Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What exactly is Honesty? (104)


It's so funny how, with all the praising Ive done of people past and present I never really mentioned Steiner,,, until now. Steiner, the Source of ANthroposophy, is sitting with me in my hotel room. Stone Green, Kenny Ramer, the ONE AND ONLY PERSON that i know of who lives in Babylon who recognized me to teh point of telling other human beings that he HONESTLY believed that i was the christ, was the reincarnation of Rudloph Steiner. Stone Rawat, Stone Green Kenny Rawat is Rudolph Sterner, the absolutely brilliant mind, a rival of McKenna in terms of sheer intelligence, who give the world Waldorf Education and Biodyanamic Farming, an absolutely stellar contributor to what little goodness exists in this world, is the friend that I have turned to over and over and over simply because he is the only one who will listen to me. He's an extremely profound man. And utterly unappreciated by the people of this world.

I have filled in all of the blanks on the Green Pantheon and more, having come to know how some of the generations under Jacob are. "Misty" is Lisa, the consort of Sid who in the Green family pantheon is probably a son of Jacob, the leader of one of the twelve tribes. Lisa and Kenny are very close. Kenny has another friend named Misty, but "Misty" is the name of Stone Green's wife because it's a clue to Stone's identity, because I identify Misty - a Green sort of a name - with Kenny. But LIsa not Misty fits as the partner for Stone.

Hill is Kenyatta, the Black rastafarian guy who I met at String CHeese. He is related to Stephen Golovnin, who may actually be part of teh Rawat family, just ommited from the pantheon. Stephen may be a son of Kenyatta. Kenyatta so reminded me of Arias when I met him, and he fits for me as Hill. the other person I strongly associate with Hill/Kenyatta is Paul, a trippy guy in Seattle who plays mbira and left a decoration that he created at the Solstice Feast in my biulding.

Sky is SKy, the son of Elton John Neptune. He's a very feminine man, wears makeup and his sublime experience is an fine appreciation of the SKY!!!> I've been with him at sunset, and all he wants to do is marvel at the sky,.. That's Sky. He's with Peter Toms' group, the Fremont Arts Council.

So with that I have identified the living incarnations of all of the men and some of the women, and there are a couple more women who i believe i have identified. Close Thibadeau is the mate of Arius who produced Carling Green who is Bill Fairhall, who is certified by the standards of Satan's world to be mentally ill, a common characteristic of Green family members. I believe that CLose Thibadeau is a woman who lives in Seattle named Elenor, the top ten major leading advocate for the mentally ill, she is the energy source of an organization called Washington Advocates for the Mentally Ill. But the thing about Eleanor was that when we met she and I just connected like neither of us has ever connected with someone. She was anxious to tell me about her ida of watermelon pickles and it turned into a love affair.

My mother is probably Ciela, who had children by both Arius and Elton JOhn, she is the mother of Neil, Sky and Carling Green. Nina is Luna. So there are only a couple of other women. Col. Jackson, who is Bob Seigel is married to Mo, and she might be the wife of Jackson.. So I think I've named who I htink almost every member of the Rawat (Green) family is.

We are all named Rawat... all of the Greens.


Here is the text of a statement that I will submit for publication, along with the poem that i posted earler, tomorrow for publication in this week's Seattle Stranger:

What exactly is Honesty?

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In all honesty I have something to say to you that I honestly believe you need to hear about what it means to be honest.

Honesty, what is it? How would you define an honest person?

Honesty is like this: If I know something that I honestly believe that you would want to know, that would help you solve whatever puzzle you are working on, that would cause you to feel more enlightened about your own existence then, if I am honest, I share this knowledge with you. This is honesty. Honest is what you are when “you’ve got no secrets to conceal.” When you are willing for anything and everything about yourself to be known, including the deepest thoughts and feelings of your heart, then you are an honest person. Otherwise, if you are not honest then you are dishonest.

If you withhold pertinent information from anyone, for any reason; if you keep secrets; if you heart is not an open book, then you are dishonest. Light is not the absence of darkness, rather, darkness is the absence of light. Honesty is not the absence of lies or dishonesty; dishonesty is the absence of honesty. Honesty is a form of the light and dishonesty of darkness, the absence of light.

This distinction between honesty and dishonesty is THE SINGLE precise distinction that delineates Heaven from Hell.

Heaven is only for the honest.

Hell is the place for the dishonest.

Justice occurs when these two groups are separated from one another, and this is about to occur – it is the event of the “end times.” It’s just a culling out of the dishonest, so that the honest can have a world that doesn’t fail.

The root cause of EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM that plagues this world is the dishonesty of the men and women who inhabit it. There is no other relevant issue other than honesty. If you are not honest then your dishonesty will be the cause of your demise. If you choose to blame others for the problems of this world when you yourself are not a completely honest human being, then you are nothing but a blathering hypocrite unworthy of human existence. I am honest and I wish for a world free from dishonest people, and all wishes come true by law eventually, and now it's my turn. I will have my world of honest people, and if you choose not to be a part of it, if you wish to conceal things, then you will be on your own with the others like you who are dishonest; I can assure you that it won't be pretty.

The vibrational frequency of the collective consciousness itself will, before the year 2005 ends, be adjusted to a finer or more subtle frequency at which only those who are sincerely honest in the way that they conduct themselves can resonate. This will be the resolution of the wars between Heaven and Hell that are the subject of the great allegories such as Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings. The honest will be victorious over their enemies, the dishonest, and I am Frodo, the honest one who is making this victory happen. I am Apollo; I am the Son of the Holy Trinity; I am Brother Sun, whose twin sister, Diana, is Sister Moon, Mary Magdelaine; and I am Shiva, the Destroyer of this world. And I will destroy you along with it if you are and choose to remain a dishonest person, a parasite who feeds upon the honest.

The dishonest people of this world will soon come to experience a profound depression that will cause them to require heroin to cope with their existence. Heroin is the only drug on Earth that relieves the suffering of the fallen souls, those who are unable to resonate at the frequency of the collective consciousness.

