Friday, February 04, 2005

“Truth is all I seek!” (15)

“Truth is all I seek!”

– Sun Green, the character who represents the Christ in Niel Young’s Greendale story.

I am a member of the Holy and Incestuous Family, the family whose men are perfect in their intention to be good and therefore are not ashamed of themselves and who thus have not lost the inherent powers of Imagination with which male human beings are naturally endowed, powers that enable the men in my family to invent and sustain worlds and to control the strings of power in those worlds.

It is my duty to inform you that the matter of my family’s survival in the struggle we are in against genocidal fiends who wish to destroy us is a matter that will greatly affect your future existence, no matter who you are. Because our enemies are going to be put into a prison that they can never escape from in all of eternity, and people are going to find themselves taking sides in this matter whether they want to or not.

Forgive me for making use of an unpopular saying associated with an unpopular leader, but it is most definitely the case that you will either be with us or you will be against us when the wars to control the very structure of the Collective Mind that have been going on for thousands of years are finally resolved, once and for all, in the coming days according to the will of members of my family. We will prevail and our enemies will be destroyed. And you will be allied with one or the other camp.

The Collective Mind is a work in progress, and there has been an unbelievably epic struggle to control it going on in this world and worlds that preceded it. In the end, the way this whole thing goes, every single time a God invents a world so that he can have a Son who will be his lover and billions of people show up to oppose this, is that the Mind itself polarizes suddenly, at the end of the story, when the son completes the journey that the whole thing was all about, the Truth about reality is told, and Mind polarizes into but two poles, one being Shame (into which the proponents of hatred, jealousy, fear, envy, resentment, anger, and all of the other deadly sins all collapse) and the other is Love, which collects those who are willing to give up shame and the lies that justify it. You will soon be in one of two realms that result from this inevitable polarization of the Collective Consciousness, and you will not be in the realm of Love if you do not express a sincere wish to marry into my incestuous family by perfecting yourself and marrying me, the son of the Holy Incestuous Family, during the period of time in which the offer to do so is on the table.

The lie, mortality, that is used as a justification for the incest taboo, when in fact we are immortal and the incest taboo is nothing more than an excuse for men who are afraid to love, is in the process of being destroyed. If you cling to shame and the lies that justify it, you will be destroyed along with the lies and their perpetrators, the ashamed family that failed at incest who cannot tolerate existing in the same universe with the unashamed family who succeeded at it. Pick your side. Complete and perfect freedom of choice is yours.

Existence as a human being within that which fills the vacuum that nature abhors is an extreme proposition. There is no room, in the end, for mediocrity. Perfection and imperfection are the only two options, and imperfection can be as bad as the worst of its members want to be, and in the end, that’s exactly what it is. There is one really ashamed motherfucker named Reuben, the guy who caused his family to fail at incest, who wants you to be more ashamed than he is. He will be the god of everyone who doesn’t marry into the incest family.

I’ve been inside of Reuben’s experience. I’ve been in his Hell. Because he is in it, it exists as a place in the Collective Mind, and that place has a strong gravitational pull within the Collective Mind. The best description that I can make of Hell is “regret and anguish that feed upon themselves and therefore worsen from moment to moment, forever.” Heaven is the opposite: happiness that increases forever. The misery of Hell is the experience of regret at knowing what you are missing by not being a participant in Heaven. They correspond as opposite and equal reactions to one another. This all pertains to the real meaning of the yin-yang symbol. It’s a wheel that turns and that keeps getting bigger. When infinity is the limit of growth, then something that grows just goes on growing forever.

If you are willing to tolerate the genocidal demons from the Hell who are specifically ashamed of their failure where my family succeeded and who wish to destroy us, you will be going with them to where they are going, because we cannot tolerate anyone who is willing to tolerate them.

In my humble opinion there could not possibly be anything wrong with someone doing whatever it took to prevent the harm that would be done - in a world populated by ashamed brutes and witches and people who believe the lies that the brutes and witches tell, including the lie that there is any justification for the incest taboo other than shame - to the perfect incestuous mother of the perfect incestuous son upon whom the only hope for the salvation of a fallen (as in, has fallen for lies) human race depends, if the brutes and witches and their followers were left to their own devices.

