Monday, January 03, 2005

Money and Revolution: A Tale of Three Temples (6)

Money and Revolution: A Tale of Three Temples

Two thousand years ago Jesus the Christ, in the one act of hostility recorded in the story of his ministry, disrupted the bankers’ activities in the Temple in the city that was to the ancient Hebrews “the center of the universe,” Jerusalem. There was something about the moneychangers’ exploitation of society’s medium of exchange that was particularly offensive to the avatar. His revolutionary message was that the world would be a much better place if people lived in faith rather than fear; he was deeply inspired to communicate his vision that if people loved and trusted one another unconditionally, and behaved in a trustworthy way, the kingdom of Heaven on Earth could be realized. And apparently there was something about the bankers’ activities that were so contrary to his vision of a world in which God’s “will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” that he was willing to risk his life by expressing his vehement objection to their methods.

Control of the money system was then, as it is now, in the hands of a negative force - the antithesis of Goodness, the Lie, Fear, also known as Satan - the force that the avatar’s mission in the world is to challenge and overcome. The use of symbolic money such as coins or paper notes, whose intrinsic value (the value of the paper or metal itself or the commodity for which it is redeemable) is less than the symbolic (face) value of the coin, is a slippery slope to exploitation by whoever controls the issue of such money. This is called “debasement” and it is easily used as a way to rip-off the people. Jesus understood this, and saw the requirement that a certain type of coin be used for offerings made in the Temple as a way in which an artificially high value of this coin could be sustained. This was the equivalent of the current “legal tender” status of the US Dollar and other national currencies, all controlled by the Empire of Fear. The requirements that we accept Fear’s currency in payment of debt and that we use it to pay taxes support an artificial value of the currency, which has no intrinsic value whatsoever and is built upon a foundation of lies and illusions.

Jesus recognized that the nature of money raises profound moral issues and he expressed his sentiments regarding the morality being manifest by the bankers in the Temple. He was executed shortly thereafter, perhaps as a result. One wonders, what good did this act accomplish? How might Jesus have followed through on this gesture of turning over the bankers’ tables in the Temple had he lived? Perhaps this unfinished business was begun so that the memory of his last and most defiant act would come down through the centuries as a clue to recognizing his promised reappearance at a time when this business could be finished. In other words, perhaps he was planning to pick up where he left off when he returned.

Coming to the present, the Federal Reserve money we rely upon to trade with one another is mostly issued from another Temple, the Temple of Fear located in another city known as “the center of the universe,” the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This money is literally backed by Fear. It is loaned into existence by people who do the bidding of the Lord of Hell, GHW “Poppy” Bush, and the only thing backing it is the threat of violence through the enforcement by the Empire of the debt obligations that it represents. This money is Fear money issued from the Temple of Fear in the center of the Fear Universe. It is an agency of evil in the world, which is to say it is an agency of Fear, whose agenda is to take as many souls as possible into the illusion of Hell after the destruction of the illusory world that he himself is about to bring about.

Several outspoken investigators including Michael Ruppert ( have exposed the very close links between the international banking establishment that owns the Federal Reserve System and the CIA, the Bush family, the Order of Skull and Bones, the opium trade and the laundering of the proceeds from the multi-hundred billion dollars a year trade in the opium derivative, heroin. Drug money provides the financial liquidity that is propping up a totally corrupt system that would otherwise collapse. As I have said repeatedly, Poppy Bush is expressing the part of Fear in the enactment of the story of the avatar’s journey in the realm of consciousness called “the world,” and he sits in the position of the capstone in the pyramid of power called Empire. The world is ruled by the Emperor of Fear and the fake money that he loans to us to use as a medium of exchange is an integral part of his power structure. Every transaction between people involving this money represents an exchange of goods or services in return for a contract that confers the right to invoke the powers of the state to collect on another person’s debt obligation. This is the money of Fear, and Fear offers us the use of his money in return for our agreement to allow him to rule the world. It is time for an alternative.

