Sunday, November 13, 2005

Venezuela Chocolate (131)

ys indeed, morning, its 6:15 and here is the next more or less Rawat -timely new page coming out on

so its now 6:40ish and as a GOTT i have the following to offer as what i believe just what arius himselfm ight've said the be would see as the deepest most meaningful aspect of this mutifaceted, that is, multimeaning Koan called something like Alexandria on Geary.

Now this is a KOAN very special, and full justice i intend to give it in due course, but for now i want to make an official offer of an answer be all end all, a FINAL ANSWER, I suppose one could say, for perhaps the single most meaing rich KOAN i've ever answered right up until this very day.

my final proposal, till I hear it's wrong, and am sent back to drawing board my the MAster, of a solution to this greatest most potentially meaningful Koan of all time is quite simple,

It was in the last great golden age that appeared on this once fair planet of ours, the single closest thing that's ever been since Adam and Eve first fell out of the Garden of Eden, to a Kingdom of my father Arius's vision o Heaven ever to take place on this Earth, the version of Earth, N E WAYZ since my father brother Pluto came down as Adam,

This place called Alexandria, and it was the most fantastic thing, it sort of just happened, appeared in the world, as the greatest repository of His Knowledge ever to appear,

And this explosion of Greatness was the last time did appear all togehter, the openly incestuous family called Rawat , and by the family Rawat, the one that i say must have appeared in that fair city at that perfect time, was more or less the same family, that is today in a place neil calls Greendale, and it included each and every member of the Green Family Tree, most or all of whom I've identified, right down the cute boy named Sky, and the one named "Aunt Sea" yes it is now quite plain to see, that Kenyatta must have also been there, and one in a billion bill and those other bills who are all over there, with their favorite two bills, one in a billion and his sweet buddy billionaire bill and our mom and noah, and our dad who was saturn in a happier time, when the musci of sh[eres was his own version of Knowledge sublime, preparing for later appearance as a certain man named JS Bach, who wrote some music quite sublime, and over and around adn through its own self did he write a few of what i believe are called something like fugues, its all over my head, but a fine fellow named Stephen Golovnin (not Smith) could probably made at least half clear to my bach befuddled Mind, and all of the others, form Jacob and Jed and my sweet twin sister Luna, and elton that man whose heart's got be be quite a fine thing that i'll soon be re-getting to know, and "You know the rest" I dont have to cover them all, and I am talking about a whole bunch who are left off the big MAP so to speak, teh map of teh family, for it is indeed much larger still, I can tell you for example that "Steiner Green" Kenny Ramer is just one of many archangelic son, of my dear friend Prince Rauven, that old play buddy of mine, whose aritisitic sculpting will provide serious competition as somwething to watch, as the great glass artworks that my two glass blowing sons of Prince Rauven's that great crowd of those artisitc friends of mine, those archangelic brothers, the two to which I refer, as just two examples, of what are surely many many more,

including some cool musicians from somewhere in Haiti, who I know my frined Rauven was especially fond, and some of my dearest of muscial friends, though never a fan of sinatra, I know he's fulfilled a job with honors like officer carmichael, and a whole lot of others, some of whom rock, and others roll if you know what i mean, but the two i refer to aer course you already know are mydear friend aaron, and (WM) Michaelangelo.

Ok so now you do get it, and i think i call it solved for now, as far as I am concerned i want to be back there right now, in whatever we want to call, that fair city that Arius called ALexandia and his neil calls Greendale, but that is sometimes Paris, and at others its Rome, and its probably been London, for a moment or two, its moved all over creation, that wandering place, where the family that loves have made their love nest.

but now id the time, it has finally come, where running from ALlah's most terrible son, will no longer be what it is that we have to do, to keep out of harms way, and out of their dodoo quite deep, yes now is the time, it has finally come, when the tide is indeed turning, and the fates are rotating too, rotating over a hot rotiesrrie, for its almost time for dinner, the one i am bringing down to you,

so get your carving knives all sharpened up, because i am ready to chow down on some vermiscious Knid stew, yes i will eat good food with you, we may never run out, thanks to mr Satan that miserable Lout, but please do not worry, your sweet little heads, even if i am given a great deal of clout, i will never abuse it, i will not take liberities that i have not genuinely earned the right to indeed take, so i wont come after you with a carving knife, like a crazy old mine running after blind mince, no i will not wrongly come and attack you, unless you deserve it by the sinmple laws , the laws that are called "justice" the ones called Karma, the ones that caused a wise man to say these words, "as ye sow so shall ye reap," and i do have a feeling that the reaper he's grim and he's about ready to harvest, and its no fault of my own, these laws that are called Karma and justice must be followed, even if someone comes out ahead in the long run, its just the way it is and always has been, the truest words Ive spoken are the ones that begin, with the world that reminds me of the long lost machine, that we once used to spin records that were still analague, I am talking of turntables and i hope they do ocme back and ssave me from the CD, but anyway, thats as far as i'll go on any idgression before getting back on point, the word i refer to begins the one sentence, that i wish everyone had thought might come true on one day, exactly as was told in the famous black book called the holy Bible, that gives all a quick peek and the potential onsequence of not onsidering the truth that is the truth that turn about is indeed a fair way to play,

and so on we go now, i'll probably be heading back up toward babylon some time later today,

i hope that when i arrive there, i wont have to wait long, for the limo to come get me, or the great big flying bird.

