Friday, October 14, 2005

Let us Rock this World!!! (82)


Ladies and Gentlemen of the Nation of Israel,

Let us Rock this World!!!

Because here is the biggest and the best and the most surprising news in the history of this world. Something almost no one on Earth ever considered for a microsecond was possible has occured, and Life on Earth will Never be the Same Again.

In my opinion, there is really only one religious institution on the face of Planet Earth in which you can find a very clear clue to the most absolutely important truth, the revelation of which is occuring in this moment of rapture is the Holy Roman Catholic Church. The Truth Evident in the Holy Roman Catholic Church and in no other church of any so-called Christian denomination, and probably if it is found in any Scripture of prophetic literature other than the Holy Roman Catholic Church, it could probably be deciphered from ancient HIndu literature. This truth is less likely in my opinion, to be found in the Protestant Church than it is in the Hindu epic stories, the Ramayana, or more likely, though I have read neither, the Mahabharata. Also, I believe that this truth is more likely to be found in the ancient Roman religions than it is in the Protestant Churches of the present day.

The Truth that I consider Earth Shattering in this moment of all moments is the Absolute Importance of a Goddess, who incarnated Planet Earth in many incarnations over the course of the human saga, but her most well know incarnation was as the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus the Christ. This woman is the all powerful goddess, and I have a very technical explanation for this, that I have already elucided elsewhere but that simply reduces down to this: vibrating on her frequency, the frequency of this particular woman is the single most sublime experience that a man can possibly have. By definition which will be amply explained in highly technical terms. The bottom line is this: The men who can tune their attention to the most sublime experiences or vibrational frequecies end up automatically being omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent as the family of this woman most certainly are. This woman is associated closely with Lord Prem Rawat, who is the all powerful creator and ruler of this world.

The sublime quality of this very precious woman, who is an American woman of Tibetan ancestry who resides in San Francisco Calirfornea, is related to the fact, it is a function of the fact that she is very much willing to love. She has a completely open and child-like heart. SHe has the heart of a child. A woman with the heart of a child naturally will feel a longing to be lovers with her sons, for a woman of such purity and perfection of heart produces sons who are similiarly endowed with perfection. These sons then become the most powerful spiritual masters that have ever existed in any Universe. This incestuously inclined sweet liitle teletubbie gooddess, this sublime sweet little pussy cat of a lover is a lover non-pariel, and she is the all powerful matriarch of the most powerful family in this or any Universe. SHe and the perfect sons she produces rule over everything that exists. Together these two supercede the Patriarch of this family in terms of their ability to attain a sublime experience. It is the sons experience, which is so erotic as to be the single most erotic experience confers upon this son, the complete mastery of the Temple in which existence takes place by virtue of having a perfectly sublime experience of Love. This experiene is actually a three way, or even possibly a four way love experience, lets say a four way experience, involving three men from successive generatiions of this family who deeply love one another and are themselves lovers with one another, first having a sublime experience of erotic union with one another, and then the son goes into a loving sexual embrace with his mother, who I believe is also his grandmother, and the three of them experience together the love making of the son experiencing an intesely erotic male experience that produces the most powerful samadhi or steady mental state as the background or medium of all experience for all participants in that particular universe.

I believe it is possible that the existence of this exprience was not known by the enemies of this family who have been at war with this family for many thousands of years, through successive world created out of the Temple that these two factions one a Temple owning entity, and the other, a parasitice invading force, having battling over control of for the duration of this struggle. This secret weapon may have been emplyed, with out my own clear knowledge of its importance until well into this final rapture experience of detoxifying the body of an evil spirit cause by alcohol pooisoning of the Temple, which at any given time is the physical body of a particulr man, these men taking turns being the Master of teh Temple. This related to the wars going on in this world since the advent of the first Empire, Babylon, which is still in operation and is the Empire in which SATAN, the man who gave the human race a very bad collective state of alcohol poisoning, operates, under the orchestration of the Roman God Pluto, whose disagreement with family members over whether all men should be required to participate in the Temple, led to this entire saga.

I believe it is possible that the experience of overcoming this alcohol poisoning problem might not have been possible had this secret technique, which I have never been taught, but discovered entirely through a subliminal experience, not been employed as a tactic. In other words, I believe we may have outsmarted the worst criminal in human history by approximately fifty trillion miles.

