Friday, November 11, 2005

The answer to 'How?' is to let him remind you (125)

jon ramer, the temple priest and husband of tovallah herself, says, the answer to how is yes, but i call BS on him every chance I get. The answer to how is to let him show you, or to let him remind you.

chuang tzu, not lao tzu. i run into people who call themselves taoists, but how many of them could answer the KOAN, _Why did Jeff choose Chuang Tzu to do his reading in front of the kessai at Dai Bosatsu Zendo?_ Koan.

I wanna know what Eido Shimano Roshi has for an answer to that KOAN.

I fell in love with the person who wrote a book attributed to someone named Chuang Tzu, right at the time I was at the Zendo. No version of the Tao Te CHing has ever given me that "i want to play this song over and over" feeling that i got when i heard Bruce COckburn's live album that Neil set up Prince Rauven to give me on the day that i really gave Earl Green's glasses a real good scrubbing. But Chuang TZU, the only other spiritual books, if that's a good noun to use, that i enjoyed as much were the sermon on the mount according to vedanta, and lemme think,,,, how about One Straw Revolution. That's a work by an extremely sublime and yet almost gentler that a cow sage unparalleled among books I have read by anyone other than chunag tzu, i would say that, and so if these FEELING that i have that fukuoka was Chuang Tzu, and that this man might be someone that i might have an opportunity to meet and know, it's beyond anything i had ever hoped for.

walk on started playing on my lap top right after i walked ON the plane, i had no idea it was in there, i've never played a cd on this computer.. sooner or later it all gets real,,, walk on... yeah... what more perfect song to accidentally start playing..

see the sky about to rain... maybe this whole album pertains to now.


jacob sends occaisional e mails to a list, there was one in my box when i got to palmo's it's a cool picture/ interesting line at the bottom.

Greetings !!!!!!!

And Blessings !!!!!!!!!!!

Love and light !!!!!!!

Ciao meow

-- ��� -- ��� --

Jacob ¡ McKean

³ as the world gets smaller, the family gets bigger²


interesting, the family maybe just got bigger, and the way Jacob played with me is to send this little message that looks like the kind of thing that some people put on their e mail letterhead template so to speak,,, by i dont remember seing that before, and so OF COURSE he is subtly telling me he's officially in greendale now as a part of an ever enlarging audeince at the truman show.. or maybe not, but if roshi jacob is sitting in dokusan right now, i am offering the more or less correct solution to his the _as the world gets smaller, the family gets bigger_ Koan.. this solution came to me upon rereading the mail on my website, and then correcting a typo, and thinking of it as a KOAN for a split second.

jacob and i have a history of playing subtle KOAN games with one another and neil, like the _jeff noticed the jacob all trades/tribes pun before jacob did_ KOAN in order to put on a show that isaac has somehting different than what Jacob has. not better, but different, but BETTER when it comes to solving KOANS.

the _jeff meets jacob at the most OBVIOUSLY PERFECT POSSIBLE MOMENT at the String CHeese INcident_ Koan is one that ANYONE WHO EVER HEARD THE WHOLE STORY of the _jeff noticed the jacob all trades/tribes pun before jacob did_ Koan SHOULD REALLY HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SOLVE, but DOUBT is the enemy of every could-be or would-be KOAN answerer, and there are a lot of armchair KOAN answerers out there who are no better at solving KOANS than the average joe sixpack armchair football coach is at coaching a super bowl winning football team. IN other words, stupid people are really stupid, especially when they act as if they are smarter than a smart person, i think that's a little pet peeve of we intelligent RAWAT fathers, beginning with AWFAIRHALL.

speaking of AW FAIRHALL, i wanna answer the _why did AW Fairhall get upset at a friend who called to ask him to vote a certain way in an election?_ KOAN.

Lemme just say, I think my GRAND ol' DAD Saturn would probably be satisfied that I gave this as the answer - it's kind of like Jeff's reaction to how he was treated at the W hotel that night, but really, it's that whether he consciously thought about it this way or not, subliminally AW Fairhall was MORE intelligent, and therefore MORE QUALIFIED to make a good decision about how to vote, FOR THE SAKE OF THE IDIOT who thought he had somehting worth saying to my father about how to vote, than that idiot who insulted my father and wasted his time telling him how he should exercise HIS vote.




it's 5 am, about 4 hours of sleep, i've got something on my mind.

who would babysnowleopard love KOAN >?

or more specifically, WHO that i know in my life would be most likely to be a son of me and tVm (suggestion of mike TV not intended) Koan:

the person i would say would most likely represent an example of a son she and i might have who i know- and Mark (and her cousin) is a guess of someone i have not known in this life - but of any guy i know, and i hope he take this as a compliment, is Lane Raspberry.

this would certainly be a comment worth bringing to the Lane Rapberry dokusan.

here is another lane comment - he could be an example of the sort of son she would have will one in a billion Bill and the Holy Mother, even more than me, - more pure lover, not quite as in seach of intelligence itself.

i believe she would adore him if he were her son, and he is one that she would want to be incestuous with. and so would bill.

if "carling and edith" have one son and i have known him and looked in hiw eyes in the past 2.5 years, my first guess would be lane. in this sense, if in neil's mind it is possible that bill could have a son by any other green woman or palmo by any other man, he would say that i made an intelligent comment by saying in either case LANE would be a good candidate.

he's a COWBOY>>>> (shhhhhh...kinda like shhhhhhhhh....mike teevee...shhhhhh! but you have to think about the cowgil in the sand to get the KOAN's essential pun)

mike tv is a multi-meaning character who really does NOT represent a sinner, but rather represents a number of experiences that come later in the tour of the factory that i had had most of under the influence of amanita in the Fairmont Olympic that i wrote about. also mike teevee could relate to an experience i had one year ago.

mike teevee also refers to this very post in which i conclude that he refers to this experience of realizing LANE looks exactly like an example of a son that the goddess baby snowleopard might have with me, or even moreso with one in a billion bill.

chuangtzu fukuoka seems like a man who reminds me of gyatso la in a sense as a person i have a sense of but whom i have never met would have been a good candidate to have been the FATHER of baby snowleopard.

perhaps the only reader of my ads, the only male person who knew me as a result of my ads, to step forward in my life in a way that was entirely voluntary as far as he was concerned, entirely of his own volition, and entirely pleasant, and who never backed off for any reason was lane. (d YOungs is programmed to contact me and say exact specific things, like "Vampire and PURPLE CAPE, and DODGE BULLETS, and BOTTLECK, etc.

lane is the only person who may have appeared in my life because of a wish to be someone who i would point out as a lover of the godess.

if nina and i had a son, he would be more like daniel than lane.

lane is so much more a bill plus palmo son

ans daniel is much more a jeff plus nina son.

the alan kapular koan continues:

what i am doing is manifesting "mushroom wisdom" regarding the possible understanding and potential mapping of kinship of human beings who will ulimately become rawats if they are not already

i got deeply into this kind of thought right around the time i made a big deal about doing this with respect to alan kapular, even though what i had done was to use him as an example of doing with him what he does with plants... "Mushroom wisdom."