so farewell my lovers for at least a lil while, i will be back with more soon its more than liekey but i do notw believe that i may have more ho rless satisfied my fathers dearest wishes for somne koans all his own, to be solved right quickly without too much delay, as just a bit of fine gravy, not needed for to save the day, just a little cheery on the top, you know the fukuouka and chuang tsu and those other two the one about being ten feet tall, and the other one EBB AND FLOW, and finally the one that is the grand finale, in this little fireweorks show, perhaps you might call it, the most wonderful fireworks show that i have ver myself seen since the one or two i remember from a place called Kissimmee out in the old organic orange groves of suburban disney wrold today its a parking lot no doubt

so any way dear brother and sisters so fine, to see you so soon is my one wish most strongly wished , but then again, i dont regreat a single moment that i have been living through since i began to sense all of you,

and there is the matter, of the honesty of one faithful damsel who is our woman most delicious, our sweet cinamon girl.,, i will do whatever it is that i must do, to continue to encourage her, on her most merry of ways, into the realm of sweetness that she and me and you, will all find ourselves in , in perhaps a single day or two, possibly once she gets the lesson shes working on, her own homework assignment, to crack her own KOAN, the KOAN of why is it, that she would want to keep secret her love for her own son, from a lover named Mark, why exactly does she want this to be kept a secret, if i put it to her that way and demand that swhe answer, then maybe we will all be following along behind her after all this place is at her command, so we need her to be ready, she's our teletubbie goddess after all, and i think she's about ready, its just the last thing or two, on her own journey to perfect, an easier one it seems, but who i am i to say, i dont know, i'm a man, i just know it is different, and maybe its just as hard, for a woman to let go of lies as it is for a man, so i will continue to practive the virute known as patience, though i must say that the pictures of whistler are practically burning my brain, so i will there soonk, yes at the double E, and i hope that my daddy will come be there with me, but whatever he has planned for the beginning of our great family party, in celebration of the truth tht justice does indeed come in due course, and everyone will be getting their desserts, just like my daddy goo maraji said at hans jayanti, no not this year or last year, or even in '83, but no, way back in 70, when he and i were both only twleve years old,

so now i will sign off, and say i have wishes for each of thee, that all of your own wishes will happily come true, from now til forever, we'll just be and we'lll be with never a vermiscious KNID every bother us again,

so on to the massive, the massive of kenyatta, the most massively masive you ever could imagine, so i'll see you there soon, if not even much sooner, right her on truman show however that works, and also here on my website, this little safe place, where Issac can say what he wants without that asshole in my face, telling me to shut up , showing me nothing but hate, no wonder my mom sent him and his mom to their fate, they went into exile and then they started to breed and what they did come up with will make you do worse than just sneeze, but you dont need me to go there and review all that sickness, lets just look forward to this fresh start, this new begining, a new begining wihtout all of the foulness that caused us to be persecuted and hounded until right now, i had every parasite that had ever lived, or so it seemed with his or (more likely) her fangs sunnk deep into yours truly,

so now i feel justified in become what i am to be, even if those same parasites that parasited me, now will be the victims of a vampire conspiracty that is intended from day one to make a dinner of them, and that is what i'm doing bringing dinner right straight down unto to thee , and whatever the costume that you most prefer to wear at the rapture party in green rome so fair, is quite fine with me, grandpa you can come with you've got on as far as i care, if you wanna kjnow what i'll wear you might try asking a boy who perhaps goes by "MOLLY" she is the one who should now, i think that's the plan, somehow ican feel that mischevious brow hiding some shifty adult tormeting sort of eyes, and i welcome the sense that this is his true mood, that he is fed up with sickness and the people who will it, the people who are happy to go along with such lies that a liar named satan tells and theat everyone beleives,

so look out you people, these green folk are hornery, please do not expect us, to be all nicey nice and easy, no i am afraid that those days of white robes and sandals and bo peep staff of the shepard archetype, i think that ihave a black car, called the bat mobile, and a black leather jacket and a purple cape left in there, by some band of batmobile robbing thieves, who leave KOAN clues behind, jsut to make it all so much fun, so if you see a bunch of vampirish childlike hippies, tearing around in balck helicopters with , if anything just 666 printed on the sides. and southern man now, you in particular better watch out, you that's right you, you southern type man, the one who i was so bold as to manace with words that i some how could not help hearing come at me out of the deep, you know the ones, i said them in some four page rant or other in the local weekly news paper, anyway here it is, i'll say it again, for your benefit Mr SOuthern man, my little expression went more or like this:

A message from Neil Young for Lynyrd Skynyrd i have for to share with you my friends from south of erstwhile border north and south, that old mason dixon line, that line between two kinds of mind, one that i think of as better than Hell, so any way Mr hippy hating Killers listen to what i have to say, cause it'll blow you away: I hope the Southern Man will remember, Neil Young don't need 'im around anyhow" and if you don't like that I am saying it, Please dont hold it against Farm Aid or the Washington Sustainable FOod and Farming Network either for that matter, if you dont like what i said just come to me and we'll talk about it, and just remember, it was me, not Neil Young Rawat who said it, OK? It's all my fault.
oh and before i actually do sign off completely and go examine the color of my urine for the umpteenth time since i stopped peeing in toilets and into or onto anything BUT, i want to retunr for just a moment to that simple nostalgic word "turntable" it leads me to say via noting that "the tide is turning" is also alluded to by this last minute wordsmithing that i'm doing, but what i wish to remind you that you prbably never agued with oncce in your life and you may even have used it yourself,

somehow the way it works out when justice is finally done in a world like this one in which sperm demonstrate their true intentions for how they would live if allowed to be aryan men lving supposedly accroding to certain solemn agreements, it just turns out that these words appear indeed to be the truth:

Turnabout is fair play my friends, and if your mission was to be a parasite or a debaser of MY LIFE forever then please prepare yourself to be done to as you did unto others during the time in which you were given the opprotunity to be true to your word thatyou'ld be good, nuf said.
=something like this:


appros of "powder finger" which came our during the time after i was buying or even listening to much but that neil bothered to send me the lrics to, i jut want to offer this to emmy lou harris and everyone "from Hank to Hendrix who ever has ever been mentioned or alluded to in a song in Neil Young's music from bruce berry, to whomever he was talking about in needle and the damage done, to richardnixon (who does indeed got soul) plau anyone whose ever played with him live, at least and probably in a recording studio, including pearl Jam members one of whom knows my mom and all of whom were apparntly showing some interest at one time in buying the terence mckenna memorial temple of the archaic revival, and who also, out of the blue asked the unknown upstart company called Essential foods to SELL food at the freebie concert that they did in the early days of essential foods that i guess from what Victor Hugo himself tells me, as well as my mom, *But i never did get an accuarte report form terry rex cady about the finances of the money that was mine seems to have disappeared, but oh well who cares, money was NEVER the point of anything i did, even attempting to outdo Soros as a trader but falling flat on my face,

yes you bob dylan and john lennon who SAID somethings to the world, and i learned from david wefferling, one of dylans all time biggest fans, (along with a cute jewish boy named jack mixedupmoniker or something like that, i dont care what his name or ethnicity he is, i just like him, like i do all of the moslem brothers i've been tallking to lately, oh and john lee and satan and everyone mentioned as being citizens of greendale like remedy and julia butterfly and "hey mister las vagas with his tip of the hat to terry cady's friends the brat pack (but i dont know if terry himself is there or not, but i expect chuck jeness is there, along with others of terry's friends including it is quite possible but this i am not sure of either, but "Werner" that old friend of so many i knew but whose enilgihtenment for sale proposition just didnt quite strike me as right, and the rest, all of you, and chrissy hind of the pretenders who told everyone at the gorge that neil young was her god while i was there, nad speaking of which to gyatso who is the only person i know of who ever put my picture on his altar,

and the guy who wrote the liner notes for on the beach who probably was just desribing some psychedlic shapeshifting hilarity that just happened to be one of hte best times of his life, ben keith was it?

and joni mitchel and linda rondstat and others besides those who just pop into my mind when i think: female equivalent to neil (joni wins that one in my mind, being canadian on top of the rest) and well just everyone i can think of whoever participated in womad or with ry cooders musical and archangelic pursuits either one,

and to daniel lanois and everyone he's produced, especially robbie robertson whose lanois produced somngs really stand out, and bruce cockburn and dave and so many others, i say "what he said" in Hank to hendrix!" see ya,

and about that river where emmy lou met her fate, is there some connection between THAT river and the other one down by which you shoot your baby neil?? does that seemingly peculiar conicidence that suggest an association to my mind represent a potential or actual place in space, or is it more like a reference to a moment of time when perhaps you BABY, the one whose now in the bardo, kind of falls asleep on th eshoulders of earth brown after filling up on some more clear glacier water, does any of that ring a bell for you neil???

i dunno i just pice together these puzzles, i dont make em up, so dont blame me if its all so confusing in its multdimensionality dont worry, trust us, especially you girls, we boys in the rawat family who play the later stages of the temple lover # 3 and 4 in the generations of rawat boys in teh temple, we know what we're doing, we can handle it, leave the driving to us, you know what i mean?

some how a window with this ad was open on my machine and it sort of caught my eye

ZipRealty Real Estate -- Homes for Sale and Local REALTORS

well it says zip reality, "your home is where our heart is"

and i just get the feeling that the word ZIP is enough of a KOAN alert sign as you could find at this moment, right up there with "Alexandria" and well it just kind of gives me this warm sort of feeling in my eyes if you know what i mean, and i think of the double E and dorothy and "there's no place like home" and the pictures i keep getting from places aorund whistler and the love that i've been feeling coming at me frmo the truman show, i guess i will just say, maybe you'll soon see the truman show move to where my home is and your hearts are, which i can just imagine could somehow allude to the double e, or my sense of it, being the terence mckenna meets bino baggins house that apparantly has a golf course OF SOME KIND near by and maybe some chickens and rooster...

