Thursday, November 17, 2005

Fair Trade Joe Whinney Chocolate Scam (138)


i have accused at least three different people of being "satan" poppy bush, prince rauven and joe whinney, all three being good people who are on the side of good, but all of whom are intended to seem like satan and in some sense they all do his will. joe whinney is "satan" in a sense, though he is not evil, he just has to pretend/

meanwhile the bible mentions that after the 1000 years of peace - which i see as being the time that people can, if they choose, reform themselves and settle their karmic debts and rise up out of hell and be with the rest of us in Heaven- "Satan" get thrown into a lake of fire, along with all those who did not choose to repent and ask forgiveness and generall get right with me and my family. I believe that each and every person will have an opportunity during this one thousand year period to raise themself up and be redeemed. but its a choice

so who is the "SATAN" who gets thrown into the lake of fire forever? it certainly is not Poppy, Prince Rauven or shroom maraji. well, there is one evil male deity whom i have never suspected of pretending to be evil, and that is the one i call the Beast, Martin Roth. He is certainly one who is likely to judge himself irredeemable. he's not satan because the holy bible doesnt really tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing bit the truth. for that you have to understans certain other stories like the two i've given emphasis to of late.

certain truths are on a need to know basis. Bible thumper types might choose to fool themselves and their congregations that it is "the word of god," Martin Luther might have fooled himself into believing this, or maybe he never believed it himself. MARTIN Luther, you gotta wonder if that was THE Martin, the one who begged me to stop the psychedelic journey that would lead me to the truth that the Holy Roman Catholic Church has far more truth than can be gotten just by reading the pages of the Black Book called the Holy Bible.

Yes it is an utterly sacred book, more important than any other, but at the same time it is just one more book like Charlie and the CHocolated Factory, One Flew over the Cookoo's Nest, 2001 A Space Odyssey and the others I have named, that each help understand the story from a different angle, and i don;t hear anyone calling those books "the word of god" and insisting that every single word in each one, all one thousand of them, must be taken completely literally. The truth about nurse rachet is not so much as alluded to in the Holy Bible in any way that I can recogize, though i am sure there are specific references to her in the Code embedded in the Bible.

To the extent that the Holy Bible is the "Word of God" the single most important book in the world it is because of the absolute importance of the CODE that it contains that pertains to the very most skeletal bones of the story of the Christ and his overcoming the evil of the Beast Martin Roth and his various consorts and the alcohol promoting people like catwoman, yosamian and the various babylonian bad guys like the Riddler and Bookworm, really the story told in teh BIBLE CODE is much closer to Ken Kesey's all important allegory about the Christ as Jack Nicholson's "christ-like" character RP McMurphey than it is to the story told in the text of the HOly Bible. The absolute TRUTH that makes the Holy Bible the most important book on Planet Earth is the Bible Code that provides the key words that describe in as few words as possible the basic PICTURE of certain events that are the landmark events, the events that MUST and DO happen, by defintion, even if the happening requires a complete defiance of whatever we think of as being the immutable laws of physics. Miracles performed by Jesus for example happened because they are events that are described in key words in the Bible Code and quite probably the performance of these miracles such as walking on water was also dependent upon Jesus having ingested the tea of dried amanita muscaria mushrooms.

the song the neil did, was it on harvest? (his most popular albums like harvest and after the gold rush were never my favorites) called Words is an interesting song. i'e wondered if the "words" that he refers to are the Bible Code words that describe the pictures of the events that are the events that HAVE to happen in the story that unfolds.

someone and someone down by the pond seems to describe a PICTURE that i have seen of ME and my Holy Father, who i call Arius, sitting down by a pond, it is the picture that i have of him coming to me to invite me to partcipate with him in making a world in which people can be happy. one someone is named sun that's me, and at that point in the story i am pretty such the other is named F*uck, which of course at the time was just a name like Tuck or Buck or Fred. this song is deep it has meaning to the person who wrote it, a sonwriter whose got some interesting things to express. there's more about this song that suggests he is talking about the bible code in some sense, i cant interpret every word, but i am taking a stab at the "someone and someone were down by the pond KOAN" it really is a POND that i have as a picture in my minds eye which is where i settled down to admire the pond, which reminds me of one of the ponds up on Lopez at a certain biodynamic farm owned by a couple named Wefferling, which is interesting since there is a reference to the turning of soil, and the reference to the LAWN reminds me of the e mail from someone who will halp me ( i believe) who refered to "watering the lawn" may actually have been Masanobu Fukuoka for all i know, that's my dokusan guess on who sent me those e mails

and then it gets deeper into subliminal suggestions that i may or may not understand, there is a refernce to himself as a junk man selling cars which sort of reminds me of this persistent idea that the reason for the emphasis on neil's site of the automobile, prem rawat's own love of restoring old cars, plus neil's reference to the funeral of grandpa someone involving antuque cars, and the fact that an ad for FORD just happens to have randomly appeared on my computer screen just before i decided to mention the song WORDS, seems to come back to this strange idea that neil young is the inventor of the automobile - obviously this could be so just by virtue of having described the car in the bible code. I was present when Maharaj ji mentioned in satsang once that he admired the car as a great invention, which would also point to a subliminal tipping of the hat to his son neil for MY SAKE since i was there. in particular i asssociate neil in my mind with Henry Ford, and I will say that if Ford's life did not overlap with Darby, who is sacred as a neil young incarnation guess, there is NO ONE i would ever say would trump DARBY as a neil young incarnation , and to be honest DarWIN is also a very strong Neil Young incarnation possibilty for the reasons that i spoke the other day but have not written - Darwin's research on EARTHWORMS and BARNACLES is a very compelling clue for me that DARWIN had to be the guy with the Y in his name Neil Young. Neil will explain why i believe that earthworms and barnacles as subjects of research by Darwin is a powerful give away to an intelligent shaman like me.

