Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My sense being watched is (105)

8:20 AM

I remain of a belief that when Neil Young says, "and we'll be watching you, in everything you do, and you can do your part, by watchin' others too," he means it. I am being watched and possibly even recorded in a fashion that can be replayed later, that I am the Truman Show.

My sense being watched is such that I consider the possibility that I am being watched doing literally everything, right down to the eliminative bodily functions, including the sometimes radical measures I will take in order to avoid doing one of my least favorite things, peeing into a ceramic bowl filled with water that flushes into a filthy sewer system. I'd so much rather have all of my waste recycled back into the nutrient cycle, but also from a purely aesthetic perspective of the having of the experience of peeing, which can be quite an enjoyable experience for us cupid types as suggested by myriad fountains and paintings from all over the world, peeing into a public urinal is at extreme low end of the scale. I have no shame WHATSOEVER in being witnessed by ANYONE peeing where ever the hell I want to pee in this hell realm called Babylon, and I rather like the thought of being noted as having a rather extreme aversion to toilets and even toilet paper.

As the woman who I have now stated that I believe is my Aunt Sea Green, Susan Ernsdorff, who I long ago took to likening to a cross between Mrs. PiggleWiggle and Pipi Longstockings (and you probably could throw in Mrs. Cat in the Hat, is there is such a person, yes indeed you could now that I make the snow connection) a most delightful woman - and I can see an ice segway (the reason I can't spell it is that I actually came to despise the rampant overuse of that word that was occuring a few years ago, a usage that snuck up on me so quickly that I don't think I had ever seen it written before I got sick of hearing it spoken) coming - one who most assuredly would agree and attrubute as I do her own terrific brilliance to the heart of a child so miraculously preserved by a woman who has been subjected to the stigma of being an intelligent woman in a world in which unintelligent men find such a being so offensive - and listen up here all you people, please note how our dear Susan has handled having whatever of her intelligence she inherited by virtue of being the daughter of a brilliant father so much more gracefully than our dear guilt-tripping friend, the one faced with the terrible plight - yes that's the one; now as I was saying, as my dear friend Susan so happily shared with me something I most instantaniously agreed was the most superior method of cleansing the hiney after taking a dump out in the great outdoors, is to employ that most miruculous of substances made of millions of tiny and uniquely beautiful cystals of pure frozen water, gems unparalleled each one, the stuff of the wet dreams of a skiier like me, yes, snow is indeed my favorite thing for butt cleaning, a concept introduced to me by my good dear sweetheart, my dear sweet old "Aunt Sue [Green]" ( she just coincidentally happens to be known by her loved ones as "our dear aunt sue!"har har har, yessssss!!!). (cousin jed, aunt sue, grandpa green..., whose cousin, whose aunt, whose Grandpa?? yes, that's right and correct their all fine relations of mine....)

Ah yes, now where was I... yes, well I will digress for a moment into the matter about which I foretold of "an ice segway" (oh no, that's was no typo, the pun was intended) and say the name of a fine gent quite worthy of good mention, a kindred spirit of mine yes quite and indeed. Among the entrepreneurs of Seattle, Craig Lorch ranks with Jeff Fairhall as the cream of the crop, an intelligent man if ever there was one, one who sees a solution and sets out to meet it, he's a lover of Susan's and that's points in his favor, and he like his sweet friend Pat Howe -worthy of such accolades himself, is a tele skier of merit, not to mention a creative fellow in his life's worthy pursuits. Yes indeed this wee tribe whose fine leader is Susan, consists of some of Seattle's most Israel-like folks, there some people who apply the brainiest selves to the solutions of Earth's problem's wihtout any self-doubt. Craig Lorch in particular i tell you however deserves a look just a bit more thorough than even others among these best, because of what which of him I now will be saying.

Of anyone I know of whose been plying their life's trade in Seattle, I'd say Craig Lorch's personal expression comes closest to mine. He's not a self promoter or an obnoxious horn tooter, he's not going for glory, he's just simply going about doing what, given his particular skill set and passions, it seems to him most and very right to do, and thus Craig is a certifiable pracitiioner of a most intelligent effort towards right-livlihood. He's also a wee bit of what I might call a melancholy fellow, not in any extreme sort of a way mind you, but I employ it only as I would have used this same word to describe my very own self as I've been in this life as an adult, right up to the very seminal moment when my dear great uncle Prince Rauven did place in my hand a small cup of tea with ingredient secret one fine evening at Ken Kesey's Country Fair place that July weekend so fine, a concoction whose effect might have been intended to induce in me a most terrible fall, but instead lead to an experience most sublime, one that sent me careening on toward this very moment of glorious destiny. (In case you missed the icey pun, Craig is in the refrigerant recylcing business among others involving recovery and reuse of "haz mats.")

