Wednesday, October 19, 2005

vampires (94)


i want to testify further regarding the experience that i have since referred to as the string cheese incident. that was a VERY significant experience! In the Temple with McKenna beaming on the way, psychedelic music and people dancing and sid dj-ing nad it was all quite divine.

though i had known for two weeks that f*ck is the word and the true name of our father, that came to me the weekend I was in ashland with Frederick - not a coincidence, Frederick is important to this story- this night was the first time i ever really surrendered into the experience of the word. I felt my father's joy was very strong indeed, i felt that he was yearning that night to be with me. i suddenly felt his wish to be there with me... I created a spot that felt most like the right place and actually asked people to move, telling them that i believed god might be showing up that night. I set a place for him, just a pillow on the floor where i would be at his right hand if he showed.

well i have no doubt that he was wishing he could come. at ome point i felt a pulled to go around the room and tell everyone he might show up and that his name is f*ck, and of course this has been true of every circumstance i;ve been in since... me rally letting go into the word was a very significant moment, the string cheese incident.... its a picture in the story.. its a major milestone. of which there were several in festival environments... many. the week at the rainbow gathering and burning man were both filled with powerful and important experiences, the country fair the second year, all these were occasions when the experience deepened to another level.. just being in an environment that feels closer to home is the reason.


in terms of the tribes, Satan is sly and Lucifer is earnest, they are both on the same side, but act out a story in which they are adversaries.. its really arias saying to the world: look, here's what would have happened in a world in which there was not a Christ: it would have come down to this... the stolen election of 04, Satan holding the power that was rightfully Lucifer's. and the whole mess of history being over control of the opium,,, all because the happy are a disturbance to the fallen souls. once again its the psychedelic vs alcohol war, really and Lucifer is the psychedelic crowd and Lucifer is the alcohol crowd.

you just can ignore the guy having the most sublime experience... you have to worship him.,.. it's the law. the way that law gets enforced is called Hell. its all very technical, not theoretical, it pertains to the frequency of the collective consciousness where we all reside, which is a variable.,

its like worst case scenario - EVEN IF Pluto turned coat, the Christ would still prevail.. not that Pluto DID turn, but the point would be, even if he did, so Pluto could be on orders to do his damnedest to get me to fall, on behalf of Satan, so that Arias and I can make the point that even if he had, the worst case scenario, I would have prevailed... I think Prince Reuben could very well just a warrior of Aria's following his master's orders to do his damnedest to take me down. I am completely neutral on Bob Siegel now, its like, either way it would be exactly the same - if bob seigel is against me or if bob seigel is on orders from arias to do his damnedest to pull me down - his behavior would be the same. Because i tend to believe that Arias would go all the way to make his point, I am of an opinion, based on logic and not on my experiences with bob seigel, that Robert Seigel is more likely to be an agent of Arias assisting him in making a point, a job requiring him to act toward me exactly as Joe Whinney would had, had Seigel not been acting as a proxy. In other words, in a brutal and heartless sort of way.. My heart is telling me that this is indeed the lila as it is being played. I think we'll be picking up that hitchhiker in red on the way out of greendale on the way to alaska... i sure hope so.

its possible, theoretically, based on this logic, to untwist the koan of sauron a bit further,,, that Bob Siegel was Kierkegaard, but once again acting on behalf of Joe Whinney who is a nobody giving orders to P Max.

following this logic further, its quite possible that bob seigel has been a surrogate for joe whinney from the get go beginning with adam, abraham and on down the line,,, reuben,, I mean, it was Bob seigel who came to see my while i was fasting not joe whinney, i am quite sure of that for several reasons... but it was joe whinney's conspiracy to rule the world, not bob seigel's UNLESS bob seigel planned to usurp p max.. but i dont think so... Pluto is a god. He knows what happens.. Pluto is an agent of teh rawats, he seems brutally evil, but he's just a good actor. this is my theory... he's pretending to be joe whinney. thats all., he is the proxy for joe whinney, and its all he ever was. that feels right.


the koan of sauron finally solved.



