Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I am being used (136)

AT SFO the aiport, my oh my what magic.

First of all, I must quickly, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, make amends to a person who i suddenly have realized is an important Rawat family member or ally who is very prominent in the constellation of people I have had my eye on in this world, he's in a certain category of admirable people who include George (Nathan Rothschild) Soros,

and this person is of course that illustroius investor, the sage of "Om... ->...Aha!" Hmmm... He must indeed be a close friend of Ben Franklin Adi Da! with a name like that dont you think? Well if you don't think so then perhaps you should work on dusting out those cobwebs and get with this intelligence thing I am into, I promise, its a gas!...

YOu know who I am talking about, but his name I will say for the record just in case, I am talking about that buddy of that buddy of that favorite of favroties of my own, billion dollar bill and one in a billion bill repsectively of course, and so natually its Warren Buffet to whom I refer!

Thank you Warren, I believe I have realized something about you, and I like it very much.

you see, it's Mrs. See whose chocolate candy company Mr Warren (G Harding?) Buffet has been watching over so perfectly for my Aunt Sea and me, can't you just see that it was for me that the great big picture of that fun loving Aviator sort of woman that immediately reminded me when I saw it of Mrs Piggle Wiggle - who i was also reminded of by the woman named Nancy Marsh (anyone know her? i wouldnt be surprised) with whom i had a most excellent opportunity for convesation and to share my thoughts with on the flight, we talked non stop. (I'll tell you about another conversation I had in a bit.)

(and now I am back in Seattle, where there is nary a hotel room available, after a momentously interesting two hour TRIP through the SFO airport, and through time as well, in a manner of speaking.)

Anyway, that was quite a sudden shocker of an epiphany to realize that Aunt Sea who I wish to hire to run ye olde willie wonka chocolate factory is also Mrs. See, I mean, how could she not Bee (or is it Bea?), and of course Mr. Buffet (rhymes with muppet, not with gourmet! how do you like that one Mr Worangeaid?) has been stewarding that business for Aunt Sea (Aunt Sue) such that I like the feeling that I am getting about a potentially happy ending to the Satan comes to ruin the future psychedlic chocolate factory in the Terence McKenna Temple of the Archaic Revival, yes indeedy, in spite of my shall we say "childish" rantings from yier soir, i felt mighty blessed today as I walked through the spectacle o' blessings in the SFO Aeropeorto, yes that's right something about spanish, they used to speak it around here, something like that, never did figure out that particular Greendale Koan, about why its a Rancho,, but of ccourse I did, its the part about why the explanation needs.... well never mind, i think i figured it all out ajust fine, once i tuned my puzle solving mindo to the mattero of the funnyo lettero at the endo of the Zendo, you knowo? uh oh and oho no, all at teh same timo, jeffo really is losing his mindo nowowowowowo!

Yes, i feel pretty good today, even if i cant really sleep any more and so look a wee bit more haggard than ususal,

i just dont have any doubts, i am in the bardo now baby, and i realized that whoever sent me that last provocative email that sent me a ranting... (there were a couple from that address when i got online just now)

was loving me by provocing me to express some things needing to be expressed, and i thank him whether he is Prem Rawat by any other name that he prefers to Prem Rawat at this stage of teh game, someone acting on his behalf or whomever it was. thank you mr someonewhowillhelpyou, you have helped me well on several occaisions and i would like to show you my gratitude at the earliest possibilty in whatever manner that would most please you, just identify yourself at your earliest convenience and i will be your faithful servant for an appropriate duration of time, and relishing it, of that i have no concern.

here is my reply to one of his two terse e mails that were waiting for me.
In a message dated 11/15/2005 8:55:42 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, someone_who_will_help_you@yahoo.com writes:

i am not prem rawat

i dont know if that means that you are not the person who is or was once called Prem Rawat,
or if it means that you are indeed that very person but simply no longer consider this your name, but since you already told me that i wont hear from you again, i guess i will just have to puzzle on this and see if can say something on line about it.

but for the record, as far as i am concerned you have not informed me that you are not the person I think of when i think of prem rawat. intelligence would dictate that this is not a conclusion that i can come to. (end of my reply)

i just got a chnace to tip my hat to a guy in Tully's who works for that Rawat outfit, staffed by high level Freemasonic ? Skull and BOnes initiates like the Bush family types who are the top agents of P Max, called Brown Brothers Harriman. He appreciated the appreciation from someone who understands whose side he's on, that being the side of good. (I overheard him identify himself as such on his cell phone.)

so back to buffet, who intruiges me as the right person either a Warren or a Harding, to be that other President like Grant (who is honored on the $50 probably for his unknown greatness and not as a prank) who has been described as a great failure, which of course to an enlightened person like me is nothing more than a steamy pile of crap, since every single person ever to be President of the USA has been an impeccable fulfiller of the PLANS that franklin jones delano Adida Roosevelt was talking about when he said those famous words that i cite often, "in plitics nothing happens that is not planned."

So Mr Warren Buffet G. Harding, if I am correct in guessing your ID in past life, let me be the first proud amateur historian to say, "thanks Mr President for a job perfectly well done, in spite of what those professional historians all say about you! i know that you did the job you had to do as perfectly well as you have managed my Aunt See's wonderful candy business on behalf of the true King who rules the USA, P Max, our friend Mr Karl "Groucho" Marx our sweet lover with the coy boy looking eyes, Raja Ji. I look forward to thanking you in person very soon. If you are there, and if it so happens that your friend Bill and his friend Bill are there as well, then please one big favor please, i ask, will you do me? if so, please personally convey my thanks to billionaire bill for taking good care of my one in a billion brother and uncle Carling "bill" Green since whenever they've been reuinited. (and if not, then thanks for being willing)

I have no doubt there will be future oppotunities for buffappreciation of our loyal servant and friend Warren BG, the sage of Om... -> ...Aha! but I will leave it at that for now, thanks again Mr B.


