Saturday, June 04, 2005

journal entries (40)

may 30

i've named many musical artists who have produced music that suggests to me that they are members of the nation of israel. of course neal young and lennon are two who i have named many times, along with dylan, garcia, dave matthews, daniel lanois, peter gabriel the other beatles and many others. one who has always been on my list but that i may have forgotten to mention in my writings is bruce cockburn, whose live album circles in the stream is full of songs that suggest a profound love of god and the christ that i believe could only come from having had some kind of a psychedelic enlightenment experience. his are some of the most beautiful devotional songs i've heard.


day after day my e mail box is empty in spite of my own conviction that i alone am speaking the essential truth of human existence on planet earth. as of yet, not one single person has come to me asking me to show them anything at all of what i am experiencing.

occaisionally i get a note from someone who came to hear me talk back when i was saying things that weren't so confronting, often to express their displeasure with what i have to say. my vampire friend dy is the only person who writes to express his general concurrance with what i have to say. there are a few like my friend j.l. who can tolerate hearing what i have to say, but even he dismisses.

i am one of the most lonely people in the world as a result of speaking truths that an ashamed human race does not want to hear. ignorance is so powerfully reinforcing because it is based in shame. people are ashamed of their ignorance so they deny it. ignorance, shame and denial are a formidable combination.


in the struggle between love and shame there are many casualties. this is just how things are. you really do not want to be on the side of shame when you get right down to understanding the implications of this struggle. but it is your right, and you are given a choice. if you prefer shame to love, so be it.

but please do understand that these two ARE opposites. the god who created this world created it out of love, and shame is the anti-existence that is the opposite of the love that is existence. the love that this and all universes are made of is the love between unashamed human beings, including the human being who invented what human beings are, the almighty love god.

. if you are a man and do not want to participate in the generation of the love that creates and sustains universes, then you do not want to be what men were invented to be and you will be left to the only other existence for a man in the end, the existence of those who have rejected being what a human being is, who live forever in a realm of non-existence in shame. it is not at all a fun place to be, though people who like fighting and killing and who love to hate people will find comfort there, whereas Heaven, where men love one another, may give them "the willies."


i believe that a lot of important clues about the truth have been divulged through history chanel programs over the past few months. it seems that someone who knows what is going on is contributing to the material on that network.

one possibility that the history channel programs have brought up repeatedly is that the planet may be struck by an asteroid. i wont go so far as to predict this, but it certainly seems possible that someone in this world knows that the earth is indeed going to be struck in the time between now and the end in 2012 and that this is why the emphasis on asteroids at the history channel.


men who fall for the lies of satan, the lies that men must not love one another, not even their own sons, become miserable brutes. to the degree that they refuse to love they become miserable and brutish.

this lie is what sets men on the course that leads to endless wars and strife, to slavery, to oppression, to all kinds of injustices, to self destruction.

civilization itself could not exist if it were not for the fascism, the control of brutes, orchestrated by pontifex maximus. life on earth would long ago have become "post-apocalyptic" if the brutes had not been controlled by fascism.

all of history, and much of human culture, can be seen simply as tactics for controlling brutes.

for example, the purpose of beer, which contains the powerfully sedative herb hops in addition to alcohol and is heavily advertised on television programs that appeal to the brutes, is to sedate the brutes.

the prupose of the television programs that appeal to the brutes, is to hypnotize the brutes.

the elected leaders of the USA seem to encourage activities which cause diseases like obesity in order that the brutes be suppressed by such diseases. the ashamed are encouraged and led by the fascist rulers to have even more to be ashamed of. becuase this is how you keep brutishness down, until the moment when the truth is finally revealed and those who have forsaken the causes of brutishness leave this world and leave the brutes to their own devices.


the liars who tell the lies that are the cause of all misery encourage people to believe that their leaders are the cause of the misery. people blame fascism for their misery, when in reality their misery is the cause of fascism. they think people like karl rove are the cause of the injustices of this world, when in reality, without the likes of karl rove the brutes would have long ago taken over and everything would have collapsed into crude barbarianism.


now that i've gotten down to the kernal of truth, my posts have become redundant. its just that there is really nothing else meaningful to say about the truth than the truth, which is that the Creator of this world and the inventor of the human being had in mind that human beings would love him and one another.

men who refuse to love fail and turn their worlds into Hells. what more can i say?


