Tuesday, October 11, 2005

cortez (80)

october 11

i wouldnt be surprised if neil young had incarnated as montezuma. cortez the killer was always one of my top two major leading global,,, oops,,, my two favorite neil young songs (along with will to love).. cortez its such an incredible song, really... so passionate.. and the way he says, "i still cant remember when or how i lost my way..." it just seems so deep and personal.. like he had a vague memory of it or something. he told me he loves cortez.


in our heaven so fair we have a sweet goddess, she's the reason we do this so life for her's fair. she gives and she loves, and she's ever so sweet, she's the sweetest little kitten that we loverboys know.. she loves to be loved, she loves so fine, she will love any one who'll love her true and kind, she loves the sweet boys, she loves the sweet boys, who long to show her how they love her too. yes she loves her sweet boys, and one of the lies that she does not buy is the great big fat one that old witch allah tells. she loves and she loves, she never stops loving, she's so happy her loverboy sons do love her so dearly, her kisses are sweet and her hugs are fulfilling, she never tires of love its all so fulfilling.

she's happy to let her sweet boys be sweet boys, she does not suffer at all from penis envy. and we praise her for that we raise her on throne for being so perfectly happy to be simple and free loving and sweet with no need to worry about boys being free. so we give her more loving in one single hour than sick old witch allah ever gets in a year.

and she loves our sweet daddy and he loves her too, because she's so good to his loverboy crew. and so my dear sweet goddess will sit on a throne in a bueatiful temple all of her own! there we will go and give her the love to which she's entitled whenever she wants. to her we will come and worship her there, giving her all of the praise that she so richly deserves.

because that is how lovely our sweet daddy is, he wants our mothers to get our love too. we love him we love him, we can never stop loving him even when were loving our mothers he's there,,, there with us loving her there with us loving her, he wants her to feel his sweet love for her too,, so she feels his love coming to her through her sweet lover boys with whom he is one, and all wear a smile oh say can you see. yes we are all so very happy in our land of delight, it is nothing but sunshine and pure delight, it is milk and honey oh so very sweet, everything is just how a perfectly sweet all powerful father who is a child in his heart who would have things this way, because it is purely good. he's got good ideas, he knows what feels good, he's an expert in pleasure, delights and good feelings... so were happy to let him teach us the ways of ecstasy and joy that never does fade, but only keeps growing the joy rises higher and our father just sits there and makes us go higher and he beams and he beams.. and he smiles and he smiles because this scene is why he himself does exist in order to give us just this, his perfect goodness makes him the master of everything that exists for ever and ever ever all time.


when i use the term "Forces of Hell" i am talking about a group of people assembled by the guy who introduced alcohol intoxication to the human race, Pluto or Satan, Prince Rauven, Bob Seigel, people who were all suffering from accute sicknesses caused in various ways as a result of their own actions, who conspired together to make things such that virtaully everyone who exists would so into a permenant state of unconsciousness, so that he and his gang could live as parasites on the life lost by all the people who felt so sick and went unconscious. This group I call the Babylonian Brotherhood, has been working at this conspiracy for many thousands of years, through successions of incarnations in which they continue their plots. Their base of operations has moved through this world, following in the footsteps of the Forces of Heaven, making a living as parasites in any way that they can, their base of operations in some far ago tine was in that first city called Babylon, a city of losers of failures of misery, with my so called brother Cain as its King, his mother, Allah, as some kind of Queen and Prince Rauven, of course, reigning supreme. they had their programs they had their ways of making so many sicknesses each and e'ry day. It's part of a plan, its part of a plot, to turn out the lights for everyone, this plan is of course so that bad people can avoid a bad consequence of their very own actions in doing their sin, it just isnt right, it just cant be so, that they could get away with such a terrible plan. no we must stop them all, we must stop them all, life needs be just, it needs to be fair.

