Monday, October 17, 2005

so i'm really kind of crazy 3400 Phinney Chocolate (91)


so i really kind of went crazy puzzling on this tribe thing and then on the solstice feast i was really tuning into the women and imagining like twelve tribes of women, and was seeing like a tribal belly dance tribe as an example.. a lot of people must have been freaking on me that night...

Erin, she's one of us, right neil,,, powerful bright woman.. she was one i saw as potentially like female tribe leader.. it never occured to me until now, but of course nina, aka magdelaine/guevere was there that night, and we just had ten seconds together,,, she was so beautiful..,,, i asked her to watch me dance, i dont know if she did.. it was odd how we had that first mindblower of a meeting and then really have never had more than five seconds together since, but i never have wavered for a second that its her,,, no way,,,, just the way she sat quietly and listened it was so clear to me that she was like my equal.. she really is.. she noted that i was using a wood pipe and encouraged be to go glass..

. i'm sure neil mentioned it, but the day we met at teh temple, which was the second time we met, she came to a talk, she had contacted me to say she had some of her own premonitions that she wanted to share with me, but i ended up doing all the talking never heard from her, because i was SO AMZINGLY BLOWN AWAY by what i was experiencing, it was like a MAJOR revelation....

because up to that point it was all about the boys, and i hadnt really even begun to consider the other side and then BOOM!!! and neil KNOWS exactly what happened and i'm sure he;s already told this story but i'll give my version...

The day before we met it suddenly came clear that i had been arthur... it was a big revelatoin, i had never considered it.. but of course its totally obvious now.. so then there's Nina contacting me and she had made a big imprssion on me, even though we'd only spoken a few seconds, and i always hoped we would meet again, but i wasnt going to pursue anything, just wait and see if she shows up,, i think we had a mutual friend brian ,who i think is a lover, kind of caught in between what we are and babylon.. he's got heart though.. hE disappeared, this was the one person who came to hear me talk who i came closest to becoming freinds with.. well we did become friends but then he dropped out,,, maybe because he is freinds with nina...

OK, so like before nina came i knew she was guenevere, i was like i'm arthur and this woman who i found very attractive must me genevere, not quite groking that she's my sister,,, that came after our meeting,, at that point she was an equal but not a sister.

so the first thing i said to her when she came inthe tribal gathering room (great idea, but wrong town) was "so, have you ever felt a particular affinity for the kking arthur story? and she quite calmly said, yes, acutally, i had a past life regression one and it was revealed that i was guenevere, and i was like WHOA!!!!

and it was stunning, i was at a point where i really needed to get the other half and it was so powerful, very balancing in a way... so i knew that she and i would be bride and groom pretty much from that moment...

the whole family thing hadnt quite gotten in focus, it was before the Green family appeared in my life,...

so we had an amazing visit, and i was like so overwhelmed i requested that she let me "give satsang" while she listen, and it was clear to me that in come cases men just have too much passion to listen to women, the women need to listen to the men,, i felt under the circumstances it was better for me to do the talking, and she was SOOO obliging and respectful beautiful.. i was so impressed wth her.. the poise is spectacular.

so then weeks later - i forget when that was, but i think it was before the whole rush around thanksgiving, but sometime shortly before then maybe, we run into one another at the Feast.,, and i want to speak about that..

SHe looked like a queen. and now that i think about it, i wonder if she was feeling like one.. we had a moment together, i could feel the love and excitement, but then she was gone..

i said to her something about that i hadnt changed my mind about what i believed and she was like "oh no, it's happening." It seemed like maybe she knew more than she had when we met at the Temple. like maybe someone had informed her certainly that she is magdelaine during the interval since i had seen her.

the fact that she disappeared, i looked for her,, maybe she felt like avoiding me.

speaking of which, quick digression... father ryan.. he saw me numerous times at the cathedral, we spoke a couple of words once or twice, i left him one of my notes this one saying: "if there is a test that the roman catholic church intends to employ in evaluating the validity of someone making a claim to be the christ, i am prepared to take such a test..." and claimed to know the identitied of various biblical figures...