the three lies that the human race has fallen for that are the cause of all misery and of death itself, and that have brought the human race to the brink of its self-annihilation are the following:

1) that there is anything whatsoever wrong with men loving one another

2) that there is anything whatsoever wrong with members of a family loving one another and

3) that there is any hope whatsoever for any outcome other than pure misery when these taboos and phobias are adopted as the fundamental beliefs and laws of a human race.

the father of these lies is a person who is presently incarnated in this world and who resides in seattle and who is respected as a leader by his peers in his chosen profession. this person likes to call himself Prince Reuben, but in scripture he is referred to as Satan.

the protoge of Satan, the Antichrist, who incarnated as Cain and killed his brother Abel, an incarnation of the son of God, is also a person who is presently residing in Seattle and who is respected both locally and world-wide as a leader by his peers in his chosen area of endeavor.

Both Satan and the Antichrist masquerade as advocates for the oppressed, as proponents for "social justice," when in truth their lies are the source of all oppression, injustice and unhappiness.

those who are willing to repudiate the lies of Satan and his minions will be leaving this world soon. those who are unwilling to repudiate the lies of Satan and his minions will be staying and will be left to their own devices and those of their leaders.

Satan is the god of every person who accepts the incest taboo and homophobia.

The almightly god who created this world is very willing to forgive human beings for having believed and followed the lies of his Adversary; but he is not willing to create or sustain worlds for those who are unwilling to give up the beliefs that will cause those worlds to turn into Hell. One world turned into Hell is enough as far as He is concerned. The proof is in. The incest taboo and homophobia are the ruin of everything good.

JUdgment Day is in 2012. It's the day by when you will have made a judgment for yourself as to whether or not you are willing to Love or whether you are going to allow Shame to rule your existence for the rest of eternity.

The author of this statement is the leader of the secret Tribe of 144,000 Lovers - those who originally incarnated as the descendants of Jacob, the son of Isaac, himself another incarnation of Abel, the son and lover of god - who understand that homophobia and the incest taboo are nothing but symptoms of the disease called shame, and who have gotten over this disease and who will soon be inviting others to join their tribe.

may 29

Here is the predicament of the human race in a nutshell:

If it so happened that there was a tribe or nation of people in this world who wanted to live according the the will of the person who invented and created this world, that is, a tribe or nation whose men were WERE WILLING TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER like the Creator insists that men must, they would be genocided out of existence by people who are unwilling to coexist with men who love one another. The devotees of the God who created this world would be exterminated. Because they would be without shame, and unashamed people are like mirrors, they make ashamed people conscious of their shame; and the ashamed will do whatever it takes to destroy those who make them feel ashamed.

My friends, there is such a Nation of tribes whose men ARE willing to love one another., It has been called Israel, though it has nothing whatsoever to do with the nation-state located in the territory known as Palestine. It consists of something like 144,000 men who originally incarnated in this world as the descendants of Israel or Jacob, the son of Isaac, and the women who have chosen to travel with them. Judaism is the husk of the culture that Israel left behind when they moved on to other more obscure identities in the true diaspora.

Because they would otherwise be exterminated, the nation of incestuous tribes hides itself from the taboo-burdened people of this world and carries out its defense against genocide underground. The true Israel is underground, it carries out its task of gaining control of the insitutions of power in this world through secret societies such as the Illuminated Freemasons, the Jesuits, The order of skull and bones. US politicians are all members of this nation. The true Israel controls the global monetary system, its gold reserves, its largest military machine, its most lucrative business (opiates). Israel, the nation of masturbating boys, rules this world.

Israel is about to declare victory in the genocidal war that is the reason this world of mortality ever existed, a war that most of the people who subscribe to the incest taboo have been completely ignorant has been going on in their midst for six thousand years. It is a war between the children of the god who is love and the children of the love god's enemy, the Liar named Satan who promotes the failed idea that men can ignore the intentions of the inventor of the human being and define what men are for themselves. Satan, the promoter of homophobia and the incest taboo is the god of everyone who subscribes to the belief that the incest taboo has any purpose other than ruin and damnation.

