Sunday, October 16, 2005

10/16 4:20 (89) 3400 Phinney

420, one piece that i want to reiterate is just how overwhelming the sense of gratitude that i feel is appropariate for any human being who is not a demon to not only feel but fully express to the best of their ability to Prem Rawat whose goodness perhaps cannot ever adequatly expressed. Prem Rawat is a Supremely good and generous Human Being, and I know for myself one of my strongest feelings is a yearning to feel the sincerity required to do justice to any expression to him whatsoever... He is worthy of all our love and devotion and rememberance with each and every breath that we breath.. he might even say that the same applies to yours truly, but for me I feel that it is he along who it is most important that i and all others prostrate themvselves before in gratitude, and having no possible way of knowing what th efuture holds, i can't imagine myself not insisting that all expressions of gratitude should be expressed first and foremost to him. Because I have been doing what I do for just a short time, but He has being doing what has been required for us to have our existence for a rather longer duration of time, and so the debt of gratitude to Him much necessarily exceed mine by a virtually infinite factor.

And likewise, as I understand things Neil Rawat has been at this for substantially longer than I as well, so I hope that He will also be the recipient of the greater portion of whatever portion of your gratitude is left after you have satisfied the imperative that Grandpa be our first and foremost object of appreciation.

did i get that right Neil??? j/k

jus wanna throw another name out there of someone i believe is a special human being who i may be reconecting with soon, and that is my childhood neighbor Jim Savery. I had a visitation from him in a dream the night that he died in which he told me some of his life story, or that was the dream anyway, and i have always believe that this was a real visitation and so i have no doubt he is a freind of my family, probably along with the rest of his family.


i had stated that on the neil young greatest hits album every song pertains to my experience, and I am still of this opinoin,, and i will just notr that i beleive the significance of the song OHIO could be the reference to the state of ohio and the fact that i am the only person who ever published a theory of what happend this past prez election in ohio that came close to the truth - it was deliberately made to look OBVIOUSLY stolen, in order that i would be the ONLY one to call the obvious.

Imagine that! Thomas Jefferson who is the Christ, intuited and paid good money to publish his sublimely intuited belief that the Ohio election was deliberately made to appear to have been stolen in order to demonstrate to the American people their own complete oblivion to reality and belief in and reliance upon obvious lies, and that democracy in the USA is a complete farce orchestrated by a secret ruling family of which he is a part.

And that this would occur so that the unrightful winner could fulfill his obligation to hand over the riegns of power by their unduly elected President to their own spiritual leader, Oedipus rex, Cain the Antichrist, and assume the throne he's been promised. And everyone in the very town where that Antichrist is indeed the exact same person who I've been calling the top ten major leading global justice messaih just ignored him and hoped someone would lock him up and throw away the key. In spite of the fact that every word of his paid statements was dead on.


I guess you could say this: Neil and Sun Rawat are quite a team when it comes to toying with the adults.

"NoOoW we're talkin......"

Sun Rawat is beginning to sense a rapturous burst of laughter welling up from the deep chasms of Kierkegaard! As he laughs uncontrollably and says: OOOhhhhhHHHHhhhhhHHHHHHhhhHHH this is tooOoo gooOood!


and here my sweet simlings is the answer sublime, to the ingle greatest Koan in all of time:

The answer my freinds, the answer ny freinds, is the sweetest litlle teletubbie answer of all time.

oh yes my sweet family., oh yes my sweet family here is the answer Dvine,

to the greatest of all puzzles, the greatest of all riddles,

to that greatest nemesis of ever of all time,

the secret you see, the secret you see

is so simple as to be forgotten by all those who die,

it's just for you see, it's us for you see,

simply because we are this family,

simply becuase we are this family,

it's our heaven divine,

it's our heaven divine,

it's the sweetest teletubbie heaven divine

it's the sweetest children's heaven divine.

I love you my family.

i love you my loves,

i love you all, ilove us, love what we are,

I am coming home to you now,

i am coming home to younow,

i expect to see you within a single hour.

i expect to see you within as single hour. .... er, maybe a few....

the father of our goodess gyatso dakchang is probably the most sincere man in a religious sense that i have ever been close to in this life... he has said to me many times, "you are like a god to me" when i told him i conisdered myself the christ and maytreaya buddha he was impassive and calm and his reaction seemed to me to indicate that indeed if there were such a person that i would indeed be a likely candidate in his opinion..

other than the goddess he is the only person man or woman who ever sincerely said this sort of thing to me unsolicited and if there is not already a great honor in store for this very good man, then I mself will see to it that there is.

and of course, how could there not be, the very father of the most precious human being on the planet.

gyatso dakchang is an incarantion of a great saint, i have no doubt.


i have only the sketchiest idea of what it entails, but prem rawat release the keys in recent months. i have been of a belief since i learned the first detail about them that their release pertains to waht lies ahead. "sun green started making waves on the day her grandpa died..." i felt that the day grandpa died may have pertained to the moment in time when as Maharaji he relased this new program, whatever it is.. there may have been something that i said or experienced in terms of a higher level of samadhi at that time,, not sure,.

again, he gave me lots to "puzzle" on in greendale. KOANS.

i have to say its interesting that i am using this word Koan a lot in relation to the way in which neil is guiding me through my experience... in light of the fact that my first step out of the post-adolesent college and career groove was to hitchhike to dai bosatsu zendo, a place that is sacred to me to this day, where i was given a KOAN by EIdo Shiman Roshi who I feel a great deal of love and respect for to this day and with whom i would dearly love to be reconnected in the near future...

If you are out their dear Eido Roshi, then I send a hearty "Gasho" to you. I look forward to giving you a sincere bow in expression of my appreciation.

i finally ate that 7th Lu cookie I'd been saving since i bought a box the other day when i was thinking about that dream,,, until i had figured out what that was all about...

you know how it is said that it is a symptom of mental illness, possible of psychosis in particular, when people habitually look for hidden meaning in occurances and symbols, numbers, signs, etc..

I do that ALLLLLL the time.. i am ALWAYS on the look out for a clue.,, and if Neil and Prem Rawat dont raise their voices against the people who have both perpetrated and bought into the heinous lies that pass for "psychology" and "psychoanalysis" then I may attempt to do so myself.. The most maginalized people in teh wealthy countries of this world are often those diagnosed with "mental illness" when in truth that are to a large extent open hearted people who just can't tolerate being among the shut down men of this world .

my own brother, who it appears to me is in fact a son of Prem Rawat and brother of Neil Rawat, bill fairhall, a fine and perfectly healthy soul indeed, but who has been unable to find any semblence of the goodness that on a deep level he naturally would expect to find as a bona fide angel, and so has been marginalized to the point of being hospitalized and medicated for periods of time and has been unable to find a home in this world because he is looking for LOVE of which there is none to be found.

the past few hours have abviously been another very strong experience of "chanelling" i'm enjoying this experience and am feeling a great sense of happiness and excitement about the celebrations that are to come. I feel as though my words are being heard by people who love and care aobut me as they come out form moment to moment, and if so I want to tell everyone who is follopwing this that i love you and i can feel your love and support, thank you, i can't wait to be with you, all of you.

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