Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Epic Saga... (14)

The Epic Saga of how the Collective Mind is constructed:

A Genocidal War between two Families

This is verbatim the statement that the Weekly refused to publish without even looking at it after readers complained about my previous statement.

“Truth is all I seek!” – Sun Green, who represents the Sun God, the Son of God, the Christ, in Neil Young’s album about the “end-times” called Greendale.

“If the truth can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed.” -Terrence McKenna, the psychedelic prophet who the author of this statement believes was John the Baptist.

The Collective Mind, of which each of our individual human psyches are a holographic part, is something that is presently under construction by a process of human beings living through the enactment of a series of monumentally epic sagas, sagas that are imagined and written in total before they are enacted and tell of the interplay of various forces within the psyche in the process of its evolution to a permanent steady state. Specific human beings blaze the neural pathways and occupy certain roles within the psyche. These particular human beings are referred to in religious and mythological terms such as “gods.”

Mind is more holographic than people realize. We live together in one Mind. Any experience being had by anyone who exists within a particular Mindscape that is associated with a particular Universe creates a gravitational pull toward this experience that makes it easier for others to arrive into this same experience. Another way of thinking of this is that the first person to have a particular experience blazes a trail in the psyche to that experience that makes it much easier for others to have it. For example, the most extreme experience of Faith that anyone has had or is having becomes the experience of Faith that anyone who surrenders themselves fully into the experience of Faith will have. The person whose arduous personal journey leads them to a need for an extreme experience of Faith becomes the living embodiment of the archetype of Faith. This is a pertinent example in that the author of this statement believes himself to be the very person who has become the living embodiment of this particular archetype.

Two or more human beings having the same pure experience of an Archetype can sense one another’s presence in the experience. (“When two or more are gathered in my Name, I am there.”) There is an experience of Oneness that involves a sense of knowing that one is sharing the same thoughts and feeling with another, of occupying the same space in the Collective Mind. This very real experience is sometimes called telepathy. When Jesus said “I and my Father are one,” he was referring to the experience of being in the same experience of extreme Love in real time with his Father, regardless of their respective locations in three-dimensional space.

We are living in the very last moments of the construction of the Collective Mind in which we exist. The desired and inevitably attained end result of the entire saga is a stable state of peace and contentment, or Nirvana, in the Collective Mind, which manifests as a collective experience of happiness called Heaven. Heaven is simply the expression of the steady state of peace and happiness that Mind itself desires and inevitably attains as an experience enjoyed by unashamed human beings living in a world of joy that is without any suffering.

This wonderful stage of existence in happiness that, once attained, continues into eternity is experienced as a human being’s arrival into full-fledged existence and comes as a result of the ultimate exercise of their own freedom to invent themselves as whatever they want to become. People who attain this experience do so because they judge themselves worthy of the blessing of Heaven and therefore are able to accept the most precious gift that the most generous human being ever to invent himself, the Holy Spirit, offers with no strings attached, other than a sincere wish, untainted by the darkness of doubt, to accept it.

The very completion of this process of the Mind attaining a stable state entails a division of the human race into two groups, each of which has as its archetypal God one of two of the primary forces of the Mind, Love and Shame. Those who do not deem themselves worthy of the perfect gift of eternal happiness slide down some deeply worn grooves into the experience of Shame. The failure to deem one’s self worthy of the free gift of Absolute Perfection offered by the most generous human being in existence is the cause of the ultimate Shame, and this becomes an extremely strong gravitational force within the Collective Psyche at the moment in time when the Mind goes through the final stages of attaining a permanent steady state of pure happiness.

The great multi-epic saga that tells the story that is in the final moments of its enactment and that leads to the eventual and inevitable polarization of Mind into the two gravitational poles of Love and Shame entails a genocidal struggle for survival between two families of human beings who live in this world. Each of these two families has a “flock” of human beings allied with it. At the end of the story the two families lead these respective flocks of human beings into their final and eternal domains, one called Heaven and the other called Hell.