Salvation from this profound depression resulting from a failure to be honest and so unable to resonate at the frequency of the collective consciousness, the experience known as Hell, will be available only for those who are willing to be completely honest. This will involve such things as confession and repentance of sin and forgiveness thereof, exactly as spelled out the Holy Bible. Those who insist upon being dishonest will be doomed forever to the Hell of their own creation, and the Honest will be moving on with me, the Christ, to the perfect world that is only possible when all of the human beings participating in it are honest.


I sent this e mail to Ptarmigan.

Dear Ptarmigan,
I don't know if you still use this e mail address, but I have something that I want to say to you in all honesty.
You committed a terrible crime in this life of laying guilt trips on me that were completely unjustified, and I believe that you have been a part of a terrible conspiracy against me along with others including Martin Roth, the Beast, and Mary Ann Rossi, who also laid unjustified guilt trips on me.
I have freed myself from the disease of your guilt trips, and believe that you will pay a terrible price for this and similar crimes that you, like Mary Ann Rossi and others, have committed against mankind. The feminist movement is a hotbed of you Allah people who steal from men by laying guilt and shame trips on them. This is penis envy, a form of inferiority complex, and you are a perpetrator of evil crimes as a way of acting out this disease.
yours in honesty,


i met THE neighbors today, you know, the family who lives across the street who have been there longer than the 15 years since i moved into the hood, the family who are most visible among the people who live around me. I've never really gotten to know Chuck well enough to look in his eyes and see in him the child that he is. CHuck Brooks is a Roman Catholic, he is Israel, and it took me 16 years to connect heart to heart with him, which occured today. His wife Sue, whom I never spoke with until today is wonderful. I am so happy to have finally made the connection.

I met Michael today, the psychedlic guy wearing the kilt at Discovery Park. Michael and Chuck are Israel all the way. The Etheopean man named Ali who took my ticket in the parking garage across the street from the hotel is a lover, I dont care if he is Muslim, he is a lover, he is an honest man, and he will be with me in Heaven. Those black gospel singing buskers at teh Pike Place Market today who I gave a C note to are lovers. I felt a great joy in acknowledging them. Etheopea is a Heaven stronghold, a nation of relatively honest people. I've had very good experiences with Etheopeans in my business... Workneh Nerea is a good man.

Dean ANderson, my brother, is a dear soul, the only premie who ever stepped forward to say anything at all about what I was saying... he called to say he heard someone else say that they thought I was endangering my own life by speaking the truth,,, but at least he called me.. Dean is a very close brother to me. Bruce Callow, who i met when he became my CPA is a very close brother also. He works with Rick Head who I believe is also a good man who is with Israel. I continue to believe that my atty Walt Maas is Israel.

I cannot express how overjoyed I was when I realized that Kenny Ramer is Stone Green, ("misty" was the giveaway clue), it occured to me today that I would figure out at least who all of the Green (Rawat) men are, and immediately I figured out Stone, then Hill and really just acknowledged to myself what I already knew about Sky. I had SKy pegged almost as soon as I say "Sky" on the family tree. Sky is a lover.

I realized Stone, Kenny Ramer, was Rudolph Steiner while I was at his apartment telling him that he was Stone, he of course was referring to Steiner, as he so aften does, and suddenly I was like, "YOU were Steiner," and then it was like "DOH, of course, Stone is Steiner, Stein MEANS Stone in Steiner's own language, German. I beleive that all I had ever written about Steiner was that I recognized him as important but that I had not conprehended him.

Kenny Ramer is a nobody because nobody can tolerate listening to him speak, as they cannot tolerate me, because he is so intelligent. Kenny Ramer, who appears to this world as damaged goods is the reincarnation of one of the most brilliant minds ever to incarnate in this world, Rudolph Steiner.

Waldorf is wonderful and I believe that a combination of Waldorf and the ideas about education that have been developed in Ecuador by the parents of my friend Leonardo Wild will be incorporated into our lives in Heaven.

Steiner is a giant, a very important incarnation. The story of his seperation form Blavatsky and the Theosophists and Krishnamurti will be a matter of great interest to me, not to mention his death, which I believe could have been at the hands of whoever Jon Ramer, the Temple Priest who advocated the crucifixion of the Christ, was in that life. Steiner is a Rawat. He is the son of Pluto and the father of Jed, Pontifex Maximus and Jacob, the Father of Israel. And he is a nobdy, recognized only be me, as only he has recognized me. This is a fantastic revelation for me. Incredible because I have felt drawn back to Kenny time after time as a true friend.

just sent this to sid:


thanks again for helping me out today.

after i left you i visited with kenny.
i realized WHILE i was with him that he was Rudolph Steiner in a previous incarnation, probably one of the most intelligent human beings ever to incarnate on earth, a total genius. that was Kenny in a lifetime when he was initiated into the realization of Knowledge (think 2001 a space odyssey, an allegory about Knowledge) whereas in this lifetime he was not and he's a nobody.
he is unpopular for the same reason I am, he is too intelligent for people to focus their minds on, its to hard to follow his train of thought, BECAUSE it is too intelligent for most people. I consider you to be his grandson, possibly by he and lisa, who i believe is "Misty" in the Green family pantheon on NY's website, as Jacob is his son, and you are probably a son of Jacob, the leader of one of the twelve tribes of Israel (eleven of whom sold me into slavery when I was Joseph,,, you guys have come a long way) Misty is Lisa, i am quite confident, a supremely intelligent woman. you are her grandson. we rawats are incestuous. always have been always will be... its just the way human beings are meant to be.
also, its been made known to me by telepathic revelation that the glass artist wm morris is the reincarnation of michaelangelo, and i'd be willing to bet anything that this too will be corroborated in the days and weeks to come, THIS YEAR 2005.


yes indeed, "the longer [I] stay on earth the more [I] see unfold..." this is too much fun...

the billboard ads for the "chicken little" film seem to be a sort of mockery of Babylon, a premonition of what is to come. it's ludicrous in light of what i am anticipating... and i know that Disney was a high initiate in the Naiton of Israel, so it makes sense to me that this is exactly what the producer had in mind. the ad says "the end is near" and has a picture of "chicken little" mooning the cartoon draftsman and covering her head...


i turned on the tv yesterday for long enough to hear someone say something about how the dark force, the evil Empire of Star Wars represents Islam and also related the struggles of the Crusaders to this story. This is the kind of truth that I alone have been speaking until now, this is the first such reference that i've seen linking Islam with the enemy in any of the popular myths or allegories. interesting to say the least.