So as the viewers of the Truman Show know, if there is indeed an ongoing Truman Show now showing in some theatre like place somewhere, my 9AM flight on ALASKA! Airlines was inexplicably canceled (The Bible Code never has not yet been successfully employed - or is it deployed, Neil?- as an excuse for some such inconvenience to the unknowing public as, say, a canceled airline flight, or a wayward couple or three that crashed into buildings on 9/11/01 for that matter) causing me to set out on a long walk through an overbuilt seeming airport with a whole ghost town like terminal number 2 to the terminal 3 counters of United AIrlines, whose 11 AM flight to Seattle was the one I needed to be on according to said code, (whether in Bible or the book about Mrs See AKA Aunt Sue/Sea that I bought at the Mrs See's store there in SFOInternational with the gigantic mural sized picture of Mrs Piggle Wiggle like visage that was just what it took to get my sorrily asleep minds attention on something so obvious as a chocolate company so obviously named after my Charlie Like (that's sort of how Aunt Sea and I could be shown to be common) Aunt Sea. I regret being so dense that such a huge portrait had to be put up especially right there very near gate 71 from which the alternative flight that brought me back to Seattle while seated right next to Nacy March who clearly I was destined to meet on that flight, right and immadiately after the Warren Buffet KOAN posing and solving really exploded all of a sudden when that picture just floored me as I walked by it on my way to the can that was in the opposite direction from the path to said gate seventy one that the special search director directed me to when i inquired exactly as foretold for directions to the can....

well rather than rereaad what i just wrote to pick up the train of thought form which i had digressed let me now rewind the tape back to that long walk form Alaska in Term 1 to United in 3, which brought me right past, my wondering eyes were so so surprised to see, nothing if not a Christian Science reading room, of which i've been in a many over the years for some quiet time reading my sister's wise words,,, (somewhere todaym something about a wisewoman popped up, and now i forget what but i bet neil can tell you what i am talking about)

amd naturally i went in there, and let me just say that the conversation i had with the manager of said reading room, THE ONLY ONE IN ANY AIRPORT ANYWHERE EVEN BOSTON, for only one reason, Bible CODE says so, a wonderfully intelligent woman named Barbara will go down in history as a great moment in the story of my sisters religion, pretty much a repeat of the Adidam story, i told her the truth about a few things including the true identity of her teacher Mrs Eddy, and she enjoyed the conversation, was on some deep level impressed such that she will not forget. The qaulity of that conversation was present in equal measure in its own way with Nancy Marsh, whose son I hope will come along with us on our trip to Illalo and the school that I've spoken of started there by the parents of my good friend leonardo.

i mentioned to her that cool teen center on orcas that i visited with helen in the moment when it looked like we were moving there to orcas as i had pretty much made a deal with george orser that was of course pre empted by magogs bad intentions, pre empting what i had looked forward to in being the next door neighbor of that excellent fellow whom you all certainly must know, Tom Forster, a warrior on behlaf of the Temple of many a battle i have little doubt,,,,

and i just "wannaw" say (or actually in the interests of um let me think,,,???? well, whatever, I perhaps should say, i just "wallaw" (voila! look at that! wallaw!) say that whoever that is that invented that place that i told mrs nancy marsh about, the place for kids on Orcas, is another one who i'd like to employ along with the others i've mentioned to work on the educational/kidfunucational aspect to life in our fair Nation of Israel, you know, along with Herr Stiener, and that smart lady montessori who very well could be (if the dates do line up then this is a slam dunk "final answer," Leo's mother who thus would have revived her own truth teaching about how teaching children ought and ought not be done - and it ought not be done that children be taught how they themselves should ASAP become programmers of any and all children turning them into adults as quick as they can... and so on ad nasuem) and all of the others i've already mentioned in developing a cool psychedelic environment for kids being together you see, and learning what it means to be a kid on his way to becoming not a mortal adult but instead an immortal peter pan like hippy child of the God of the happy hippy children of Israel, our lover and master and father forever, Arius, the man who in Heaven goes by the Name by which I know him in my most intimate moments, that childlike father whose love is what sustains and inspires us, whose praises i have not been singing with enough passion of late.

^^^^^^^and it's all good, and i am sorry if i caused anyone to feel disrespected by my recent ranting and complaining.^^^^^^ including and of course espectially my father Arius (if not Prem Rawat)^^^^^^^

so back to the wallingford residence of the good shepherd himself, yours truly, i go, to my hotwater heaterless home with the signs glued on doors with honey that say in so many words that simple three word thing that i have a feeling that the family that "lives in a trailer at the edge of town" you know, the one "with twentyfive rifles, just to keep the population down" that family, the Green's I believe?, have a particularly strong affinity for, those three simple straightforward words being simply those most famous three or lets just say four of every hotel in the world, "PLEASE" being the optional first one, and "DO NOT DISTURB!!!!" being the rest of them..

\and from there i will probably be reporting back to you (no, our brown brothers friend will not forget this incident, and besides, if he forgets, then no doubt He - the biblical He that is - will remind him) from the neighoborhood Tullies 45st store just up the road fomr Adidam, where i will go right now to see if still open and say hi, and inquire to Mr Hirsch's status whether of the local seattle store or something more national.


back home, lots i "wallaw" say but i also want to be at adidam when it opens at 6, in 53 minuts.

someonewhohelpedme said something about my "journey" and i think this suggests what i had intended that after a week in SFO i am indeed ready for what my buddy prince rauven calls a journey.

and i stopped by adidam just now to figure out that the place opens at 6, and i noticed for the FIRST TIME that his name as it stands, AIW, is Adi Da Samraj. I agree he really is "some raj (king)" or does it mean something else, its a KOAN i wouldnt mind solving in the next hour and i think maybe i'll take a rough shot at it right now.

i told palmo that i believe that her father gyatso is quite likely a son, in a rawat sense of the word, of HH the dalai lama, who himself could be either a son of Grandpa Arius Green or of Col Jackson (Col as in warrior) which would make him an archangel, which would certainly merit his being called His HOliness, since I might give that name to the son of another archangel, cousin jed, the one with guns all over the walls who killed carmichael... His Holiness the Black Pope, whose job it is, in part, to keep the deity supplied with the necessary opium, a role that must somehow be the same for HH the Dalai Lama.