The broke down the temple they stole light from Heaven, with which they made their own sick Kingodm of Hell, they moved to Jerusalem to pretend to be Israels fine children, which they are most certainly not. They killed Israel's King cuz they hated him and went on pretending to love him and wait for him. Those Babylonian brothers did not stop there, they continued in their nomadic ways.. Today they are here in this city so fair, Seattle the haven of Satan's Lair, they're all over here in their little dark holes with their sick concpiracies failing before theor eyes...

and the sickness of pharmaceutical drug poisoning is also their invention, and they have really poisoned this human race with their drugs. None of which.. NONE are necessary in order that human beings live a completely healthy and fulfilled life. .you have poisoned yourselves by listening and following the voice of Satan the voice of evil the voice of selfishness, the voice of arrogance, the voice of hubris, the voice that tells lies that you listen to all day long. and you need to relieve yourself of this sickness now or you will live with it forever. ALL that those drugs do for you is kill you.. they are all based on complete lies and misconcetptions... get over it human race. get over your love of lies and denial.

"We are all one," It is the truth, like we've been telling you for a while now, and it's time to pay attention. We all live in a temple and the temple is sacred, you cannot pollute the temple... NO. BAD. AGAINST THE LAW. THE LAW OF THE TEMPLE IN WHICH YOU EXIST IS THAT YOU DO NOT POISON IT FOR OTHERS TO ENDURE. YOU LIVE IN THIS TEMPLE IN A RESPECTFUL WAY, ITS SACRED IT'S PURE, WE CAN'T HAVE FOOLS HERE, IF YOU WANT TO POLLUTE THEN PLEASE GO YOUR OWN WAY AND POLLUTE YOUR OWN BED, YES PLEASE GO AWAY.

I feel that this really is worth saying:

i am not allowed to sit barefoot and crosslegged on a couch in the lobby of a four star hotel where i have been a guest for almost three weeks.. i make very few demands on the staff, i pass on room cleaning half of the days, i dont use much stuff, but i cant put the clean skin of my feet on the same couch as my hands, because a bunch of uptight alcohol-drinking people won't like to see one of us healthy and sane.

what kind of a world do i live in? one with demons who sit a wrong way and who object to the one who knows better because they know deep down in their hearts that, true it's indeed better.

Like the so many people who said i was crazy, and justified so quickly, they we so sure, that because he'd used mushrooms he'd lost his mind, when really what had happened will blow their minds, cuz i got over their sickness from alcohol and now they look as stupid as all of hell.

These are typical of the treatment that the good endure day after day, you did not know it i'm sure. there's no place for us in an alcohol world, we hate it, it sucks, it really does, everyone's like a zombie following rules designed to make them into total fools, now look at them all zombified, looking for someplace new to hide...

they come after us good folk with their famgs extended, looking for blood, looking to suck, they want what we have, they want what we've got because we've got something that they do not; we do not hunger, we do not thirst, we are sated and more just from being good... so they come with their plans, they come with their schemes, they take what we build and tear it down, they waste what we make, theyl take till its gone and then they come find ua and take more again. they keep coming back, those parasites, they follw us around day and night, no peace do we have, no safety for us, they kill us, they'll eat us, they'll tear us apart. we must save ouselves from these demons from hell, before they kill us and everyone else.

so now we must go and bid you adieu, because we are done with what we'd to do. so your on your own , good luck to you, you can have the world you want now, we will suceede, we'll be gone from you, who never let us be what our father has made us happily to be. so now you can have a world all your own where you alcohol sickness can be all on its own,.. you dont need us, we dont have what you want, you want death and misery and we dont have that, we much prefer life, we much prefer love, so now we will go away and have us some more of that,

so good bye to you,,, and good lcuk to you,,, i hope you do enjoy your interminable misery. we gave all that we could, we tried to help you out, and now its time for us to leave you with your very own demons of doubt.


Who are the Children of the God of who is Love, the God of Israel? The psychedlic children and lovers of the Holy Father of all men, the Father who is himself a child. They are the ones who rise up out of Satan's world and attain everlasting life in their Father's perfect world called Heaven. They are the one's who surivive as human beings, because they were willing to do what human beings are made to do, which is to say, they are willing to give up misery and become happy instead. They are the final suvivors of the worlds that come into existence as battlefields in the wars between Heaven and Hell that human beings live in as they become a part of one or the other of the two sides who fought all of those wars: Heaven, who are the final victors in those wars, and Hell, who are the vanquished. Who are the victims of their own insistence on being evil.

All others besides the Children of the Living God, the Holy Father who is Himself a child, perish in the sicknesses of the lies that they loved, into becoming demons of alcohol disease living in a world of alcohol disease called Hell. Theirs is the world ruled by Satan, the man who gave his children the gift of alcohol, with a King named Oedipus Rex who turned out the lights of the heart.