anyway, i finally saw him and asked if i could have a meeting, i jus wanted to sit down with someone from the church and share my experience, and honestly i felt very drawn to him, i think he must be a fairly high up person in the family because he just has a very excellent feeling about him., he was like "it might be hard to get an appointment i'm really busy" i had told him that i was the one who left him the note claiming to be the christ and he's like "oh yeah, i seem to remember something like that..." and i'm like huh?? you seem to remember, when you get a note like that fomr someone you either remember it or you dont remember it, you dont "seem" to remember it especially if your father ryan...

so it comes back to nina, and possibly dave M. too... its possible that people who are informed of my identity are told to minimnize their interactions with me, because it's still a secret, its not supposed to get out that anyone really knows who i am,,, like father ryan could nt spend time with me, it would be too difficult to be with me without letting on that he knows, he might get emotional... he did say,, "and a special prayer for you" one time...

on christmas i was there all day, i think i went to mass the night before and maybe twice on christmas Tim, the bakery customer remembers seeing me,,, anyway,, the atmosphere was so charged.. i think this is the service in the evening on christ mas day,, neil will remember... anyway, icame in a but late, and just as i was arriving i thought i heard pastor ryan saying something to the effect that god was going to be coming out this year, he was saying that he lives in the world, etc... imy heart was racing and i had this feeling liike something was going to happen with me, i had this sudden feeling like i was going to be announced, and i like kind of walked up to him in the middle of the service and asked, "are you expecting a special guest tonight?" the atmosphere was just so charged,,, and he asked "who?" and i said my name, and he directed me over to a woman,,, like he was worried i was a crazy..

the cathedral looked so incredible, the whole thing was so moving, but i was looking around wondering looking for neil and grandpa... literally anticipating that something was gpoing to happen,,, maybe neil made me think it SO THAT i would have that interaction with father ryan... i have a lot of emotion about the church.. maybe its neil's emotion i am feeling,, do you cry when i say things about my love of the church neil?

he must have known by some point who i was,.. i also sent a letter to the local archbishop, in addition to the note i left the cardinal in LA . i got sort of a standard reply from the his office,,, boiler plate. i so wanted to connect with someone at the church.

im jumping around, but one thread was the appearance to me that people who might have known that i really am who i say i am were being asked to stay away because i am not supposed to (and have not) gotten any indication from anyone that would suggest that any power that be recognizes me... Nina's comment and then disappearance might be the strongest or even only sign i ever got til Neil's first emaill...

manifestor48 came long before, but as the e mail record will show, by the time that interaction wrapped up, i thought it was just a prankster.. it wasnt until much later that i knew for sure that manifestor48 had to be rawat..

manifestor48 said he was going to idaho to do some remote viewing... there must be a "port" of some kind in idaho, a belief i may have alluded to in one of my talking sessions.. all the Green family are mostly from idaho, and this is a clue,,, when i see that big remote viewing screen in my minds eye in a big cavernous space and Maharaji standing in front of it, i may be seeing something that is in Idaho... or accessed in idaho, i dont know how it works... can i enter neil's body somewhere in idaho???

so back last holiday season, a very rich time in the journey, was when i was really on this tribe thing, and i thought, OK they've put a lot of these characters in my midst, cain, adam, eve, nina, etc.. and i was thinking, OK maybe the leaders of the tribes are here.. of course i'd already met jacob. ijust sort of imagined how the tribes might be organized.... i already had satan, the republican tribe, and "lucifer" the democrat tribe... (was i at all close on Joe Kennedy and the fight to keep opium in the hands of the church>>>? ) and i saw them as todd and william. and so i started thinking, maybe all 12 are in seattle..

and peter and buffalo were 2... and my freind steven golovnin, who was with me a lot during that time, and i will talk about him too... i'm ambivalent on steven because he's from the yosamian group,,, which i know a few people from, some who could be israel like steven and mark, and some seem like"the neighbors>"

i never met yosamian, but i do not like the sound of him... sounds like a gatherer of lost souls.

but steven was really solid with me, and i started seeing in him the lion character from wizard of oz as well as the character from Lord of the rings who he looks like the elf king guy...