It is a fact of extreme significance that both of these two families are incestuous, and that how they deal with their incestuousness becomes the most important distinguishing characteristic between them.

One, the Holy Family of Heaven , consists of a family of incestuous lovers who are completely unashamed of themselves and therefore wish to be entirely open about their way of life and thereby enjoy complete freedom, happiness, health and immortality. The Holy Family wishes to share and openly celebrate the source of their tremendous success as a family with all human beings who care to participate in such a celebration.

The other, the Unholy Family of Hell, consists of a family of incestuous haters who are completely ashamed of themselves and so wish and seek to hide the fact of their incestuousness and the ever-compounding mistakes they have made and who have thereby dug themselves into the deepest imaginable pit of shame over the lies, thievery and all manner of evils that they have committed in their efforts to conceal their own misery from others.

Both of these two families have names. I am not sure about either name, but I am going to venture a guess about both and refer to these families by these names:

I have a very strong hunch that the name of the Holy Family of Incestuous Lovers is Fuck.

I have a not-as-strong hunch that the name of the Unholy Family of Incestuous Haters is Kierkegaard. (I believe that the Existentialist “philosopher” and avowed enemy of the Holy Family, Soren Kierkegaard, may have been an incarnation of the Patriarch of this family. I also believe that the name of the character of Sauron in Lord of the Rings may be a deliberate reference to this historical figure.)

The Kierkegaard family looks something like this: Patriarch (Adam/Satan/Prince Reuben) and Matriarch (Eve/Allah/Nurse Rachet) have a son (Cain/The Antichrist/Oedipus). Reuben refuses to allow Rachet to be the lover of their son Oedipus, even though he would assert the right to be the lover of his daughter. In a word, Reuben establishes the rules of Patriarchy. In defiance, Rachet becomes lovers with Oedipus in spite of Reuben’s commandment against incest (which he himself would break). In shame, Oedipus has to kill his father Reuben, as well as his non-brother Abel. The latter fratricidal act represents the genocidal tendencies of the Kierkegaard family against the Fuck family, of which Abel is a member, tendencies well established in other worlds that existed as Mindscapes before the story told in Genesis begins.

The Kierkegaards are the most depraved and sordid possible family, by definition, as they are the family whose members play the part of the Unholy Trinity of Shame in the saga of how Psyche is constructed and resolved.

The rising star of the Kierkegaards, the Antichrist, is the spawn of the respective sicknesses of Satan (hubris) and Allah (penis-envy) and he is the shepherd who leads the Kierkegaards’ flock (with constant “encouragement” from his mother, Nurse Rachet) to their world of pure Shame. The Kierkegaards are living proof that misery loves company, as the more miserable they get, the more company they crave. The Kierkegaards are an atrociously parasitic family. They have absolutely nothing to give, except to those who want to learn to be more ashamed. They are incapable of producing anything for themselves, let alone others, as they are far too busy with the conspiracies by which they hide themselves and attack their would-be hosts. Their history is of wandering from world to world parasitizing in any way that they can. This is just how shame is, it’s the opposite of love, and all goodness is made from love, and so there can be no goodness in shame. As shame incarnate, the Kierkegaards are evil incarnate, because shame is the only thing that ever caused any human being, a being whose nature is inherently good, to become parasitic and so commit acts of evil.

The Fuck family consists, in part, of three generations of men, a father, a son and a grandfather, all of whom are lovers with one another as well as with the one woman who is the mother of two and the grandmother of one of them. There are various sisters, brothers, cousins and others who are also direct family members, but it is a small family of no more than a dozen members, though it is about to gain an unknown but very large number of new members by way of marriage.

