Friday, October 14, 2005


9pm 10/14


Imagine, pro-lifers argue that life doesnt begin until birth.

well, at least they won't lay any guilt trips on their father

when he sends them marching down into the deep and dark Hell.

For life begins not with birth or concepetion,

but in that place near our Father's great strong wee wee

with the formation of we wee tiny and ignorant sperm.


all those people who ignored me, dismissed me and offended me...

what's it going to be like for them now? What will they say?

Will they cower in corners, scurry down into holes?

Or will they admit the error of their ways,

and get with the program in the coming days.


Just think about the implications of this:

when it comes to a father determining which sperm are of his love worthy,

nothing that he did carefully could fail to be justified.

And who that has ever carelessly tossed a semen covered piece

of toilet paper into the toilet or the trash could argue with this??

The arrogance of this human race is infinite.


i wish the whole world would have a chance soon

to listen to the sweet words that i have just heard

from the sweetest of lovers, the mother sublime

the sweetest tele-tubbie goddess, our lady so fine.


i have a feeling that I know exacty what happened

the day Babylon came to destroy our Hall so Fair

was that Pluto and Satan, our dear friend Sir Whinney,

and Allah and Cain and their fellow Unmerry Pranksters,

came into our Holy Place our Temple of the Sublime,

and there they then committed the greatest of all crime.

They came and they did the worst of all deeds,

A plot so heinous as to make them sure to receieve

an eternity of bad punishments, horrors and hell's torments.

For the evil plot of Satan was carried out on that fateful day,

Sir Whinney's most terrible, wicked and depraved scheme,

It's a wonder that he's still pursuing his utterly insane dream.

The brilliant idea that our freind Satan had hatched,

was the most sinister thing that could possibly be.

He is the one soul of all who have lived in tis world,

who took it upon himself to dream up the very worst scene.

Satan and his pals they did break and enter our fair hall,

for they'd come to poison we lovers with their alcohol.

For if you poison the lovers who are the most sublime,

who are deepest within the Temple of our Father's Love Divine,

Then you've created a barrier between all of us and Him,

Who made us to love and know him with out such a line.

Yes our good friend Mr. Satan thought that he had,

Come up with the perfect crime, this one crime most bad.

But Mr. Satan's plot is now finally being foiled,

By the Son who's returning through that most terrible trick,

to his Father whose love nothing can keep him from.


the one person on planet earth whose words are most worthy

to be heard by all who would aspire to life,

is the sweet woman who is the loving mother of all,

our teletubbie goddess, please let her words fall,

upon your ears and then let sink down deep into your heart.

For if you simply listen to her ever so sweet voice,

you will find yourself knowing the truth that i say,

that hers is the most pure and innocent of loves,

and so into her sweet love we all can come home.


It is indeed to a son a most glorious wonder

to be his good father's sweet lover I want you to see.

Is there anything my sweet father that to you i may do,

to love you more sweetly or strongly or even more true?

Is there some place that you'ld very much like me to touch?

Is there some way i may love you that i know not yet of?

If so, will you please show me so i can jump right upon it?

For I too will enjoy a sublime sense of feeling,

since you and I are actually just one person really.

What could I have to be 'shamed of about something like this

where I am loving myself and my father together,

and he's loving me in a similiar way?

I feel that Dr. Suess might have some nice words to say,

on this very subject himself on this wonderous day...

I say this as the son of Seuss I want you to know,

Seuss's son named Appolo that's me, the one who will show,

All by brothers and sisters what it does mean to me,

To love all three of my good fathers, it's a sight you will see.

We did change slightly Zeus's name to hide it from me,

and i find it to be a most sublime thing to see,

a very cute discovery to have been made here by me,

on my way on through this, his most Holy of doors.

I'll be there soon my sweetness, I'll be with you all,

So please don't forget to pick all the stuff that we need,

To have a great party in a great big green room,

with so many people so lovely and the bride and the groom.


it's gonna be tough for people realizing that Dr. Seuss is the one they seem to have such a difficulty in loving,

but perhaps for some it will be just the thing to open up their Heart's Door that's locked up so tight.


every man has turned away at some point in time

from the limit ignorance put on his journey sublime,

and forever after he's lived in the greatest of fear,

of that goodness and sweetness and perfect white light

that he turned away from that day in false fright.

