Saturday, October 01, 2005

september 30 (69)

september 30

by saying that you dont want to become what you are, by refusing to love fuck, which male human beings are designed specifically for, because its a part of the ultimate experience which is just what exists, is to say that you want to cling to denial and lies. it is to say that you intend to defile the temple. you have to be a lover, you have to awaken your whole self. to be a lover of the perfect master is, by definition, to be fully awake, to awaken every part of the self, of the body, to light up every part of the temple.

i sure as heck am not going to say no to the offer of the most magnificent gift!


what would you do if YOU were the god. what kind of world woudl you invent. i can guarantee you that whatever world idea you come up with, if it has more than one man in it, it wont work if the men dont worship fuck. it wont work it will become hell. so no matter what world you incarnated in it would turn to hell, unless you get saved by teh son of fuck. thats how its been for every human being who has ever existed. if you dont want pleasure, you are a demon by definition, and its only a demon that doesnt want to love Fuck. he is irresistable because he is perfect.

"grandpa's always been a favorite of mine..." this lineranks as an all time sly understatement. i mean, for me, how much more obvious could it get what he is saying. all the guys - his friends working on greendale -are dying to know what beautiful nineteen year old sun green looks like, and he's like, "grandpa's always been a favorite of miine.,.." in other words, "i dunno about sun, yeah she's OK, but that grandpa, now he's a hottie!!!" spoken like a true god.

i was saying this two years ago, but i will say it again. the template for the mind itself, the psyche,is a story, and the archetypes are the fixtures of that story. it is the story about the psyche itself, and how it preserves its own happiness, thanks to the perfect masters named fuck who are in control of it. we are living out a story that repeats itself over and over as the wheel that churns out souls, Fuck's Eternal Gypsy Caravan Circus of Love, turns.

and it really is like a gypsy caravan of wonders, the magical mysery tour through worlds that get churned up out of hell, from which we save the souls that we can save, and then we go one with the song and the dance and the feasting and the laughter and the loving. and everyone lives happily ever after.

How could Heaven be any more serious than a circus caravan???? won't you come to the party and get wild and crazy with us? we have these things called Festivals of Tormentation, where we all get really super turned on together, just to make sure no one downstairs has forgotten about is. I think they are pretty fun, you shuold lose that serious look on your face and rebecome and child and forget all of your past phobias and taboos and just get ready to be perfectly free and happy.... loving and worshiping Fuck, the absolute embodiment of the highest form of perfection that could possibly exist. why would you want to pass that up?

i think i am going to be rejoining the party at any moment now. it is going to be so grand!


i am heading down for that moon of jupiter.


9:15 boys, there is a voice coming from deep in what i call the temple (which is the collective mind but it's located in the whole body, not just the brain region) and speaking to you. it is not your voice, it is the voice of someone who wants you in hell with him or her. the voice is reminding you that you can hide the things you want to be in denial of behind the foreskin, or inside the glans. i am sure this is what either adam or eve told cain after he killed abel, that he could just HIDE his guilt form himself and it would just go away... lots of boys have heard this lie, and they will remember hearing this lie when they go deep enough into their own unconscious bodies, into the temple. all of your sins from many lifetimes are sitting there, waiting to be remembered. hiding your guilt inside the head of the penis is what oedipus complex is all about, and there is a memory that i can access of someone being TOLD by someone that it is OK. its not necessarily that someone said this to me, but i know someone is thinking that, someone is holding that thought. its like the permission to do that has become like an archetyple, a fixture of the collective mind. it's a thought in there able to be heardas one enlightens that part of the temple where that thought is stored.

i am journeying into what is called the underworld, and i am reporting to you in real time aobut my experience from my room in the _olympic_ hotel in seattle. . btw, i am under the influence at this time of nothing at all, but i may take some more amanita tonight.


830 pm. i am going in deeper. sinners, you lay waste to teh temple of goodness with your hidden sins, what you hide in the "underworld" - all of the deep dark places where you then let yourself go unconscious- is experienced as sickness by the deity who sustains you.

sin is a terrible sickness in the temple. we all share a temple. i'm sorry if you didnt realize it. i think we tried to tell you. what sickness you bring on yourself, you bring on the temple, the body of the deity and the body of everyone. he has to be free of your disease, he has to expel your disease of denial and unconsciousness. its just a sickness in his body. reality requires him to expel your sickness and he does, and either you let go of the sickness or you perish with it. its just how reality has to be. if there was any possibility that it could be any other way, that would have happened a long time ago, because anything would be easier than this, and no one would do it this way if it could be easier.

