Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Happy Reading!!! (79)

october 10 (2) jeff@isaacsword.com

he sits perfectly still, watching and recording everything,,, and then, at the appointed time clearly foretold, he steps into the scene to administer perfect justice and nothing could possibly be more HOLY than that. absolutely HOLY<>


i wanna know whose idea it was for me and satan to be friends and have shine and that whole thing, that is so fantastic!!! i mean, to have out of the blue start throwing the truth at those guys... telling oeddipus that he killed me as cain... and oh so many funny things. Prince Rauven. Oh ... and i still dont know if he'll be at the party,,,, are you done thinking your bad thoughts yet satan????? you gonna come aparrty with us?? are we gonna let him come to alaska in our camper dad?

i'm not sure i'm satisfied by how much of my experieence that i've shared, i realize now that there were many intuitions that i had that i never articulated, especially the picture of satan, trying to turn our attention to him.

\damn, i hope at least one other person's sides are splitting like mine are right now... how does it feeel lwhen i laugh like that abraham?? you did name me isaac didnt you?? you had it coming!!!

satan's a powerful dude... and really sick... what a drag!

he's just a guy thinking really hard about some really bad things, and virtually everyone is harmonizing with his thoughts.. its like he creates a magentic field of negativity, and people fly toward it like moths into a bug zapper. .

nuts, amanita, strange visions, oh my!

i feel so loved. his love is so incredible, it is so perfect, it is so right. there is no possibility of anyone ever regretting that they allowed themself to be known by this perfect lover.

his magnificence is beyond belief. you people need to wake up immediately and realize how GOOD you have it, and how bad you are going to have it if you dont get with the program of getting the good stuff.


He will make his exisence known. soon.


i once imagine that there would be lie detector tests and things used to validate people's testimonies and things, but now i realize there are probably much more advanced technologies that record things about people, its aobut how the memory works... i think i will be learning this soon, because it has to do with the temple when you search for a memory you are searching in the temple.. it may be that as an individual you have no memory save for the temple, i am not sure.

there is a person who is all knowing ever present and all powerful.. he is the almighty god, and he is a person...

there is a person whose love sustains everything... he is a person who made a choice to be so good that he knows everything. he is with you all of the time... and he will remind you if you forget something, so you can sort of give up your problem of doubt... let him handle that problem for you... if you forget he will remind you., and this is something that you can depend on for the success of your existence, and it is imperative that you not neglect this offer of perfection. it is for you that he does it and its the only way that you can ever have happiness or peace as a being called human.

its a blessing its a gift now get with the program because its all over with satan he is fully defeated.

just one god from now on... no more satans. more oedipus.. no more allah... just the temple.

i've been wrestling with satan in the very final battle over the ttemple, of a multi millenia long war between the forces of heaven and hell, and i have been telling the world in published newspaper ads and this website, gone out of my way to educate people about reality, and not one single person has stood by nmy side and supported me whole heartedly NO ONE ON EARTH!!!!!!!!

what kind of compassion are people hoping for from me?

with the absolute enlightenment of god realization, there is complete peace and no more darkness, save for the residue that must now be squeezed like pus out of my body, that will make me pleased...

god realization is not what you think, its much much more than your silly idea. there is a holy person he lives in this world, and he is the policeman of reality you see. he's a guy he's a person, he's a very nice guy, but he has a job that he is doing for US, he is saving us form Satan and all of his sickness, and he is doing it for free. but you see this person has these special duties by virtue of a choice that he has made, to be very good, and to be very nice, to be very sweet and baby like he has the heart of child you see you see and thats why you just cannot see, how one person could know everything because you killed the child you lived within... you killed the child and became and adult, but wwe kids have ablities that you people cannot see, we kids we see things we wonder things we learrn things you know? kids learn they grow theey they rise, they fly the soar they imagine up worlds, and then yoi craxzy adults show up and try to ruin eeverythign fot us but we do things that you do not do, and these give us special powers too.,.,,

so watch oout for the baby gods yuou creazy older people you really reaololy need to begin to get real, otherswise it'klk be along long time that you weill be with satan at shine.

i am not worried about ANYTHING now... i have completed the journey i am at his feet with the broomstick of allah,, we can now prepare to celebrate this raptruous occoaision that all is not lost to satans bad sickness, ewe have all been saved me yours truly and our master, our perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect PERFECTTTT you just dont know HOW grateful you will be when you wrap your mind aournf this simple truth

By being so completely open hearted and willing to love as to devote every single moment of his existence to loving us, becausse SOMEONE HAD TO in order that the really bad god called Pluto, didnt take everything down with him into a very black hole, our master our lover our father our savior, he goes around doing this over and over, he saves world after world of souls who'ld a been lost, and souls like my great grandfather Saturn would be in deep doo doo, but now he too is saved, the one who made pluto, and we can praise our Master for all eternity.