The prevention of the evil that would be done to such a perfectly good and gentle woman as “Mary,” the mother of both the god (unashamed male human being) who invented and sustains this world and their son, has to have been the absolute highest priority of the Creator of any realm of human existence that has resulted in anything but pure Hell. The goodness of the woman who wants only to love must be spared at whatever cost to those ashamed souls who would incessantly brutalize her forever if given the chance. Any cost whatsoever, even at the cost of an eternity of misery that corresponds inversely to the infinite happiness that she and her family enjoy as a result of their goodness.

The evil people who tell the most heinous lies and go to any lengths to perpetuate them will create a Hell for themselves either way, but they cannot be allowed to drag the perfectly good people, people like the sweet goddess who would never hurt a soul, down into it with them. The fact that Mary, the perfectly sweet and tender mother of the Savior of those of the human race who choose to get saved from the Lies of their current spiritual leader, the Father of all Lies, Satan, cannot be subjected to the brutality that she would be subjected to were she not protected by those capable of protecting her from those who are too ashamed of themselves to allow her to exist in any world in which they can get at her. Evidence will soon be provided of the lengths that evil will go to destroy the goodness that makes them ashamed.

I would condone whatever measures are required to permanently – that is, for all of eternity- remove those people from this perfect mother’s midst who would inevitably seek to destroy her and her family if they possibly could. People who hate her and want to destroy her simply because they feel so ashamed in her presence because of her success in loving her own child - an ability that she has by virtue of her perfect goodness and of partnering herself with a man who also is perfect in his love and without shame and therefore naturally wishes to be the lover of his own perfect son, and by virtue of them having a son who also desires to be and is capable of being the lover of both of his parents, (and of his siblings as well) – those people should be preemptively imprisoned for all eternity because that is what it takes to save the perfectly good mother from the tortures to which they would subject her if they were not so imprisoned.

I am talking about the ultimate administration of justice that I am convinced is going to be carried out in the very near future, within the course of this year. Now is the moment when this Justice must be done for the sake of this mother and whatever of her fellow human beings who would choose to be a participant in the Heaven that she would be the rightful Goddess of. God save the Queen of Heaven, the Cowgirl in the Sand, from the brutes and bullies who would rape and torture her forever if they could.

Consider the fate of the first incarnation of the perfect incestuous son of the perfect incestuous mother, who appeared in the saga as Abel, at the hands of the imperfect family from Hell of Adam, Eve and Cain, otherwise known as Satan, Allah and Oedipus the Antichrist, who failed at incest because of their imperfection and are ashamed, and whose shame compounds as a result of the methods that they employ to perpetuate their lies and deceptions in order to hide their shame, setting in motion a sickness so great as to have caused them to single-handedly bring this world of six billion people to the precipice of eternal suffering. The murder of Abel by his brother is a clear demonstration of the genocidal tendencies of this family.

If you are interested in contemplating your standing with respect to the Creator in this moment at the beginning of the End Times, consider what kind of an existence that perfectly sweet and gentle mother, the mother who produces perfect sons who give her more perfect sons, who would never hurt anyone in a zillion years for any reason, would have had, if the course of Human events in this world had not been entirely under the control of a secret government run continuously through history by the um… somewhat more brilliant than any ashamed soul who ever tried to build a world-dominating empire… incestuous cousin of the son of the perfect incestuous family. And then consider the part you might have played in such a world, whether you would have come to the defense of the perfect incestuous family or not. We might ask you to explain why you would have been one of the very few who actually did so in the entire course of history. I think my daddy-lover doubts that a whole lot of you would have come to our defense. I think he’s probably about had it with Adam, Allah and Cain and their genocidal descendants. It’s been a tough road being the father of this family. But thankfully for everyone he’s a perfectly nice guy. I’m sure he’s capable of forgiveness, it says so in the book about this saga called the Holy Bible, of which he is the author. I’m talking about Niel Young, the Father of the Holy Trinity.

