Friday, October 28, 2005

what i said about the lie (112)

friday 4pm

what i said about the lie that we all got told somewhere along the way about the pain that is uniquely our own in the kidneys? that's really important, though very subtle... it relates to teh everlasting gob stopper,, its how allah keeps boys out of the temple somehow... just a form of denial...

OK so lane came by to see me, which was so sweet i love him... and he brought me comic, and i never looked at til now, and finally i am like, there must be a clue here, and its like right there in the first three panel, catherine of alexandria is a rawat obviously,,, probably nina. she "wed" the christ child.

maxentius, who was that guy, i gonna thrash his ass. was that CAIN??? wow, amazing... who put Lane up to that, he didnt come up with that on his own,,, no way,, someone put lane up to giving me this piece that says that Catherine of alexandria, hands down is Nina, and Cain or whoever that was intended to kill her because she would not marry him.. wow amazing. who was it that sent you with that Lane come on, tell me, i know you are reading this... you are following me play by play... lane and david are both playing wth me.

i once referred to "the everlasting godstopper of shame" and claimed that Roald Dahl would be struck by the genius of that... since i have wondered if i misunderstood the everlasting god stopper, er, gob stopper, and now it seems like it IS related to shame,,, people are ashamed to admit that they've got this annoying little pain in their kidneys that they think is uniquely their own disease. no one wants to have a disease that no one else knows about... a lie and a denial of it..

its Kind of like a little bottleneck inside the body, if you know what i mean,,,

"that's a secret that we all conceal.... how does it feel.... " bob dylan said something like that...

i think my reference to SHerpananda Point being my own perch on Mount Olympus will probably be a bible ode reference.

is it possible that both gurdjieff and yosamian conspired to get open hearted people to pass out on alcohol and so become alcoholic??? bejurin and dan bejeski might possibly have had that happen to them while under his evil spell. if so, then lets bust him and hang his sorry ass! WHatdya cops know about Yosamian,,, i wanna bust the motherf'er's ass myself with some of my friends if he's as bad as i think he might be..

that would be teh most perfectly "satanic" thing, in the absolute truest sense of the word, that anyone could ever do. There could not possibly be a worse crime other than what satan himself did when poisoned the deity himself. man oh man, if satan is willing to pull off his crime, then it stands to reason that there would also be a yosamian working in cahoots... i really think yosamian is a bad guy.
if what i am saying is true, this is a terrible evil and absolutely terrible terrible horrible crime, as some one who has fallen into that alcohol hell of joe whinney's... wow... it makes too much sense for me not to feel honestly convinced that i may have nail a major bad guy without any personal contact with him in my entire life.

if i am correct Yosamian, the false prophet, is a very important Babylonian criminal, worthy of Batman villian status. like catwoman, linda liebold, who works by luring men into the alcoholic experience.

bad girl. very bad girl... we boys might have to spank her, everone who ever fell into her trap... she and yosamian are a pair,,, which villian is he/?? HERE WE GO OOOOOOOOO

WOW CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is amazing. yosamian is probably egg head, and here is why,, because he is also gurdjieff, who likes to tell storiess that start out in a cellar of old calvados. vincent price in his tales from teh crypt is a reference to gurdjieef and then that translates over to vincent price as egghead... yosamian is egghead, and the subliminal clues are freaking fantastic. i love it.

oh, and vincent price is Israel all the way! thanks vincent! great clue! did you come up with that one yourself?

got any more puzzles for me to figure out now that i nailed gurdkiefff? any more,,, besides gurdjieff and maxentius??? i think bejurin dan steven G. and Mark music and Rami, and Richie and all of those other awesomly cool boys are gonna have fun tomenting Gurdjieff/Yosamian...

yeah, bejurin tried (inadverntantly) to pass that sickness on to me, but i resisted... the toasting circle, he came to town spreading the religion of yomanian, but not demanding that they stay up all night doing it at pain of some kind of shame based guilt taden ostrasization... he's good at making people feel bad about themselves and its no fun, so people are really stoic about the all night toasting madness.. what a crime. terrible crime.

meditating on the batman villians, teh babylonian gang of criminals that includes cat woman, who to me is linda liebold, she came down drunk to witness me falling into the alcohell time #3.

