Wednesday, November 02, 2005

It's Dokusan time at the Zendo (119)

It's Dokusan time at the Zendo.

All is still in the Zendo, not a creature is stirring not even a mouse.

The smell of incense of the highest quality and of the perfect subtly wafts.

Then there is the movement that we Zen students, who follow a tradition introduced to the world by a man known to some, I believe, as Franklin, associate with the upcoming opportunity to demonstrate our progress with the Koan that we are currently working on. Yes, it's Dokusan time, an opportunity to offer our bet guess as to the answer.

(I am reading the Zen Dictionary on line and I came across Buji-zen... sounds like a guy I know who has nine girlfriends and a way of disracting me from my purpose in life, my old friend Martin Roth.

Now the Jisha prepares for Dokusan, and my attention is no longer so much in my Hara as on the sounds coming from the great Dharma Hall.

The instant the Bai hits the metal I LEAP and RUSH to the Dharma Hall in order to get as close to the front of the Dokusan line as possible in order to offer the following answer to the Koan my Master has given to me, which is as follows:

Why has the one called Satan, the leading promotor of the practice of using alcohol as a means of altering consciousness, done what he has done in order to further such a terrible, terrible idea as his?

Here is what i now would say, given my level of comprehension at this time, as the answer to the very perplexing KOAN that stumped even Lucifer, who I would guess is the second best answerer of the KOANS of Life after me, which is, Why did Satan, AKA Soren Kierkegaard AKA Joseph P. Whinney do what he did?

My answer to Roshi is one or both of the following: Because he had a really wicked mother named Nurse Rachet who fell for the Beast Martin Roth's biggest conspiracy against the Rawat family and the human race, and or because he fell in love all by humself with the idea of using the toxic effects of alcohol as the best remedy for sin.


I want to give huge thanks to the women who love me and who volunteered to play the parts of the women who had to suffer in order that I succeed in my mission, the lovers of the gods, my mom Edith first and foremost who surely is the one who has suffered the most from the fact that she herself is not an answerer of KOANS and is more prone to doubt than we Zen Masters, my dear sweet Baby Snowleopard, Sandy, Helen, "Aunt Sea," Ptarmigan's daughter Quill, Debra Rhine and both last and least, in a good way, Joanie Natale, come to mind as first and foremost.

I hope that in Heaven all will be my Honeys along with that goddess that I met the other day in the parking lot of the convenient store where I bought many a two gallons of Earth Brown's finest glacier water from "my mount rainier."

There are many many people who I know I would wish to honor if I knew what they had endured in order that I solve my Master's great KOANS, and I will name just the few who've been closest to me: my brother Bill who I believe may be in the top ten major leading best men of all time category, and my father AW Fairhall, who I am of a belief is the best candidate to be the deepest of deep thinkers, Pythagoras and Bach and possibly Aristotle come to mind, Evert who is both Noah and Santa and who designed a darned nice Rawat-tush-worthy chair in this life, and dear Kenny, who has done his job as Officer Carmichael as well as Neil says in his tribute to him on Greendale.

Neil Young Rawat, I really love playing with you!!! Anytime you need the services of a willing puppet, please do consider me!

In fact, I dare say, I would risk, endure and overcome the dangers, trials and tribulations of fighting against Satan again to have the pleasure of dancing to your tune shall we say??

I love you Neil, and my precious perfect father Arius, Prem Rawat I love, worship and adore you and look forward to any teaching you might have to offer me as to how I can master the sincerest expression of my love for and devotion to you. Yes, as Neil says, "grandpa's always been a favorite of mine..."

I want to express my great appreciation for my dear friend "the artist" Prince Rauven, that master sculpter of anything and everything and writer of so many songs of such sweet melancholic delight, if you can grasp what I mean by this unusual combination of words. I have always loved dancing to your music and I hope I will have many opportunities to do so in the future... I look forward to many wonderful adventures with you my old hobbit buddy Rauven. Let's pick up where we left off right before you stepped off that road that night, when you showed me, belatedly, that you were willing to make a sacrifice for me as I have for you. I love you buddy.