there's no place like home....

there's no place like home....

there's no place like home....

there's no place like home....

i'l see you there soon!

my time is running short!

bubye!!! tee hee hee,

the teletubbie goddess is sleeping peacefully by the way at 9:05 am on THIS day the thirteenth month of the eleventh day of november in the year of our lord 2005 AD.

oh i forgot but he reminded me,,, according to victor skywalker hugo, my mom and others, the food service portion of the free pearl jam concert at (psilocybin rich) magnuson park went perfectly well and a good time was had by all,,, if only i could get buffol to help out with the food at kenyatta's massive like i helped out when he was doing food at the okanogan highlands healing gathering when i went there with my buddy tim king so many years ago back in the day, so to speak, if buffalo could in some way help kenyatta out wtih the food scene at the massive, the massively masssive massive of kenyatta rawat, then i would truly and honestly i believe it would be fair to say, be in Heaven. my father arius's perfectly perfect heaven.

1130 wakng up now, bab snow still quote sleepy, so good morning "A I W" as rob brackenridge might say(neil knows what i mean ) and if ROB is perchance there now to, then he sure as hell does too!

and now i want to offer an other shot at koan solution that i hope is another piece of the puzzle that sort ohad to be solved by more or less thins moment of time by some inevitaility hidden in a code deep inside a pieve of literature that was available for reading in the libraries of alexandira, and it is a further clarification of the "Ebb and flow koan."

i believe that the sentence that i identified as the crux of the "Ebb and Flow" Koan, which i have also named "the your (sic, maybe maybe not sic) in the bardo now baby koan," may in fact refer quite specifically and exquisitely to this certain sound that i hear when i move my body while focusing my mind upon the feelings in my body that i associate with vermiscious KNIDS, it's a sound that i associate in my mind somewho with the phrase "KNID crunching..." its honestly true, i do believe this.

the signs i am recieving from hugo and elsewhere are that the truman show does not seem to have as many in audience as i had thought.

in reply to victor hugo
In a message dated 11/13/2005 12:14:24 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Honey, don't stress....

I love you,

thanks brother, no worries, i love you too victor skywalker hugo

and i must add so you know this, because i want you to know this

that i am looking forward in somewhat bemused anticipation

to being officially induced by some baptismal type of ritual,
completely of your own invention,
into that proud nation of yours, the Gypsy Nation, of which i sincerely believe
i have always been at least an honorary member,

speaking of gypsies and their nation, the film that was made about them
called Lacho Drom is for sure one of my very all time favorite motion pictures
of any length.

gypsy king, please have me back in your nation of wandering honest psychedelically-inclined people, who have endured over many centuries persecutions that i have tasted in this lifetime


i have been getting this distinct feeling of awakening around my teeth into a sense that there are some demons of Babylonian persuations, who have actually taken up residence in the darkness that's there, in around the teeth, and it is therefore not a coincidence that i have been in the home of our dental student mama so fair when this thought has occured to me that seem some how a potential part of the solution, in some very strange and distant sort of a way to the "James and the Giant Peach Koan" and i am going to make a guess about this matter that may seem so very strange, bty virtue of the apparant position in which it sits, way out in right field way back in the far corner, i hope it does not tip the scale in favor of people believing the lies our nruse rachet tells, that i am so crazy, that i zm a loony that i need to be locked up in her jail,

so anyway here it is, if there is a batman villian who is somehow related to this sensation of babylonians there present within the deep dark secret places where the light have all been turned out, because peoples' dental health has all gone to Hell, and so if Bookworm perchance is a fellow whose taken up reisdence in this particular littel corner of what now becomes Hell, and if perchance, Bookworm is related to me in this past life time as another member of the fairhall family,

it is quite possible that there could be a clue, in th ecode embedded deep with the story James and Giant Peach, a Bible code of its own so to speak, that may also relate to my own father AW;s experience as a child nearly alone, with a couple or more women who were in some sense like those two evil sisters or whatever they were, who tried to destroy the poor boy whose name was James, it's just a wild guess but oh what the hell, there you have its


did someone say "any time this week?" victor hugo skywalker piottin was that you, telling me something that i might have wanted to know? or just a coincidence at a time when i am no longer sure there really is such a thing of this nature, at least in my own life any more at this time,

actually now that i think of it the gyspy king victor hugo skywalker piottin does stand out very clearly in my life in one all important way, such that IF ONE PERSON WHO WAS INDEED present at the thing that i imagine might be called the Truman Show, were going to send me an e mail hinting to me that i might be with him and the others truman show watchers whose numbers i have felt a belief were growing steadily with each day,

it would be Skywalker Victor hugo piottin, hands down if the intelligence of Arius intellici machine elves were doing their jobs,

so if perchance this e mail from victor were really a KOAN in disguise, a very subtle disguise it was indeed for it seemed perfectly free of the mishevious eyebrows of neil rawat appearing within my minds eye, down in the temple, that great hall so fair, the entrance to which is deep inside my very own body.

so here is the solution to the skywalker see you sometime in the next week e mail that could have been KOAN, mr hugo has an unusal distinction in my life, of that he himself is quite clear, there is one little piece skywalkers own unique story that he has with me shared quite freely, as soon as theopportunity arose that pertains in a way to his experience as a higly ranked sku racer back in days en La France.

