Monday, January 03, 2005

Enough already with the Lies; how about some Truth? (5)

Enough already with the Lies; how about some Truth?

If the Truth can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed.
-Terence McKenna

On the brink of the Third World War, we are all but drowning in a sea of lies. Here is an attempt at shedding some light on the nature of existence, history and the current state of the world so as to provide an understanding of the profound truth of why George W. Bush is deliberately leading the world into an apocalyptic war. Terence McKenna, arguably the greatest prophet of the past few centuries, predicted a quantum leap in human consciousness in the years leading up to an end point of history in 2012, which also happens to be the year the Mayan calendar ends. Samsara, the illusory world ruled by Fear, ends seven years after the major escalation of the “War on Terror” that will occur next year. What follows the illusory destruction of the illusory world will be nothing less than the resolution of the problem of the human condition - an end to the rule of Fear, both in our selves and in our collective existence - and the biggest collective sigh of relief in all of history. We will proceed directly to an ecstatic festival and celebration of the music, dance, art, sexuality, creativity, appreciation and gift giving that will never end. War-inciting, power-hungry, lie-telling, fear-mongering, morality-imposing fiends will be gone, banished forever from planet Earth. Good riddance to them all!

This from the Messenger, the shaman who has journeyed into the core of the collective psyche, who seeks to present clearly, so as to be understood, the truth of what is happening in our world. Dear brothers and sisters, our collective expression in “the world” is the enactment of an epic story that existed before the world began. It is the story of the human soul and it is reaching its major climax. The story has arrived at the beginning of its last and most intense chapter, the one in which Fear has his final and fullest episode of self-expression.

The saga being enacted is what Joseph Campbell would call “The Hero’s Journey,” the elemental saga pertaining to the human condition, how we got separated from our original enlightened self and how we get back to it. I have lived through the saga in my own inner journey and have comprehended the astounding truth that it is being enacted in the world. The story is embedded in the core of the collective psyche. It is our story, and we enact it together; that’s just how it is. The acceptance of Fear causes a parallel universe to come into being, an overlay of illusion on top of reality, as a setting for the enactment of the story of what happens when human beings allow Fear to express himself. When the story ends the Fear universe goes “poof” and disappears, leaving only the real universe, the Love universe that the Fear universe was overlaid upon. We each have to step out of our illusory self by letting go of the idea that we exist in order to step into the real and eternal world, but this will be a simple matter for those who choose faith over fear.

The hero’s journey includes three descents into the rare, little understood, and unbelievably bad experience called Hell on the way to vanquishing Fear. These descents into Hell are enacted in the world by three great world wars. “The War on Terror” will soon escalate into the third great decent into war, the first having been led by Napoleon and the second by Hitler. The third and final collective descent into world war is now being led by George W. Bush. Nostradamus called these three men the three Antichrists. The Antichrist enacts the part of the ego leading the soul down into Hell. In the hero’s journey the third descent into Hell immediately precedes the attainment of Nirvana and the return to the original enlightened self. This is the happy ending that completes the enactment of the journey of the soul dealing with Fear.

The history of the past two thousand years is largely the saga of two major archetypal forces (and the epic struggle between them) both of which come into play as expressions of the human condition. These forces are expressed by the archetypes of Satan (Fear) and Lucifer, the fallen angel. Lucifer is the prototypical human who tries and fails to get back to the original enlightened self and falls into Fear’s domain, Hell. Lucifer’s fall comes as a result of stepping outside of the confines of Samsara, the illusory world, failing to let go of his belief in the existence of his illusory Samsaric self, a mental construct that is not his true self, and collapsing into the realm of pure Fear. He attains awareness of his immortality but is stuck, for the time being at least, in the realm of desolation and anguish called Hell.

After his fall, Lucifer built an Empire in order to prevent any other well intentioned souls from enduring the same fate. His mission was to prevent anyone from attempting to know God, or to have any sort of mystical experience. His Empire had its headquarters in a Central Intelligence Agency and was based in Rome back in the day, and later moved to Berlin and then, after World War Two, to Washington DC. He recruited others into joining the rulership of his Empire and initiated many of them into Hell (using various psychoactive plants) for the purposes of gaining their allegiance to his mission. Lucifer discovered that opium provided relief from the spiritual agony of Hell and he sought to maintain the control of the opium trade that is vital to his whole mission. Lucifer’s Empire became known, after Constantine converted it to Roman Catholicism, as the “Papacy,” which is derived from the name of the opium poppy, Papaver Somniferum, which suggests, subliminally, the importance of the Empire’s control of the opium trade.

In the enactment of the saga, Lucifer’s Empire portrays the mental constructs that hold the soul in abeyance from the fall into Hell; it represents the force of the mind that distracts us from reality and our own condition and holds us in Samsara. Informed by his own experience, Lucifer was aware that humanity needed to hold off from the journey back to our true selves. He realizes that it is not possible for most humans to give up the belief in the existence of the false self, and pass through the treacherous terrain at the edges of Samsara without falling into Fear’s big trap, Hell, and, furthermore, that a guilty conscience is what holds a person in this Lie. He knows that the only one who can fix this problem is the archetypal figure known as the Christ, the nemesis of Fear, the one whose karma is clean and who does not have a guilty conscience and can thus belie the existence of Hell, by falling into it and rising back out. So Lucifer has spent the nearly 1700 years since Constantine patiently fulfilling his mission of containing humanity in the illusion and waiting for the return of this figure whose success where he himself failed is the hope for humanity in defeating the plans of Fear.

While Lucifer’s mission is as a shepherd keeping us from the danger of falling into Hell, Satan’s is to take us there. After Martin Luther challenged Rome’s religious monopoly the struggle between the forces of Satan and Lucifer intensified. These forces were represented, eventually, by the Bush and Kennedy families. In1963 George Herbert Walker “Poppy” Bush, enacting the part of Fear (Satan), wrested control of the Empire by taking control of the opium/heroin traffic from the forces of Lucifer, led by Joe Kennedy and his sons. The JFK assassination was an event of epic importance in history, equal in magnitude to Constantine’s conversion of Rome to Christianity. John F. Kerry, like his mentor, the first JFK, is portraying the part of Lucifer, who was defeated when Poppy Bush killed him in 1963. Kerry will be elected President but will never take office as a demonstration of the impotence of Lucifer since the Papacy (literally, the force that controls the opium) was taken over by Poppy in 1963. Kerry, as the defeated Lucifer, will yield the office to his Master, Poppy, the Lord of Hell, the man who provides him with his heroin.

The world is ruled by a secret empire, presided over by a liar who is the embodiment of Fear itself, because this portrays exactly the situation of human beings unaware that their individual existence is ruled over by a false self that is based on fear. The world enacts the story of the psyche itself. The person portraying the part of Fear in the world is now being exposed, and so he will soon come out of hiding and take visible control of the Empire he has ruled secretly since 1963. He will soon bring about the destruction of the illusory world that he will no longer be able to rule, his lies having been exposed. This is his role. This is how Fear expresses himself. We were tricked into allowing Fear to come and play with us, and this is how he plays. He’s just a Liar, if he didn’t trick us into believing his lies he never would get to express himself. This the Liar’s opportunity to express himself, his fifteen minutes of fame before he goes scurrying back down his rat hole in shame. It will all be over soon and the world will finally become what the Creator intended it to be from the beginning, a place for a flourishing of creative energy and celebration.

There is much more to the story that I am telling and I would like to share it with you in person. I will continue to speak at the Tribal Gathering Place in the future chocolate factory in the Center of the Universe, at 35th and Phinney in Fremont. 8 pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, through June 3.

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