he's a genius with music. genius.. i have not interacted with him since the solstice, but he was SO ready to support me in everyway, i woke him up in the middle of the night once, came right in his little garage cabin and woke him up, and he was right there he spent a night with me at the tribal space,,, i was going deep into the wicked witch of the west, -the illusory one - at that time,,. Free is another person i see as one of us, like he's part of what i think of as the shaman tribe with cute daniel from burning man,

so anyway, i was seeing steven, whose life has sort of loosely revolved around me since we first met, he was one of my early emplyees at essential foods, always wanted to be involved in my projets.. so i guess i could still see him as a tribe leader.

he's really into african music, and i was seeing him as "the lion king" he looks like a lion and he has the sort of demeanor of a king.. so i saw a sort of world music/rythem africa tribe, and him as its leader,,and i told him that i saw peter gabriel and the whole world music scene that revolves around him as a major part of that tribe..

i was seeing the lion from wizard of oz as a composite of him and palmo.. baby snowleopard... i still see scarecrow as mckenna nad tine man as neil...

there's been a few people i've seen as sam, frodo's friend,,, maybe that's neil, maybe that's a composite..

you know who the first person i thought might be sam, like i was convinced?? Prince Rauven himself!!!! can you believe it??? and for a while i actually felt it could be steven golovnin..

if the farmer tribe existed bob gregson would be a reasonable possibiliy of anyone local. mark musick would be a candidate as the tireless one in that field for so long, but energetically bob g. is a btter choice.. more serene...

also if there were just a dairy farmer tribe, my freind steve from montana is probably the leader of that one.. very dedicated to doing dairy right...

i got lots of room in this beautiful suite, so if anyone wants to party, feel free to come over..

if what i said last night is true, that neil young is heroin dependent, which makes so much sense its almost impossible not to beleive _ i once published the notion that "the comforter" was opium_ and if we are going through the wall of alcohol together by neil going off the heroin, then he's probably been reducing the dosage for a while. and that means we will probably approach the wall of alcohol slowly.. which is good., i can just melt into it...

so really what im doing here is reviewing the ideas i was having about tribes last year around this time..,

maybe jacobs got them all with him. i see sid genette as being maybe a fairly high up guy, he is very creqative, psychedelic and brilliant. he's trying to be israel in babylon.

he did the amazing temple at string cheese beaming terence on the wall with his ambiant music he was in charge of the scene in a big dome they set up.. i saw him as a sort creator of environment in the temple

neil that woman i lounged around with at the feast, i forget her name ,, she seemed very strong to me, and i was seeing her as a sort of tribe, like the temple women tribe... creating environments, kind of like a female version of what i just said aobut sid.

i think it was the very same day that Satan, teh Riddler and his sidekick bill aal came to my moms and i was carted off to nurse rachets, that i went around showing people that i thought i could suspend breath by speaking the word, like no inhaling.. i still dont really know for sure what was happening, but i got finally that this was very threatening to some,,, not sure who yet, Michael H. is a wild card forr me.

i went to see gerald i think he was the last one i saw before joe, jon and bill,,

i hope gerald is coming along.. speaking of gerald,,, gerald is one of those super intelligent and competent people who could do anything who chose teaching as a professionl... really dedicated and creative as a teacher, very devoted.. love him.

but speaking of gerald, i had another tribe leader idea - and by the way, i also imagined "subtribes" like 12x1000 member subtribe = 1 tribe... - it was a guy named bill richardson who used to come to the bakery every day and get bread for the kids at the school where he taght,, very devoted to kids,,, i thought of him as a sort of teacher tribe..

at least you get that in my mind i was dividing tribe by affinity.. i dont know if jacob thinks like i do, but i wouldnt be surprised... this is the picture i have.

neil, what did you think of the sarong... i was wearing a sarong every day,, to work around the office of hte bakery, meetings, you name it., just totally without care,, and i think i must have wierded a lot of people out... it just started blowing my mind how oedipal guys are about their pants... i mean, we have this utilikilt phenomena here in seattle, macho kilts that are like overly large tool belts or something made of tough denim, and that's as far as ANY man in seattle will go... and here i am with my practically see through patterned rayon sarongs....

it was fun..