The perfect master is not responsible for the existence of the problems of this world he is merely the one who comes and solves them... he fixes everything forever and ever. and he is due a debt of gratitude that is off the charts, because it is infinite the gratitude that he is due. there is no limit. and so you go on being extremely grateful to him forever and ever because when your end up on his good side, he has a way of making things a heck of a lot better than they have been so far.and THAT my firiends is the beginning of understatement that will never be ending.


I PITY MY POOR BROTHERS AND SISTERS WHO CANNOT, FIND IT WITHIN THEMSELVES TO MAKE RIGHT, ON THEIR PAST TRANSGRESSIONS AGAINST OTHERS, BECAUSE ALLL S RECORDED AND NOTHING IS NOT KNOWN, FOR OUR BLESSED FATHER HE DOES KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU.... EVERY THING, BECAUSE YOU could know everything that HE knows about your self and everything else, if you had made your self as good as he is, but you did not and so you hid form your self but not from him.... so here comes the piper with a message for you get ready to settle the debts you have due, get right with things now do not delay for coming very soon is judgement day....

I am Robin and Batman is with me. He is with me. I am with him. He is all knowing, and he is the arbitor of justice. He has the power he wil execute the job whoever the heck he sees fit because he couldn't even be the person tha he is if he had any selfish interests interfering with justice., there is no darkenss in him because he would not be omniscient if he did have darkness. He is absolutely PURE and PERFECT. There WILL be no arguing with HIS WILL, IT WILL BE done as He sees fit. according to the inviolable laws of what it takes for him to manage thing here in this vacuum of nothingness.

the perfect master, the man who made himself all knowing become somebody HAS TO, is someone who you bow down to and do not get up until he asks you to. He is that worthy of your devotion because your life would be hell without him, his karma is so spotless its opposite of karma. he is owed and owed forever he is owed by all parties involved both damned and saved. beause without him everything would colapse into ruin.

he is so excellent it is just beyond belief.... I have been saying it and saying it, but i have only now fully comprehended his infinitude and omniscience.. he knows EVERYTHING. you have not managed to hide frmo him, what ou have hidden from your self.

neil young said something that sort of put me in a mind set, "this will probably be longer than i realized, he wants me to spend all my money telling the truth," he set me up by giving me the opposite expectatoin.

10n pm MAJOR revelation of the allknowingness of prem rawat at 10 PM/./..

i feel the temple very close.

without an all knowing god, everything would fail... because evil would prevail.

the only way that evil can not prevail is the absolutely HOLY PERSON who vounteered for the job and he volunteers for the job again and again and again and he is the HOLIEST OF HOLY BEINGS who could possibly possibly exist.. except for waht he alone does, evil would prevail... he has saved the good, praise HIM TO HEAVEB FOEREVER AND EVER. the all knowing god is the ONLY way that human beings can exist without absolute disaster.

for those who will not be good.. for those who will not give up sin snd evil it is curtains for you... there is an all knowing god and I have prostrated myself to him as his absolute servant, I will do anything he asks me to DO> because he is the ONLY possibility for anything working out at all, because he is all knowing because he chose to be perfectly good, and in him is no darkness at all by definition. he is all knowing and he is your judge. he will be your tormentor in hell if you do not get with the programn of being a decent human being.

all that is happening is that i am becoming what a man is... and i am dealing with a lot of lies and the sicknesses they cause that are between where all mortal men are and true fully awakened men. Men whose gentials are finally turned on..

the simple question is this: How do you treat the Temple? The Temple will now treat you in the same way.

Men cannot darken their genitals, it turns them into brutes who turn worlds into Hells.

