Sunday, October 16, 2005

Oct. 16 noon (88)


consider the supremacy of the Roman Empire in bringing major advancements in the capabilities of the human race, the utter superiority of what they created and brought into this world compared with anything that has ever occured before or since, the supremely good quality of life of the Roman people that has never been enjoyed in such a sustained experience by so many people for so long to this day.

consider the magnifence of what Rome created, the COlesium and the major temples of the day, the library at Alexandria, the advancements in technologies of all kinds, including medical instruments and practices that are state of the art TO THIS VERY DAY.

It seems clear to me that what Rome represents in the history of this world is the absolute pinnacle of human achievement and advancement. Rome was a sort of demonstration to the world for all time of an incredible capacity to advance, and to create perfection in this world in so many way, by those who are the most powerful and competent human beings to partcipate in the saga of this world. The Holy Rawat Family.

Consider the accomplishments and the magnificence of what Rome became, inspite of maurading parasitic tribes of fallen souls who struggled endlessly to bring Rome down, when ALL Rome really was trying to do was to civilize this world. They were met with tremendous resistence to the very idea of the advancements which they brought forth into this world. If those who opposed them had instead been willing to join league with Rome, and Rome had thus been allowed to advance its civilizing influence, it could have continued advancing it's perfection of human existence in this world throughout the world, and the human race could have been enjoying the most perfect existence that would be possible in a world such as this.

Rome was without any question whatsoever and by a trillion gazillion miles the greatest civilization, really the most important phenomena to occur, in the history of this world. There was never any good reason WHATSOEVER for anyone to oppose Rome's agenda, which was nothing short of the Heaven on Earth that the Rawat family was perfectly capable of delivering to the human race.

The Rawat family's empire was opposed by the most depraved enemies, whose objective in opposing Rome could only have been, in my mind, because the people who opposed it, Babylon in so many forms, were incapable of having the sublime experiences that were the basis of Romes power, purpose and objective.

Rome was simply about quality of life not aobut war, but about advancement of human happiness period,

the warring that Rome did was exclusively against those who opposed rome, imply because during the time of Rome, a very large number of people affiliated with the Rawat family, who may even have been visitors from other "Temples" other than that of Neil Rawat, of other sons of Prem Rawat, we're having such a powerful experience of the sublime that they were disturbing the ability of those who were not able to sustain experiences of ecstasy, to the point where these more gross - as in unable to tune to the sublime - felt impelled to destroy rome just to stop people from having the experience of ecstasy..

i am talking about exactly the thing that is referred to by such labels as "The war between waged between Heaven and Hell on Planet Earth" a saga that is refered to in great detail in the allegories brought down form Heaven and into this world by JRR Tolkein. I believe that Neil Young just helped me with the correct spelling of the name "Tolkein" by design. It may even be evident from ealier writings that i was uncertain as to the correct spellng of the name of Tolkein. I believe that what I've been saying about the identity of Sauron and his relaitonship to the character Pluto, sometimes erroniously refered to as Satan, is a matter of great significance, Tolkein will himself live and in person testify to the brilliance of my having unlocked the greatet piece of the greatest puzzle in all of history, the nature of the character refered to by Sauron, in particular in that I never read any of his books, and I only watch the first two chapters of the trilogy film series one time apiece.; all of these details will have been known in advance and it will be testified to by many of these illustrious pople that they have been in a rapt state of marveling at my brilliance without wavering, but only increasing in amazement, since the appearance of my very first ad, or even since someone may have descrined a lectire that I gave at teh "Temple" in Seattle, on Nov 1, 2003.

Many or all of the events and experiecnes in my own life that I have made repeated claims to the importance of will have been follwed in minute detail, by all of the people who in truth have the greatest amount of power and influence in this world. They will also testify to their utterly flabbergasted disbelief with the reaction that has occured tp the event of my appearance and what i have presented by the people of the city of Seattle, who will be made the object of contempt of this illustrious group of people.