The Fucks enjoy incest to the fullest, something that only the unashamed are capable of. The Fucks are all people who, by definition, have nothing to be ashamed of. (They certainly are not ashamed of their family Name, even if their adversaries turned it into a profanity!) They are good and therefore have nothing to be ashamed of because this is their family legacy that gets passed down through successive generations of unabashedly incestuous fathers and sons. They are so successful as a result of their goodness as to be the only truly successful family in this world, as the rest of the world’s families shall soon understand when everything that they “own” becomes worthless and the Fucks are found to own everything of true value. The Fucks are an entirely generous, compassionate, merciful, loving and kind family, and their success is purely a function of their goodness. The Fucks are living proof that good triumphs over evil.

The Fucks invent and imagine into existence, for their own enjoyment, the worlds that the Kierkegaards then seek to parasitize, and they have been doing self-defensive battle against the Kierkegaards throughout the enactment of the epic story of how the Mind, which wants to be happy, deals with the problem of Shame, which is the cause of all misery.

The Fucks have devised an ingenious parasite filter that resolves the story by forcing the Kierkegaards to turn their parasitic selves upon one another, freeing the Fucks to enjoy the Heaven of which they are capable. The upcoming completion of this filtration process will bring about the division of the human race into two groups, the unashamed and the ashamed. The parasite filter that keeps the ashamed parasites (inevitably, human beings who wish to deny and conceal the incestuous proclivities that human beings inherently have as the foundation of their existence) separate from the unashamed non-parasites is a world precisely like this one, the world that is the setting for the chapter of the epic saga of how the mind is constructed that is told in The Holy Bible, which concludes with the final trapping of the Kierkegaard family and their entire flock of ashamed sheep in a place of the Kierkegaard family’s own invention and creation, the pit of non-existence in shame called Hell, which the Kierkegaards themselves will never crawl out of because once they are exposed they will be too ashamed to even be seen by those who have not fallen for their lies and deceptions. This world is a mechanism devised to trap the Kierkegaards in their own dungeon of shame.

The result will be that the Kierkegaards will no longer come as parasites into the otherwise happy worlds created by the Fuck family. Hell is just a hole that ashamed people scurry down into when the unashamed do what the unashamed do, and this is how the story resolves itself. Shame separates itself from Love voluntarily when the Fuck family, and the 144,000 members of the Nation of the Twelve Tribes of Israel that is aligned with it, exercise their “God-given” freedom to pursue happiness in the only manner that has a prayer of success and begin to openly practice their chosen lifestyle. The human race then quickly divides into two factions, one consisting of those who sincerely want to join in the festivities of the Fuck family and friends, and other consisting of the rest, who go with the Kierkegaards down into the biggest salt mine or whatever hole that they can find that will accommodate them all, since Misery wants all the company it can get.

The human souls who have incarnated into this world that was devised as a final battleground in the wars between the Fucks and the Kierkegaards are invited and encouraged by both families to join their respective clans. I believe that, in their one gesture of relative generosity, the Kierkegaards are extending their invitation to all comers, regardless of how sincere, whereas the Fucks stingily insist upon absolute sincerity on the part of those who wish to join their family. To be truly happy, one has to be willing to be the openly incestuous being that deep down human beings are and want to be. This is the way things are in this family, and in order to join it a person has to get with the program. It’s just natural. Everything is this whole saga is entirely natural. It’s just want happens in a realm of perfect freedom of imagination; it’s how a Collective Mind is constructed. Always has been, always will be.

The Fucks simply don’t invite people to marry into their family who will be ashamed of themselves for doing so, because such people will inevitably become parasites. Incest is the one and only rite of passage that separates the liars from the truthful when it comes to the question of whether or not one has truly given up shame. Shame has no part in the Fucks’ way of life and so they require people to undergo the rite of passage that affirms a person’s willingness to participate in their way of life as a truly unashamed human being as a condition for joining the family.