That was enough to convince me that my hunch had been correct that Star Wars is yet another great alleogry of the saga of Good and Evil, the War between Heaven and Hell.

So Ive only watch the 3 original movies, through Retrun of the Jedi, and in none of those three is the story resolved, but I seem to remember hearing that Darth Vader capitulates to the good side in the end. Could this be the equivalant to what I am saying about Pluto/Prince Reuben, the Lord of the Underworld, that we will be picking him up on the way out of Greendale?? I do not know part 3 of teh Lord of the Rings, so I dont know how that story resolves, but this being more or less the same story it would seem to indicate that Lucas knows that Prince Rauven is with us.

The Tribe that is related to "Hill" kenyatta, steven Golovnin and Paul the mbira player - who i listened to playing mbira on top of the hill at gas works sometime in the past year, this being the picture that came to mind when I thought about who "Hill" might be, leading me back to Stephen and ultimately to Kenyatta who had impacted me so profoundly and in whom i really could see Arias, who is his father - is not Israel. These are not people descended from Jacob, for the purposes of being the army of god, the Nation of Israel. I beleive this is another nation entirely, descending from another branch of the family.

It is possible that the entire musical nation that I have been naming is descended from Kenyatta/ Stephen and not from Jacob, just want to lay out this possibility.

If so, then Peter Gabriel, RYe COoder and all of the people they have worked with, the entire world music/ WOMAD community is part of this tribe, the tribe of the Lion. It is possible that Lion and Lamb refer to two branches of the rawat family, one descended from Jacob, and another from Hill. Just speculating.

Sun Green is Isaac, and Jacob Green is Jacob. In heaven they are cousins, on Earth Jacob was born as my son. But he is not my son, he is my cousin. and ultimately we are brothers, children of the living god, Arias, from the same generaton. And Jacob and I are sons of Earl in some sense as well. Parentage is different and more complex than what we think... I may not understand it all perfectly, but I understand that in some sense I am cousin, brother and father and possibly son to Jacob. Son in the sense that I may have incarnated as Joseph. If so, the being lovers with Jacob will be a seriously multi-incestuous relationship. I am very attracted to him as a man... very. I laughed the first time I heard his voice on his voice mail greeting.

He and I have never spoken on the phone, but I believe that he gets that he really is Jacob. He is too smart not to have really had the light bulb light up when I pointed out to him that his play on words moniker "Jacob all Trades" is an obvious subliminal reference to Jacob all Tribes, the father of all the tribes, especially after I had so confidently proclaimed him to be Jacob upon meeting him, prior to seeing his business card on which appears this moniker.

WHen I told Nina that she was Guenevere to my Arthur and Magdelaine to my CHrist she got it, she never doubted it after that.

When I told Evert that he was Noah, he got it, even if he denies it just because he's an atheist, he will admit that later on that it really did make sense to him.

Kenny Ramer got it when i told him he was Rudolph Stiener Rawat. He has no doubt.

Rauven knows he is Rauven.

My mom gets that she is part of this family.

My brother Bill gets the same thing. (apparantly i am going to see him in the next two days)

Family members get it when they are informed that they are family members. It resonates.


months ago i stated my belief that all of the "mahatmas" associated with Guru Maharaj ji who have names that end in "anand" or "ananda" are initiates at another level, they have "realized" knowledge, whereas the "non-anad" "initiators" like David Smith and even Bill Patterson never had this higher level initiation.

The only anand initiators or mahatmas that I remember listening to were Mahatma Guru CHarnand and Pardarthanand. I HONESTLY believe that both had realized knowledge by the time I listened to them speak.

They have very different personalities, Guru CHarnand seeming the more child-like of the two, the more seemingly blissed out, but I beleive that Padarthanand, who comes across as more serious and intellectual has been initiated into the same realizatoin of Knowledge. I don't recall hearing Sampuranand speak, but I have seen him on video and possibly in person, close up in a darshan line perhaps. I have no doubt that he too is someone who has realized Knowedge just based on his manner.

Jugdeo was the name of another of this group of Indian born initiators or close disciples of Guru Maharaj ji. Because he does not have the anand suffx on his name, I am inclined to believe that he was not someone who was initiated into the realization of Knowledge, which is different from receiving the techniques, as I finally drove home to Kenny tonight.

Any other Indian born initiators or close disciples of Prem Rawar AKA Guru Maharaj ji who do not have "anand" in a name that they have used in association with Maharaji would also be people who were not initiated into the realization of Knowledge in my opinion.

HOwever, other so-called initiators may indeed have been initiated into the realizaton of knowledge without there having been anything about their name or identity that would indicate this.

NO one who has ever been initiated into the realization of Knowledge such as Pardarthanand, Guru CHarnanand or Sampuranand have received has ever left, defied, denied, criticized or denounced Guru Maharaj ji. No one who knew the Truth that the Realization of Knowledge entails, who had enjoyed the happiness that this experience entails would EVER DREAM of doing so. Period. End of Story. Full Stop.

I will name a few of the non-Indian initiators who I believe may have been initiated in the Realizatio of Knowledge. Randy Proudy. The one called Sarge or Sargaent, and several who were of Argentine or Italien nataionality who in the days when initiators "gave satsang" at the events at which Guru Maharaj ji spoke to large audiences of Premies, would wax ecstatic about their relationship with Prem Rawat.

Michael Detmers was a close associate of Guru Maharaj ji, who I beleive worked in a capacity of lawyer or counsil to the latter. He seems a bit like what one might call a "consigliari." I believe that he was an initiator, but I do not beleive that he is one who had been initiated into the Realization Knowledge. He rarely "gave satsang" at the big programs, he was a more silent figure, and I am aware as well, from some wanderings aroiund on the internet that i took at the time I sent letters to Guru Maharaj ji telling him that I believed I had realized knowledge, that Michael Detmers has posted statements about Guru Maharaj ji of a critical nature on a website that I looked at called "expremie.com." It is impossible for me to imagine that Michael Detmers was a person who had been initiated into the Realization of KNowledge.