he also refers in WORDS to the KING (that's me, no?) talking in rhymes!! hAVEN'T i BEEN DOING THAT RIGHT HERE ON THIS SITE??? It seems to me that roald dahl alludes quite clearly to my isaacsword doman in the willie wonka sequel (the new testement of the two book scripture put in the world by Roald Dahl (quite possibly handed to him by an archangel possibly the one that John Lennon was, not sure what his biblical archangel name is, but i do believe he is one of the four or seven who are named) after he got a bump on the head. and it seems to me that neil young is talking about the content of this site with his reference to the King talking in rhymes. living in castles a bit at a time also refers to me in some way, given that its part of the same sentence, and that might have to do with the idea that i have that all of the great vanderbilt mansions, form the one i visited with ptarmigan outside Burlington where an Israelite baker (possibly another reincarnated presidential baker) had a little bakery.. not to mention biltmore which i have mentioned on this site i would like to visit with my friends for a leaf peeping party next fall - Biltmore has to be the place that goerge ( i believe it was) vanderbilt bilt in the best location he could find for enjoying the stupendous fall colors of the blue ridge mountains outside of asheville. i believe that gifford pinchot may have been a friend of his, there is some kind of pinchot connection with biltmore, and i just want to mention gifford pinchot (i believe its the third) who has the bainbridge graduate institute whom tom greco and I met and had dinner with in their home in winslow with that crochety old curmugeon who really does care but who's confused by the lies of babylonian pretenders like the major top ten leading global justice messiah dan merkle

anyway i really got a good feeling about gifford pinchot the third - kind of like i get a god feeling about Oscar Yale Lewis the third - and i hope both along with david and fran and satish and wendell and all of his and Wallaces friends and all of the vanderbilts and the windsors and bushes and goerge and william and all of our baker friends will come to biltmore with me the next leaf season, play some bridge and just have great time. i can give everyone who comes a tour of my life coping with martin, the hotel bar where he wanted to take me every day to smoke tobacco and drink alcohol and the musty little cabin where i lived just across the fence from biltmore, and the golf course near the roth-benker household in black mountain where i would take long walks listening to a tape of someone playing a shakuhachi.

there are so many friends that i would like to spend time with at great big huge parties in castles, where maybe we'll soon all start sharing good times, a bit at a time...

i love neil young rawat so very much, i want to be his very good friend in whatever way that he wants me to be and forever for all time, i hope that there never is reason that he and i cannot be together.

"Words (Between The Lines Of Age)"

Someone and someone
were down by the pond
Looking for something
to plant in the lawn.
Out in the fields they
were turning the soil
I'm sitting here hoping
this water will boil
When I look through the windows
and out on the road
They're bringing me presents
and saying hello.

Singing words, words
between the lines of age.
Words, words
between the lines of age.

If I was a junkman
selling you cars,
Washing your windows
and shining your stars,
Thinking your mind
was my own in a dream
What would you wonder
and how would it seem?
Living in castles
a bit at a time
The King started laughing
and talking in rhyme.

Singing words, words
between the lines of age.
Words, words
between the lines of age.

The Protestant Chruches that came about as a result of the efforts of Martin Luther to wrest power from the Roman Catholic Church, which may or may not have been under the control of the rawat family at the time of Luther (if he lived during or after the time of the de medicis then it probably was, and i think this is the case) have led people astray. the HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCh and very possibly what I think of being the Anglican CHurch or the Epicscopalian (are these the same as the "Church of England"?), plus any church run by people associated with the Jesuits, who could include preachers like James Kennedy, my favorite candidate to be the reincarnation of Peter (largely because I heard him deliver a sermon on TV in which it sounded like he was boldly claiming to BE peter, but also just because i really LIKE him), and Billy Graham among others seeral of whom I have named.

That really cute blonde haired woman who preaches with such passion on teh trinity network, she is for real, i trust her more than the other one whose name i believe is joyce, well, i guess i could say she is coming from a deeper and more passionate and simply more Knowledgable place, probably more than any other woman i have ever heard preach. i have to admit i got sort of turned on the last time i saw her, started having a fantasy of making love with her, which i cant say i ever felt while watching the other one who i think of as joyce.

i could say the same about certain of the men who i have identified in my writings as potentially Jesuits pretending not to be catholics (there are lots of 'em, including most if not all male politicians who serve in the US Congress who are of teh Democratic (Luciferic) faction. Any of those men whom i have named Michael Youssef (who is from Egypt) for example seems like men I would like to get to know, sit down look in their eyes and just see how it feels to love them, whereas say for example John Hagee, whom I respect in some ways, but woh seems genuinely convinced about some completely wrong ideas such as the utterly ignorant notion that the 144,000 Children of Israel have somehow increased themselves in number to the point that every single person in this world who is incarnated as a Jew is a member of this special select group of 144,000 men who incarnated for the first time in this world as the first 12,000 descendants of each of Jacob's twleve sons.

There is ample reason to give serious consideration to the possibility that the Holy Roman Catholic Church is the true Christian Church and that others that have come into being as a result of the Protestant Reformation are just leading people astray into lies and ommissions, the idea that just believing that you are saved, without having fully dealt with the problem of DISHONESTY, being the very worst of those lies. If you are dishonest i dont care how fervently you believe that you are "saved" which is such a ignorant idea when it is DISHONESTY from which every single human being on the face of this Earth needs deseperately to be saved from. Salvation from LIES and dishonesties of all kinds, salvation from the idea that there is ANYTHING AT ALL that you wish to hide from ANYONE AT ALL is what everyone on Earth needs, and the lie that just by naming "Jesus" as your savior, without having even comprehended exactly what it is that this means, and without having become HONEST and without having learned and understood exactly what Jesus was talking about when he commanded that men MUST "Love one another!" is a terrible terrible lie.