.pet hotel peeve,, i have to pay $700 to get a room with dimmers on the lights, almost all hotels its all or nothing i hate that... my experience at the W.. i cant wait to discuss that with people who know about it.,

i was calling to request that room service bring me an $1800 bottle of cognac and i had to listen to commercails on the phone system while on hold to request it. and i just about went through the roof,,, it pissed me off more than just about anything in my life... that night, the dubya night, was a really big night...

was i suppsed to get drunk while doingt amanita? i puked all over that room... i gave the housekeeper $100, but i didnt feel bad for the hotelll.. bad hotel experience...

no one from teh hotel management ever ackowledged that forcing someone who wants to ask the hotel to seel them an $1800 bottle of cognace to listen to a commercial on the phone is not something a $400 a night hotel should be doindg,,, i asked them to comp me the cognac, they didnt even offer a discount...

to me that hotel is like a holiday in with the fixings of an expensive hotel.,, its all surface, but underneath that, your just in a concrete box... this hotel, built in the early 20th century is the same price but to me 10x the value..

when i was at dai bosatsu, one of our sutras had this line, and the set up is, it's ta;ling aobut the attainment of knowledge or enlightenment: "then on each moment's flash of our thought, there will grow a lotus flower."

perfect, that 's exactly what i have been talking about,,, i sure hope eido roshi is in attendance, he will be so proud of his student, and i do consider myself a student of your Roshi, even if I was only with you for a month and a half, I know you understand, for I had only left for the holidays I was planning to come back but tnat's when I met our Lord. yes, you see, I even left my belongings at the Zendo, i had made a commitment to returning,,, but the bigger commitment was when i stood before the altar, prostrating myself to the statue of Buddha, which to me was just an expression of my longing for my family...

so the lotus flower that grows on each moments flash of our thought is this: "if you forget, He will remind you." that's my little mantra,,, if you forget he will remind you... you dont have to worry about forgetting.

i am coming to the conclusion that there were plenty of rawat family involvment in Zen Buddhism, probably going back throughout that lineage that I recited in the dharma hall. from BOdhidarma, all the way to Eido Roshi, if i may be so insane as to suggest that eido roshi is with the rawats

something about when an apprecaitive thought makes me start crying, i sort of know i must be onto something.

I love you Eido Shimano Roshi!!!!!!! I have never forgotten you or stopped appreciating you.

i feel your goodness.

If perchance Eido Shimano Roshi has past dealings with the Christ, it would explain the intensity of the emotion I am feeling in this moment...

and what is the nest thought that will prompt me to get out of the tub?

i just cant see how it is possible that a religious sect like Zen Buddhism, that pays THAT mush respect to a lineage of masters could POSSIBLY not be a Rawat enterprise.. it's too impeccable to be anything else,

that freaking lineage that is probably chanted nearly every day at dai bosatsu, to this very day, goes back to Bodhidharma,,, ,Zen Is RAWAT or I will eat my hat! - <<>>

and ditto the whole system of lineages in INDIA<<>

i'm really getting to like Japan a lot...

saying a lot of really off the wall stuff over here in Babylon.,,,,

when i was in the tub during my emotional upwelling over Eido Roshi San (is that right, San? i hope so)

i for the first time really felt like neil young was cring with me, almost the same exact crying, like earth brown really is shadowing me move for move, not only bodily but emotionally as well..

I and my Father are One, I guess I could say.... ;-)


OK the japan thing just clicked... we had a temple in japan, and cain was fighting us there too, and tokugawa was rawat, and zen was cKnowledge and this war was bigger than i realized. and Eido ROshi is probably a major hero in teh family...

sorting out the nations..... in advance.... not exactly maybe, but certainly demonstrating the capacity to undersatnd things;.. so this is much bigger than i realized the wr between heaven and hell. its so big.. and so desperate.. i mean, it looks like Heaven is fighting hell in Japan, that's the samurai wars, and in tibet their are rival factions, and I know HH is rawat. so really what just came to me is rawat countried where rawat controls the major religion key.. like buddhist countries are prabably entirely rawat,,, but in tibet there are hell factions,,, i feel strongly because of things i've heard from gyatso and palmo about certain things pertaining to rival sects,,, and cambodia was probably a massive wipe out of a hell faction,, and another would be armenia, and the manchuria and of course teh nazi holocause these are kill offs of hell people.. maybe all major gencides, like the ones in cnetral africa are kill offs of hell poeople who have been wreaking havoc with the temple its coming very clear now....