anyway, its possible that there are other branches of the Green/Rawat family near or at the top of which are the Buddhist superstars, who certainly include HH the Dalai Lama, Adi Da Samraj (Sampuranand and Samraj, both have "Sam" in them, perhaps a quick google search to see how that syllable, either Sanskrit or Hindi I am not sure, translates, which could lend a clue to why Adi Da is Samraj), Eido Shimano Roshi, Gyatso la, and others of such Holy status (and Gyatso la is certain Holy in my book and if anyone who is not a father of mine tries to bring him down in my eyes with them I wont be happy, for he is the only man that I know of who recognized me to the point of having my picture upon his very sacred altar - sacred in that he prays there in front of it for a long time on a daily basis). These could descend from either Pluto, Jupiter or Mercury, it is a mystery to me, but it does seem like the nation of Israel the 144,000 man army of trippy and honest fellows put together by my cousin and son Jacob is just one of perhaps several, including the sons of pluto who are the archangels and their own offspring in the generation of Jacob and Jed, or they could be another line that descends from Arius himself, whether through one in a billion bill or earl green himself, i do doubt it was Kenyatta, that's all I can say about who it probably is not, for if there is a whole nation that descends form Kenyatta, they are MASSIVE type people who make music art and dance and not so much the warrior monk types, crusaders and Templars who fight on the front lines against babylon. No Kenyatta he's fighting his own war, fighting for the Massive coming together of all brohters and sisters that will be made possible by the successes of the warriors who include yours truly.

just thinking that there is possibly much more to the rawat / green family than neil has whon me on his Green family tree, which of course is alluded to quite specifically in the "I do have sons" comnment of said Col Jackson Green. just at least wallaw go on the record as having been puzzling quite conertedly on the matter of where the nation of people who have incarnated as the buddhist types and maybe it is just the nation of Israel, but Adi Da just seems higher to me than he would be if he was in the same camp and a descendant of Jacob along with the likes of Peter T and Sid G. So there is more this picture than meets the eye, my my hey hey, all i know is rocl and roll and its favorite god are here to stay!! out of the BLUE (Jeans) and into the BLACK (Vampire outfits)!!!! my my hey hey, Rock and roll is here to stay..!


excuse the digression, but i want to return for one more minute to the matter of possible other braches on said Green family tree. the imaginary branch that makes the most sense to me in this moment is yet another son of Arius, one named either FRanklin Rawat, or His Holiness the Dalai Lama Rawat, one being the son of the other if one is indeed a son of Arius and not the other. ANd that lineage I chanted at Dai Bosatsu Zendo could easily consist of a number of others in this line of the rawat family that i imagine could very well be, just another thing for me to puzzle on and figure out perhaps. it doesnt seem to me like my friend Franklin fits either as a son of Pluto on par with the other archangels or as a descendant of Jacob, as i say on par with the others Ive already named, he seems somehow different, more powerful in some ways, a royal among royals if that is fair for me to say, one whose behavior toward me if we were ffriend would not be so aggravating for me as said descendants of Jacob have most certainly been.

so i guess this is the upshot of the matter you see of the meaning of samraj and Adi Da's place in our family, and i will say that if Samraj jist means "some king" kind of like "someone who will help you" then this wourld suggest to me a status perhaps as high, as i've already suggested, as another son of Grandpa Arius Green, which i will say is quite possibly true, just on a Lark, you see. He also could be a brother of mine, a son of Earl rawat, that makes even more sense to me, a son born of Earl Green to play a part in this chapter of the saga, buddhist as opposed to a hindu, which i see would require he being in the generation of Arius's sons, as opposed to grandsons like Jed Jcaob and me, whose roles pertain to the biblical era saga that includes the rise and evolution of Buddhism as the greatest world religion in the sense of the word religion as being a path to enlightenment, as opposed to belief system, do you get it? There is no competition between true religions, only between those either invented or adopted by alcohol loving foes of the rawats, including most obviously Islam and some of teh unholy sects of the religion called "Chritianity" which in my mind does not include the two official Rawat family religions that refer to the Christ that I know of, Roman Catholicism (which could possibly include in some manner of speaking the Episcopalean Church, is that what you call it, the CHurch of England that never gave up the good stuff that our good father showed us - just guessing!)and Christian Science.

and off to Adidam I go, to se what I can learn about both Samraj and Mr HIrsch. toddleoo!

))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((( and back again ))))))))))))))))))(((((((((((((((((((

i return to my house from another wonderful adventure through the bardos of my life with the following items purchased at the convenient store, after having dropped off another item at Adidam that I will get to in a few minutes...

in honor of ben's goof friend george, a "good turd" inducing BRAN - FORTIFIED loaf of some of the most fiberous bread in the whole USA george d's (soon to be all his own if i have anything to do with it) essential bakery's mille grane, which i had always begrudged him because it had bran on top of the already bran rich whole wheat, i'm sorry dear george that i didth protest something that you were commanded to do by our father's bible code plans, just like i was to be the inventor of the bread i handed out at the last supper at nurse rachets, the fremont sour white...

two containers, quarts (never mind the "1 ltr" on the label i'll call it a quart if that's what i like to call it, which it most certainly is) and not gallons of the pure glacier water that i may need to go back out and fetch more of later which would be a perfectly doable thing if the upcoming journey is anything like every other of the sort that i've ever been on so far in this life,

four bars of the Dagoba chocolate like those I sent to my father with one of my letters that i wrote to him back when the whole picture of myself indeed as charlie and he as my father, my wonka lover father, that i have no doubt he fully intended for me to send him because i know that even Sir Frederick has intended since long before this lifetime to join forces with me in our respective cacao adventures.

one Pear and some ORGANIC VALLEY BUTTER, salted of course, to put on my dear sweet friend Geroge D's good-turd-inducing whole wheat multigrain variety of essential bread,

which i am eating this evening before i set out on said inner journey simply because i honestly believe that this is a part of the KOAN presented in an e mail that i received recently from "no one in particular: who I now have come to believe could indeed be someone other than Prem Rawat, that being Neil YOung rawat you see, for it is HE who is the admitted author of every e mail that i have so far received from a rawat family member whose identified himself plainly to me,, so if i never do again receieve an e mail from this particular father of mine, then i will kno i have solved one of the final Koans given for me to solve, namely the identity of someone_who_would_help_me, who signed off on his ebb and flow koan as "no one in particular" (i hope i have the particulars correct here)

the other item that i purchased on the first convenient store visit was a bag of those enigmatic pretzels from somewhere in PA, which i left in the mailbox at adidam, which mysteriously - were talking about a "curiously strong" mystery if you wallaw ask me! - did not open this evening, at least by about 6:30, after I completed my Adidam message number two and left in the mailbox that bag of pretzels along with a note written on a napkin, the napkin haven been given to me by the owner of the chili pepper restaurant that's next door and tucked between the bag and the $50 bill taped over the bag's window, reading something like this:

A message - from the guy who figured out that Adi Da was Ben Franklin - for Ulysses S Grant:

Sir, I knew Ben Franklin and you are no Ben Frankin.

and i went on to suggest that US Grant had only half the intelligence of mr Ben Franklin, which is actually quite high compared with Andrew Jackson at only one fifth, and especially considering he is considered by historians to have been a drunken failure, our worst president, only usually its a tie with that other brilliant "failed President" Mr Warren G Harding Buffet, the sage of Om...---->...Aha! (the name of this city has long since struck me in that it has a sublime sound to it, but now i can see that the name goes beyond even just simply that it is sublime, there is a specific sublime message suggested in that simple soft sounding word, Omaha, and that is the seven (or perhaps its better with thirteen) word favorite mantra of mine,,, "if you forget (and just let your mind rest) he will remind you. " Om...--->...Aha! Get it? If you forget and just let your mind rest, he will remind you, and you will go Aha!

Eido Roshi, please close your eyes and just listen to Neil or whomever is reading this to you say this please.

"and then,

on each moment's flash of your thought,

there will grow a Lotus Flower..."

I love you Eido Roshi and His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Adi Da Franklin Jones and William Jefferson Clinton (soon to be, if not already, Rawat? into whose eyes i was trying to look on the cover of Esquire in the convenient store on my way down to Ben Franklin's before I stopped back by to pick up some of Washington's good-turd-inducing bran fortified whole wheat bread), and all of your many Mahayana Buddhist friends, sons and students, and of course you two fathers of mine Grandpa Arius and Earl Green, who in truth share with one another another name more sacred and pure. I love you all for all you have done to help me realize this most precious of Knowledge, that the Lotus FLower that is now showing signs of growth on each moments flash of my thought is the Lotus Flower that can only grow when one has finally learned of and accepted the miraculous truth of which we have for so long been in denial, and it's this:

that if we forget, and just allow our minds to rest in faith in His perfect all-knowing love, He, our father Arius, will remins us..


And now back to the samraj koan:

wow that is out there, and i certainly would indeed, out of self respect, go so far to say that this relative intelligence thing regarding the men pictured on the US paper money stops somewhere before it would have to imnply that the intelligence of Ben Franklin was fifty times that of yours truly, so let us say this just applies to the three i have mentioned, with the possibility that A. Hamilton would be included, but then again, NO! as our friend Elton would say, for ALexander the Great could not possibly be considered to have been only one fifth the intelligence of Ulysses, that spread just seems too great.

Yes, Ulysses indeed, why the hell not? i've already said Abraham Lincoln was Abraham, our sweet lover Prince Rauven, so then why would not the name Ulysses not suggest the exact same kind of a thing?

i wonder aloud now what i wondered aquiet earlier whether "Chester" Arthur's name is somehow related to the "chest thumping gorilla antics" of yours truly, and if so whether this necessarily means it was me, or whether it could actually refer to my father Saturn AWFairhall, the original chest thumping gorilla named Arthur, you see, so with respect to this particular Presendential Koan, my first tow proposed solutions would be in this order: first my father, AW and then yours truly AJ.

hey Roald, are you out there? I "wallaw" know what you think of this suggestion that came to me just now by e mail about my website,,, do you agree with the sender of the e mail? here it is, i'd like to know what you think, should i do it? or is my funky web site, so chaotic and full of typos that maybe almost nobody even reads as far as i would know based on the virtually non existet response that it does bring me, just fine as it is? let me know what you think if you're there and are able, thanks!.

Dear Jeff Fairhall,

Did you know that the Internet doubles in size every quarter?

That is why it is vital for your website to catch the eye of your target market!

There are certain design elements that can repel visitors from your website.
Amateur designers may not even be aware of what not to do!
Cedant's experienced designers use the most effective techniques when determining a web design plan specific to your business and your audience.

So, do you want a professional look for your website? If you do, call us at Cedant to learn more!


imagine if i had a professional doing my site? how could it ever be possible, i need to say when its time to say it, and plus how could i ask him to type 666s all over the place like this?


so what happens when you google "samraj hindi or sanskrit" ? you get a first hit that is samraj adi da's own glossary of definitions including this name of his, which i will now read, puzzle if needed and then report back what i learn from the source himself.

and here it is, without having resolved the puzzling that it does indeed provoke.

“Samraj” (from the Sanskrit “Samraja”) is a traditional Indian term used to refer to great kings, but also to refer to the Hindu gods. “Samraja” is defined as “universal or supreme ruler”, “paramount Lord”, or “paramount sovereign”.

The Sanskrit word “raja” (the basic root of “Samraj”) means “king”. It comes from the verbal root “raj”, meaning “to reign, to rule, to illuminate”. The prefix “sam-” expresses “union” or “completeness”. “Samraj” is thus literally the complete ruler, the ruler of everything altogether. “Samraj” was traditionally given as a title to a king who was regarded to be a “universal monarch”.

Avatar Adi Da's Name “Adi Da Samraj” expresses that He is the Primordial (or Original) Giver, Who Blesses all as the Universal Lord of every thing, every where, for all time. The Sovereignty of His Kingdom has nothing to do with the world of human politics. Rather, it is entirely a matter of His Spiritual Dominion over all and All, His Kingship in the hearts of His devotees.