If you are going to be in MY Temple, you will get yourself enlightened, and I can show you how. Otherwise you are an your own, and I believe that my father has the means of getting your parasitic self out of me, if you don't want to get with the program of being what a human being IS> if you are not willing to be what a human being is, you dont get to be in my temple. SOrry.. I will not carry your disease for you, as my fathers have. YOu will repay them if you do not get with the program of letting them know you are sorry and getting real with ourself and us... lying and hiding will no longer serve you.

YOu are called a sinner because you are in denial of past crimes and in being that you are darkening MY light. We can no longer allow liars and deniers in the Temple of Heaven, you will have to take your demon selves out now. I am sorry to give such an abrupt reminder, but the time has arrived and we need to move on. SO please get with the program we really do love you and would love if you'ld join us for ever and ever. But if you don't care to play our way, which is in pure ecstasy and delight and with cleaar vision, we don't pollute ourselves here we dont poison the temple with your alcohol sickness that makes you such demons, so please tke this advisement that you are on notice that hiding your sins will no longer do.

no more lies, no more bullshit, no more hatred, no more war, just peace and delight its all ever so sweet... This way that you people destroy things around you say to me that you arent that interested in what we have, but we'd helpp you along on the path to reform if such was an idea that meant something to you. we think you prefer your horrible ways, but certainly welcome you with our arms open.

so waht happens when the koan is the actual Holy Name of the Father? i guess i will find out, but it seems like maybe i'd be looking for him in the temple that way,,,

in the movie, when they are about to go on the wild psychedelic ride,,, right after mike tv's mom eats from the amanita muscaria mushroom, one of the gents asks the other, what his line of business is, and the answer was NUTS.

OK, so then there was a WILD SCARY psychedlic ride, and then they were deep in the temple... AMANITA, NUTS, WILD SCARY RIDE, oh my! AMANITA, NUTS, WILD SCARY RIDE, oh my! AMANITA, NUTS, WILD SCARY RIDE, oh my! i have a feeling there may yet be that wild scary ride to take because NUTS still are not any where near detoxed yet. and i am not deep in the temple yet,,,, roald dahl, who also wrote teh screen play is saying exactly this: you eat amanita, you go into the disease in the nuts, its wild and scary, but you comne out the other side ok and you have a really dark yellow pee, and then you are deep in the temple and you get out of the conveyence and that's probably where i am headed.

there are a million of these clues, some in books and movies - matrix, wizard of oz, and all of the others ive named and more,, and some in circumstances,,, hood canal more or less officially being declared "dead" by the seattle times around the time we bought shine, etc. etc...

the clues in the books are not there just for fun, there were put there FOR ME>>> whole books and movies were made for me to learn things... and i saw what i needed to see., whether someone handed me greendale on exactly the day neil young KNEW all along that someone would hand me greendale,,, he KNEW i would never have read the great glass elevator until when i did, he knew that i saw 2001 a space odyssey with my father and family when i saw it.. he knew when i read heart of darkness by conrad,,, and endless details of my life which were all set up in order to get the clues that i needed to grok what i have groked.. maybe neil young planned it, or maybe he just can forsee how grace might work all by itself..

i haven't even used the word grace, but i know its an important word and it just comes up now in the contex of miracles or cosmic coincidences, and is what we call grace and it has a source, it comes from Prem Rawat, he is the source of all goodness, and grace somehow emanates from his surplus of good karma, or soma.. i have no idea how it works, but it exists, and it might be complete faith, he just knows everything goes his way, and its does because its the law of karma, and so somehow there is a story that gets somehow written aobut how everything is going to happen, and it gets recorded in advance, its like recorded on some system that controls what happens, but with compltetely more advanced technologies that the temple has that we dont even know about in this world.. the temple is more advanced than the human race because all of the major advances of the human race came from the temple in the first place.

i believe that any space aliens or ships that have actually been manifest in this world probably come from the temple, or from another temple. the father has many rooms in the mansion,,, and everything that ever will be invented is probably there... well, actually, that reminds me.,.. i have a feeling neil young is somehow the inventor of the automobile itself, like that was his idea... so all these worlds have their nexus in the mansion, and there's people inventing things in many worlds, and it all gets shared, i'll just suppose that.

that's wild, out there, but if so, then prem rawat's admiratoin and restoratoin of antique automobiles is partly due to his love of its true inventor.. Neil's garage... Prem Rawat's antique car restoration, grandpa's funeral,,, i dunno, there 's a theme there, thats all.

grandpa green says, "i don't get any of their respect, they wont get any of mine." it sort of relates to some things i have said about Prem Rawat's disposition toward his adversaries... on the day of reckoning of karmic accounts i am pretty sure he will take what he is entitled to in recompense for everything that others have taken from him for so long.

i have said it a million times but i will say it one more time.

amanita muscaria is a very very very important and beneficial medicine for curing diseases of all kinds. it is the medicine designed by god for the purposes of removing lies and evil spirits from the human body... it is an essential aid to removing the sicknesses that you have inherited by being a member of a fallen race of ignorant mortal human beings who believe in a pack of lies.

