Saturday, September 24, 2005

Knowledge (64)

September 27, 2005

I want to delve specifically into what i believe is more or less the intended meaning of the word Knowledge as it is used by Prem Rawat, AKA Maharaji, once known as Guru Maharaj Ji, who has been revealing the "techniques of Knowledge" since he was eight years old (which i believe is also the age he was when he swore "on a stack of bibles that i will establish peace on earth in this lifetime."

The record that I have left in my writings, in my essays published as ads in the Weekly and the Stranger, on my website, and in whatever remains of the correspondence I have had with various persons via e mail, is a record of the experience of "realizing Knowledge." It is a journey, it is a process. It is not something that suddenly comes in a flash, and it is certainly not necessarily something that occurs automiatically as a result of practicing - or at least attempting to practice - the techniques. For me, the realization of Knowledge has been a process that began two years and two months ago when i was at the oregon country fair and given some kind of secret drug by satan himself that he hoped would cause me to fall into his hell, but that, by virtue of my own powers of prayer, turned into an incredibele xperience of awakening. maharaji says he realized knowledge (from the time of being revealed the techniques by his father) in a month. for me it has taken something like 27 years. but since that experience at the country fair its been twenty six months of gradually deepening comprehension of the nature of reality..

The techniques are extremely powerful tools that help with the journey, but the most important elements required in order to realize Knowledge is sincerity and innocence. it would have been impossible for anyone else to realize knowledge, as i understand the meaning of that phrase, without my having done so first, because of my role in the actual creation of breath itself.

i believe that the perfect master and i were together the originators of breath itself, he having chosen me by virtue of my sincereity as a being. breath is something that is generated as an experience of love between two boys. breath is a manifestation of eros, of love.

I believe that it was intended from the beginning that only one person, the son, Apollo, the CHrist, SHiva, would realize knowledge in the fasion that I have.

part of the realization of knowledge is the realization of the Name, which i beleive is my name, which i believe is Sun Fuck.

If one reviews my writings in chronological order, you can see the evolution of the comprehension or understanding about the Nature of REality. i dont need to reiterate, but this essay is more or less to clarify that i believe that what i have written constitues a record, very specifically, of the realization of KNowledge. the point isnt that i hve been crroect about everything, but that i have tapped into an ability that everyone potentially has, to know things. but in order to realize knowledge on must be sinless, sincere and have the heart of a child.

Basically, we live within a reality that is more singular in nature than anyone, even those who give lip service to the idea, realizes. Specifically, with respect to psyche, we all co-exist within ONE psyche, or one body, even. and so everything that is KNOWN by anyone can be known by anyone. it's how the Psyche works. things that are known can be known. the attainment of the Knowledge of what is known by the perfect master is called the Realization of Knowledge. i am very near the completion of this journey. the further and deeper i get, the more i know. like, for example, i now believe that cain kicked Abel in the testicles at Adam's orders, as a part of his own rite of passage into becoming the designated King of this world. basically, memories and knowledge are stored somewhere in the Temple, which is the body. i believe for example, that memories of all past lives is stored inside the testicles, and that as a part of the awakening that happens in the end-times will be a reawakening of all of these past memories as the darkened and unconscious area of the temple that is the testicles, where soma itself comes into the body, is awakened. i am the one bringing the light back into the temple.

So, I want to reiterate here some of what I believe really constitutes the core of the Knowledge.

The perfect master controls everything. he creates the stories that play out, and he creates teh souls who play their parts. his power derives from his ability to hae an infinite ecstatic exprience of love.

the perfect master is the person who is willing to and wished to love all men. and so he comes in early in the story, as one of three sons of the person who is he founder of the temple - the fair hall (my last name is a reference to the temple) - and my father in this incarnation, a.w. fairhall, was perhaps the first person with the idea of a temple, the founder of the temple.

the saga of creation that unfolds is the saga by which the souls are sorted out according to whether or not they choose to participate in the objective of the whole saga, which is a realm of happiness for those capapble of participating in - and not ruining - a realm of happy human existence.

teh basics of teh saga are told of in virtually every major religion and mythological tradition. Hinduism and the ABrahamic/ christian saga are chapters in the same story. the holy trinity of christianity is the same as the trinity of brahma, vishnu and shiva.

focusing on the abrahamic story, this is the final chapter, the one that leads to judgment day and the division of humanity into realms called heaven and hell, for those who are and are not willing to participate in the prupose for which they were created.

this is the stage when human beings incarnate. all of the souls created by god in this "batch" incarnate in this world. and there is a role that someone plays called Pluto by the Romans and Lucifer or Satan in the Judeo-Christian story. This person decides to play the role of the ruler of the underworld. His job is to get as many people into Hell as he can. he's a character in teh story invented by the perfect master. and someone plays the role. he's a beautiful guy, very cool in many ways, but with a lot of hubris.