if you didnt live with respect for life itself, for goodness itself, for the overall health of teh collective, then you have some repentence and some healing to do.

the temple is a barren wasteland of denial and lies and unconsciousness.


what ever it is that makes pee yellow, more of that has probably been eliminated from my body in the past few months than from any other body in history.

i keep writing things, and then going and looking at it on my web site. like i've been doing that every time i write a little passage. which is about every ten minutes... anyway, i'm like, I gotta see this, someone is actually publishing this truth on the internet, i gotta check it out! i mean, if this was someone else and i was a witness, i would be like glued to the computer and hitting the refresh button every ten minutes to read the next installment.

as someone who has hungered for truth all of my life, i am sure my jaw would be on the floor.. i would be all over it.


people throw the word worship around like it meant the exact same thing as "church service." these people dont know what worship looks like. i am describing worship as it pertains to the appropriate relationship between men and gods. it looks exactly like a guy sitting on a throne and a whole bunch of other guys admiring him and all of them are masturbating and experiencing an uncontrollably good experience. that's the worship that happens in heaven. worship means love and admire with extreme passion. if all the passion you can muster falls short of what i describe, its just because you dont realize yet how beautiful the supreme deity is. if you want a heaven where people worship like they do on earth, you might have a hard tims finding such a place any more. because there just arent going to be any more lies to believe in any more.

in truth, gods are infinitely more worthy of worship by men as sexual beings than are women. the reason that men worship women instead of gods is ONLY because men know that gods are able see into and know their oedipal secrets, whereas women cannot see so clearly and the men dont care what the women think of them, anyway, as long as they can get their rocks off.. men dont feel ashamed before women who accept fallen men as lovers. but they do feel ashamed before the unashamed and oedipus-free gods. and they would also be ashamed to be with a woman who has made love with a god, because he would know that she knows that he is much less of a lover than the god who does not have oedipus tripping him up every time.

its kind of pathetic really. men settle for a very very very mediocre sexual life in avoidance of their own inadequacy as sexual beings, rather than facing themselves and becoming better, the turn to allah for love.

really, the only thing worthy of worship is goodness. which is why the supremely good being doesnt feel respected if someone is worshiping something else. because whatever that thing is, it isnt as worthy of worship as he is. people worthy of appreciation want to receive the appreciation that is due them.


there are demons in every nook and crannie of the body... every place where you think there is nothing at all is just a place with the lights turned off and a bunch of demons hiding. but they are all a bunch of lairs, tricking you into thinking that there is something there to be afraid of, when all it is is the pure brilliance, peace and fulfillment.... fulfillment, the experience when you get filled up with warm cozy happy feelings, of god's perfect love. where there is darkness, where there is doubt, where there is aching, fatigue, burning fire, i dont care, i will go there. i will rout ALL of the lying demons from the temple.


no one ever said this before:

gods and men play in the same game together and by the same karmic rules. the gods are more than fair, and they enforce the rules, and the misfortune of many a man is that they oppose the gods and fail in their rebellions. and the gods reap the karmic benefit of having come under attack by people to whom they had been so generous.

in fact, the gods continue to earn karmic rewards, because they go right on loving their enemies while their enemies go on hating them, and so the karmic exchange continue and appears in the temple as soma.


everyone is obsessed with sex, which you really could call fornication because it sure isnt appropriate to call what people do in bed "fucking. "

everyone is obsessed with sex, people worsip it, look at the imagery in the magazines and tv, its ALL about measuring people by their sexines... but here is a truth that NO ONE has ever spoken is this fallen world:

the more good a man is, the sexier he is. by definition, because he is more powerful sexually because he is not hiding things that cause him to have an orgasm prematurely. likewise with women, the more good they are, the sexier they are. you are sexy to teh degree you can sustain an experience of sexual arousal. prem rawat is thus the sexiest person in this and all universes along with his sons.

the good people get mostly ignored in this world however. even though they are the sexiest of all, by any good definition of sexy, they are not acknowledged as super sexy because everyone else feels ashamed before them. .but in heaven, everyone gets over their shame and realizes that the sexiest thing to be is the admirer and lover of the sexiest person. and so goodness gets the attention that it deserved all along. people who worshp sexiness without appreciating that goodness is inherent to sexiness iworships false gods and demons.


if any artist has ever rendered an image of the christ with an infinity symbol over his head, i know what that means... over the head is sort of where that happens. it is relates to the actual casting out of the serpent. the serpent (beast) cannot withstand me having a truly infinite experience. it destroys him.