Several of the songwriters whose songs were sung as devotional songs to Guru Maharaj ji at those events appear to me to have been initiated into the realization of Knowledge, including the authors of the songs on the recording that was sold at programs of which I have had a copy, called Drifting, featuring songs sung by Prem Rawat's younger daughter, whose name I recall as being Dyalata. I am quite confident in saying that Dyalata has received the initiation into the realization of Knowledge. She clearly experiences a profound and ecstatic feeling of Love for her father, that is the love of an enlightened initiated for his or her perfect master.

Because of what I understand about the nature of the relationships involved in the experiences that members of the Rawat family, of which I consider ALL of the people who I have named as the living incarnation of the Green family/ Roman pantheon, have with one another, it would not surprise me to learn that Dylata Rawat has a strong erotic attraction to her father, Prem Rawat, an attraction that may or may not yet have been consummated in an act of incestuous love, but if it has not, then I would expect that it would in the immediate aftermath of the rapture, and if so, this would be a rather momentous occasion, as the father - daughter relationship would be the one that mortal human beings would be most disturbed by.

I sense that the way of life of "Heaven" involves an expectation of incestuous between boys and men and all of their family members, other than their sisters and daughters. In other words, sons are expected to be incestuous with their mothers, and WILLING to be incestuous with either their sisters or their daughters, if and only if the daughter or sister wanted and sincerely asked for it. I say this because it just feels like its what would be most appropraite. sons must be WILLING to love their mothers sisters and daughters, and i believe that sons should expect to be the lovers of their mothers, but that they should not expect to be lovers of their daughters or sisters, that this is entirely up to the daughter and sister, but that women would not have children in heaven if they did not want to be lovers with their sons.

I do not believe that there is any expectation that women will necessarily engage in any incestuous relationships with any family members other than their sons. INcestuous relationships among women - sisters, daughters, mothers - would be considered entirely optional.


I believe that any and all of the Indian Gurus, Mahatmas, Saddhus or any perosn who has presented himself to the world as an enlightened master who has had the suffix anand or ananda in his name, for example, Muktananda, Vivekandanda, Yogananda and Sherpananda, are all associated with, allied with, the Rawat family. Ramakrishna, thought he does not have "ananda" in his name seems also to me to have been a devotee or even an incarnation of the perfect master. It is possible that Prem Rwat himself might have been incarnated as RamaKrishna, as it would seem presumptuous for any truly enlightened person to make up a name that would in any way suggest that they were an incarnation of either Rama or Krishna, both of whom I believe now were incarnations of Prem Rawat, unless he were Prem Rawat, or possibly if Prem Rawat had bestowed them with the name. I would say that RamaKrishna is the person I would name with most certainty from the various lineages of which the aforenamed gurus with anand in their names were members who is most likely to have been an incarnation of Prem Rawat, simply by virtue of his name which is sacred and which the rawat family would not allow to be abused, just like what I said about the word "Holy" or Holiness, as in His Holiness the Dalai Lama, that the Rawat family woudl not permit unauthorized use of these titles and words.

Based on what I have said in the previous paragraph, I am now of the belief that the Ananda Community, which operates a book store in Seattle that was once and may still be called East West books, and that operates an intention community in the Grass Valley area of CA, whose leader is an anglo named Kriyananda who is considered to have been a successor to Yogananda, is afiiliated with Prem Rawat. I pointed out already, without having considered yet the implications of the name "kriyANANDA" that I am aware tht Kriyananda may reveal the four techniques of Knowledge. I can't recall if I wrote or only spoke this, but I believe that it may be shown that the followers of Kriyananda had on the whole a more profound experience of KNowledge than the people who received the techniques from Prem Rwat. If so, this will be a matter of some discussion that will be confronting and difficult to hear for Premies, people who received the techniques from Prem Rawat. The relationship with the the perfect master, Prem Rawat, notwithstanding, it appears to me that the members of the Anand Community have made a deeper commitment to living in such a way as to optimize their experience of life, and therefore of knowledge. Many premies seem to me to be making a pretense of having a meaningful experience, whereas I doubt that this is even possible in the anand community.

There is certainly a core of premies, including some of those who I saw and spoke with yesterday, who are very sincere, but there are others who i believe are not really going for the experience, but are just hangers on, in simply wanting to soak up what they can of Maharaj ji's loving vibrations. Ross Kling is one who comes to mind. There are others.


I wrote a few days ago about Rainbow, and made comments about some of the key personalities that I knew there. I could characterize two groups of management at Rainbow: One that included Ross Kling, Jim Emerson and Russ Pimental, as well as others whose names I dont recall, who never appeared to me to be passionate about the nature of the business itself, natural and organic foods, or even the people they worked with. Though Ross has continued to work in this industry, I know him very well and I just don't see him being passionate about anything but himself.

I was of the other group, or would have been had i stuck around and become a part of management which would have inevitably happened, which consisted of people who were passionate about eh nature of the business. This group includes the allstars of rainbow, a virtual whose who of some of the most important and talented people in the business: David COhen, David Richard, Brit Eustis, Steven Sunseri, Michael Nolting and Claire Finley, Bob Holmes, Ellen, who married Russ Pimental also fits in this group in my opinion, anyone else who ever worked the long hours at the LA Dock back in the day when Sunseri and Nolting were in LA, Rich Israel, Sherman Wing, many of the hard cores at the warehouse, these folks were the ones who really were into the spirit of the natural foods movement. there were MANY others who worked at rainbow because they believed in the mission of the company, to provide good healthy food to human beings.

Retzloff was of the former group, though I came to Rainbow long after he was gone.