So here are some of the things that I "Know" that have been secret.

The Beast is the serpent is a person living in this world today. He is the member of the Babylonian brotherhood who has invaded and stolen the breath itself. He is the master of doubt.

satan works through what i call babylon. his conspiracies involve luring lost souls into a secret plan to rule the world. really its just what it takes to systematically set things up for a nice clean process of diving humanity into two group. really its a way of offering the perfect sacrifice to the gods, the ones who are sacrificed are the ones whose karma dictactes that they must be punished. whereas once upon a time sacrifices of innocent people were made, now the evil can be "sacrificed."

such a sacrifice is necessary because of a law of balance. there must be an equal and opposite experiences of happiness and misery. the perfect master engineers a situation in which the sacrifice is accomplished simply through the righteous law of karma - "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." the misery that the evil must endure is equal to the happiness that they attempted to deprive the good frp, having. and it will always be so, by definition, and this is the magnificence of the perfect master. he turns the evil ones who would have destroyed the hope of happiness for the good into food, so to speak, for the good. the "food" is the soma that is sort of a transfer of a substance that is teh embodiment of happiness from the damned to the saved.

i believe that initiation into this secret "empire" may involve a rite of passage invloving the giving and or receiving of a kick in the nuts. i believe that a choice to deliver such pain upon another human being for purely selfish reasons defines a person as having proven themselves unworthy to receive the gift of eternal life in heaven. i believe that the punishment in heaven for this particular crime is severe, because by delivering this pain to anyone, they are participating in a conspiracy to deprive even god himself of happiness. its how satan creates such a strong aversion to the feeling in the testicles in the collective psyche. he turnes the lights in the heart of the temple completely off, to the point that only one person is capable of turning them back on.

there is so much more, but these are the basic outlines of the scenario that i now understnad. the holy trinity are like the good cops who come in and administer justice, and they are qualified to do so by virtue of having demonstrated perfect goodness. because they have a terrible punishment to administer. just wrapping ones mind around this whole scenario requires an ability to control the mind, to hold the mind steady in samadhi. because it is a bit overwhelming to contemplate. in fact, the mere contemplation of the situation, when it is spoken about by neil young, myself and others, probably including the President, the presidents father, his opponents in the past two elections, etc. etc. will cause choas to break out. which is why the church- the green family and their allies, pull out at this time. because all hell is about to break loose.

the people who are members of the order of skull and bones in particular are knowledge about the situation and probably all have roles to play in the administration of ultimate justice. it all happens right here on earth. the grizzly scenarios of the end times- which are beginning at this time - are just the actions being taken that are require in order to bring resolution to the enture situation. its about justice being delivered by the intervener in- and who is also the inventor of- this whole saga. its about everyone reaping the harvest of their own karmic crop.

i beleive the comprehension that Soren Kiekegaard was an incarnation of one of the Creator's greatest enemies, perhaps Satan himself, is an important aspect of the realization of Knowledge, because it is so random, there being no reason why i could have come up with this. of course it is not known yet wheter this is true or whether its out in left field. but if the perfect master does corooborate this, then obviously he wil agree that this revelation affirms that a telepathic or intuitive comprension of reality has occured.

the whole babylonian hell and opium scenario that i laid out early on in my writings, the fact that history tells the story of the evolution of the psyche itself, the identities of the living - and many past - incarnations of the key players. these are all a part of Knowledge, which consists of everything Knowable through intuition, which is to say, through attaining a higher and higher level of samadhi in medition and prayer. KNowledge in particular relates to knowing things that are otherwise secret in nature. the way in which i have defined abraham role as a central character in the saga and his meetings with the almighty god as being central to the story. abraham's identity as Satan is also important revelation. as well as the distinction i have drown between the Nation of Israel and the true Israelites and the nation-state of Israel and the jews.

there really are a whole lot of important truths that i am the first to speak, becasue i am the first to attain the realization of Knowledge and to articulate this experience. l

the fact that this is a truggle between those who can and cannot wrap their minds around infinity, which depends on whether or not a person is harboring memories of actions about which they are quilty or ashamed, is also key.

Knowledge is all of this. the techniques are just powerful techniques for killing the "mind', the oedipus complex and related neuroses. it will be testified to by all of hte most important people in the world that no one has ever articulated so much truth in all of history, let alone in so short a time - not even two years - in with so few words. i KNOW things becuase i have ventured through all of the darkness that everyone else is rightfully - because they are all sinners - afriad to go into . only i can kill the serpent. only i can break the back of satan.

teh key is, the good want to live and the evil want oblivion, and it is a struggle for dominance between the two.. in the end the rule is "no rest for the wicked." they are not allowed to sleep. they probably dont eat and i am sure there is no love making in heaven. no water either, just a dessicated hole, a salt mine, crawling with billions of lost and anquished souls serving out their life sentence for the crime of violating the creator himself.... an eternal life setence.


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