cambodia for sure.. there's heaven and hell in buddhism, buddhist sects deal with heaven and hell, i spoke about the swastica symbol in my talk on Nov 1 2003, before i ever published anything, in frton of 100 people about the association of the swatica eith the hell experience. the nazi swastica sybbol is an arm band signifying that there is a relationship to death, like a black arm band... its simple, we're killling off people who are off the frequency of the temple, just like is about to happen on a scale of billions... this is what we are looking at no question in m y mind..


what i dont know is who is "fallen" (if I may just use this term) now??? Islam? CHina? major parts of africa> North Korea for sure,, souls who've "fallen off the frequency.. " fallen off the spiral that leads from life to life..

it was loving alan alhadeff's girl friend, what was her name?? that i ascended back up to the frequency the third time... and it was a woman's company that helped me up the second time, and it was my own prayers and willingness to sacrifice that brought me back up the first... why cant these people just find something to be poisitive about???

so the axis of evil could even have been a list of "fallen"countries because n korea is on that list and of anycountry on earth i'd say they look pretty fallen.. but you sort of out nations and fallen souls would a naton make,,, are muslims already in minus land?

so armenians probably are babylon, because of my own perception of them as like jews, but also the massacre.. combined it says fallen.. are all jews fallen??? now it seems possible to me.. not all, but many manyl,

those people at th e wailing wall, what the hell are theywailing about????

nations must be sorted by which complex people are in, and therefore which frequencies they can withstand..

so that as frequencies change [people will fall off progresively...

the moral of this story is dont get olf too soon,

the longer you stay on earth, the more you'll see unfold...

so islam drops early for sure,,, i warned Rauven after teh judgment day/washington dairy assn night that i thought dan would be in hell soon if not alreadyk,, maybe he's already long gone...

so islam drops, and what ive been saying about turkey and malaysai are prpbably dead on... turkey wont fall, malaysia wont fall.

i bet if i could learn alittle bit more about each countrie, just like a basic primer of life in that nation, i could make really good guess of the order they would fall... just a spectrum of sulimeness of the culture,,, what are the people DOING???

like FOR sure Japan, Vietname, India, Laos, NOT bBurma, because they have a bad dictator,, not Indonesia for the same reason,,, north kroea is down south probably up, but i am not as sure on korea as japan, russia down all of eastern most of central europe,, germany better than russia but not as good as UK,

lots of africa is toast, poppy bush bulldozing mirers story is related to this there;s a story about pat robertson, who i think is probably with us, that reminded me of that... just totally lost souls.s

ausy and NZ all major english speaking are solid but mason dixon line more or less division in US, south is hell.,

china hell, iran prbably hell, axis of evil..,, pakistan hell,,, only good islam cocuntries that i can think of are probably malaysia and turkey and west africa,,, cote d'ivoire and gfhana and senegal and mali, all rawat strongholds, the music is too good to be fallen....

how to use the media, chapter 2

phillipines not too good... i'm starting to hear the distant sounds of helicopter blades.... i think i covered latin america, i was wondering about argentina, but then i saw a tango picture and i thought, no not too good down threre,..., maybe chile is rawat.. costa rica

i would guess cuba is stronger rawat possibility than some of latin america, its strange, but they are famous for implementing a lot of very progressive policies, compares with central america cuba looks good..

maybe pockets of mexico, but all of latin america looks dicey, but better than some other regions., i am assuming here that consequences will vary upon nation, but this is beyond my grasp right now to know .. does every fall to a frequency that is dependent upon their own karma,,, or iis it all the way to come floor for everyone??

italy looks better to me than say france or germany.

the war in sri lanka is probably a heaven hell war no? east timor?? are all these things heaven hell?