Kapular koan answer as bible code key words: mushroom wisdom plant kindoms family kapular howearth nabhan

i hope Roshi Kapular can appreciate this picture.

fukuoka / chuang tzu is really a picture of a son that rada and her son might have. chuang tzu / fukuoka could be a son of me and palmo. he's so sublime as a man, like Lane, but also with the messianic quality of DANIEL.

daniel must have had some inklings in his life to potentially being daniel or a messianic sort of personage of one kind or anthoer.

if the tribe that daniel is in includes LANE RASPBERRY

then the answer to the joseph cloak of many colors koan might be -

Joseph's own children are my own special tribe and the first generation may well have descended from daniel entirely, that he was an important son, and Lane may be one of his, along with free.

so here it is:

issac is the father of jacob in the worldly sense, jacob is the father in turn of Isaac as Joeseph, (jacobi's mom may have been the mother, if not then edith fairhall is a guess as to the mother of jacob's sons. ( i recall that he had two wives, but i havent puzzled much on jacob as a historical character, i have more to go on having met him in this life for a few minutes as opposed to reading about him in a book that isnt necesariy there to inform me about jacob's personality, just like the Green family bios are MOSTLY, but NOT ENTIRELY USELESS to me, i GOT SEA GREEN after i read he bio, but maybe she was the only one. other than the WHOLE LYNCH PIN of my comprehension of the Green family roman pntheon came about by going deep enough into the family tree BIOS far enough to learn that "Jay Green" was AW FAIRHALL AND therefore SATURN , the first father in the Green Temple, by noticing that his middle name is CARLING....

the whole Green Patheon was an easy KOAN to solve at that point. I just need to go to the BIO for Jay Green on the family tree page of the Greendale section of now lemme tell you about this one painting of Earl Greens that kind of reminded me of what its like to eat a ton of psilocybin and syrian rue and just do the Mckenna heroic dose of psilocybin thing of enduring the entire trip in a dark sense deprived environment,,, those REALLY PSYCHEDELIC paintings that are depictions of the weirdness that he has been dealing with for HOW MANY YEARS, 37 YEARS WAS IT Earl? the period of his present incarnation when he has been the one who has had to endure being fried in the ether world by the pharmaceutical poisons of joe Whinney Kierkegaard whose purpose in turning the human race into pharmaceutical eating agents of his terrible conspiracies... anwway thats how we broke the Greendale code. the obvious association in my mind between my father, who was born and was buried in a little town in north ontario, and was buried there after a life of "dreams comfort memory despair " in knowing more than he really might have wanted to know about human life, called Port, and the word PORT is a major KOAN CLUE as well, CARLING>!!!


joseph has a single son by palmo who is daniel,

daniel then becomes the jacob, in a sense, of the joseph tribe

and then there are descendants of daniel who very well could be twleve subtribes of 1000, one of which could be the subtribe of joseph campbell, the allegory collector.

i have no idea if joseph had one or many sons, but i do like the idea that he was me, that daniel could have been his only son and that daniel is the jacob of a tribe of shaman types who could include as one band of 1000 people who write stories about the shamanic journey.

mckenna could SURELY be a son of joseph, he could possibly have been joseph, and he could easily be a brother of joseph campbell as a son of daniel the son of joseph. ditto arthur.

the knights of the round table or even the twleve disciples could have originally incarnated as the sons of joseph or of daniel.

Mushroom wisdom. just thinking like a mushroom named P. Kapular if you get the picture.

i certainly like the idea that i could have been both the father and the son of jacob, and that joseph could be both myself and my grandson, and that daniel could have been a favorite son of his, and that daniel could haVE played the role of a jacob of sweet boys with particularly shamanic tendencies.

i have virtually no doubt that daniel is daniel and his friend benjamin is someone who was buddies with daniel when daniel was daniel.

i so wanted to name my own autobiographical self "daniel" and nothing else.

daniel must be my son in some way that no one else could be, as a son of my earliest incarnation as a son of jacob, which surely is joseph. perhaps this is something not evident as possible in the torah, but that neil understands in a way that makes sense.

i sense that the feelings i have for daniel could be feelings that both prem rawat and neil would agree are similar to their own for me.

not sure the best place to insert this parathetical comment, but i want to note that somewhere in this vicinity i am talking about Joseph Campbell and his status as a potentially important member of which ever tribe of Jacob's descendants includes JOSEPH> but i do not believe that campbell was joseph, but he certainly is someone capable of articulating an understanding of who joseph was, perhaps the honorary leader of the tribe whose real founder was Isaac, the CHrist as Joseph, he's the regent of Joseph's own tribe of the trippiest of the trippy, the 1000 men who include Tolkein and Roald Dahl.

the thought of arius seeing in me what i saw in daniel, and having similar feelings for me in the moment of seeing me at his residence that i had for daniel when he came by my burning man residence to visit... ummm... it's a strong feeling.. when guru maharaj ji used to say "the LOVE OF ALL THE LOVES, the KNOWLEDGE of all the KNOWLEDGES" he is saying that the Love that Arius has for a son, or that one of his sons has in turn for his own is the strongest love.

the glans/heart is the part of the body that is most sesitive in a way that this next sentence describes:

when the glans is awake,you can "feel your fingerprint" when you touch the awakened glans penis and or move your fingers across it in certain ways, you can really FEEL the ontour lines, so to speak of the fingertips that are associated with finger prints.. there is no other part of the male human body that is this sensitive to vibration, other than the finger tips themselves, which is what i am talking about in some sense.

see, i am the christ because i am a formerly alcoholic man who has fully recovered from that affliction and whose glans is more or less fully awakened.

this discussion is of sublime men:

me, jacob, earl and grandpa, jed and one in a billion bill, plus mushroom, kapular, wheely to a lesser extent, nabhan, daniel and lane and really evert fits in here too, and gabriel howearth and fukuoka and chuang tzu

all men who might be descended from one or another incarnation of a woman who likes the idea as a girl of milking a cow.

i feel that there probably are some men in this world who dont come as a part of the package, who are visitors from another Temple helping out and just coming along for the ride.

of course the more of the people i admire the most the happier i will be, i cannot help but believe that the "anandas" like Yogananda and Mahatma Gurucharnanand, possibly anyone Guru Maharaj ji named as a Mahatma, might be men who are sons of arius who are not part of the package that willie wonka is about to turn over to me.

the brilliant and MANY sons of Prince Rauven stay, as do earl carling and hill, and all of the rawats in greendale, and maybe there is no one i have ever really gotten to know with gurucharnanand being the closest i ever got, who falls into this catgory. i see Yogananda as being a son of Arius equal to me, and he may just be the one who was given to me to see this.

i am very interested in Mahatma Pardarthanand and his impressions, his observations made to Arius if any were made or even instructions regarding his encounter with me as the only initiator who i ever asked for knowledge from, if i remember correctly, other than candy mcnary who revealed the techniques to me.