Israel is the nation whose boys masturbate together, and therefore the nation whose fathers are the lovers of their sons. They are the psychedelic tribes that wheel through eternity in the universes created by their Gods, worlds that fill up with people who come at the suggestion of the nemesis of the Nation of masturbating boy-lovers, the fellow who calls himself Prince Reuben, that manly man who convinces men that they can create their own destinies without relying up the blessings of the child-like Love Gods who are the only ones capable of creating the universes human beings inhabit in the first place. I'm talking about the guy known in religion as Satan. He is the liar that tells the lie that men who do not masturbate together have a hope of coming up with a lifestyle that works. Satan's lie leads men into clinging to a way of life that is guaranteed to end up being pure misery for all involved.

Unashamed boys masturbate together, because shame is the ONLY thing that would ever keep them from doing something totally harmless that feels good and allows men to coexist in peace and prosperity. The boys without shame win the genocidal wars. They enjoy so many advantages in the stuggle for survival that it's almost like a joke. 144,000 lovers of god can defeat an army of a billion of satan's orcs if need be. it is remarkable that no one has ever stopped to think, "what if there was a tribe of men who loved one another, wouldn't they be able to rule the world?"

if anyone had ever asked this question, they would have quickly seen the evidence that i have seen that suggests beyond any doubt that the world is indeed ruled by such a tribe. in fact there is no way that it could not, because the boys who love one another and who masturbate together are the fit who survive the genocidal wars that are fought over what constitutes human existence in whatever world. this is very basic stuff here.

this is the ultimate darwinian truth: the tribe whose boys who masturbate together will survive and carry on after all other tribes have failed and turned whatever world they inhabit into a hell-realm absolutely devoid of love. the tribe of masturbating boys is the most powerful force in existence in any universe. no power can defeat them.

To those who might think that there is any chance that Israel will be defeated, I say, "We have not yet begun to fight." The end-times are upon this world, and this is the story. this is how it all comes down: you either accept or reject the truth that men who fail to love one another turn whatever world they inhabit into Hell.

it ALL boils down to the biggest taboo on earth, the one thing everyone forbids everyone else from even talking about. the incest taboo is the crux of everything, it is the crux of heaven and hell.

The incest taboo and homophobia amount to a worthless bill of goods sold to you by the enemy of all goodness, the BS artist named Satan. You will repudiate your subscription to this failed idea that would align you against the Creator himself, or you will perish into the most miserable fate imaginable, being left to your own devices with others who opted out of life when life presented itself. to exist forever in a state of non existence is, i regret to tell you, the fate of those who do not repudiate the ideas of Satan, in particular, the incest taboo.. it is a fate of unimaginable misery.

May 28

There is a guy who lives in seattle who is the actual living incarnation of satan, the adversary of the creator who decided that he would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven.

i call him prince reuben. i also call him the BS artist. i chose this name for him in part because os neil young's reference to "the hero and the artist" in greendale, having a late night shot and discussing their hope and dreams for the 21st century and mostly coming up with nothin'. the hero is another guy who lives in seattle, the antichrist, cain, ishmael, mohammed. the major leading social justice activist whose black heart is full of hatred.

satan has hubris, his protoge, the antichrist has hatred. in some ways, cain seems the worse of the two to me. anyway, this guy prince reuben told me the night before i had the incredibly intense experience of falling into Hell (while i was in the company of Prince Reuben) that he had seven years earlier had a past life flashback in which he realized that he and jesus had been best friends before "they went their seperate ways." i believe he is referring to the episode recorded in the bible when "Satan" visited jesus while he was fasting and tried to tempt him to join his plan to rule the world. reuben hates the christ, i do know this. on the rare occaisions when he speaks of him, there is hatred in his tone. he loves the man, but hates who he is. he loves me, but he can no longer be my friend, because he is ashamed. he did he best to get me off of my path, but it reached a point where he knew he was defeated. that he could not divert me from my path to awakening. yes, satan and the christ have done battle in this life. from what i can see, he seems to feel defeated.

this is prince reuben, the enemy of the incestuous gods, the liar who invites men to come into this world without telling them the truth that the gods who created it and all other worlds are incestuous. somehow satan and the gods got into some kind of a challenge, with satan claiming perhaps that he could be the inventor of a happy world, the gods insisting that only the worlds in which people accept an incestuous god can there be happiness. and thus the story plays itself out, and the gods of course end up winning the game of empire in satan's world.