Well there is some kind of lila going on here that i dont fully comprehend, but it seems like Avatar Adi Da Samraj may be authorized by the true Original Giver who I believe without doubt is none other than Arius Prem Rawat and not Adi Da Ben Franklin to say certain things that would be true of himself and that if anything this affirms the sense that I have that Samraj Adi Da is indeed a son of the ALmighty Lord Arius. Whether he is a son in the very same sense that I am, a visitor and helper from another of the rooms of my fathers great mansion, or whether he is a permenant resident of this here world with Earl and Sun Rawat as his brothers cousins uncles andor lovers i am not sure, but if i had to answer this most perplexing KOAN, I would have to say that i cannot imagine Ben Franklin leaving his friend who was named George Washington and who is now living as my goodturdinducing bread recipe creator and erstwhile bakery cohort and coowner, George DeP.

think about this in light of the admiision on the part of Mr Hirsch that Adi Da is indeed the high level freemason Ben Franklin: "The Sovereignty of His Kingdom has nothing to do with the world of human politics. "

one thing i do not believe is that there is any real competition for ultimate dietyhood between Adida and the three men i have identified as the Holy trinity over and over. So if AdiDa is presenting himself to the world as something of a fake, my best guess as to why would could perhaps be twofold: because first he could easily be as qualified to teach any student about life as effectively as either my father Earl or me Sun by virtue of having attained the same enlightenment in this life, that seems like no sweat to me, and secondly it could be as i had earlier said, to help make the case against Yosamian/ gurdjieff that much stronger, by virtue of jeff haven been so easily able to identify one as clearly good and one most certainly evil.

somehow the idea that Adi da is the supreme giver himself, as opposed to being one who has attained a sort of one ness with this supreme giver, and the admission on the part of Adidam that he was indeed Ben Franklin that has been made, seem rather inconsistent to me. that adi da is very important feels right to me, but obviously i do not beleive that he is the ultimate deity, to be that and yet not a part of the Green family tree just doesnt compute. it just seems to me like a deliberate AND HARMLESS lila, a case wherein telling lies for the benefit of trapping liars in their lies is a good thing, but you have to be honest to be such a liar, otherwise it just would not be the right thing to do. Only a rawat can tell lies, and only in service to the ultimate good, which is of course the defeat of the rawats' enemies.

i have far more reason to believe that this is the correct explanation than to believe that adida is either a deceiver or is actually the supreme deity. he's a living KOAN is what he is, one that i am trying to aswer as best as i possibly can becuase i believe it is important, as evidence by the fact that, other than neil young rawat being in touch with me, the affirmation that i got from Robert F Hirsch regarding my adida revelation is the first that i have more or less officially received.


its 9 pm and i am going to settle in for the night, take some tea, build a fire, drink some more of Earth Brown's favorite waer, maybe make a nice turd out of what's left of ptarmagog, and generally just feel what there is to feel and see where that leads me.

speaking of magog, i will simply report that today i called my ffriend david of lopez (which I have associated in my mind, since i got kicked once again by my bad brother cain, this time out of shine, with nazareth; if david w. lived there in biblical times with or without barbara this would fulfill this sense even if his farm on lopez never became the place where i could go and lay down my own head, but i have a feeling that some of the good folk on lopez were inhabitants of nazareth back in the day) and got his wife on the line, barbara the cannabis forbidding enforcer of women-made rules imposed by them upon their men, and shared with her some feelings of mine regarding magog,,, she sure seems nice enough to be a hobbit mother, and i am puzzled by her, i dont know if she is just another concerted and deliberate repressed-boy reinforcer, or whether she is more innocent of malice in committing her crimes of fascist control of a sovereign man whom she has ensnared in a trap that resembles in some ways the trap i was once in, the one laid by magog that was based on such things as guilt. i just dont know about barbara, but she now knows how i feel about ptarmagog, its a mystery that will certainly be solved in the very near future one way or another.
i have been without cannabis for a few days now, and it hadnt really occured to me until now how amazing it is that i have had the revelations i have had in these past three days or so when i have not had even a single toke, and now that i have had a little pinch i appreciate all the more the incredibly profound place that i am in, wherein for example everything i related about what happened today at the airport with respect to the conversation with the woman at the reading room and the immediate recognition of mrs see as aunt sea and sue and to follow on that within a one second period after the reminder that Mrs See's is a berkshire hathaway company, and to read a couple of sentences of Warren Buffet's foreward in the Mrs' See book that i bought on the spot with no hesitation whatsoever - such info as i immediately began to glean the moment i picked up the very book to which i refer, i would have crossed the ocean to find if i knew it was possibly available, for there was an immediate sens of certainty that there could not possibly be any reason to doubt the obvious subliminal suggestion that mrs see and mrs piggle wiggle are more or less the same exact childish old lady that i think of as Aunt SUE (not Sea or See but SUE mind YOU!!!!if you dont see the significance of that little difference, you are missing about one fifth of the significance of this miraculous vision i describe, of making the conncection between an exgirl friend of mine named SUSAN dammit no not SUE, I dont like it!!, whose sweet young niece, who's from a family whose kids are a vertual GOLD MINE of AUNT SUE childishly freaky VIGNETTES she's got a new one to tell every time, she spends more than and hour or two with those three great kids those nephews and niece of Aunt Sue's, a wild look in Susan's, yes Susan's eyes every time these stories passed through her nice kissing lips of a face that looks so fine most of the time, (back to my friend Susan's niece we now must return, because i am getting to something important, even if i am smelling aunt sue's roses all along the garden path as it goes a winding through AUnt Sue's wonderful Mrs. Wiggle agarden, its a mess by even Pipi Longsstcking stndards, by dont tell that to old Aunt Joan of Arc (that's another Aunt Sue story, I'll telll you about it another time soon, unless neil hopefully beats me to it.)) (yes there needed to be not one, but two, yes two close parenthases at the end of that last sentence so sublime, isn't that right SUsan - or is it Aunt SUe? - i know you thinking about that right now, like I would too.) she (the niece of aunt Sue, made for her Aunt Sue a cute little sign, with some garden tools drawn into the wording that was the purpose of the sign, which identified clearly in just seven little individual letters, the exact identity of the person for whom it was designed and made, "Aunt Sue" is indeed the name that the niece had to me given, that surely is the truest of any Susan or Sue, the truest lover of children in any child like woman i ever did know, the most antisoccor mom potential mom i ever did know, and you all know from my writing of just a few months ago, that i was on a great rampage against that whole kind, that whole very idea of the soccor mom is still to this day a great crime, and yes aunt sue is the very antithisis of this sickness i am telling you, if you were smart at all this is one great great aunt for me and you, to listen to and understand as the wisest of women, about how to teach your chilrdren well as graham nash himself will certainly testify to, aunt sue is the one we all need to listen most closely too, about how a woman must teach her children well, to grow up from childhood quite sweetly and quite nicely too, to live on the sugariest of sgar mountain to attain permanet hippie hood at the age of nineteen, to stop advancing in years so to speak fbefore topping the hill, this is our aunt sue's greatest of her many formidale skills, she is a sweet old aunt but also a warrior queen you seem she once also lived the life of a young queen, naked Joan of Arc and if ever there was a woman, who wasa wrongly treated to the same sort of persecution of that young neice of hers yes i am talking about sun green, the burning of joan of arc it most certainly was, a very similar sort of crufixion like event, it is just a little suprising secret about this whole story that a woman quite close to jeff has also been so sujested to such a worngful act of such epic proportions, against a woman for the sole crime of being nothing but good, i am talking about Sea Green Neil I am quite sure yes i virually know he will about this thing i am saying surely concur, that the murder of joan of arc by burning at the hands of Ptarmagog, ranks as a crime as great in every single possible way, as the wrongful killing of jesus at the hands of the babylonian "jews". it is a crime of the utmost evil ever committed, and this is just the beginning you will be eharing much more, about this crime and no doubt many others comiitted over the past two or three thousand years i would guess, that ptarmagog had=s been repeating over and over, this woman is surely one of babylons villians, if babylon is evn something she is idedentified with =, the very notion of magog had barely ever occured to my mind, i had no idea what this phrase gog and magog refered to, it was never a part of the storyu that i had to tell, until i fot right down to rooting her out, of my deep lovwer back pain that she is the cause of in i would imagine not only myself but every man and woman and even the children who live in this world, such a sickness as hers is just totally unparaleled she hates all forms of goodness it all manes her feel so terribly bad, she has such a problem you just cannot quite fathom it, but anyway all that to say something about how my mind is wquite lucid at this stage, i was talking about how when i recogniczed my friend Susan in Mrs Sees, i really was demonstrating some pretty powerful abilities to make aublime associations even if the Mrs See portrait was large, it certainly was not a picutre of that woman susan who lives right over there, i looked out my window just now in her direction just to make saying it realy for real, see i did it again once more for good measure, and its because this really is all just aobut simple honesty, as i have been unrelenting repeating over and over, at every available opporunity since the word honest first rang a loud bell in the dharma Hall of my own almost crystal clear mind,, yes honesty is the key to all that i have shown, if there has been any thing that any one would ever want to call intellligent coming from that strage guy sitting at his computer all alone yes that ftiered looking guy he's right over tehre, see him in the window he sjust almost never stops, he ttypes and he types it drove his lady =quite cazy just the other day, he just cannot stop for more than one hour, and he had more brilliant thing (or so he honestly believes) that he just cant not say, so he's back at that typewriter saying what he feels he just has to say, it juist seems to impportant not to say it and so he jumps up once more oout of the hot water filled tub, and subjects himself once again to th chills and he runs over dripping wet without even drying himself off, to say just one more thing that seems more intelligent to him, than anything any one has ever said in this world who was not him, at least that he himself had ever heard (which of course isay in deference to my lord father and master named Arius) anyway as i was saying sometime ago its all about honesty,