ONE last little peice. arias does this over and over. he knows how it goes. he knows someone shows up to be joe whinney. but i have no idea WHEN he shows up. maybe kierkegaard. maybe that's when he sort of realizes that he is the one working on this role... so bob seigel plays the part all along, but at some point joe whinney GETS THE PICTURE that this is what he wants to do... and that point arias tells him the truth, that someone is already working on behalf of his idea in order to give him maximum advantage in his effort to succeed... all so we can argue that he had every advantage, and still lost.

i;ll bet ARIAS was the last human being on earth to tell all of this truth to anyone who would listen. I read one sentence about arias as the sum total of what i know about him, simply that he had some comments on the nature of the relationship between the father and the son of the trinity..

3:20 pm... not only am i aware of the possibility but am of the belief that neil was aware that the purple cape comment would lead to me mentioning the purple fleece blanket that a thief left in my car appropos of vampirism..


sandra finch sunseri is a person of interest, and i am not sure why, but her part in my life will be made note of in some way that is significant... steven sunseri and i were shadowing one another for years... i like steven sunseri... there's something going on with him that i dont understand, but we've had an interesting karmic connection of some kind, and my eopisode in santa fe may relate in some way to somehting that i am not yet aware of involving the owners of the store i managed that belonged to some premies including rickard who was one of those powerful rainbow people.. i was set up for that ob by sherman wing, who i always liked a lot, and there was a lot of intruige and stuff that i never really understood.. i dunno, just a possibility that there's more to that picture than meets the eye, and sunseri could be involved somehow.

i always thought saundra was angelic.

i bought and will now eat some nice looking chocolate bars from a really cute pysychedlic guy named frederick who from what i understand is friends with "remedy" and named his chocolate co. dagoba which means temple... somehow i have a feeling that frederick and i will be doing hocolate together.. he will be the one to run the chocolate co, not satan... i mean, not joe whinney satan, but if todd satan wants it, he has first dibs... oh and john schilling can be the ceo as far as i am concerned.. i'm not worried about titles... i hope those two will be at the party.

something about a guy who, the first thing he ever said to me of a personal nature is "i am really impressed with you...", he's got potential even if he is presently living a somewhat unhealthy lifestyle.. he's a brilliant man. and his devotion to his son's dream is outstanding in my eyes. and i have no doubt they made the right decision by staying independent for the time being...


among the rifraf of cain's babylon who all shake their fists at the man are a few gems and i'll name two of them here who come to mind:

jim vickand john foss, the brother of kristin who loved the temple with care

the black bard of babylon jim page has a friend who plays with him out on the streets and the fairs,

this other man is a very troubled fellow, cuz he's an israelite living among the dark babylonian souls,

ihis name is artis and he is the spoonman extraordinaire.. .. when i was in ecstasy that first night at ken kesey's, after prince reuben's medicine left me up in the air, i crawled out of my tent after hell i'd resisted and come into the clear light of the ether, and i remember laughing hysterically and rolling around in pure ecstasy.. i felt a great love for artis in those moments, i felt that i'd known him long long ago,,, artis rocks in my opinion, even if he is terribly unhappy. he's just lost, but he's looking seeking longing for his tribe.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and baby gramps had me in absolute stitches that night, that incredible night that began my awareness and certainty to being the christ.


i felt like it might be worthy posting this e mail i just got from david, who is the david of "david, lane and bob..." my proverbial trio of local readers... david has always seemed to know more than he lets on, always seems to be saying something subliminal... very interesting person in my life. one whom i trust. i trust david. i have really enjoyed my corresponsdence and visits with him... he is single the person who has made the most effort to spend time with me as a result of my ads.

he comes across almost like cain in his dress and manners, but he is complete opposite, under the apparently conservative manner is a lover.

writing this about David and how i trust David reminds me of NY's bandit... "someone you can trust, gotta trust someone..."

like if David said that i was supposed to do something, like he e mailed and said,
"meet at such and such a time and place.." i would trust that he was sending me a message from the family.

