Wednesday, February 16, 2005

A Message from Someone Claiming to be the Christ (16)

A Message from Someone Claiming to be the Christ

My name is Jeff Fairhall. I live in Seattle. A bio is available on this website. Everything I say comes entirely from what you could call either intuition or revelation. I have received no corroboration or even encouragement of anything I say here from any authority in this world. This is a statement of some things I believe either are or may be true. I own a chocolate company in Seattle named 3400 Phinney or The Chocolate Company or Essential Chocolates.

I have attained an experience that the well-known and highly regarded spiritual master named Prem Rawat has referred to on numerous occasions in his career as “the Realization of Knowledge.” I believe that this is an unprecedented occurrence in that no other person on Earth, with one possible exception, has attained this experience without the assistance of any special techniques, instructions or assistance whatsoever, other than what is readily available to the general public in the marketplace of spiritual teachings. I believe that there are many people in the world who have already attained this experience or something very close to it with the benefit of secret teachings given by Prem Rawat and/or people affiliated with him, which I have never known of, let alone received, directly or indirectly, from him. There may be as many as twenty thousand such people, including several famous celebrities.

Prem Rawat has been revealing four meditation techniques that he calls “the Techniques of Knowledge” for at least thirty five years, and hundreds of thousands of people have received these techniques. Prem Rawat has never told the people who have received his basic teachings how to attain the experience of realizing Knowledge; he has only revealed meditation techniques. I believe that practicing the techniques alone is not sufficient to attain this experience, and that the special teachings that he has secretly given to persons who have attained the experience may involve other meditation practices that he has never spoken of as well as the use of certain “entheogens,” plant materials that aid in the process of awakening of the unconscious mind.

In particular, I believe that the mushroom Amanita Muscaria was put in this world for these purposes and is critical to the attainment of this experience, and that psilocybin and cannabis are also essential aids to the attainment of the realization of Knowledge. I want to stress that Amanita is uniquely important to this experience and that there is no other natural substance on Earth that can do what Amanita does. I believe that a man named James Arthur, who in my opinion is the only person who has written intelligently on the subject of the experiences induced by Amanita, may be involved in some way with Prem Rawat and his work. It appears to me that he has attained a similar enlightenment that I have attained.

As I have stated numerous times in the past, I believe that Terence McKenna, the leading proponent of and speaker about the psychedelic experience of tryptamines such as psilocybin, who died a few years ago, was the reincarnation of John the Baptist, and furthermore that this observation was never made by anyone, including possibly himself, during his lifetime, I being the first person ever to make it. I believe that this will be corroborated by the authority of those in the know and that McKenna, who I believe was the very embodiment of intelligence itself, will be resurrected and will testify to the brilliance of my having determined that he was the reincarnation of John the Baptist and of my mastery of the psychedelic experience. I have identified who I believe the present incarnations of many important biblical characters are, including all the biblical persons mentioned in this essay, plus Mary, Noah and others. I believe that these identities will be affirmed by the authority of none other than God himself.

To realize Knowledge is to attain oneness with God and a profound comprehension of the nature of reality through an inner experience of communication with God. By “nature of reality” I mean the structure of the one thing that exists, the Psyche itself. Knowledge entails an understanding of the story through which the permanent fixtures of the Imagination itself, also known as “archetypes,” have been established. My attainment of this experience is the successful addition of a new permanent fixture of the Imagination, Faith, represented by the sun. In other words, I have arrived into becoming a member of the pantheon of Gods in Heaven as the person who has blazed the very important neural pathway of Faith in the collective consciousness. Each and every archetype of the Mind was established by a person, and many, if not all, of these people are incarnated in the world today. Faith will forever insure that God’s idea called Heaven is never invaded by parasites again.