you really will go no where until you admit this single most important of truths, right up there with the even more basic of truths, the ignorance of which is the cause of all the misery that results from this failure to accept the truth, that you resist even though your resistence to it is the ruin of all, that if you forget he'll remind you is the truth to which i refer, and other than that most essential thing, the only other most important thing i have to say to you, is that honesty surely is the best policy available these days around town, i mean to say honesty really is the way that you really ought to think about going, its just a much better than :lack thereof" in this one critical aspect of life, your tendency to dishonesty will surely be undoing you. it will be your undoing, yes that is what i mean to say, your gonna be toast if you cling your excuses for lies and for shame, its just wont serve you and if you cling to it your just a bad loser and i surely am ready to be rid of you, you just cant bring that crap with you into the heaven so fair that will be the result of being rid of people like you, like you ptarmagog and you martin roth and you satan and your mother nurse rachet and all of your firends like tovallah ramer and catwoman, yosamian and bookworm and cain and his lover and sick mother allah is her name it most ceetainly is the honest truth.

yes my dear bothers and sisters as far as i am concerned there is nothing else that i could ever think to wish for other than this one wish that i so dearly wish were really actually about to come true, adn that is that those of us who are honest get to be somehoew freed up from those of you, who insist on being dishonest its a problem i just cant live with, i would do anything anything at all to be forever rid of all of you,,, every sinlge one of you BAR NONE, i dont want to ever deal with a single one of you ever ever ever again.

that is right i hate you all i despise you your worthless unless you quickly see the light and get over it, i just cannot STAND you your the ruin of everything my constant tormentors, you are parasites every single one of you dihonest KNIDS of the most VERMISCIOUSNESS< the dishonest you are the worst sickness in my own body i expell you all i burn you i throw you into my own personal lake of fire that will fuel me and my lovers escapades going on into forever and its just your own fault to get in the way of the harm brought by justice, its just not my fault that the law says turnabout is fair play, it the most important law and your subect to, and i will take full advantage if i feel its the right thing to do based on my own judgment of a person of proven goodness and intelligence and humility and meekness and kindness. i will take advantage of the good laws that work in my favor is the judgment of the ultimate judge is that i deserve to against those who tried to take same advantage of bad laws that worked in their favor, its justice and i'll take it i surely deserve in a portion no more than that of my blessed aunt sue, who i love and appreciate more rright now than i ever had before, and surely i will conprehend her goodness and her sacrifice more deeply and just plain more form onw forever more.