i first heard from him, his a mail address is, around the same time i heard from manifestor48, and the coincidence of the use of the number 8 in the same fashion, as having a meaning pertaining to the experience, feels like a strong clue that i could trust him... its a sign to me..

my reply to David:

hi david,
thanks, it feels nice as always to hear word from you... be sure to read today's postings...

i think his use of the phrase (...the one in the purple cape) is a set up conscious or unconscious that is intended to provoke me into a discussion of david and his association with vampires...

it's not a coincidence that david showed up in my life with his perfectly written and totally respectful emails telling me that he is a vampire and thus provoking me to really puzzle on the whole vampire thing.... that has been a mjor theme, a big koan in a manner of speaking, one that i have considered deeply and i am very comfortable with... the nation of Israel could conceivably project a sort of vampirish self image in the end times just for fun, or for whatever reason that arius has. maybe to honor the reality that in some sense that is what we are.. this is very important.

i bought a black car in 1992, very uncharacteristic, i'm much more the type with a painted hippy bus. that car was stolen 3 times in the past year, and a couple of times the person who stole it left things behind in it, one was a Purple fleece blanket that could be very much like "the purple cape" of david, and the last time the batmobile was stolen the thief left a black leather jacket that i have been wearing since...

i saw Neil in all black singing the song "when god made me" on that Katrina benefit show (just a tiny bit coincidental) and finally in my minds eye i have seen arius in vampire mode at the big screen place in the temple talking to people with tittle vials clinking like in that incredible opening secen of the english patient, which reminds to mention that michael ondatjee certainly strikes me as one of us...

salman rushdie is rawat affiliated... he could not have written the moors last sigh (his only novel i've read in its entirety) unless he was a very psychedelic dude... his story reminded my of 100 years of solitude which was a very important story for some reason.. i read it twice, which for me is unprecedented,,, the count of monte cristo is probably the only other novel i ever read more than once.

melville is israel, and if any of those stupid people out there refuting the bible code find a moby dick code then its because neil young stuck it in htere. all the great classics have got to be rawat... tolstoy for example must be israel, dante, cervantes, proust, shakespear, the great literature of every language is rawat copyrighted.

those movies that phillip glass collaborated on, baraka, koyonaqatsi, those made a big impact on me,,.,

the first time i saw koyoanaquatsi i think i was in sante fe NM... and i thought the world would be changed as a result of that movie, i thought the same thing when "the day after" aired. i always thought people just needed "a bonk on the head..." but no, people are much more oblivious than i realize back then.

definitely david could be another "plant" in my life, along with paul, todd, possibly rauven, people who know who i am but pretend not to...

i heard back from todd boyle, chris cook is our mutual freind from uk with good ideas on money etc. todd says he is busying himself with antiwar activities,. he's a vet against the war in iraq.


David here........

Hello Jeff. Last night the station I was listening to while
driving home played 'Imagine' and of course I thought of you.... after the
song concluded I hit "scan" and the next stop was at a Neil Young tune!

I went for a few days without glancing over your journal on your
site so I am not quite 100% up-to-date on your most recent round of entries.
Incidentally, I wanted to shoot you this brief and informal note while you
were so heavy on my mind.

I am * hanging on * as you say, I ALWAYS do. It is more the subtle
(Sometimes not so subtle) pressing sense that "something" is culminating,
reaching a fever pitch that can be a bit unnerving at times. Like you, I
know that there is much more to my Existence here in this particular Dream.