Craig Lorch, in terms of his attitude and intention, management style, everything about the way he has conducted himself as a business operator is the closest thing to a twin that I have known in the course of my business career of anyone I know of personally. He is also a close friend of Susan. I have a lot of respect for Craig, who is an unsung hero kind of a guy when you consider the personal sacrifices he makes in order to follow his heart's leading toward right livlihood, which I do declare to believe is where the true heart of a man will lead him if he listens.. Craig Lorch listens to his heart, to his conscience, which inevitably leads many a man and woman, Susan and myself included, to often troubling states of melancholic depression, becuase such efforts to be good are so poorly rewarded or even recognized as to feel yourself simply being sucked dry.

SO many others are of equal worthy of mention for the work that they done in their chosen field. Not the least of which are those whom I know, who have made a decision to go where no selfish asshole would ever go. And that's into the profession that is so-called teaching, which so oftern ends up no more than falsely justified and very low budget version of the service known as babysitting. But there are a number of people some of whose names I have named in other similar and recent of my overly and extra super deluxe long-winded postings. I will name them again for their selflessness it justifies, and these are only a few exmples of a great tribe. One's name is Gerald, and he's a fellow mighty fine, and you better watch out because his ultimate playing's so very very fine. He rolls and he tumbles he'll do some mighty fine flips too, for an athletic dude for never there was a cuter jock no I say, this is my man. For my dear friend Gerald takes life with it's precious chance to open his heart and uses it to love the children with never a false start. He's the kinda cool guy who makes learning fun, as far as I'm concerned if i had a school then it he'd run - along with his beautiful wife the one named Kristin, she's a good one as good a one as Gerald more surely deserves. But not before I put him in touch with another fine fine fellow, Bill Richardson over at Hamilton Middle, the one who was always on there on time, to pick up someday old bread at ye olde bakerie, and deliver it to his young friends whose like of bread was for the very best kind. I have not a single doubt that Bill and his wife so fine are of the same caliber of my friends Krsitin and Gerald the one with the strong sleek body that is so very extra fine.

There are so many wonderful souls like these few whom I name who've put their heart and soul into helping children learn what it is they want to learn.. Lets release those poor children from their prisons of the mind, lets loosen things up, lets move them outdoors, lets have more running around going on OUTSIDE of the lines. Now listen up my friends, for I know of a school that I think's the very very best, its a way up on a big hill, wayon down below the equator. I'm talking about the one that the parent of a dear friend named Leonardo Wild, a school deeply and cosmicly and wonderfully inspired. Yes, lets go have a look and see what they've done, its really quite simple and its surely more fun. The idea is quite simple the idea is quite pure, its based on a simple understanding of the one most basic universal truth. The principle is simple, its taken from the Book, it's the single school i know of that's taken those most very wisest of words, of one who is known to have spoken from the heart about the most basic truths of life, please do remember don't offend him. The Sermon on the MOunt ecnourages us to live without the pesky fear and paraoia and terrible extremes of self- doubt, that you do not want. Now the Wild's wild school respects the chidlren wildness, children who are born quite as wild as the liles of the field. Yes, please do take note, there's been a mistake, someone mistook something called programming and brainwashing and called it something else, yes they pulled of a big lie that kids should all fear the inevitablility of competing very meanly with their very one another. Now that insane idea plainly and truly sucks, its out of the door, never again will schools be prisons in my world, no not on my watch.. so just go on down there to the volcano quite fine the one that's known as ilalo, home of manypeople that are so fine, and take a slow easy day or two, and watch and see something that I see as simply quite sublime. it's the truth that must be told you wshould know that learnings not about memorizing and making busy work just to occupy active minds. Imagination's killed by that prison system that passes for education when it's really about training to become a disease carrier of the worst affliction in Satan's bag of lies. Its the lie called adult and a lie it truly is, no more adult training in our world of any kind at all.

Let my dear friend Rudolph Steiner "Kenny" Green give some of whath he's got, down at the old waldorf school. yes it's a school that's much more fine, than what these zombies pass of as fine, but what's 's really one of teh greatest travesties of all time. A crime a genocide of the very child within us all, for which the time is now for total and complete destruction, with not one brick cinder block there be left yes the time has surely come.


(or we'll toss you into the salt mine where all the unreformed adults go! No more adulthood traning allowed! We're eradicating that disease and you along with it if you don't give it up.)