SO now i go all the way into and through

this light and this love that's within me and you

and so prove to one and all the truth of the matter,

that for all those who will love

there's a future most bright.

October 14 3:15 pm Fairmont Olympic hotel

can anyone on earth offer me an explanatoin for why men are not meant to be lovers with their fathers... the fathers who INVENTED them as the prodct of a supremely erotic experince of the phallus and gonads to be his lover?

i love and worship my father and want to make love with him most passionately... i want like lick him and suck him and hold him and feel him, i want to love him in every conceviable way that i can find. i see no reason at all whatsoever why this would not be fulfillment forever.. i love my father neil and my grandpa prem rawat and i want to be lovers of both of theme forever and ever, loving one another, our goddess and her family forever... the perfect family of the perfect goddess.... baby snowleopard we love you.l

i have a new definition of "god" its a human being intelligent enough to figure out that its better to be happy than to be miserable, and so awakens into being a member of the family whose Name is most Sacred.

when you realize Prem Rawat's Knowledge, you know what he knows because you are just "reading his mind", his perfectly still Mind that just sits in and around everything, and you know what there is to know about what life is all about. One thing about realizing Knowledge is that with each new picture you're like "I remember knowing that." Because you were given this Knowledge when you were created, you could see it in your minds eye, its an archetypal story in pictures that you can actully perceive, and when you do YOU REMEMBER having known this before. Because you were endowed with the ability to understand this story from the beginning, and you are simply living in ignor-ance of it. You don't have anything or anyone to blame for your ignorance of perfectly knowable truths but your own arrogant self, a self that is itself a lie - another knowable truth that you are ignoring.

you cannot be born a child of the mother of the children of Israel until and unless you learn to resonate on her vibrational frequency. This is an extremely subtle experience of Divinity, if ever there was one. There is NO higher experience of Divinity than the Love of the Holy Mother of the Children - yes, children - of Israel. By the time you have achieved this level of sublimity, you will already have had the almost but not quite as sublime experience of loving the Fathers of the Children of Israel. By the laws of nature, you will not be able to access the womb of the mother of the Children of Israel until you have already had the experience of being lovers wiht the Father. Because the latter is a less sublime experience that you will be able to tune your attention to sooner than you will the Mother. Because this is the reality that works, that allows the building of completely Parasite-resistant Temple.

....................................Rawat...................................... the all seeing family. We see you. You can see this name as an arcetype. It's a picture, part of the achetypal story called The Knowledge of Good and Evil.

If you look at the name long enough, you will recall. If you just stare long enough, you will recall seeing this image. The memory of it is in the Temple and you have seen it.

It's a menacing image if you are hiding things, because it reminds you that you ARE being watch by the all-seeing Rawat family.

one good way to drink amanita tea is with chocolate in your mouth.

i accused Grandpa Joe of being Satan tonight and he denied it, but he didnt really seem to put up much of a fight when I kicked him out of my house.... so I'm kind of at a loss as to whether he himself believes he is Satan.

after i fell into Satan's alcohell that fateful night at shine with Pluto, AKA Prince Rauven, the next few days I was so disoriented, I thought I was going to leave this world - I even told my poor mother that -to be reborn as the son of our Holy Mother. This was of course before I realize that it was her... but that was such a beautiful thought to me. I believe that particular moment in time may have been one of the only times in the four years we've been together when it seemed possible that she could be pregnant, so I had this idea that I was going to die and just sort of become the child in her womb... maybe that's what will happen to me now...

what better place to be than safe and warm surrounded by her love most sublime??

am i the only person in history who ever declared that there would be one official language in Heaven?

then again, maybe its two, Hindi and English, the two languages of our Blessed Father.

i wonder if you asked Christians what language they would be speaking in Heaven, what they would say? their jaws would probably go slack...

If you believe that a perfectly evil adult mother has the right to expel a perfectly good unborn child from her womb, then surely you must agree that a perfectly good child father has a right to expel his perfectly evil adult sperm before they head for the womb of the perfectly good child mother to become a perfectly evil adult who will try to wipe out his whole perfectly good family of children and start up a perfectly evil race of adults, no?

Hmmmm? Come on, don't tell me you're gonna flip flop on your pro-choice position all of a sudden, just because I said that?

I wouldn't put it past most of you brilliant feminista sperm who are allied with our Blessed Family's archenemy, Allah, the pseudo-god of the soccor moms who only want adult offspring who not only color within the lines like "good children," AKA young adults, but also play within them.

