Friday, February 18, 2005

The following Notice is from the Proof of the Existence of God Department (18)

The following Notice is from the Proof of the Existence of God Department

A Message from someone claiming to be the Christ:

Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters,

I am an upstanding member of your community who has made many very positive contributions to the general well being of the people of this city. I have in fact been noted numerous times as an exemplary member of this community by various person and institutions generally recognized as sound judges of character, intention and good works.

I sincerely hope that it is worth your time to hear what I have to say.

I am a 46 year old guy born, raised and presently living in Seattle who has for about one and a half years been shamelessly, consistently and with steadily increasing conviction, claiming to be the Christ. I have spent about fifteen thousand dollars of my money to purchase full page ads in the weekly newspaper called The Stranger, the publication that I deemed most likely to provide a receptive audience to what I have had to say, so that I could lay my heart out before everyone who cared to turn their attention my way by presenting a sort of play-by-play account of the process of spiritual awakening that I have been undergoing.

After successfully building a business beginning with $200 and the humblest of ideas and intentions in 1988 to a very highly regarded and successful company with over ten million dollars in sales and 160 employees, a company that has long been considered and received much recognitions as such by many people to be among the very most progressive and upstanding businesses in Seattle, and is nationally regarded by people in its industry as an industry-wide leader in several respects, (oddly enough, my now former company even won official recognition from the leading trade magazine in its industry as the leader in the industry in the category of profitability, even though profitability has never been a priority of mine, as people who have worked with me, as well as the record of my actions, will attest). In my humble opinion my company became, under my ownership and control, one of the most excellent business ventures on planet earth with respect to the degree that it remained successful while maintaining an extremely strong commitment to the sort of values that made interacting with it as an employee, customer, supplier and service providers an experience that was consistently at the very top of the curve any way you want to slice or dice it. Many people in all of those categories will testify to this if and when questioned. (I expect that I may be accused of terrible things as a result of this announcement, so I am just laying groundwork here.)

I have made huge financial sacrifices in order to be true to my own sense of the importance, for not only myself but for everyone in my community, of expressing myself freely. My commitment to what I have felt was the truth has probably cost me at least half of my substantial financial net worth over the past two years, which is to say, it has cost me several million dollars. I was put in a position of having to sell my company under extremely inopportune circumstances at a price much lower than the company would otherwise have been worth, in order to give priority to fulfilling what I felt was my purpose in this world, which was to become the person that I knew I had to become, by the very definition of who I am, namely, the one who saves the asses of the people who are willing to give up shame from what I believe would have been an eternity of wishing that they could somehow let go of the idea that they exist as a sentient being in an unreal and very unpleasant experience called Hell.

I have been almost entirely ignored. I have spent an average of about $150 on newspaper ads for each person who has showed up to hear me speak while I have sat, night after night, in an empty room waiting to see if anyone would accept an invitation to have a conversation with me. I consider myself very gentle and approachable, and I can see no reason why anyone would have been frightened or threatened by me in any way. I have been reaching out from my heart to my human family and community and the response has been shockingly guarded.

I have been marginalized, imprisoned against my will, for the stated reason that I was experiencing the wrong kind of happiness, in a mental hospital; I was begged for inexplicable reasons to stop trying to become the person I have been trying to become; I have had countless people call me crazy. Someone I who I thought I respected and saw as a sort of rabbi character who I had expected would present my situation to the Jewish rabbinical community say “you can’t call yourself the messiah, that’s taboo.” I had people tell me that my self-expression was damaging to themselves, their loved ones and the community in general.