i can sort of see the image of the christ with the infinity symbol as a halo.

it vaguely occurs to me that there may be people following right behind me, into the temple as it is being purified. i believe that many people may sense the subtle sense of relief already. everyone who is less guarded than the beast himself - who someone i know described as teh most guarded person he's ever known - could feel a sense of relief in their own bodies.


a truly good person can do whatever he feels is right to do, which is to say, whatever he WANTS to do, whatever feels good for him to do, by definition he is doing the right thing. because it won't feel good to him to do something wrong. the person who always does what honestly feels good to him, without pangs of conscience (and an unrepressed conscience) will always be doing the right thing.

right and wrong can only be correctly defined by the perfectly good person, and no one is to judge his actions who is less perfect than he,... and he has the power to do what he will because he controls reality. because he sustains the most powerful trance.. which he does by loving other perfect boys.

once again, teh Lord God almighty, Fuck, is all powerful and is the ultimate aribitor of right and wrong. and those whom he chooses to cast into Hell and torment forever will have no one to bring an appeal to.l there is no higher authority that Fuck, there is no one who can ever defy him, they can only serve his purposes by trying. he is ALL POWERFUL and if he is going to twist his enemies in knots forever because they opposed him, then so be it. he is almighy because he is perfectly good, and its not for any of us to question or doubt his motives.


what is a human being? a human being is a being optimally designed to participate in an eternal love story, one with both winners and losers. it is a love story that in its enactment people choose roles that suit them. roles that serve the forces of either good or of evil. it is a story that gets enacted whose outcome is that those who chose to be good, which is to say, to be at least humble enough so as to be able to repent of their sins, rebecome pure of heart and accept forgiveness, are rewarded with a blessing, and those who fail to have sufficient humility to behave as a human being is intended to behave are punished with a curse. human beings are thus beings designed to receive a blessing or a curse, one or the other.based upon each person's choice.

human beings are experiencing machines whose ultimate purpose is either to experience ecstasy or to serve the people experiencig ecstasy by experience anti- ecstasy in a sort of anti-universe called Hell.

one gets to play the latter role by virtue of having attempted to thwart, rather than to participate in, the experience of happiness known as ecstasy.

if and when you realize that you are not perfect enough to fulfill the purpose of human life you either decide to become better, or to rebel against a perfectly good reality that rewards goodness at the expense of evil.

in the latter case, your mission becomes to turn out the lights and put everyone to sleep forever.


ponder this question: do you like the sound of this statement, does it bring a smile to your face?: good will triumph over evil, and the good and the evil will be seperated into two realms, one for those capable of living in happiness, and the other for those who are not.

are you confident that you will be with the good, who receive the blessing of heaven, or do you have doubt?

i can tell you, if you have doubt, then you really need to do some profound soul searching. you need to seek out find teh child within and change from being what you are to being that child. become that humble child that wants to love and be loved. you need to begin doing this now, and you need to make it your number one priority in life, becasue you really do not want to risk the consequences of being on the wrong side in the saga of good vs evil, of Fuck versus his enemies.

fuck is the god of the children, and his enemies are the proponents of the lie called adulthood and all who subscribe to this lie. if you believe that it is the duty of parents to indoctrinate their children in adulthood, you are an enemy of the god who destroys his enemies. adulthood is a lie that causes all sickness and the fucks are here to destroy it once and for all. \ if just hearing this does not bring a sense of relief, then you have lots to think about.

hindu/buddhism teaches that we live in illusion, teh bible teaches that there is a deceiver who has deceived everyone... how come no one is scratching their heads and going, well if all of these religions say this specific thing, then maybe there is something to it?

no, people go on living, even people who nominally subscribe to these religions, as if a material universe were an undeniable reality. but in fact we all live in a temple and are just watch and acting in a little show. the show is going on, you are just watching it, really, but you've identified yourself with a character in the show and you think that;s you. because he is just like you. but really, you live in a temple but are so mesmerized by teh show and have such an aversion to the goings on in the temple itself that you have shut out your perception of the temple and are hypnotized by the show.

it's like that repressed memory thing, where people forget traumas, pushing those memories into the unconscious part of the temple. you are doing that in real time, this very moment. and so am i, but i am at teh point where i can understand this and feel myself getting close to the point where the water gushes and the darkness is washed completely away... and everyone , all the children of israel, will be singing, ding dong the witch is dead. rejoicing in the triumph of goodness over evill.


