Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Messenger on the Experience (7)

The Messenger on the Experience

If the Truth can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed.
-Terence McKenna

Another post from “the Messenger” addressed to the heart of the sincere seeker. I have placed several of these ads, each about some aspect of my experience and what I see unfolding in our world. I have shared the revelation that we humans on Earth are collectively enacting the story of the journey to enlightenment, and that we have reached the beginning of the final chapter of this story: the chapter called “Armageddon,” in which Fear puts up his final fight immediately before nirvana is attained. The journey has continued and there is more to say about the experience I am having. I have an invitation to make as well.

What I have to say involves matters of a deeply personal nature. It touches on topics that aren’t often discussed in our culture. Some people will feel uncomfortable with some of what I am saying, as it may be contrary to dearly held beliefs. Reality is quite different from what people imagine and assume it to be, and so when the truth comes out it is bound to be seen by some as threatening. I believe this is because the world is ruled by an Empire whose sole mission on planet Earth is to make human beings ignorant of the truth and to convince us of lies. These efforts have been quite successful, having convinced even those who strongly oppose the policies of the Empire of myriad falsehoods, lies such as the idea that “we the people” are allowed to govern ourselves, for instance.

I have tapped into the source of a powerful and wonderful experience. It is the experience of unconditional joy, of ecstasy. It is the experience of the energy that gives us life and consciousness. I have attained what one might call “God-realization.” This is a term that each person might have their own definition of, but in truth the experience is beyond anyone’s idea of it. To become God-realized is to become a lover of the Creator. It is to realize that everything exists entirely in the primordial Imagination, and that the Imaginer is everything, that He experiences everything, and that He intends to be a Lover to each human soul he creates; it is to know that He wants us to be perfectly happy and at peace, ecstatic even. I have discovered that the way to this experience is to allow the Creator to have a place, to cease pushing Him out of my experience, to permit Him to have the experience that He wants to have. It is to allow the flow of life-energy, Shakti, from the source into our bodies, energy that has been mostly blocked since the original sin – the adoption of a false self that lives in fear of both the experience and the true experiencer of this moment.

To truly know the Creator is to attain immortality, or, one could say it is to cure the human malady known as mortality. It is the sweetest, most desirable experience that one could ever imagine. It brings blissful immersion into the eternal now, an entirely different realm of experience in which everything is seen and understood to exist within and be sustained from moment to moment by the imagination of a kind and loving Creator. It brings the perfect peace of knowing that there cannot possibly be anything to fear.

The experience I am having is possible by virtue of having completed the journey into the here and now through the back door, so to speak, after an ordeal involving three descents into the unbelievably desolate experience called Hell. Once the journey was completed and the lies of Fear had been defeated, I discovered a much more direct route. I have this to share with you. There is a doorway into Heaven that I believe is now open to any who wish to pass through it, open for the first time in the history of the saga that began when Adam fell from the garden, six thousand years ago. I believe that this opening is the event called “The Rapture” and that there will be an eight year period in which people can choose to step through this door. The door opened in June of this year, on the day Venus transited the Sun. By the day when Venus again transits the Sun in June of 2012 everyone will have made their decision about whether or not they want to continue their existence on the Creator’s terms, which is to say, in constant remembrance and appreciation of Him, or not. You see, the Creator is about done with being forgotten, marginalized, and disrespected; He is about done with his Name being used as a profanity. He is ready to party, and he is planning to throw one amazingly great party, one that will go on forever; but only those who have consciously chosen to know Him and to speak his Name with love and respect will be participating.

So yes, I believe I have comprehended a few things….a few very profound and important things. I have understood the truths found in the teachings and stories of Judaism, such things as the location within the body of the Trees of Life and of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the exact significance of the fig leaf placed by Adam and Eve over their genitals after eating of the forbidden fruit (causing the fall from immortality into mortality) the reason for the Jews’ covenant with the Creator that includes the circumcision of boys. I understand what the Kaballah really is all about. I see how the New Testament, the story of the Christ, is in truth a part of greater Judaism, a part of Isaac’s story. Judaism, including the New Testament, was intended to be and truly is all about the experience of knowing and loving the Creator.