And so the picture now comes into focus of a potentially revolutionary initiative to weave an alternative money system together with this message that I am putting out about the saga unfolding in the world. The revolutionary movement for peace and justice and against the lies and brutality of a world-dominating empire that was put down in biblical-era Jerusalem re-emerged into the global consciousness in 1999 when many idealistic and enlightened young people came from all over the world and blocked the WTO ministerial conference here in Seattle. Seattle thus became synonymous in the global consciousness with the fight against corporate globalization, which is simply a manifestation of the Empire of Fear, the exact same empire that was called Rome back in the day. Now, coincidentally, the one who is claiming to be playing the part of the reappearance of the avatar who turned over the money changers tables as perhaps the most powerful expression of defiance of Empire in that time and place, is saying that his building in Fremont (the playful neighborhood known by its denizens as “the Center of the Universe”), is the Temple that according to prophesy gets rebuilt at this moment in time, and that a new money system, one based on and backed by love and trust, will emerge from this Temple, and that he himself will set up his own money-changer’s table in the Temple to change people’s Fear money into Love money. The Temple of Love (in which the Cacao Goddess, the Goddess of Love, is the deity) in the Center of the Love Universe (Fremont) in the archetypal city that yearns for freedom from Empire and the Lies it represents (Seattle as Jerusalem) will be the place from which is issued the Love money that will emerge as the alternative to the Fear money of the Empire. Money backed the commodity that is the archetypal expression of Love, chocolate. Redeemable for the chocolate produced in the Temple of Love, just as the Fear money was once redeemable for (backed by) silver held in the Temple of Fear, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

I am proposing a new form of money that will enable us to use Love as the medium of exchange when we give and receive things of monetary value, and allow us to begin to disengage from the Empire of Fear. This would be a new currency that, unlike the Fed money, is backed by something real and tangible: chocolate and/or cocoa beans, as well as mutual trust and respect between human beings. An infusion of new interest-free money into the community, available as a medium of exchange between people who are willing to trust one another, could, by increasing the amount of trade amongst ourselves, greatly enhance the vibrancy of the community of people in Seattle who are expressing themselves through the myriad creative pursuits that they are discovering as the pure expression of their individual life energy. I believe that this will become a major revolutionary movement emerging out of Seattle and into the world at large as the Love world emerges into the light of the eternal now, while the Fear world fades into the darkness of oblivion.

I believe this Love-money will replace the corrupt Fear-based money system over the next eight years. It will provide the medium of exchange in the world that will still be here after Poppy Bush creates the illusion of destroying the illusory world that he rules over. We are now in the period called “the rapture,” the eight-year transition from a Fear-ruled world to a Love-ruled world, and this is the sort of transformation that will take place during this time. Creating and using a new medium of exchange is one of the most revolutionary things that we can possibly do, because this will enable us to disengage from the Fear world that is in its last gasps. When we use the Fear money through which the Empire of Fear rules the world we are giving energy to the Beast that is destroying the world. We can take a huge step toward building the world we want to live in by adopting a money system which is consistent with our vision and values, a money system based on Love, the use of which directly contributes the creation of a Love and trust-based culture.

In eight years this Fear world we think is real will be no more. We will have all moved on to either the real world (just like the Fear world but without the Fear) that is located in the Eternal Now, or followed Fear into his abode. Perhaps we will each have found our way to the destination that corresponds to the type of money we put our faith in. Fear’s money says, “In God We Trust,” and to trust in this money is indeed to place one’s faith in the God of Empire that issues this money, the patriarchal God of Fear. We’ve put our faith in Fear for long enough. It is time to break free, and by demonstrating our faith in Love by creating and using money based on Love will be a powerful way to assert our choice to have the kind of existence that we want. I would like to begin this initiative with others and will be willing to take a disproportionate share of the risk involved by placing my trust in my brothers and sisters.

I will be in the Temple, in the former pub at 35th and Phinney in Fremont, Wednesday and Thursday this week (through June 3) next week only on Wednesday the 9th and then Monday and Wednesday the 14th and 16th all at 8 pm.
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