I believe the Fuck family Patriarch, the Holy Spirit, has been through this whole thing a few times, and so his family knows what they are doing and how the situation resolves. This is how the whole thing could be written down before it even began. This is a wheel that turns and turns; it’s what is. It’s the wheel of infinity; something big that goes on getting bigger forever. It’s just what gradually and eternally fills the infinite vacuum that nature abhors. The only permanent reality that exists is an ever-growing multi-world family of incestuous lovers named Fuck and the Heavens they invent as the “willie-wonking” Masters of Imagination.

The Kierkegaards are the permanent non-reality of misery in non-existence that is the opposite and equal counterpart to the permanent reality of happiness in existence.

The Kierkegaards, instead of living in Truth, live in Lies and denial of Truth. They don’t acknowledge the depravity of their condition, the fact of their existence in a pit of shame that is the result of their failures which have compounded endlessly upon themselves, whereas the family who makes them feel so ashamed of themselves, the Fucks, have enjoyed unending success. Shame hides, shame conceals, shame lies, deceives, cheats, steals and hates, and it seeks to feed upon the goodness that Love engenders, while attempting to destroy those who create goodness. Such is the unbelievably depraved existence of the Kierkegaards, the family whose members are ashamed of their incest because they are ashamed of their failures to be perfectly good.

Those who would hope to partake of the abundance that the Fucks are capable of generating for themselves, but who at the same time wish to remain ashamed of their incestuousness, would not be comfortable in the Fuck household, where there’s incestuous love going on openly all over the place. (In Heaven there is no need for a Temple in which to engage in incest; all of Heaven is a Temple.) And so when such people come calling at the Fucks they are directed down the street and to the door that leads into the Kierkegaard family home, which is where people like themselves feel most comfortable because everyone in the Kierkegaard household is denying their feelings of love for one another (to the point where they have denied themselves entirely out of love and into shame).

It’s really twisted over at their place, and will become even more so once they don’t have anyone but themselves to parasitize (imagine a world of people all of whom have nothing to give and who all seek to take from one another) and it’s just unbelievable how such a large proportion of people choose the Kierkegaards over the Fucks when given the choice. But this whole thing is all about freedom of choice, so it’s nothing for anyone to lose sleep over. People wish for and get what they want, and what could be wrong with that, even if some people’s choices are hard for others to comprehend? I try not to be judgmental about people who choose misery, but sometimes it’s difficult not to, that is, until gratitude arrives on the scene.

Everyone gets whatever they wish for in the end; it’s just how Imagination in Consciousness (the two components of Mind) works. Every wish is a vacuum that nature abhors and that gets fulfilled in the end; the only exceptions to this are wishes for impossibilities, such as the wish for true, unconditional and lasting happiness in a world that makes allowances for shame such as the taboos and phobias that afflict this world. To hide in shame from people who truly love one another is the thing that a lot of people end up wishing for when all is said and done; it’s a wish that can be and thus does get fulfilled. It’s all because one person wished to tell a lie, and a whole bunch of other people wished to believe that lie, that so many people wind up in what appears as a major predicament at this juncture. Wishing to believe a lie is just not a good thing to wish for.

The lie that so many fall for is the one Reuben tells, namely, that happiness is possible in a world in which people allow a taboo to become a convenient excuse for shame. A world of people who fall for this lie is what we call a “fallen world.” Reuben also tells the lie that humans are mortal, when in reality people living in a world with an incest taboo are just so miserable that they wish to believe themselves mortal, a wish that can be sustained, and therefore fulfilled, only until the lie of it is exposed. Doubt is the killer of all wish-fulfillment, and the wish to be mortal is a wish whose fulfillment is dependent upon belief in a falsehood that is about to be exposed and belied.