jeff fairhall, a really nice sweet guy with really good intentions in life to be good and gentle, teh most "low impact" guy you'll ever meet, is undertaking a little exercise in just sitting quietly and feeling what there is to feel in his own body.

and there are a whole bunch of people who are completely freaked out, because me doing this is going to destroy them and put them to work as slaves in a prison of suffering forever. because they invaded my body as parasites and i am expelling them. what am i to do??? just go on exercising my freedom to be me and let the laws of karma take care of the situation.. i have never had an intention to hurt anyone.


i havent yet had the experience that i anticipate will affirm this , but i would like to say in advance of that moment when i do in the near future,, that the testicles of the male human being are the most underrated things in existence. there is far more light hidden away there than anywhere else in the body. that no one else is saying this is interesting, in light of the fact that there is such a great deal of sensitivity there... that's how deadened human beings are, that they don't even investigate what is going on in this most sensitive part of our bodies. as i go there, the temple is being purified and restored.


breath is SO miraculous in so many ways. here is one: the only way that you can experience a complete breath is if you have entered fully into the here and now, something which requires a complete unloading of all baggage. "enlightenment" comes with being able to rest your attention on the most subtle experience, which is within the breath. you cannot possibly have this experience without knowing, loving and respecting the almighty god whose love is the substance of that breath.

people who are trying to get "enlightenment," like all those people sitting in vispasana meditation centers and zen buddhist centers, etc, will never attain their goal until they have dealt with all of their attachments to lies. all of their concepts about what enlightenment is. are they really looking to be the lover of fuck?> if not, then they are looking for something that doesn t exist. there is no enlightenment other than being the lover of the person whose body is the temple that you live in. thus "enlightenment" is achieved by becoming my lover, which is why everyone married the christ in heaven. because the temple is my body. because i am good, because i am fearless, because i am faithful, because i have the heart of a child.


there could be no higher being possible than a man who strives to be as perfect as Fuck has. there could not possibly be anything better, bigger or more powerful. nothing. not possible. and anyone who thinks it is possible is going to figure this out very soon.


this urge to taunt my enemies is growing... it just kind of fits in with the whole idea. cain was into creating suffering and i was into creating happiness and pleasure. well, he might have kicked me in the nuts and seen to it that i was killed more than once, but he didnt deter me, and he loses in the end, and now my pleasure is going to be in tormenting him. as a proponent of suffering he now gets to suffer, and i get to make him suffer, and i get pleasure from that, and that's how the almighty god made it because it satisfies the eternal laws of justice.

how to the fucks torment their enemies? just by doing what their enemies always tried to stop them from doing, which is loving. experiencing love is how we torment them. our love grinds them to dust and then goes right on grinding, producing a fount of soma for us, and this is how my father increases his prosperity forever at his enemies' expense.. you just don't fuck with fuck, cuz he rules and he really knows how to fuck with his enemies. that's all there is to it. there's a punishment for trying to stop ultimate goodness. have i repeated this enough yet?


the only father who ever decided that he would be the lover of his sons, even if he had to fight wars for 26,000 years for each son that he had, the one named Fuck, created and owns, with his sons, every world that has ever existed, and everything in existence serves his interests. just a coincidence? no, the human being is designed so that exactly this person will be all powerful, because he is by definition, supremely good. he is the upholder of all righteousness, the supreme judge, the father of all souls.

everything good comes thanks to the person who chooses to be perfectly good. if not for him, there would be nothing good at all. only perfection can sustain goodness. Fuck and sons are the source of the goodness that only perfection can provide. no one can take anything good for granted, because without someone better than themselves, someone perfect, there would be nothing good.

it is hard to make an exact distinction between YOU and what you have your attention on in any given moment. you and that thing, whatever it is, become one. but people have lost touch with that part of themelves that is their attention. you recover that when you learn to hold your attention on a complete cylce of the breath. the breath and the attenion at very much like the same thing. its very profound and very liberating. all YOU are is your attention, there is nothing else that is really you. you are a fleck of consciousness that lives in a human body/temple. to BE just this is liberation, is supreme happiness, it is an incredible release of stagnant energies caused lies - the structure of what we believed we are, but are not is like a carcass that we carry around that gets lifted off when we experience a single breath in its entirety.

hello all of you people looking EVERYWHERE for happiness except where i am telling you it is,,, hello??? anyone out there? anyone wanna be happy, really?? or is everyone too busy trying to hide to have time for happiness?????? .