So if Mr Skywalker Piottin is there with you now, i will let him explain it, if this is not already been done,

i do get a distinct feeling that whether or not hgo is there, that neil rawat could explain this one, as easily as our victor hugo akywalker piottin most assuredly could... yes if this happens, if it is indeed true, that there is a hidden meaning within hugos e mail that is roughly meant to be understood here by me in the way that i have suggested then all i can say, i very much look forward to seeing you too, my friend Mr Hugo, i will look forward to seeing you and some, many, of my other friends, perhaps in the green room, perhaps at double E rancho, or maybe it will just be walk at goden gardens beach..

ok so there you have it, a theoretical solution to an email that i dont know if its meant as a koan at all...

the point i am making is that a good KOAN it would have indeed made, if it just so happened that the puppet master has our hugo working with him in this sweet little dance of koan asking and solving that's been the main event, really of the whole journey, the correct understanding just had not come into focus, until the word KOAN appeared.

and now (2:30 PM) from the student's position in the dokusan room of the greater rawat mansion/temple/residence located at Stanyan and Parnassus near the convenient store that sells precious water by the gallon at a VERY good price,

if offer Neil Rawat Roshi who is most assuredly in the Roshi Place of Honor due the person second to Arius himself as responsible for the brilliace of the Koan at hand,

and this Koan is most assuredly a Neil Rawat invention, its one of the individual koans most perplexing, within the giant and really psychedelic morass of the profoundest of Koans, the Greendale Material, or at least the part of it that i have employed in the attempt at solving the greatest Koan of all, which is the simgle most basic Koan that Master Arius leads his willing sons all the way completely through, this being the simplest of Koans of all, it is simply the matter of how can we humans can fulfill, our potential for happiness and success as living beings, and in a way the Koan of life that I have come very close to solving, is the simple question of that sweet girl rada, the virgin mary, our teletubbie goddess so supremely fine, and the matter of how to provide for her the simple happy life she so desires oh yes its true, the Krishna vision of happy family is the vision of not one deity but two, our creator and his goddess, the mother of all, in that she is the inspiration that rules all, the very reason that neil rawat asks, "is this place at your command,"

so now i have realized, and this is all a digression from a matter of lesser import, the subKoan in Greendale that I will get back to in a mere moment or two so be patient with me, because while on this little digression i have a thing to report back to you, that i have just said a few mere seconds ago to her Royal Highness our Goddess Baby Snowleopard that I sincerely believe is most true,

namely that the vision that she is the more or less official carryer of, on bnehalf of us all that she told me of as the most essential honest self-descripitive thing she could have said, about her own very sweet self soon after we'd slept in one an others arms for the very first time if not before then,

and these are the words, more or less that she used to describe the simple vision of life that she holds deep in her heart, its her core intention in life, its who she is, its the simple vision of a loving family that she very simpl described to me,

and so now it has occured to me, to say this to her this very day, that the fulfillment of said vision of hers that she has carried for so very long, in spite of persecutions severe, at the hands of allah whose always coming after her, sort of like Ptarmagog, who cant kill aunt sea enough times, to satisfy her lust for the blood of a child, she has persisted in insisting upon the having the right to be happy in spite of all the demons who come after her, and her good family, the holy rawat AKA Green family of which she "is the life" according to myself as well as neil her lover and my father, the one whose dokusan this one is..

well now back to what i said, to Her Highness our Empress the baby snowleopard, just minutes now ago, is that the fufilment of this most worthy of dreams will occur for at approximately the exact moment that the folowing does occur, it will all fall into place, when the work she is now doing, of attaining the highest most difficult form of enlightenment perhaps ever attained, which believe it or not, the rarest of the rare, is the very achievement that i have been demanding from her, and it is almost a wrap, i believe she is on the very cusp of the greatest single success any human being could ever achieve and this is simply as follows, it is simple and plain you see, at least is to me, and i suspect my father arius may be nodding his head yes,

it is this matter you see, of honesty, not in me, but in a woman any single woman who is really of this here earth, maybe not the convenient store girl, the one with the pups, how may be a perfected girl here visiting from another world, a woman who's already attained, what snow leopard is now herself attaining, perhaps for the very first time, the super rare comdition of a woman whose attained a state of perfection with respect to that all important thing known simply as HONESTY, yes i did declare today to people here and there, as i did that one day in parking lot of said store, that an honest woman is a rarity indeed it is truly so rare, as to make one who has attained this state of perfect grace, a woman perfected in her commitment to honesty is the highest deity that could possible be, with the possible exception of the perfectly nurturing dairy cow, who is certainly more worthy of worship than any woman or man, whose not yet attained such an honesty that would even allow them selves to see, the perfectly obvious truth that i am offering here,

so now back to the matter of the Sub Koan of Greendale that has always been stimping me everytime i revisted it, until that is today, this most blessed of days, when some of the final and sweetest peices of puzzle are falling right into their place,

so now to cut ot the chase lest i spend all of this beautiful san fracisco trying to make this a song, instead of just simply saying the simple things available to say, because i have more knowing, than ever before as i graduially wash the residue of magog and her sickness into the BAY,