Anyone who had not conquered shame would have long ago run and hide in the nearest rat hole after doing what I have done and finding so little interest. In my opinion, the apparent absence of shame on my part should have been seen as compelling evidence that I may indeed be the Christ, as any genuinely sincere attempt at understanding the human condition as understood by the tradition from which the Christ appears as an historical character would clearly have informed a person that Shame is named as the problem of the human condition in the Judeo-Christian tradition and that therefore, the Christ, when he shows up, might very well be expected to have the extremely rare characteristic of being someone who would not flinch in the face of the potential shame associated with calling himself the Christ, even more so after apparently failing to be correct in making certain prophesies that I had taken great pains to make. Furthermore one would reasonably think that if the Christ did show up he would be talking about shame, a topic that anyone who has paid any attention to me whatsoever over the past few months knows I have been hammering upon persistently as THE MAJOR issue at hand in the End Times. Are people really that unaware that Shame is the entire problem with the human race when it so clearly says to in the Book of Genesis chapter one, the Creation Story itself? No. People are just that ashamed of their own shame. You will be hearing a lot of utterances in the coming weeks, months and years that will very boldly challenge the attachment to shame that presents a serious threat to the well-being of the immortal soul of each and every person alive in this world

There are many ways that I have seen people here in Seattle attempting to ignore the very compelling possibility that I am the Christ. Many people witnessed me dancing while in a trance at this year’s Fremont Art’s Council Winter Solstice Feast. What they saw, and what most turned their eyes quickly away from, was someone truly having an ecstatic trance dance experience unlike anything anyone there had ever witnessed. The person regarded by many of those in the know as the best African-style tribal drummer (of any ethnicity) in Seattle said that he had never had the experience in six years in the US of seeing someone in such a state of being while dancing to his drumming, something that he is familiar with in his West African culture.

My ability as a man in particular to dance in a way that expresses the multi-dimensional experience of truly being absorbed into the complex rhythms of African tribal drumming and to make my body move in a way that really expresses all of the sound is all the proof that anyone whose has attained what I have attained would require to be quite certain that I have indeed attained an extremely unusual state of consciousness, which will be referred to by many, beginning with myself, as “Heaven.” Very well respected persons on the subject will soon testify that very few if any men on Earth can dance in a way that would be correctly described as “ecstatic” with the intensity that I can. The dancing of the Christ will be an important spectacle at many fantastic parties that will be taking place in the near future, at which many of the greatest musical artists in the world will be playing. I am hoping that a song that goes as follows will be among the first played at the first official party of Heaven by one person in particular who I know will be playing a lot of incredible music, much of it composed with my dancing in mind, for the duration of the foreseeable future. It goes like this: “My my hey hey, rock and roll is here to stay, there’s more to the picture than meets the eye, rock and roll can never die.”

Anyway, once again, it is shame that prevented people from being comfortable being in my presence. Rather than saying, “wow, can you teach me something about how to achieve that obviously ecstatic state of being?” people, men in particular, instead turn in shame. This is among people who believe themselves to be desirous of having an “ecstatic dance” experience.

The reason the Christ is murdered by his brother when he was Abel, almost sacrificed as Isaac (Abraham, you were so willing to kill me! Why couldn’t you have begged the Creator to let me live? Why did you just say, OK God, sure no problem I’ll be happy to do that for you? Was it something about my lack of shame?), crucified as Jesus, and ignored and imprisoned in a mental hospital this time, is that people who have shame do not like to expose themselves to the presence of people who do not. (Note: I will have many interesting things to say about Abraham, the most enigmatic of all Bible figures in my experience. I believe this charismatic character to have been Adam and Abram/Abraham and also to be Lucifer who is also called Satan, which means he was the person who attempted to tempt Jesus when he was fasting in the wilderness. Abraham appears to me as a sort of double agent; the devil, but possibly an agent of God, whose fate is other than what is told in the Bible.)