I have nothing more of relevance to say at this juncture and I am
pressed for time at the moment, so I shall close and wish you "God-speed" my
friend! It is always a pleasure to hear from you, take care Jeff -- Love


2 pm...

got to thinking about the partition of pakistan into two nations. i believe that bangaladesh, though muslim, is in the heaven camp.... and the Bangaladesh benefit concert (all i really remember is Harrisons's song) is a clue.

it was thinking of the earthquake that led me to this... it occured to me that the earthquake could, and this is a long shot, sort of indicated the eastern most influence of babylon. like all muslim countries east of pakistan may be in the rawat camp,, which would just be the two i have named, malaysia and bangaladesh, leaving brunei and indonesia i believe. indonesia is an interesting case, it's always been a US ally, i am just not sure what the condition of the people.. considering how densely populated it is, they seem to be doing pretty well.. all it would take would be to control the muslim clergy and then send souls who are not too messed up on allah, and then you've got a rawat country that is muslim... it''s like cain has the south USA and we have islam east of india... maybe... seems plausible.


i mentioned it last night, but i really think earl greens artowrk depicts pharmacetucal demons in the testes. the weird light and stuff you seee on psilocybin.


i noted the difference between the guy who checked me out that the convenient store and the guy with the service van in the parking lot. the first guy hyper, very alive, no aclohol poison, the other guy had the tired look of an alcoholic.

i feel very preoccuped right now with wanting to name men who i admire and who i think are israel.. lou brock and bob gibson.. i wanna name both of them again, i did so before, i somehow became a huge fan of that st. louis team as a child, brock, flood, cepeda, javier, mccarthy, gibson... i think somehow that was probably an unusually concentrated assemblage of israelites on a team together.

roberto clemente.... very good soul... i know someone else who is a big fan of his, and its someone i already mentioned- brad of brad's swingside. the seattle mariners team that was so stellar had a lot of cool people on it, edgar martinez really stands out as an excellent person, along with several others from that team..

there were two phases of my life that i really got into the sonics, seattle's NBA team.. there was a team that consisted of a really cool group of players that included hersey hawkins, detlef shrempf, sam perkins- those were some excellent people, that team excelled, i think, due to good spirit. Nate mcmillan and Lenny Wilkins are excellent. I'm condfident that coach jackson who coached the chicago bulls dynasty, who is so into zen etc, is israel. he may be pointed to as an example of how conciousness of the sublime is a winning way to be even in professional sports.


manic depression, or bi-polar.. i think these are the same thing as "has an open heart and can't deal with this world."

i felt love for kenny when i saw him at the glass studio, but i couldnt wait to get away.. he's a hard person to converse with,.. he puts on a cheerful facade, but it doent hold up to well..

here's a reall winner for you -kevin joyce, his wife martha is awesome as well. sam is a good guy and his tall friend from olympia who came to the ocean with us - remember that neil? - has a good heart. luke of luke and sarah is excellent, so is she, i feel like he could be a pretty popular guy in the temple... luke was tracking me closely until i started slamming islam... he couldnt deal with that, which is understandable.. but luke is special.


it's an odd thing o say, but i am hungry and all i want eat is a pear.. it's like the pear motif has to do with it being the last thing i eat perhaps/ by the way, the bakery logo with the pear, has a very roman look to i, like the laurel on the head look.

i just spoke with the goddess, she is doing so well. she says "i am becoming a different person." she's SO tuned in... I so can see her being an angel, flying with me and Arias, neil and the family, and i can see her as arias's partner, his mate, in the africa stage, and of course as rada... he loves her like i love her. she stays here with us, right??? or does she go with Father to have another son and build another world...? or is there just one like her in every world whom he makes his mate?

imagination works kind of like the bones of a potential story that can unfold as pictures that we then live inside. it's a series of pictures, its really all imagination is... a series of pictures. and the story of the interplay of good and evil is a picture story... just like anything that gets invented in imaginaition... the bones is the series of pictures that occured in the mind of the imaginer.


if there is need for sugar, which there is, for chocolate at least, you cant make it with honey, i had the thought a few months ago, - zach lions, another of the sustainable ag tribe, knows this, his brother dana is also Israel - of building a small sugar beet mill in the skagit valley, which is probably a perfectly good sygar beet growing region. beets make better sugar than cane anyway. who needs cane, its a TERRIBLE commodity, but really sugar beets are fine.

and of course we'll be growing a lot of cannabis.