Ok now i will say, what it is i have to say about the KOAN I will call the _Earl green is a vietnam vet according to Neil_ koan, and here the thing, I know how he will sing the praises of such a simple and sweet solution as i've found for this one thats really so personal between me and him, because he put that one in there, before i ever stood before the world to say anything about any of this stuff that pertains to the stuff that is commonly known simply as opium,

by calling his character Earl, who is indeed the character of Neil, a vietnam era veteran, he is alluding to several possible answers and or to their clues, one of which could be simply that he lived through era, or that he wrote a famous song that i have been speaking of as a KOAN itself about the tragedy that occured at Kent State university as a part of the wars over vietnam that was occuring at the time that this song was relased,.

but there is more to this reference, to himself as a vet of the vietnam wars yes there is on this i would once agAIN be willing to bet, for the meaning you see, pertains in part to me, and the fact that i was the first person ever in the history of this fragile planet called our mother Earth to understand a few thing, that i said as my offering in my newspaper statements about the opium trade and its relation to the lucifer and satan struggle to the death over control of it. the "poppy Koan" is what i refer to but i think neil inserted this not as a koan for me so much as an acknoeldgement that he knew i'd get it, that he knew i'd have figured it out BY THE TIME I FIRST EXPERIENCED the greendale album myself at exactly the moment to the hour when i first did so that he had foretold, perhaps within the material itself are probably some keys, in a scret code that pertain entirely to my experience of teh greendale album, in quite fine detail, i am most confidently certain, he needed to make sure i saw several different things, including stuff found only very deeply hidden in his own website that was there for me and only me really it is probably quite fair to say, but i dont need to belabor these points he will clarify it all to the exact honest truth that he already knows that i am just making some guesse about for the record and I'm done for now on that point, that veitnam war vet refers to his own long history as someone dependent upon the opium that is the reason the papacy and the pope and the name poppy and so much else i have said about dope and its importance to all of human history since abraham at least.

so on i go now to this idea about a tulip festival that has not happened as yet that i beleive may revolve around a certain series of events that took place a few years ago, this is very obscure i know, but this website is just a record of one person's whacky intuitions so this will nothing so new, but there is this matter of the obvious double entendre that is implicit at teh core of the KOAN called simply "the Tulips Koan":.

some of the key words in this koan following in all caps are SKAGITONIANS PRESRVE FARMLAND and someoneorother name ROSE who took me on TOUR of SKAGIT and there was even a HOUSE that i remember and later had intuitions about that remind me of another farm sort of a place that i call the Frank Short Dairy, neil may have some information about these matters but only if my intuition is far better than i ever have credit to myself honestly for having, but then again, i may indeed be wandering far away from the planned course, of these final revalations of things that have occured to me in my over active imagination that i've made so plain for all to see,

but see this SKAGIT TULIP KOAN is a rather large one, with plenty of jkey words all losely buched together, and its all in a book that is more likely written by wendell berry or was jackson or Kukuoka or even NAbhan or mushroom as someone from way over there, over in Jerusalem, so some other such place, in other words its in a code located somewhere else not in the BIble you see, its neil's own code you see, not in the original skeletal story that is arius's most important boopk now you see, how it all works, that says a lot there, mrs piggle wiggle is not a mandatory thing its opttional as a rawat containing glass bead game sort of a tool, but the bible code is, what is in there is in threre, but the puppet master magister Ludi that is, that is mr neil rawat in this particular case can mess with a lot of optional stuff and invent some of his own, just like the car, the invention that i think may be of his own creative genius, and some of his cool songs are noodubt original, but then there are probably some rawat songs among his repetroire too,

anyway that is far too much speculation on a matter of less importance than just naming a few more key words from the SKagit tulip KOAN

for TU is one you see, and LIPS are an other, and that is all that needs to be said on that at this time, but ZACH LYONS is in there, of this i am sure, and if Joe whinney is mentioned it is merely for some poetic justice of that i am sure, this koan is about something that never got tainted by satan's damned meddling of this i am sure, and the condemnation of SUGAR in the Bardo KOAN email notwithstanding i offer one more key word that i fully expect in the TULIP SKAGIT ROSE Koan is SUGAR and look for teh word BEET and REFINERY, because i had a great BRAINSTORM and neil and ZACH both know what it is, and just for some fun, just check it out there, or whereveer the code is for the FARM AID PARTY that happened there at ye olde TEMPLE the CHOCOLATE FACTORY so dear to me, and look for one more Key WOrd, look for it there, you'll find it its somewhere come on Neil I cant believe you would have left this ONE out, its the three word phrase that will draw so very mush praise from the master and those of his allies who are out to bust mark retzloff and everything that he represents, i refer of course neil knows, and now ZACH himself and his bother DANA are both getting a fun little inkling that the very reference to which i refer is simply just these three little words:" COWS WITH GUNS " come on they must be in there just for some good fun mixed together with a slightly more serious but also very fun one, the one about the sugar refinery with beets growing happily in the deep rich alluvial soils of the fecund skagit valley, and look for the word that i just used, FECUND< i have a funny feeling its probably in there, in this very context, to desribe the Skagit vallry, a place nearly holy, the home of a guy who i have been wanting to meet, whose name is also in there, of this i have little doubt and its the name of the guy who wrote the funny books about the trippy sort of stuff that probably would have turned me on, if i had only had time, but i think i'd much rather here it all read aloud mby the author himself, up at the tulip ranch that's sort of an extension of the DOUBLE E RANCHO located just in that valley somewhere in an old fARM HOUSE neil knows the one, I am talking mr tOM ROBBINS, whose friend PETE wanted me to meet before he mysterious disaapreared fron my whole life, hopefully because he was taken into the Greendale fold, but if it wasnt, but it was more the usual reisistence to the truth spoken by the perfectly honest one, then i hope he's recovered from this terible fright and rejoined his old friends in Greendale for happy clebrations that must be going on there at this time,