I dare to say that i believe i was more ready to receive Knowledge when I asked pardarthanand, who refused, than most aspirants ever were. i didnt care. i almost didnt want to ask for knowledge at all, i just wanted to feel like i would be seen by the Master as worthy.


the "who is greg steltenpohl?" koan.

i'll take a shot: he's a really cool and trippy psychedelic israelite like me in some important ways, but not nearly as pure and intelligent, but with similar urges particularly with respect to business and money, who was also messed with by the husband of tovallah ramer, and who just didnt have what it took to see that one of the worst liars in teh world, the RIddler, was just there pretending to care about what greg genuinely cares about, to position himself strategically as a person in MY life, so he could make use of my temple in a way i would approve of and to try to stop me from being the christ,,,

greg steltenpohl would be most welcome to participate with me and Tom Greco and Sergio and our friends, who all know of him, in creating a NEW and intelligent money system, instead of tinkering delicately around the edges of a complete sham of one, and hopefully i am correct that he will get it once the riddler is not telling him lies about me, but has been tossed into whatever salt mine he is going to be tossed into.

greg steltenpohl is not babylon, he just had a babylonian liar mess with him for reasons having to do with himself being the temple priest who lobbied the Bablyonian Jews or Jerusalem against the christ.


what is the answer to the glorietta clover milk dairy KOAN?

- this is a good one, i think i will explain the whole thing when i have more time than i do now, but the lid of the gallon in the cowgirl in the sand's fridge - which is the brand i usggested as a SECOND CHOICE since organic valley is not easily available around here - has something really interesting printed on the top.

let me first say that if ever there was a famous Zen KOAN, one in the series of KOANS that are known by Eido ROshi to be the set of koans associated with the Rinzai Zen lineage that he is a member of as the sstudent of Soen Roshi, that Arius was secretly the author of, then i would like to be in DOkusan right now with Eido ROshi sitting at, shall we say the right hand of Lord Krishna, with Neil Young sitting behind me and Adida sitting at the left hand, and if Prince Rauven or His Holiness the Dalai Lama, or George of Organic Valley or Frank Short or Fred Krschenmann or any of the WALLCE STEGNER / Lets "Gary Paul" Nabthehen Tribe that includes Wendell Barry, and throw Bonnie Prince Charlie into the mix, and SWAMI Prabhupad and Mahatma Gurucharnanand, or the President of the Washington Dairymens Association or anyone else who is interested in what I have had to say about Mark Retzloff, if any or all of those people could position themselves in the DOkusan Room that I am imagining myself to be in with at minimum, the four i mentioned first, Franklin "Bubba Free John" Jones, Eido Shiman Roshi, Arius and Earl Green,

I have something I would like to offer appropos the Koan Mu and following are my comments. after waking up this morning i went to make tea for tVm and i noticed the words on the cap of the plastic gallon milk bottle... appropos of these words

1) I believe that Arius may be the de facto inventor of the Mu Koan.

2) I believe that my seeing the words "I Moo therefore I am" on the lid of the bottle of Glorietta Clover brand of milk that is in Palmo's fridge at this moment - specifically, the variety in the gallon bottle that is NOT labeled as organic, but nevertheless says something about not having rBGHs apparantly because the cow-loving rada mothering but _not quite as perfect as her daughter_ (i got _this practice_ in typing as a way of suggesting a long hyphenated word from Leonardo Wild) mother of Palmo, Dolma La (who, btw, is honored as the only one of two people I can think of right now that I EVER wanted a product of mine to be explicitly named after, the other being "Sweet Perrin" Teal - Sullivan, and now that i think of it JQ Adam's son THEO is the third, though the name of the product preceeded my KNOWING the name of Adam's son who I am sure will somehow remind me a bit of a boy that I met at teh string cheese incident named Sol, and I must admit at this juncture that it occurs to me that this poposed answer to the MU Koan is also addressing what Neil might call the "_McKenna reference to Finnegan's wake, and Jeff's appreciation in that moment of McKenna's supreme intelligence which took another step higher in that moment, which no doubt Terence will soon be explaining much to the delight of James Joyce if perchance he happens to have been the author of Finnegan's wake and if so probably helped Terence, Neil, Arius and perhaps one or two others, with the idea of his namesake KOAN_ KOAN (thanks Leonardo, who probably worked on the _JEFF COPIES LEONARDO IN A VERY PECULIAR WAY AND MAKES A BIT OF A FOOL OF HIMSELF, but then really gets something _worth while_ out of the experience_ KOAN, which Leonardo could easily explain I have no doubt, if by ANY CHANCE he is present which it brings a warm glow to my face to imagine that he is- I must admit if JOE WHINNEY CAME UP WITH THEO as a brand name for my chocolate company's chocolate, then I dare say I got my money's worth no matter HOW much collateral damage had to occur, that name is genius, whoever came up with it, (Neil, is THEO in the Bible COde such that Joe IS OR IS NOT to be credited for that name? and please, I am not sure I will accept "MU" as the answer to this KOAN, thanks), bought the nonorganic variety of this brand of milk (that i inherently trust more than Horizon to care for their cows) intending to buy exactly the milk that Palmo directed her to purchse which was the look alike organic, the mistake being an honest onfusion between two products, organic and non, but the intention on the part of ALL THREE of us was to BUY THE MOST COW FRIENDLY MILK AVAILABLE, which is why - and I believe Arius is following the exact jist of all that I am saying with this MU answer - I will probably NOT dump the non-organic Glorietta CLOVER milk down the drain like I did the Horizon Organic COW_MATRIX Milk, because something tells me that the machine elves kind of lined this whole scenario of _the noticing of the words on the milk cap in palmo's fridge Incident _ (think String Cheese Incident) while having been meditating on the likes of GABRIEL HOWEARTH, Mushroom Kapular, CHaung Tzu and Masanobu Fukuoka upon falling asleep and waking up wondering HOW TO SERVE my MILK MAID GODESS, daughter of a mother who is perfectly suited to be the mother of a milk maid godess who HAS TO HAVE A MOTHER, and by definition it will be a mother who is LESS PERFECT than she is EVEN THOUGH she is nevertheless a really fantastically loving and yet not oedipus inducing motherly mother par excellence, with just a few blinders, probably deliberately installed, that have kept her from appreciating what a GOOD THING it is that I love her daughter, and seeing the words "I MU therefore I am," and