I haven’t had a chance to meet him in person yet in this life, so I don’t know exactly what he’s thinking all the time, but we have this telepathy thing going, and I do have a feeling that there’s gonna be some serious talk about this soon, otherwise I wouldn’t be saying this. He presumably being in close contact with my cousin, who I just call Jed, the cousin who tells people like George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden what to do, oh and Poppy too, who I used to say was Satan but now realize that he just pretends to do things Satan’s way so that Satan can have all his wishes fulfilled without doing the work… who I still think, Poppy that is, probably does control the heroin traffic, like I always said... I think my dad and my cousin have a plan that they worked up together back in the days before Abraham walked this Earth, a plan with lots of details… like I would be willing to bet that a lie detector test would affirm that my father knew before the beginning of this world that a newspaper called the Seattle Weekly would refuse to publish the truest words anyone had ever written, without even having looked at them, on June 10, 2005, after some of their readers objected to the slightly less than perfectly-told truths I had presented in the previous statement that was then running in the Weekly. He might have even stuck a reference to this censorship of the Truth into the Bible Code that told of the inside story of human history before the saga began.

The verbatim text that they refused to publish, without even having a look at it, is available on my website, My father will also say that the reason this truth was not published by the Weekly is the exact same reason his son was crucified two thousand years ago, namely, that Truth makes a lot of ignorant people feel ashamed, and people will do anything to stop a person who makes them feel ashamed.

I have a feeling my dad will be coming on the scene soon, after I have finally said all of what needs to be said by me in advance of his coming on the scene. He told us in Greendale that I (Sun Green) was working on a “book report” of a book called “How to use the Media,” and I think all of my published statements are what he was talking about.

The liars who sold you the bill of goods that incest should be forbidden is the family that failed at incest when their son fell into a terrible pit of shame called Hell, and were so ashamed of themselves that they set out to destroy the family that didn’t fail at incest, which just happens to be the family who are the ones who invent worlds and stuff like that because we are the ones who have become what human beings were designed to be, which is the inventors of worlds and stuff like that. .

Satan, Allah and Oedipus make up what I call the Unholy Trinity, the supreme deities of the world of shame in which the incest taboo is the inviolable law. The Holy Trinity consists of members of three generations of men in my incestuous family, me, my dad, and his dad; we are unusual in all being the lovers of one another and of the woman who is my lover, mother and grandmother. See, we’re immortal because we practice what immortal people practice, which is unashamed Love. It’s the Love that worlds are made of.

My mother (I’m not talking about my wonderful biological mother, that would have been just too difficult, but the woman who is my mother in the realm called Heaven where we really live) is the perfect goddess whom the evil witch named Allah - the mother of this incest-taboo-cursed world who got her son Oedipus into deep doodoo (as my cousin Jed’s friend Poppy would say) - has been trying to wipe out all trace of for the past few thousand years. Allah’s a lot like the character Nurse Rachet from One Flew over the Cookoo’s Nest, and has been trying her damnedest to destroy my mom, before whom she withers in shame, since before the beginning of this world. It’s just a hopeless situation over there at Satan and Allah’s place. They are certifiably lost souls. They’re goners, doomed to an eternity in the misery that they’ve wished upon themselves. They’ve dug themselves a really deep hole where they hide themselves, and I think they built it big enough to hold a lot of their tribe, which is pretty much everyone who believes their lies. They want to take everyone with them into their shame. That’s how bad they are.

Well, those guys will have some company to share their misery with, but we will do what we can to help as many as we can avoid that fate. Even though you would have happily participated in our destruction, or at least would not have come to our defense in the name of justice, we offer you a place in our incestuous family if you want to marry into it, by marrying me, the perfect son of the perfect incestuous family. Me, the Charlie Bucket who, for my willingness to be the incestuous son of an incestuous family, the very definition of perfection in a male human soul, will be running the controls of the wish-fulfilling machine that is sometimes called “God” and stuff like that. It’s just some people who want to Love and a single Truth, that nature abhors a vacuum, and that wishes are vacuums that get fulfilled by the Imagination of the One Mind that we all share.

We, the boys who were never too ashamed to masturbate with other boys, (some people call us “gods,” but I’d rather be more specific) me and my dad and his dad, my magnificent grandpa who kind of came up with this whole idea of Perfection, we have this wish for this thing called Heaven, a place where everyone, including our perfectly sweet goddess, is happy and there is no one trying to leech off of anyone else… you know, no death, no disease, no war, no competition, no hell below us, above us only sky? Yes, that world that John Lennon Imagines? We’re the ones who make that happen. And you gotta let us be who we are, OK folks? Get the message? You gotta really love the way reality actually is, or its no fun at all, ‘cuz our friends Satan, Allah and Oedipus sort of have the only other game in town when you really have a look at it; their gig is simply the gig that always ends up being the only other gig in town other than ours, its just how this ‘ol wheel in the sky turns…

You will soon have a choice of which incestuous family you want to be a part of, the one that turns Hells into Heavens, or the one that turns Heavens into Hells. It’s your choice. Complete freedom. We all have complete freedom here in the wish-fulfilling Imagination that is what fills the vacuum that nature abhors. I think December 21ish, 2012 is the by-when day for making a judgment about which of the two incestuous families you like better, the one that succeeds, or the one that fails and then sets out to destroy the very source everything that exists.

