Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Cardinal Rule of Existence (12)

The Cardinal Rule of Existence

November 6, 2004

There is indeed a most primary law or rule of the realm of Imagination in which we exist. The story we are near the end of enacting is in fact nothing less than a reminder about the importance of this one little rule. It's called the ONLY ONE CREATOR AT A TIME RULE.

We actually live in the having of an idea. Existence is the real-time expression in imagination of the one primordial idea that causes endless worlds to be created. This idea is the endless love story of the succession of perfect masters, fathers and sons, who fulfill the important role of being the one who is having the idea that causes everything that exists to exist. One person has the role of being the current haver of the idea that we live within. This role gets handed down through an endless lineage of fathers and sons, each son being the manifestation in imagination of his father's idea of perfection in a human being. Each one like Charlie: humble, sincere, meek, gentle, kind, considerate, loving, honest, free of guile.

These are the perfect masters, and the saga of the world is the saga of the rite of passage of the son in becoming awakened and self-realized. In other words, the story of the world is the story of charlie, being prepared to assume the role of willie wonka, operator of the magic chocolate factory of the imagination itself. The trinity, willie, charlie, and the chocolate factory. the father, the son and the holy spirit, (imagination).

The one rule in the chocolate factory is that there can be only one person running the show. It will not work for there to be two or more willie wonkas, each trying to fulfill their own idea of how to run the chocolate factory. The world is living through the epic saga of proving to itself, once again, the importance of this rule. For what we see happening is the inetivable result of a situation in which each man tries to be a creator.

What ends up happening is, some guy ends up playing the role called satan. he is the one who falls into hell after trying to become a creator himself by breaking into the master control room of the imagination. and then he becomes rather desperate to keep it a secret that he is in hell. he becomes a master liar in order to conceal the fact that he is in hell. and he realizes that he is fulfilling the role of satan, the one who offers an alternative reality, for the sake of those who will inevitablly choose to reject their creator. he is destined to rule the world, the one who comes up with the idea he has, to initiate people into hell and then control them and use them to build an empire... the guy who builds an empire based on his control of the opium supply. This is the perfect idea of empire, the idea of empire that trumps all other ideas of empire. Satan's empire is the perfect expression of the idea of empire. And guess what? He fulfills a mission of mercy; he is an angel sent to hell in order to care for the unfortunate souls who choose to forsake their creator. poppy is his name and poppy is his medicine. poppy, the lord of hell, is the rightful ruler of a world in which the men insist on being creators.

This is what automatically happens when men forget about or disobey the cardinal rule.

It doesnt work any other way. a realm of human existence in which men forget this rule is destined to fail. those who choose to stay with the embodiment of the failure, the man with the empire that wins the game of empire, will be relieved of the misery of their choice by the grace of the almighty through the gift of opium which is left in poppy's hands. this is the merciful creator at work. the ruler of the men who would defy the creations most basic law, the lord of hell, is the opium kingpin. this is a good plan. a very good plan indeed. a supremely wonderful plan. even the people who choose hell get to feel good.

those who choose to accept the cardinal rule, and defer to the rightful operators of the chocolate factory, the endless succession of perfectly meek boys, like charlie, who become the willie wonkas, are blessed with living in an eternal realm of joy in which everyone's wishes come true. forever.

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