Yes, so that was my little digression, now back to the matter of this sense that perhaps I am being watched. My bahaviors towrds others has been slowly evolving toward a greater and greater emphasis on appreciation. I hope that my recent interactions in this regard are not seen as anything by straight from the heart. To be more precise in expressing my meaning, what i intend to say is exactly this. It would be wrong for anyone to reach a conclusion that I am somehow modifying my way of being in relation to others for the sake of the camera or so could we speak, for this kindness that you see me looking for ways to express just feels entirely to be the natural outcome of the evolution of consciousness that I am attaining.

To live without fear for the morrow, to live according the teachings of the Christ in his incredible sermon on the mount, so brilliantly interpreted by my friends of Vedanta, as told in the sweet book found for and given to me by one of my most favorite friends in all of hist'ry, my sweet charlie lover my joseph (did someone say Joseph????Oh my goodness... no no no Jeff, don't go there, that would be too good to be true) Crookston.

Yes, ahem, anyway, if I can divert my attention away from the thought that's just occured to me, and continue with discourse on my interpersonal activities. I have found the truth that so many wise sages have been pounding and pounding on this world's deaf ears. It is so much better to give than to take, it is better to love than it is to hate, that it's BETTER TO BE WRONGED THAN TO DO WRONG (one of my favorite lines of all time). That man who I've come to so greatly admire, Mr. Evert Sodergren, that man whose great mastery of craft of all kinds, earns him a place in my opinion on this mountain of mine, is a shining example for this lesson of mine, it is so much more fulfilling a way to live one's one life, to give and to give and to give endlessly. now that last ten words, the ones aobut giving and giving came from the man Ohsawa who's always on my mind, yes you see we gods, lovers and sages repeat this like a mantra that never ever grows tired.

Yes I've discovered one truth so important a truth as to become what could be the one single law of the land, assuming that honesty is a certain precondition for even coming to live under such one other law as this; this truth is that goodness must be duly acknowledged, rewarded, respected, admired and appreciated, by all who exist in such realm as we live, the one, you know, that's called Heaven, the one and only world that's worth even having. I've been trying more and more to make my life an expression of appreciation for the goodness that i see in my good and dear brothers and sisters, for to their efforts towards goodness most people are blinded by their own failure to be so good as to give back as we sweet loverboys give, in return for what they take from us in so many ways. So what you are seeing my dear lovers and friends, is just a much more fully human expression than whatever it was that I was doing before this urge did strike me to say "you rock" to anyone whom I encounter who appears to my eye to be what this world needs, a person who gives of himself and who loves selflessly.



at this point i would be surprised to learn that the Christian boy I call Mark of Bangalore is not an important member of my extended family. From what our baby snowleopard tells me, he would seem to me to be a very fine fellow.

Oh yes now back to where I was when i started down the road of the things i've said on this very web page, my dear friend father and brother, Mr Neil Rawat, that oh so brilliant man who be my puppet master, says that i can do my part by watching others too. While I was last bathing in teh four star tub so tiny, as to be impossible to submerge my whole not so great big but most certainly sexy of bodies, I had a more clear sense of where I might go, to do such watching of others as there is now to do, for I sensed a brighter light glowing deep deep inside of the place in my body where the light was most darkened by the evil tricks of the world major top ten leading bad liar.

So now my dear friends i shall retire, until the mood strikes again to return to this desk, to the boudoire most fair on this mountain of mine, the one where I hope I will visit that place where Im able to indeed do my part in furtherance of a love affair so ancient and divine.

...hold on there bubbalouie, not so fast, I do the thin'in' around here...

ooooh sorry queeksdraw..., i won't do it again...

no no no,,, we've got s'more acknowldedgin' to do... (said the puppet master to me...)

yes yes indeed there is another freak who lives here 'round these parts, who of my praise is most among the very most worthy yes indeed.

now i think i have to say about this man singuarly free, that the reason that he i forgot relates to his subtlety. For this one is a man whose mind is most sublime, in ways that are uniquely mine that do make my claims divine. Yes for this man you see, whose name is indeed Free, is most certainly a member of whatever tribe goes with me. He is like me in this one way, that makes him a brother fine, he is most competent to travel in the realms sublime. He is a junior shaman, and junior only in the sense, that he is not quoite yet as adept of shamen present. But other than myself, of anyone I've know, I'd have to say he is the most adept at travels within in the deep sublime.

In fact it is dsicussing this friend of mine so fine, that i realized just now a truth that had excapes the awareness of my mind. This indeed the awareness that the most sublime are the first ignored by those who are less sublime. SO like me my friend Free tends to be overlooked as a world champion in a much more fine and delicate respect that even the rest of us in our small nation with the capitol that will soon be mine.