OK, so penguin. I have this very strong association with his persona with a guy in seattle named Alan Alh@deff, he's a member of a very influential but invisible family of possible safardic Jews who own a lot of real estate and stuff here in Babylon. He's a mediator and he is the partner of hte woman whose name i've had trouble remembering but hwo icredited with helping me out of that same third hell experience i just mentioned.. it was just my own feeling of love for her, not of hers for me, because she never was friendly with me again after that... i am not sure i trust her even though she seems very nice, because of how she rejected me when i told her that loving her had helped me out of that hell experience.

anyway alan A. reminds me of penguin in his manner, and he;s someone who dissappeared from my life after the nnov 1 2003 talk, along wiht robin. who came with david spangler.

so i am going with alan alh@def to be teh penguin. i dont know what his game is, but he's suspicious, hanginign around me, being my friend around that time, and then disappearing after it seemed like i was on to the babylonian brotherhood.

king tut is probably victor bremson, if he';s someone in seattle. bremson is a pontificator, and he's got the same mannerism,,, i've mentioned him recently in context of the disappearing jewish friends,,, he came to town with BALLE which was probably invented JUST to distract me..

judy wicks heard me out on the phone once, i'll be interested to see which side she is on,, i do like her a lot, but i got fooled by goldie caughlan nad i knew her a lot better. judy wicks is more original though. i like her. she's sort of the founder of this BALLE thing that victor introduced to seattle. progressive business ideas, just an idea of ideas of ideas, but no action.

who else popped into my life and then faded away... lemme think about that.. we got martin as mr freeze a long time ago, he was totally silent when i accused him of that.. oh yeah i used to think of penguin as bill aal and margo together, they both waddle,,, so its either that or alhadeff or maybe its meant to be a three way composite... they've got the waddle, but alhadef has the face, so i'll go with that, a 3 person composite in Penguin. if i nail that one someone's gonna have to congratulate me. .

the longer you stat on earth, the more you'll see unfold, (before your very inner eyes... )

this is PURE intelligence.

maybe if i google batman villians i will get reminded of some others, i cant think of any more. two face/joker is whinney, alcohol, riddler is ramer, we got a bunch i wanna get em all like i did the greendale family.

it says egg head is the world's smartest villian,, well yosamian's plot is pretty darned smart.

bookworm and madhatter are the only other two i can remember... lemme puzzle on those two for a bit.

now that i think of it, bejurin probably still is nursing his yosamian wound.

a man feigning to be a teacher of enlightenment who guilt trips his disciples into turning themselves into alcoholics... what a wonderful idea... he and catwoman really are quite a pair.

well whomever is the ACTUAL inventor of batman probably had one real babylonian villain asscoiated with each batman villian and this is no doubt known and there will be lots of testimony about this from whoever the inventor of batman was.

i think i mentoined that our good satan Todd is a step- member of the Alh@def family so mwyb he was put there for a reason, as a spy.

if the alh@def family came to seattle whenever they did, i think its been a few generations, because it was destined to be babylon, then perhaps they were a sort of advamce crew from babylon and an important babylonian family, i presume this has been the home of babylon here in seattle only since bob seigel got his bump on the head eight years ago. back when Dan merkle was mentoring with john caughlin. i have no idea but i wouldnt be surprised if babylon moves around a lot, and has only been here for a short while.

its 5:30, 3:25 was my deadline for reporting to harboview, so i am not sure what's up/. the police ought to have been here by now.

hey Joe, if you're tracking me, you might want to call the police and light a fire under their asses, its two hours later that it might have been and i've almost slipped away into the temple,,, there may not be much more time to poison me,,, !

or maybe you could sick teh police on me Tom, after all, you're the lawyer for this ~rawat~ person whom you are seriously messing with.

speaking of tom, there's my guess for bookworm, the guy who calls himself my brother, but is really a bad viper whose working with satan to try to thwart destiny.

mona lisas and madhatters// by elton john,,, just to wrap up my guesses, and this is the WILDEST of the WILD guesses, I am going to guess Bob of the L@tona pub, who became lorraines boyfriend. why? because his pub is next door to where i started e foods, and the space i was in got turned into a restaurant called Mona Lisa, so when i thought of mad hatter, i looked for an association and found elton john's song mona lisas and madhatters,,, and then i thought about mona lisa and i thought of that space, and then Bob came to mind.

He came and stood in my kitchen once for a really long time inexlicably. i always liked the guy, but he's the single most visible beer-industry person from this life, the one who i sort of got to know the best, and another association already there is alcohol, so i am going to say that bob of latona may be the inventor and or major promoter of beer. and in this life he manifested that by starting the pub that was right next door to my first place of business. logical.. bob is mad hatter, that's my guess.

so i think i satisfied myself that i've made a good guess for all the batman villians whom i ever saw on the show, which by the way, was one of the first TV shows, if not the first, that i ever watched regularly as a kid... in fact when it first came out we didnt have a TV in my family and a friend of mine who i used to what to school with used to recount the episodes for me while we were walking, so i got hooked on batman BEFORE i ever started watching TV at all,,, cool,, and today i've named a few of the actual villians.... amazing.



was just thinking of scott gelband my lawyer before walt,,, maybe neil was thinking of him at the same time.

i am so hung because i am so good, and so I can be the christ.

its almost like this: how much are you wiling to know about yourself? the answer determines, ultimately, how hydrated the testes are. if you dont want to know, they become less hydrated, if you do want to know, they become more, and this actually effects their size, dramatically, not to mention their health.