And my brother Bill Fairhall, that one in a billion Bill, who took on a much tougher role in this life than I and who endured an anguished night with me last night. I hope that if he is not yet safe and happy he will be soon.


Any Aryan man who has engaged in the practice of abusing the legal system for their own personal gain, possibly the KOAN of "Bookworm" within the KOAN of Batman refers to this practice, have committed an eggregious crime that I believe may be unforgivable. My brother Tom Fairhall appears to me to be such a person I am terribly sorry to have to honestly say.

I, like my dear friend Archangel Michael, Kenny Ramer, have to deal with this matter of having a brother whose bankrupt, so to speak...


i've been acting on an intuition that pomegranite juice is really good to take in the later stages of a psilocybin trip? any basis for this?? that heart logo is suggestive, not to mention that someone was giving out samples near the Terence McKenna Temple of the Archaic Revival, which I hope can be salvaged after having been tainted by old Satan, Joe Whinney.


what a treat to find my Herman Hesse reading friend here tonight, thank you Neil, that was excellent, I hope that he will have an opporuntity to learn what a sweet role he has played in the very near future... he surely seems like a psychedelic zen master to me!

he reminded me about how apparantly some of pink floyd's music goes with some of "J.C's 1000 stories"

i really love division bell, am listening to it,,, one in a billion bill mentioned that he loves it too

so if pink floyd is out there, i am looking forward to witnessing you play some of my pink floyd favs sometime soon...

there's gotta be something better than cassettes and LPs for listening to analogue recordings of music, no? there's gotta be some genius out there with that particular better mousetrap ready to go..

personally, i'd much rather just hang out at a permanent WOMAD festival and just listen to Archangel Peter Gabriel and his friends play it live.

how about that festival in the desert in Mali, can we get that one back on line? that's the one that my world music loving Jewish boyfriend Jack mitzenmacher told me about. Mali is my single favorite country for its music, maybe tied with India. I wonder if my papas Earl and Arius would say the same thing?


I feel SOOOOO incredibly fortunate and grateful to be the son of a man so great as Arius Prem Rawat, not the least reason for which being that he has given me so many WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL and talented and interesting and intelligent and creative brothers and sisters to love. I will never ever tire of loving and appreciating the most perfect father / grandfather / great granfather or ancestor of any degree, that could possibly be, and I pity those who, like that Buji-Zen Master Martin Roth and his nine foolish lovers who have forsaken him for their own foolish and failed pursuit of self aggrandizement.

Lemme see if i can name 'em:

That peculiarly strong mint flavored mother of Satan, Nurse Rachet, who resides somewhere in PA,

The desperately ashamed mother of my desperately ashamed nemesis Dan Merkle / Ishmael, the one who is called Rachel, Eve, Hagar and Allah (sorry for the confusion caused by calling her Nurse Rachet in my earlier Dokusan sessions (seshins?),

Our fine feathered friend who is faced with that terrible plight, whether to fly south in winter, or turn white, the mother of the two girls who both loved me dearly, one of whom was wrongfully made by her mother to hate me - the other, Perrin, whom it seems escaped this and who, by the way, was the conduit of a last ditch rumor that came to me through my lovely biodynamic friend David, who suffers from a really bad case of Nurse Rachetitis himself. So there's two there (talking about Barbara and Ptarmigan of course),

The one who afflicted me most severely in this lifetime, the mother of my one and only wife my dear Sandy, Mary Ann Rossi, who wrongly blamed me for the death of her beautiful daughter that she herself caused,

The bank teller with the nice and tall husband who refused to forgive me for the harmless throwing of pen,

Sally, the mother of Helen and her sweet lover Mason, who also laid an evil eye upon me for the non crime of refusing to be her unfortunate son in law,

I will venture a guess on our dear friend with long grey hairs, the grand old dame of pharmaceutical madness and wife of the mentor of my nemesis, the top ten major leading global justice messiah, John Caughlin, the woman about whom the oompah loompah's long amanita song came to me in the very first moment when I knew for absolute sure that Neil Young was with me and had been throughout my long journey,

and with that I am left with just one more, I will empty my mind of all thought and go deep into the sound of ears ringing and listen within my heart beat for the name of the last.