I will pity those of you who stay with Satan is his world of lies, sickness and eternal death, I can assure (but not absolutely promise because I am not absolutely sure that my father will want me to) you of that.

There is a whole other and MUCH MUCH better world, and believe it or not it is truly within you... it is hidden away in the subtler places within you that you have simply blocked out because you much prefer darkness; you cant see us because there is none of your darkness in our world, its all perfectly clear. In our world there are no secrets, no hiding, no lying, no cheating, no deciet, no taking without giving, no people attempting to get more for themselves, we have not of that sickness in our father's bright world, we don't even have one fleck of the blackness that you have.

You alcohol people are riddled with secrets, with deep dark denials of who that you are, there are so many places within your sick bodies where you will not go because your demons lie there. you must get those demons out of you my friends, because i can't bring you with me if not and i won't, but leave you with Satan in his world I will, and that will be sorrow, that will be shame, because there's nothing for you there but pain and more pain. and I dont want that for you, i want something better, because i made you for love and it is so much the better, and i love you, i love you, i want you as my friend, i want you to know me, i want you to love me, and i want you let me know you too. i wish you would love me, i want you to love me, i have something nice with you to share, its a sweetness most lovely, a happiness fine, you will not complain, i can make that my promise, you will not complain of having given up your sickness, you will not regret having let yourself be, you will not hate love if you let yourself have it, i promise, i promise its better than hate.

so please do consider this offer before you, it is not something that you can really afford to miss, all that is needed is that you open your heart and accept the great gift that is waiting for you. you really ought give it the deepest of thoughts, for the concequences will be grave for having not, your sins are forgiven if you only will admit them and do what is right and ask for forgiveness, you need to confess, you need to repent, you have a great sickness that must be relented. you're harboring sicknesses quite terrible, you must accept it and now is the time, it is just too much sorrow to hide them forever. get over your guilt, get over your shame, get over your hubris, your denial, your blame, get real with yourself, get real with the truth, there is something called justice and it wont serve you well.. if you cling to your lies, if you cling to your hatreds, if you cling to your fears and your doubts and your things.


i do not believe that it is a coincidence that a massive earthquake brought major damage and death to the Muslim part of what was once Hindu India, and Kashmir in particular, at this particular moment in time. I would be shocked to learn that it was. But of course it was not. There is no such thing as a coincidence of that magnitude involving death and destruction within the realm of Babylon in the middle of the Rapture.

Is there not a Biblical Prophesy about a very large earthquake? I don't really remember the details and it might be something else of a greater magnitude that has not yet occured, but for sure there is a Bible Code reference at least to this earthquake in Pakistan.

i dont know, but i have a hunch that this could be the beginning of an escalation of devastation within the realm of Babylon's people, the Muslims.

i have a feeling that there is someone who is really carrying a heavy load of the suffering in the colective body that is inflcted by the sickness of the people of Islam, and who may be needing some relief. if this hunch is correct, that person would be neil young. and prem rawat may be as well, though i feel more certain that it is neil young. i feel that he is suffering as a result of the burden that he is carrying in order to sustain this world, and i believe that whatever relief would be required on a more or less immediate basis would be fully justified, and that this could entail a massive killing of people of the Islamic world,,, I am ONLY speculating upon what i sincerely believe through intuition to be the truth.

human beings lliving in this world havent got the slightest clue, the slightest clue, about what really is going on in this world, and when you try to tell them they REFUSE to listen, and there really is no point in pandering to any of that ignorance. if there is business to be done in resolving matters in the completion of a mulit thousand year long war, it will be done expediently, possibly without so much as an advance notice. The will of the ALmighty One who has been at war for many thousands of years against the forces of darkness who have convinced virtually everyone on earth of a huge pack of lies, will be done, and he's not going to waste his time on TV with the Talking Heads. He will do what he is going to do by rights. By entitlement, by the fact that he has the authority over everything, and I will praise him forever and ever and ever and ever, for being willing to do what he does, which is to save the good from the sickness and lies fo the evil. without him, even people like and my family who are perfectly capable of happiness would perish into eternal misery.