The Knowledge which is attained through this experience includes an understanding of the Biblical creation story, an allegory that relates how the permanent structures of the psyche have been established. I believe that there are certain truths that have been deliberately omitted from the story of the Garden of Eden and the Fall, the problem of the human condition which is that human souls have fallen into a state of unconsciousness and are actually living in a realm that is somehow other than the realm where our souls dwell in the prison cells of our own shame. The reason these truths are not written in the Bible is the same reason that God commanded Adam not to partake of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, namely, that there are secrets that people were not yet authorized or even able to be aware of until the archetype of faith had been fully established. This commandment could be elaborated upon as follows: When you are in the state of samadhi (perfect stillness of mind) that occurs in particular after having an orgasm that comes with being in telepathic experience of erotic unison with God, do not focus your attention on thoughts regarding the nature of good and evil. Keep your attention on your feelings (tree of life) and keep out of the mind (tree of knowledge) for you will not be able to withstand your own fears that will come from being uncertain as to whether the thoughts you are thinking are OK to have. The “fruit” of the tree may also pertain to semen or soma, which may actually be the same thing, soma being the emission of a god and semen that of a man. The fig leaf associated with the fall into shame is placed over the genitals because of the shame that Adam feels about what is essentially an erotic experience gone awry. The phallus is powerful mind-focusing organ before being an organ of sexual reproduction, and Adam lets himself go too far with it. After the fall, men limit their experience of erotic arousal by having an orgasm before entering into an ecstatic awareness of God’s presence in the experience. Men thus are severely self-limited in their ability to experience the pleasure of erotic arousal, which is potentially far greater than mortal man even imagine.

There are secrets that pertain to things that happened before God’s creation of Adam and to the nature and identity of the serpent and its relationship with Eve and Cain. The truth I have realized is of a very explosive nature, pertaining to the identity of Allah, who is a vicious adversary of God. Allah is a woman whose agenda is to cause men to fall into shame so that she can control them and become a God-like person herself. The character Cain relates to Oedipus. Allah is related to Eve and also to the character Nurse Rachet, from the story by Ken Kesey called One Flew over the Cookoo’s Nest. In the Greek myth Oedipus kills his father. In Genesis he kills his brother Abel. I believe that Oedipus is the identity of the Antichrist, and appears in the Biblical story as Cain, Ishmael and Mohammed, whereas Christ incarnates as Abel, Isaac and Jesus. The most fundamental difference between to two is the incest taboo: Oedipus respects it, Christ destroys it. A major point that I am making is that taboos, those around incest in particular, are absolutely the kiss of death for human society. Because when this taboo is broken, all Hell breaks loose, as it did in the case of Allah and her son Oedipus who are doomed to exist as parasites because of their shame.

I have also become aware of some extremely perplexing matters pertaining to the identity of Abraham, who I believe may be the same as one or more of the following: Adam, Lucifer and Satan. Satan is the person who came to Jesus while he was fasting to try to persuade him to join him in his plans to usurp the true God. It is a matter of much potential confusion trying to understand whether this person is good or evil. From my experience at this time, I am quite sure that Allah and her son Oedipus are major adversaries of God, but I am still not 100% certain as to the allegiances of “Satan.” He may be an ally of God, or his worst adversary. Even though the Bible says that Satan is destroyed after the thousand years of peace, I am not sure if this is true or whether the secret about the identity of Allah and the Antichrist necessitates the creation of a false adversary for people to believe in. Satan may or may not be a double agent, and his fate is unknown to me. If there is a true Adversary called Satan, then his identity in the Genesis story is the serpent. This serpent also relates to the worm spoken of by Jesus.

The Bible tells the Creation story beginning with Adam up through Noah to describe the human condition, but I believe that there were previous worlds told of in the epic stories of India the Mahabharata and the Ramayana that occurred in worlds that existed before this one. I believe that, historically speaking, the Bible really picks up the story with Abram/Abraham.