Amanita is precious, it is sacred... it is exremely valuable for what you need which is to get a lot of sickness OUT of your body... thanks.

When amanita muscaria is described as "the mushroom of enlightenment" it is not a stretch; and everything James Arthur says about its importance in all of the religions of the world that pertain to the actual truth - which is to say, religions that revolve around the truth that Prem Rawat is all powerful, including Hinduism, of which Buddhism is virtual sect in my opinion (I'd be curious to know if Prem Rawat finds that to be a reasonable statement) and Judeo- Christianity - is pretty much accurate. Amanita is associated with soma, with consciousness and with healing. It is intricately woven into the fabric of the perfectly optimized reality in which we live...

i have this itch that i can never seem to stop scratching, which is to say that i think James arthur has simply GOT to be an important guy in the hwole big picture of the rawats, because he is the ONLY person on earth who speaks intelligibly about amanita in my opinion, though i certainly havent done an exhaustive seach... i have this intuition, somehow, that James Arthur is one of those boys who does a lot of WONDERING about things, if you catch my drift... and he does a lot of amanita WHILE he is wondering, and so he has a lot of LIGHT in his experience, he is ENLIGHTENED because he has had that amanita sucking all the yellow out of him that made him ignorant... so if there's a guy who obviously does amanita, and obviously is an extremely curous fellow ABOUT amanita, which is probably because he is curious to begin with and took some amanita and started puzzling aobut his expereince of amanita,, and pretty soon the guy is noticing that there's like way more light coming in his eyes, everything is brighter and crisper,,, cuz he got all that yellow out of his nerve cells that had been dormant because of the state of sicknes in the temple that he lives in.

my intuition tells me that he might have been a knight of the round table... when i was arthur.


curiousity, wondering imagination, is the complete opposite of doubt... doubt is the killer of the boy who becomes a man because the child in him DIED because a babylonian brotherhood just can't handle kids for some reason, so they conspired to do away with the open heart. they failed.

koans. neil young just taught me EXACTLY how koans work in causing "kensho" in zen buddhism. he did that through sending me a koan by e mail... pretty amazing.

when we puzzle, whether we are conscious of it or not, we search for understanding within the temple, in a man your attention, you may be unconscious is searching around inside a space that is inside what you thihnk of as your body.. this is subliminal for most men,, i am being consicous of this and it is lighting me up, lightin up the temple ,,, so when zen masters have kenshos while doing koans, i would be willing to bet a lot of money that those zen masters are on amanita, because of what i say belosw about how amanita works.

basically, we puzzle in the glans, and when ----this is freaking amazing, no one has evey come up with an explanation of ANY of this stuff.... you have amanita in you, its going to go and help you focus your attention on whatever you focus it on... if you are detoxing alcohol poisoning frrom your shoulders and are focusin on that pain in the sholders- i wanna know what james arthur says about this! - amanita will somehow "go" to your shoulders and give you a boost in foucsin on the experience by actaully permanently pulling toxins out of the nerve cells that are used to access experience or sensation in that exact part of the body.

so when a zen master is puzzling on a koan, and he's on amanita, his glans is what is going to be cleansed, because the glans is where you go looking for answers to puzzles..

so here i am saying neil young gave me a little puzzle to puzzle on, and i learned how koans work and how amanita works and how they work together, and how a zen master par excellence teaches his student,,, this shall we say , was an informative little exercise in doing amanita at teh exact moment when neil young KNEW i was doing amanita and sent me a koan so that he could teach me about amanita and koans and teachers and students... nice. not the first time, by the way,,, someone named manifestor48 did that for me a while back... something about "from the helmsman to the mate."

what does amanita do exactly? here is a theory of how amanita works.

