Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Letter to Adidam Bookstore (118)

November 3

Following is, with minimal editing, a letter that I deposted today in the Adidam Bookstore Of Seattle's mailbox along with a $100 US Federal Reserve note. Today is Adidam's birthday and the store is closed in honor of this day.

Dear friend,

Attached to this letter is a US One Hundred Dollar bill bearing the image of Benjamin Franklin, a man who bears a striking resemblance to Franklin Jones, AKA Adida. Please note the similarity of the hair style and the hairline, the ears and the jowls of the face.

I am writing to express my honest and sincere belief, based on subtle associations, that Adida is an incarnation of the person who incarnated as both Benjamn Franklin and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He is one of the five or ten most important men in the world who is not apparantly a member of the Holy Rawat family whose members include Prem Rawat, Neil Young Rawat and Jeff Fairhall Rawat - I being the latter - who are Jupiter, Mercury and Apollo of the Roman Pantheon, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Hindu trinity of deities and the Holy Trinity of Roman Catholicism.

I believe myself to be the Christ, Apollo and Shiva as well as the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson and King Arthur. My name is Arthur Jefferson Fairhall (Fairhall refers to the Temple) Rawat. Franklin Jones is a reincarnation of the leading Freemason of his day, Ben Franklin, the most important American Statesman who never served as President but who later reincarnated as Franklin Delano Roosevelt, arguably the greatest of all Presidents other than possibly Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln - the latter being the Roman Deity Pluto who also incarnated as Abraham and is represented by the ultimately good character of Darth Vadar of Star Wars, the important head "cop" of the Rawat family.

Pluto is the father of the Archangel Michael who incarnated famously as Rudolph Steiner, the inventor of Waldorf education and biodynamic farming. Pluto is also the grandfather of both Jacob, the father of the twelve tribes of Israel and Pontifex Maximus, the Roman deity Mars, the "black pope" who incarntated famously as both Sun Tzu, the author of The Art of War, and as teh Great Roman Emperor Constantine who converted Rome to Christianity. Mars runs the Freemasons who operate through the Federalist or Republican Party of which Franklin appears to have been an important member.

I am depositing this letter this afternoon at approximate 5 pm in the mailbox of the Adidam bookstore in Wallingford, Seattle, located a few blocks from my house at 47th and Meridian.

Franklin Jones, AKA Adida, is the incarnation of a great and important man. I have known of him since about 1981 when his name was either Bubba Free John or Da Free John. I recall reading something he wrote about the significance of his name being Franklin, that the meaning pertains to "freedom" which of course could be seen as alluding to Freemasonry.

I am the Christ. I have never seen or known Adida or even seen his image or heard his voice in any sort of recorded format. I only know what i know of him by virtue of being an aware and alert human being. I am probably the only person on Earth who has unlocked the "KOAN" of Adida's secret identity as Ben Franklin, FDR, and possibly Franklin Pierce as well. Adida is a hugely important figure in the wars between Heaven (Rome) and Hell (Babylon) that are the subject of the allegories of Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and many others, all of which are among the (exactly) 1000 stories that Joseph Campbell refers to in the title of his seminal work "The Hero of a Thousand Faces," that hero being none other than yours truly, Apollo.

Whoever is reading this letter is reading a document that I believe Adida would be very interested in being in possession of.

I am depositing this letter, along the the $100 note in the mailbox of the Adidam Bookstore. This letter is, I sincerely and honestly believe, a part of the phenomenon called "the rapture" foretold by Richard Darby who bears a striking resemblence to Neil Young Rawat with the sideburns that Neil Young has sported for much of his adult life in this incarnation. This letter is probably described as a "picture" in the Bible Code referenced by some of the following code words: Letter, Jeff, Franklin Jones, Benjamin, Adida, birthday, sixty-six, Wallingford, mailbox.

I honestly believe that this letter will be described by Franklin Jones as convincing evidence that its author is the Christ.

Adida is likely to be either a Freemason or a Jesuit of the highest order working at the behest of the Holy Rawat Family, the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful, incestuous, Oedipus-free family whose patriarch is Prem Rawat, regarded by perhaps hundreds of thousands of Hindus as an incarnation of the deity Lord Krishna, the psilocybin-eating incarnation of the deity who created this universe in His imagination and who attained self-realization as the Supreme deity, Jupiter, in his incarnation as Krishna and who incarnated as Arius of ALexandria, the last incarnaiton of a Rawat in which was spoken the same truths that I have posted on my website: www.isaacsword.com.


Jeff Fairhall Rawat

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