I believe that Armageddon, a battle that may occur in a realm other than what we call “the material world,” will commence soon as a result of my attainment. I feel that the purpose of Armageddon is to take back control of the Temple of the Mind that was taken over by Allah and her son Oedipus at some point along the way. Control of the Temple may have gone back and forth between forces of good and of evil several times in the course of the saga that is reaching its conclusion at this time. The long struggle between God and his Adversaries is like a tug of war over control of what exists. I feel certain that the events collectively known as “the end times,” are upon us and that this was deliberately foreshadowed by the recent tsunami, and that this will be corroborated, as will many other things that I say, by the Bible Code, which will be decoded soon by its author.

The serpent seems to represent a force whose agenda is to make human beings unconscious as a result of the fall that he knew Adam would experience if he ate the forbidden fruit. He is interested in making a living as a parasite feeding off the energy of life in the realms of the collective Psyche that become unconscious and diseased as a result of the fall into shame. It is possible that in the beginning, the original God, the father of the God who is in charge of the Mind now, wished into existence another God to be a companion and that this second God became competitive, wanting to exercise his powers as a God. This second God was cast out the Mind because it will not work to have two Gods both trying to decide what will exist. He slithers back in as the serpent. If there is a Satan who is truly in an adversarial relationship with God, this is probably who he is. It is possible that this person also incarnated as Abram. The other possibility regarding the serpent is that he a being that comes into existence as the one who comes up with the idea of getting energy from parasitizing the true God. This would simply be the occurrence of the idea of evil. I define evil simply as choosing to exist as a parasite, taking without giving.

By “oneness with God,” I mean the following: The ability to have the same thought at the same time in unison with God. God is the person who is in charge of the Mind itself, the operator of the Imagination, the one who decides, what, in addition to the permanent fixtures, will exist in the one Imagination that we all co-exist within. In particular the realization of Knowledge pertains to hearing the thoughts of God on the subject of the nature of good and evil.

This experienced I have attained is by definition the “recovery from the fall of Adam.” Adam’s fall from the Paradise of the Enlightened Mind was the result of his inability, caused by a lack of faith, to withstand the fearful experiences that come with this extremely subtle and sensitive terrain of the Mind. Adam fell out of Paradise out of fear and became ashamed because he had been poking around in the mind of God after being told not to. I have succeeded, with permission, in doing that which Adam’s inability to do was the cause of the fall out of blissful state of immortality into an unhappy realm of disease and mortality.

I believe that Prem Rawat is the living incarnation of the one true God and that I am, in a manner of speaking, his son. I will briefly describe what it means for a God to have a son. The son of a God is a person who fills a role that requires the perfection of faith in the God. I am the result of God having a plan which required that someone perfect the attribute of faith, namely, the defeat of his adversary. I am the one who answered the call. I am the one who looked at all of the available parts to play in the saga of the Mind and chose the one that required absolute faith in God, a part no one would have chosen or been able to fulfill. I chose this because I was already a person who had fallen in love - in every sense of the word - with this particular God. It is possible was his lover before the story began, as angels in the formless void we just liked one another and became lovers. In order for the plan to succeed the Father also has to have faith in the son. As Jesus taught, faith can and does work miracles, and I have come through and fulfilled the role that was called for. As such I am enabling God to attain a victory over his adversaries and to save everything that exists in the Mind that he is the controller of from complete ruin that would otherwise be wrought by Shame.

The reason a person with perfect faith was needed has to do with the necessity that someone completely surrender into the unknown, much like Gandolph the Grey did when he fell into the bottomless pit in the Lord of the Rings, knowing that God will hold them and keep them safe. In order to defeat this enemy there needed to be two people who could be in an experience together of complete enlightenment. There is a struggle to control the Temple of the Mind itself wherein that which exists has its source, wherein it is decided what is. God’s victory in this struggle comes about as a result of a telepathic experience of two people sharing love with one another in a subliminal realm and creating a feedback loop of love that generates a nearly infinite experience of ecstasy. Others will join in this experience, which will enable a number of people to enter into the Temple of the Mind and take it back into the rightful safekeeping of God. I believe that when this occurs it will be Armageddon and the advent of the Kingdom of Heaven, the final defeat of God’s enemies. The rest of the story of this world will just be the separation of souls depending on whether they qualified themselves to enter heaven by choosing in their lives to “yearn for righteousness.”