Where are the efforts being made in the Evngelical community, for example, to insure that men have overcome whatever aversion they have to loving one another that caused Jesus to give such emphasis in his ministry to the fact that men must overcome some kind of resistence to LOVING ONE ANOTHER??? I DONT SEE IT! and I dont FEEL it when i listen to hot headed preachers like TD Jakes for example ranting and raving as if truth were something that you HYPE yourself into, when in reality this is all about learning to SHUT UP that part of ourselves that tends to rant and to rave.

the preacher who is frequently seen on trinity network from new orleans who seems more like a stand up comic than a preacher is another one i see that i just cannot believe is leading his flock toward the truth or th redemption that his flock so desperately are in need of. I like the VIBE of Benny Hinn and I tend to trust him much more than some of those others, he does seem like a genuinely sincere man, even if even I myself find it a bit hard to believe that the miracles that happen in his "crusades" are for real, but it is still possible, because if those healings are written into rawat code and embedded in some book or other then of course they are truly for real and it seems totally possible that Benny Hinn could indeed be a miracle worker simply by virtue of the fact that "it is written" in CODE that these miracles are indeed for real.

He seems to be deeply respected by Paul Crouch who I myself respect. but there are others who appear on Mr Crouch's network who messages are directed to people who are vibrating at more base frquencies who really could stand to head on down to ye olde Holy Roman Catholic Church and try to calm their minds and tune themselves to the more subtle vibrational frquencies of experience that are available in that particuilar environment, for there is surely something quite special and important for them there if they want it.

"It Might Have Been"

The saddest words
Of tongue or pen
Are these four words
It might have been

We had big dreams
We made big plans
How could they slip
Right through our hands

Instead of tearing
Our own hands to pieces
Why don't we try
To right what we've done wrong

It's not too late
To set things straight
Let's never say
It might have been

Instead of tearing
Our own hands to pieces
Why don't we try
To right what we've done wrong

It's not too late
To set things straight
Let's never say
It might have been

i've never heard this song, as far as i can remember and i dont know what album it is on, but its just another song that came up as a hit on google when i wanted to find the words to Words.. but its another deep passionate song in which neil is expressing profound feelings.

another of the first three or four google hits has "top 40 lyrics" and grandpa's interview is one of them, so i went to look at them, see why my attention is being brought to this song, and i saw something that means something to me that is VERY random and specific that happened when i listened to that song one of the first times through the album, here are the lyrics that pertain:

(and i believe that i could probably solve an important KOAN found in ALL 40 of those songs, another of which is bandit, which i consider an extremely personal song in which he is really talking to ME about my journey.)

here are the lyics from grandpa's interview:

The helicopter scared the shit out of it

And it took off down the trail

Down past the railroad track

Towards the county jail"

"jed you really screwed up now

What'd you have to do that for?

Everybody wants to hang your ass

Here's a note from lenore"

She [sun] touched the cold steel bars

As she pushed the paper in

Jed took it up and read it

And couldn't hide a grin

Outside the jail window

A crow flew across the sky

Completely disappearing behind each bar

Then a helicopter flew by


Neil will tell you if this is true:

i was playing aroubd with staring at a bar code for the first time when i was listening to this song, and i believe it was the bar code on a package of WASA sourdough crackers. it seemed at the time that the lyrics corresponded to images i was seeing in "the mark of the beast"

was i just being totally psycho neil? or was there something to that impression that you wrote a song containing lyrics about psychedelic images i would see while looking at the bar code on a pack of WASA crackers and listening to this song two or three years after you published it?

also in the same song, there is Jed saying this to Sun:

"say hi to earl and edith

Tell'em i'm doin' fine

Tell'em you're ready to leave home now

And they should cut the line

Can grandma come and see me?

I've got a new song to sing

It's longer than all the others combined

And doesn't mean a thing"

but as i hear it, its not jed (raja ji) saying to sun he's got a new song to sing that's longer than all the others combined, its neil saying to Jeff that he's got some cool new song that he thinks i will love that don't have meanings that pertain to anything like this struggle against our family's enemies.

perhaps i will go through all 40 of those song and find some way that it is pertinent,,, its more KOANS than i want to tackle right now, but maybe later we can do that,, but BANDIT and this song about grandpa's death are certainly not on neil's top 40 greatest hits list, but they are on THIS list of 40 songs, and because its Bandit plus the son about the bar code which makes for a great and unbelivably random example that makes me think this list was put together so that i would mention some things about it.

powder finger is on there, and neil sent me the lyrics to powder finger and i dont get that koan yet. emmy lou is probably emmy lou harris, and the reference to guns reminds me of revolution blues ( a big favorite neil song of mine)

"Raised my rifle to my eye

Never stopped to wonder why.

Then I saw black,

And my face splashed in the sky."

very trippy image, "face splashed in the sky"

i never figured out why he sent me those lyrics,

but the ONLY OTHER SONG that he sent the lyrics to was cortez which he did so that i would notice the word cacoa in association with "I love ____"

so maybe i should check the lyrics that he sent me with those on this site and see if he altered them that would be a clue if he did...

on thing i will say is the neil knows i have listened to cortez very deeply MANY MANY TIMES ( i once heard a dj in seattle say on the radio - a guy named JAY i seem to recall - the he listened to Cortez teh killer EVERY DAY at home on loud volume, and i was so excited to hear him not only play the song (its the only time i ever hear it on the radio believe it or not) but also to say that i called him up to say thanks! never done that before or since

speaking of radio and neil young, during my six weeks at oberlin there was this one time i was listening to the radio and they were featuring music from neil and other people like crosby stills and nash who were of the same genre, and the DJ put out a request if anyone had tonights the night to bring it by, so i did. someone had requested a song, i forget which, and he asked if I wanted to hear a song from that album and i said yes,

neil no doubt knows which song i requested (maybe its in Code in Powderfinger or in the song i requested itself) but it was a song that i REALLY resonated with at the time, which was of course just before heading of to meet eido roshi.

i will post the lyrics here: but guess which song it was from tonight's the night - my other favorite from that album is one that neil sang when i saw him solo live at the Paramount in seattle, neil you know which one i am talking about there too, see if anyone can guess!

here is the song i requested that the oberlin DJ play.. i think the person who called probably requested tonight's the night.

