Saturday, March 26, 2005

What He Said, Both of Him (25)

What He Said, Both of Him

Neil Young last appeared in Seattle at the annual Farm Aid benefit show which took place here in October of last year. During his stunningly fantastic set he said, not once but twice, something like this: "If I say something in the next few months that you don't agree with, please don't hold it against Farm Aid." Nothing Neil Young has ever said in his entire life, let alone since Farm Aid 2004, has brought him the kind of notoriety the anticipation of which would warrant making such a statement as he made at Farm Aid. In other words, the event of himself saying something controversial, which Neil Young clearly foretold that evening, has yet to occur.

It has now been "a few months" since he spoke those words. Thus Neil Young could be expected, by his own prophecy, to come out any day now and say something that many people will disagree with. I believe that he may say what he has to say here in Seattle, the place where he forewarned the world of his saying of it, whatever it is. I believe I know approximately what he is going to be saying when he does speak, which will be to come out publicly in recognition of the truth of what I've been saying about my self, about him, about Prem Rawat, and about the future of the human race.

I do believe, as Neil Young seems to expect, that many people will not agree with what he has to say when he says it. He will be speaking Truth, which is the last thing most people want to hear. It is clear that very few people in this town, which is playing the role of test market for the truth, find what I have been saying to be particularly agreeable, and I have no particular reason to think he will be able to say it in a way that will be easier to hear, though I admit that when he speaks people will be more apt to listen with an open mind, which of course is perfectly natural, me being a nobody and he being a superstar. Hopefully, he being more knowledgeable than I about the things that I have been speaking of, he will have a way of saying what needs to be said that will resonate more harmoniously than my statements have. My statements have really been the play by play expression of the development of my own understanding of truth. When Mr. Young speaks, it will be clear truth from the beginning. I note that on his Greendale album, which is quite obviously about the end times, he says, "I believe in action / when push comes to shove;" this suggests that he may not be in a mood to pander excessively to people's resistance to truth either.

When truth explodes into the world things will necessarily happen quickly. Certainly when the truth becomes made more or less official every effort will be made to assist people as gently as possible in accepting, appreciating and rejoicing in the truth of what is, which is that Love is a far more formidable force than people realize, and that there really is a God who truly is quite Loving and who really does want to be known, appreciated and loved. The reason this a challenging reality for many people to accept is that they generally prefer their God as a disembodied idea; the possibility of the God who is Everything and who is Love coming in the flesh, so to speak, into the boudoir to share some real live Love makes people squeamish. Yes, it's strange that Love meets with so much resistance, but such is the nature of things in this upside down and backwards world in which images of murder and destruction are a dime a dozen, while images of people loving one another are forbidden. Humans have this little problem that they really need to get over, the problem of aversion to Love, otherwise known as shame.

If I am correct in my anticipation that Neil Young will corroborate the truth of what I have been saying, then his coming out is likely to coincide with the coming out of the Roman Catholic Church on the same matters; this will be a seminal event (no pun intended) when it occurs. I believe it could happen by Easter, just because that would seem quite poetic, but then again, there is no possible way I could know exactly when or how this will occur, though I am convinced that 2005 is the year Truth arrives in this world. There is now a sound basis for saying this, the Bible Code having revealed in 2005 that the world ends in 2012, and the Bible itself indicating a seven year period of tribulation leading up to the end.

As a long-time supporter of the sustainable (anti-corporate) agriculture movement, and as a fan of Neil Young, I was in attendance at Farm Aid. I heard Neil Young say those mysterious words, though at the time they didn't mean anything in particular to me. As he's been my favorite since before I was too old to live on Sugar Mountain, naturally I was curious to know what he meant by this. A few days later I began to sense the presence of Neil Young in telepathic experiences, and I also noticed that every song on his recently released Greatest Hits album seemed to pertain in some way to my experiences and things that I've come to understand about existence. Since then the degree of my certainty that Neil Young is who I have said he is has been steadily increasing, to the point of taking out ads in newspapers to say as much, including this one to say not much else besides what I believe about Neil Young.