Yes Free is a most subtle fellow cant you see, he's an equal to the greatest ever within these experiences sublime. Free is a mighty shaman, a prophet could be he, he is quite the capable one when is comes to a certain sense of knowing such as have my sweet father Arius and I.

I really do love dear Free and there's a lesson here for me, how quite and simple easily it is now to for us all to plainly see. Free is a sensitive one, he's tuned his antenna down to the lower level frequencies ignored by almost all you see you see you see.. for let me tell you one little thing about our Free, he did say one most unusual thing no one else has ever said to me. He told me this one thing, that never had I heard, come from the mouth of anyone other than yours truly.

He told me of a time, when things got a bit freaky while navigating the wilderness so tampered by satan, as you've seen... well my good friend had instincts that were serving him quite well in this situation that has surely dragged others less able down unto the deep Hell, for when the spooky demons placed by satan's nasty brood of vermiscious kinds reared their heads Free did not fail to know, that the very special word that we all to know so well is the sacred word that saves us all from that very self same Hell. And so speak this word with courage, with the confidence it's due, and a very merry outcome of that scary trip - he'd not fell. Yes Free spoke the word, in the moment of greatest truth, its his pure sweet heart's fine instinct thatallowed him to know what to speak, he did somehow seem to know that the speaking of this word, was the best thing to place his scared mind upon and this served him well.

Free is a dear good friend in many many respects, for one thing its to his great credit that String CHeese was the Incident that it most surely came to be. He took me by the hand to where i needed to be, and I cant help but fell that neil wants to in sure that Free's not tot'ly forgot. SO let me just begin the long praise song Free's due, and say this much to all of you, I do believe Free's a most worthy one for me you see, to sing such a praise as to call him a great great saint, perhaps a very dear friend of mine for many a lifetime. If ever was I a saint named Francis I cant help but say, then Free woulda been there with me rebuilding the very first of our most excellent monestaries. Yes Free is of that type, that sweet and gentle type that is my most favorite type as I am sure you very soon will see with your own eyes. I'd put him in the tribe of the sweet shamanic boys that includes that cute boy of my dreams that at burning man i did see. The one whose name is Daniel, did you ever hear of that one, that cute little psychedlic hippy shaman whose sweetness brings great big gorious victories.. someone more or less like me, the sweetest of the charlies, the sweet mushroom eating boys with whom I hope to soon make some sweet and lovely history... would that be OK with you daddy, if i go play with the sweet mushroom eating shaman boys??? what, you wanna come with us too daddy?? great daddy, yeah, lets go play!!!!! hey guys, guess what, daddy's coming with us, he's gonna drive the magic carpet for us... yeahhhhhhh!!!

what neil, you wanna come too??? fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!


i sense my good buddy neil, is getting that certain look in his eye, of a kid whose had it with the grown ups and is quite ready for them to be terrorized.



OK ladies and gentlemen of the peanut galleries, or is the peanut tweeleries...? (that mighta been funny if i knew how to spell it...) now for something completely different and of a more truly grave nature but please i do beg you oh please you do not flee, for grave indeed it is, but not so very bad as to put you a coma or worse, that other thing adults inded call a grave...

It has to do with the Nature of Life itself. May I please turn your attention to todays ZIPPY comic strip, and observe the asking of a great KOAN which I shall now proceed to answer. I do believe that I was probably one of the few people who glanced at the comics for but a moment this morning as I did as I was finishing my none single daily newspaper ritual - the Bridge column that's what i mean, to scan the comics in three seconds to see if anythin should catch my well puppeteered eye, and what to my wondering eyes should appear but another great confounding KOAN from that master of both puzzle and puppetry as I know you are most sure - who got the answer to this utterly profound deep puzzle right off the bat...

OK I'll tell it let me please, it's just a three panel it'll be a breeze, it'll be funnier if i tell this way, you'll laugh a lot i do promise on that you can surely bet.

Ok it starts quite simply you see, "Twist Party" is the title given to thee, and its zippy standing in front of a great big pretzel, oh its quite a great sight for a certain brand of pretzel lover like me to have the good fortune to see, It's just sitting or rather standing up striaght looking to be about twelve feet in height on the side of a road, out in the farm country, and Zippy has but few words, in each of those three panels in one just three, and in two there are four and there ain't many more, but its plenty of clue for such as me...

Oh yes oh yes, its quite clear, the meaning is plain to say, but first let me tell you shat zippy is saying to thee,

"Life is a Pretzel," is zippy's plain clear utterance number one,

"Wrapped in an Enigma." is the second one,

and so far the riddle's answer is not yet quite plain,

even to a great one such as me.