One premie who struck me as unusualy happy and alive was Jeff Bronfman, who I beleive was a member of the Bronfman family of Seagrams. His family is quite likely, in my opinoin to be a part of the Nation of Israel. I remember describing him to myself and maybe one or two others as "a human penis" which is to say, very sexy. Its possible he had been initiated in the realizatin of KNowledge and put there at rainbow just so that i could make this observation today.

dan havlis, once again, is someone who was NOT an initiator who appears to me to have possibly been someone initiated into the realization of Knowledge. if i had to take a stab at one other person who could possibly have been a higher level initiate than the run of the mill premie was Rick Weed. It seems like he spent a lot of time in meditation. There was a gay man in Seattle who seemed especially into meditation, whose name I dont recall, but if he had received a higher level initation, my characterisation of him as gay will surely make it easy to identify.. frank childs or childer, something like that possibly was his name.

david moeller strikes me as having been a particularly sexy guy he had some kind of charm that atracted women like rosalyn moeller and saundra finch who both are quite sexual, esp. rosalyn. she has a very sexy vibe and she was really into david. david must have had abilities that most men dont have.

there was another guy who lived in portland who i know form saundra was really into tantric or taoist sexual practices, which to me is a sure sign of an israelite. the moellers and this guy i refer to are israel. both dan and daivid. among premies these folks, daivid nelson, teh armstrongs, john parella and joe lichen, jimmy bacca, who seem to me like they were really premies, true devotees of Prem rawat going back into previous incarnations,, some other seattle premies dont give me this same impression.

the people who are true premies are the ones who would say yes to an erotic experience with Prem Rawat.

Dean, and all of the men I just mentioned are premies in this sense. Tim Ekrom ditto. he's a lover, that's for sure. I'll never forget him lying in the tub with a big smile on his face back when we were in teh ashram together. others i lived with in the ashram might not have been true premies. Stever ptnam, with whom i roomed in the seattle ashram, has the heart of a child


i am interesting in knowing the story of steve kawarski, a powerfully intelligent man who worked in developing technology while at rainbow and who i believe went on to become a successful computer geek. .I was always very impressed with him as a person, he didnt show a lot of pssion for the natural foods isde of things, but he was passionate, period. a powerful guy. we recognized something in one antoher. we lived in a denver "ashram" (premie bachelor pad?) together. steve worked with another guy who was similarly brilliant in the days when their office was next door to the grocery, while i worked there, many people will remember who i am talking about, including jane riskin a good friend and "celebate lover" of mine who worked in the office with them both, but he is not as memorable as a chacacter and is less likely to have an interesting story than steve in my estimation.

there were SO MANY talented people working for rainbow then, I've never witnessed ANYTHING like it.. that group could have done amazing things, and the failure of rainbow to fulfill its potential, which i believe was huge, could be the result of corruption in the upper management, though i really dont have a basis for saying this. It could be more about the lilas involved in letting people like retzloff, prem rawat's enemy, get involved for the sake of justice.

george clair is a heart of gold kind of a guy reclusive, but i think its not because he's fearful, but he's just in a different space. i'm sure he's more of a doper than a drinker. i liked george claire.

there was a premie, very depressed, who lived behind the store who would hang out around the staff a lot, we were like his famliy.. very lonely guy.. he reminds me a bit of rudolph "Kenny" Steiner, very deeply unhappy because he knows there is more... he is probably a lover.

ralph melcher is an interesting person in my life.. i had tried to share my experience with him, through debra rhine i had ended up on his mailing list and i contacted him in reply to his essays. it turned out he had been very close to mckenna, but the mere mention of the idea that mckenna was JOhn the baptist enraged him. he really objected to everything i had to say about my expeirnce, he hated me for claiming to be the christ.

ralph melcher doesnt seem like a very happy person. i think he may be babylon. he is close to deb rhine, with whom i lived for a period of time. I consider deb to be a very good person, but not always the best judge of character.

Speaking of which Steve panos is an interesting figure in my life, and i wont be surprised if there is more to that story... he was a heavy drinker and had a weakness for heroin. deb and i were pretty deeply involved with him, he and i did roofing together in denver and in West Palm Beach... he's a good soul but deeply ill. i'm interested in knowing his story.


ans speaking of Deb Rhine, she may have had a thyroid condition, as her eyes are somewhat large, but she was also "sanpaku," and i could see how she was prone to accidents and misfortune.

i have always believed since i encoutered the idea that Georges Ohsawa had nailed something important in his book "You are all Sanpaku." That's an intense title, it kind of reminds me of the sign I thought of standing on the streets of NY displaying "This whole world is suffering from mental disorder." i really idenitifed with ohsawa and still do. It takes guts to say to the people of this world "you are all sanpaku." Sanpaku means that the white of the eye tends to appear visible under the iris and above the lover eyelid. sanpaku translates as "three whites" or something like that, san is three and it refers to white showing on three sides of the iris while gazing forward. Ohsawa asserted what i believe is a truth, that people who are sanpaku are imbalanced in a fundamental way that could make them more vulnerable to accidents and disasters. He predicted the premature death of JFK based on his sanpaku condition, and made note of others, including Lincoln and Marilyn Monroe who had suffered from premature death and who had sanpaku eyes.

I am saying that Ohsawa articulated important truths that were validated by his remarkable prediction of the premature demise of JFK and he recieved scant attention. Ohsawa, Muromoto, Kushi and Aihara are the "Big four" macro teachers who left Japan and brought the ideas of "macrobiotics," a school that basically teaches an appreciation of the subtlties of life, seem to me to all be affiliated with the Rawat family. I doubt that they had been initiated into the realization of knowledge, too much smoking for that, but their activiteis may have been coordinated through a secret society. If any of them HAS been initiated into the realization of Knowledge, it would be Herman Aihara. I say this because i belive he is the only one of the four who didnt smoke tobacco. No one who has realized Knowledge would smoke. I belive maharaj ji may have once said something that would suggest that he also believed this to be true.. his answer to a query regarding smoking.