sorry to break a sentence into two paragraphs, but dammit if they can divide New York City into FIVE COUNTIES, then I can divide this sentence into peices for the sake of humoring a guy named Joyce and another named Terence, all the while putting a nice smile, Mona Lisaesque or better on the face of my Supremely good Master and his son my other father, the one whose glancing slightly DOWNWARD right now in order that his conveniently devilish looking BROW can conceal the delightfully DEVILISH look in his beautiful eyes, and I hope that the Mayor of new york, the billionairish guy who because he is a billionairish guy I know is likely to be aware of my website, is getting a kick out the Christ's answer to the MU KOAN that he thinks was really invented by LORD KRISHNA who may be laughing right along with him, really what I am driving at is that I have a few words that I would like to submit to Arias and Neil and Steve Hartman and Roger Wexler and Wendell Berry, and George of Organic Valley abd the other George associated with another VALLEY called FORGE aand Freaking Mightily Awesome giant of a man Fred Kirschenmann, and a whole bunch of other people who I cannot just dismiss under one umbrella such a calling them a bunch of other awesomely good and intelligent people without mentioning one whose name suggests that my own admiration and curiously strong desire to know, Michael Abelman, yes I have a few words for all of you, and anyone else who ever practiced the MU koan and could appreciate what is happening in this moment in time is this, here is my VERY BEST POSSIBLE ANSWER that I could think of right now for the MU Koan, assuming that Arius had something important to do with its invention, and I just want to emphasize once again that I am talking here about an offer of an ANSWER of an important KOAN made by an HONEST student of Zen Buddhism to a bunch of KOAN inventors who I believe strongly and with complete conviction are ALL OF THEM completely honest male human beings who any one of them would be worthy in my eyes to be in chnarge of running any aspect of life on earth that they were so inclined to run, such as lets just say, being in an advisory capacity to AUNT SEA in her capacity, if I have anything to do with it, as Minster of Logistics for any healthy and happy human race that I had anything to do with if I could be the one who could decide who was most qualified for the job, yes, to these Roshis and their friends and to my Lord and Father Lord Krishna, Brahma and or Arius I offer this as my answer to MU:

"Daddy, did I do the right thing by deciding that you would be pleased with me if I used the non-organic Glorietta Clover milk in my precious sweet Mommy's refrigerator, even though I dumped down the drain all of the Horizon milk that she had last time and replaced it with the milk that I could find that I believed sincerely was probably the milk that YOU would most approve of me buying for my mother, your consort "Nurse Rada," which was the Organic variety of the milk that I used in her tea today for lack of any organic milk, which I actually suspect is MORE LIKE ORGANIC VALLEY MILK, even in its non organic variety, than Horizon Organic milk ever even intended to be, at least in the eyes of a not a fascist rule-making and following, or a David Ickeish "problem answer solution" sort of a milky thinker, but a Cow-inventing and Loving Deity named Lord Krishna and Arius and Guru Maharaj ji, and even named , in the minds of some who may have included at ome time a guy named Mark Retzloff, the other name for my father other than "God" that I like the least ( along with the ones that sort of refer to MR the Beast, like Yahweh) this one being "Goo Maraji,"

yes if ever there was a moment when I might even address my father, whom I most like to refer to as Arius, as Goo Maraji, just in case I wanted to insure beyond the shadow of a doubt, this is it,,, but for now I think I will address my father by the Name of Lord Krishna and say the following to him as my recognized Roshi of the moment;

Lord Krishna, my proposed solution to the MU KOAN is as follows:

Given that the words "I Moo therefore I am" appeared byefore my eyes in the manner I have just described, as the first written words I set my eyes upon this morning when I got up to make tea with milk and white sugar for my sweet honey and yours, the sweetest _tele-tubbie cowgirl in the sand, cinnamon girl of a child-like goddess_any father could have invented to be the mother of his son, while I was clearly in a mode of trying to finalize my MU solution for YOU,

I hope you think I am on the right track by thinking its OK to use the non-organic Glorietta-Clover milk in Baby Snowleopard's tea, and mine, this morning.

There is my proposed solution for MU, that I offer first to Prem Rawat, Lord Krishna, and second to Eido SHimano Roshi and third to Franklin "Adida" Jones, should either Prem Rawat and or Eido Shimano Roshi agree with me that Adida would indeed make a worthy person to make up a triumvirate of Roshis to qualified to consider the merits of my proposed KOAN solution.

And as soon as the MC of this Truman Show, Mr Neil Rawat thinks it appropriate, I would like to request that Terence McKenna and whoever the bearer of the _Finnegan's Wake Glass Bead (KOAN/GIFT) is, if he is present, would comment in whatever way they see fit regarding their own impressions of my MU solution, and if Herman Hesse or Mushroom, or Wendell or Fred K or George want to chime in, or Bonnie CHarlie, or anyone like Steve Hartman, or Frank Short or anyone present who is of a similar disposition regarding matters pertaining to the dairy cow and how it is treated, I;d like all those people to get in whatever sort of line, hopefully based on the same sort of merit, in a relative way of being a measuarable thing that would qualify its maximum posessor to express himself first, the merit I refer to which just might be implied by the words of the "Dairy of Merit" sign that I have seen all over this State's dairyland, perhaps a phrase meaning that they treat their cows with whatever minimum degree of FREAKING decency so as to even EXIST as a potentially meritous human being in a universe invented by a man who not only loves and appreciates the COW but invented her for the purpose of providing nurturance to his own family. Thank you to all involved, my father Arius Lord Krishna, Goo Maraji, yes that guy with the company called RAINBOW once packed full of people who cared about things like cows, if they ever thought about it, and a few who really didnt give a damn about cows and such things, first and foremost for giving deepest consideration to my proposed answer to MU:

Joshu's student asked his master: "Does a dog have Buddha Nature or not."