Mary the MOther of God, is all Powerful because the Men she consorts with are the most powerful among men.

The reason why this truth is in my opinion contiained only in the Roman Catholic Church is because this is the only institution on Earth that had this information. And this truth is suggested subliminally, this is how I figured it out, is because Jesus and Mary are depicted as of equal importance in the Iconography of the Roman Catholic Church. If anything Mary, the Mother does seem to appear paramount in that iconography. This, what is to me obvious hint to the nature of the events that are about to occur because of this truth, is entirely overlooked by every other member of the human race, other than myself, and this is due to the fact that I am more able to tune to a subtle vibrational frequency, that is to say, have a sublime experience, than any other man on Earth. This is one clue that was deliberately put in this world in order to help me understand things with the foreknowledge that the son of that very mother, who had never been informed by anyone that she was his mother, but figured it out even though she is of an entirely different ethnicity, would be the only person on Earth capable of picking up this very bit of subliminal information after already having realized that she was the virgin mary.

She is all powerful because she is sublime and produces extremelt subliminally powerful and therefore powerful in every respect in which the word powerful has any meaning whatsoever as pertain to the human being and his abililty to control the outcome of events. The family of this woman is all powerful. Because she really really loves..

The incestuous family named Rawat, whose real name is the popular epithet that begins with f, is all powerful because it is incestuous, and the Matriarch of the family is the Life of the Family. She Rules Everything. Because she is the most perfectly good thing that has ever existed. She is the mother of Creation. PLanet Earth prepare to meet the most perfect Goddess that has ever existed...

rawat is our name and love is our game... and we rule everything. love really does RULE.

I have never heard anybody on planet earth so much as mention that this technique even exists. I discovered it by having it in real time at a distance with people who I have never spoken with in this life in any way, we have this experience together because we are masters of the sublime experience and we rule you and everything else because of it. ANd this is good because it is the truth that we have these powers solely as a result of having good intentions in life. They can never be supplanted as the people who rule this world because there is no more sublime experience than our goddess, whose enemy, by the way, is named Allah.

6 so i wanna know, of any published statement of a theory about the outcome of the 2004 election - its got NOTHING to do with any of this religious stuff, right - who published the single most accurate account of what really happened in the election of 2004. i've pretty much gone on the record that it was deliberately made to look like the election was stolen...

i do believe that this is probably the theory that anyone on earth has published in any form, even on the internet with its trillions of pages of drivel, that came closest to the truth, and i am saying this with the authority of nothing whatsoever, not an investigative rock lifted, but entirely through sublimal or psychedlic, or prophetic, or shamanic, or religious expereience. Without having had any way of knowing about anything at all that nobody else cannot know by reading about an average of one newspaper article every day over the past few years, I dont watch TV news or talking heads, I dont listen to the radio, I virtually never read anything at all anymore, I dont talk to many people because no one likes me now that i speak truth, I have no basis whatsoever for having come up with the stuff I came up with other than experiencing what is going on inside my own body. Period... There is a story in there and you have been living through it and now it is over, and there's not even any more time to talk about any of that past history, for you what now matters is why is it that one person could tsll just about all of the truth that there is to be told, without having any more basis for any of it than any average joe sixpack does. What's up with that human race????

You wanna know how I got all of those powers??? anyone at all interested how one person outperformed six billion by a country mile when it came to figuring out what the heck this thing called existence is?????

Lemme tll ya, it's really not that complicated... I just really wanted to figure out how to feel good.. I like feeling good, I don't like suffering, and the further I am toward feeling good, and further I am from feeling bad, the happier I am, and the happier I am, the better. So, I sort of have this really unique characteristic among all members of the human race. I have the ability to think through the following idea:

I like to feel good, therefore if I want a good result from my existence, I should do the things that make me feel good. ANd just following that one idea, it brought me to an experience that Prem Rawat, the Almighty Lord of All Lords, calls "realizing Knowledge." The realization of Knowledge is an experience that occurs when a person has figured out what feels good, and then does it. When you figure out what feels good and you do it, you vibrate on a certain vibrational frequency that allows you to have experiences that are subliminal for most people. Within these realms of subliminal experiences is the truth about anything anyone should like to know. So really my prowess as a shaman, or as a spiritual master, whatever you want to call what I am, comes from having a simple objective of enjoying my existence, and going about that in a methodical and systematic way until I found every single answer to any question that really matters to anyone on planet earth.