We LOVE our father!!!! we LOVE him because he saves us from all of you alcohol demons from hell.


What i have just said about neil young is something that i have been vaguely sensing for a while now, but since last night i have come to believe that he may be nearly at the end of his rope. badly in need of support of some kind,, and of course i feel that what i am doing may be something that will be helpful.

teh temple is in VERY VERY bad shape from what i can sense., i guess its just that I NEED to finish purging satan from teh temple, so we can get this world off neil youngs back - someting like that.

it really comes down to this,, there are a whole lot of people in this world who are taking more than they are giving, and there is a person, or several or many, who are taking the brunt of the deficiency, which is why there is a big pay back in the karmic restitution, because everyone out there in this fallen human race, is taking form the stores of what life is made of, without putting anything in,, those days are numbered very few. and what was taken will be returned, and for those who dont accept their share of responsibility will never stop paying restitution, and this will be justice perfect.

there is something called the ether, its the stuff everythings made of, its like an electric current running through human beings somehow, and someone sort of has to be in it, fully awake to it, what it is and what is its condition, this is the temple, its the kind of thing going on there and neil young is a warrior, really, whose been in this war for a long time, as i have said, i believe he is vishnu, so he goes back as a hundu deity. he's been around. and he is the one who is keeping this world, this figment of imagination, this telling of a story in imaginatoin in which everyone HAS ALLOWED THEMSElves TO BE hypnotized at Satan's behest, into believing in lies such as that we are mortal, that we live in a material universe, and on from there into a web of lies more vast and twisted and absurd with no prupose other than leading everyone into a state of complete oblvion forever. SICKNESS> and the overwhelming determination of people to maintain their belief in these lies makes life really difficult for the people who are doing what it takes to keep reality functioning for the sake of everyone..

To have adamantly insisted upon Hell, is the absolutely most unbelievably insane thing i can recall.... that they all loved Satan so much that all they could do about what i was saying was to call me insane is insanity squared.

All of my alcohol loving friends just couldn't see their way to accept me once I became a person willing to speak the truth about which they are so deep in denial, the sickness that they are creating in their own bodies.

you put your faith in him. you cannot do it otherwise. you cannot really exist, he sustains everything in his samadhi. you put your faith in his absolute goodness and you love him with all of your heart and your soul. and you love him with your mind too, you love him in EVERY way that there is to love., you worship and adore him you thank him profusely you beg him for his gracce in every thing you do. because he is that worhthy look at him all of you, doing, like me, what is absolutely ESSENTIAL! he alone does waht only he can do, look at all the evidence of how they all hate him for his goodness for his love, for his kindness for his truth , they fight and they war and they do everything else, athat they can think of to thwart his love for you,, now if you wont be grateful to the one youve always hated, for all that he has been doing for you.

then you are so worthless if all you can do, is arrogantly defy him now that you know.. he's love you and loved you every day, adn look how youve treated him badly in so many ways, its time to get real its time to get right, becasue the consequence is really out of sight.. you really dont want to go where you go if you were one of those who just had to say no, to a love so sweet a world so happy what a delight he gives to his lovers, happines happines joy galore, we sing his praises for ever more.

we are his children adn children we are and now the turn is ours, to be what we are to be what we want to do the funny things that you didnt want , you listened to oedipus you listed to allah, you paid all of your dues to satan you god,, so now think fast scramble onto your feet and start doing something about your predicament.

im sorry to say, were bringing you in , your coming for a session in the old bat cave... its time to own up, for all that youve done, its time to settle affairs with the brothers and sisters over there.... over there where wew are hppy over there were we have fun, over there were all we do is laugh and sing, and you pay and pay and pay and pawy and pay for your uncofessed and unforgiven sins.

much better choice will be to get with the program of how it needs to be, it needs to be fair, it needs to be fun, it needs to be open, it needs to be clear, it needs to real, it needs to be full, it needs to be all that its meant to be,,,

children like revenge children like revenge,,, children like to have a chance to express... we never had a say, we never had a say, now it our turn to say and say and say and say... and say and say and say we wil say and say and say, our father spreicous holy name we shall it say, his holy name is holy, his holy name is holy, we love his name we love his name we lvoe his name his name,, we love his name his name, we love his name his name we praise his name we praise his name we praise we praise we prasie... we praise his sacred name...