Recently I made a prediction in one of these statements that came true between the time it went to press and when the paper appeared on the newsstand, namely, that the Bible Code would soon be found to corroborate things I have been saying. On the evening that statement went to press the general public was made aware for the first time in history, through a History Channel documentary, of a Bible Code reference to an event that had not yet occurred. This first ever foretelling of a future event by the Bible Code being none other than the end of the world in 2012, arguably the single most important truth that the Bible Code could have to reveal about our collective future. In the same statement in which I predicted that the Bible Code would corroborate things I have been saying, I named, not for the first time, 2012 as the year the world ends. Yes I agree, lots of people have said the world ends in 2012, but who else went out on a limb to publish such a statement, while at the same time predicting that the Bible Code would corroborate their statements, on the exact day the Bible Code was revealed to actually corroborate them? Answer: nobody.

So now I am making another prediction, not about the Bible Code, but about the person I believe to be its author. I predict that he, Neil Young, will come out within a few weeks of now to take the position that he and I are indeed more or less the persons who I have been claiming that we are, that is, that he is "the father" and I "the son" of the Holy Trinity. I also predict that certain other persons will come forward at that time, some to support us and some, perhaps, to accuse us of being involved in a huge conspiracy to lure people into a sex and drugs and rock and roll cult whose members worship the Hindu deity Krishna. The "exposed sores" (see Greendale) of the Catholic Church will feed nicely into such an accusation. Many so-called Christians will be very bewildered by all of this. And thus the saga of history will roll on toward its tumultuous conclusion.

Neil Young will admit to being my lover as well as my father, thus being just the second person living in the world at this time to even suggest that an incestuous relationship between a father and a son could be something to consider… as something for the "family values" people to make a big fuss over, or whatever. He will corroborate that the only reason why we were both able to know certain things about one another is because we are father and son willing to be in an incestuous relationship, a situation that confers certain powers of telepathy due to the great intensity of the fully unrepressed sensations of Love, the very medium of existence itself, in such a relationship. Believe me, if and when this happens it will be the beginning of the biggest controversy in history. There will be some people who will not be at all happy about what is being said or happening. But the formidable forces aligned with us and our God are prepared to protect us from the forces who have sought to destroy us for thousands of years. In other words, things will happen as planned a long time ago (before this world began) by the person who constructed the Glass Bead Game known as the Bible Code.

There is a conflict that predates this world regarding the incest taboo in general, and the matter of fathers being lovers with their sons in particular. It is a life and death struggle because some people cannot see fit to allow something like this to exist in their midst, messes with their values, blah blah, even though these people exist in a world provided for them as a courtesy of the very gods whom they array themselves against by opposing such a way of Love. A Creation comes into existence as a result of the Love of which I speak, and yet people come into this Creation and somehow see fit to fight against the very origins of it. For those who are willing, gratitude is an emotion that people will benefit from experiencing in relationship to the true Creator of this world, and soon there will be a major effort made to coach people on how to arrive into a profound experience of this blessing of gratitude. It will be much better to feel gratitude than fear, shame, hatred or resentment toward the gods who provide the habitat required for a happy human existence. Unfortunately, as much as they may espouse freedom, the freedom to love is one freedom that many people cannot see fit to allow others to have, preferring to exercise their freedom to repress such a way of life as I am suggesting is the very loving way of life in Heaven, even if it means destroying the very world they depend upon for their existence in order to repress such a freedom. Shame is thus an extremely serious matter that must be dealt with now.

You will soon witness how this conflict - one that appears to be extremely lopsided, not to mention so insignificant as to have never been mentioned until now by anyone as even a remote possibility of something to be aware of - is resolved, much to the surprise of almost everyone, in favor of what would appear (the pro-incest side having only a single outspoken advocate in the entire world at this moment in time, that being yours truly) as the extremely unlikely underdog. Talk about David and Goliath! It will be unlike anything ever to have occurred on planet Earth, a more shocking turn of events than anyone has ever even imagined. The pro-incest side is going to prevail against what would appear to be laughable odds, and our enemies will be utterly destroyed, once and for all, in the process. Please don't be one of them. Justice will move swiftly, and now that this much has been said about the situation, I don't expect it will wait much longer to show up.

