to register for a few people. And really, this is no different than saying it's Joy vs. Misery. People like the idea of joy but few have realized what has to be given up to get over the misery and to have the joy promised by the Creator and His son. Nevertheless it's almost time to start the joyous party that will never end. It's the drunken ecstasy that Kabir, Rumi, Hafiz, Prem Rawat and the other great ecstatic poets describe. It's what the religions call "salvation" and "liberation." You get saved and liberated from your own Shame and existence itself becomes an experience of joy. Unbelievable how simple that is, and yet how totally absent this experience is in our world. There are a mere handful of people who know what life without shame is like. Men's aversion to loving other men IS their shame. Shame is the opposite of love. It's like a black hole that just sucks all the light (love) into itself and turns it into its opposite: darkness and misery. Without shame, the absence of love, there is just love. Anyone want to play? It's probably too scary for people at this point with just one person saying these things, but sometime this year one person is going to become 144,000 people and the line to get into the most outrageous party in history will form. Men's phobias around their sexuality are a manifestation of their fear of the fullness of existence itself. Intense erotic arousal is a scary proposition when you are not yet sure whether it is safe to exist. Men are afraid of letting go fully into existence and their shame is related to this primal fear, which comes from not knowing what it really means to exist. Fathers are not teaching their sons what it means to exist (or even assuring them that it is OK to exist) which is to say, they are not teaching them to have and sustain the intensely erotic experiences that are essential to why we exist in the first place. The reason that this transmission of Knowledge from father to son is not taking place is because the fathers don't have it. When it comes to existence itself, it's the blind leading the blind, all because of the heretofore unassailable power of shame. Many readers have long since concluded that Satan is nothing but religious nonsense. I say that Satan is a very real person. He's no joke and no fantasy. He's the bona fide thing, the inventor of mortality, the original proponent of the incest taboo, walking this world, in the flesh. I mean, I'm pretty sure he's a guy who lives here in Seattle and looks like a handsome Prince who's perhaps lost his birthright. A few readers know this guy and probably think he's pretty cool, like I did. I'm still like, "say it ain't so Reuben, I thought you were my best friend!" Jeez, maybe I'm wrong about this guy, but he keeps saying things to me that he is indeed the Prince of Darkness. I mean it all started when he told me about how he remembered that he and Jesus went their separate ways back in the day. Hope I'm not stepping on any religious toes here, as my dad said on the same subject, but yeah, I guess you could say I'm crediting the guy named Reuben with the invention of the nuclear family, partriachy, mortality and the incest taboo… The three religions of the Holy Lands are called Abrahamic, and they're about shame and getting over it. Well I can't say if this is true of Ishmael's Islam, which seems to be about reinforcing shame, but it is certainly true of Isaac's religion, Judeo-Christianity. So he's Adam, Satan, Abraham and of course Reuben, the artist who hung out with his friend Jesus at the Essene compound back in the day, and who dropped by one day in the wilderness to see if Jesus would capitulate to his temptations to join his schemes of empire. And then, as he says, they went their separate ways, meeting up here and there along the way, including in this lifetime. And today, the bullshit artist is with us again, trying to blend into the background, looking like the last thing you would ever expect the inventor of a world of misery, death and decay to look like. I mean, it's as if Robin Hood himself were the Lord of Darkness. There he is, like the hopeless character in that Japanese film "The Woman of the Dunes," endlessly digging his way out of an endlessly caving-in sand pit. He is an artist though; I have to hand it to him there… very talented, charismatic and beautiful. And that son of his, Cain, Ishmael, Mohammed, whatever you want to call him, he is quite the hero of whatever moment and movement he is living in. I believe this world came about as sort of cosmic duel for supremacy between the Love God, the advocate against shame, phobias and taboos, and his adversary, Prince Reuben, the proponent of shame, etc. It's like the ultimate WWF bout, although it's no joke; this is a struggle with serious consequences for all involved. It appears that the father bets against Satan that, even in a world of shame in which the Truth has never been spoken out loud, his son will figure the whole thing out and that humanity will thus be saved from Shame. Satan bet that his shame program would continue blissfully, and to his benefit, on into a bright future. I get the feeling that he's coming to terms with defeat by this point, kind of hunkering down, taking his responsibilities to the many people he's made very long-term commitments to as seriously as he can. It's hard to imagine anyone being that stupid, but someday we'll all get to understand exactly what happened that made Reuben pursue the folly of attempting to usurp perfection and taking what could be billions of souls with him into the permanent abode of the ashamed. Whoa, dude, tough