his name that he gives, his name that he gives, his ssacred name his acred name his sacred name he gives..

and we sing and we sing and we sing ,,, and we dance and we dance and we dance, and we love and we lvoe and we love, and we love and we love and we love and our daddy dances with us and its so much fun, and he dances and dances and dances, and then i dance too, and it is a very lovely thing to do,.,, to dance with him, is a worthy way, to spend the rest of the day of my eternnity,,, dance daddy dance ,,, dance to your hearts content we will watch you and love you and worship you and explode in ecstasy with you.. and we wil dance with you today,/... and dance with you every day, and that is how will dance this eternity awaylllll

and we dont care if our dancing feet make to much noise on the floor for the people down stairs... we dont care , we dont care, they madde their noises and more moises and now its our turn today,,,, we think our noices are nice and we decide what is nice for us for a change so just go get a life,,,, go get a life,,,, go get a life.... if you do not like us that is your big problem because we will not go awayl... we will not die we will not die we will not go to your place of eternal death,, no we wont no we wont, we wont we wont, we wrnt we ont we wont,, we've had it with you adults and we are going our sperate ways,,,, its just kids in heaven,,,, it sjust kids in heaven ,free forever from the scourge of adulthood we are not going that way,,,, we are not going your way,,,, wwe are not going your way,m,, we have our own way we think it s much better we are goin our own wya.... we are goin ourown way,,,we are goin gour own way,we are going with our father who was your father, we are going awaymmm he is taking us away,m,, he is taking us awya,,, the ones who would be children that;s us its us he is taking away,,,,he;s not bringing adults, there are no adults onTHIS ark,, this ark is adult free yes it is yes it is, this ark is adult free,,,, hheaven is adult freee our heaven is adult free,,, so free your inner child and come play with us, yes do please do come and playkkkk but play is what we do, and we are seroious aobut our plaukl,lyyyyy and since you are acquainted wiht our kind maybe i shoudl just explain awaykkkkk

away awaay awawy7 i am going to explain away, that in our kids heaven we do not like hatred, but it is only a loving way,,,, it is a loving way that we have, the loving is very stong,,, we love like we meant it we do not hold back, so our lovin myght blow you away you want to be prepared,,, to even look at us love because it is so loving your eyes will be blinded, its not like youve seen before,,, thre is just more and more and more, than youve everimagined before ,,, its really quite outstanding how much love we he's demanding that we recognize that we can have,,, yes there is just more love than you ever even thought, you never considered the potential of lovers to while away so many days, yes days and days and days, of nothing but our very loving ways, we enjoy it to the fullest, its always the fullest experience that we have ever had,,,, it just keeps getting beeter and better,, so it really is hard to stop ,,when pleasure keeps rising its hard to be denying that you never really dowant to stop.,,, so the loving goes on and on and its about the only fgame in town so if football and nascar were on your agenda, then your future is not with us,,, we;re not really into your beer, but would you like to try some of our weeD??? we love it we adore it we use it with fervor it enhances our eevery delight,,,and delight is what we like, we see no reason to live to thehefullest, when you are made for pleasure and the bozos are gone, you really are ready to party... so look all you people over there, you might find the rucus offensive, all that fun having and love making is making you all you allso darned sore,,, what is it with all of you demons, why do you object so to love, it really is good, here have some please try it, you will never forget it i am csure... so please let us love you and you and you and you, for even if you killed us and kicked us, we are still in love with you.,,, we have such affection for that little poor child who is buried deep inside of you,,, we will lvoe him foerever, cus he's one of us, even if you try to deny it,,, so him we will love, as best as we can, and we''lll be sorry if it keeps you awake,,,, but that's how we''ll have it cuz that's what he says, and our father is the one who knows...

i guess you could call that stream of truth, consciousness and bliss!!