Joshu replied "Mu."

As a student of Arius of ALexandria, the most obviously intelligent incarnation of Lord Krishna, and Eido Shimano Roshi of the New York Zen Studies Society, I offer my two Zen Masters and their cohorts in their upcoming _MU answer contemplation_, this most succinct possible, and completely sincere proposed solution to MU that I can come up with at this time, 9:42 AM Tuesday November 9, 2005, while sitting at a round unstable table in the CanVas Cafe at the corner of Lincoln and 9th in San Francisco in what is presently called the State of Californea in the USA. It is contained entirely inteh following paragraph:

The cow Moos, therefore she is, and she is sublimely generous and lovable, therefore she is worthy of care, appreciation, the best life she can be afforded by the human beings whom she devotes her life and to whom she provides a completely selfless gift with complete willingness, and as such as a LIVING GIVING AND LOVING BEING should be worshiped (by a sort of absolute LAW that Arius, Neil Young and I will define having to do with goodness, honesty, justice, and plain old giving due respect when due respect is due) in particular by women, and the women who worship and milk the cow should be worshiped loved and appreciated by their fathers, sons, brothers, uncles and cousins.

End of MU solution.,


mark retzloff, are you the inventor of the COW MATRIX????

If so, I am very anxious to see what happens to you as a result of your being busted by Lord Krishna and his son, Jeff Faith Rawat (friend and brother of Remedy Weil Rawat), the one person who knew most strongly through pure intuition that your so called Organic Milk is to the almighty Creator of the Universe that you inhabit and the inventor of the MILK COW that you plugged into your worthless paper money making Matrix of suffering inflicted on an animal so unworthy of ever having to have you come near them with your personal selfish and absolutely evil and wrong-headed objectives being the ONLY reason for this.

If there is a Satan equivalent in the Dairy Universe, surely it is mark Retzloff.

and i LOVE my family and every member of it and everything about it without even the tiniest exception.


i wrote that, and then my computer seized up, which it never has done before, and when i rebooted i checked my e mail and found a friendly note from ross saying he wants to get together today... i wont be able to find out til i see him what his answer to my psilocybin query is before I have a more clear answer to the ross kling koan, but right now i would say he's in the same camp with penguin, people who might appear to me as babylonian jews who may actually be cops. i dont feel like i NEED to solve the ross KOAN, but i want to .. because he perplexex me, unlike, say, ramer, i'm inclined to think he's got a particular "Plutonic" sort of a glass bead, and maybe herman hesse could get a sense of what i mean by that. S

the further things progress, the more inclined i am to trust ross, and whether ot not he is not an enemy of the rawat family i will never owe him any apologies for the things i have said about him.

in fact i can insult anyone on earth with accuations about being opposed to me family with impunity, because either its true OR they will appreciate me doing it, even if it stings in the moment.

palmo is coming home during her lunch break but it numb from anaesthesia practice.

speaking of cows and milk, does anyone think there might be an easy KOAN that would be a good one for a young girl to ponder:

why did tsering palmo dakchang, the reincarnation of the virgin mary, choose dentistry of all things to study as a career, one other person whose comment I would appreciate on this matter, besides my two rawat fathers is of course my sister Nina, who was Mary Baker Eddy, whose views on Dentistry were, if i remember correctly not entirely consistent with her views on allopathic medicine.

corrollary koan to this one is "why did jeff try to talk Palmo out of studying medicine, but support her choice to study dentistry?"


the two bills koan cont. - bill and bill could be twin brother or just some old friends, but i am just going to imagine for a moment that they are father and son, billionaire bill being the son of one in a billion bill - if the latter were true, then aunt sue would be my guess as to his mom.

sue and bill could have some cool intelligent and honest kids together,

bill is literally one in a billion as just a guy being whatever a guy is, bill is just your generic one in a billion intelligent and therefore good guy... and susan, aunt sea, holds this same sort of one in a billion-ness, with respect to women and intelligence. susan's got brains.

i wonder if paul allen is also israel, as i am now 100% convinced bill gates and his whole family are. allen is as well probably but the difference i see is allen is into owning sports teams and gates at least appears more genuinely interested in spending his money thoughtfully, even if his obsession with vaccinations and other band aid olutions doesnt resonate with me personally... its possible he is also working as an agent of satan through the darth vadar connection, and this is why his money goes to support a pharmaceutical solution,


the female orgasm koan, part 1,

there are two rawat women who i have been lovers with so far, as far as i can see, in this lifetime, aunt sue and baby snowleopard.

both are wonderful lovers but with one huge difrence... palmo never has orgasm when we make love, no matter how good i am as her lover,

and susan almost always did, and ofter before i was really ready to stop, it was a bit of a role reveral situation.

i believe that as the perfect woman, palmo will experiene orgasm, whatever it is for a woman, when i am finally perfected, which as of this moment i am not. she came pretty close today during our nooner, which i assume was watched as part of today's episode of the truman show... i have got no more secrets to conceal...

i believe that susan, once relieved of the suffering that she has experienced as an intelligent but child like woman in a world in which neither intelligence nor childlikeness are appreciated or valued as qualities in a woman, she will be able to better withstand the pleasure of loving making and will move more in the direction of palmo with respect to the orgasm experience.

i am getting TONS of whistler pictures. from the raods and streets, to certain places on the mountain where i have skiied, the last picture as i am typing this at 1:03 pm is of the area around creekside, like the road juction at creekside.

if i were president, my second home like bush's in Crawford or his dad's in kennebunkport Me. or nixon's in san clemente would be at whistler, i bet every president has had the second home of his dreams. monticello, mt vernon, well mine is at whistler, and its got a door like an O, maybe two such doors or doorways, just to make is all the more a rancho for the sake of Greendale...


here is the latest e mail from someone i would expect to be showing up at the truman show at some point, jeff smith, the "geonomist" who Tom Greco introduced me to, a really brilliant justice minded guy who, like Tom, is the world's leading expert on the ideas of a man who himself had brilliant ideas about money sovereignty and justice, in Tom's case its Reigel, with Jeff its henry george..

i recognized immediately that jeff was onto something, and we became friends, he called me a few weeks ago while in town, i was away, but maybe now he is sending this, really, so that i would mention him, because he is certainly one of the most interesting people ihave gotten to know in the time since i was interested in money, who i have never yet mentioned.