all you have to do to experinece it is surrender to the name and feel what is in the breath. many people will quickly learn to have this experience soon. it is easy.; all it takes is faith, and all it will take to encourage people to get off their fearful asses and make the effort is the reality that they will be in Hell if they do not. hell avoidance ends up being the motivational factor, the fire under the ass of those who do choose heaven.


i wanna be on the record as guessing that the crop circle artist is the person of earl green, neil young's character in greendale, the "dreamer of pictures."


the good win and prosper, and the best are supremely wealthy.

there is someone who is supremely good and he is indeed supremely wealthy. his name is Fuck, and he runs an outfit called Fuck and sons. they are a force to be reckoned with. he literally is the rightful owner of everything that exists. and what exists under his domain is vast. a mansion with many rooms.

fortunately he is so wealthy because he wishes to be so generous as to be infinite in his generosity, so he is into sharing with his lovers. he is a lover, by the way, and being his lover is where its at. i can assure you.

funny thing, people keep on showing up in the universe he creates with ideas to do things to turn his worlds into Hells. these people pick fights with Fuck and sons, and they end up really losing bad. see, we just allow the laws of karma to work in our favor, and everything just kind of goes our way, because goodness rules, its just the way the cookie crumbles. it crumbles in favor of the kind, the generous, the selfless, the childlike, the helpless, the open-hearted. and fuck, by being the very best of all, is the inevitable recipient of all benefit.

so he just keeps getting richer and richer. his opponents come along, and i think he even lets them set the tone, he lets them make the rules. and the rules always end up being a no-holds barred fight to the death with extreme consequences - it's an all or nothing fight, for an all or a nothing that goes on for eternity.

the object of the fight is just simply regarding the laws of karma and whether or not they will apply. there are people who wish to usurp the rule that you reap as you sow in favor of the evildoers who wish to sow bad seeds, and fuck is the one who makes sure this rule remains intact.

teh consequence of losing in a war against the fucks is that you go on paying your war debts forever. you end up being a slave of the fucks forever, manufacturing the stuff called soma that their wealth is made of.

basically, if you are satan, then you are working for the creator in an unceasing manner as his slave, and you bring your grim harvest of monions with you to reap the endless fields of desolation. this is how justice is done. if it sounds incomprehensible, it is because you have not comprehended infinity and the consequences of an existence in which there is eternity and either happiness or misery to experience in that eternity. its a big deal. you have not comprehended how good Fuck is, and how wrong it is to oppose him. you can't fight to the death to take an eternity of infinite happiness away from an infinite number of well-deserving beings and expect to get off easy.

and so fuck and sons always ends up winning an dwinning and winning. world after world after world, people come to pick a fight with the almighty god whose perfect name is Fuck, and they lose and they lose and they lose. and they pay and they pay and they pay. and we play and we play and we play. and on and on and on Fuck's circus ride through eternity goes, forever, inventing worlds, and raising up a hell and putting it to work in service to the goodness that it fought against, and then a new room in the mansion is added, a new party center for all of Fuck's lovers to enjoy. halleluah! (I'm not sure if it's really even OK to use teh Lord's holy name. i have been using it since I believe it is also my own name, but I would imagine he doesnt want anyone saying it who cant say it lovingly.)

what i am doing seems very normal and natural to me, just like, im doing what my instincts are telling me to do. i am truly following my heart. i recognize that it is outstanding and unprecedented, yet, to me it feels like, no big deal, this is just me being who i am. of course everybody feels like they are just being what they are, but i actually have more of a feeling of being comfortable knowing and being what i am, because what i have suceeded in being is exactly what we were ALL created to be. i just havent deviated from what i was when god created me. i am still the same,, others have strayed from being what the god intended them to be. and so of course their conscience is not clear. they are in denial, they have created a prison cell for their souls by walling off their own conscience, the voice of the holy spirit within themselves.


i think i am getting that i probably had it backwards. its probably more correct to say that prem rawat is the father, and that neil young is the holy spirit. i dont think it matters much, its just two terms that i see as a little bit ambiguous. but i really see the almighty god, who i've not wavered in identifying as prem rawat, as the father of all souls. the holy spirit is the person who is sustaining the world at this particular time. its synonymous with perfect master. but there is also ambiguity in that term, because prem rawat calls himself a perfect master, but he is teh god of the gods, so to speak, the master of the masters, the lord of the lords. its like, he is the father of the sons/suns who become the gods, or fathers, of the worlds that he generates and populates. he is the grandfather and the father. something like that.