I smoked for 20+ years up to some point in my journey, about a year ago.

tobacco, at least as presented in the cigarette market, is a terrible evil in my opinion, the way tobacco is presented and marketed is straight out of Joe WHinney's playbook.

it was revealed to me while in a profound experience of chanelling a few days ago that pharmaceutical drugs are a complete farce, its possible that there is virtually no more efficaciousness to pharmaceuticals than to placebo. I've always joked that the most effective drug is obviously placebo, that they just need to make it all placebo, that would be most effective cure all ever invented. one drug cures all, just dont tell anyone its placebo, then it wont work anymore...


its hard to comprehend the sickness of a person who likes the idea of taking pharmaceuticals, how can this not be a subliminal death wish? given that placebo is just as effective as most of them, what's the point?

people really seem to love the lie that there is something wrong with cannabis, and that there is inherently something good about alcohol and pharaceuticals... i wonder about my friend melanie, who is such a proponent of drinking, she's always instigating groups of coworkers to go out for margarhitas but is so adamantly opposed to cannabis... i mean, what kind of attitude is that? she is a proponent of people taking themselves half way from normal sobriety to pass out drunk, which is worse than death, but even though there is no limit to how much cannabis a person can smoke and stay alive she is opposed to it.. what kind of feminazi is she??


josh brown has a heart of pure gold in my opinion, a real sweet heart.. on the night i gave the fourth reich talk, nov 1, 2003, he came up and gave me a hug in front of the entire audience. bless his heart. thank you Josh, i have always appreciated that gesture. I have a feeling that not everyone in that room wished to give me a hug in that moment,,, people like Robin Giese and Alan Alhadef

Speaking of that crowd, david spangler apparantly was in attendence that night. David SPangler wrote a famous book about Findhorn, where he was an important figure for a period of time. That he has never contacted me personally to say anything at all, positive or negative, leads me to one of two possible conclusions: that he knows who i am and understands that i am best left alone, or that he is an agent of babylon or a complete phony. He seems like someone who should have stepped forward to have a conversation with me at some point in the past two years.

I met the man who was one the three founders of findhorn, he was in seattle and spoke before a small audience, it may have been in association with the Chinook Learning Center, now known as Whidbey institute, which is allied, at least philosophically with findhorn. i believe that he is probably nation of israel.

the miraculousness of their gardens suggests either a bona fide miracle or a publicity stunt, one or the other.

the famous figure who is often referred to as the anglo-french financier (could probably google that pphrase and get him on the first hit) whose name i believe is goldsmith in it, and whose brother is an important environmentalist must be Israel, and fairly royal, ditto his brother. he's just got the vibe of a very sexy man, what little i know.

the founder of esprit who has purchased massive land holding in chile, whose name i seem to recall as david thompkins or something like that, seems like a quiet and somewhat meloncholy figure, like i was in this life, he may be alcoholic, but he is Israel, he is a very passionate man.

my friend elliot who abandoned me as a friend and trading partner when i got deep into my journey must be Israel.


the people who presidents pardon for seemingly large crimes, like richard nixon and caspar wienberger for example, but also Marc rich are probably mostly Natiom of Israel people who needed to be busted for one reason or another in the fulfillment of their work as agents of P Max. If you commit the crime on orders from P max, like Ken Lay for example, you dont do time, at least if you are fairly high up in the ranks. i have no doubt "kenny boy" is a good friend of the bushes and a member of a secret society whose members do the bidding of Satan via P max.


Intellicki... i dont know how to spell it, but my father Arius, Prem Rawat, made a point of using that word a few times a few years back when i happened to be in the audience. That's probably a word that Arius either coined or used. I seems "Aryan" to me. Arius must have been a powerful figure in his day in ALexandria. I wonder if he was recognized by people in his day as Jupiter, I wouldnt be surprised. I remain steadfast in my belief that this is his favorite incarnation in this world, that he identifies very strongly with Arius. I think the link between the name Arius and Aryan is a key to a whole universe of things to understand about the saga of this world that I have barely tapped into. When i think of him as Arius it sort of excites me, makes me feel a desire to be his lover. perhaps in that lifetime we were actually lovers.. the excitement that i feel in saying that makes me inclinced to believe that this is true.

when i saw him on video last night i was incredibly thrilled by the thought of being both his son and his lover. I am feeling a more and more intense desire to be sexual with him. I can say in all honesty that i find him to be a supremely magnificent man. I can hardly wait to be with him. I feel he will be so easy to be with, and i feel that the eroticism of being with him, as innocent as childlike as we might be in approaching one another, will be very powerful indeed, perhaps uncontrollably so. it really does seem to me to be the most intensely erotic relationshp that is possible between 2 human beings. it will make me very powerful. Wonka, the child father of the son who is his fathers lover, make his son charlie into a very powerful being. The spice beast has a lot of power to bestow upon the son who comes to him ASKING HIM, please father, will you be my lover?

Please dear Father, Arius, you most magnificent of all men, will you please be my lover? I very much want this with you.

We are honest, we are good, we are sincere, we are humble, we are generous, and we recognize and appreciate our own goodness in one another, and we feel love for one another, and we naturally want to epxress this love, and it is a powerful love, there's nothing that we can do about that, so we are what we are and what we MUST BE for everyone's sake and so of course everyone really is not only obliged but should naturally feel a wish to worship what first and foremost he and I have with one another, and also what I have with Neil Rawat and my mother, the teletubbie goddess and my other relations, including, when you think about what i said about the many ways that he could be considered a family member, Jacob, and also Carling and Jed, and perhaps even more than I realize now, my twin sister, Diana, Magdelaine, Guenevere, Nina.

We love one another and that love is what enables the defeat of Satan, who otherwise would ruin everything for everyone, so it's time to party and to celebrate what is and what makes what is possible. Halleluah!


in rereading this post and coming to my characterization of macrobiotics - here is a very intelligent statement in my opinion - as a school that basically teaches people to become more aware of subtle influences on life and health, and identifying the leading teachers of macrobiotics, the "big four" as i have dubbed them, as probablr rawat affiliates, the references i have made to Mary Baker Eddy come to mind. I have waffled some in my assesment of her, mostly on the basis of my own concepts about Christianity, and my own possibly excessive emphasis oh the ROman Catholic Church's importance relative to other outlets of truth, but when I think about her at this juncture, I have this to say.