Jeff is certainly a part of the team of people who work on matters of taxation.

his thesis is that use of the COMMONS, the things that we have all been given an equal claim to as men created equally as the children of the same living father deity,, the air, water, the stability of the natural systems overall, land being paramount, is the ONLY thing that should be taxed. you will hear more frmo me about jeffrey smith the geonomist, and you will be hearing more from him about Henry George who apparantly had the largest funeral service in the history of new york city, something like 100,000 people showed up.

well Jeff just might be the reincarnation of that guy henry george, or then again henry george could have been goerge or william henry, but the point is Jeff has really wrapped his mind around some good sound pro justice Israelite thinking, and has something important to contribute,, also he is one person who could listen with little to no anxiety to me talk about my life.

Jeff is like Icke in some respects, and you all know that "I like Icke"

so welcome Jeffrey Smith if perchance his e mail is just something that was sent out to get me to say something about him. here is his e mail to me, just a mass e mailing, or so it appears...

Dear and curious friends;

Belated merry equinox. This world works in wondrous ways. Did you know …

Most terrorist attacks are not religious but all are for land?
Warren Buffett said finance economists teach the earth is flat?
William F. Buckley praised Henry George, 19th c economist who urged
taxing land?
FEMA, near bankrupt by hurricanes, recommended ending the subsidy to
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson urged sharing the state’s oil surplus
with residents?
The Fed of Boston criticized the official US unemployment data as false?
Over half of us react to allergens and asthma is up 74% over 30 years?
Hawaii is capturing some sky-high site values for the public?
That China, who’s supposed to inherit this century, has 1000s of riots?
That worldwide, it seems the values of land under homes is leveling?
The medium income buys less than two-thirds of the median house?
The saving rate is headed negative, where it was last in the Great

Read all about it and more in the autumn issue of The Geonomist at

Tell a friend, even a list of them.

Let me know if you want a hard copy, complete with the popular cartoons.

Please forward. Sorry for any duplicate posts. To avoid this
announcement in the future, please reply with the same heading but with
the word “remove” prominently in the body. Thanks.

SMITH, Jeffery J., President, Forum on Geonomics
3604 SE Morrison St, Portland Oregon 97214 USA
Share Earth's worth to prosper and conserve.

if rather than just giving me all of what he knows about how things work best in these worlds inhabited by honest human beings called the Kingdom of Arius's many sons and their Heavens, perhaps he will just offer the minimum coaching in order to have the pleasure of watching someone live a life much as would have,

and so we will need to puzzle on taxation... i've already come up with something: taxation of a quantifiable lack of fully realized intelligence below some par baseline - the stupidity tax.

and speaking of "stupidity," William "it's the economy stupid" Jefferson CLinton, President Clinton's proposition of a BTU Tax is one that I know my father saturn, Aw Fairhall would be expecially appreciative of that one.

And then Henry George, through Jeffrey "Jeff thinks middle name is Henry George" Smith , comes to me with the idea of taxing any use of the commons proportion to the effective impact upon the overall worth of the commons. The sunlight striking the surface of planet Earth, for example, belongs to everyone equally in theory, so if someone is going to harness it and turn it into electricity and then sell this electricity, then they should pay a tax to society, ditto anyone who puts up wind turbines. These are resources that have a rightful owner, and that is either the King of the Kingdom of Heaven or everyone equally/

Polluting the air would be an act of diminishing the value of the commons and so the benefit of doing that should be the cause of taxation.

The "Matfield Green" KOAN's solution:

Yeah you're right Neil, Wes Jackson would be a great person to have in that taxation ministry. With what he tried to accomplish at Matfield Green and the Sunshine Farm I agree with you, he's shown himself to posess the kind of mind I would want to bring into that discussion, along with his buddies Fred K and Wendell. (And Dana Jackson will have an important role to play in whatever realm is most dear to her heart, and I hope she remembers who it was in her life that is saying this about her today.) she came out of the blue and sat down with an interest in knowing me more comfortably than just about anyone in my life. as if she knew me.

i believe strongly that i KNOW how arius thinks regarding the matters that i imagine Henry George and Reigel say to the world, quite possible at his secret behest as glass bead game characters!

so moving from economic and true social justice back to Herr Herman Hesse for just a sec, i dare say i was lead to the following little epiphany DELIERATELY by the "Jeffrey Smith Email KOAN" which i sure as heck would sugest to me the following:

I am now sitting on a large blus cushion in a Sweet little DOkusan room perhaps with a nice red persian carpet with an assemblage of wise Zen masters who include the following, Arius, and in his place of honor at the right hand of my father is Herman Hesse, author of The Glass Bead Game, his truly most important of novels, most or all of which I've read, Franklin Jones, Eido Shimano Roshi, Neil Rawat, and a peanut gallery that I can image countless heads bobbing and swaying trying to get a wee peek of this one, but if one other person has a ringside seat, I would hope it's be Tom Greco (who i'd love to say was Reigel) and of course there is Jeffrey SMith taking the honorary left hand of the Master Roshi SUpreme Mr Prem Rawat... OK there is the setting and the dokusan session's begun, and mr Hesse your about to have the TOP BLOWN OFF one of your own geatest secrets.

What I am doing at this moment will most surely be regarded by a certain Mr Tolkein author of allegory unparalelled, as equal to or even exceeding the amazing comprehension that I attained of his super story and its main bad character.

Ok So now Mr Hesse and Mr Smith do prepare, by taking a few deep breaths and lets all just sit still for just a sec.

OK, so how I am going to just give what I think is the solution to the _What does Jeffrey Smith have to do with Herman Hesse's Glass Bead Game?_ KOAN"

Arius and Neal and Herman Hesse could conceivably be the only three people who've ever figured out the answer to this KOAN themslelves without even being asked it and puzzled on it for more than one minute, because as soon as i put that one plus one together I could see a very clear "two." "tVm has a wonderful one too." (there's just a little KOAN for you all, while you wait for me to write my soution to the jeffrey smith glass bead game KOAN, which i am very proud of what i am going to offer as a possible solution to.

OK, so it's easy, i really kind of feel like i KNOW something... that Jeffrey Smith REALLY IS the reincarnation of Henry George. and I can use the glass bead game as the right allegory with which to explain this one of many thousands of fine details that get explained in the JC1000 tribe of allegories by shaminic writers... why?

Playing the role of Henry George is to have selected, as one of the Zen Masters who play The Glass Bead Game, its a role that is available to play for anyone who is sufficiently profound. Jeffrey Smith likes Henry George's ideas, they are the ideas that he naturally would be the ONE out of billions who would have come up with that idea.

I am to Arius, I become Arias, as Jeffrey Smith is to Henry George.