Just for kicks I will go, until a better idea occurs to me, for the former owner of my home in Wallingford, Ruth Protzeller, for the simple reason that her name sort of rhymes (as in reminds me of) with Pretzel.

Here is a letter i just sent by e mail to Ross Kling:
hi ross,

i got your phone messages, thanks for checking in. Feel free to contact me, now that i am once again out of Nurse Rachet's Nazi pharmaceutical poisoning concentration camp I should be available for a conversation

perhaps, as you have apparently been reading on my site, you have noticed that I have referenced you in the context of my suspicion that you may have violated the rules that "Arius" (Prem Rawat) sets forth as the "Willie Wonka rules of engagement for Aryan men," that is, for the sons of Arius. Agya, as we used to call them.

I am attempting to be as honest as I possibly can for the obvious reason that this is what I believe that the Christ does that makes him the Christ. Of course if I am wrong about you I will make all due apologies, and of course I know and accept the possibility that I am indeed incorrect in suspecting you of engaging in a conspiracy to "steal the goose that lays the golden egg." (in reference to the film Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)

My belief is that Honesty is the Best Policy, and as one who is convinced he is the Christ, I am compelled to speak the truth to the best of my ability.

I can say this: If perchance you ever engaged in any sort of business partnership with Mark Retzloff, then my degree of doubt as to your having committed condemnable crimes against the Holy Rawat family would be reduced to near zero, for I am utterly CONVINCED that Retzloff is one of the greatest enemies of Lord Krishna, AKA Guru Maharaj ji, as the man who wished to turn the sacred and most generous and sublime of all animals, the dairy cow, into a matrix victim.

The fulfillment of Mark Retzloff's wish to turn the cow into a money machine is a horror of epic proportions in my humble opinion, and ANYONE who ever willingly engaged with him in this practice would in my opinion to be doomed to become a Matrix victim himself. His advocacy for rules allowing the Organic certification of dairy products derived from cows who never eat a living blade of grass in their entire lives, who spend all of their lives on concrete floors breathing ammonia polluted air and feeding on grain and silage year 'round instead of fresh grass, whose udders collapse under the weight of excessive milk production, is the most criminally inspired position I have ever personally witnessed a human being, at least one who so much as feigns to be a self-respecting human being, taking in a consensus making process.

If you are innocent of any violations against Prem Rawat then I will deliver the appropiate apologies to you in due course, and will do so in deference to my father Prem Rawat as to the appropriate compensation for my having made the error of wrongly accusing you of violating him.

Sincerely and honestly yours,


I will deliver the November Broadway payment this week.


a letter to sid genette, the guy i think is the most intelligent person in Seattle who is NOT a Rawat.

hey sid,

if you have five minutes to spare, i urge you to read the most excellent thing I have written to date, its on my site and it's the working draft of my statement that will be published in the next issue of the Babylonian Stranger. It's called Pretzel Logic.

i think you will find it to be quite brilliant.

if you do, then you will also enjoy reading the Nov 3 page.

i figured out that Ben Franklin was also FDR and Franklin Pierce and is probably Bodhidarma, the founder of Mahayana Buddhism, who really was a higher form of the Buddha.

I now believe Neil YOung and myself to be the two greatest Zen Masters of all time, and that ALL USA Presidents were Zen Masters of the HIGHEST DEGREE.