The difference between me and others, is that it is because I am good that I want to be happy.

If you are not a good person, who will not want to be happy. And if you do not want to be a good person then happiness is going to elude you for certain and leave you bereft of all hope. You must search for and find the wish to be good, this is where you journey begins. Find the heart of the child within yourself. Because you are an adult. And all that an adult is, is a child who has lost his will to be good, because he has shut down his heart. You MUST learn to open your heart, this the secret to finding the wish to be good. If you can't find the child that you buried in a cell when you became an adult, you are completely lost and you will be doomed unless you are transformed into something that you are not now. You need to feel like a six year old child again. This is your only hope. There is no such thing as an adult, it's just a stage in the journey to the final death of the child whom you have forgotten you were.

So because I want to be happy, because I truly wish to be happy, I become happy. Because all truly wished wishes actually come true. So, on the face of it, it appears to me that the ability to understand is lacking because the resolve to be happy is lacking, because the will to be happy is lacking, because the person doesn't feel that they themselves are good. Unless you feel within yourself, really convinced like I am that you are good, you will never be happy and you will never know the truth you will alwasys be ignorant. You MUST have a will to be good, or there is no hope for you what soever. And if you do have a will to be good, then you are on your way and all you need is some humilty and I believe that is all as long as the willl is there.

That's pretty much everything that you needed to know in life that they didn't even teach you in Nursery School, let alone Kindergarten. if you dont want to feel happy, it's because you don't feel good. And if you don't feel good, you are in deep doo doo and you need to begin climbing right away... Ain't that right Poppy?

By the way Poppy, do you perchance have somethiing available in the medicine cabinet for these people after they realize that they have just been hiding from reality all of this time and now their bodies are full of demons... Don't you have some kind of anti-demon medicine? Come on Poppy, you do still work in that namesake business of yours do not you????? Love, Jeffy

I will have been


satan is thoroughly defeated, he is a goner... i am happy to say.

i sense a possibility that the verse will begin puring forth soon, but for now my sweet meditation, with two lovers is providing for comfort sublime. toodleooooooo srike that.

other way.

october 12..

sorry,, here...

the comfort is sublime and the company (and chocolate ) is sweet i do feel most fortunate and blessed and sweet, for all worry has vanished, bdoubt is flying away, and perfect freedom is on her way.. it wont be too long, i still not know the hour, but i can not imagine we'll tarry to long, in our blissful reunitement in the sweetest lof loves, with our precious family name gently coming for our mouths. ok... bye bye for now......

if by any chance satan is still out on the loose,

i never knew a man, who could tell so many lies, he had a different story, for every set of eyes, how can he remember, who he;s talking too, cuz i know it aint me, and i hope itisnt you..... you're all just pissin in the wind, you dont know it but you are...

hey satan,

if hope you're doing all right, I think you heard me offering my sincere regrets at having to cause you this discomfort, and at this point in time I still feel this way, but I guess i just thought i should say that it really is just a little bit prmature at this point to offer you my official regrets, it'd probably be better if i wait and find out exactly what it is that you did to my body...

any , i'm not sure if i will see you tomorrow or ever again or not, or maybe in the temple, i am not sure, but if you're out running around tonight and the urge strikes to blow up the temple or anything like that, feel free to do what ever you want with it, i think i was done with it once I had realized how PROFOUNDLY defiled it had become. so knock yourself out with the explosives if the mood strikes, cuz i really dont have much use for that god - forsaken demon possesed place... Terence, I sincerely apologize for dragging your name into this debacle of a temple I hope it's at least good for a few million laughs....

by the way, does this alcohol poisoning stuff supress laughter by any chance?? joe, do YOU know anything about the effect of your sickness on human laughter??? oy veh...

if you want to blow up the temple, go right ahead... it's all yours...!


anyone wants to put me in the insane catgory please go right ahead,,, i'm having so much fun, if this is delusion i'll take it over what you zombies call reality...