anyway, the BS artist and i had become really good friends, in fact, that night when reuben told me he had been jesus's best friend was a high point in our friendship, because at that time i was coming to believe that i was the reincarnation of jesus, and to hear my friend claim to have been jesus' best friend was somewhat thrilling. it took me a while from that point to figure out that the guy i had come to believe was abraham was also satan. (i still believe that abraham was an incarnation of satan. see, the thing about satan is, he comes across as a really great guy! abraham is a famous biblical figure considered by all religious scholars as "good." i believe he was an incarnation of the same person who is both adam and satan.

anyway, i have a $!0,000 promissory signed by the BS artist, prince reuben. how did it come to pass that satan owes the christ ten grand? because i loaned it to him at a time when we were close freinds and he was in need of money. (i have provided lots of financial support to both the hero and the artist)

satan, the christ and the antichrist all owned a piece of poperty together, until about a year ago when the antichrist just couldn't tolerate my existence any longer, once he realized i was the one who had come to destroy him. i did them some favors that enabled them to continue to own the property in spite of their inability to qualify for financing without my name on the loan. so satan and the antichrist continue owning the property that we all owned together as a result of my willingness to help them out, even after they kicked me out of our partnership.

satan is the king of shame.

cain (the antichrist) the son of adam, the son of satan is the king of hatred that comes from shame.

shame is the parent, hatred and resentment is the child.

god is love. satan is shame, the son of shame is hatred. this is manifest in that the ghuy who IS satan does not seem like a hateful person, but simply as an arrogant one, whereas cain comes across as full of hatred..

again, this supports what i say that shame, not hatred is the opposite of love. hatred is the result of that which is the opposite of love.


The Biblical story of Genesis says that man is made in the image and likeness of the gods.,

In other words, gods and men are two subspecies of homo sapiens, the human being.

What is the difference between these two types of human beings?

One, the mortal man, is sexually repressed, and the other, the god, is not.

Gods -immortal human beings - are not sexually repressed.

Men - mortal human beings - are sexually repressed.

sexual energy, eros, is the life energy that everything is made of. if you repress life energy, the energy of what life is made of, then you are mortal. if you do not repress this energy then you are immortal. simple as that. this mortal world is mortal BECAUSE of shame and sexual repression, the repression of life energy.

WHat are the differences in behavior between these two types of male human beings?

the most obvious difference is where is comes to incest.

Men are afraid of it and avoid even talking about it like the plague. For mortal men, incest is the biggest most powerful taboo.

Gods, on the other hand, revel in incest. it is the eroticism of incest that gives gods the infinite experience of ecstasy that empowers them to conjure universes into existence as the manifestation of their erotic fantasies.

If you do not want to be the participant in someone else's incestuous erotic fantasy, then you have no business being a human being, because this is the only way that a universe inhabitable by human beings can ever exist in the first place. if you find this unacceptable, then you have fallen into a very bad trap, a trap laid by a guy named satan who tells the lie that there is some -any- other possibility for a successful human existence other than as the product of such an erotic fantasy, one made all the more erotic by the high degree of liklihood that many people who choose to come and exist in such a world are going to fall into this trap of being unable to accept reality as it actually is.

the male human being capable of having the most erotic fantasy is, by definition, the most powerful being in existence. women may be the objects of erotic fantasy, but there is no woman with the powers of erotic fantasy who can have a more erotic fantasy than the gods who actually have the fantasies that generate universes. its just a difference between male and female human beings.

the goddess has a wish, happiness, and the god is the one who comes up with the plan that fulfills her wish. the cowgirl in the sand is ultimately in command of this place, but the ones who do the work of making it happen are the men who fight against and are victorious against all of those satan-like men who think that things would be better if THEY, rather than an incestuous god, were the one deciding what kind of world human beings are going to have, or to be the one to define what a human being IS... how terribly ignorant and arrogant.

universes get CREATED by gods who have the ultimate erotic fantasy, which is incestuous in nature,,, and the men who come to live in those worlds subscribe to the ideas of the enemy of the gods who created the world. satan becomes the leader of the men who would rather be the god themselves than love the god who actually is. this is the fallen state of the human race. men deny and fight against the gods who are the very source of their existence. and so they end up being left to their own devices, without the blessings of the love gods who are the ONLY hope of a happy human existence.