"teeheeheehee BINGO!!!"

my dad was very good man, and he was so hung. i never thought of myself as so hung, but its really just a matter of what i am understanding about what is happening to me, and to my genitals in particular and the association between my ability to sense what is there to sense and my overall power really, as a man, as a god.

Goodness rules, and I am talking about the mechanics of it on a very physiological level.

there's a certain tingling feeling that i would call "borderline ecstasy" that i am beginning to sense. my body is starting to shiver.

"Glad of the Love that I've found....." led zepplin

teh eating of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is not something that a pre- aryan man was capable of doing. Aryan really is the step in human evolution from "man" to "god." pre-arian man is closer to baboon in this sense than aryan man, in terms of heavenly capabilities. aryan is the man who is fully ABLE to be a God and do all that a god can do.

if that makes an aryan man a "titan" or something like that, something that someone lke Zachariah SItchen would say invaded the earth, what he really means is, that was the Creator of this world and his family coming down from heaven to establish a successful human culture here on the Earth that they created.

but then "the neighbors rose up, and some of them were made as Hell, cuz it used to be the double L... So if Zachariah Sitchen prefers Hell to Heaven, then I'm afraid he will have to be moving along soon!

(not that i beleive this about him, he could easily be Israel, just like i believe Icke is, in spite of all the wrong things he says... it's just part of the puzzle.. icke is too brilliant, and beautiful, not to be isael.

..................i like icke!.............

he's really danged cute if you ask me!!! tooo cute not to be one of my lovers!! did you know i was in your audience at town hall david>?>> i loved your show and of course i appreciated the GIGANTIC clue to me that you could not possibly be babylon when you told me about your ecstatic psychedelic experience. i look forward to seeing you soon, i'm sure we'll have some great story telling !!!!!

dang, now that i think of it, add Icke to my list of pottential archangel personages.


throw sid up on that list too.... just naming the guys i think of as being most brilliant.

i consider myself to be a Christian Scientist, its the only christian church i ever identified with... when they take me to Harborview i am going to tell them this, that it is against my religion to take pharamceuticals.


i think i am having what you might call " a spiritual experience " if you know what i mean

i think david sort of told me that he can do waht satan (from greendale) can do,, walk through walls...


just sent neil this e mail

would you object if i asked the police to pick me up inside the cathedral? i'd like to be pulled out of there in handcuffs.

i like the idea of looking them in the eyes and saying, "just so you know, i have been saying for 2 1/2 years that I am the christ, and now am saying that the rapture is in progress."

it seems like maybe we're past the everlasting gobstopper incident now.

"turning the pages of this old book, might be worth a second look..."

i might have to go back and read those lyrics..."Bandit"

"AYe aye aye aye, I am the Fried Knid Bandito..."

it seems like the reason that "g*d" expects an offering from Cain and Abel is because it is part of the aryan agreement, its probably in the willie wonka fine print somewhere. of course Abel was more than happy to oblige, but then he was gone. and Cain gave up the practice.

I dont know about Noah and his descendants, whether or for how long any of this descendants carried on a meaningful relaitonship with G*d... really isnt meaningfulness the reason for the sacrifice, that the sacrfice encourages one to get something out of the experience, rather than just going through the motions of an empty ritual? it's makes it sacred, "sacrifice" by encouraging a person to put their heart into it, otherwise there would be no point in making a sacrificial offering... it's a way of manifesting and thereby assuring sincerity. Without sacrifice a ritual tends to become meaningless. Even communion is a small sacrifice (tiny) but it puts some meaning - people have to sacrifice their time and energy to get in line, etc.,,, it's an offering of sorts. probably enough that done once per week it's the minimum to keep a person on track with following the commandments and the golden rule.

didn't i hear something on tv about a "rescue operation?"

i think this aryan thing pretty much boils down to this: aryan men can access the temple through their own bodies and non aryan men cannot,, somehting like that..

its possible buddha was a non aryan and bodhidharma was an aryan... the founder of mahayana buddhism, i wonder if that was arius or neil or me,,, one of the three, most likely.

or else His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the very important Rawat ally in the wars between Heaven and Hell.

it seems possible to me that Sakyamuni and Bodhidharma were both the same person, either neil or me, his holness or eido roshi, one of those four. they are stages in the same journey, the journey of arias from out of the deep and into the Kingdom of Heaven.

there are certain indescribable sensations that i associate with the DMT experience and the temple, the temple in the head of the penis.,, i am sensing those sensations.. i feel close to the place dmt takes you. (1 pm)

last time satan took over the temple 2500 years ago he poured alcohol into the completely vulnerable body of G*d, this time he wants to pour pharmaceuticals into the body of the deity in teh Temple,,,, is he really going to get away with it?????


personally i would be a lot more comfortable if i thought this was going to be pre-empted.

i guess i better go on about my work now... and leave the driving to you....