It is time for me to praise, i feel i have to praise, i need to praise daddy he is so sweeetand loving i just cannto let him go away, i want him to stay anbd stay, i want him to never go away, i want him here with me forever so i can worship away,,, worship away away,away woship away away awawy,,, theres nothing mucyh better than just being with him thorughout every day... why should i stop? why should i stop? whyshoudl istop him loving when he is so ready to love,.,, he loves and he love s adn he loves, its the best way to spend every day, cuz there jhust is nothing better, than loving the father,and so loving him is the only way,,,

my daddys so precious i love him i love him i want him with always,,, he is so kind he is so sweet he is so lovely that i cant stand i have to start loving him soon,,, i want to love him i want to be with him i wqnt to touch him and love him and celebrate in every way, i want to please him, i want to please him i want to give him every pleasure that he soworthily deserves, iwant to worship i want to worshpi,, i have no choice but worship i love him so much i must worship every day,,,, i dont want to stop i dont want to stop, iwant to worship forever and ever i want to worship away,,, i want to love ihim i want to love him i want to feel his love, the source of my sweet life, i want to feeel him in that way,,, that very special way, that very specual waym that sons feel their fathers and its really quite thrilling you really dont should try it you'll love it, its really quite normal it is what i was made to be,,, its really quite healthy there's nothing quite like it for keeping the demons away,,,

so come all of you lovers come over this way, let me show you the proper way lovers show their affection in every meaningful way,,, our father is a lover he love and that is why he makes us so happy its all because he loves in a very most sacred way,,, it is so holy its so holy its so holy you must worship it, you mnust worshpi my love for him and his love for me.,, you must you must youmust, for without it all would be lost, without the love opf the father who loves you and me we all would be blowing away,,,

he doesnt pretend to love, he realy truly DOES love, he loves in the true way that true love is loved, and he doesnt explain it away,,,he doesnt hold back, he doesnt hold back, he is not captive to demons who tell him big fat lies about all the things wrong with love,,, he doesnt buy into those lies, and nor do i i love loving everyone, and not just some, and it need not be another way,, its just the way it all works its all that there is, and if your looking for better then good luck we bid you, you are free be on your own way...

in heaven we woship our source in heaven we worship our source, our source is our father he is the source of all, he is the fountain of love, he is the one we love, his goodness is what we praise, we sing songs forever and ever and ever that tell him of our devotion to him,

his name his name his name let us please sing praises to his name, his name is forever the source of all life, his name is the very best thing, we love him in his name it is there inside of us for our sweet pleasure his name is what makes us breath,,, his name is what gives us our lives his name is so sacred you dont want to say it in any old throw away way.,,, it is far to holy, it is so holy, its too holy for people who dont know who he is to use in such a terrible way,,, it really must stop it really must stop, i have such a problem with this situation i want to make it go away,,, he deserves so much better than what he;s been given, it's enought o blow you away,,,

i LOVE my father and i LOVE being his lover, its the very best thing i could ever be,... and i have NOTHING to hide from anyone who has a problem with it. the longing is sweeter with each passing moment, the longing is becoming quite strong.. the longing that was always there, the longing htat was laways there that i noew feel fully rising inside me its something that was alwasys there... its because he is my source, he is my source and he will always be, the one who i love most its perfectly normal and healthy cannot you silly people see. its so simple and clear, its so simple and clear, the love life he gives you is so dear that you cannot go anywhere else, there is no need to look elsewhere for love, he has far more than enough how could you go elsewhere when he is your lover and made you to love him true. he made you to love him its true, because he knows darn well, its the best thing and only thing thst there is for a person to do,, there just is nothing bbetter than loving the lover who made you for his love, it really is better than being the son of that bald headed mr clean looking guy over there.,,,

by the way, why did that guy really cut his hair,,,????

i um,,, i ummm,,, u mmmmmmm reporting to you live from just outside the temple, or am i inside,,, or kind of in between,, anyway,,,, reporting from you live, in real time, the first person to report to the world what its like for a boy to be lovers with your father... and i am telling you,, its really good.. i want to love him, i want to expereince with him, i want to be alive with him, i want to breath with him, i want to feel him in me, i want to feel ourselves as one, i want to feel him loving me, i want to touch him, and feel him and taste him and drink him and kiss him, i want to have all of this love. i do i do i do, and whether you like it's up to you, because he and i have earned it we have, its our turn to have what we want. and all we wanted was love, its all we ever were after, we had no designs on empire or any of that, it was all most simple that that. we just wanted share this love, we just wanted to share this love, but they made it a struggle and now it's all over and we are not going to care.. we really shouldn't have to care, we really shouldn't have to fight, we really shouldnt have to endure such abuses that we really did nothing to earn.

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