men have hubris and it destroyes them. the MEEK shall inherit the earth. the humble charlies win the wars of the brats and bullies who compete for dominance. it is so absurd really at how men, in their desire to be strong and powerful turn themselves into losers who will either be defeated in the end, or who will renounce their arrogant ways and come in total humility before the incestuous god whom they have denied and offended, and beg for his forgiveness.

anyone who is too arrogant to do this is condemned by their own arrogance. anyone who insists on carrying on their existence in denial of these truths is condemned by their own denial, their own shame.

shame will keep so many men from adopting the attitude of humility that will be required in order to even WANT to be in Heaven. shame will take so many men into hell, shame of the contents of their own hate-filled hearts in the face of the perfect love of the perfect lover and god.

those who accept the total defeat of satan's ideas and who renounce them and who are reborn in complete humility, who find the heart of a child within themselves will be saved from their own potential failures. no man who has not found the heart of a child within himself will attain the kingdom of heaven. all men who cling to a sense of themselves as being "adult" will perish. the heart of a child is required in order to attain the requisite humility..

all men who fail to find and become the child that they really are will have condemned themselves to an eternity of anguish at electing to be a human being and then failing to be what one is. it is so absolutely important that every man undersand what his options are. this is absolute devastation in the making, and each man must realize that if he is not completely remade into an entirely different person, he will endure an unbelievably terrible fate. Because a man CAN NOT bring about a termination of his existence, and if he rejects the very source of existence, then he is going to exist in a state of negative or anti-existence. not NON exixtence, but ANTI-existence. not a fun experience to have to endure forever.

May 27

Question: Which nation will survive the genocidal (Darwinian) wars between the various nations and tribes of unhappy men in this world?

Answer: The nation of men who are willing to do what it takes to be happy when it is revealed to the world in the very near future how a man can be happy, something not generally known to the human race at the present time. (It's been a bit of a secret until now.)

The one Nation that will survive the genocidal wars of this world of otherwise unhappy men is the Nation of the twelve tribes of happy men, sometimes known as Israel. (Since the time when its 144,000 members incarnated as the descendants of Israel (Jacob), this Nation has also gone by the name of Rome; Israel is also sometimes referred to as the Brotherhood, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, etc.)

The Darwinian struggle for survival among the tribes and nations of Planet Earth will be won by the secret society, or nation, of men about whom accusations of conspiracy have persisted (understandably, since they are true) for many hundred of years. Why will the happy men be the ones to win the genocidal struggle for dominance among men? Because happy men love and trust one another and this makes them far more effective than groups of men who do not love and trust one another; this amounts to an insurmountable advantage in the survival wars.

In order for a human tribe, nation or race to survive in the long run, its men MUST be happy. Unhappy men will turn a Paradise, what this planet was a mere six thousand years ago, into a Hell realm, what this world has become. Their nations and tribes will similarly self-destruct in the inevitable struggle for dominance within these social groups, the urge to compete, rather than to love, being as strong as it is in such men, who seek power and dominance in their futile quests for fulfillment.

When push comes to shove, the nation of men who are willing to be happy, Israel (not the Israel that occupies the territory known to many as Palestine but, rather, the underground nation of happy men who control the government of the USA, the narcotics traffic and the house of cards global money system, most members of which are not Jewish) will do whatever it takes to subdue and eventually destroy all other nations. And they will succeed. The Nation of Israel owns the gold that confers true money-issuing, rule-making and enemy-destroying powers. They have all the high cards in their hand.

In a world that goes by the rule that all is fair in love and war, Israel, the Nation of Lovers, has done what it takes to win the wars for survival. This Nation of Israel of which I speak will win the genocidal wars because its members are committed to doing whatever it takes for one nation to survive what would otherwise have inevitably become the total disaster of an entirely failed human race. And they have waited until the eve of the human race's self-destruction to lay down their hand and claim victory in the single war that has been raging throughout the duration of recorded human history.

And they invite anyone (other than those who have consciously conspired against them) who cares to join them to do so, so long as the men who would join are willing to accept and do what it takes to become happy as men. (Women who join must also be willing to accept men being what men were designed to be.)

That which is necessary in order for men to be happy, and therefore to exist in a realm of happiness, is not something that will seem particularly desirable or tasteful to a human race plagued, as this one is, with the incest taboo and rampant homophobia that the Adversary of the Creator of this world, that seemingly wonderful fellow who calls himself Prince Reuben (but who is known to many religious folks as Satan) concocted as a strategy in his rebellion against the Creator and then sold as the most evil bill of goods ever foisted upon a race of human beings.