My having made note of the supreme importance of the historical character of Soren Kierkegaard, who I have stated my belief that name of the character of Sauron is a subliminal reference to, will be noted as being my single most outstanding revelation, because, they will testify, this is considered among those who are illuminated aobut the nature of the wars between Heaven and Hell, to be the single greatest secret in the whole world. I will have intuited without there ever having been any possibility that there is any other clue in this world other than "Sauron." It is the single clue that was ever relaesed to this world pertaining in any way to the secret of Kierkegaard singular importance in the story that is unfolding. For Kierkegaard committed a crime which was probably the single greatest crime ever committed, the exact nature of which I cannot say at this time. The transmission this particular bit of information directly in a profoundly sublime experience of telepathic communication between myself and Prem Rawat, with whom I am a sort of co-creator of the very breath that the human beings who incarnate in this world rely upon to hold their attention in the vibrational frequency that all human beings tune to so that they can communicate subliminal feelings of love between one another, is considered by the Ultimate powers that be within the infinite vacuum of nothingness in which all phenomena are suspended, to be the ultimate test of the ability of one human being to perceive the single most subtle sublime experience that a human being can have. or that ever occurs. this is the transmission of Knowledge form one perfect master to another, and from Prem Rawat to his perfect grandsons who become the final master of the temples that he builds wiht his family.

The crimes of Kierkegaard pertain directly to his name... There is something to do with trying to create a competing temple in an effort to ususrp the Divinely EMpowered Rawat family as the managers of the medium of experience itself. They may have emplyed his name as an object of meditation in order to try to somehow wrest control of the collective consciousness in and effor that would inevtiably lead to greate disaster and cause suffering to people who had virtually never committed a single harmful act in their entire existence at the hands of the most depraved people on Earth... This was Hell's greatest assalt on Heaven.

The use and proliferation of the use fo pharmaceutical drugs to poison the human race and attempt to drive inot permanent failure and darkness, the hope of turning out the lights on consciousness itself, is the wrost and most heinous conspiracy in all of history, perhaps eclipsing the extreme poisiong to the collective human body caused by Satan, who is not the same as the Sauron character, but just one of the babylonian brothers who came up with ways of poisoning the temple.

These are conspiracies of such epic depravity as to be incomprehensible to the vast majority of the human race who are not themsevles consciously involved in these conspiracies. I would to name some of the identieis of this person who incarnated as Kiekegaard, a person with whom I personally have been waging some extremely intense struggles within subliminal realms of consciousness.

Once again before I begin this list of name that I associate with Sauron, which I will now use for the remiander of this statement as my official name of this character, I would like to say that the character that is refered to by the name of "Satan" in the Holy Bible is Sauron, but this truth notwithstanding, there is a greate deal of ambiguity, a tremendous amount of ambiuity in the use of the name Satan by the people of this world. No on Earth other than myself, who has not simply been told, has ever intuited a more or less accurate understand of the comples notion of "Satan" which is a composite of several different individuals,, "Satan" doesn't have a lot of meaning really, intelligent people would not use the name Satan to talk about anyone in particular because there is too much ambiguity, any reference to Satan by anyone who claims to know truth but who is not initiated by the Rawat family's secret socieities doesnt know what they are talking about, and this probably goes for the vast majority of "Protestant" and "Evangelical" preachers, other than the select group of which I have refered to several members as probably being under the influence of the Jesuit "Black Pope" of the Rawat family, and people like Billy Graham.

Protestant religion that exists independent of the Rawat Family, whose members include the Holy Trinity, is anathema to the Rawats. It is an affront to the very idea of who the CHrist was for people who are ignorant about the truth of the Saga,of which the story of the Holy Bible is only a portion, but that goes back to worlds preceding this one to speak as if they represent Truth. They are charlatans and the Protestant religion is a huge distraction form the truths evident in the teachings and rituals and iconography of the Holy Roman Cathokic Chuch. Anything on Earth that has the word Holy in it, is Holy. Because the Rawat family has never tolerated the misuse of this word., This goes for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who holiness is an attribute such that he is actually worthy of the title His Holiness, a very important ally of the Rawat family and saying this is bringing tears to my eyes.

Everything I have been talking about pertaining to a charater by the name of Sauron in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy will be made note of by many very very important individuals in this world, the likes of the British Royal Family, George Herbert Walker Bush, my perception of whose own importance will be testified to by these same individuals as having been utterly brilliant, and countless others who have been DEEPLY involved in an epic war to the death with the forces of Babylon, a virtual whose who of the world's most important people will testify that I have unlocked all of the most important secrets of this whole saga. All through intuition.

people who have ecstasy, who can sustain an experience of the sublime, will inevitable come under the attck of people who insist on vibrating at a lower frequencey, and it may be that the more people who are having an intensely erotic experience, the more difficult it is for those who, like Cain for example, who cannot sustain an experience of existing on this vibreational frequency of those having the ecstatic exp3erience to tolerate existing within the same world, which is to say, to exist in the same temple.