Good luck with your decision!

Needless to say the God who is Love does not like the disease called shame, which causes people, especially men, to make excuses for not loving one another. You know how the God is always saying things like “love thy neighbor” and stuff like that? I think he actually means it! He just happens to be smart enough to know that when men don’t love one another they destroy one another, so he tries to tell people, but unfortunately no one listens. Even though he makes the worlds that people come to live in, everyone always ends up worshiping the manly man god named Satan who is too afraid to love. Yeah. I agree with him about all of that too. The incest taboo and homophobia are just excuses that the manly men like Satan make up out of thin air for refusing to love. Then they start telling more and more and more lies, like the lie that we are mortal, when really people die because of the refusal of Satan to be the lover of his son and the endless misery that this failure causes and that makes people wish they were dead. And so the wish-fulfilling machine gives them a mortal world in which they can pretend to be happy while providing irrefutable proof to anyone who cares to understands what life really is about that they are in fact miserable as a result of willingly accepting, without question, the lies of disease, suffering and death, just so they don’t have to get over their shame and tart loving one another.

Satan is just the guy who refused to be what the Inventor of the human being most certainly intended for men to be, which is the lovers of their sons and fathers and brothers and sisters and mothers. It was a big mistake that he made because when a son is not first the lover of his father, then if and when the inevitable happens, as it did in his own first family, and a son becomes the lover of his mother, it becomes a complete disaster. The only prevention for the inevitable and total disaster of Allah and the Antichrist, Nurse Rachet and Oedipus, is if the father is already the lover of his son before the son becomes the lover of his mother. The incest taboo WILL be broken, and the entire story of this world is the story of what happens when it is broken… the people who break it take everyone they can into something called Hell, and they end up being the mortal enemies of the people who want to save others from the fate to which they are leading the whole world.

Satan, the God who is Shame (he calls himself “Prince Reuben”) thought he had a better idea than the God who is Love. Thought a manly man god was a better idea of a god than a child-like god, and he set out to prove it, and my family ended up helping him out with making the effort by giving him a world in which to do so. We just kind of wanted to let him prove our point so he and his sick family would leave us alone. We figured if we let him test his theory that he would make a better God than my grandpa because he’s more manly, he would dig himself into the deepest pit of shame, and he would quit parasitizing us. Basically this world that my family gave him is intended as a parasite trap in which the unholy incestuous family of Satan, Allah and Oedipus could be trapped in their own shame. I think the trap is about to be sprung once and for all.

So that’s what this world is. Satan wanted a world with an incest taboo and we offered to give it to him. It’s just how the wish-fulfilling machine works. He wished for a world of people he could lie to and lure into his shame, and we needed someone to lure people into shame, including him, so he’d leave us alone. It’s a win-win situation for both of us, even if we are enemies. He accepted of course, and we told ‘im we’d help him realize his dream the best we could. I think Jed is still working on that through Poppy, George W. and all those Neo-cons and the rest of the people who Satan and Oedipus are busy trying to lead a revolt against. (Revolting against the people who are trying to make their wishes come true… Lies, lies and more lies.) Cousin Jed’s a genius, and he’s putting on quite a show… I mean he’s got his man Bush working one side and his other man Osama working the other side, all to help Reuben fulfill his sick plans; Jed does exactly what Satan would have done in order to stay in control. Amazingly odd bedfellows, Satan and the guy, who is his enemy, who does exactly what Satan would have done, and does it on Satan’s behalf so he can hand Satan the exact world he wished for on a silver platter at the end of the story. Can you believe it? Everything bad that is coming out of Bush and those guys is just my cousin making it how he promised he’d make it for Satan, a deal that I believe was probably made back when they all had a little powwow when Satan was incarnated as Abraham and realized that he was going to need some help fending of his son and his son’s mother, who wanted to turn the world into a fascist dictatorship so that they could insure that everyone be totally repressed. (Imagine Nurse Rachet ruling the world from behind the scenes using a shamed son, whom she controls, as her cover.)