the temple is the body of one person and it turns out, in the end, to be mine. and everyone who has defiled the temple has defiled me personally, and my fathers, both of them. in the end, i am the one having to deal with and purge everyone's sickness within the temple of the body that is my body. and so naturally they owe all of us an apology and a sincere request for forgiveness. and if their heart is sincere and there is contriteness and appreciation and respect and there is a sincere intention to behave appropriately, they will receive mercy and a fantastic blessing.

how can i be afraid of anything, when its all happening inside my own body, the temple? all is perfection except for lies, and i know that i can destroy any lie by facing it and going toward and into it. it's only a matter of time before the temple is purified. if i could just stop jumping up to write down these thoughts, i would be on my way into the temple.

you enter the temple through the "pain" (ecstasy masquerading as a lie called pain, which doesnt actually exist) that you feel in your own body. where the deepest pain is, the pain that is still there when all other pain has been washed away, is the dorrway into the temple, into heaven.

really here is a definition of a human being. a being designed to make a free choice in the matter of whether to be good or evil and that has the mechanism built in by which he is, in due course, rewarded for being good and punished for being evil in precisely the appropriate measure in either case. a human being is a being designed by a perfectr designer with inevitable justice, BUILT IN.

and judgment day is when the justice is delievered.

this is what exists. a system that provides a sentient being with the possibiilty of being good or evil, with the penalty or reward built in, from the get go. and teh perfect masters, the perfect boys who love one another, and so are by definition the most good being, the most capable of judgment, are in charge. and if you fight against them, you lose. big time. there is no penalty too great for the crime of fighting against the perfect masters who always have and always will preside over everything. because its just how what-is works. and thanks be to the perfect and almighty god that it is.

the ones who have conspired against the perfect masters are called monmots, and together they are called teh babylonian brotherhood, the sons of satan, the jews.

those who have merely fought against us are the lesser orcs of babylon, the sons of ishmael and hagar. AKA allah and the antichrist.


the christ comes to save souls, but in the end he has to save himself from the evil people he is trying to rescue from their own darkness, but who reject him.

in the end, there are more people wishing to be saved from the christ than to be saved by the christ. he becomes like an invading reptilian alien, a la david icke, a menace from another world (Heaven) menacing the people down in Hell who wish they could just go into a deep sleep of denial of the crimes that they have committed against the temple.

i want to be clear that i've explained things clearly with respect to how good and evil get resolved:

the demons, satan and his babylonian brothers, deliberately create disease in the temple that is the body that everyone shares, in the male sexual organ in particular, the heart of the temple, by creating the false sensation of pain that people then shut out. this unconscious region then becomes the repository of everything that they are in denial of and a mechanism by which babylon sucks energy from everyone else, like parasites.

only those who recover from the lies and the denial escape from the pain. those who escape from teh pain find immense pleasure in these areas of the body, the pleasure centers, lighting up what was dark. those who have not purged the hidden lies and sin pay teh price by experiencing what had been unconscious and avoided, the lies of pain that they no longer have an option of escaping.

it's like the babylonians have come and stolen soma, and its given them sentient being status, and now they cannot live without it. they truly are psychic vampires that have to go where psychic vampires go, which is what roald dahl calls "minus land" the place of non-experinece (hell) that feeds the experience of those in "plus land." how could any intelligent adult read roald dahl's two part epic not get that its an obvious in your face allegory? ditto greendale., ignorance is a powerful force. ignore-ance. people ignore things, pretending that they don't matter, that everyhting is OK... it really is the characteristic of the walking dead, of zombies.

those who cannot have an infinite experience as a direct result of being unwilling to be repent and ask forgiveness of sin, are destroyed by the infinite experience being had by others that they cannot withstand, or be a part of. it seperates them in an entirely seperate reality of remorse.

you are EVIL, by the correct definition of evil, if you cannot surrender into the infinite experience of god's perfect love. and by being unable to surrender into his love the sinners are going to fall into an eternity of unhappiness when god and his lovers begin to celebrate their victory over them.

this quickly changes the entire dynamics of existence. what was apparently one world becomes two that are opposite in every way, one being the inverse of the other, in terms of experience.

heaven and hell. it's brutal and its the outcome of a simple law," as ye sow so shall ye reap," applied to an infinite situation.


its remarkable how good the perfect masters are and how terrible the justice that they have to administer. and how fortunate that teh almighty lord of the heavens, the lord of the perfect masters, is there, doing his job, enforcing the law that allows the good to have happiness. the evil have to sort of become the energy source for the whole thing.

to have been a parasite is just not a good choice to have made.