I will be recognized as Christ and, in spite of my best effort to communicate myself as graciously and humbly as I possibly could, prior to this statement only one person will have gone out on a limb to recognize me as a person to be taken seriously in a way that caused him to risk shame, simply by saying to people, even strangers, that he thought I was making a fairly compelling case that I am the Christ. This person ,who is probably an incarnation of some famous Old Testament prophet, has thus also distinguished himself as being a person to have a notable disregard for shame, and is also, like me, someone whom many people have categorized as “mentally ill,” and who lives a life in the unhappy margins of society. My own biological brother, who I believe to be a literal incarnation of an angel, had spent most of his life feeling deeply alienated from his fellow human beings because of an experience he has had of feeling very close to God. My biological father was also an incarnation of a being from the pantheon of gods and archangels and was an extremely depressed person, a matter about which I anticipate being illuminated about by God the father, who has informed me, through published material he has put out into the world for all to see and that I apparently and randomly stumbled across, that he may know a great deal about my father, whom I do not believe he ever met in his current life.

The most Holy God himself will probably express his disappointment that not only I have been ignored and avoided because of the Shame of others, even though I was the one who was taking the very large risk of shame, but He will also express a rather intense sentiment of… shall I say frustration?... that, because of the Shame of others, the people who yearn to know Him are marginalized and categorized as mentally ill, and are made into the most miserable people on planet Earth because of how they are treated by others. He will concur with my observation that a person who attempts to vanquish Shame in their life is always met with a response from others that seeks to make them even more ashamed. Shame will be proclaimed as the source of all evil, and the shame-reinforcing tendencies of human beings will be a topic of much discussion and condemnation.

Ladies and Gentlemen, whether or not I am the Christ, I, Jeff Fairhall proclaim my own personal war on Shame. I will be as determined as the Terminator to destroy what remains of my own shame, and I will speak out, for as long as I survive the efforts that will be made to shut me up, against the continued practice of shame-mongering that is the one and only plague of this world. Though obviously I speak for myself, I sincerely believe that I will be fully supported in these statements by the other two members of the “Holy Trinity.” Here is the Message brought by the Christ at the advent of the End Times: Lose shame or your soul will perish, because shame is a disease that must and will now, presently, be eradicated from any and all worlds in which the Creator of this world will take any further personal interest beyond the year 2012. If you can give up shame you are coming with us, if you cannot, you must and will be left to your own devises: I say “must” because it will be necessary in order to protect everything Good that would otherwise exist forever from be ruined. This is the moment when Shame is being vanquished from the worlds of happiness invented by the one and only Creator capable of creating a creation that is successful.

The opposite of Shame is Faith. The Christ is the person who has perfected Faith and thus who destroys Shame, the force of anti-existence that is the enemy of existence itself. Faith is not something that you have; it is something that you do. I am not talking about “a faith” as in a religion; I am talking about faith as in a state of mind.

I have this to say about Faith, a subject about which the Christ is, I have heard, one of the major-top-ten-leading-global-experts. Deep in their psyche each person has been afraid, ever since having their very first thought, of forgetting what they are thinking about, because we think as if we were talking, in a linear way, jumping from thought to thought, and so we cling fearfully to thoughts as they pass, lest we forget something we think we really need to remember, as we often do when we first learn someone’s name. But what we call “thinking” was originally intended to be a telepathic communication with our own Creator in whose mind we exist. But shame got the better of the human soul and we closed ourselves off in thick–walled prison cell from the awareness of God’s presence. The shame may be a result of not knowing the Name of the Creator; we are ashamed of having forgotten his name. So we hid ourselves from him, even though he would have been happy to remind of us of his name, which he may actually be doing with every breath we take. Our Creator does not want to us to build a prison of shame around ourselves. He loses as much as we do when this happens, because he really does have a lot of love that he wants to share with us. He’s very childlike in his love. He is very willing to love, very understanding and accepting, very forgiving. The one thing he won’t tolerate is a persistent clinging to shame. The implications of this fact are going to present some extremely difficult and bewildering challenges for those people who just don’t want to visit that particular topic.

We are unconscious of our shame before our Creator simply because we don’t want to be conscious of it. That’s pretty much the definition of what the “unconscious” mind is, the surprisingly diseased repository of everything that we would prefer not to be conscious of. It’s pretty much that part of ourselves that is really messed up because of shame. It’s a disease called mortality. The difference between “earth” and heaven is really just one thing: on earth men have shame, on earth men have no shame. It’s difference with women, but I don’t feel qualified to make statements about that at this time.