I am CHrist, I live certain lives having certain events - abel, issac, jesus, solomon, arthur, jefferson, maybe gandhi, including this last life as Jeff, I dont have a glass bead thing to do that is as extreme as being killed by my brother or crucified, just certain things have to happen, maybe the chocolate factory and joe whinney being one, or one of a few menu items to choose from as the setting for the final battle with satan.

you could almost say that these SERIES of lifetimes is ONE glass bead in some sense, its an identity in the sperm dream saga.

Gurdjieff - Yosamian is a series of incarnations,

So is Cain- IShmael

SO are all of the roles that people play, including Henry George - Jeffrey SMith,

or John Lennon Valdamir Lennon and even Vlad's cameo together make up parts of the story as a single character.

For example, Neil in his role could have lifetimes that include someone like say Henry Ford.

OH AND i didnt think to say it until now but "I like IKE" is a KOAN, the answer which is, "yes Jeff does like both one and the same I(c)kes" and the reference to subchapter (c) of the famous 501 (c) 3 non profit status makes it all the more cute!!!!

Herman Hesse could have a role, for example, in which he plays a guy who works in a hotel in Seattle called the Sorrento, in which the Christ is a guest and sort of has an ephinany about the Glass Bead Game as a result of a conversation with the AUTHOR HIMSELF in that lobby of the sorrento.

So there's my um, little um, idea of many how to provide an answer to the "Jeffrey Smith e mail Glass Bead Game connection" KOAN. you guys like it?

OH now maybe one of the youngest least experienced aspiring KOAN answerers in the audience should wrestle with this KOAN?

What's up with the guy with the Herman Hesse books who told Jeff quite enthusiaistically that he had read mckenna at Jeff's urging, who keeps showing up in that Hotel SOrrento, when Jeff needs someone, anyone, to hear his understandings about things that Herman Hesse would have held so dear?


, i am just living the life that I live accidentally so to speak, being JEFF because i like the name, and my name is significant, my life is significant, but i was not famous, and my name could have been whatever, i CHOSE my name, lets say.

you got it? are we ready? OK, now before we go, i wanna give everyone who knows more about what teh glass bead game now, in this moment that they understood a week ago before I explained the basic idea of what a "glass bead" is, to see if you cant come up with a quick answer to the question posed by this KOAN.

and i am sort of in the moment when the KOAN is OK what's next neil?, and i will listen for it and it has to do with the word boddhisattva and yale lewis

It's the WHy did Yale Lewis dub Jeff "Bodhisattva?" KOAN:

and there is another one like it:

Why did a guy that Jeff went to elementary school with named CHarlie Sliwoski, which Jeff seems to recall was his classmade in a time when he was really finding Allison Hirabayashi to be a really sweet teletubbie sort that he likes to this day, why did CHarlie SLiwoski revise the song by Woodie Guthrie that goes "This land was made for you and me" and chnage "you and me" to "Nefferzee" (his nickname for Jeff) and get the whole class to sing This land was made for Nefferzee?" That's a story that is a KOAN.

i guess Neil thought it would be worth mentioning that the guy i am now quite confident in saying was Merriwether Lewis, whom I sent off on a little trip through Pocatello Idaho about two centuries ago as Jefferson, decided that I should be called "Bodhsattva?"

That's one I want to hear Yale explain to me, really soon. I love you Yale. YOu rock. I wanna celebrate with you when we're all singing DING DONG THE WICKED WITCHES ARE ALL DEAD< INCLUDING MIMI STONE ONE OF THE UGLIEST ptarmigan like witches I ever knew!!!

We got some story telling to do toghter, me and Yale... i wanna get going on that one soon.

and if charlie and allison are there already AWESOME>.CHarlie, i wanna see if ny friend GERALD BLYCKER can beat you in the 30 yard dash, and if neither CHarlie or gerald is there then Neil will explain, but if EITHER charlie ofr Gerald is there, either one can solve that KOAN alone unaided;

AND IF MARION SMITH AND TOM SEOH (ANOTHER NAME I AT LEAST TRIED to remember how to spell, dang! I guess im just a dang good puppet,,,) are sitting out there together, I just want you to both know that i could not have imagined that you would not BOTH have been a part of my nation, along with two others named SMITH
i learned alittle hit about something called RESPECT from David Smith my eight grade math teacher, and if any other teacher is out there, the one that comes to mind in this moment (oops Mrs. "Dahl" my first grade teacher just came to mind and butted in, but BILL MILLER in spite of whatever controversy he might have gotten into like the church with its exposed sores, but BILL MILLER you never dropped an inch in MY EYES, i know you are a good man, if your out there just be proud. i hope you got a seat somewhere near THUMPER, RUPERT<< BRAD and BILLION DOLLAR and ONE IN A BILLION BILLS, speaking of three great BILLS who all seem to me of one family, I dunno, it just seems.

well neil knows that there are some other teacher types i am hoping are there, they include the richardsons, and of course friend gerald he's so fair, a camelot type in my humble O pinion, and Kristin and that really awesome guy named KENT , but not only KENT but all of those others of a tribe that kent does in my mind REPRESENT

i am talking about the teachers like KENT and Gerald and Bill, great women teachers too, but right now i am mostly focused just on the men,

there's a kid with a farm school vision up arlington way he';s one too, these are just people who want to teach the kids how to be happy like them too.

i mean look at it, KENT and Gerald and BILL just to use those three as really excellent examples are people WHO ARE HAPPY first and foremost, and they are happy because they are good, and they really actually therefore having something to teach.. i want to be with these three and others like Leonardo wild's parents and Rudolph carmichael stiener and arius for sure, to talk about how we can proceed in about one month to create schools that are even worth calling schools and not adulthood preparatory institutions of childhood debasement.

and david wefferling is going to be a part of that too, if he is willling.

the people that i regard MOST HIGHLY in this world in terms of what they have created as a place for children to come and have a worthwhile experience of their childhood, especially considering the nearly non existent financial resources that they have had at their disposal, are HANDS DOWN NO ONE ELSE even comes close are the parents of Leonardo Wild who I have never even met,,,, Let us begin to plan a trip to ecuador to make a pilgrimage there ASAP PLEASE and i want those people i named to come with me.

am i saying anything that anyone watching the truman show is finding to be potentially worthwhile, an indication of maybe some sort of common sense that just seems lacking in a world where eating a mushroom is a crime and the people who make it a crime are allowed to poison the deity himself with alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs>>>>??????

like i said, "a boy is infinity squared times better off having an incestuous father who loves him than a non incestuous father who does not love him."