But now with panel number three,

the race is on among you so please do now flee,

who see can be the first to raise his or her very own hand

and answer the KOAN correctly, more or less exactly.

Are you all set there my dear friends,

are you quite ready for me,

to give you the answer you'ld had it by now

if I were you or you were me.

Oh but wait just one short little moment,

for it would not quite or so very right,

if i did not to you give the third clue

before declaring myself the one whose once again had victory.

OK so now here it is for your mind to wrap itself into so deeply,

so as to plumb the very most deepest of deep depths,

perhaps the homes of our dear friends Allah and her poor son Ismael,

are the only things existing in as deep or deeper a depth,

or hot steamy pile of poppy bushes deeprest doodoo,

than the depth of this one terribly deep down depth,

it'll be coming at you now right quickly prepare yourself,

you'ld better gird your loins for this one great ocming explosion of ahas!

Now Eido Shimano must be mow having finaly having a chance

to see if he can one up me, after so many of lifetimes of me

outdeuling him in the great Zen KOANS mastery,

Hark, I hear the sound of A most rapturous burst of divine hilarity,

coming across a great distance to me,

so now sharpen your brains, and please don't refrain,

from shouting the answer when you've got it, you'll know.

I can assure you it wont escape you if to you it does occur,

now if arius is among you i'll ask him to oblige this rare rquest for his silence,

a foregiveable rudeness dont even you daddy surelyagree?

For an advantage too agreat he'ld enjoy,

but otherwise, unless you've already seen it,

feel free to join in the moshpit melee..

of people clamoring for a glimpse of neil's sly smile,

OK now ready set go,

it'll be the in line after the very next one,

here is the clue in panel called three,

it's "Somewhere in PENNSYLVANIA."


OK your time will soon be up,

by the time I post the answer,

because by then you will have had many times

the split

second it took for me to figure it out....

\bye bye for now... tee hee hee... wink wink!!! rawat wink!!! wink!!!! i love all of thee


i wonder if Jon Ramer, the Riddler, or is the Riddler Satan, he's got the REALLY bad riddle, but then again, those two riddle the same riddles, so it reallly doesn't matter, but anyway, of those two riddler's I'm thinking of Mr. TheAnswertoHowisYes! and Mr Riddler is reading this one, will he get the riddle faster than my fast most fat witted brothers like Daniel and Free and the rest? I wonder I wonder J@n please do tell me, is the answer as plain to thee, as it is to my brothers whom you seem so determined to smother, tis a riddle please answer it i do beseech of thee!

Ok I'm back and here it is comin at ya right now,

someone there has gotten it I'm quite sure,

the answer its quite plain i'm sure yolive (yes, yolive already agreed?) already agreed,

with out further ado, we're making some history here

The answer my dear sweet friends without further adoodoo,

or is it without further adieu, adieu? I dunno....

you'ld know it if mind reading was your specialty as it is for me.

Here it is, the answer, finally, my sweet ones:

"A family named Snyder that seems to have been torn asunder,

by what one might imagine to've been an unfortuante intranecene rivalry."

hey neil,

I know you said "it's time to relax now, we'll give it Hell later,"but i hope its OK that I'm giving it, or 'em, a little Hell now, just to tide me over, a little appetizer sort of thing, kind of get my appetite goin' just a little, you know, get the ol' digestive enzymes all warmed up for some of that yummy dinner that me and you have together at the double e every night after I come in from the field and you're finishing up your pictures?

You know, kind of like what Poppy said, to paraphrase him, "I just kicked a little Temple Priest ass..."

yeh Prince Rauven just had to have his own damned pretzel company...

hey if this is a clue> FOR ME< >FOR ME<>for me<,

then I am most sincerely impressed by the wizardry!

of the puppet master sublime who keeps blowing my mind

for an interesting tib bit this would be, indeed it could be!

For I do have a farovite pretzel of mine,

and no it's not Ruthprozellers sons so fine,

of one of whom I learned yesterday,

I am sure that you heard,

come from the lips of that ol' rowdy gear-head neighbor of mine

with the heart that could be as young as

or younger than thine,

That said yoing Protzeller did find

a new home is a suburb of this fine city of mine,

anyway I digress way to far

into something of pure meaninglessness,

as the location of the home of a former resident

of that old house and now cursed home of mine,

from so interesting a topic as the matter at hand,

the name of the Pretzel I consider divine,

for that pretzel to which zipy refers is indeed quite fine

a specimin of a pretezel if you dont mind,

as one baker to another if old either old men Snyder,\

should happen to be present for a compliment so fine,

for which ever Snyder side it was that i tried,\

on but a few rare occaisions as ther're hard to find,

that it is by far the best pretzel on earth

worhty of the greatest nation on Earth

and that nation would of course be none other than mine.