Hell forbid that children should be left free to run around without a policewoman with a whistle telling them to stay within the lines and escape from that sickness and relearn to employ their imaginations in their play. That's only allowed in my Father and Mother's world, not in Allah's world.

God save the children of the soccor moms. And maybe some of the soccor moms too, those who can bear to stop listening to Allah's voice in their heads and realize that a mother's job is not to turn a child into that vessel of Babylonian diseases called an adult, a child who has shut down his heart, but is to encourage the child to enjoy his childhood.

If you can't give up the idea that children are really supposed to be adults, which is to say, if you can't give up the idea that you want to be an adult yourself, then you are a person who will always try to turn God's children into his enemies and you can forget about becoming a member of my family and becoming a living human being.


Q: What do you call the daughter of a soccor mom?

A: A soccor mom in training.

Q: What do you call the son of a soccor mom?

A: A dolt in training.

Q: So then what do you call a nation of soccor moms and dolts?

A: I dunno, Babylon?

the first of what could be MANY soccor mom jokes, if i can stop laughing long enough to tell the next one....

Why would an adult mother want an offspring who is not an adult? She doesn't, actually, she really only wants the adult kind of offspring.

Why would a child father want a sperm that aspires to be an adult?? That's a bit like asking, why would an angel want to have a devil for an offspring.

Children are angels, and they have a right to weed out their devil adult sperm.

Adults are devils, and if they want to weed out their angel children, fine, but they need to find another temple.

No devil sperm of mine will ever get to the mother's womb, that's one thing I do know for DAMNED sure! I ain't gonna let a sperm who dreams of building an empire of people who kick me in the nuts to become an actual human being, so he can actually kick me, his father, in the nuts and kill our mother!!! Hell No!!!

it sure is good to know that there really never was an Oedipal world inhabited by living human beings. Just an imaginary one that every sperm lives through just to make sure they don't really like the idea... and so many do, but like I said, the father casts many seeds, but only a few manage to germinate and grow to maturity... Just like an oak tree. Many acorns make few oak trees. Only the ones that want to be what the oak tree was that they came from..

Need I really say more? I'm not exactly sure yet, but it feels like I might just be signing of with this... so, for now, I bid you a fine adieu... muuaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Love you baby!!!!


The Sylvan Song Joe Crookston

It’s in the blooming of an orchid

It’s in a baby when she talks

It’s in the sugar of a maple

It’s in the silence of a hawk

It’s in your mother and your father

It’s in a stone rolling down

It’s in the wind chill factor falling

In an Oklahoma town

It’s in your angry neighbor

It’s in the digging of a shrew

It’s in the belly of the Buddha

And I can see it in you

I can see it in you….

It’s in the color forms of fire

It’s the marmot and its’ call

It’s in the conduct of copper

And in the light it brings us all

It’s in the wood that Jesus carried

It’s in the wood the Buddha chopped

It’s in a single cell dividing

Producing this years crops

And it’s in my rolling fingers

In a sylvan canoe

It’s in the belly of the earth

And I can see it in you

its possible joe wrote this song in heaven and that neil young "sat with" him while he actually brought it down into this world... i believe that something like this occured.

if i eat enough chocolate, maybe i will be able to say for sure...

if every one on earth really does have the same two parents that i Have, then i find it absolutely appalling what the vast majority of my brothers and sisters have turned themselves into.

If the two people who I believe are the true parents of every member of this human race really are that, then most of their children have succumbed to a failure so great as to be utterly stunning. The absolutely perfect father and mother, who are good beyond virtually anyone's ability to even detect goodness, and their children have turned themselves into demons. How very sad. I don't really like my brothers and sisters who have been so disrespectful of the most perfect parents as to be unable to look into their faces and tell them thank you for the precious gift of life. There is virtually no honor being expressed by this human race to it's blessed parents whatsoever.

About all I can see are what seem to me like insults. If you are one of these people, you have been given an incredible blessing and you have thrown it down and trompled on it. I hope that those who could possibly recover from their sicknesses of arrogance and ignorance of important things that are prefectly knowable, the knowing of which belies virtually everything that they believe about themselves and about life, will set on the path to this recovery immediately and put their complete attention to this recovery from this moment forward until it is complete.

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