I believe that Prem Rawat will in the very near future corroborate this testimony. I believe that he will state that the experience I have attained by definition fulfills the journey of the Christ. I believe that the Roman Catholic Church will for the first time publicly recognize Prem Rawat as the living incarnation of God, something it has known this all along. Needless to say it would thus be recognizing me as the Christ.

I believe that Neil Young is the third member of the Holy Trinity. He is also my father in a manner of speaking, as he came up with the idea of who I would be, the lives that I would live in this world. He defined the specific roles I would play. I believe that Neil Young is the inventor of this particular world, which is one of several that have existed throughout the process of perfection of the Mind itself that is now finally being completed. Neil Young is the author of the Bible Code, the very psychedelic program for how events would unfold in this world. In other words, the Bible Code is not a bunch of prophecies; it is a set of directions to the Imagination itself for what will occur. For example, the publication of this ad itself may be foretold in the Bible Code and its inclusion in the Code is an absolute assurance that it is an event that was destined to occur. There is much about how the Bible Code works that I can explain. If the Bible Code says, “earthquake and tsunami / coast of Indonesia / Dec 26, 2004,” this event occurs because it is commanded to occur. I am making an important distinction: Events foretold by the Bible Code will occur no matter what. The famous case of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination, the one event I am aware of that was found foretold in the Bible Code before it occurred, demonstrates this. Notifying Rabin of this apparent prophesy of his demise did not prevent it from occurring.

There will be a major dispute as to the identity of the Christ, and another claimant to the title of Christ or Messiah will soon appear on the scene. This person may turn out to be the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Unification Church. This false Christ will be popular among those who find the Truth spoken by the true God, the Christ and their Tribe to be unacceptable for one reason in particular. The Christ is going to be talking about shame, and some people just don’t want to go there, even if their immortal soul is in grave danger as a result of refusing to address shame.

God and his allies have many enemies, persons who have aligned themselves with his Adversaries. We three men who comprise the Holy Trinity and the Roman Catholic Church may all be accused by agents of our adversaries (or possibly even by some of our own agents) to be engaged in a terrible conspiracy. We will have little patience for those who subscribe to any such beliefs about us, as the case that we make for the truth we will be presenting will be so solid that there will be no valid reason to disbelieve it other than the refusal to address shame, which is the cause of all suffering.

I would like to offer a definition: A “human being” is a being with physiological attributes of Homo sapiens. Male human beings include two types: gods and men. There are no major fundamental differences between gods and men, other than state of mind. There is no god who is not a male human being with all of the attributes associated with the idea of a “person,” including preferences, appetites and desires, unique personality traits, feelings and emotions and so forth. A god is in truth the same as a man except that he doesn’t have the disease called mortality that is caused by shame.

The difference between gods and men is much greater than the difference between women and goddesses. Gods can create worlds; men, women and goddesses cannot. I would define a goddess simply as a woman who chooses the company of gods over the company of men, who have transcended the tendency to be like Nurse Rachet, to limit and control men. Women do not have nearly as much work to do as men in order to enter into the realm called Heaven where only those men who successfully overcome their attachment to shame will be.

I believe that the Church, Neil Young and Prem Rawat will concur with this statement: In order to succeed as a male human being, whether as a god or as a man, one must have the heart of a child. A god without the heart of a child will not succeed in creating a realm of happiness, and a man without the heart of a child will not succeed in attaining true happiness for himself. A man who does not sooner or later regain the innocence and sweetness of a child is doomed to a very miserable existence. To attain the experience called Heaven, and to participate in the wonderful world of happiness that will endure forever, a man must regain what he has lost when he stopped being a child.