There is a group called Skagetonians to preserve farmland run by a guy named bob rose i believe.. .he will be a good resourse for getting things organized in that super productive agricultural zone.

Mentioning his name reminds me to mention the name of CHarlie Weems (comes to mind just because he is a supporeter of the Skagetonians) the father of Helen Weems my most recent girlfriend before Palmo. He is a man of great integrity respected by everyone who's known him in his life, a very likable guy, one of us.

this is just about perfecting the world beginning with implementing all the good ideas that the people like those i mention have been yearning to implement.

did lucifer try to go in and deal with satan and fall prey to his trick??? yes i think that explains the "satan lucifer" mimicing of the pluto/cain relationship... it seems like Wm./ lucifer must have gone in to try to deal with satan and just got overwhelmed by it... and this is the whole saga that i laid out- its like two things going parallel, two sort of identical stories, the story of Cain and Rauven and the story of Lucifer and Satan are two parallel stories the witches east and west in a sense.

the real deep story is not the story of cain and rauven, its the story of satan and lucifer.


one historical character who i am looking forward to understanding, very important but enigmatic figure in my opinion, is Gurdjieff... i loved reading his autobiography, but i haven't been too impressed overall with the people who've clustered around groups that identify with him...

i never delved into this notion of an immortal "baba ji" figure, but its a matter of interest now. (it corresponds in my mind with the idea of Saint Germain. these are intuiging ideas) if there was a baba ji as described in the myths, that must have been my father before he incarnated as Prem Rawat.

I am interested in who Edmund Bordeaux Zekely (sp) is, he came up with those Essene Gospels of Peace... Interesting books depictin g Jesus as a healer, and i dont really buy into his image of jesus, and i believe he claims to have had access to secret documents located in the vatican, so i am wondering what's up with him...

is he babylon just putting out a fake idea of who jesus was, or are there really that kind of detailed docments of the healing work of jesus...

i must say this, i absolutely obsessed on the idea of making bread from sprouted wheat kernals for years after that, the idea of bread like zekely desribes was the basis of the whole vision i was building a story around, sort of a collective communiion experience in which the bread was made in that fashion... grinding whole grains that are prehydated direcly into dough makes all the sense in the world to me vs. milling flour and then kneading flour... a fraction of the energy is required in the process plus the sprouted grain has to be better than making flour and adding water for our bodies. ..


the other thing i obsessed on was of course the idea of trading futures... i spent two or three years just trying to understand markets and how to play them.... i lost tons of money because i fell prey to the pitfalls of trading, but i think i really was working on was just complex psychedelic thought... i was preparing my mind for what lay ahead..

all of my research into developing trading systems had to do with comparing price movements in multiple time frames - i would look at multiple time frames overlapping or mulitple moving averages.. trends, totally visual systems looking at price itself not the indicators.. i developed my own oscilating indicators that behaved very smiliarly to the classic stochastic indicators... and using trade station i wrote extremely complex trading systems.. it was really all about exerising my mind... stretching it into very deep samadhis just by developing an d holding very complex ideas in my mind. i have to say, i really enjoyed the mental challenge, in a sense it was the most intensely mental thing i ever did in this life.

of course my objective in wanting to trade commodities was to use the money to create heaven on earth. i really sincerely believed i had what it took to be a very succcessful trader... by the way, george soros has been someone i have looked to as a sort of ideal man who i would want to emulate in certain respects as a trader and philanthropist in a sense i was seeing myself fitting into that mold. his work in promoting free communication of ideas, supporting the decriminalization of entheogens, and work with death and dying are clear signs to me, regardless of his political positions of late, that he is israel. he's just too successful as a result of sheer brilliance not to be, in my opinion.

i wonder about the prophet of omaha, is that what they call Buffet?- he is a pretty astute fellow too. he's pals with gates.. gates seems like a happy guy, i am not crazy about the company and its practices, but gates and allen both seem like they could be israel,,, i just dont know.. they are in babylon, which is cause for some doubt... just because i'd been admiring him, i think soros is with us.