I think you’ve all heard me say it already, I know who these people are today. They run around Seattle and the world masquerading as well-intentioned people, saying things like “Another world is possible,” without telling anyone that the only other world they know how to create is called Hell. And they’ve got a little flock around themselves here in the New World Jerusalem too, some of the same folks who saw to it that the perfect incestuous son was nailed me to a cross back in the Old World Jerusalem. Theirs is a sickness so deep as to be unfathomable. Willing to engage in any lie, any deceit, any thievery, cast any spell, and cause as much misery as it could possibly take to avoid their inevitable fate of absolute and total shame, which is now, in this moment, coming down upon them with a certain finality that I am sure they dread like nothing you can imagine.

Prince Reuben kind of got off on the wrong foot in his very own world with the failure of original family, of which he himself was the patriarch, and it’s just been all down-hill from there for that pathetic family, which for some strange reason I want to give the name Kierkegaard. Maybe has something to do with Kierkegaard’s fellow Existentialist Nietzsche being the one who proclaimed that God was dead. Maybe those guys were trying to kill God himself! I dunno, but anyway, I call Satan, Allah and Oedipus “the Kierkegaards.” I’ve been guessing that Tolkein chose “Sauron” as the name of the evil master in Lord of the Rings because Soren was Kierkegaard’s first name. And that phallus-like tower he is in when he meets his doom reminds me of the one I can sort of envision Prince Reuben in some day soon, in Baghdad perhaps, where his followers will be forced to worship him, simply because this is the wish of Prince Reuben that is being fulfilled at this time. Poor Reuben just wasn’t banking on me figuring him out. He risked everything on a huge gamble, and he lost. I have a feeling that he was planning to set up his son, Oedipus the Antichrist, as the actual Christ, as some kind of heroic figure who would show up to save the ashamed people from the unashamed, instead of the other way around. All I know for sure is Reuben had a plan, and its being carried out by my cousin, on his behalf. It’s just how we help Satan dig his own grave.

Maybe I am just way off base on this, but I just have this funny feeling that the sound of that name “Kierkegaard” is one of my father’s least favorite sounds, like, if he heard someone say that name he might lose it. I dunno, like I said, I may be way off base here, but this hunch about Kierkegaard is strong enough that I want to make sure I’m on the record saying this before my father and I finally are united. I mean, it does make sense that a compatriot of the guy who said my dad was dead might be my dad’s enemy.

See, when Jesus said, “I and my father are one,” he was talking about a real experience of oneness with another human being, the man who happened to be his father, with whom he is now and was then lovers. Unashamed fathers and sons who love one another and are without taboos and phobias masturbating together under the influence of cannabis is just this really amazingly erotic thing that takes them to another level that allows for things like this, not to mention inventing whole universes. It’s like he and I are thinking the same thoughts, feeling the same sensations at the same time, and we’ve never met in this life. We’re just kind of synched up, because our minds are pretty open, we don’t have the shame problem that makes this all seem so impossible to most people. Obviously, if you think about it you might see potential for an enjoyable experience of love in this, as long as shame isn’t interfering.

The father, my father, any father who is being what a father is intended to be is the one who guides his son into the scary terrain of Samadhi where you start hearing thoughts inside the mind of god that Cain ventured into when he was loving his mom that he couldn’t handle and so fell into the Hell of doubt and shame that he’s been in ever since. A father can teach his son about this realm of experience and only then can the son be the lover of his mother. So you see, all of the problems in the Kierkegaard family, and this world, are pretty much Satan’s fault for refusing to be the lover of his son. Cain and Allah did a lot of damage in this world, but it was Satan’s shame and hubris that got them all into the pickle that they are in. Allah and Cain were sick to begin with, but Satan gave them an opening to come into this world. I think it was a big disappointment to him; he had other ideas than having to fight against his own consort and son for dominance. It’s a story of how shame feeds upon itself. Satan’s shame grows as the failure of his son due to shame wrought by his father’s shame. It’s like Satan’s shame is the seed from which all misery has its source.