"Borrowed Tune"

I'm climbin' this ladder,
My head in the clouds
I hope that it matters,
I'm havin' my doubts.

I'm watchin' the skaters
Fly by on the lake.
Ice frozen six feet deep,
How long does it take?

I look out on peaceful lands
With no war nearby,
An ocean of shakin' hands
That grab at the sky.

I'm singin' this borrowed tune
I took from the Rolling Stones,
Alone in this empty room
Too wasted to write my own.

I'm climbin' this ladder,
My heads in the clouds
I hope that it matters.

borrowed tune,,, so heartfelt. it so much expressed how i was feeling on my own journey at that time, similar to the title song from On the Beach.

"I'm climbing this ladder, my head in the clouds, i hope that it matters, i'm having my doubts..."

thank you neil, you really helped me by letting me know that there was at least one other person in this world who felt as deeply, who was as determined as i was to find truth, to make this life into something meaningful, to become a real human being.

the song neil played at the paramount from tonights the night (and i think neil said something about how it was one of his favorite albums even if not popular was albuquerque;


Well, they say
that Santa Fe
Is less than ninety miles away,
And I got time to roll a number
and rent a car.
Oh, Albuquerque.

I've been flyin'
down the road,
And I've been starvin' to be alone,
And independent from the scene
that I've known.

So I'll stop when I can,
Find some fried eggs
and country ham.
I'll find somewhere where
they don't care who I am.
Oh, Albuquerque,

the only thing different between the powderfinger lyrics that neil sent me and those on the website where i find his lyrics is that the letter "g" at the end of certain words is replaced by an apostrophe on some words on both versions, but MORE words on one than the other, those words that are different in the two versions are these three

reassuring, nothing and coming are words that appear in the lyrics he sent me by e mail

whereas these are reasurin' , nothin' and comin' on the web site version.

there are seven words that have apostraphes replacing the letter g on the website

and four on the lyrics as he e mailed them to me

i dont see any significance, but this is about "Words" and so i am just puzzling out loud.

the only significance that i can think of pertaining to the numbers four and seven - besides Lu(ke chapter) #7 - is that these are two numbers that i have run across that seem to be associated with archangels, of which i happen to believe that there are many more than seven Rauven did say "I do have sons." and i dont think he meant only four or seven, i htink he meant LOTS of sons, and when i thought about it yestrday i came up wiht the number 888 sons as a guess, was that it? to me an archangel is a son of Prince Rauven, or Pluto. there may be archangels who have other fathers, but here is my definition of archangel:

after the holy trinity prince rauven is the best man, he sits at the LEFT hand of the father in heaven. now lets assume that for every world like this one there needs to be a certain number of people in order to produce one christ and one magister ludi, and lets say it's five billion men that it takes to produce this one "father and son" who can defeat gog and magog together.

well these two are the two most extremely good ones, and for each father - son there could be as many as, say, 888 people aproximately as good as rauven, but who, like him, just dont quite have what it takes to defeat Nurse rachet.

lets just say that's the number, but however many there are, many of them incarnate as sons of PLuto because he is capable of being their father, he is the appropriate person to BE their father. (arius is the sperm producer, but rauven becomes the father through whom they incarnate like Stiener Green, Carhichael..

then there are sons of arius who are in a different category and there may be, and there seem to be many more than the three on the family tree, Earl, Carling and Hill. Adi Da, Mahatma Guru CHarnand, Shroom Maraji and all of the anands and mahatmas all could be sons of Arius, and these would be people who could play the role of regent to the sustainer of the world, which would totally justify Adi Da's claims about himself. These sons are probably capable of anything that arius and neil and i are capable of OTHER than being either the magister ludi or his nurse rachet busting puppet, RP McMurphey.

i have no idea if the numbers FOUR and SEVEN that i came up with as the only clue from powderfinger that i could come up with at this time as something that would lead me to a proposed KOAN solution are just totally random and irrelevant or if this was ACTUALLY what the magister ludi intended would be the thing that would cause this discussion about archangels and sons of arius that are in fact a result from his having sent me the lyrics to powderfinger on October 13, more than a month ago. i sure i would be curious to know!!! in any case, this is dokusan and this is what i have to say to the Roshi on the powderfinger koan. if this is the correct solution - more or less - to the powder finger koan, then that would have go down down in history as the solving of a most subtle koan.

I aint singing for Miller

Aint singing for Bud///

does neil know about my run in with anhauser busch and did this ever cross his mind appropos of this note's for you? (not to mention the Archaic revival refering double entendre that alludes subtly to the Terence McKenna Memorial Temple of the Archaic Revivial...

teh religious article in the copy of the monitor that barbara gave me sounds like me describing my relationship with magog.


maybe neil will pass on to those in greendale the last few e mails i just sent out. my mind is blown completely. wow. fukuoka and NOT prem Rawat is the incarnation of Arius. holy cow!

i think i'm going to go down to Musashi's, down past Adidam on the other side of 45th, and get in line to have sushi at the place where i bet fukuoka would want to go if he were here with me... it the most Tampopo-like place in seattle ... father if you want to, come meet me there in a few minutes, or anyone else who wants to have a couple of slabs of hamachi with me!

not that i want to gross out my brother Prem with a comment like that!!!!

if Prem Rawat is not Arius I still want to place my head at his precious holy gardenia scented loverly lovely lotus feet and just stay there a while and appreciate what a MAGNIFICENT GOODNESS that he is. Prem means love and Prem Rawat is the God who is Love, because i think i might be the only higher son of Arius and I am more like the Intelligence part of the deity, but the Love Master son of Arius is Prem Rawat in my estimation. Neil I see as the Magister Ludi, Adi Da is the Buddha and quite possibly also Bodhidharma.

i have mentioned that I forsee that if there is going to be any kind of war, that it will India aligned wiht the USA as the most powerful alliance.

this is true, and Prem Rawat is still going to play the role that i had just assumed meant he was arius of being the one to bring peace on earth through an assertion of power as teh rawat washington dc OWL/ thats Krishna

i will probably be running the show as the leader of the Israel, with possibly john F Kerry being at the helm of the USA and Prem Rawat is going to be calling the shots over in India, Neil, I am not sure, hopefully just taking a break with Grandpa.