To reiterate, the cause of all shame, the enemy of everything that exists, comes down to an absence of faith in the very real God whose mindscape called “this universe” you have voluntarily incarnated into. You will enter heaven when you can trust God to remind you in case you forget what you were thinking. You can then successfully pass through an experience wherein you must have this faith in order to avoid being truly “left-behind.” This has nothing to do with proclaiming anyone as you personal lord and savior, this is about giving up shame, which requires an exercise of true faith. You must extricate yourself from the pit you are already in because if you are going to avoid an unfortunate fate. I will be here to help along with many others.

This is the faith that destroys shame and allows entrance into the immortal, fully enlightened, peaceful, happy and fulfilled state of being called Heaven. This is the faith that brings about liberation from Hell and a true relationship with God. He can, does and will remind you if you have faith that he will, and an unwillingness to trust him in such a way will lead you toward doom. I am not talking about moving mountains, I am talking about actually knowing and loving the one who is making it possible for you to exist in a realm of existence that He conjured and sustains in his imagination. You do not hear the thoughts of God only because you have shut them out, because of your shame. This is a cause for God’s own unhappiness, and the threat to the fulfillment of his Dream called Heaven (Heaven was and remains his idea, he’s the one who came up with the whole idea), and threatens to cause everything that exists, the entire Mind of God, into a pit of despair and anguish. This will be prevented only by banishing shame permanently from the realm of existence that He has taken personal responsibility for the successful functioning of, called “the Mind of God.” Brothers and sisters, I am speaking of a very loving and wonderful God but I have reason to believe that his patience is wearing a bit thin. Prepare for some very shocking events to take place in the very near future.

Currently you do not have a relationship with the creator of the mindscape in which you dwell because you are ashamed. You may think you do, but when you actually meet the Creator in person, you will realize that he may not be the God who you thought you were in a relationship with. He is a whole lot more loving and affectionate, he wants to be a whole lot more intimate with you, he has a whole lot more that he wants to give than you even begin to realize. If you have not overcome shame and become immortal, whatever relationship with your Creator you are having is not satisfactory for him.

This is a Creator with a simple proposition. But first, you may as well stop reading this is you are not willing to consider the statement that Mind is the only reality; it is and a refusal to allow yourself to know this for yourself will lead you to ruin. Our Creator’s proposition is based on this truth: There can only be one God of the one Mind itself, and this particular God is the only one qualified for the job. Any other attempts at inventing a reality other than his would collapse in ruin. I don’t mean to speak for God, but I am advising you that I believe he offers more or less this (again probably different for women): if you want to exist, let me be your Creator and I will make all of your dreams and wishes will come true, as long as they are good things that you wish for. I will give you this in return for one thing, namely, that you express what you yourself honestly believe is an appropriate amount of love and gratitude in return, that you not hide in shame from me, and that you give me a reasonable chance to show you how I want to love you and that you allow yourself to experience fully the way of love, at least once, that I want to share with you in a very intimate way. I have been saying for some time that God wants to be the lover of men. Perhaps that’s why people have been shunning me. Men are really afraid of expressing any sort of truly intimate love that is not inhibited by phobias and taboos, with other men.

I need to come right out and say this. I am a person who is in the process of transition from being something called a man into being something called a god. The major difference, really, as far as I can see, is that god’s are not afraid of loving one another, and men are. There is no homophobia in Heaven. Check out Plato’s Symposium sometime. Those are gods talking when they are speaking of their affection for boys.

A man who is not limited by shame, i.e. a god, is not only free from the affliction of a taboo against men loving one another, they actually really derive a great deal of pleasure from the experience of being intimate with other men. (I can assure you that if anyone else shows up to make a claim to being the Christ, they will be a person who does not say the sorts of things that I am saying here, but rather one who provides the role of pseudo Christ for the people too ashamed to even go near the idea that men are sexual with one another in Heaven.) The difference between mortality and immortality relates simply to whether you subscribe to one idea or the other. The only people who would ever choose to subscribe to the idea of mortality is to cling to the shame that is the hallmark of mortality.