For the purposes of what I have to say, Heaven is defined as a human-inhabited world in which all of the men are willing to do what it takes to be happy. Hell is defined as a human-inhabited world in which the men refuse to do what it takes to be happy. And Earth is defined as realm of human existence in which the men are ignorant of what it takes to be happy, some of whom will choose to become happy and some of whom will not once it is revealed how a man can be happy. (Those who will commit themselves to being unhappy when they learn how and yet refuse to do what it takes to be happy, would not so much as permit the measures necessary for happiness to be taken by anyone in their midst. Unhappy men do not like to be exposed to happy men, which is why the story of humanity begins with the unhappy and ashamed Cain (the Antichrist) killing the happy and unashamed Abel (the Christ).

In order for men to be happy, they must learn to allow themselves to fully exist; men cannot hold back from existence itself and be truly happy. The men of this world, "mortals," hold back from the full experience of existence itself, and therefore they cannot be truly happy, which is to say, they cannot be unconditionally happy, happy by virtue of simply existing. And so they die, because without happiness, who would want to exist forever? Mortals die because it's a necessary mechanism for dealing with the lack of happiness resulting from ignorance of where happiness comes from.

Unfortunately for those who in the end will refuse happiness, existence does not end with death. Death is just a part of an illusion of mortality that makes existence in unhappiness bearable. Men need to be saved from their ignorance of how to attain happiness because only those who do know how to attain this experience are going to be in the world in which men are happy, in a Heaven and not in a Hell, when the two factions - the willing and the unwilling to be happy - separate from one another when it is revealed to the world how a man can be happy.

Men who have not yet allowed themselves to fully exist are, by definition, not yet able to experience true unconditional happiness. In order that men may fully exist they must surrender into an experience of fully existing, the most fearsome possible experience for anyone who has not yet done so. Mortal men cling fearfully to their thoughts; they are fearful of forgetting what they are thinking and they are identified with a non-existent self whose sense of existence is based in this primal fear of the unknown of what existence really is.

Mortality is the pupa stage of human existence, in which the human being has not yet become self-realized, before the human being knows what a human being is made of. In order to become happy men need to let go of this clinging to the nothingness of thought and let go into their experience of existence itself, which is full of happiness because it is made of Love. The content of fearful thoughts is empty; there is no love in fear, in shame, in guilt, in negative thoughts.. But there IS love in all forms of sensory experience. Until they surrender into existence, men will never experience even a single moment of what it actually means to exist.

Mortal men by definition have not decided whether they want to exist because they don't yet know what it means to exist, and in order to find out whether it is something they want, they have to commit to it. This is a bind that men need help getting out of. And this is by design.

In order to surrender into the full experience of his own existence a boy MUST learn to be comfortable with the presence of the Living God in whose Imagination everything exists and who is present in the experience that occurs when one fully immerses one's self in any experience of life (other than the experience of holding back fearfully from experience). Basically, a boy needs a formal introduction to the Creator who dwells within himself, lest he live in fear of this Creator's presence and hold back from fully experiencing the sensations coming through his sense organs. A boy must get to know the Creator in order to surrender into what existence actually is. It is mandatory for the fulfillment of what a male human being is. And there is a specific Way that the Creator intended for this to occur.

We are self-conscious ideas living within a mindscape conjured in the Imagination of a fully self-realized male human being otherwise known as a god. We exist as experience machines (human beings) in a real-time erotic fantasy being had by a man who has fully surrendered into being what a man really is. This is all that has ever existed or ever will exist. Only a fully awakened, self-realized and unashamed man having the erotic fantasy that generates universes is capable of generating universes. A Big Bang is what comes about, in the Imagination of the One Mind that is all that exists, as a result of the orgasm that culminates the ultimate erotic fantasy that such men are capable of having together.

Men who believe the lies of Satan (mortality, fear, shame, guilt, homophobia, incest taboo) will resist hearing that such a world is the only available world in which to exist. Yet it is the truth that the only other existence available for men after Judgment Day will be the realm of anti-existence wherein dwell those who, like their leader Satan, refuse to accept Reality such as it is and who spurn the love of the Love God, who reject the proposition of the inventor of the realm of human happiness called Heaven. Those who reject the Creator's offer of eternal life in a realm of happiness are left with existence in non-existence, a very miserable state of being. I can testify to this, having visited its deepest depths myself, on the way to becoming what i am, on the way to understanding what life is really made of.