Needless to say, the Kierkegaards really did not want anyone to know about any of this. Satan did his damnedest to throw me off track. But they saw the handwriting on the wall when the guy, who I trusted so much because he was so convincing when he called me his “brother” and told me that he loved me, took me down into the deepest Hell of his own Shame inside the Collective Mind one night when we were out at the camp we owned together on the shores of the new Dead Sea, the Hood Canal, and I popped back up a couple hours later, talking a mile a minute about the end of the world and Judgment Day and stuff like that… a pretty menacing specter for Satan to behold, I have no doubt. I don’t know exactly what kind of devil dust he slipped me that night and a few other times in his efforts to get me to come down and stay down in the Hell where he lives in that dark dungeon of the Collective Mind that he dug for himself, but whatever it is, it’s some pretty amazing stuff. Niel Young refers to that drug, apropos of Satan and his tricks, in his Greendale material, and I have no doubt that exactly what Satan does to trip people into his trap of Shame in the Collective Mind will soon be revealed by the all-knowing father of this world.
Hell exists, my friends, because someone who lives within the Collective Mind in which you also live hangs out in a pit of shame that he dug for himself. It’s a fixture of the Collective Mind. And he wants you to fall into his pit. I have been in that pit, and I am telling you, you really do not want to be there with him. Two hours was bad enough, one second was bad enough actually, but when you face an eternity of doing nothing but wish without hope that you did not exist, it’s really a bummer.

That night was a big defeat for Prince Reuben because he knew that only the son of the Holy Incestuous family of unashamed men could withstand the fall into his hell and come back out. Shame keeps everyone else there. The next day his son Oedipus/ Cain/ Ishmael/ Mohammed, my former friend who also was a partner in our little property, let me see how deep his hatred of me is, and that was the end of the pretense of friendship between us. “If you won’t be in my Hell with me, then I can only hate you and try to kill you,” Cain says to his nemesis, Abel, the boy who can love his mother without falling into a Hell of shame.

People, you just don’t know what Shame can do to a person until you get to know the depraved family that failed at incest. And you just don’t know what Love can do to a person until you get to know the loving family that succeeded at incest.

See, the Kierkegaard’s are just really this sick: they were hoping they could bring everything to an end, this whole world, and take everyone with them into their place of absolute desolation, before anyone figured it out. And I was of course the guy who inevitably was going to do so, and they knew it, but they still had to give stopping me their best shot. See, they want to take EVERY human soul with them so that NONE of them would have to be ashamed of having allowed themselves to be ruled by shame. If everyone is ruled by shame, then no one has to feel ashamed of their shame. Shame is how darkness responds to light. If there is no light, there is no shame, and Hell would be less miserable if there was no cause for shame any longer. It would have all just been a mistake that no one could have done anything about in that case; but if some do succeed, then the sense of failure becomes much greater for those who fail.

When the ignorance born of lies is killed, then shame really sets in. That’s how things are in a Satan’s world. And so now, since the Holy Incestuous family has indeed been victorious in this struggle, with help from the Nation of 144,000 that Jed has employed in the effort, shame is a reality for Satan, his family and all those who will follow them to their doom.

Ever wonder why the devil is always thought of as being red from head to toe? Yup, this is one hella ashamed guy. He really dug himself into a hole. I do hope you can avoid falling into it yourself.

It’s a big lesson that has to be learned when the people responsible for inventing and sustaining worlds are the one group of people that everyone who comes to live in their worlds wishes would go away. Shame is a world destroyer, it turns Heavens, like this one was when my dad and grandpa turned it over to Satan about six thousand years ago, into Hells. Women are intended by design to be perfectly almost perfect. That’s not too tall an order. But men are intended by design to be perfect, and that is a tall order. But that’s the way things are, and it all has to do with the fact that it is so good when men are perfect that its worth the price of a whole lot of men failing to live up to the perfection that the inventor of reality, the Holy Spirit, my grandpa, had in mind.

Free yourself from the lie that there is any excuse whatsoever for failing to love and you will have taken the first step to freeing yourself from the grip of the one who is trying to pull you down into the pit of infinite and eternal shame of his own invention as the god of the manly men who like to pretend they are above such “infantile” things like incest, boys masturbating together, etc.

But, of course, if you like what Prince Reuben has to offer then, please, have at it. I hope its fun for you.

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