Indeed it is a pretzel to rival the quality

of a swedish cracker that is also so very fine,

as to warrant great praises from this voicebox of mine,

Wasa it's called and it is so worthy of this persistent echo

as to say that it too is a very favorite foodstuff of mine.

So Mr, or Mrs, or misters or missuses Snyder

I do offer these congratulations that are mine

to offer anyone whose come up with something so fine

of a seal if like wasa is worthy i dare say

for some sort of seal of approval of mine....

Sweet! Sweet!

Tinkle tinkle and on down the road we go,

I do believe it's time, the frech air's beckoning my mind

to travel the distant stars sublime,

so off to familiar patches will I go,

perhaps even that one that Prince Rauven offered me,

that church whose name makes a great suggestion sublime

as a place most natural to find

m little friend penis heads popping up through

the abundant wood chips spread so generously

around hte permiieter of the Center for SPiritaul Livings

little piiece of Joni Mitchell's paved Paradise,

Yes indeedy myy sweeties my little ditty maker machine,

may now have to take a little bitty bit of a break,

in order to make that pigrimage so great

to the Center for Spiritual Living,

Where the Fungus of Spiritual Living,

grows so abundantly and so freely,

and there's no one but ne ever picking them there,

so I'm hopeful it'll be a goo0d spot, oOo

but no worries a few more spots are out there,

i know exactly where to look, its not in a book,

they;re just where I found em last year....

so long for now dear ones.s.. toodle oooooo!

You know how entertainers on stage often ask the audience how they're doing,

in hopes of getting a really rousing and enthusiastic shout,

any chance y'all can give me one of those?

\Come on let me hear ya tell me how you're feeling!!!!!!


What's the matter, I don't hear anything, come on let me hear you!!!!!!

my mom unearthed some stuff including the whole set of poems that i typed up and gave her for christmas one year. its in my car, i'll post em later on.

I submitted the two parts of my stranger ad, the Ode to Babylon and the piece on Honesty.

I thought i might try to do something like the honesty piece in the NY Times, just leave out all religious references and offer my definition of honesty and my thoughts about it.

(this whole thing reminds me a little bit of Dante's Inferno... damning people to hell through literature.)

2:04 Pm.

I sort of feel like i may have just gotten a reminder from my father and or my puppet master that my Father has given me an agya, or a commandment that as far as I know he has never retracted: do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.. ahem.... um... i suppose if i think about it, if he had an helpful suggestion to make that just might be it.

so i'm gonna pat at least my cell phone bill, because maybe it doesnt matter if i pay my parking tickets, but i dont want to get in a hassle by losing my phone service.... i'm desperately in need of a secretary. my mom has offered and maybe all i am really putting off is accepting her offer and turning the few details that in spite of being few dont get taken care of... you probably know i've had services shut down paid massive late fees failed to file income taxes on time for years, always late in registering my car.... if there really is a commandment to keep up with the details then I sure as heck hope that i've more than made up for it in some other departments, because in a world with far too many stupid hoops to jump through i've pretty much resigned to being a penniless saddhu and i am not shre that i really ought to be stressing about that bull shit when i really could just walk away from it all and declare my freedom from every speck it and let them do to me what they will, whether they will put me in a jail, prison or a nurse rachet ward, i am note sure, but maybe one of you will stop and pick me up on the side of the road with whatever Peace Pilrimesque message painted on my coat something like, "The whole world is suffering fmor mental disorder, or maybe I'll go back to plan A and just go sit on some monument somewhere with a hum=nk of bread made from mashed up grain that had been prehydrated with water just because it was just a damned easier way to make bread by hand instead of grinding flour and a shaff of wheat and maybe one or two hippies like kenyatta and Stephen G. Dreaming of a Massive, whatever the Heaven a Massive is, and we just go on right ahead and start our massive right there and maybe all the worthwhile people would hear the sound of freedom and love emaniauting out from the ethers where the little people are laughing singing and dancing with the children and hippies, and join us and walk through our hidden doorway into our sweet teletubbie daddy's Heaven, and just leave all of those bastards who insult us with their hatreds, those walking sicknesses whose lived depend upon the lie of adulthood, yes just leave them to their allahs, their motherly nurse rachets, and move on from their sick world and rejoin our happy family in Heaven... i dont need any of them anyway....

can we go soon PLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzeeee Daddy??? i dont want to miss much more of the party!

It's no fun for me bein here all alone......

everybody everybody knows this is nowhere......