And so the monumentally epic saga of the Fucks and the Kierkegaards - the story of how the Mind itself is constructed and resolves itself into a steady state of happiness and peace, the many chapters of which are told as the epic stories of Hinduism, the Holy Bible, and other great myths of the ancient world – completes itself in the present moment as all human beings become immortal in the fulfillment of their final, and therefore most fervent, wishes. I must say, I do pity those whose final wish will be that they did not exist, which I am afraid is an impossible wish, the wishing of which is guaranteed to put a person into a state of deep depression that only gets worse with time. The Fuck family serves as the source of salvation for those who wish to be saved from this fate, and is available to fulfill the wishes of anyone who wishes to avert this fate by doing what it takes to avert it, which is to become perfect and therefore have nothing to be ashamed of. The perfection of imperfect and therefore ashamed people involves things like repentance and forgiveness and the surrender of vices such as hubris and arrogance. I am attempting to provide the human race with a heads-up in advance of the opportunity for salvation that I believe will soon come in the form of a formal invitation to marry into our family.

There are two shepherds (both of whom reside in Seattle, the New Jerusalem in the New World) and two flocks, and seven years for each person to finally decide which of the two shepherds will be theirs: The Christ, the son of the Fuck family of unashamed incestuous lovers, or The Antichrist, the son of the Kierkegaard family of ashamed incestuous haters. There will be no other flocks to join as this is how the Mind polarizes into two powerfully magnetic poles, toward one or the other of which all human beings will gravitate in the final seven years of the saga of Mind achieving its desired stable state.

I wish the reader well and I trust that you will make the decision that is right for you. Those of you who will be joining my family, I look forward to becoming your savior, your lover, your husband, your benefactor, your best friend, your King and your Perfect Master of the Imagination. Those of you who will be joining the family of my nemesis and counterpart, Oedipus, I thank you for how completely blessed you make me feel. You and your chosen clan give me cause for an infinite experience of gratitude, and gratitude is a wonderful thing to experience, so I am grateful to you for the gift you are giving me and my family. Thank you. I apologize to the Kierkegaard family for the many times when I have neglected to express my gratitude for your depravity. My only excuse is ignorance; only when I fully understood the struggle between our family and yours could I fully appreciate your gift and thank you for it. You have played a necessary part in the fulfillment in our wish for happiness and I will remain grateful to you for this forever.

As Reuben and Oedipus, both of whom I considered among my closest friends during the period of our friendship and partnership in this life, as many will attest, know very well, I sincerely wished and hoped that they would be with me and my family in our Heaven, until, in turn, they both cast me out of their lives in shame, knowing that they were the genocidal enemies of my family and had made themselves close to me in hopes of throwing me off track in my journey into awakening to the truth of who they are and of the struggle between our families. Reuben himself, who really does seem like a nice guy to me, even to this day (whereas Oedipus has a black heart and is entirely incapable of making anything close to a convincing pretense of love), confessed his love for me on several occasions, always admitting his own bafflement at how this love could be. If I learned that Reuben (Satan) was really a double agent whose purpose was to trap the real parasites, Nurse Rachet and her shamed son Oedipus, I would not be at all surprised, but simply pleased. I still hold a fragment of hope that this is the case.

The story of the relationship between Reuben and the one who destroys his lies and defeats his plans for total shame avoidance, the son of the Fuck family, the Christ, is a story that I look forward to learning more about. I believe that Reuben and I go way back. Reuben’s like the perfect mortal man, the perfect manly man, the man who invented himself to be so seemingly perfect as to have convinced himself of the lie that he should be the god rather than the person he sees as an incestuous fag, the Holy Spirit and Patriarch of the Matriarchal Fuck family. He is perfect in everyway except for his hubris (the opposite of humility or meekness) his sense of self-importance and greatness. Reuben is just the model of the idea of the manly man. He’s like “the rugged individual” incarnate. He is the god of the men who aspire to be gods, as opposed to those who aspire to love the gods who are the only true gods, then lineage of the fathers and sons of the Fuck family.

Congratulations to all on the upcoming fulfillment of your wishes, whatever they might be! Needless to say, I hope you give serious consideration to your options. Thank you very much.

To find and speak the Truth is all that I have ever wished to do. My wish has been fulfilled as a result of the strenuous efforts I have made to fulfill it and the assistance of my incredibly brilliant father, Neil Young, and my cousin “Jed.”