Bali MUST be a refuge or rawat in Islamic INdo.. that's why the bomba attacks there,, too much happiness..

is distance a factor??? i have no idea a bout this.,, like if there is a temple, is there a gradient of effect, or is it world wide?? i dont know.,, of course, we are sperm and its YOUR vibration... or mine ssoon. i guess this is how abel really gets his come uppance,,,, wowolppp

are we just ust talking about depression, in terms of, is this just degres of what we call depression or is it different, it does seems different, but its deifinitely a form of depression,, not completely clear on this..

i fell off the frequency three times, but thats not the same as depression... the question i have is, are they still at their same frequencey, and they just arent mooching any more, or does their's change...

i guess what this really drives at, is ths: are the nations of people in hell all having different sets of experiences and therefore suffering at varying intesities??? or do they all fall into ONE vibration with one another, and all suffer the same,, yes that sounds like the Kierkegaards to me, but i am not sure...

this is just goodness = knowledge at work nothing else going on here.

so like what i said about royalty earlier could very well be true,, the coutries with royalty have people who are not fallen...

i should prbably be using the word condemned maybe.. i have to remember, in a few days, the whole world ecept israel will be sufering anfd its really just a matter of, whose totally wasted, and just need to bw wiped out, and who can be saved...

this is a very rapid recording of stream of consciousness on what i might call a somewhat snesitive but imnportant topic that i feel that i deifinitely want to be on the record ABOUTE,, ALL THIs is occuring to me in real time ,,, its amazing..

little pockets that prem rawat visits are part of his group,,, like Mauritius comes to mind but he used to go to wset africa and south africa...

in africa, just listen to the local music, that's all you need... if there isnt any its hell, and if its vibranbt its heavenb,,

like north africa, you have these nomadic tribes, like are they called the tauregs, they wear blue??? nomads with great music,,, rawat,,, heaven.. not hell,,, if there is music, that;'s all you really need to look at..

who in the world is no longer making music, ... i can think of one,,, all these kids here in babylon that want it all digital.,, do they get depressed listening to live ??? i mean that seems possible. i', swerious as a heart attack,,, if they are not making some kind of decent live music and singing, then somethings wrong.. this is a major test.. like hamza el din,, he is not "egyptian," hhe calls himself Nubian i seem to recall, nubians are heaven.. etheopians are heaven, i know and like the etheopeans good hearted poeople...

it helps to have worked with immigrants from MANY different nations over the past 16 years... i have alays been making comparisons, and have learned to appreciate certain ones.

vietnam i keep coming back to htat one and thailnad - i dont really know about laos, burma's bad.

i think i covered al ot there... south africa, goo d music to., nigeria also seems in better shape than some other african coutrnies, just based on music..

but i pretty much see any country with a tradition of dictators, russia, china,pakisan and points west, central asia, former soviet,, maybe the baltics are OK.,,

all of scandanavia might be better than the rest of europe?? is it possible all euro countries are hell, like that would leave out UK Swiss, Sweden and scandanavia? just thoughts...

once the change occurs, which is rapture, which could be tonight or tomorrow possibly, all hell will break loose.. i'm sure poppy's all ready to go. then its just a matter of aving, and so i see how it all works even if i cant say every country which is damned which is not, but the understanding of the dynamics is there.

whatever it is, its not going to be too far from what i have pictured...

teh song Southern man is most definitely about this as i alluded to in one of my ads many months ago,,

"i hope lynyrd skynyrd will remember, neil young dont need 'e, around anyhow;.." i said that in a newspaper ad... can you believe it ,, i say this amazing shit and NO ONE ever comments..

i'm sure that one didint go over the head of my brothers over there...

and shogun is aobut the heaven hell was clavell, the whole story of the guy bringins guns,.. maybe;..

it should be clear how my understanding has evolved through the course of this section, at first i was thinking "which one s will fall, but there are only two questions: which are fallen now, already, and which will fall after the rapture,, and the answer is, Israel does not fall, everyone else does, and this discussion is simply about four main groups of nations,

!) nations that will be wiped out - slaughtered - most of Islam, Jews, this is my guess, first round...

2) which nations will not be wiped out, but everyone is damned. russia, china, much of europe, southen usa, some african countries places like N Korea, axis of evil, everyone with a dictatorship pretty much, so that includes ceveral latin american countries, but not cuba.

also the indian people in latin america, i am very ambivalent about aboiginals, the tranditonal people, like in guatemala seem SO much happier than their mistiso countrymen to me.