It has not escaped my notice that Mary Baker Eddy was a homeopathic doctor prior to coming out with Christian Science. There is a very important connection there, she's obviously a woman who is deeply tuned to subtlety. Even though I have never seen reference to any sort of connection, her origins as a public figure in approsimately the same time and place as teh Transcendentalist movement of Ralph Waldo Emmerson and Henry David Thoreau -who it seems so clearly to me are high initiates in the Nation of Israel, I personally have identified very strongly with thoreau, to the point where i would say that if his lifetime did not overlap with that of any other incarnation that i have previously sited as one that I beleive was my own, and Mohandas Gandhi is the only one I can think of that would even come close, then I would venture to guess that Thoreau may have been an incarnation of the CHrist, which would have made Emerson likely to have also been a member of the Rawat, possible Kenny Ramer, or even Neil or Prem Rawat - gives me strong reason to believe that Mary Baker Eddy was Rawat.

To put it less delicately and really tell it like it is, I honestly believe that Mary Baker Eddy demonstrated to this world an out of control intelligence, a brilliance unparalleled by any other female thinker I've ever known of. The lack of interest in or negative attitude toward her work is in no way a reflection of anything but ignorance in my opinion. She nailed a heck of a lot of truth that, as she herself claimed, had virtually vanished from this world. SHe offered the true revival of Christianity that Martin Luther failed to deliver.

This is the Christ himself delivering extremely high praise to the work of Mary Baker Eddy, by the brilliance of whose work he was virtually stunned.

The only guess that I have made regarding the incarnations of Diana (the twin sister to me as Apollo) other than as Guenever and Magdelane that I can recall in this moment is Mary Baker Eddy. I will go with that, and predict that it will be revealed that the woman who I have most admired as a teacher of truth that i have ever studied or so much as had an impression of was one and the same as the woman named Nina who lives in Seattle who I predicted was Guenever in the hours before I met her and she told he of her own belief that she was guenever and who i have been convinced was guenever since that very moment without a moment of waver.

Mary Baker Eddy presented an incredibly brilliant truth to this world. Her teaching became stagnant in a crystralized form because so one else that succeeded her in the CHristian science movement could touch her brillaince.

I have read or heard said somewhere along the way the Mrs. Eddy willed that the Church of Christ Scientist would be terminated upon her death. If it was against her wishes that the church continue, then this would increase by orders of magnitude my conviction that Mrs. Eddy was an incarnation of Luna Green, Diana, Mary Magdeliaine. Her work had a tremendously strong impact on me, and i have said to many people that I believe that she had revealed important truths to the world. Regardless of the succcess and failure of CHristian Science as it has been practiced since the death of Mrs Eddy, i give her credit for being perhaps the most intelligent woman every to step forth into the world proclaiming that she had some truth to share, and is one of hte most underrated human beings since the Enlightenment.


And it is a fond wish that I am feeling that my sister is seeing this the instant it's posted on the internet. Because if perchance I am correct, then I will hopefully have put a nice smile on her beautiful face.

and dammit, of course thoreau was me. either that or Muir, i just dont know the dates and who overlaps with whom, but those are my guesses...

lewis and clark were probably both rawats, neil, jacob or jed could have been one of them. their expedition was a hugely important rawat entrprise. the Louisiana purchase was between rawat controlled nations, Napoleon was Rawat, probably as i have predicted he was the same person as W. either he or kluger. the antichrist, its W, no? like i said.

i hadnt thought of it until now but all three of the parts of Mary Baker Eddy's name could be seen as refering to magdelaine - mary as in magdelaine, Baker as in my character of Daniel Baker, and Eddy as in Edith and Earl, the mother of Luna. Tips the scale a little further toward yes, its gotta be true and im very impressed.

Transcendenatlism was pure Rawat. It pertains to why Boston is such a great center of learning.

AW Fairhall got his phd at MIT and met my mom while she was working for one of ours, someone i have said some not so nice things about, henry Kissinger, at harvard. He's one of those guys like Nixon, CHeney and Rumsfeld whose Babylonian characters that they are having to portray are particularly unlikable - by the way, is that trigger happy secretary of war in the charlie story with Osama, George, Barbara and Dick, is that Rummy and is he really one of ours? - or were you telling me he's a mind controlled slave like Icke might say? Ad what about Powell, were all of his tirades really a charade, or is he contolled against his own will as some claim? He doesn't seem particularly distressed as a person.

I exp[erienced some amazing synchronicities today... amazing. being with sid and realizing that kenny was stone green was powerful and then getting that Stone is in reference to Steiner WHILE I WAS WIth Kenny, Steiner, amazing. he just watched intelligence unfolding and was very impressed by it. he rocks. he is SO intelligent, he's just impossible for people to focus their minds on. he's way too deep. .

i left sid with a handwritten green family tree with every male person identified. the meeting in the park with the guy with the mushroom book opened to hte page with a picture of a psilicoybin mushroom that he thought might be a fungus growin g up in a tree, striking up a conversation about psilocybin BEFORE realizing that he thought that might be a psilocybin mushroom and had his book open to this page, and then finding a cluster of psilocybin mushrooms right there at our feet on the other side of the trail, was complete magic, absolutely ZERO possibility that this was not a set up by neil the masterful puppet master of the masterful puppet that he helped create, yours truly.

its 6 am and i feel virtually no fatigue except in those damned shoulders of Earth Browns... this is the least sleepy i've probably ever felt in this late stage of an allnighter. i've been writing since kenny left at around 1130.

I think there is a sister to Hill who is Arius daughter Sea Green, Terra Locust who is the wife of Sky and Mahalia Cross who are the only three people i havent attempted to identify on the Green family tree ( I made only a very brief reference to a notion of Mo Seigel being Col Jackson's wife sally, they just seem good together), I'm gonna venture a guess that julia butterfly may be one or the other of Sea and Terra Locust and Terra would be my guess, the reference to a tree being the clue, along with the obvious reference to her in lyrics, plus it seems like SKy might be her type. . That leaves only Sea and Mahalia for at least a guess.. we'll see if it comes. Edith Fairhall could be either Ciela or Mahalia, but since I am thinking eleanor is CLose, I'll commit to E.F. being on e of those two those two possibilities. Its a lot easier to get a handle on the guys, except for Edith (of the double e) and Luna.