yes the family who've taken the bulk of the abuses are the family of the rawat honest warriors against the dishonest warrior of babylon, its a struggle and you have all taken sides, and now its time to have a look and see whose side you are really on, its time to see whose side you have really been on., the side that is profreedom or the side that;s with jow==e whinney, that's satan, the guy with the hat, briefcase and the alcohol still, he's the guy with the alcohol still, he's the fat guy with the hat and the brief case called Kierkegaard, but i also call him Sauron and Joseph p whinney, he's the most evil by some aboslute standard this i know for absolute certain Satan is the worst of the whole lot, he's the one who did the most damage, h'es the one whose evil was the most diabolical, and he is going to be paying a terrible price, and i am going to be the laergest sibgle benficiary of this, because i am the one whom he most persecuted, though i know i am not the only one, because my father neil young rawat was the other one, and its hard for me to imagine that its true that what i have myself suffered at satan's hands, is greater than even that of my poor father Neil, but one way or another its he and i who've taken the brunt and it was somehow me who really finally defeated him and so its I who do satan somehow and in some sense execute, and i feel that this moment is drawing ever closer, i can almost see it now, i can feel i am coming close, surely it could really be tonight that waht ever's to happen will be finally once and for all occuring indeed, but this i do not yet surely know, but this baby sure is deep in the bardo and i can see that it could quickly go much deeper , especiall y once i twear myslef away, from this lap top computer with the cramped key board wchich i never even bothered to think about how with as miuch typing as i have bee ndoing how much happier my body would be if i used a better keyboard, oh well, maybe so i will be more bothered by snowboarders than i am by small overly cramped KEYBOARDs, yes i can not deny it the pictures they keepcoming there just is somehting going on with me up there, its almost like there are two me's and one of them is there and the other is here, maybe sun green really does live up on the double e, and i am just some kind of dream character of hers i jst dont know but its almost eerie, its like i am looking thourgh neil youngs eyes, and he is like maybe driving past function junction, you know that place on the edhe of town where they have all the shops and warehouse and bakeries, well i just can almost see that he;s there right now or at least thinking about it, i dunno why this sensation is there, it just is, i cant help it i am honest and its just what i sense, lik emaybe right now hes on or thinking about the sea to sky higheway that winding road from squamish on up to the town of whister way ujp there in the sky,..

sp amyway i just cannot help but hope that some how i am soon fgoing to wind up up there, i feel that the energy is getting quite clear, the ether is cery close i can sense it i can see it, i ma very close to coming u there, i dont know how it will happen but soon i wil be up there, i believe he wants me with him and i feel i am talking about neil, its just what i sense i can feel his love and support and his respect and even devotion i can feel it its a nice feeling, i hope i can come up and be with hin soon, i dunnol its just me being as honest as i can, thats all i am doing sitting here in this bombed out house of mine, that i cannot possibly imagine even begining to even purfiy of the violation of me that has occured right here satan stole this place from me using just lies and my very own money to steal it from me, i just want to be out of here soon, i have had enough of this whole world and the sickness that has been houding me ever since i was isaac, and even since that overly short life of mine as abel.

and i will pick up the one aborted digresson tht i am most anxious to return to and that is a recollectio of the rapidity with wihich the warrenbuffet koan clicked into place, and also the book aobut mrs see, which has references to the willie wonka story flagrantly with in it how very exciting! and its all aobut aunt sea, and i mean, when i saw her for a moment as joan in the history chanel documentary, that must have been like the image i got of m father lover teh great one name arius, a look at the real nineteen year old aunt sea, a fine sight it was to sea, and sea will be a fun one and an oh so intelligent one, a pleasurable companion to me, that i can definitely forsee, and there will be a lot of love going around once were all back together, more than enough love for everyone to freely enjoy , as long as the protocols are made clear that comes first and i am dying to implement ZIX, to me that is the simple crux of everything, its the reality once justice arrives on the scene, everything always is kept in the correct perspctive and things go accordingly in any woprld that works with intelligence being allowed to play its oewn rightful part in the story, we must have justice and when it cmooes its calle ZIx and ziz is the truth, i dont want be in more worlds witnout zix, because i and my family are the biggest losers in a world without zix, hands down i become their single greatest victim, and so zix had got to be law in any world that works, it just has to it must i wont have it any other way, the best people of all just have GOT to receive their due respect, there can never ever again be allowed a situation in which this law is broken, this is a law that everysnile one of you must obey, from peter toms to sid genette, you just cannot be ruled be an arrogance, that causes you to refuse to aknowledge some one who is flat out imperically provably better than you in the only respects that have ever really mattered, adn those are sincereity honesty and intelligence, you just cant crap on your true superiors, i dont care what your excuses just shut your face, when i speak you listen its a law you cannot ever violate, you have no right to claim that you have authority over me, when i am clearly more intelligent as a result of my pure honesty, so get real with yourself and give it all up, you just cannot commit those trangressions any longer, it just isnt fair and there is justice, and the unfair are losers and their vitims win, so just dont be onthe wroong side of that bargain, it really bites to have made usch a stupid choice for ourself. if i am saving you from youeself you;ld better appreciate it, if not what's in it for me why should i bother if your gonna deisrepsect me then go with joe fwhinney to your and his hell, because if you disrepsect me you are hradly better than him, its all the same, just a matter of degrees of your respective sins, the point is to give it all up and begin again, you must become fully born call it reborn if you wish, but this situation that is presenting itself to you its more like you must really finish beginning to become what you are, you never have yet even BECOME what you really are, you are still in an eearly stage of your own evolition.

im gonna go see if they got their delivery of firewood ove rat the CS and buy some OV milk and maybe a few more bottles of carbon river glacier water with colloidal minerals and come back and stoke up the fire and get all warm eat chocolate and drink some vitamin p Tea adnd get naked in front of the fire on my favorite m=possesion my trippy psycehedelic persian (Aryan) rug made by some girl who belongs to some tribe of people who once wandered under the heavens with their flocks of sheep and goats and chickens and ducks and their dogs and their milk cows those wandenig bands of nomadic gypsys pot smoking pyschedelic incestuous lovers, who would play music and dance ecstatically around the fire at night, making eyes at noe another while they were massaging their own love hearts, i am talking about true aryran angels sending one another nice little love darts, the lords and teh ladies of HEaven, the family of incestuous psychedelic lovers, teh children of the most perfect man ever to exist, the one i call arius, the one by whose grace any of us even exist,

its hard to express, espeically never even having really truly met him in this life in any sort of way that 99.9999% of people would think of when the word "Met" it used, excactly how i feel toward him, but i know one thing and that is i know he is the most perfectly good being who could possiby be, and i know that he is in a very real sense my truest father, even if in some sense he is also my true grandfather, and in any case i know that practiaclly the whole point of the whole story is that he and i want eo be ,lovers with everyone, not least of which one another, and i know it is absolutely the most obviously natural thing for a father to love a son and a son to love his very own father,