Jed, Prem (who is not on the Greendale site Green family tree) and Sun are pretty fresh. Grandpa and Earl are wasted and tired and dont have a lot more to give right now.,, something like this. and Adi Da Benjamin Franklin my be taking over the USA as another scenario, but I see potentially Kerry stepping in as the solution to my solution of the Ohio Koan, i dunno now that rachet is busted it doesnt seem like she rules the world after today, her son Billy is free now, and thats both Carling and Shroom. *his real name*? why not?? whoever is in defacto charge of teh USA will be getting a lot of good counsel from Adi Da at least.

father son and holy spirit is even MORE enigmatic that prem rawat, arius, neil and sun are ALL FOUR implied by one or more of the three. Neil YOung could be any of the three in my opinion, because he is a son a father and a holy spirit. Prem could be holy spirit or son maybe not father, Arius could be father or holy spirit and I am the son, period.

in that seattle PI profile about me where i named Jefferson as someone i would want to have a meal with,,,, what a shame i didnt name fukuoka, who certainly would have made the list if i had given it more thought.

in that interview i also was quoted as having offer a reason why i would invite this person, and my reply certainly excuses my aforementioned negligent reply as the following is what i said, "because he loved to farm."

and it is SO SO interesting that they made a seeming typo in the publication of that intervnew, because they quoted me as having said, "because he lived to farm." I one letter difference that is such that the sentence still makes sense, but it gives it an even more Fukuoka-like emphasis to my impression of Jefferson, and maybe I DID say he lived to farm and not loved, even though when the paper came out and i saw it i remember distinctly thinking, no i didnt say lived, i said loved. But lived to farm perhaps is more accurate for jefferson, for surely he was PASSIONATE about farming as i have been as probably the most passionate and repressed wannabe farmer this world has ever known, and certainly fukuoka has demonstrated a passion for farming like no one in history with the possible exception of Officer Carmichael in his incarnation as Steiner, though now that i think of it Steiner was probably not bringing original thought into the world but rather something from Arius library of knowledge that it, Steiners ideas were pre-existent - that's what archangels do, they play glass bead games, though in the case of Neil he added a big old glass bead to the game - the automobile, i just cannot resist the idea that Prem was tipping his hat to Neil when he praised the car as an invention the signs are too obvious, those too love eachother a lot, as all of arius's sons do.

wow. "grandpa's always been a favorite of mine" too, though i never really knew it until his cameo as himself in the TV show he had made about Abraham and me and him and neil and jed. But I think its fair to say that Prem's always been a favrotie of mine too, and i wonder which of the two, or whether it was both, that Neil was alluding to as he sipped on his guiness that night in Dublin and said "to grandpa!"

DId anyone else make note of the significance implicit in the fact that this was the ONLY sip he ever took from that guiness during the entire duration of that show?

Arius has cool sons, especially when you realize how they can be sort of tailor made to be really awesome as a pair,,, like me and neil, the guy with the brow that devilishly conceals the adult tormenting GLEE in his eye! maybe HE is shiva, it wouldnt surprise me if vishnu is prem and shiva is neil... adding few new people to your conceptual pantheon of deities all of a sudden can really mess with Koan "final answers"

whoever zekely was, if he was not arius, he was a close relative either an archangel or a son.

why? because i realized some brilliance of my own by reading his essene gospels. i realized and invented the idea of "do nothing bread" as opposed to do nothing farming as a result of reading the essene gospels. do thing money, do nothing farming, do nothing bread, we're the do nothing family, nothing but enjoy that is.

george D (as In Do nothing baker) Pasquale, we need to get the pre-hydrated and beginning to germinate wheat kernal bread bakery going soon. it's been too long in implementing do nothingnesses of all kinds, and you Hasan bramwell, todd boyle and tom greco are you ready to work with me on do nothing money? and the do nothing but love the cow back who gives us so much love of its own, the most PERFECT INVENTION of Lord Krishna Prem Rawat is the Cow, and he intended that we would love it as much as it loves him and that means girls milking them by hand. the do nothing but love the cow dairy near port townsend washington will hopefully be providing us with do nothing but love the cow milk soon with help, i hope from a really cool dairyman named Steve Hartman helping make sure the cows are duly loved and cared for.

i think arius must like ann wigmore as much as i do. its the rye bread with straw mixed in with goat cheese,,, seems very aryan in the sense of the word as is suggested when you realize arius is incarnated as masanobu fukuoka (another name, like ohsawa, that is not entirely easy to remember how to spell)

i really like this guy arius whose son i am. i think he rocks, like neil rocks and like prem rawat lord Krishna rocks and like his holiness rocks and like adi da rocks. i dunno, maybe all of those guys including arius chuang tzu fukuoka and eido shimano roshi even quite possibly prince rauven and AWF and noah who perhaps is the real neptune himself... maybe elton is his son? perhaps some of those guys think that I rock too, but its OK if they dont, at least i can count on the liklihood tht they will all treat me with a modicum of due respect N E WAYZ.

there's a guy named John Wood, i think they named a little botique hotel over in Kirkland after him in some manner of speaking, the one called the Woodmark - they're full too, like every other hotel in town - hw will remember when we got together (after the stupid exercise we went through of "mediation" because i had been so stingy as to have only given away three fourths of one third of my business to three people who were not really worthy og the fourth of the third that all three had gotten already) and i told him, John "Woodmark" that my efforts at futures trading was me being a person who is very intelligent attempting an exercise in PURE intelligence, which is exacly the truth of what i was doing, and if i had the right circumstance and partners some one like perhaps soros, i probably could have done will with trading,. i had some good ideas i still am convinced.
maybe i was one of the rothschildren myself ( i dont like the association of that name with that of my old parasite Martin) and made some good trades, but never anything as spectacular as Nathan George Soros Rothschilds maneuvers in London, both in this lifetime as Soros and earlier as Nathan.