Reading Sea's bio. its interesting that she lost her life in a wilderness accident in alaska, when Sun is also very interested in alaska wilderness. hmmm..... puzzle puzzle puzzle..... gonna go with susan ernsdorff on that one, she feels like the most kindred spirit in those sort of values of any woman,,, i love being in the wilderness with susan,,, if this is true i will be overjoyed. i love susan.

maybe if i read mahalia's bio i will come up with another quick ten second guess..... hold on.... i'd probably say that if my mom edie is in the green family tree she is more likely to be Mahalia, and i'll go with durga ji for ciela.

so i am not expecting to get nearly as good a batting average on my guesses on the women other than sun's sister and mother. if there is anyone else who i believe might fit in whom i have never met it would be the mother of jacobi.


i believe that there may be large numbers of people living in this world who are not subject to judgment at this time and who are not Israel. The entire populaiton of countries I have named like Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, India, could be completely outside of the Abrahamic saga, being people who are already of heaven, and whose numbers could conceivably have increased over the course of te saga through natural and actual true human reproduction. (unlike sperm who do not truly reproduce but live in the illusion of reproducing, but just play the illuslry game of mortality and reincarnation.

In other words, there may be many people who are not sperm but people living in the sperm dream.


I dont have any strong intuitions about the nature of the relationhsip between Prem Rawat and his mother and two older brothers from whom it would appears to a "premie" that he is estranged. I am aware that Shri Maharaj ji had two wives and i've sensed the possibliity that Prem feels closer to his step mother than his mother, but the inner workings of his family of origin are mysterious to me, though i can say that i dont see any of those three as members of the Green Pantheon. and to be honest just now was the first time i had considered Durga ji, but when it occured i thought it made sense. I believe that arius would encourage a consort or wife to be free. as i do with the teletubbie goddess, who is due for her morning wake up call from me at 7, in 24 minutes.

i am also aware from just one comment that i heard, perhaps on expremie.com that Prem rawat has a mistress, which i would assume would not in any way reflect negatively on durga ji or their relationship and if he plays outside of the typical marriage boudaries i suspect he encourages her to feel free to do so as well, as long as their is never a diminishment of respect for him. Durga ji prasied him one as a lover at a program, in a way that seemed obviously meant to suggest at least subliminally that she was giving us a good report about somethig that we would experience later on. i think i saw the video, it was during the early years of Premlata's life.

It was always clear that Guru Maharaj ji was dearly loved by all of his children and his wife. He mentioned in a satsang about Durga ji's anyeurism (those seem to run in the family, is it a symptom of too much ecstasy or something?) and how stressful that period of his life was obviously expressing a certain sense of attachment to her.

"Millenium" was intended to be a lila, there never was any belief on the part of Prem Rawat that anything more would happen there than did. I believe that the false hype was completely intentional for purposes which have not yet been fulfilled... it pertains to the relative acceptance of the idea of Rature happening in that circumstance happening compared to acceptance of what i have to say.

i feel as though Neil's presence in my experience has become so subtle as to be barely detectable, as if he had become so completely me that i cant feel him as being other than me anymore. i dont know, but i feel as though he saying he would be at teh proram last night was a way of saying, by then we will really be cemented together.

i have been feeling very powerful since i settled into the psilocybin experience yesterday after three hours of further unwinding of lucifer and headed for the ramada inn an hour late... i hope neil didnt leave early upset that i didnt show up... ;-) somehow i dont think so... i felt very clear and strong speaking with the premies i spoke with and i felt like i encountered only those who were open to me, other people like David Kunkle whom I havent spoken with much in years and who was there seem to have managed to avoid an interaction. it was really dean and the women who i connected with. susie, linda, mary and padma seemed open to me. george d'amour, tim e., kunkle, joe l, other guys who were there who are undoubtedly aware of my statements didnt avail themselves of me at all.


thw obviousness of the fact that circumcision is related to the necessity that men become totally unashamed lovers of one another, their fathers and forefathers (no pun intended), their sons and their brothers, the foreskin seeming to me like an ungodly appendage to the human body that is a symptom of shame, makes the jewish people who have no intention of ever becoming what they are intended to be, and yet continue with the tradition of circumcision under the pretense of other reasons for the circumcision convenent, seem nothing if not ludicrous to me. This notion that circumcision is the result of an error that the creator made in designing an "unsanitary" phallus strikes me as somewhat offensive to the perfect designer, and obviously moreso when such an idea is really just a cover for denial of that perfect designer and lover's existence.


whatever it is that i am becoming, i very much want to be that, even if what that will be is a ferociously erotic and passionate love beast. i am not afraid to be what i am, whatever it is because i know that i will become that solely by virtue of being Charlie, the most sincere, HONEST and humble boy of them all, an innocent child at heart who will have inherited his traits, whatever they will be, from the most miraculously good, beautiful, kind, loving, intelligent, funny, considerate, generous and all around incredible man ever to live, Arius, my father, the perfect father, the one who wishes to be the lover of his son. The Perfect Father, the perfect Master, the Perfect Creator. The one and only one who shows up on the scene who knows how ot make human existence a success, by having a son who wishes, ferevently, without prompting, to be his lover, and to be the lover of his mother and brother and sister as well. The unique brilliance of his idea, which he arrives at himself and that his one perfect son proves is arrivable at, this son also proving in so many ways by his own outstanding character of the worthiness of the idea, is such genius as can never be matched. He deserves every ounce of my passionate love and devotion, and that of everyone else who wishes to exist as a human being. His is the only answer that ever existed to the challenging question of how human beings can make a success of themselves.

So whatever I become in the process of becoming something that absolutely must be in order for human existence to work out well for even so little as a single family of human beings or so large a race of them as one with six billoion members, i wish to become that and to have me becoming and being me a matter worthy of celebration and worship. I am what I am, and I want to be what I am, that's why I am what I am, because I have always wanted to be what I am, which is a son of the father who wishes to be the lover of his son, because I know that for me to be this son is the most fulfilling thing I could ever have chosen to be.

And whatever I am saying aobut my relationship with my father Arius goes for Earl Green as well, whoever he is to me, Sam or Mercury or a Benjamin to a Daniel, I want to be his lover as well, and that of all of my brothers, cousins and uncles, nephews, great nephews and great uncles too, who would be so inclined, as well as that of my one twin sister and many other sisters and my sweet mother divine.


i sure would like to hear the approaching sound of helicopter blades about now...

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