And if you give him TWO or maybe even like FOUR such fathers to play around with, who KNOWS how much more better off still he might be.

it's getting kind hard to deny the truth of this, isn't it?

when you people go back out into the world to tell them what's going on, please dont forget to remind them as often as you can that they need to appreciate that all I really am is CHarlie, ISAAC really, charlie is the CHrist in his incarnation as Isaac, and its who I really am at heart, the shepherd who wants to be a shepherd because he can go out alone under the great sky and eat psilocybin and be the lover of the Aryan gods who are my fathers.

If I sound smart it's just because SMART is what you become when you have regained the heart of the child who was smothered by the Lies of the Babylonian nine headed Beast.

needless to say, its going to be a bit overwhelming for me whenever it is that i finally get to come and say all of things that i will then still have to say and more of them while i am with you and not all by myself at my typewriter.

I mean, i rreally do sort of get the feeling that CHarlie Sliwoski and Allison Hirabayashi (those names that i never forgot how to spell,,,,) and quite possibly the whole family of gregor gayden and timothy fay jones (whose "fay" eventually somehow morphed into MY nefferzee) and marion smith and mjr and david and miriam todoroff, quite possible at the side of David smith in honor of our little trip to new york, and Joanie natale perhaps as one who we saw there.

i mean if i can imagine all of this, then why would i not believe myself that this is really hAPPENING, that herman hesse really did get a tip from me as a hotel employee after seeing him reading a hesse novel at sorrento, why not, and now why would neil bring me to wannaw is he's not there now..

is gyatso la there yet? he;s one i really know it will be so perfect, and of course dolma la too. HH was in SF a couple of days ago, i mean, that's not a coincidence as i keep saying.

how about this one for poetic justice, lets bring sid and peter T in very last, like they almost missed the boat to heaven....!

i can at least say this, --- this kind of thinking is not something that neil young cannot relate to,,, double negative.

so dave mathews is there and yes Wm Morris i sense, and somehow wonder if he's got another friend named morris who'e there too. which i suppose could lead to the suggestion of others named "Graves" and more still who live in the vicinity of my the home in my own childhood days at 5604.

well surely by now my mother's a rest, in knowing that her son mind really is not going... how much pretending she was asked to do i know not, but i only have supected that it was one single day or two. so my brother bill, this would seem to suggest, is back with his best buddy, the other bill, the one who got a billionish aspect to himself as well....

and aunt sue must surely know the truth, there would be no reason to hhave held her out, i think i see the picture coming into rather crisp detail

its the guy with the sideburns,

the guy with the sideburns,

he'll prove he was Darby he really will

he's the father who knew all along,

that i never doubted for any

significant amount of time,

the exact day and time of the rapture

and its really hapening now,

it really did really take place

in a certain moment in the bath tub'
at the Inn and the Market, when there was

a certain sense, of something being still,

there was a sort of total defeat of a terrible enemy

doubt was destroyed that day, and we were on our way

jacob was given a nice little thing to say to me.

about the world growing smaller

and the familty growing larger

that really was a dea givaway,

that victor hugo poittin, to use as an example

really was getting honored in a very special way

you see victor hugo, and crazyman skywalker HUGO

are two aspects of one glass bead game deal,

you do one and then

you do another

that helps your bddy jeff on his way.

i could name thousands more, and i hope i will have the chance

to solve every koan that tehre is left for me to solve,

but speaking solely for myself i dont feel any need

to solve them all right here hunched over the crazy key board thing

that hurts my body makes the shoulders so sore.

so i'lll soon bid you adieu and just try to ssettlle deeply within

the temple within my ery own body, and thene maybe i will be with you then

and then teh fun will begin, and end to all sorrows pains suffering and all that's not fair.

it will be our happy world,

it wil be our happy world,

a world where all is open and all will be fair.

its a world where honesty,

will be king along with me,

there will be nobody keeping no secrets from me,

my daddys got central intelligence,

and he'll be passing it on,

and i will use it wisely for our safety of that I can assure.

do you have molly there now?

I know that my friend Walt must be there,

he told me himself because my won e mail came back from him,

its all over now for walt, as a lawyer without any clout,

he's got some serious fish

on the whidbey island line

that he'll be helpoing me fry

with out too much more delay

joe whiney being one,

and a crooked lawyer another,

the guy i been callin bookwork

i dont care for his kind of lies
and something tells me walt maas

isnt so craxy about that kind of lie either.

and perhaps you will have my bruce,

he will be with all of you there,

i have no doubt if he;s not there yet

it might only to be with me when i arrive.

because a very dear brother he is,

i like him as my friend very much

he is just simply another one of us

the men like my dads who really do love.

yes brice he's a friend so fair,

a son of his would have such a great gift,

if only their mother would learn to have a bit more good cheeer,

i hope that she;s got it already

or that it will come to her soon,

life for all four would be so much better

and with so much less wear and tear/.

yes ladies, we have some examples for you

they are some ladies who are willing to be

wht it is theyve chosen to be,

that hopefully now they'll be williing to be,

its easier anyway just to be free.

wondering,,, is joe w. in custody?

his soul is in custody i have no doubt,

but i am just curious is he still in the temple

mucking about?

and what about ramer, is he there right now

singing his song in my temple, the one that i love,

the song is the song of a babylonian vision

of the world that they just hope they can lie to themselve

is real for as long as it takes for us to pull the hell out,

"We are one in our differences" I can hear jon Ramer's refrain

coming from out of my temple, NUKE IT NOW I DO DECLARE!

speaking of such a sickness as his,

of that temple preist whose really just a fallen black soul,

y'all sa me turn away from the black bard and go the other way,

i just cant stand to let that guy even look into my eyes,

he's got nothing but pure hate,

i dont know what his problem it is,

other than drinking way to much babylonian RUM?

gimme a hundred alcoholic artis teh spoonmans, but

keep that black hearted parasite named Jim Page

and his coven of fellow haters out of my heaven.

Keep all of those babylonian creeps away from me,

they're all a bunch of liars and sickness of all kinds

and i want them kept well away from me now.

no more blood sucking leeches are needed to bleed me

i can do just fine without them

i am ready for a world free of all

who oppose my own rightful soveriegnty

as an aryan man who is willingly being

what all aryan men have agreed to be,

i am just being PEACEFUL

and I am just being HONEST

and I am just being LOVING

like i always said that we needed to be,

so if you are not happy, with me the way i am

then you can just go figure out

some other place, anywhere, just not here,

wher you can go away and be whatever you want.

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