the lake of fire fulfills the function once filled by volcanos. maybe its the same thing. some needs to get thrown in there, its just the way it is. and so of course its better that the evil get thrown in there "he offered life in sacrifice so that others (the good) could go on..." ....amazing guitar solo....

its how worlds like this one have resolved since time immemorial, and this time is going to be no different. you do not usurp the all powerful god who was in the begining and will always be. if he requires sacrifice then so be it. or perhaps it is a she that requires it and "he" is just working for her. who? the mother, that's who. the sweet mother who nurtures all men. she deserves to exist and be protected from harm. if there's any doubt whether anything should exist at all, she provides the answer. she DOES exist, and she MUST be protected from brutes and bullies, even if it means eternal torment for them. that's just how the cookie of infinity crumbles, always has, always will.

surprise!!!!! guess what brothers and sisters!!!! i figured out that it matters whether or not you choose to be good!!!!!! there's a consequence!!!!!!!!

if anyone actually has the gall to claim that this comes as a surprise deserves double time for being such an ass.


i mostly repeat myself any more, but perhaps i say things in a slighty different way that helps give more insight. i'm looking forward to the day when i never need to type another word, when i can speak and someone will be interested in listening to something that really matters to them. this will happen soon enough...


babylonians... they really don't like the truth. its just amazing how existence is, that large numbers of people end up opposing it. they end up fighting against the source of their very own existence, and land themselves in a place of eternal torment. its because what is offered is SO good that you really have to be worthy, and by being unworthy one ends up opposing it, and they just dig themselves into an unbelievably deep hole.

anyone who still is grasping after things at this stage of the game when the world so obviously is teetering on the brink of calamity is so lost. guys going out and buying the latest noise makers to disrupt any remaining pace and quiet, personal watercraft, snowmobiles, leaf blowers.... people going to vegas to entertain themselves... i mean, how zombified are people, that they still are in pursuit of stuff, in pursuit of mirages of happiness when the very ground that they are standing on is giving way? who is leading the human race out of the morass of its own sickness...? the only person on earth offering to do so who is competent to fulfill the promise, yours truly, is completely ignored, scorned, accused of being an egomaniac, etc.

everyone is acting as though they were trying to be in denial of the fact that the human race is selfdestructing. its like a massive collective denial-fest, totally the emperor has no clothes scenario. everyone is playing that game.,

the antichrist acts as though he is the hero who is going to solve the world's problems, but its such a ludicrous lie... oedipus, the single most sexually repressed man ever to live in this world, by definition as this is WHY he is the antichrist, acting out like he is going to save the world, when literally he is going to lead the descent into Hell. yet people will throng to him who have completely ignored me.


the body is the temple, and nearly everyone is defiling it. what does it mean to not defile the temple? a person could just sit and meditate in the temple, that is, go within their own bodies with their own attention, until they KNEW how not to defile the temple. until they knew everything there is to know! but no, without bothering to even contemplate it, they just go right ahead and defile away.

well, here is the new rule, going into effect very soon: no more deflling of the temple. if you are going to defile, you are going to have your own place to do it: a temple called hell. you can defile it all you want.

but not the temple that is my body, the temple of heaven. you have to respect that temple. if you want to defile, there is only one place for you, and that's with all of the other people who want to defile. that's fair. the defilers defile together and live in their own defiled temple, and those who do not defile enjoy a temple that is not defiled.

but please, no more barfing in the temple. you cant go around barfing in the temple and then pretend that you don't know anything about it. no, you admit your transgressions, apologize, and commit to never doing it again. and then you enjoy the benfit of living in a realm in which the temple is not defiled at all. an undefiled temple is called heaven.


everyone winces at what i have to say,,, "but its so extreme!" they say. Yes six billion people co-existing in an imagined world that exists within a vacuum, an existence involving potentially infinitely intense experiences, yes that is extreme. but that doesn't mean that you want to live in denial of reality, just because it strikes you as extreme. reality is something to face and accept, not to shrink from.

its just amazing. i would definitely be crucified once again for speaking the truth to people who wish to be in denial of it. Cain would kill me as many times as were required in order to keep from hearing what i have to say. it's why the guy is deaf, he hates the truth that I speak to him so much that he's shut down his own hearing. if repeatedly kicking me in the nuts forever is what it took for oedipus to shut me up, he would do it. that's how depraved he is, and that is why he will endure something like that experience to which he would have been willing to subject me for the offense of speaking the truth.