and then there;s the matter of this idea of a dairy farm over in JEFFERSON COUNTY, the SHORT's place and there is STEVE HARTMAN and honorary member i'm sure of the WASHINGTON DAIRY ASSOCIATION, a bunch of fine fellows whom it was revealed to me on amanita one night, the JUDGMENT DAY expeirence, in which it was revealed that there is a whole tribe of DAIRYMEN whose status as Israelites became clear to me that night, and it all relates to a rumor i heard about a sailboat neil keeps somewhere over there, in jefferson county, and a town with the allimportant word PORT as a part of its name, TOWNSEND being the other half,

AHA the missing key found in this moment 3:55 PM, and a lesson learned mr neil rawat will explain.

of that very cool quiet and quiant victorian town, that seems like it has the potential to be another ALexandria of sorts, its sort of reminds one not of berkeley but actually its like a minature version of san francisco, with a similar climate, often windy and cool in summer, so anyway i can see reason the original hand millked cow dairy would be located near there, and that is what i am talking about, the HAND MILKED DAIRY KOAN, that i believe that some people i admire, include Fred Kirschenmann adn the organic dairy guy that he and i would agree along with Arius my father for sure, that he has a higher ZIK rating, than our matrix dairy nemesis mr MARK Retzloff, CERTAINLY NOT the good Mark of the BIble no way, he's a demon a bad guy whose crimes are punishable in ways that i cannot be sure but that i would not be in envy of, and you know who i am talkking about, his name is Geroge and I have mentioned him bofore the organix valley guy who is a rawat pro cow warrior of great importance possibly the leader of one of JACOBS tribes- and i have to say, that that popular prophety sort of guy who is the most oft quoted of men who i most admire living in the world today you know i am talking about the man from PORT Royal, I am talking about Wendell Berry, who is the one i remember complaining about the effects on the dairy industry of an excess of corporate and government control, rules that would prohibit something so correct and so pure as the sale of milk from a cow that was never hooked up to a matrix, a hand milked cow could probably have no place in the system of rules and objectives that come from the likes of Satan BOOK WORM and Mark retzloff, the cow matrix demon, that bad demon from Hell whose with is to take the generous cow and make some profits with it, and i do also recall that Wendell is no more happy about silage as a food source for the cows the ones with the hooves that get their grass which has roots brought all the way to them in their concret matrix like retzloff invented environment, in the form of rotten and stinky silage, a food so disgusting for an animal who would so much prefer to wander out over yonder silage field and eat the grass fresh before its been turned into an early stage of raw cow manure,

these matters of the cow, and the treatment she's endured, i cannot understand how, who has suffered so needless at the hands of the retzloff faction of the business of raising said cow, the Babylonian side of that particular divide, between the honest and good human beings aligned with Rawats and those who choose to fight against them, people like Retzloff, who've altogether differeent dream which is to ruin something so good and so pure in order to make more imaginary money,

so pardon what seems like an obsession, on the difficult plight of that fair friend of all hippies of both the male and femail variety plus the kids, the folks of the Heaven that Arius gives us that has the sweet generous cow in its most essential PICTURE, the picture of Krishna, which is all he ever really wanted, the fulfillment of his consort Rada's vision of swwet happy perfection, and as we all know its only because it happens that there are people like Retzloff out there who'll mess with my daddy's perfect plan, that there was need for a son like me, to come along eventually to thwart the designs of the gaggle of babylonian gangsters of which mark retzloff is one, at least an honorary one, even if not an original one of the gang that includes gog and maggog, that includes nurse rachet and satan, and allah and cain, and dont forget tovallah and jon, the whole mengarie of evil women and their boy slaves, all of whom would have been so much better off if they had just stuck with the perfect program that they had already agreed to, i just dont know about martin, what was his problem, or where he came from, but he the original babylonian messer up of things has reached the end of the road, I am so sorry mr Martin that your request i could not oblige, i just was not willing to forgo beocoming the christ for your sorry undeserving asshole's sake, i really just couldn't even consider your request when you begged me after more than twenty years of fake friendship to give up being what i wanted and fully intended to be, which is simply just me, without your disease that you invented in order to rip off me and my family who only wanted to be free from scum bags like you,