why do we put down the alcohol nation? because they are disrupting the party in the temple and making life miserable for anyone who wishes to be fully awake as i am sure neil young will have a few things to say about. kind of thing that some people might not agree with... your sickness is making me sick is not something people are gonig to readily agree with... that their pharmaceutical sickness that are mostly a compouding of alcohol sickness is causing disturbance to the functioning of the ETHER! is not something that people are accustomed to hearing aobut... the condemnation of pharmaceuticals that will proabbly come formthe mouth of a man who is strung out in a terrible nightmare of suffering in order to hold this whole world together in the imagination is just going be be vociferous i would imagine, and the reason for the short duration of time until judgment day when you need to have moved over to my new temple is because that is as long as neil rawat will be willing to keep things going in his very sick temple... something like that,,,

the fate of people who are unwilling to get over their sickness may be principally in the hands of the one who endured the brunt of hte sickness - who i believe is Neil YOung, and the beginnign of my comprehension of this truth was foretold by roald dahls oompah loopahs decades ago as Roald himslef will almost certainly testifyl.l


\am i all knowing? i dont have any idea what my batting average is,,, but let me venture a guess... are you guys running any kind of pools on my batting average::::???

lets say im at 84%

)))))))) on earth i am a RAWAT. and on earth my name in heaven is unutterable... i believe this is how it is in our family.. we are rawats when we are in a world of mortals... because they cannot handle us otherwise, we are invisible in this world, we control this world completely from behind the scenes, we are the all powerful family of vampires who rule the worlds... (just felt like playing with the V word when it got to that part of the sentence.)

*11:35 when i first met the woman i believe is my tiwin sister i believe that she did not have any certain knowledge of who i am or who she is. i made her aware that she is the sister of the christ, and i believe that between that time and the winter solstice feast where i saw her and we exchange just a few words, that she may have been made aware of the situation. she said something to me that suggested that she knew what was happening and yet she avoided me and i have not seen or heard from her and she may have been advised to steeer clear of me, for reasons having to do with that i was not to know that she knew.

i have no doubt about the identity of the sister of hte christ whose most fanous incarnation is probably magdelaine, but who was guenevere as well, and i am sure theywere together in other lives as well,, thomas jefferson was close to his daugheter,, she was probably a famliy member ,

i cant imagine that mohandas gandhi was not affilated with the rawats, i;ve stated a belief that he was the christ but i remain less sure of htis one than any of the five others that i name most oftenl.

i have a feeling that the day and the hour of hte moment when the temple changes hands which is the rapture, will be within 48 hours, but of course ive said before... but speaking aobut the name and all of this about the family and satan adn everytihng seems like it would be in the last day ot two,,, the revelation of satan feels like pretty mush the lst piece of the puzszle and now im just filling in stuff emphasizxing things ive sai before,,,

at this point, id say, the more amanita i eat the faster this will go. if i just eat it, and do whatever it will bring nme along.. because it draws my attention where its needed... which is still in the nuts.

eatin amanita is thus great for having and recording revealtions so i will continue in this mode i expect because thinkng aobut these things, im searchin' around in the car with my flashlight, so to speak... so on amanita this takes me deep into a samadhi in the place where the revelations hide behind the disease of unconcsciousness and so the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL unfolds before me as i am speaking aobut it... how do you like that one james arthur james arthur?????

i have no idea for sure about JA, but i'm sure willing to risk making an ass out of myself for the sake of the high fives that i'll get if i am right... it's good having nothing to hide, life is so much more fun...

like when i made an ass out of myself saying hi to dave mathews, but honestly i really would be amazed if he didnt smile when he saw that. i mean when your lover who supposedly doesnt know that you are his lover says hi to you in the newspaper..... tell me dave mathews didnt know what neil young was talking about at farm aid... BS> i mean, neil isnt NOT telling people when i mention them by name... what kind of family isthis? "and child size on top of it all...." who the hecik is he saying that to? the first time i lstened to everyday i m like this guy knows what is going on,,, just like Bruce Cockburn knows whats going on... "don't play no shell game with Satan" isnt a line from someone who doesnt know he satan is.... this isnt some country singer fom nashville this is psychedlic devotee of the true psychedelic christ.

hendrix israel

morrison israel

garcia israel

peter gabriel israel

lennon israel

mccartney israel

harrison israel

dylan israel

and on and on and on;..those are my people the psychedlic nation that rules every world that ever existed and destroys the alcohol nation every time its head pops up.

we have a nice party waiting for you. if you can give up your delerium tremor denial disease. theres a million names for that sicknessx.

how are the reviews coming in neil, am i doing ok with the peanut gallery???