speaking of trading futures... are we all loaded up on Dec gold contracts? I can sort of see that one potentially going through the roof...

i was just down in the lobby on my way out, stopped for a minute, heard flamenco music, which i LOVE, and i thought to mention this: whoever made the film LACHO DROM about the gypsie's saga and their music is a genius. as a work of art that is my favorite film i think i watched it three times. beautiful film!

came back to the room just to say that, but then i thought to say thistoo - the black man in the elevator had the best energy of any man i've ridden the elevator with since ive been here... he has no alcohol sickness and an open heart, right neil? i could feel his good eneergy. i liked him. you probably could see me checking out that little pack of men that walked by,,, also happier than your average pack of men that i see in this place.


It's such an amazing thing. Arias. He makes souls and then he finds some to form a family with, and then he forges a reality with them, beginning at the beginning... There're not short cuts, its a long term project. and then the end result is this moment when he turns it over to his son. BUilding a temple is a big project. is 26,000 years the right number?

tom greco and i met up in '03 at sergios - dang, that sergio is quite a fellow, everywhere he goes all he does is try to make friends with people! - for what tom called a colloquim, some of the people that he and sergio know who've been working on these things, "friendly favors" and the whole idea of righteous money.\

there were some excellent minds there, there is one guy in particular who i want to mention, owen davis, who has been at the forefront of something called the ID commons. it's an idea that he and some other brillinat people, some of whom are here in seattle, had for creating a central identity clearinghouse, like a public utility sort of thing were everyone can register their own unique electronic identity. there are brilliant minds workiing on these kinds of things. if there is a need for electronic identity kinds of things, owen and his freinds are the ones.

ANother person who is a social outcast with an open heart, a brilliant mind with really good ideas is todd boyle, with whom i've been in lots of discussions on these things... this is a team: sergio, tom, todd, owen, me, leonardo, hassan bramwell (he needs to lose the name hassan), sergio's guy who does his programming, oh yeah, the other gy who met up with us at sergio's is a man named Cook from UK who has great ideas about how to structure ownership in a way that is a lot more psychedelic, creative, flexible, his idea is to make all risk-takers in an enterprise into owners, eliminating the idea of debt and just having equity...

I'm sorry i am not remembering his fidt name, but Mr. Cook is basically proposing an idea for how to have an economic system that doesnt involve debt all, just equity. he uses the word temporary equity as a differnt way of thinking about debt. everyone who puts resouces at risk in to an enterprise is on equal footing, there is not the creditor/shareholder conflict. that guy's got good ideas... the most original thinkers in this realm of ownership/invetment of capital and transaction settlement are Todd Boyle and Cook.

Todd's idea is a totally transparent system in which every transaction is between two people in which they both keep a record of a purchase and sale. and then there can be settlement agency that can just clear the transactions, offsetting credits and debits... these really are good sorts of ideas in my opinion, let each person be sovereigns interacting responsibly with one another. I sense that just as there is an obvious affinity between myself and Neil on the farming issues, there is a similar affinity with respect to the money and transaction stuff, and Neil's impressions of my cast of characters corresponds..


i've been puzzling on sam's identity -- wouldn't Neil be the best candidate? neil is my sam, and neil is like benjamin to daniel, which i say not knowing exactly the implication, other than maybe as i said last year when i met him that somehow he is my own son in some sense, if felt that i was to him and Arias is to me... it doesnt make sense to me, because he already is living, but i feel like he's related to me. i've never felt so immediately attracted to a man.

by the way, when i was working on a story back before i got in business, the story of how heaven was established on earth that i never finished writing,, it kind of had to do with "prairie winds" and stuff like that, bison charging back out onto the prairie through the flames of the alcohol civilization's destruction. i named my character Daniel. i always identified strongly with the name daniel.