I ain't no Vermiscious Knid.


I'm a Knid- killing kid!


and honestly, i don't know why those other kids and their parents were so rude to Mr. Wonka, but they got what they deserved out of the deal, there is justice in those inner workings of the chocolate factory, if you know what i mean...

I'm ready to do my part to administer it.


it seems to me like adam is just the founder of the aryan race. and adam is pluto who could actually be a son of arius from another iteration. seems quite plausible. of course teh japanese are aryan, i have been saying i was the emperor.

so i wonder, are ethopeons ayans, and if so, are they the only aryans in africa, what about kenyans or west africans,,, interesting.

so then, were the meso american natives who had templs aryan?

does aryan apply to the temple, any civilization that had a tmeple was aryan?

aryan relates to the temple and descent from prem rawat or one of his perfect sons. Kenyatta could perhaps be the arian founder of ethoeopia.. so i was confused, it's not kenyatta who is revered by the rastas, it was salassi, anyway, i still see kenyatta as having possibly been whoever the king was who the rastas revere. he seems like he could be the rasta god. \
certain nations, such as germany for example, may be housing criminals who are aryans, and some are probably housing criminals who are non-aryans, such as possibly china, burma and north korea, as well as central african countries where there have been mass genocides.

most of the good aryans, if i am correct, would be in english speaking countries, japan and small pockets like Tibetans. for some reason i like italy the best of the non english speaking european countries. and now that i think of it, royalty could be an indication of a good nation, so Spain, Sweden and Holland look pretty good. any other monarchies? i dont know,,

I have this feeling that jordan is apart from syria and iraq, more of a good population there perhaps,,, there is a monarch and a liberal culture, unlike Saudi. i still like turky, malaysia, w africa incluing perhas morocco through to tunesia, possibly all of N africa, everything beyond the pakistan to arabia portion of islam plus i'm not too sure about indonesia... just dont have a sense.

i could be totally off base with my sense that there might be some salvagable islamic nations... the main clue that i am going on is that Prem Rawat visits malaysia.


the willie wonka agreements could be the same as what was laid out in the Knowledge session,,, one hour two times per day in the temple, plus its possible that the sabbath day is for the temple as well. i dunno, just wanna say that i'm thinking aobut this,

i've long though of grandpa green's morning newspaper ritual having to do with the morning visit to the temple. and then there's sun's dinner with dad... two "sessions"

i feel like the kidney knids are joining the chain that the knid-killing kid is brining back down to earth ...

david young's (that's a clue i didnt get till last night) said something curiously about himself having "passed through a bottleneck..." hmmm what could the meaning of that be...

hey david, are you enjoying the truman show???

i'm going to guess that the boy named Mars with the goddess and the puppies in the convenient store's parking lot is someone who was cousin jed in another go round, or else whatever James arthur is, who for all i know was a cousin jed once too. wouldnt surprise me, actually. he got so close to the secrets that p max controls. Mars. i think cousin jed is mars, of course he is, he is sun tzu according to the world's leading and probably authorized authoristy... authorized to tell me exactly what i was allowed to know about P max.. and WHO ELSE would have written the Art of War if not Mars himself!!! i love raja ji. !!!

SPEAKING OF WHICH, i cannot believe that i never mentioned this on my web site,,, i think neil had to send mars and his sister as a wake up call... star babies!!!

I realized last year at the string CHeese INcident that there was a huge wave of perfectly pure souls incarnating in this world, and a lof of them show up at string cheese and other such events.

I met one named sol who was the one i was really seeing this perfection in when i came to htis understanding... there is a generation of young hippies who are having these pure star baby babies, children who have never been adults, or at least were not in their past life.. they are children who want to be children... they are like an advance wave of Heaven... Mars and his lover are two more of these star babies, and I think Harry might be one too. but most of them are under 20... maybe they are just kids of the woodstock hippies.

235 i do feel like it could be alcohol that is burning in my glans... did they just inject alcohol,, or maybe its beause that part is really a par of the central nervos system.. the part of it that you can really feel..

whatever pharmacceicals will do to a completely non-shut down person is what they will do to me if satan is allowed to. i hope i slip into the temple in the next 40 minutes, so i dont have to deal with nurse rachet again...

from david:

Take care of yourself Jeff, and please stay in touch............ I'd very
much like to see you again at some point when the dust settles a bit and you
have time!!

>< David

maybe he's talking about the dust from the elevator crashing through the roof of the factory ... which could happen at any moment now....

i said, "i'll be there soon,"

good non aryans in india, se asia,, etheopia, west africa,


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