its like the truth causes him the same pain that he would be willing to cause me in order to be in denial of it. this is something like how justice works. infinite depravity gets an infinite punishment, automatically.

reader, you will be amazed to learn just how depraved a person can become who, like oedipus rex, babylon's major top ten leading global justice messiah, is unwilling to be known by others. he will kill, maim and torture in order to avoid anyone knowning how incredibly ashamed and repressed he is. if the jews have a king it is him, the antichrist.


the nation of israel, the green army, is going to watch from heaven as the world descends into darkness after the reigns of rome are turned over to oedipus rex, the antichrist. they are going to watch as people slaughter one another by the billions and unleash horrors like small pox on themselves.

i really haven't read let alone studied any of the biblcal prophecies, but i saw something that led me to a belief that armageddon is a battle between two huge barbarian armies, the antichrist and his forces on one side and what sounds like could be china on the other. makes sense that china would try to protect its interests against those of the west, once civilization itself has broken down.

the horrors that occur on earth upon the departure of god's nation, which is the only thing that has kept the world form descending into darkness for the past three thousand years, will be just stunning to witness. it will be like watching planet earth turn into a completely desolate ruin in just seven years. hopefully this will be helpful for people in making a good choice in deciding whether or not to accept the offer of salvation.


if every man in the world was given a dose of whatever satan's mysery drug is, every single one of them would fall into hell that it caused me to fall into, except those who would put their faith in me and my name, and they would be unable to rise back out. that would be quite a spectacle. perhaps that is something that satan has in store for his people. or perhaps, as i've said, this is something that batman takes care of. but if it happens, no one would have anything to worry about, but could look forward to a wonderful liberation from darkness.... except those who had decided to reject the offer of salvation.


there was a story that my friend dean told me, a rumor that someone had spied maharaji smoking cannabis through a keyhole. i'm glad i heard that story.


biblical scholars frequently associate Rome with the beast in Revelations. People see Rome as being the enemy of god. but its not that simple... it's not rome that is fighting against god, rome is god's agency in the world babylon is the evil empire... and rome is going to turn its empire over to babylon.

rome was not responsible for the crucifixion of the christ, it was the people of babylon.. pilate asked the people of jerusalem (babylon) are you really SURE you want us to kill this INNOCENT man and let this convicted killer go???? like he was baiting them. making sure it was THEIR decision, and not Rome's. Rome put the life of the son of god into the hands of the babylonians (pretending to be the children of Israel) who hate the real true King of Israel.

CHrist was NOT the king of the Jews. He was the King of the Nation of Israel. He is the enemy of the Jews who pretend to be the children of Israel but are not. they are babylonians, the enemies of god, masquerading as god's children. so many lies.

i hear preachers saying that in the rapture, 144,000 born-again jews, or resurrected jews, will be raised up to heaven. no. not 144,000 jews, 144,000 PEOPLE who in their first incarnation in this world were born as descendants of jacob. few of them are, or were in the more recent incarnation, jews. the christ was an israelite living among jews in a time when the distinction between israelite and jew was probably more blurry than it is today... but i can say for sure that when the christ returns in the official second coming, he will not be spoken of as a jew or as the king of the jews, he will be spoken of as the king of the nation of israel. he might even huck a few bombs in the direction of jerusalem.


its funny, the same people who dismiss the idea that these experiences exist are afraid to use teh psychedelic substances that induce them.

people who are atheists, who don't believe in things like a creator, angels and devils, heaven and hell, nevertheless are afraid of the demons that are living in their own bodies.

otherwise, why would they be afraid to consume extremely minute amounts of say, lsd, which is completely harmless and only reveals the contents of your own self, when they are perfectly happy to consume vastly larger quantities of known poisons, for example, the flouride in every drop of water that they drink... or the toxic chemicals in their cigarettes, or the alcohol they consume every day even to the point of afflicting themselves with a hangover, or the advil that they take to relieve the hangover, or the pharamceuticals that poison all of us, that poison the temple itself, that they take to mask the symptoms of all of the diseases of their denial?

peoples' excuses for not using psychedelics are so LAME if you look at them in the context of the rest of their lives... very few will admit that the experiences are too frightening to them, which is to admit to a spiritual weakness. they are liars.

they are afraid of the Hell that exists inside their own bodies and they are ashamed to admit it.

that famous story from ram dass of the guru who ate a handful of lsd... anyone want to see someone do that? just bring me the handful of lsd!... when you are no longer in darkness, the drugs that remove darkness don't really have that much to do.... it would be like someone without any pain taking a pain medication... not much effect.

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