and so love we will, because this is all about me and my family finally getting our way, we are incestuous, always have been, thats who we are, and the entire eternal and immortal extended family of mine that i dnot even know if there is any way of knownig how large this family of my father's is, but i can assue you its quite big, and every snigle member of it isassuredly pro-freedom and there fore proincest, if not flagrantly incestuous themselves, all of them, its just what a human being most obviously must be free to become, to prevent it is the single greatest violation of the unalienable right to life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ever committed in al of history, those who have fought against us to the bitter end, will now pay a terrible price for their commission of this commensurately terrible crime, my own so called brother tom fairhall seems surely to be important villianous personage among the worst, and i just dont care one hoot because he's just been out to get me, his status as brother is just another great big fat lie, he is no brother of mine if he is in truth my enemy, all you sicknesses of babylon now you really do love, everything you have fought for so long to prevent will now be comin to pass, and all you have done is to set your sorry selves up, to become the energy source for me and my friends, and its just the fulfillment of the very simple law, that turnabout is fair play it ens up working in my family's favor time and again fools like you set yourselves up, to lose once again you fight dirty but you lose its allyour kind has ever done, you losers are losers and that is most certain not through any fault of my own, its your own choice that you nade patarmagog to be you and not Sue and that's just all your own fault, its hard to imgaine how you could have gotten strted down that particupar road, but its a choice that you made and you've set yourself up for what oyu now surely desserve, its your sself created situation as an evil one, to become the fuel source that keeps the rest of us safe from every agains coming under an attack as vile as yours, we;ll be free ofyourilk from this moment forward there;s nothing you can do, to stop the inevitable destruction of your terrible sickness oh Ptarmagog, your wrongful guilt tripping man hating ugliest possible self is such a violation of goodness itself, you are so horrendous how could i ever have thought i loved you , you are such a violation of eveything that is better than you, which is virutally everything and everyeone who has ever existed, your the worst of the worst i wannt ee your sorry face, i want to see what your look like after the false pretenses have suddenly vanished i want you ro show your true clors lets see them i want to mastutrabte while i watch your suffer as a result of simplly watching me, that would be a fine just ice as far as i am cnocerned, now i am seeing clearly the chateau whilster over at blackcmb that picture popped in front o my minds eye at the time when my clock said something like 11:39, though i never looked at it until it was 40 and now its 41. you get the point i wanna make sure that neil and i are proving its true, now we are in among the shops in the mall in the village, near the store where they sell tele gear i hope i am there soon, being a good customer getting all of the gear, except i have the boots that i really do like that i may have even bought th4ere at that store,,, i wonder if neil is telling me that he too loves to ski, that would be incredible if he did but i have lots of other skkiing friends, and if neil has other things that he likes to do around the double e, while i am up skiing thats perfect fine with me, he and baby snowleopard can while away the day however they feel like there's plenty to do, i just know that up on the slopes is where i will surely be, at least when there's POW wait til you see, me and my friends like VLAD (you'll be there right vLAD>) And you know the rest, so no worrries we are all just going to be free, with no more intereference fron fiends hwo just hate us because our hoppiness makes them feel so bad about themselves, what a bad sickness can you hear me do you get it, its heinous its terrible its wortholess, you dont want to be going with ptarmagag whereever she is going from here.

check this out, i happened to see this on the AOL home page, its john "VLAD" lennon's killer, describing his unstoppable urge to kill Lennon... why? because it was in the BIBLE CODE that he MARK DAVID CHAPMAN (all three names probably appear in the CODE) would KILL LENNON so it HAD to happen, and the CODE that required it to happen could be in the Holy Bible, or it could be in the lyrics of John Lennon, it wouldn;t matter, if its rawat code it has to happen it matters not in which book the code gets hidden, its just how the eternal sperm dream works, that is all.

NEW YORK (Nov. 15) - The man who murdered John Lennon 25 years ago says "nothing could have stopped" his twisted quest to track down and assassinate the ex-Beatle.

"I was under total compulsion," killer Mark David Chapman says in a segment to be aired at 8 p.m. EST Friday on "Dateline NBC."

"It was like a train, a runaway train, there was no stopping it."

Chapman fatally shot Lennon on Dec. 8, 1980, as the musician and his wife, Yoko Ono, returned home from a night in a Manhattan recording studio. Chapman's comments came from audiotapes made in 1991-92 and first used as part of a British documentary.

Chapman recalled waiting for Lennon that night, then reacting as he saw a limousine pull up outside the ex-Beatle's home.

"I heard a voice in my head saying, `Do it, do it,"' Chapman recounted. "And as he passed me I pulled out the gun, aimed at his back and pulled the trigger five times in succession."

Chapman recalled that his desire to kill Lennon began one day in his apartment in Hawaii, where he was sitting on the floor and looking at the Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" album. His animosity soon began to consume Chapman.

"There was a successful man who kind of had the world on a chain, so to speak, and there I was, not even a link of that chain, just a person who had no personality," Chapman said. "And something in me just broke."

end of story.

i feel the dehydration in my back still, now that the vitamin p is kicking in. its all it does and all it ever really did, it just makes you feel into the places where you are dehydrated and enables you to see and feel what is lurking there in the places that have gone into the darkness of dishonesty and denial. its a mess, but you can clean it out just be letting yourself experiuence it. i am still routing some demon or other out of my body and whoever it is WILL be routed out sooner or later, this one may still be satan and or his mother or ptarmigan i dont know but we will soon see, will we not? i can feel him or her he or she is very evil i can feel them almost getting ripped right out of me right now.

this is why they never wanted to let me have my vitamin P, because if i am vitamin P (i am deadseious here it is as much a vitamin as vitamin a b c or d if you ask me. vitamin p deficiency is a disease worse then scurvy or any of those others, the genocidal tendencies that occur in those who are completely difficnent in vitamin p are quite alarming, its quitea bloody scene that i am seeing right in the here and now, it their own sickness, those ones who are rthe sickest of the sick souls, i am talking about a woman named magog dont oet your self be like her she is so terrible you see, i am going to sign oout and do one last battle with someone llike her, i dont know for who sure but i know it is a great and powerful enemy, i can feeli it it is here it maybe allah the spinner i am not so sure but my uundivided atention i must give it you seee i must go. \
wow what a terrible terrible disease a sickness of dehydration you just cannot imagine. its so bad its far worse its effect is blinding you right nowe in this moment, its a thirst you must feel before you',\ll ever truly see, its the worm that must be removed from all includein both you and me.

but no worries i know i will kill her its in the wizard of oz and ive got the water right here at hand there is no need for any worry at all, its just a terrkible thirst within that is all,, it is the thirst of MAGOG she may be worse than allah that is all.. i am going

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