Speaking of prairie and buffalo, I want to mention the Poppers who promote the original but unpopular idae of turning the high plains between the rockies and the missouri - lewis and clark country- into what tthey call the buffalo commons... it's an excellent idea in my opinion. virtually all that goes on in that region in terms of agriculture is worthless, it wasnt made for that, its so much better being what it was when lewis and clark crossed it... so i like the popper's idea of just clearing it all out and turning it into a gigantic wilderness, allowing a return of all of the ewildlife that was there before the railroads..,. there's some weaving together of their ideas with Wes Jackson's - developing "new roots for agriculture" as he calls it, involving the development of cereal crops that are perenial and grown together in polycultures. This is such far reaching and original thinking. I really like Wes Jackson's willingness to commit himself to a vision that he could not reasonably have thought would be fulfilled in one lifetime.

one person who i've noticed moving through the world thinking about and doing things like me is a guy who had a small artisan bakery or two, was interested in sustainable ag is Thom Loenard. he and i are sort of exammples of cross over people between two factions, the organic ag people and the artisan food people, which really are just like one thing, since they should all happen in the same place. George D. has a lot of good freinds in the artisan bread world- that's a craft that attracts good people - (like Javier - just have to throw his name out there again) . Like Steve Sullivan who founded Acme bakery in the bay area is one of us, along with ALice Waters, with whom he started in the bakery business. the really creative chefs are all Israel. like here in seattle there are prbably a few, Tom DOuglas is one, Bruce Naftaly is another, the owner of the Union Bay Cafe, Brad's Swingside, the list is fairly long. These are all very talented people who dont have the alcohol poisoning. There are many talented women chefs too. there's a baker in olympia named evan who i like, and who i ran into a hornings last year who obviously had been paying atention to me.

I had a very strong connection with an african american man named Kenyata who I really felt a strong connection with... he reminded me of Arias actually, he seemed almost that driven to come out of the deep and build a thriving human culture.. I believe that kenyata is not babylon like so many of the people in his world. We met at string cheese and conected immediately, i felt a lot of feelings for him, it struck me how much harder it had probably been for a black man to be real, to be a hippy., to break away. i love him and i believe i felt arias's love for him. i want him to play an important role in whatever way fulfills him, he's really got the determination to make goodness a reality.

the fact that Arias set up his library in Alexandria aAfrica might be a clus that this is true, he does love africa as sort of an early "continent" where life emerged out of the void and appeared in this world. its like africa represents a stage of the journey, relating to the baboons and the first slab in 2001,,, its africa.

then there's india, krisha, that's like a stage of history sitting there.. and then there is the new world.. the most recent stages. Arias must have been his name before Kirshna, like when he was leading his tribe into becoming human beings his name was Arias. During the Africa stage. that's definitely the connection with his identity being associated with ALexandrai and not athens or rome or contantinople; arias is the africa stage of his journey...when i was concieved and born his name was probably Arias. i think i proably met Kenyatta in order to help me bring the picture of Arias into focus..l. if this is so, then kenyatta is as dear to Arias or moreso than to me.

like if i've met anyone in the past year for the reason that Arias wanted me to meet someone he really loves and repects, then it's Kenyatta. I feel strongly that Arias sees him as being VERY sincere.

arias has been with the goddess since those days... all along the journey.. i have a picture of us as a family back then the early human and protohuman days.

within the youth culture there are kids like him who arent babylon, but they're all mixed toether with babylon.,, i think the reggae scene attracts some good souls... it's about love and hope and breaking away from babylon. kenyatta will be a great recruiter.

when i met kenyatta, being with him help me feel that sense of Arias having been the one who brought us out of the deep.. i felt strongly that arias has a deep love of africa and everything african... this also relates to the idea i had of steven golovnin being "the lion king" - there was a sense of there being a sort of king person whose importance had to do with his love and care for all things african.. steven certainly would fit that description having devoted a lot of time to perfect certain styles of african music, be builds marimbas and is also an expert player of the mbira, which i LOVE listening to. african culture is wonderful, so diverse and rich. i guess i dont know that much about it, but i do know i love the music. \