oh so now my dear martin, what are you going to do, where are you going to go with your sorry and unworthy self that you just could not control, you could never admit that you have fallen so short of what you needed to be in order to be worthy of the gift of life itself, which you have taken and used to steal from the one who gave it all to you, to have perfect happiness in a perfect world if only there were none such as you,

so i will soon bid you adieu martin, but not exactly like that now that i think of it, but there is no DIEU where you'll being going except the idea of the false god called Yahweh or whatever it is that you made up out of whole cloth, as a complete lie, that really defines very cealrly the difference between me and you,

i neither invented that deity, nor do i wroship him, he is youer own lie your own fabrication that is at the core, of your terrible sins your completely depraved lies, a false god you invented just so that you could try to hide, your totally ashamed self, so now i have some advise for you my old pal martin please begin a new journey real soon, i highly recommend that you really do learn to follwo the chi, and hoefully it will lead you on a one thousand day long journey up out of your own self created hell to the fulfillment of your true petential as a simple and honest man, i dont know if you will do it, or if its even possible, but i sense that the very best you could possibly do, is climb out of your hell at the very last moment before the thousand years of peace are over and the time has come, whereby if you are not ready to enter into my pure heaven, if you still have the baggage of an intention to lie and to steal and deceive you will not make it out, you must get busy right now, for a have a feeling that the thousand years might correspond to the duration of ane= expression of sincerity of appreciation for the option you have before you now to climb out of your cell your prison your dungeon of lies and obscutions that you did devise, but not a single moment of insincerity can you afford as quite possibly the one whose defined exactly what the thousand years are for, its the duration of the time you must suffer in your own self created HELL if there is any hope that you will ever redeem your up to now sorry ass self, so get with it NOW, not a moments delay, for there is no future for you if you do not start shwing incerity now, and into the fire, with Satan CAIN and ALLAH you will go all ofour of you and more, no doubt ptrmigan will prbabably be with you, but i want to believe that you all have now have one last chance, but in the cases of these ultimately evil demons the entire thousand year period must be put to good use, or else it is hopeless, that mook with no number at all that Jed has in his posession will never have your name in it if your efforts do not begin more or less right in this moment, the moment you hear this if it is even remotely related to the truth of what that the whole _THOUSAND YEARS of peace after which Satan and all those who are not yet wreitten in to the book of life are cast into the lake of fire forever_ KOAN that is anothe major top ten leading perplexer that pertains in this way perhaps to exactly the TOP TEN major leaders of BABYLON, who include the following if uch a LEtterman top ten list might ever actually will have existed that would incluide the follwoing ten people i'll guess"

Allah and Cain are two,

as are Gog and Magog, that's martin and Ptarmigan, the worst of his band of babes,

Satan joe whinney and his terrible mom nurse rachet,

tovallah and jon ramer the temple priest are certainly in this top ten group of this i am quite sure,

and finally i will guess its either bookworm and someone else if forget who, or maybe there's a "baker's major top ten, which would be the eleven who include bookworm and

the last of the group, who are catwoman and egghead whose Gurjieff and Yosamian, the alcohol demons who work directly for satan, in encouraging alcohol addiction the very worst of all diseases.

so there you have the list the final eleven culprits whose penance must begin immediately and go on uns=caseing for the enture duration of one thousand years, i am just guessing, but to me it makes some sense, and i certainly would be eager to hear Arius's impressions about what i am saying right now\, you see there is a path that leads up out of the deepest Hell and depending up crime there is a duration of time, that one must spend praying and begging forgiveness if they participated willingly in conspiracies to destroy us, we the good people who make goodness even a possible thing inspite of the terrible conspiracies of these and other criminals all associated with the idea of Babylon,

so come on you eleven get withthe program, time is a wasting and there is none for any of you eleven to waste,....

so that's it for the moment, back to baker beach, for one last sunset, and then i'll return with more to say of this i am wuite sure, but of course not positive cause you just never now, exactly when the final moment will arive, before i enter the temple, that rapturous moment when all will be fulfilled, i think vidctor hugo sort oof meant to tell me that it may be up to my discretion to a certain extent inso far as there may be a week begins today or tonight perhaps in which i wil slip down into said temple oh i hope this is true, that somehow its destined as HUGO seems to be telling me, that it will happen this week that i will wind up with him and some others in the sacred temple where love is allowed to flow as it most naturally can and so must, the temple of love, the temple of happines the temple in which all problems are destroy when everyone is in it, when no lies can exist, when no hiding can be sdone when all guys know everything that there could be to know about one antoher and theri women friends too, a place so sacred as to destroy the very possiblily of the reassent of darkness itself

when i return i'll have a new page as it will be "evening" by then after 6 pm there will be a new post, its just a way of doing what i do that is nore consistent with my fathers strong tendency towards impeccability, which is something i've not yet mastered that i think he will allow me to work on in the future...

it has to do with listening to the prophet his voice can most certainly be heard especially while under the influence of amanita of this i am sure, the voice you can hear it as clear as a bell if you just listen to the still small voice is inside its related to the beating of the ticker right inside of your chest, which relates again back to the your inthe bardo now baby KOAN something about a gorilla, which just might be a reference to this last minute KOAN solving.


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