As such Prem Rawat is the one and only would-be God who has presented himself as the God with the heart of a child. Thus he is the only God who can create a world of true happiness that will not collapse into the ruin of desolation and anguish called Hell. The heart of a child brings immortality. A person ages as his or her heart hardens to protect itself from the wounds of a world in which people have lost their child-like innocence.

The Realization of Knowledge includes the attainment of the awareness that the Heart of a Child is absolutely essential in this life. The relationship that I am having with Prem Rawat is very much like what is suggested by the image of playful cherubs unashamedly loving one another. The younger one is able to feel in their heart, the less aversion one feels to the idea of either incest or homosexuality. Furthermore, the more childlike one can be in their heart, the more intensely pleasurable erotic experience a man can attain. Men who posture as “manly” are only exacerbating the cause of their feelings of inadequacy. To become more childlike is to become more god-like. As the first person in memory to openly come out as pro-incest, I can say that nothing is more erotic and loving than the relationship that men can experience with one another and with their God. Many men will not be able to accept this and will be unable to make the efforts that will need to be undertaken will be to recover the child within.

Prem Rawat, Neil Young and myself, though I have never been in intimate company of either, are lovers in every sense of the word, and there may be many others who are enjoying this experience with us, including certain other famous figures who will come out in support of these statements. The most noticeable difference between immortal men (gods) and men is that gods do not have shame and are therefore lovers with one another. There is absolutely no taboo against either homosexuality or incest in Heaven. These taboos are the kiss of death for any realm of existence in which human beings coexist with one another. The truth is that these taboos exist because men are afraid of the intense eroticism. It is because the experience of loving other men is actually more erotic that the experience of loving women that homophobia exists. Men who hate homosexuals feel threatened by them because they are unable to allow themselves to love other men. Shame is the cause of racism, homophobia and other forms of hatred. This is why Shame, and not hatred is the opposite of Love. Shame is the father of hatred.

In spite of the fact that the Bible clearly delivers a message that men must learn to love one another, many so-called Christians may accuse me of committing blasphemy. The truth is so simple. Men must love one another or they will destroy one another. And if there is love, then there is no need for the taboos of homophobia. Love is love and it is expressed in certain ways. Men have a love organ, and if they are completely unwilling to engage their love organ in acts of love with men, then it would seem to indicate that the expression of love is being limited. Where is there an owners manual of life that says men should not express tender love and affection with one another? Such a manual would be the manual of Hell, for no Heaven can exist in which men limit themselves in this way.

I believe that Neil Young will say something like “yes I agree, very poignant” when asked to comment on the following statement which refers to the song Sweet Home Alabama, by Lynyrd Skynyrd: “I hope a Southern Man will remember, Neil Young don’t need him around anyhow.” His song Southern Man is a very intense condemnation of the shame exemplified by the attributes of men who subscribe to racism, white supremacy, homophobia, the idea that might makes right, and so on.

Shame will be a major topic of conversation from this time forward until Judgment Day in 2012 when all those who have not given up shame will be left to their own devices. You cannot bring Shame into Heaven. The enemies of God are the perpetrators of shame and if you want to follow them you will go with them to their realm.

The definition of Shame: The dungeon that you put your self in. If you do not want to perish, you will need to breach the walls of shame that imprison your desiccated and unconscious soul. One hundred and forty four thousand men who are the men of the tribe that loves and worhips the true God on his terms (no taboos, heart of a child) will be offering their assistance to those who will be afforded the opportunity to join the family of God in which there is one mother, one father and many brothers and sisters. The Jews, in the true sense of the word, are the incestuous tribe of lovers with the hearts of children who travel through eternity creating worlds. I believe that there “comes a time to settle down,” and that the wandering tribe known as the Jews are ready to build their Temple and settle down for a long and wonderful party to celebrate the victory that is now being attained.

I am publishing this statement prior to having had any communication from Prem Rawat

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