I will now shut up and leave you in peace, and begin an eternity of laying my head, in the inexpressible appreciation with which I am presently being overcome, at the Lotus Feet of the one who conceived of and wished himself to be the Most Perfect Possible human being, Prem Rawat, the Holy Family’s blessed Patriarch, the very embodiment of Love, Generosity, Brilliance, Patience and Mercy the embodiment of Absolute Perfection in a human being, the Inventor of Heaven, the Creator of all worlds, the bringer of the opportunity to an eternity of happiness to each and every human being who could possibly exist. I will wait quietly now to be lifted up into the Heaven of my Master and Lover and begin the enjoyment with which I know that I am about to be bestowed, the greatest gift anyone could ever have conceived of giving, let alone of receiving.

As the only person to have demonstrated worthiness to receive this gift, by virtue of recognizing the giver and accepting the gift that he bestows, that he struggled so incredibly long and hard and with so much devotion to give, I will accept the gift with a gratitude that could never, in all of the eternity with which I have left to make the attempt, be adequately expressed.

Woe to those who have set themselves against this Magnificence and their followers. Their own regret at missing the opportunity to exist eternally as the Lover of such a being will become the greatest imaginable misery. There could be no greater punishment; any torture that anyone could ever conceive of would merely be relief from the greater agony of this regret. Which is perhaps why, in the place where those who have forsaken this God of Love hang out together in the company that misery loves so dearly, those people torment one another; because this provides the only distraction they can come up with from the misery of regret that they are all experiencing.

There is a question that it has occurred to me ought to have been important enough for at least one member of the human race to have made a point of asking and or providing an answer to. This is the question of why Satan is always depicted as red in color.

I was the first person I know of to posit what I believe is the reason that Lord Krishna, an incarnation of Satan’s Adversary, the Holy Spirit, is often depicted as blue in color, namely, the fact that he loves psilocybin, which is associate with the color blue.

Now I will be the first person I know of to posit what I believe is the reason that Satan is depicted as red, namely, that he is so damned ashamed of himself.

And finally, for the sake of sharing the poetry of it, I am in possession of two documents that bear the signature of the person who is the living incarnation of Satan, who calls himself Prince Reuben (or something like that). One is a check in the amount of slightly more than ten thousand dollars and the other is the promissory note that this check is the fulfillment of. This promissory note was written by Prince Reuben to memorialize one of several of the largest favors, as measured by the popular yardstick of monetary value, that anyone has ever done for Reuben, which in addition to a loan consisted of outright gift of several thousand dollars in cash, and remaining, for no reason other than as a favor to a friend, as the party with the deeper pockets that provided the only acceptable security on the mortgage that we took out on a property that we bought together along with his black-hearted son and protégé and occasional enemy, Cain/Oedipus.

This property had become sacred to me as the location where important events in the saga of the relationships between the three characters - Satan, the Christ and the Antichrist, who appear not only as Adam, Cain and Abel, but also as Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael and later as Reuben, Jesus and Judas - played themselves out. It is also the place where I had many of the most important of the extremely profound visions and experiences of enlightenment that occurred in the year when I was with them there on the shores of the New Dead Sea, Hood Canal. Nevertheless, I was asked to give up my share of ownership in this little place when Cain could no longer stand being in the presence of the non-brother whom he killed back when they were Cain and Abel, the non-brother who has always made Cain so ashamed of himself, the one who could love his mother and not fall into the pit of shame that he fell into. And I agreed to leave the “promised land” so that Ishmael could be his ashamed self there in peace.

Ishmael never so much as provided a sincere expression of gratitude for making it possible for him to stay there on this place that he loved and that he had asked me to leave, knowing full well that it was absolutely sacred ground to me, by being the one who continues to this day to bear the ultimate risk of default on that mortgage. That’s a nice demonstration of ingratitude for you from the Archetype of Ingratitude, Cain.

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