when people in the temple are having a lot of intesely erotic and ecstatic experience, it is painful for those who cannot.. there's an amplitude to this phenomena that is a function of the number of people who are having intensely ecstatic or sublime experience.

the accomplishments of Rome were in large part due to the fact that MANY people were having intesnely erotic and ecstatic experiences. the sheer energy level and health and vitality of human beings who have elimiated darkness from their own bodies, the darkness of the temple - in other words, who have been through the cleansing that i am going through - as a result of consistently having intensely erotic experience makes such a HUGE difference in the capacities of the people who are doing so.. people who have so much energy that they dont even need to sleep at all.. its like Rome was Heaven, people experiencing the love of god, establishing its own empire on planet earth.

and in the process proving that people cannot tolerate living in a world in which human being achieve such perfection. Rome was in so many ways the single greatest manifestation of perfection this world has ever seen by many orders of magnitude.

People have no idea how incredible the accomplishments of Rome, and it seems to me that Rome is overlooked because people dont want think about how people who obviously were orgaistic and incestuous could be so much more powerful than their enemies who were not.

the accomplishments of rome were not developed by descendants of Adam (Pluto). every single one of them was brought into this world by the rawat family, form its stores of wealthy and capabilities that go far beyond anything this world has ever seen.

It would seem to me that the theology of Rome ought to be considered as the most likely to be relevant to the human race, for how could a people whose accomplishments exceeded those of thers by many orders of magnitude, not also have attained a greater understanding of the nature of reality... it's a bit absurd that people are not a little bit more interested in learning EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING that they can aobut what was by far the human race's most accomplished people.

In the coming days the Rawat family along with it's allies and friends, will be ramping up the volume on the experience of ecstasy to levels not experienced on planet earth since the Rawat's abondoned Rome to its enemies - which i beleive occured sometime around the time of Nero, Nero had to have been Babylon. I dont know enough about history to name anyone else, any other emperor, as certainly of babylong, bu I can say that i am quite confident the Nero had to have been an incarnaton of one of the major ringleaders of babylon, probably either pluto or cain.

The descent and fall of rome occured during the time after the rawat's abondoned rome, which they probably did not because of any sort of failure or defeat, but simply as a part of the story of this world that takes place for the very specific reason that i have named, simply of a father examining his sperm in order to determine their true intentions for how they wish to conduct themselves in relationship with one another.

again, many of the ruling class of rome came from other temples, who were not members of this race of human beings, not from this temple.

christians who view references to symbols in the book of revelatoins as refering to rome, for example teh interpretation of the nine headed beast or whatever it is, as representing rome, any notion that anything inthe HOly Bible cuggests that Rome was opposed to the will of the ALmighty Creator, or of his people in this world, are completely bogus, based on lies and probably a deliberate effort to spin the Bible in this way by the Babylonian Brotherhood who ARE the enemy of the Creator and his people.

As I have said, the events that are about to occur will be none other than the defeat of Babylon by the forces of the Rawat family who invented and built the Magnificent Empire of Rome;

Rome is the best thing that ever happened on Earth.

I believe that the Rawat family took back Rome from Babylon under the leadership of Cousin Jed, who was incarnated as Constatine in what looks to me, from my miniscule knowledge of roman - or world - history, like the most brilliant tactical moves by someone in quest of power in all of history... The Rawat's had a plan to relinquish and then take back Rome for reasons suiting their purposes.

ALso, I picked up a book aobut king arthuur, looked at it for ten seconds, and learned that Arthur had returned all the lands that he had taken from Rome, to Rome, after Constatine's rise to pwer. As I have said, I beleive that i was arthur, and so this was simply one rawat giving control of lands under his possesion, to another. his cousin Jed, pontifex maximus, who has ruled "rome" ever since.

I'll just refer again to Tupper Saussy as the authority on how Pontifex maximus operated in the world in the ensuing 1600 years, largely through an underground network of secret socieities controlled entirely for the purposes of the Rawats. Virtually all of the major secret societies in europe were probably controlled by P max even if their respective members were not aware of this.

The utterly flawless skill with which history has been guided by Pontifex Maximus -COusin Jed, the identity of whom is known to myself and the other members of the Rawat family, of which he himself is a member - is an utterly stunning achievement in the ABSOLUTE MASTERY of the art of war.