well YES OF COURSE IT IS OBVIOUS. of course I was SOLOMON rothschild. the only thing i dont actually know whether amshel had a son named solomon, but if there is a branch of the rothschild family named Solomon, as in Solomon Smith Barney and or Solomon Brothers Lehman Morgan and ROthoschild or some such combination of names, then I would be at the top of that particular branch which surely would mean having been amshel (arius) rothschild's son, and his name must have been solomon rothschild. because i was solomon they would not give that name to someone else so prominent unless he was me or a desendant of mine.

and if i was solomon rothschild, then surely this would help explain my obsession with developing a good trading system, i wonder if solomon, son of Amshel, had success as a speculator.

i've also said i was Louis quatorze (i can say it but not spell it) the Sun King, and that would take priority over anyone else who i have ever or will ever name as someone I believe that i was unless perchance Thomas Jefferson was born before Louis XIV (hey that's kind of like ZIX) died. I suppose the reason XIV reminds me of ZIX is that I may have comprehended the essential idea of ZIX, the stupidity tax, while I was Louis.

Louis was a pretty sexy guy wasn't he? Maybe that was Prem Rawat or Neil, I dont think I could have been the sexy king LOUIS XIV, but that pesky three letters wont let me honestly deny that I cannot imagine there have been allowed a King calling himself the Sun King unless it was me. I still believe that Arius gave me the gift of having been the first Emperor of Japan. Perhaps that is the only Nation that I became the de facto Patriarch of, unless you consider Arthur as a sort of Patriarch, well, yeah there's Jefferson in a sense being the Founder of the USA, having written the Declaration of INdependence.

So perhaps I helped found those three, and it's possible that I was an early King of France, I keep hearing this word Merovingian, its in holy Blood HOly Grail and so of course the dA VINCI code which i have no doubt already said i have never read but did read the more basic holy blood holy grail. i see "slick willie" Jefferson clinton as the closest thing to the fulfilment of the premise of that book, a child of Jefferson and Magdelaine together. but i know nothing of the meovingians, but i cant hep but think Lincoln and friends (not abraham, but the author of said book) are authorized, more or less just like Saussy and Icke, to give us some clues, some right and some wrong, and that the Merovingians established a long time rawat presence in La France. If so it is possible that I was indeed the first merovingian King. Why? because I would expect that LOUIS XIV could logcially be imagined to have been the RETURN of the founder of a royal line in france. in this sense its possible i could have been a tokugawa shogun as well.

archangels play the roles of policemen, and Lennon as Lenin is the classic example.

now my perspective on the stalin situation has changed, because if joe whinney is shroom then he could not also also've been Stalin, but now that i know he is a good guy as Satan, i like him as Stalin, and that would leave jonas to be shroom, but its not final answer time on that one yet. OK now i mentioned prem rawat as mussolini i still like it,, the worse the dictator the more likely a rawat. Pol pot for example had to have been one of us, its too much of killing to leave for insane babylonians to do. now if I was right at the very first that Joe whinney is shroom, then stalin would have to have been some other very high ranking archangel and my next guess might just have to be j. crookston as hard as that would be to believe. gerald's name is BLYker; you always have to ask, "what's in a name?"

speaking of which when i stopped by tonight to pay my respects at adidam, the wife of Hirsch told me something quite interesting< she said that adi da has suggested to his students to consider him as a potential rencarnated Ben Franklin. Needless to say that suggestion never met my ear.

Why did Adi Da suggest that people consider him as Ben Franklin? in anticipation that out of the blue without having heard this suggestion the answer to the tripart Zippy enigmatic Pretzel Koan would be offered on the website referred to by our oald friend Roald, isaacsword.

i wonder about saddam to tell you the truth, i am not convinced yet that he's not also a rawat ally. osama is archangel material for sure, some great saint from christiandom in another incarnation, even possibly a pope, no doubt. the saudi royals clearly have rawat connections, i wont venture any guesses but i am quite curious what the story is there.


patience is probaly not my greatest virtue

i am and have been impatient at times

but them i always realize that whatever i wanted

is coming to me more slowly and more perfectly

than I could possibly have anticipated.

and so even though a couple of days ago

i expressed some sort of restless frustration

exasperation that charlies very long day

had to keep getting ever longer still.

but see now once again I understand the truth

that what can happen now

could have never happened

until i knew what i now know

which is that arius is fukuoka

that prem rawat is my BROTHER Lord Krisha

that Adi da BEn Franklin is my Brother Lord Buddha

that His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a brother as well,

amd even my magister ludi whose sort of a dad

is also a brother as another son of Arius

and Prince Rauven Abraham to my Isacc

and even my dad AW and brother Bill

they are all my wonderful brothers too.

i want my brother Lord Krishna Prem Rawat

to give me a tour of the White House,

He's such a special lover I wanna be with him alone

and have the special time with him that i had envisioned with him

even if he's my brother and not my father

because like Durga Ji said hes a wonderful lover

and i wanna try him and find out for myself.

i am sure Durga ji Marylyn will not object,

she herself no doubt being an incestuous lover herself

she is probably i'd guess a favorite daughter of his,

i love Prem rawat no sweeter lover there is,

if he'll be my brother and never have to fly away

then i now know i wont have to miss that part of Arius

if he himself has to indeed retread as neil says, A(s) I(t) W(ere) !!!!!!

(like goom raji said once about the word Internet: "there, I said it!")