The way in which a boy learns to have the experience of surrendering to his God is to become the lover of his father, who himself has already become a lover of the God. The boy learns to love and surrender to the Creator through his love for and faith in his father. It is in the experience of erotic arousal that a boy is ultimately going to come up against his own fear of the presence of the Creator who is present in ALL experience, including the most intense sensory experience of all, the experience of erotic arousal.

The experience of erotic arousal is the experience of God's love. Eros is the Love that everything is made of. And so a father becomes the bridge for his son in discovering the erotic relationship that exists between men and the Living God in whose erotic fantasy we all have our existence. A son can feel the presence of his father as well as the god in the experiences of erotic arousal that are available to a boy who has been initiated properly into this experience, and this allows him to surrender into what is otherwise a fearsome experience, because he feels his father, whom he trusts, there with him in it.

Mortal men do not experience these levels of erotic arousal BECAUSE they are afraid of the experience of the presence of God in the experience and they have orgasm before they get to the point of being fully in the experience of this moment that is available to men first and foremost through the erotic experience. This practice of love of which I speak is the ultimate mindfulness or meditation practice. It is the practice of focusing ones attention (meditating) directly upon the experience of erotic arousal, which is the experience of god's love. In a word, masturbation. Masturbation is by definition the ultimate mindfullness practice. It is how a man knows and loves his Creator.

And his father is the person who is intended by design to initiate a son into this practice and the completely fulfilling experience of peace and happiness that it delivers. We humans are essentially erotic beings by nature in that the most intense experiences we can have are erotic in nature; not to mention the fact that both people and the universes they inhabit come into being as the result of the intensely pleasurable erotic experiences that human beings are designed to have. Therefore in becoming fully what they potentially are as men, men must become lovers of the Living God in whose Imagination they exist; there just is no other way to become fully what a man is. Impossible, by definition, because this relationship is what a man is designed for.

All men who cling to Prince Reuben's idea that men can be whatever they want to be, an idea that is really just an excuse for shame, will be clinging to a much less than whole self, for fear of becoming the whole self that they are. This amounts to saying that there is intended to be a rite of passage in a boy's life into becoming what a man is that is carried out when a son becomes the lover of his father. In this way a son is initiated into the experience that mortal human beings know nothing about but that they identify vaguely as "enlightenment." A boy becomes a happy man when he attains enlightenment, an initiation intended by the original inventor of the human being to take place in EVERY boy's life when he becomes his father's lover.

Prince Reuben is the one who insisted that there was some other way for men to be happy other than by loving and worshiping an incestuous and homoerotic God. Thus, Prince Reuben, Satan, is the god of every man who is not a member of the Nation of Israel. Until and unless a man gets with the Creator's program he is with Satan on the matter of what constitutes a man. To attain happiness a man must get with the way things are in the Creator's world, called Heaven (any world in which people live according to his will), in which sons are the lovers of their fathers, all men are lovers of the Creator, and all men are lovers of the Creator's presence in everything, including in one another.

If and when you join this Nation, the Happy Nation, according to scripture you will get married to your Savior - the one who rescued you from the Liar who convinced you that there is something wrong with love, who suckered you into a belief system that is the cause of potentially never-ending misery - whether you are a man or a woman; and if you have a son, when he comes of age he will join in the festivities as well. It's just one big happy incestuous family in the Love God's Heaven.

This is the One Nation under God, Israel, that will still be around in eight years from now. As a famous spokesman for the Nation of Israel, John Lennon, said, "I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one."

If and when you finally decide that you will not be joining this nation, you will be with Prince Reuben, the leader of the ashamed, in his very own world. (I do not believe he will require his subjects to marry him, but I can't guarantee you that he won't demand some kind of affection from them.) His is a world without nations because it's all his. He is the one who signed up early on to be the ruler of Hell. Reuben, whose promise to his subjects is that no one in his world will ever again be confronted by the Nation of Unashamed Charlies, the incestuous mother, father, sister, brother and Willie-Wonka-God-lovers who give everyone in Reuben's world a really bad case of "the willies."

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