What I am saying here is certainly going to lead to some serious discussions of these issues, I can assure you.

It is entirely natural for a truly healthy male human beings to feel even more aroused, which is to say, experience more pleasure, being sexually intimate with other men than with women. If you are not willing to overcome homophobia, then you can forget about Heaven, because what goes even makes Heaven possible in the first place is male human beings loving one another. That’s right, the only reality involving men that can possibly ever exist.successfully is entirely dependent upon those men loving one another. Gods love gods, and if you are not ready to be a god lover, I highly recommend that you spend time with some of the 144,000 beautiful brothers, virtually of the most talented and creative people on Earth when they offer to help you cure your disease. Heaven is sexual and it is orgiastic and there are a bunch of guys up there who are really crazy about one another. I am probably scaring some women as well as men off from the idea of heaven with I am saying here, but I believe that women will be much more easily convinced to accept Heaven on its terms, which, for women mostly relate to not trying to hold men back form being what they are, and just having a great time at the party that never ends.

This Creator has the idea for a human existence that has been amply proven to be the only form of human existence that works, which is to say, everyone else’s idea of human existence has been proven to be a failure.. And it is the very most perfect of all conceivable realities in the first place. If you could think of something better, it would no doubt already exist if it were possible. It does not as of this time exist. Certain other ideas have proven to be massive failures. One of these is any world in which Shame is allowed to exist. Witness this world as a case in point. On the brink of self annihilation.

The bewildering thing for our beautiful God who had the absolutely fantastic idea of perfection, and those of us who have gotten on board his magic carpet ride through eternity in support of his idea, including myself, is that most people turn in Shame from this most fantastic offer of eternal happiness. Don’t ask me why, I have no idea. But that is what is most likely about to happen. I hope that you, the Reader, will not being among those who turn and walk away into the eternal misery of your shame. We, 144,000 men who are the current incarnations of the people who incarnated as the twelve thousand members of the twelve tribes of Israel, will be offering our assistance in this regard.

The persons who will be recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as the living incarnations of “the father” and “the holy spirit,” and numerous archangel-level associates, so to speak, who are famous and highly regarded celebrities and intellectuals and possibly even politicians, will support the following statements:

The walls of the dungeon in which your desiccated soul lies in a comatose state are built of your shame. It is time to rise from the dead and join the living. If you do not choose to join the living, you will be left to your own devices. You cannot join the living without rising to what will be for many, the insurmountable challenge of giving up shame.

God himself will express his belief that the entire pharmacopoeia of the pharmaceutical industry is an insult to Him, in particular those drugs that are force fed to the people whose lives have been made miserable because they have been marginalized as a result of wanting to know and love Him. I believe that he will demand a quick discontinuation of the use of pharmaceutical drugs, and he may say that the drugs being consumed by others are literally making him sick. If so this would instantaneously become an extremely controversial matter.

Shame will be the major topic of conversation here on planet earth for the duration of the time remaining before this world comes to an end as a mindscape that is currently being sustained consciously and deliberately by a living, breathing, feeling, loving, and otherwise perfect in every way, human being. He is the person who had the brilliant idea of a realm of human existence in which of people actually love one another and therefore can succeed in the undertaking known as existence.

So far, only one person in Seattle that I know of has taken me seriously to the point of risking his own self-image by saying to a number of people, “I think that this guy should be taken seriously.” This person is himself someone who, in the eyes of many who know him, is seen as suffering from so-called “mental illness.”