There are all great subtle minds, all wanting to work on ways of making intelligent systems of exchange, account keeping, identity, etc. I look forward to implementing their ideas together with my own.

i was brought into the company of these people for a reason,,, we are starting over and these are the people yearning for the really a lot better world that actually is possible, not whatever the Antichrist and his firends have in mind. (a better world is possible being the slogan of the WSF, that bastion of top ten major leading global justice activists.) I found the people who are really working for a better world.. i am grateful for the work that people like these folks tom greco's little tribe have been doing to prepare for what lies ahead.

a lot of this work that Todd, Tom, Owen, Sergio, Hassan, Leonardo and his parents and others are doing is about really seperating people into distinct sovereign units with very clear boundaries.. it's the sort of idea of estalishing the correct boundaries between people once the "boundary-dissolving" of incorrect boundaries that allow some to mooch off of others. I have a feeling Arias is very much in support of this kind of work.. It's like the end times are about settling accounts, and with the work of tom's team -the banker, accounting, id team - are about setting up a new system of accounts that will allow a just and clear system of keeping accounts.


since i've been making note that i dont get very many correspondences, i thought i should disclose that i did get an e mail today from "someone who will help you." here it is... maybe this is one of neil's koans...

"I see from your latest blogging that you've found a pattern. Use that information wisely."

their e mail addrss says they will help me, so far i'm not sure they've fulfilled that promise, but maybe there's a secret meaning...

it's not like, congratulations on finding a pattern, no... it's kind of like that idea of "armchair quaterback", my correspondent is an armchair messiah....


in my comments about the Horizon Dairy, I didn't mention this: it has always seemed to me like a heinous misrepresentation of the product that there is any suggestion whatsover of the idea that the cow actually had a life. The artwork suggests that the cow had a life, and that is a false impression that is being made about something that on a deep level people instinctually have strong feelings about. They WANT their milk to be from a cow that actually put it's hoof on mother earth and ate real grass.

I believe that this is probably another objection that Arius will make.

The cow is in itself a sublime experience, she has a sublime loving vibration. She is lovable. She loves. It really is just such a travesty what people would do to those sweet loving animals.


Speaking of domesticated animals, I just want to reiterate my sense that there is something about john and ptarmigan teal that has significance that will have light shed upon it soon.


just happened to see the name of Walter Cronkite on my way to the bridge column, the only part of the paper I read anymore (something about puzzling, i suppose) ... just his name sort of strikes this nice gentle fatherly chord.. he's like an icon of believability... I wonder why? maybe he's just a plain old good and honest person... no doubt an Israelite.. and moreso, he's someone i want to mention as having occupied that sort of niche of being an archetype of believability. It could probably be shown that he vibrates on a much more subtle frequency than, say, Dan Rather. So does Brokaw for that matter. Cronkie reminds me a bit of my father (AWF), who was also an impeccably honest man.


There is no way that Andrew Weill didn't call me "Jeff Faith" on purpose... Neil's reference to "Remedy" seems like a reference to him as being a deity. It's like Faith and Remedy as two deities. In other words, "see what Remedy brings" foretold the e mail correspondence that i had with Dr. Weill.

The fact that Prince Rauven set that up is so interesting... the inner workings of greendale... still a bit mysterious that guy Rauven... not convinced yet that we're not going to pick him up on the way out of town heading for alaska... i mean, he's not locked up in the jail... i'm still perplexed by him... it could be he's on our side doing for satan what satan would have done... like, i dont really have any evidence that rauven is not a greendale person who's job it is to be an enabler and act on behalf of satan in being his person dealing with me. I don't have an proof that he's a bad guy. And now that we have a real satan, it's more plauible to me that he could be an actor. i dunno.. just wanna say i'm still puzzling on rauven,, as intended. he's a koan. really he is and always has been for me. his job could simply be to be convincing as a "satan" and do what satan wants. neil tells me that's him hitchiking- pluto, rauven - always leading me on toward the possibility that he's with us. i think i'm leaning toward rauven is with us at this point. like it's 60 / 40....


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