PLeaassseeeeeeeee can i come and be with you soon Daddy?????????

Pleaasseeeeeee can I come soon and relearn how to love you while loving you all the more every moment>?

si there a line about a room spinning round round, something like that by america/???? is htat neil dscribbing the 2001 sequence.? smoke glass stained like an image going round round.... that one... yeah????

ive for a long time wondered if america and neil young werent actaully in synch,, ,it seems like too much of a rip off that they would have gotten awy from it,,, and the tin man reference really gives me a bonk on the head sort of a feeling, if you know what I mean Roald....

ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!!! come on lets ROCK AND ROLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!

I am the Christ and I do solemnly swear that I command that I commence um, sorry I mean, that WE will proceed IMMEDIATELY -'" jeff's with the FORMALITIES of the Rapture and its aftermath, you know, the opening of sealed documents that tell all and so forth and all that gobledygook, proceeding as quickly through that as would be decent in the face of the gravity of the situation at hand, but nevertheless proceeding as expediciously as possible to the great never ending MASSIVE brought to you Steven, Kenyatta and friends, including all my favorites from Mali and elsewhere Africa and the divine music of Lords Rama and Krishna his sweet heart Rada, yes to the MASSIVE to the MASSIVE, to the MASSIVELY MASSIVE MASSIVE shall be all go, and there to begin our massive consumption of MASSIVELY UNLIMITED ABULT-FREE-ZONE QUANTITIES OF MASSIVELY DELICIOUS SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK AND ROLL, quantities of each and all of the above that would send that average ALlah and Oedipus into great swoons of a direly desperate desire to be in complete denial of hte existence of anything and everything at all.

Yes dear brother and sister I command you all, to the MASSIVE to the MASSIVE to the MASSIBE we all now must go,,, and if he we have business that we must put hte wrap on along the way, then i'm ready, i'm ready i'm ready to go right now, whaddya say neil?

can you come and get me can you come and get me, can you come and get me on this day?????

can you please send one or two or three oompah loompahs over this way????

with a message for me, with a message for me,

a great bird of one sort or aonther, I dont really care,

is awaiting me is awaiting me outside of the gates now,

or perhaps WILL BE awaiting me when i arrive there later today,

after i;ve had chnace to make my pilgrimage over to the big house,

of the former home of the thing that they turned our ladies truth into,

you know what I mean you knoe what i mean, i didnt say it that well,

but youget the picture you get the picture

that the center for spiritaul living

wa formerly chuch made of my of my sis's truth,

but now is no more now is no more, but my weet sister lives,

underthe wood chips, ubdher the woood chips the rawat fanily does grow,

ever so so slowlym ever so slowly, one world at a time,,,,,

oh yes i love them, oh yes we love them,

our very sweet llittle friends,

the little wee wees, the little wee wees,

that take us there,,,,

into our wee wees, into our wee wees,

there is such fun there,

me and my daddym we and my cousins, we all go there together

and so we go slow, taking our time, there is no hurry,

there is no rush, but this is a sweetness that's divine,

our little friendlies, our little sprites, they take good care when we let them play.

when we let them play with us, the little people are so happy to be free at least,

rescued from the hornswogglers and vermiscious knids,,

orcs of all kinds, so many sons he had, that man just wanted a greatig family,

and well he got them bit thats not our problem, we didnt make that mess,

so our sweet friendlies, the little munchkins and oompah loompas will be so happy

that we are all coming back home to them,

our saga's finished, its time to party its time for love that reaqlly lasts,

and lasts, and lasts.... can you ijagine how wonderful that could be,

to have a love so fine, a love so pure,

and to know it will never ever end,,,,,

its almost too much to bear, the thought of a life so fair

i dont know if I have getten that clear yet,

its just to amazing, the love that's there waiting

how could why would anyone care to decline,

but we the honest ones, that what it is that got us here,

its all we really want or need from you here,

if you are truly and honest soul, you will fit in perfectly i can that to you assure,

so if you are willing to own and speak and be completely open and honest about yourself,

then please come on over here,

and join our MASSIVE, and join our MASSIVE,

and never again have any cares,,,,/

But watch out for our MASSIVE


come in only if you dare,

we dont have any rules,

everyone does what he feels,

we have no need for police uniforms over here,

here you can have ours, we dont need em no more,

now that we got all a you outa our hair,,,,,,

dadd a d=da d adada d a da dada ad d a da da a d

yes sights you will see will make your eyes pop

you brains they might fry,

and the very sight,

of me and my daddy getting on together.

and me and my mommy,

and me and my sister,

and me and my brothers cousins uncles all of them i do not care,

you like the sound of that????