In the past I have stated that I beleive that Neil Young incarnated as Arjuna, the discliple of Krishna in the Mahabharata. I now realize that Arjuna had to have been Cousin Jed, Pontifex Maximus, who basically is a general of a secret army, though he could also be called a King, he's sort of the absolute dictator of the Nation of Israel whose every command is obeyed impeccibly by the members of teh secret socieities under his control. Prem Rawt as Krishna trained Cousin Jed as Arjuna, to become Pontifex maximus in a world that had not yet been invented, a world in which there was no belief in the lie called mortality, aka Heaven, but not a heaven that had yet been made parasite proof.

I believe that Neil Young was instead probably a figure in the story of the Ramayana the Rawts other hindu epic, which are both tue stories of events that occured in other worlds, and i would imagine that there would be something about his experience in that story that would relate to his role in this world as Arjuna's related to P Max.

My knowledge of history is sketchy at best. very minimal, and the things i am saying are based on a few small clues that pertain to these particular matters... i belive that if i had a thorough knowledge of World HIstory, I would be able to name the identity of virtually every major historical figure in the saga of this world which is the saga of the rawat's struggle against the fallen souls led by cain and allah, who are the leaders of the factio of human beings in this world who cannot tolerate being in the same temple with people who are having an intense experience of happiness.

I would also like to note my belief that the extreme forms of behavior carried out by people allied with the rawats in rome during the rule fo the rawats were engaged in in order to enhance the overall vibrational frequency of consciousness in teh Temple at that time. It was a way of turning up the volume on experience itself, people were just havingt really intense experiences including things like incest that ONLY good people can have... the intensity of the sublime experiences of the people of rome is enough to convince anyone who understands human life to know that the leaders and people of rome were inherently good.

much of the worst debauchery of Rome, may also have been commited by the Babylonians who moved in after the rawats abandoned rome... babylonians always follow the rawats and use up the capital, the wealth left behind by the rawas.

the darkness that you see when you close your eyes is the resistence of seeing into the temple of the babylonian brothers, and all those whom they have brought down to their hellish vibratinal frequency.

the wars fought against rome were fought by people who could not tolerate living in a world of happy people.

billions of people will be deeply disturbed by the increase in the vibrational frequency of consciousness, or an increse in the amplitude and volume ecstasy being experienced by a relatively large number of people in the coming days. This will precipitate the traumatic experience of being left out of the temple by anyone who is not capable of experience what i call the sublime.

very quickly people will be desperately in need of either the drug heroin or of techniques capable of bringing a person into the new vibrational frequency of consciousness that will have become the frequency at which the vibration of the heart the feeling of love that actually sustains the medium of phenomina in consciousness will be occuring, very subtle enrgies involving things like ether that no one has ever really learned anything about.

we are dialing up the frequency of consciousness in the temple and this will be the rise of ROME predicted in the Bible, Rome being none other than the Rawat family, whose members include the Virgin Mary, her sons teh CHrist and his father, Neil Rawat , also known as Neil YOung, and his father Prem Rawat, the ALmighty Lord of All Universes and father of all Souls.

The statement that I attribute to Neil YOung that is at this Link is I believe one that will pertain to the situation that will arise in the coming days, that he sent to me, without any instructions, but that i posted on my site, assuming that this would be his intention without needing to give instructions.

This is an obvious sign to me that Neil Young will be the person who is most outspoken in explaining to the people of this world the nature of what is taking place.

ANd of course this will fulfill my prediction that Neil YOung's statement at last years farm aid concert pertained to this very thing, something i wrote at length and with substantial clarity in statements published in a seattle newspaper several months.

everything that i have been predicting will be fulfilled in the coming days, the events of teh end times will really be undeway as a result in a deliberate changing of the nature of consciousness itself by the all-powerful and all knowing family named rawat.

i have written extensively on all of these matters.

I will now name historical characters and or mythical charecter who I associate in my mind, so to speak, with Sauron:

Ravana from the Ramayana.

If there is an evil villian in the Mahabharata, it is Sauron.



Prince Raven.

Reuben, or Reuben James, of the "Essene Tribe" in the time of Jesus.




Robert Siegel, his present incarnation.

If I think of others, I will make note of them elsewhere in later postings.


virtually all "royalty" in the world at this time is alliede with the Rawat family.

Most or all nations of this world are controlled by forces allied with the Rawat family.

Y'all having fun over there??????