3) which nations will have people who can be saved. all the ones i've been naming japan and se asia, all english speaking, india, nepal, tibet,(unless all the heaven people got out, which is possible) turkey, malaysia, bali, select african countries, etc..

4) Israel, that's us.

palmo always complains about how no one ever wants to talk aobut life,.,, and of course so do i,,, and the answer is, people feel like they are in hell when they talk with either of us about ilife,,, people are in such denial of their misery,, i look at men and its like,,, man you are just ppretending to not be miserable,,,

i think its gonna be tough for so many american men.. they're so shut down.

they've just gotta come on theri hands and knees and just say, "I'm so mierable, please, help me, whatever it takes" and they really have to be willing to completely be known,, it's confession time. repentence... purge... its gonna be so intense..

i know what this feels like.. i've been there... is where i have been in my bouts with reuben, is that where islam people are all the time??? if so, yikes!


OK here's a tub-getter-out-er ...

first my own heaven hell history in this life.

Born: I'm in heaven,,,

First major incident: ALcohol pass out, age 18ish

second: on ONE measly bong hit, i died and had a kensho or satori, but then i feel the effect of the alcohell,

third: "buddha enlightement" (this is what i called a cerrtain distinct stage of the journey) one week before #4

fourth: October 3, 2003 reuben's killer hit, drop all the way into joewhinney alcohel - "1st antichrist napoleon"

Fifth: pop out two hours later, more or less, "judgment day speech" pass out, waterglass incident

Sixth: Nov 1, 2003, "Fourth Reich" speech at temple

Seventh: somtime in the period Nov 2003 - Jan 2004, Katie Miller Hell drop 2nd antichrist Hitler

Eight: that one lasted a couple days

Nine: Shine Ether clear light Bruce Cockburn trip at shine with Prince Reuben... (set up for the next one:)

Ten: Three or four days later, I believe, #3 Hell drop, 3d antichrist George W . Bush.

ELeven; 24 ohurs later, came out while writing a loving e mail to a friend.. finished!

OK so that's how i see the history of my own flirtations with Hell.

So, really i came out of Hell completely like the very day I met JOe Whinney... AMAZING> !!!!

and rederick, i beleive they were both there.. i believe that frederick - of dagoba is one of us.

and i like his dad too... john if i recall.,., schilling.;

OK,,, so that was like in march of 2004.. 2 months later i had the first of a series of VERY interesting experiences that i am going to talk aobut now..


This really needs to be said... this is me speaking some really important truth that a lot of the people we want with us need to hear..

I went to the String CHeese incident about three months later. after the final bout with reuben..

i had an INCREDIBLY ecstatic experience that weekend,, neil set it up so that there was this Temple theme, every time i turned around the Temple was the theme of the moment,,, that yoga dance stuff was awesome....

that night in sid's temple with mckenna beaming on the wall, that was a complete neil young set up.

your remote viewing got better and better, that day at shine you r glasses were very clean. i took woodrose that day, but i dont htink it wasa the wood rose, i think reuben slipped me, just like he did the day he came over that week and booted me back down... so that day the light was unbelievably clear.. and yo had a really nice lok at Prince Rauven, which I think Earl Green was happy about, and it seemed to have a good effect ohn Lenore, as well...

So then he bashed me down again, but the last one was easy, one day... i think it is was 24 hours..

so now your glasses are pretty darned good, but it wasnt until months later that i started looking closely at things deliberately so you could see them aroung thanksgiving when i thought the helicopter would landl...

no this day is longer than that charlie, just be patientl.... (roald i love you!)

so anyway, by this time i am clear out of hell really, i'm pretty well cleaned out the deep dark dungeons by then. i dont know what exactly it is, but its like i had attained somethiing,,, i sent premrawat my "i've realized knowledge letter" at that time,, which I am sure he enjoyed watching me do more than he did getting it swhen it arrived....

so then i want to talk about how i began to percieve men as being FALLEN at that time.

I really noticed it at string cheese, and i am sure my fathers know this already,,, they know that i observed the fallen condition of men at string cheese,, this was a big deal for me reallly big..