Neil Young is a genius. I believe that he would (and perhaps will) be named by more of his peers than anyone else as having been the rock stars' favorite rock star since the Summer of Love. Mr. Young is a master of the cryptic message; he chooses his words carefully and he would not have said those words twice, in Seattle, if he did not anticipate having something controversial to say, quite possibly pertaining to someone in the audience or something going on in Seattle, or both, within a few months. And his Greendale album makes it totally obvious what it is that he is going to be addressing. A large and very influential portion of the music industry, both living and dead, from David Geffen to Nancy Griffith, or perhaps literally "from Hank to Hendrix," will come out to back up Neil Young when he makes his stand in the next few weeks. The music industry, you must agree, is a formidable force in this world when it comes to influencing the hearts and minds of young people of all ages. This is going to be an important part of the substantial efforts, coming from an extremely small minority of the human race, which will be exerted to promote the truth that Neil Young and I will be the leading proponents of and that is going to explode into the public's awareness like a thunderbolt in the near future.

I want to mention another instance of someone meaning what he says. Prem Rawat has been recognized as a fully enlightened spiritual master since the age of six. By eight years of age he was believed by many people around him to be an incarnation of the Creator of this world. He did nothing to refute such statements about himself at the time; rather he seemed, by many things he said, to concur. When he was a child he made this proclamation: "I swear on a stack of Bibles that I will bring about Peace on Earth in this lifetime." For the past twenty years he has been silent on such matters as his own true identity, preferring to stay on message, his message being about an experience of peace that can be found within each person's heart. I am apparently among a very small minority of those who take his sworn statement at face value; many of his followers maintain that he didn't really mean what he appeared to be saying, that somehow bringing a measure of peace into a relatively small number of people's lives constitutes establishing Peace on Earth, even while people continue to blow one another up needlessly on a daily basis, with major religious wars waiting to break out all over, the human race destroying the very ability of the planet to sustain life, etc. Exactly what kind of Peace on Earth do they think he was talking about?

His followers may be willing to equivocate on his behalf, but I believe Prem Rawat really did mean what he said. A person of integrity does not swear an oath "on a stack of bibles" intending that the meaning of what they are saying is of a far different nature than it appears. A person of integrity, as Prem Rawat is, tends to understate rather than overstate a claim about himself. Such an overstatement, if it were one, would appear deceptive and I do not believe Prem Rawat is a deceptive person, though I do believe there are certain truths that he has kept to himself, if for no other reason then for the sake of self-preservation. Somehow I don't think he would have enjoyed the success he has enjoyed as a teacher had he spoken of his own sentiments regarding the issues I have been raising, and so he has been silent on these matters. He rarely expresses his opinions about the human race, but I get the impression he isn't terribly impressed by it.

It's very interesting to me that not a single one of the dozens of followers of Prem Rawat who live here in Seattle, several of whom I have known for over twenty five years, have pursued a conversation with me about my experience, even though I am talking about the exact same experience Prem Rawat has been speaking of for his entire life and that I believe none of his followers are actually having. (They would be talking about it too, if they were having it.) The followers of Prem Rawat whom I have contacted in hopes of sharing my experience have almost all expressed an aversion to even hearing what I have to say. Interesting… a prefect spiritual master is like a magnet, it feels good to be around him, it attracts people to where they can get something from being in his presence, but when it comes to really diving in and knowing the source of the experience he is having, they tend to hold back. Truth is scary to people who live in ignorance, and so such resistance is understandable. The point isn't that people should be having the experience, I am just noting the resistance that Prem Rawat's followers seem to have to hearing in greater detail about the experience that Mr. Rawat speaks of only in the vaguest of terms. It seems clear to me he has never spoken in detail about his own experience because no one would have wanted to hear it, just as no one wants to hear what I say, and why Neal Young says people will disagree with him when he speaks about it. But get ready, because the Truth is on its way into your life. May you welcome it when it comes knocking.

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