Prior to making these kinds of statements I was regarded in my community to be an exemplary citizen by many persons who were familiar with my life and works. Several months after beginning to make such claims, a monthly newspaper called “the Evergreen Monthly” that is distributed primarily in Seattle area honored me as it’s first “Evergreen Citizen,” a distinction that it began with that month’s inaugural issue to bestow upon one person each month whom its editorial staff regards as embodying in their actions in the world the sort of behavior that could turn things around here on planet Earth. I have since made what I feel is a compelling case that Seattle is the city in the New World that is the counterpart to the city in the old world called Jerusalem.

In other words, I would seem to present a reasonable candidate to be the Christ if there was to be such a person appearing in the world, as a substantial percentage of the population believes there will be. I have learned over the course of this time that the last thing that most people even want to consider is the possibility that I have been speaking the truth. I have been scorned, marginalized, locked up against my own will in a mental institution, begged by people who I had thought were my friends to stop trying to become the person who I was trying to become. Shunned by friends and cohorts in my business.

And so dear friends I would like to bring a little bit more attention to this matter that has so far received so little. I would like to offer a wager to those people who seem so disinterested in what I have to say:

I will bet $500,000 against the person(s) who offer me the longest odds that the Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church in Los Angeles, the person(s) whom he names as the authority(s) whom he recognizes as qualified to discern whether I am or am not the Christ, will indeed name me as the Christ. If the Cardinal chooses to remain neutral on this matter, then the bet could be settled based simply on whether two famous and highly regarded individuals, the most highly regarded persons in their respective professions, these two being the two people I consider to be the father and the holy spirit of the Trinity, would state their belief that I am the Christ.

I will agree to take any reasonable lie-detector test that experts I respect agree are accurate enough to trust in such a case will show that I am telling the truth that there has never been any communication of any sort that has taken place between me and these two persons, and that no ofiicial of Roman Catholic Church has communicated any messages to me whatsoever, indicating even the slightest hint of an intention of corroborating my claims.

Based on the almost complete disregard in this community to the sincere efforts I have made to share the details of my experience as a person claiming to be the Christ, I would assume that almost everyone in this town would say that chances are one in one hundred or longer that I am the Christ. If people on average thought the probability was better than this, I would think that people overall would have shown just a little bit more interest.

Thus, I propose to begin the bidding at the very low starting bid of 10:1. Would anyone care to give me ten to one odds or better in a wager against me being correct in predicting that the forgoing corroboration of my claim will occur? If you think there is a greater than 10% chance that I am the Christ (considering that there are 6 billion people in this world that’s a pretty damned high probability, probably higher than the probability that would be given to any other single person on earth if they also were claiming to be the Christ at this time. If there is anyone, an antichrist type person, or anyone who in this town who wants to make that claim please step forwrd, lets see how the odds-makers rank us.) then how come you have not been interested in learning more so that you might be able to better discern whether or not I am indeed the Christ? What are you afraid of?

Any bettors, please submit bids to me via e mail. I am happy to provide full disclosure by answering honestly any question anyone would like to ask me during the bidding period. Access my e mail address from my website,, which I suggest that you peruse before you bid.

Please indicate the amount you would be willing to bet and the odds that you are willing to give, 10:1 or longer. You may at any time cancel and replace your bid with another bid that raises or maintains but does not lower the amount of money you are risking. I will mutually agree with any bettor who so desires to put funds at risk into escrow. If any bettor loses the bet and fails to pay what they owe I will not pursue legal action, but I also reserve the right to reject any bid from someone who is unwilling to put a half of their bet into an escrow account. I will also suggest to any such person that they give serious consideration to making an appointment with the Pastor of their local Roman Catholic Church to discuss the possibility that they need an exorcism. I would make your appointment with the Church early, time slots may fill up fast.

I will evaluate the bids and decide which bets to accept, I will risk a minimum of $500,000, if I receive that many bets with odds of 10:1 or longer. I will decide which bets to accept after two weeks from the date of publication of this ad. I lose the bet if by the day after Easter what I have predicted has not occurred.

To those who are not interested in taking the risk of betting against me, I’d be curious to know two things: what you think the probability is, and at what level of probability would you yourself think that it might be wise to pay attention to what I am saying.

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