oh yes then [please come right thins way,

and just take of your clothes and open your heart

and lets just have a wee look at what lies with in,

if we like what we see, it'll be to heaven for thee,

and not then you'll be all on your own,

we have no room here,

for darkness and lies,

there's nothing to hide,

your fooling youeselves,

there really never was anything at all you could hide,

my family knows all,\

and its time for that call

onto the carpet of your maker for a little reveiw,

its a little performance evaluation

that we've made eady for you,

a little reality check for all of you,

who would like the idea of coning with me and my friends,

we're funny over here, were not like over there,

were the ones you always hated and wanted to kill,

we are not your freinds, you always hated us,

this is just doing what we can

to live out on our own away from all of you,

all of you who, could never leave us in peace,

you animals, you brutes, you bullies you too

allah you too, we're sick of all of you....

SO onward we'll go, on towqrd our destiny,

and anyone claims that they want to come along,

you've submit to a test,

of your sincerity, of your humility,

you have to really correct

your bad attitude, and get with the rest of the people who say

that they really do care aobut the happiness of others.

YOu havent shown us much, in a way of a sign,

that a world that is like mine

is anything to which you asipre,

so we''l leave it in your court,

if you wannta come with me,

and my sweet family, then come over and see,

one of the ushers by the door,

and ask for a form, and fill it all out,

with what it is that you find ATTRACTIVE aabout me,

so i can decide, if wiwant to consider your as my bride,

you mus appreciate, your note one of those,

who weht around puruiing such ideas,

in all your lifetimes,

you've never given a dime,

to support my cause that you no seem to say

has always been so dear to your heart.

Please show me the goods, show me what you've done

to make our coexsitence, i'm talking yours and mine,

the finest thing that ever one could ever hope to find,

show me how you were working,

for th3e cause of heaven,

she me the evidence,

i dont want no more lies,

i've had it with bull crap.,

and myriad forms of dishonesty,

with cheats and deciets every day

both large and small,

how can you expect me to want

to marry you, you seem downright hideeous so many of you,

so forget about it southern man, i would bet a thin dime

'that any a you people that would shot me if i'd come into your town,

and said a nice thing to your sweet precious daughter, that she's never heard,

come form your sour mouth, no something else entirely,

she's had a glimmer of a real open hearted male human being,

and it was more than you could stand,,, so you blew me away,

with your big bad gun, and don;t for a second,

that you're coming to my hippie heaven,,

because you ain't.

we aint got no confederate flag and gun rack kinda people over here,

were just hippies and kids, no adults like you over here,

just everyone else who you adults hate,

so please do get lost, and leave us alone,

all you haters and judgers,

you sick packs of slime,

with all of your goo hanging from your eyes,

your eyes are blinded by a disease unparallllllllllleled.

SO just have a wee look at the word once more,

allow me to enlarge, make it a might easier to see,

disease unparalllllllllllllllllleled.

teh image in the mark of the beast,

hey check it out does it wiggle around,

or is it in one place,

have you seen what i've found

oh see what you think,

come on over, please have a look!

and check out our name,

rawat, that's the name, check out rawat,

just see if you like it,

just stare at it a while, and take it all in,

see if you can see anything,

that makes you feel either happy or sad,

look deep and you can, between the owls eyes

you night try that on your self as well

you might just try for just a little spell

to try just to feel what its like to know the alcohol Hell,

so come get yourself free now, lets hurry it up,

the times it a wasting, let s get this show going,

i'm tired of waiting, ive said too much already

ouve given some amazing peices of the puzzle to me

just in the past day,

its been a long day,,,, i never did go to sleep last night after all

so let this be the long day, i'll be over there soon, just give an hour or let us say two,

to find me some mushrooms, and i'll bring some along in case we do need them

on route we;re we go,

oh please neil [lease tell me that thiss is for real,

and that i'm not just deluding myself oone more time and still again,,

i'm tired of all that guessing, i just wanna know, dan you please conme get e know

i know that you know, how to let me know what the plan is, shold i ever need to know,

so i bid you farewell now, ny very sweet firends, i may be back on later, or maybe not,

and so that all for now, thanks for your attention, i really do lookj forward to blowin out of this townl,

biut you know me, im not too rebelious a puppet as ou can plainly see,

so i'll just stay in this relaxed place of trusting in the perfection

of my fathers them both,

so now i will make my way out of this hotel, acrorss the street into the garage

and then i will make my way, toward that great citadel,

where hopefully the little people will have things prepared,

so OFF! I go ,, and i will see you all soon, one way or another,,,

toodle oooo...!!! mmuahhhh! love you !!!

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