Sid, i am coming up with some amazing shit these days, and if you ignore it you will really be missing out on the greatest outbreak of brilliance since the libraries of ALexandria suddenly appeared as if in a dream back in the day when Arius, the father of all Aryan men, held court in the greatest city the world has ever known.



Terence McKenna, can you please hurry up and give SId Genette the bump on that ignorant head of his that he so badly is in need of, just as my other great friend Peter Toms is??? PLEASE????

thanks! I love you Terence, I can't wait to meet you... I am so sure you are one of the 20 to 25,000 residents of Greendale... do you like to ski Terence? I would love to go with you and Martin Volker and Harold Javeate, one in a billion uncle Bill and some of our other friends on the Spearhead Traverse this winter and then come home to our mushroom house on the disc golf course at Whistler!!

And then the next day we can play a round of golf with Ed Babb and John Lee, before going out to John Lee's bar in the evening for some fun with the boys and girls,, now won't that be fun? yeah! now we're talkin' and of course we'll have some music with Thione Diope, Ali Farka Tori and the guy who played the Kora with Tama at WOMAD, and Peter Gabriel, I hope you will be there with us too.. and then maybe avi shankar and friends can bless us with some their "enemy-note-free" perfection... ;-)

:-( martin roth's visage :-(

I am so anxious to be with my family!!!!


Joe Whinney is a tattle tale!! neener neener neener!

Joe Whinney is a tattle tale!! neener neener neener!

Joe Whinney is a tattle tale!! neener neener neener!


So the Koan of the hierarchy of evil is progressing, needless to say Edith Fairhall moved back to her rightful place in the highest Rawat pantheon, I am back to seeing her as Ciela Green.

By the way, I am counting on bids of at least one million dollars per collage and or painting and at least a thousand per cairn of hers. Perhaps not quite as precious as the billion dollar chairs of her lover Evert, simply because there is not as much time and effort and pure craftsmanship as in the case of the chairs.


OK so i just realized that there may be more evil female deities than I was thinking earlier, but I think I will remove the name of David W's wife Barbara, who is probably just an unwitting victim of the bird woman faced with the terrible plight, and replace her with Tovallah Ramer on the list of MR's lovers.

And take Protzeller off of the list and replace with Margo of the Penguin composite. Penguin is just a liar, and I still see him as a composite of alan alh@deff and bill and margo.

SO here we are, my current top ten or twelve major leading global injustice messiahs:

The Beast Martin Roth most certainly remains at the top of the list - he remains the only person to sincerely beg me to stop becoming the Christ.

The wicked witch of the East, Nurse Rachet, the enforcer of sexual repression in boys, our Lady of Somewhere in PA and her son two-face the Liar, Satan, Kierkegaard, Joe Whinney.

The wicked witch of the West, Hagar and her lover and son Ishmael, Allah and the Antichrist, the woman who wants to be the deity and her son the bully who is so ashamed as to have completely shut down, the man who is the worst victim of his own dishonesty.

Bookworm, the abuser of the legal system on behalf of Babylon, who wishes for laws forbidding psilocybin and cannabis and who supports the use of alcohol because he hopes everyone will just pass out unconscious forever.

Catwoman, the woman who lures men into becoming alcoholics.

Egghead, Gurdjieff/Yosamian, who forces boys to become alcoholic by shaming them.

Retzloff the exploiter of the cow.

Tovallah and Riddler, the Temple Priest, who conspire to crucify the christ.

Penguin the Liar.

Mary Ann R@ssi, who kills her daughter in order to feed on the Christ through a guilt trip.

Goldie, the queen of the medicine cabinet.

Ptarmigan, the man hating woman who resents the fact that women are inferior to men.

The Soma contaminating pig, the one who fell into the chocolate river.

The theif of the goose that lays the golden egg, who for now I see as being represented by the man with the famous @y@s.


i wanna ask s. g. to spend a night with me and stone green tripping. i think he would enjoy it now that we've pretty much cleared things up in the temple, if anyone thinks this isnt a good idea, please let me know.


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