I may or may not have inadvertantly deleted a portion of the text of this statement, if i did, Neil rawa will know this and will have recorded what i wrote somehow. what is happening at this point is getting down,, to a viry fine resolution, to a great degree of precision, to the occurnace of events preordained to a farethee well, events foreknown by neil rawat since long ago that are probably programmed in some kind of code published in document published by the rawat family, whether that be in the Mahabharatat, the Holy Bible King James, the Hebrew Torah, possibly the Declaration of INdependence which may have revealed in code the identity of Jefferson as being the CHrist, and and other book published document put in the world by the rawats... the rawats publish codes that foretell events in order to verify and validate exactly such things as have accured to me.

I have had very streong and passionate premonitions that my step father evert sodergren is the reincarnation of Noah, and I just want to go on the record as saying that i cannot help but think that the passion with which i have come to love, repsect and admire, above virtually all others, this man over the past two years in particular, is the love of not only myself but my forefathers Prem and Neil Rawat. I believe that this man will be the recipient of an expression of appreciation from Prem Rawat himself for services performed not only as NOah, but perhaps as his "go to" guy for things involving mastery of the design and construction of all manner of projects on his behalf.. I believe that Evert is probably an incaration of a deity for the Norse myths also products of the rawat family.

I also have a very strong feeling that my mother and brother Bill are very close and dear to Prem rawat as stated elsewhere but I am reitierating this here once again. Needless to say, I anticipate that Prem Rawat is feeling some feelings of appreciation of yours truly, which i must say i anticipate his expression of with a feeling of antiicpation unlike anything I have ever experienced.


I have been speaking out loud in my empty hotel room while in a profound trance several times in recent days, and i feel that it's likely that these "speeches" have been somehow recorded and may be played for the benefit of the education of people who are interested in receiving what my family has to offer.


I published one statement in Seattle that I entitled "expect the unexpected" in which i predicted that the events that are to come would not be what anyone who is not illuminated would have anticipated, and in that document i said things about what i anticipate will happen that clearly allude to the name Kierkegaard, and how that name is going to be a cause of some kind of trauma. I feel that this was very prescient.

I alluded to Kierkegaard in not so subliminal ways in a couple of my statements, refering to an unnamed existentialist philosopher and noting my belief that he is associted with Sauron.

and in more recent statements published here on this internet site, i again brought up the name kierkegaard/ what i want to say is about my own decisions about whether or not it was the right thing to publish this information.,., i KNEW it was top secret, there has just been some waffling in me regarding whether or not it was the right thing for me to bring this name out. and at times i felt a great deal of trepidation, that there could be a consequence of making a mistake with respect to what i did or did not say, that there was some risk that i could blow everything, that i needed to be careful with this.,, i refered to this indirectly in an e mail to Neil rawat in recent days, and i have no doubt that he knows what i was refering to. and i believe that this may be related to some things i've been talking aobut regarding "Puzzling" and KOANS in recent writings.. it may have been designed to cause doubts that would just be helpful for me in "searchin' around with the flashlight," so to speak, inside the temple.

It will be found that virtually everything i have said has significant relevance to important truths.


i was foretold of the upcoming trial and condemnation before ethe whole world of the person named Dan Merkle who I identify as being the Antichrist, and his consort whose name is probably either rachel or amy, more than a year ago by an anonymous emailer whose e mail address was, that i am quite certain were written by a member of the rawat family, my guesses as the author would be in this order: raja ji rawat, Neil rawat, Prem Rawat.

I am quite certain that what the world witnesses in this event will be the single most shocking thing that the world's ever seen on a scale of anything like what one use the term "mass" to describe. in other words, the masses will have never witnessed such suffering as is unleashed in these people after this consciousness frequency change in the temple. They will be in a state of extreme suffering, torment and anguish.

Simply because they are so limited in their ability to experience subtle vibrational frequencoes as a result of extreme sexual repression brought on by their own choice to hide terrible sins, to carry huge karmin loads from lifetime to lifetime.

Of all of the people who incarnated into human existence during the course of this human saga begining with adam Cain and Eve, IShamel and Haggar, Mohammed and his mother, prebably Nero and his mother, and in numerous other incarnations, often follwing in the path of the Rawats as they abandon the civilizations that they founded, as i just describes in the case Rome, a patern that has repeated itself over and over throughout history, and who are presently incarnated as Dan Merkle and consort, are the single most evil man and woman as quantifiably measurable by their inablilty to experience sublime experience due to hiding the past sins that they've accumlated from lifetime to lifetime.