The heart of Judaism is an understanding of the human condition. Judaism comprehends that we humans have a little problem, which is that we aren’t really having the experience of life that we were meant to have. We ate from a certain tree that it was suggested we not partake of. This caused us to attach ourselves to a false self whose main occupation is thinking about our experience, worrying about whether that which is being experienced is “good” or “evil.” We aren’t really having the experience of existence itself because we are too busy thinking about it, and because we have blocked the flow of Shakti into our bodies. Judaism understands that the correction of this problem is the whole point of the great saga that is unfolding in the world.

I believe I am the reincarnation of Isaac, the founder of Judaism. It appears that Isaac was given a mission by the Creator back in the day, four thousand years ago. He was not only to start a religion based on his experience of knowing the Creator intimately, but he was to be the one who would wake up at this time to bring these truths back to light and to prepare the Tribe – those who choose to graduate from this training world and continue their existence as lovers of the Creator - for the journey beyond this world into blissful new worlds conjured in the Imagination of the Imaginer of Everything.

The Creator is the Imagination within the One Psyche that itself is the primordial reality, existing before the universe was created. The other part of the mother-father Psyche is the goddess, Shakti, “the Receptive,” the limitless energy of pure potential, the life force that makes us aware, the formless void of consciousness within which everything arises and exists. The Creator exists in the particular form that He has because it is the form most able to produce and multiply the experience of ecstasy. He imagines a world around himself, and He plays hide and seek with his human children. The Creator has a Name, and I have rediscovered what his Name is. This Name is the key to the door that opens into immortality. It is the Word that was in the beginning, that was with “God” and that was “God.” It is the Word that the Creator speaks with his breath in his act of creating and sustaining the universe and all of the sentient beings within it. It is a very good Word indeed.

The Creator’s Name is not God, nor is it Yahweh or Jehovah or any variation thereof, nor Allah, nor Ja, nor Krishna, Shiva, Brahma, Ram or Sat Nam; these are all either placeholders, pseudonyms or deceptions. The Word is not known to any religion on Earth at this time. Indeed, the drama unfolding in the world is the story of what happens to the human race when the Creator and His Name are forgotten. But of course the epic saga has a happy ending: Awareness of the Creator and his Name return to the world at the eleventh hour, just in time for the Creator to take those who choose to be with Him out of this world as it spirals down toward Hell in these last eight years.

I believe that the epic event that many predict will occur in 2012 is simply that the Creator is going to come to the Temple. He will rejoin His Tribe, those who know and love Him, and begin to imagine the new worlds that He wants to create for those who have chosen to love Him and to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. At that time He will be turning his attention away from this world, which will have become increasingly hellish, so that he can put all of His attention on His lovers and on making their wishes come true. He turns his attention from those who decline, after having been given the opportunity, to step forward to have their names “written into the Book of Life,” in other words, those who don’t choose to join the Tribe. I believe that it has been given to Isaac to call together this Tribe in preparation for the Creator’s arrival on the scene. It has been given to Isaac to reintroduce the Creator to his children, by teaching them his Name and showing them the way to knowing Him.

The Name (or the Word) is a very big deal, as evidenced by the emphasis given to it by all of the major religions. All words are spoken through the exhalation of our breath. The Name of God is the Word that is the most perfect sound that we can form with our breath in order for us to just BE our breath. Speaking the Name is a way of breathing that allows us to bring our attention into this moment through focusing perfectly on our breath, it is the Word that enables us to stop thinking about our experience and just have it. It is the Word that holds our attention on the now. It is the Word that unites us with our true selves. It is the Word that changes the very reason we breathe. Mortals inhale out of fear, not trusting that the Creator is breathing us, believing that in order to exist, we must ourselves take this next breath. Immortals inhale out of excitement and gratitude of the opportunity to enjoy the ecstasy of speaking the Word, knowing their existence is eternal whether or not they think about taking the next breath. The Name is the biggest secret in all of history and I am offering to share it with anyone who wants to join the Tribe that is going to travel on with the Creator. I won’t be publishing the Name, nor will I be taking lightly the responsibility of having it to share. It will only be given in return for some agreements and a demonstration of true sincerity. It’s about becoming a part of a Tribe; it’s about letting go of worldly attachments; it’s about giving up fear and living in faith; it’s about trusting and being trustworthy. It’s about living as if an all-loving Creator knew and experienced everything; it’s about living as if He were the owner of everything that He had created in His imagination.

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