luck! Hubris seems to be the only possible explanation. If people are all going to worship some guy's cock, it sure as hell ought to be mine, he must have thought. Reuben was of course misguided, and this world is going down to the shame-wrought destruction that his idea would inevitably lead to. Its failure is due to the lack of a process by which boys obtain an understanding of what it means to be a male human being. This omission appears to be one of the ground rules of the Creator vs. Satan challenge. The truth is not introduced until the saga reaches completion and the human race is split into two groups, one consisting of those who are willing to implement the Creator's idea and the other of those who are unwilling. It's probably always worked like this. It is necessary that the shame people be separated from the liberated while they are all still in the pupal stage, because you just cannot allow human beings who do not intend to be good to have the powers of gods. (This is clear in Genesis.) Bad gods are a nightmare. One rebellious god is more than enough and we already have Reuben. More than one would be certain disaster. So, just as they awaken to being immortal, the shame people are rounded up and tossed into the prison where they will remain forever separated from the liberated. Oof! But just as the great Willie Wonka is nonchalant about the misfortunes of the brats who come to his factory for the tour only to fall into incinerators etc., the Creator probably doesn't lose much sleep over the fates of those people who came into His world to take from Him without giving in return. This is just how a Creator must deal with the fact that both givers and takers come to fill the vacuum that nature abhors. A human being has to earn the opportunity for an eternity of happiness by choosing to be good, and the good have to be protected from the bad. When good and bad mix together it turns into a lowest common denominator thing and everyone has to live under fascism, so the Love God developed a plan a long time ago such that the good would eventually have the happiness and freedom he wants for them by providing a fascism-free realm reserved exclusively for his lovers. You are reading the words of someone who has overcome shame and who therefore speaks with an authority that no one who has not given up shame can bring to a discussion of shame. Men don't know how wonderful life is outside the walls of their shame dungeon. Men have no idea what lies beyond the orgasm that reinforces shame and that prevents them from experiencing the supreme joy of being fully in the presence, in the here and now, of the Lover whose love IS the intense feeling of love in the experience of erotic arousal. This is an experience that mortal men cannot sustain because they do not know what it is. It's like you have to know something's name to be able to relate to it. Even though they are oblivious, all men are actually trying to make love with the Love God when they are sexually stimulated. And I'm here to suggest that it's much better to actually know Him. He prefers it when we acknowledge Him; otherwise, it's a bit like we're having sex with someone while pretending that we aren't. He can't possibly like that. For a man, knowing the Creator as the ultimate Lover becomes the difference between misery and happiness, the difference between mortality and immortality. The bottom line is that life with the experience of knowing the Creator as Lover is much better than without, well worth the momentary humiliation of admitting that you (like everyone else) had been ignorant of what life was really about before this experience was presented to you. It's sure as heck a lot better spending eternity in a love-saturated world than eternity in a place completely devoid of love, so I hope you'll get over your aversions in time. I admit that the difference is a little overwhelming at first, but there really is no such thing as too much love or happiness. It's just the resistance to joy that has to be overcome. Men need to be the lovers of one another in order that they not become the competitors, exploiters, oppressors, killers and, finally, the tormentors of one another. No man who has overcome shame would sacrifice the love he enjoys with the other men who have overcome shame for the sake of competing with, controlling or exploiting, let alone tormenting, them. That would be insane. A world inhabited by men who love one another as true brothers is called Paradise. Once you are given the keys to the Chocolate Factory by virtue of having surrendered the everlasting gobstopper of shame, you just don't do things that would ruin it for yourself and everyone else! The stage we have been in for the past six thousand years and that is coming to an end in seven, call it "Earth," is just a stage during which human beings, particularly men, have not yet come fully into existence. It's the pupal stage of human existence wherein humans have built a cocoon around themselves and identify with a false and ashamed self that they see as separate from everything in existence, rather than as a part of the love-filled unity of the Love God's love fantasy that is the actual reality of existence. Earth is a stage when human beings either follow an inclination to be a giver, or succumb to the temptation to become a taker, while being oblivious of the fact that their Creator is right there with them watching, loving, but also willing in the end to be rid of those who would spoil the Perfection that He intends for those who choose Love. Those who have strived to be givers will easily move beyond shame