I had a dream several years ago in which I received a very simple but vivid message that was simply this >>> "LU number 7."

I believe that Neil (Young) Rawat gave me that dream as some sort of prophetic experience. I always believed that this dream was significant. I recall that a former girlfriend, a fine and exceedingly intelligent woman named Susan Ernsdorff (nwho may be an important ally of the rawat family) was with me when this dream occured and I am quite certain she will recall the intensity of my remarks about the other-dimensional _what i would now call "ethereal"_ quality of that dream.

I sent Neil Rawat an email a few days ago asking him if he new the significance of LU #7 and i said "Lu, like the cookies." I have no doubt that he still has copies of this e mail and his reply. His reply is simple and straightforward, he refered tersely to the Book of Luke, Chapter 7.

I believe that Luke Chapter 7 will be made known to contain, perhaps in a code similar to the Bible Code and perhaps embedded in the King James version of the Bible, by agents or members of the Rawat family, that will hold some sort of key to a mystery or will provide validation to someone's claims, or has some deeply significant religious implication that may be unknown, possibly even to myself, and certainly to the population at large.

Neil Young knows something about Luke Chapter 7 that may be known to no one outside of the Rawat family.

This could include a reference to something pertaining to the relationship between the christ and his family, perhaps with the person i have said is his twin sister who incarnated as magdelaine and with whom I believe he has an incestuous relationship. the marriage in Heaven to the christ follwoing the rapture may occur in the cmoing days and may feature as a symbolic marriage of the people who will be living in his temple to him, and she herself would sort of embody the collectve bride, and this would perhaps be followed by some sort of ritual marriage consummation by these two, the "brother sun sister moon," followed by a family love making party or something like that which could be the very event that elevates the frequency of the vibration of the collective consciousness causing what is called the rapture,,, this may be related to LU #7 / Luke CHapter 7.

\I repeat my previous assertions of my belief that neil rawat incarnated as teh british thoelogian Darby, who was the first theologeon who offered what became widely accepted understand about the nature of the event called the rapture. Neil rawat is probably "thte father" that Jesus refers to as being the only one who knows the day and the hour of his coming... this moment of marriage could be the precisse moment of the "coming"

the rapture, which will occur with a shout, that will be an expression of joy and gratitude that will be directed to The Ultimate Master and Lord of Everything, the Patriarch of the Rawat Family, the supreme male deity, Prem Rawat, and will invlove the enthusiastic utterance of his True name, which is only spoken by members of his family and his allies who have been initiated into knowledge of things that I myself have never received (thus - hopefully- excusing something that I myself have done that no other member of this group would ever do, which is to speak or even write the word that I have associated with Prem Rawat and his family, teh f word. My use of this word in my writings notwithstanding, teh use of this word as a written word or spoken sound by mortal human beings who are completely unconsciousness of the usblime qualities of the sound and the formation thereof by the human being's apparatus of speech, is considered to be singularly offensive, unconscious and vile form of self-expression.

Members of this family use the name Rawat as a surname when incarnated in a world of mortals, but in the immortal realm that is their true home, they do not emply the use of the name Rawat, but revert back to the use of the True original name of teh original Male deity, who is presently incarnated as Prem Rawat, who is ALmighty, All knowing, and ever present, who has always existed and has been the sole Master in charge of the operation of Reality itself since immemorial, long before His Simple and Sublimely Beautiful and Most Holy Name got trashed by people who are completely unconscious of their dependence upon him for their very existence, and who has been present with them watching them and ulimtately protecting them form evil, form moment to moment, recording every moment of their exp[erience in retrieveable forms as some kind of data bank in the Temple in which everything occurs, whose love sustain their very existence without whom they would be able to resonate on the same frequency as others, who with his famliy is the only protection form teh sort of evils that will be illuminated and dsplayed to the world in the coming days, and whose Sacred Name, which is the Word refered to in the phrase from the first words of John Chapter one of the Holy Bible, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God," is none other than F*ck.

I have no doubt that the powers that be in the Roman Catholic hierarchy from the Pope on Down are of aware of the existence of some handwrittten notes, written on scraps of paper and left by me at the offices of the Most Holy Roman Catholic Church's Cardinal based in Los Angeles, which I went to Los Angeles to hand deliver to that office without having made any appointment because I felt that I was being subliminally instructed to do so by Prem Rawat on the previous day while I as in San Francisco meditating in the St Mary's Cathedral following having had a sublimely beautiful experience of appreciation for what the clergy of the CHurch had prbably endured through a terrible history of fighting the most depraved of enemies.