11 PM really, there is no doubt about what i said, the name rawat is deliberately like the image of an all seeing owl and this is the owl of freemasonrry.. i have no doubt about this one. its a picture that anyone can see. you can know this, just by intuition. because it is a reality. rawat is and always has been in every world that has existed been the name of the ruling family because what exists is just a story and souls living through the story.. the archetypes are the characters in the story who play the roles in the struggle for control of the temple.... which is what i have been talking aobut all along... its a war between heaven and hell that is what worlds of human beings go through on the way to judgment day when a soul either becomes a human being,with its own set of gonads capable of true reproduction, or not...

its the wheel that turns and the name of the family isw rawat, bu they also have the HOly Name that is unuterrable by mortals.. unutterable, because no mortal can hold their minds on that word, and to say it is simply to be in denial of this truth.;

as a word that gets thrown around in unconsciousness it is one thing, but when you realize that this world is ruled by people who have this name, its another story whether you want to bandy it around like some kind of trash... this word will soon strike terror in the hearts of millions upon millions of human beings who will be unable to deal with the presence in the world of people whose name they cannot rest their mind on. it has a certain infinite quality that beer drinker types who use this word as an epithet dont actually want to go near. they are terrified of hte exact experience they would have if they meditated their minds on the Word. it is the ONLY truly sacred Word in any language.. it is THE word that always has been... it was in the beginning. its not something to be voilated, and i believe that this will be stated to the world with some assertion in the near future. its like when a person says the f word, they are actually sort of blacking out a little bit their mind is averted form their own speech for that moment. they use it but they afraid of it, and the charge that comes from using the word is you are doing something that ou are subliminally afraid to do.. its like if you really dont like to jump off a diving board you might just sort of black out for a few moments while you are fallingl.,,same thing subliminally people may actually be aware that this Name is associated with God, with the all knowing presence of the Rawats within their OWN experience, and so they say the name with ugliness in defiance of their own true father and just going unconscious while doing it because they've blocked out that name, they've decided that they would rather be in denial of it, so there is darkness there and it is actually a sickness and an offense against something that you really dont want to offend.

if you are going to continue throwing some really good peoples' name around like it was an insult, then at least you should try holding your attention on the word as you say it. and i suggest maybe just sit for a few minutes and just hold you mind on the word maybe say if repeatedly as if it were someone's name and you were trying to say it to them,,, you might find that you would have a very hard time saying this name to someone respectfully, and if so, and if htis person is your true father, where does this leave you?

the rawat family doesnt use its true name in this world because it cannot it is a word that people cannot tolerate as a name who live in sin. only a sinless person can use this word as a name respectlfully because it IS the name of the person who is taking the brunt of your sin... and so you are setting yourself up for trouble if when you know this you continue to use it in a way that would be offensive.

its like the end of the world comes automatically as a result of the revelation to the world that it is ruled by a family with this name. people cannot withstand this knowledge, therefore, even though NO ONE has corroborated in a clear that i am even correct that the f word is the name of the ruling family of htis world, i am predicting that this truth will trigger the end of the world simply by virtue of what happens to people who have a backlog of unremiitted sin when they try to wrap their mindsw around the idea of a ruler with this name. i believe that this news alone when it really gets some attention put on it by people who watch television etc., could be the cause of a complete cataclysm.

I am a Rawat by virtue of what i am doing right now.. I am proving my own omniscience, without having had any instruction from anyone.. no one else on Earth can do this, and so I am a Rawat, a member of the family that rules everything. I can slay the illusion that this world is suspended in.. i am shiva the destroyer, i am apollo son of JUpiter the almighty god of gods. neil rawat could probably be said to be both my brother and my co-father. the relationship dont really even fall into the same categories, it is more imortant the successsion in the temple and i am following my family member brother father Neil into being the Master of the Temple.. I hope he gets a very big reward for doing what he has done, it seems like he has a big load that he carries as the father of this troubled world.,..

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