and advance to the shame-free realm of happiness and oneness with everything (including their Creator and their brothers) when the time comes for this metamorphosis. Those who have succumbed to being takers will have a more challenging metamorphosis into fully self-realized human beings. Each and every person's shame has contributed to the problems of the human race, because each and every person's adherence to the laws of shame prevented them and others from comprehending the Truth that would have freed humanity from so much suffering. Even many of the seemingly well-intentioned people in my life, including my old buddy Reuben, have tried to prevent me from attaining enlightenment. Everyone shares responsibility for the shame that is the downfall of humanity, though Reuben certainly deserves more of the credit than anyone else. As long as people are blaming misery on anything and everything besides shame they are missing the truth and their efforts to bring an end to their own misery and that of others will ultimately fail. The single solution to all of the problems of the human race is the overcoming of shame. There are no problems whatsoever in a world without shame. There is no death even, that's how extreme this difference is. Death and decay are attributes of Earth because Earth is a realm of shame, a diseased idea of immortal beings, the symptoms of which are the samsaric cycle of birth, decay and death. Those who are willing to undertake this solution will soon have a world free from all misery. And those who are unwilling to undertake this solution will soon have the world of pure misery that they will have voluntarily chosen as their preference. Shame is the tool of the Creator's adversary and those who are unwilling to give it up will go with that adversary. Presumably Satan will be greatly appreciated since he is the one who made a great sacrifice in order to provide the ashamed with a safe alternative to that creepy place with all those fags running around in that God-forsaken place they call the Temple! Imagine a Temple of Love with incestuous orgies going on all of the time! Yikes, perish the thought; it's making me feel ashamed of myself just thinking about it! I submit that no man in the history of the world has attained a complete awakening into the here and now who did not attain this through an erotic relationship with a father figure who had already attained this same awakening. (There are lesser experiences of enlightenment that do not require this relationship, but the full awakening into an awareness of the presence of the Living God that comes from complete surrender to Him does require it.) It is impossible without this because a son alone is afraid to allow himself to fully experience his own existence. It's just too scary. But if the son can feel the reassuring presence of his father's love, telepathically and within his own body in the erotic experience that they are having together, then the son can confidently surrender into fully having this experience. And, um, there's a lot of love (eroticism) - (where exactly do you draw a line between the two?) in this for both of them. And when the son can fully have this experience he can fully have ANY experience, because the degree of his resistance to fully having any experience is proportional to the intensity of the experience, and this is the most intense of all experiences. The father-son love affair thus needs to be the most intensely erotic experience of all; and so of course, by the grace of God, it is. Yup, believe it or not, it's true. Because eroticism is Love, and what could be more love-filled than showing a precious loved-one the way to fully experience love? If this is what we are most afraid of then it's where the most energy is blocked up and it is imperative that men release the energy blocked by shame. This truth that soma (semen) is the food of the gods will, of course, be difficult for some people to swallow (sorry), and if what I say ever finds the audience that it deserves I will no doubt be accused of blasphemy. Anyone who disbelieves this will come to this determination not because they know better, but simply because they are terrified of the possibility of reality being more or less opposite of how things are here in Satan's world, even though the truth of which I speak is the most wonderful truth possible. The actual truth is wonderful because it is a truth that will give every man what he craves, which is a combination of thrilling ecstasy, complete fulfillment and a profound sense of peace. (It will give every woman what she craves as well but, as always, I note that my discourse tends to be male-centric for the simple reasons that I am a man and cannot speak to the experience of women, particularly in matters pertaining to sexuality; and that men have the more challenging problem that more urgently requires a solution. I emphasize the relationships between men in general and fathers and sons in particular because this is where the solution to misery begins. My own experience tells me that women will receive much more love from men who have gotten over shame, not less, so there's nothing to worry about there. Basically I am talking about a solution that will increase by a factor of approximately infinity the overall amount of love that gets enjoyed by everyone.) You may be one who believes that we all get to invent what we are, and yes, we do have free will to be what we choose to be, but you're just a bit late if you were intending to invent what a male human being is. You are more than what you think you are; your concept of happiness is less