psilocybin has a function of providing more tryptamines so it just activates teh nervous system

amanita goes intra celluklar and finds and removes the toxins that cause the disease of unconsciousness. it goes in and gets all the yellow stuff out, it's a deep detoxifier. it isnt psychedelic so much as osmething that binds with the toxins that slow or block the flow of electricity in the nerve cells... something like that.

its like teh mechanism of unconsciousness is probably dehydration and toxic stagnation inside of the nerve cells in the region that is unconscious, there is no clean fresh water cycling out the toxin, the cells have shut down.. its like people are basically just commanding their nerve cells accessing certain area in the body to shut down, and so they just get toxic and dehydrated.. its the WILL to unconsciousness that may be the actual cause of a deterioration in nerve cell function that leads to sickness in the cells...

i have a birthmark. it's in a very sacred spot. it looks a bit like an eye. i have a feeling that someone else in the rawat family may have a similar birthmark. the feeling i am describing when i say, "I have a feeling" seems to be emanating from that little (all seeingg????????) eye....

which leads me to wonder ->>> next major revelation coming now--->>> whenever a man does whatever it is that he does when he says, "i wonder...." he is putting his attention there on that spot, or in the glans...

when a boy imagines his attention is in the glans,,, imagination is located in the glans... and so i am clearing out the temple of imagination, ladies and gentlemen, by WONDERING, what the hell is neil young talking about when he say "watch out for grandpa, he's the real adversary your love for him is a trick from satan..." and i'm like, wait a sec, "you said, "grandpa's always been a favorite of mine"!!!" it was a koan.. just something to make me REALLY perplexed.. in order to help me in the journey into the temple..., cool. and a nice little test of faith vs doubt..

oedipus.... oedipus..... oedipus.... what have you done!!!!! you have put the imagination to sleep.. you have killed the little boy who likes to wonder and imagine things,,, you have killed theh lover, you have killed the soul... men you have been tricked you have been robbed of your child!!!!!!!!!!! an adult is just a child MINUS the imagination.,,, an adult is just an agent of satan, making one more oedipius.. ruining one more perfect cration of god called a BOY>.. you are a killer.... the lies the lies, the lies, a "man" is just a boy, whose LOST something,,, something precious...

is there ANY more that needs to be said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the "searching around" in the temple i talked about above, reminds me of officer carmchael, searching around with his flashlight, smelling like something aint right...

there's memory in there too,,, searching for something??? your searching there,

what is the babylonian brotherhood guilty of???? i would say that they are guily of turning the body in the temple, the template that we are all made out of, the collective us" from that of an angel, to that of a devil.

satan and his minions, the boys who pretend to be the children of god but who are satan's very own spawn, are guilt of turning the male human being from what he was made by god to be, into something entirely other.. they turned the temple of god into the temple of satan, a liar. satan is a MASTER of illusion,,, he creates illusions that whole human races of his own descendants fall for.

how did he turn the prototypical man from an angel into a devil??? he seriously serously messed with their genitals, with the genitals of the body that is the temple, which you could say is the body of god, and they turned that thing called man from a lover to a hater, just by turning out the lights in the genitals. in the glans and in the testes, and throughout the phallus, the genitals of men are asleep, and orgasm is a pathetic spasm that happens as a result of genital mutilation of the collective body of the temple carried out as a deliberate conspiracy by Satan and the suckers who got suckered into the lie that he was gonna outsmart god almighty.

Maybe he got suckered into that lie too... maybe he got fooled into believing he oculd defeat me, and if he did, he deserves whatever consequence is the result of getting fooled into believing that he was going to mutilate me, a very good person, forever.

why do men have orgasm? because they are loving with a darkened, numb love organ. its shut down. because they dont want to love, because they dont want to be known. men KNOW things through their glans... they KNOW one another. they KNOW things. but men who have tuned out the part of the body that loves have also tuned out the part that knows... because Knowledge lives in the temple.

i believe that what exists is something, a reality, that was invented and fully optimized for happiness. everyone else here in babylon that i talk with seems convinved that it is optimized for misery, when you get right down to it. their idea of a dead universe>?? how can there be happiness in that universe?

their insistence that a universe of misery is all there could ever be is just an excuse for the fact that deep down, they know that their destiny is misery, and they'ld just as soon that be the reality for everyone.

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