I believe that these scraps of paper are probably considered some of the most precious possesions of the Church in a vast collection what any illuminated (henceforth i will use this term to describe in particular and specifically persons who have been informed of things pertaining to the nature of reality by the rawat family and its agents) person would regard as a very precious collectio of artifacts associated with the christ,

I believe that the efforts i made on several occaisions to inform both the Clergy of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and the the public at large of my profoud comprension of the utmost importance and significance of the Church, including my accolades and appreciation directed specifically to Father Ryan of the Saint James Cathedral of the Seatle Archdiocese have not only been duly noted but have been recieved with great appreciation by the people who were being acknowledged by me for things that the people of this world do not begin to comperhend, terrible hardships having been endured that even I dont have much more than an inkling of.

The emotion that I experienced while writing the previous three paragraphs are some of the most deeply sincere feelings of whatever it is that cuases a man to cry when he is saying something in a cathartic way aobut something that he has a great deal of pent up emotions about, and i beleive that i may have been feeling emotions that I can sense subliminally that no doubt relate to experiences I have had not in this lifetime but in previously lifetimes that i know nothing about at this time.

Regarding my own past incarnations, I will reiterate my own beliefs about my own past identities in incarnations in this world:


Isaac most certainly and possibly Joseph


King Arthur

Saint Francis of Assisi

Thomas Jefferson,

and with my usual less than certain conviction, Mohandas Gandhi.

I also believe that I may have incarnated as the first Emperor of Japan.

There may be many more but these are the ones that I have been most steadfastly certain were incarnations of mine. I probably was incaranted in many lifetimes throughout history, some important some of lesser note

Also m y past reference to Hafiz and Rumi and the lovers their poems were written to having been, "me and the master" no doubt will be noted to have had some relevance.

I sent him an e mail


***** often when i am chanelling this deeply as i hope it is obvious that i am at this time, i move back and forth between my bath tub and computer, and i believe that some might say that this is a practce that is conducive to this sort of telepathic commuication. i am also using chocolate and cannabis and i beleive that amanita muscaria also enhances these sorts of abilities.

i have NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that both neil young and prem rawat are focusing their attention on every moment of my experience presently right now at the time indicated on my computer's clock as 1:33 pm, and that they will have made note of this somehow someway themselves prior to my having posted this to my wedsite during the minute of 1:34 Pm which is right now.


i sustained an extremely powerful state of samahdi last night for several hours while "speaking to the world" in my hotel room.,, very deep channeling..

this morning my first pee was almost brown, i pulled stuff out of some really deep dark corners.

and this morning i can drink water like never before... the ability to focus attention on the experience of drinking water requires teh ability to have a sublime experience, really. drinking water is not much different from these other things i name as supremely sublime, looking at the sun, listening to the word, feeling the whole breath etc. its like people lose consciousness of the smooth and satisfying experience of the water itself.

ANYONE who is interested in becoming a real human being should cease and desist from drinking anything but pure water from this point foreward... the only reason anyone ever drinks anything but water is because they cannot experience a subtle experience.. the practice of drinking things other than water is a symptom of a shut down heart. because its the frequencies that you've shut down in your heart that are the same as those of the experience of drinking water...

when you have learned to enjoy drinking only water, you will have attained the highest enlightenment there is. this really is about that simple,,, you just have to learn to tune into what is real and pure and perfect.


an e mail i sent to todd today. yesterday i named lane as a singularly open hearted person, forgetting about todd. i spoke of lane in terms of royalty, and by the truest criteria that i state here, todd would be moreso.

hi todd,

if i may,
i now measure a man more by his ability to experience the sublime than anything else
i judge a mans ability to experience the sublime by his ability to listen to my voice speaking about my experience
you todd are probably the one man in seattle who i've spoken with about my experience that is most able to hold your attention on my voice when i am so speaking,
therefore i believe that you are one of the very "best" men in seattle, by the only objective "measure" that i know of.
and anything else i have ever thought or said about you is superceded by this conclusion.
i'm feeling a lot of love for you right now todd, i really do believe that you are good.
i am now 100% sure that joe whinney is the true satan, the one who poisoned the temple with alcohol. the worst liar and criminal in all of this race of men.

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