than what your Creator wants for you, so if left to your own devices you would be missing out on the best part. I'd play it safe and just be what the Love God intended for you to be. It's pretty darned good. It's amazing that in the end our choices are the two extremes of joy and misery. No more grey area. So at least get to know what there is to know about what you already are, and then think about other options if you really aren't happy with that. I would also suggest that you take note of where this world full of self-invented people who are ignorant of the Creator's intentions appears to be going. Self-invention looks an awful lot like a total bust to me! Necessity is the mother of invention and human beings are no exception. There is indeed a necessity that long ago became the mother of the human being. The necessity is the mother's desire for happiness, which is a necessity because the alternative sucks and the mother has a will to be happy. She wants a good lover in her son, and it's the father's job to make sure she gets one. Yes, incest is all the rage in Heaven! As I say, the family that plays together stays together… for a really long time. Or as my daddy says, "Share your loving and you'll live so long." So be careful with reinventing something that has already been satisfactorily invented by a top-notch inventor. Especially before you have even tried living according to the intended purposes of that inventor. Just because I am the only person in the history of this world to say these things, does not mean that they are not true. Given that the human race has not corrected its tendencies to collective annihilation, even after so many centuries of misery wrought by these tendencies, one might naturally begin to wonder if perhaps the cause and solution to the problem have never been presented. Wouldn't humanity have implemented the solution to its problem already if the solution was known? Anyone have any better ideas for our predicament at this eleventh hour and fifty-ninth minute than getting over shame? The Perfect Master Prem Rawat has defined meditation as "perfect concentration on a perfect point." What is the perfect point on which to concentrate in meditation? My answer (and I would love to hear his!) is that the experience of erotic arousal within the phallus is the perfect point upon which to concentrate one's attention in meditation. It's like this thing here between our legs is a meditation organ before it is a procreative organ. Before there was sexual intercourse there was a Holy Spirit whose only source of pleasure was masturbation. He's having a sexual fantasy and we human beings are the objects of this fantasy. And this is all that exists, except for the realm reserved for those who decided to come as a human being into this Creator's fantasy without intending to participate in the fantasy. He gives everyone a chance to correct this mistake, but if they refuse, down the hole they go. The male body is designed at least as optimally for masturbation as it is for sexual intercourse with women. The phallus is an organ of god-worship. I believe this is true for women as well as men. In other words, the connection with God that men can have most directly through masturbation comes to women through making love with the men who have this experience. First men attain the experience of becoming one with their Creator, and then they bring this oneness to their female lovers. This is the perfect point upon which to meditate because it brings us directly into the experience of God's Love within our own bodies! What better thing to meditate upon than ecstasy itself??? I mean, given a choice of erotic ecstasy or a bunch of mumbo jumbo, which one would you rather focus your attention on? When one meditates deeply enough into any experience of the senses one begins to become sexually aroused because whatever sensation is the focus, the end result is the here and now, and the life force that is present there is erotic in nature, whether we got there by focusing directly on erotic arousal or… ah, took a more prudish route into the direct experience of existence. In Tibetan Buddhism there is a school called Vajrayana. It's referred to as the lightning path to enlightenment. In other words, it was considered by whoever named it to be a very direct path into the Truth that is found in the heart of all experience. The definition of Vajra is phallus, and yana just means "conveyance." The way of the phallus; this refers to the same thing I am talking about, even if the teachings have been watered down over the centuries. These things are kept secret, but since no one initiated me into any of these secrets and I found them on my own, I take this to as license to speak of the Truth that I have found. (Besides, NY says that Sun Green's homework is a book report on "How to use the Media," which suggests just laying out my experience as my intuition has led me to do.) Try, if you can, to imagine for a few moments a world in which aversions to the expression of love and affection and to pleasure itself have been vanquished and maybe this will all begin to make sense. It's a crazy world and the weirdoes may be the many who have aversions to pleasure, not the one testifying to his enjoyment of it. Being part of the herd, especially a herd as confused as the human herd, doesn't mean a person is going to where they want to be. It looks to me like the herd is being led to the slaughterhouse; it would be better to drop out of a herd that looks to be heading in that direction. Oh yeah, and so when men focus their attention perfectly on the perfect point