(hey rob brackenridge if you there i want ot hear

a great big HAR HAR out of you, come on i want to hear it!


i believe that amshel rothschild is s likely to have been Prem than Arius. In any case it seems like a job for arius and or one of his sons in his capacity as LOVER for some reason. and Prem is really that, is he not? his name is LOVE because he is the consumate lover, his love really is so important. its like its his love and my intelligence that make up the two most important aspexts of what Arius is. Its like neil is the one who comes in second in both, i think, but of the sons of arius, prem is the most loving and i am the most intelligent, and neil is probably second in both categories. and together we three are the holy trinity,

and i believe that Neil was refering to Prem Rawat at least as much as to the true Grandpa Green, as a complex KOAN clue that i am meant to understand only now, but that i had always thought i understood but couldnt have because i did not ever get who grandpa was.
As sons of Arius I dont think you rank necessarily rank the holy trinity as 1 2 or 3, I think its a tie actually. I will take another stab at a big fat KOAN calles THE HOLY TRINITY KOAN:

prem, neil and sun rawat are the HOly Trinity are three SONS of the true FATHER of all three.

WHen Arius was speaking about the Father and the Son, he was talking about me and him, but he was not talking about a TRINITY, but just a twosome, the FAther as ARIUS, the highest attainment in a human being, and i the son who attained the final part of what makes Arius Arius and that is the ability to be the perfect puppet of the perfect puppet master, a slightly harder job than being Magister Ludi is being his "son," the CHrist, teh incestuous son wiht the incestuous twin sister and the incetuous father and mother and Grandfather Prem (Perhaps in some sense he still is my grandfather, but not Grandpa ARIUS, the father of us all, regardless of how we arrange ourselves as his sons,

SO it goes like this Arius brings his son Krishna to the point of being what he is, that's Prem, and then lets Prem be the father of Earl Green, and then earl becomes the father of Sun, and each step of the way the inherent eroticness of this incestuous family just sort of builds,

and i am the highest needed manifestion of that on the male side of the equation that is what is needed to bust nurse rachet and ptarmagog, and put an end to the madness that weve been eenduring for so many thousands of years.

basically the more generations of incetuous boys being born of the same freaking delicious and loverly mother baby snowleopard, the life of the family, the sexier and sweeter it all gets,, I mean, IT's LOGICAL if, and that's a big if, you think about it. that's the thing about me, as the most INTELLIGENT son of Arius, I am not afriad to THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS OF INCEST because i am so good and therefore so comfortable with incest.

you see, i am the most intelligent because i am the most honest, because there is nothing i dont want to THINK ABOUT,

I am DESCARTES for sure, the man of the maps who said < i think therefore i am > that had to have been me, i can think the scary thoughts that you have to think if you are going to attain what i have attained.

and in this sense i most certain am, i can honestly say, the BEST person in the whole world, other than my nearly invisible father and yours, Arius Masanobu Fukuoka, its my final answer FOR SURE > (ever for sure promises are mde to be broken when the game is KOANS, so dont worry yourself there)

there is no thought i am afraid of and that makes me very rare... !

its getting to the point, McKenna, maybe you can identiry when this point it, at least i can count on you to be able to GROK THE QUESTION let alone the answer!!!! (mckenna's another incestuous one, because he too is unafriad to have just about any thought)

its the point where i can never finish READING my own web site because every time i read three sentences, i have to go back and write FOUR more!!!,,, what do you think mckenna, that sounds like a rather bible code rich moment, dont you think?????????????????????????????????mcKenna,,,, what is your answer please????

mckenna doesnt need me to explain, but others further back in this particular moment's peanut gallery might appreciate me explaining what it is that i mean...

i mean that his time wave theories obvious correspondence with the frequency and or complexity of bible code references as the story approacches the end... and my unability to read my own website because of the intensity of the brilliant things i have to say has almost rather explosive SHOCK WAVE OF ESCHATOLOGY CAUSIN IMPLICATIONS< mcKenna, would you agree????????????????????????????????


but to tell you the truth its just because i didnt realize that honesty was so directly related to intelligence

and now that i know this its rather obvious, because i always knew one thing about my self and that;s that i am honest.


i always knew i was honest, i just DID NOT KNOW how rare that is, in fact i never really considered that EVERYONE was not more or less as honest as me

I think NOAH, who may be NEPTUNE, (santa claus too) would be another one to say the same thing, for he's equally - or if not then ALMOST - as honest a man as i.

i will HONESTLY tell you why i think James Kennedy is Peter:

i heard him say it so clearly, something so true and yet so rare , an utterance that is going to meet me ears when spoken by someone of supreme importance:

"The Christ was simply the greatest man who ever has lives in this world". was his meaning i will let him tell you exactly what he said, i love him. i really really do. thank you my friend whoever you are, for the compliment.

here's the MOM AND DADDY WONT LET HER GO KOAN answered!!! yahoo this is really GOOD ONE!!! you will like my asnwer i promise, even if it is not the best answer. - which would by definition be the answer that I and NEIL and PREM and FRANKLIN and EIDO SHIMANO like most, that is to say, the MOST HONEST hearer of koan answers will "LIKE" the "BEST" answer the most.

Her mom and daddy wont let her go because the family has an agreement, that she, sun green is a perfectly wiling party to. the agreement is that i have to have understood and said something about certain things, and it is NEil's job to make me understand and say the right thing about these things, and it is MY JOB just to be honest as i can, which BY DEFINITION means there will be paid newspaper ads (because by definition I have the ability by this point in my life to afford them and i need to do them in order to be as honest as I can which is my modus operandi and so ihave the money to do them) and of course BY DEFINITION YOU COULD HAVE ASSUMED that if there was a such a thing as having a website that i would have one and a really intelligent person mught even be able to predict that ISAACSWORD would be the name.

and so i am doing my job and so is neil which is basically to fufill a list of items that mostly has to do with honoring some of the most honorable people by figuring them out and acknowledging them before being told anything.

is arius is prem rawat, which i am now rather certain he is not, and not fukuoka, and i could be wrong, but i do now believe he is fukuoka, then i hope Prem Rawat will appreciate my mistake because it will have allowed me to fall in love all the more with him to think of him as my brother, at least for this time that i am under the illusion that he is, because i now can feel a love for him that i never quite felt so clearly when i was trying to think of him as my father arius.