I like to dance.. and i do when i go to festivals.. and i spent a lot of time at the SCI up in front looking back at the audience,,, (probably much to the annoyance of the local men, but not women)... a man in heaven can tell the difference between three main categories of people in my opinion//

women; men in heaven; men in Hell.

there really is just kind of a gradient with women, and i think the trip into minus land is aobut this,,, women need to be above the middle line of the gradient by a certain time// this relates to the following quotattion i think its biblical but not exactly what the source is but i have seen this: "the gods found the daughters of men to be fair...."

men are in hell. except a few. and i really began to onserve these different characteristics in men.

i think it simploy pertains to the alcohol fall.. if men are i=liing with that they LOOK depressed. like NOAH, as i have said, i mean, he's gotten creaky, but that man is an ox and he drinks like he knows it... i mean that dure drinks... but he is not in hell, BUT he does take antidepressants and that is significant.

this is again why ihave written that i believe evert is NOT an alcoholic.. he isnt healthy but his soul is in heaven not hell...

but even at string cheese is almost all babylon,,, those boys are almost all in hell, including possibly at least one member of the band...

like one person with me there was sid genette... that dude is so freaking awesome in my opinion,,, terence, i've been saying forever that i think he's a pal of yours, like you guys were together back in theday.,,, and i still would put money on that..

sid is NOT babylon. sid is us. he's never had a single drink in his life, TOTALLY psychedelic.can do anything DMT whatver he loves it..

my israeli freind eitan told me he know that the nazi's had used LSD as a weapon...

interesting that a Jew would know this,,, they probably used it against them... to kick them out of a frequency... i gave eitan some psilocybin and palmo and i could both see him being the demon,... he's really in hell.

do you get the digression???

so i can recognize men, maybe its just a heart feeeling... probably is..but there is also a visual aspect,.. you can see it in their eyes,, babylon looks sad when you looikk close, but not prince reuben, he lives in greendale.. he's just got a bad attitude.. the renegade in heaven,, i havent seen him in a while so i dont know..

so like when i was at stinrg cheese i was really noticing this,, it sure felt good to realize i was out of that sickness.. i was in it for 27 years, no? more or less/N0?

but now when i meet a guy whose not babylon, i really notice them,,, neil you saw me making contact with Josh and Jim at the bakery, those were obviously guys that i think are not babyon... Free is one.. i recognize them, certainly daniel and bejamin, that guy josh on the history chanell, these are happier people.

george is depressed but i really think his hearts in the right place, or ed babb...

anyway, there's a huge % of men whose souls are in hell.. burning man, same thing.

why would anyone from babylon take a psychedlic, wouldnt it make em feel like really terrible??

unless they are on H.

if there are a large # of babylonians in seattle on H, then i am COMPLETELY oblivious, and if they are there are a lot of people in this town that are really being menaced by me...

kind of a scary tbought if you know what i mean,,, did someone say that rapture was a rescue operation WHILE i was watching trinity network??? yes indeed... i'd never heard that before...

neil i am quite sure is aware of which band member i refered to re string cheese.. i got the picture...

i always heard this story that nathan rothschild got word of the defeat of napoleon at waterloo by carrier pigeon, before his greatest financial maneuver of all time... you have to wonder...

anything that i really picture in my mind now, neil can see. like when i pictured the band member, he knew who i meant,, not sure he can hear my thoughts, but he can see them... maybe i dont know what hearing a thought means quite yet..

i think its a two way conversation, im just not quite all the way there yet...

there's two guys who hang with sid at festivals, daniel and paul.. theu both trip... paul is israel, he is not in hell, and daniel is a jew, and he withdraws into himself on psycehedlics, he's clearly in hell IMHO.

Neil probably made note of daniel's complete disrespect while i was chanelling at burning man... he hated it. most of the other guys there were good... we had a good heaven group at that moment, those young kids, sid, and of course erin... she gave me A LOT of support more than almost anyone has.. she is good.

mollyl.... can you believe her?? she is SO babylon... she said, "i'm just a gay guy trapped in a woman's body" and it sounds about right,,, is she???

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