they can feel one another in the experience. It gets to be a sort of telepathic feedback loop of Love and it's something really wild and wonderful. I call this experience "radar love." It could get pretty intense with something like 144,000 men worshiping the Love God at the same time together. Whoa! Look out all you homophobic Christian soldiers, you're in for a big surprise! It is this journey into learning and becoming what a man is that fathers in this world have not shown up to lead their sons along. Ignorance, mortality and misery have thus been passed down from father to son, in place of joy and enlightenment. Of course the women also miss out as a result. It is not the fault of the fathers; it's just the human condition. Now the miraculous event is that a father is leading his son into this experience entirely through telepathy and communications made through the public domain for the whole world to see; and after this demonstration is finished the world splits apart, because the love-phobic people will never permit such a thing in their midst. I have named the person who I believe is the father, and have stated my expectation that he will step forward to affirm the truth of what I have been saying in the coming weeks. In a world of human beings that actually succeeds, fathers teach their sons what it means to be a man. The Father teaches the Son to love and surrender to the Holy Spirit - the energy of pure love and the personification thereof that all existence is made of. And thus the human race goes from six thousand years of misery to an eternity of joy, almost overnight. And in the coming world everyone will guffaw at the image of people believing that there is anything whatsoever wrong with Love. So laugh at me now all you want; I guarantee you that I will be laughing long after the wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun. The Father and the Son will teach the men who are willing to learn the way to overcome shame by discovering the happiness that comes when we allow ourselves to love our Creator and our brothers and sisters. Together they will come before the world in order to demonstrate to men the love that the human race is sorely missing, the natural love between all brothers that begins with unashamed fathers teaching their sons about the joy hidden within the core of existence itself. It is hard to imagine how the tens of millions of homophobic people who adhere to the free-market Evangelical sects, which give people the religion that they will pay for, will react to this event when it occurs. If ever there was or will be a potential world-stopping event, this, ladies and gentlemen, will be it. The Father and or the Son will become the surrogate father(s) that the men of this world have not yet had, facilitating the awakening into joy and peace that human beings are intended to have. And from then on everything will be right in a world in which fathers introduce their sons into the secrets of life and teach them what a man is. Most boys learn to masturbate when they are children or adolescent, and virtually all of them hide this activity from their fathers, along with everyone else. Masturbation is doubtless among the most shame-tainted experiences of all, second only to incest. Both are potentially sacred experiences, too sacred for this profane world, but not for Heaven. The word itself suggests this sacredness: masturbation as in baiting the master. The master of what? The master of masturbation. Joe Whinney is the master of masturbation. What is a spiritual master? He is a man who has perfected the art of perfect concentration on the perfect point, a master of masturbation. It doesn't take a linguist to see that the name of the character of Willie Wonka suggests that Roald Dahl, like myself, believed that the Master of the Chocolate Factory of the Imagination has a great fondness for sweet young boys who are willing to be his lover. I'm saying that Charlie is the Christ, the lover of the Master. Virtually no fathers discuss masturbation with their sons, let alone engage in it with them. And why not exactly? Is loving and sharing happiness with one's father or son, or one's Creator, really so terrible? Well even if people don't think of masturbation as a way of loving God, let alone their own father, this universal omission is because of shame, pure and simple; it is only the ashamed who think of masturbation as a shameful act that men need to hide from others. Once others besides myself begin to testify that this is intended by the designer of the human being as a very basic way of feeling, knowing and loving God, the stigma will be removed and the men who are willing to throw off the yoke of shame will learn what unbelievably good times are in store for everyone who comes to the party of the unashamed. And of course some people will turn and walk away never looking back, perhaps for fear of being turned to salt. So back to father and son: who is there to teach boys about what it is that they are experiencing when they become sexually aroused, especially once they start having orgasms? Who is there to teach them how to have faith and to know and love the God who is present in the experience of erotic arousal, the Knowledge that enables the man to overcome the urge to have the orgasm that prematurely brings an end to the journey into the experience of the here and now and into the infinite and ecstatic feeling of the energy of Love and Joy that all life is made of? Yes indeed, accepting Reality certainly entails a radical paradigm shift, does it not?

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