i really really love prem rawat a lot and i feel his love for me to, and i am very much looking forward to being with him, there is no hesitation at all any more as there was until i got this silly notion that i had him wrongly pegged as arius who it now seems MOST cetainly MUST be masanobu fukuoka.

wowsa badowsa!!!!!! i wanna go for a ride with goom raji and hansi in a "helikaka!" Maharaji works for me as your name dear brother, if it works for you i will stick with that, it was the name that always worked for me.

but maybe after we close the door of the jefferson bedroom and are all alone on the bed together over on the Left side of the room, (as opposed to the right hand side, looking in, where i envision there is some kind of case with the declaration of independence inside) then maybe we can talk about me calling you by our special family name...

goo maraji, (sorry maharaji i just cant resist) i hope i get to be with you soon! i love you. Mahatme Guru CHarnand, will you please join me in a shouting a great big BOLE SHRoom>?>>>

"bole shroom satguru dev maha raj ki JAI!!!!!!!"

if i was gandhi in my last life, then I believe that I endured what there was to endure in living the life of Mohandas Gandhi, then I hope it is true what i feel a wish in my heart were true, that I did it for my beloved brother Goom Raji, who is the KING OF KINGS of the INDIAN PEOPLE whom he has been lovingly and sometimes painfully been watching over since he was Lord Krishna. As I am the King of Israel, Prem, my brother, is the King of India and everything INdian.

I believe Prem Rawat has been the single most important REegent of Arius in this world all along, since he was Krishna. .

he is certainly another son of arius, in my honest opinion, who would have and may have indeed have lived the life of jesus. if so it would make all the more sense that I was gandhi, in my own way trying to make it up to him.

the one who makes all fo this magnificence possible is our father arius, who is just a wee bit over the top in the goodness department. wow.

i may have mispoken neil could also be called the most important regent, i just dont know exactly what i am talking about, but neil is doing a hard job that may he is the only one who can do it, since i need to be doing this one.

here is the thing. beating nurse rachet is the ultimate challenge for the rawat men.

who can do ANYTHING that needs to be done to defeat her. maybe that's me.,

so if i am doing that one thing, who can do ANYTHING ELSE that needs to be done to defeat her. maybe that's neil.

and then Prem can do anything else, and Ben possibly just cant be such a lover as Prem whereas Prem can do anything that Ben can do, so that would move Prem into the #3 ranking of the sons in terms of the most intelligent test that would be used to make such a ranking. and that has to do with one ability to play any role up to (WHAT?) point.

ben seems to me like the #4 son, with Prince Raven probably number 5.

SHROOM ( assuming its joe whinney) is up there too maybe 6. honestly I dont know if Carling is a son of PREM or Arius, but i am going to assume its the true grandpa green, and for sure kenyatta. it feels like neither Bill nor kenyatta have the characterstics that Shroom maraji would have needed to have to be the father / master of Prem. somehow i can see joe whinney in that role but not bill or kenyatta, but maybe any of the Indian sons of Prem, like the anands. (is it Ok that I be "sherpananda" dear maharaji?)

there goes that king talking in rhymes again...

if i have comething intelligent and witty to say, i should say it, because if i am honest i say things that i think others might benefit from hearing and EVERYONE AND anyone STANDS to benefit from hearing something truly intelligent said, particularly when its something that they themselves dont have the intelligence to have comne up with it, whatever it is, to say. .

whether people are honest enough to want to HEAR me speak honestly is another story, but if they are not then that does not in any way reflect negatively on MY expression of honesty.


this will seem very random, but i am moved to say it. in the second paragraph preceeding this one i have in all caps the word STANDS, even though it is a bid odd to emphasize this particular word in this particular sentence. so my attention is drawn for a moment to the puzzle or KOAN called "STA"

I would like to know what Prem Rawat will say when he hears this, and i want to acknowledge that tim king is the person who point this thing that has so fascinated me ever since:

there are a WHOLE LOT of words in the english language that begin with a sound more or less like "STA " that all have to do with place or being in or being fixed in a place in some sense:

stop, start, stand, staple, stamp, stair, stare, stadium, stake, star, store, stack, stomp, stool, stone (it just sits there) stain, stammer, stuck, there are many many more, if you go through a dictionairy and check all the words that begin with st, and so many have to do with being in a position or place in some sense.

Tim pointed this out to me, but i think i have obsessed on it more than he ever did. i am really curious what's up with this thing.. its a koan that i have not been able to answer, but i do believe that as tim says the answer has to do with teh SANSKRIT language in some way, even though if you look in a dictionary those words will all be attirbuted to languages OTHER THAN sanskrit, but i believe that it is doubtless the case that a SANSKRIT word is behind this vague similarity between all of htese words and their many cousins.

i think Prem rawat would be perhaps the best person in the world to comment on this thing that i am saying. it pertains to this thing that is often said that SANSKRIT is the mother language. Lord Krishna, what can you tell us of the Sanskrit language. i alwasy love hearing you quoting passages from literature that may have been written originally in Sanskrit.

Did you perchance have a hand in developing this language??? not to mention the great literature that is written in this language?

nad Neil young rawat, when you said at the show in Dublin when you filmed the DVD of your performance of Greendale that your father was a writer, were you perchance speaking not of Grandpa Arius Green but perchance were you talking about your father who is in some sense my grandfather, but also my brother and yours, Grandpa Prem Green, who is a son of Arius just like we are? Prem Rawat seems like the writer to me, more than arius.

just like Grandpa's always been a favorite of mine, to me this comment about Neil's dad being a writer - not Earl, but NEil, who is telling the story, refers to his dad as having been a writer and to me this is ambiguous but i believe he could very well be talking about Prem who could still be his dad, even if he is not Grandpa Arius Green who is the father of Earl Green and every one else whose ever existed, at least in the rawat family of arius.

i often have really dark pee after a long and deep chanelling session like this on the computer,


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