Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I FIRED joe whinney from the choclate co. (107)

OK, I've really put out a lot of material in the past few days and the whole story is really in focus... what I have right now on my home page is VERY succinct and everything else is just details and a record of the picture coming ino focus.

As far as I am concerned the Rapture is in the works as of about midnight last night. It's now 10 AM.

important points that elaborate on the home page statement:

The difference between Palmo, the tele-tubbie goddess, and other women, why she is perhaps the only "perfect" woman in the way that women must be perfect, is simply that she has the heart of a child and therefore WANTS TO AND IS ABLE TO be the lover of her own son.

The difference between Jeff, the tele-tubbie Christ, and other men, why he is perhaps the only "perfect" man in the way that men must be perfect, is that he has the heart of a child and therefore WANTS TO AND IS ABLE TO be the lover of his own mother.

In order to be in what is called Heaven, which is just an elevated frequency of consciousness that the Temple is about to shift into, women must be like the tele-tubbie goddess, and men must be like the tele-tubbie Christ.

The key to becoming like either the teletubbie goddess or the teletubbie Christ is in becoming completely honest. Honesty is, in my opinion at this time, the ONLY criterea for joining the New Temple that is rising at this time. Honest people will be able to dwell in the Temple that I will be the Master of, and dishonest people will not be able to dwell in the Temple that I will be the Master of. And believe me, lying will not be the solution to your problems with dishonesty. There will be no way to conceal dishonesty, such an effort will only compound the problem. The remedy for dishonesty is honesty and only honesty.

Honesty is absolutely mandatory in the Temple that I will be the Master of.

Dishonest people will not be able to enter the Temple that I will be the Master of.

It will simply be impossible for them to resonate on the sublime frequency that the Temple will be tuned to, because their dishonesty will interfer with their ability to let go into a more sublime experience, in order to tune to the more blissful frequency.

This is how Good triumphs over Evil. The Good raise the frequency of the consciousness in their Temple to a level that a dishonest person cannot attain, and it keeps the Babylonian parasites and their spawn out of our world forever. Forever. This is a system that has always succeeded, even in spite of Satan's perennial attempt to outsmart the immutable laws of Justice, AKA Karma. The Good, who are simply the honest, triumph over the liars, the dishonest people who are inherently, by the most technical of definitions, Evil.

Goodness and Evilness are empirically measurable characteristics of human beings - they are simply a function of relative honesty and dishonesty. But see, you must undertand, good and evil are not points on what children learn to call "a line," but rather on what children learn to call "a ray."

The difference between a line and a ray is that a line extends indefinitely in both directions and a ray has one terminus and extends indefinitely in only one direction. This is precisely the distinction that I believe Arius was known to have made in describing the difference between "the Father" and "the Son" of the Holy Trinity that was what I gleaned about Arius from teh one sentence I read about him that convinced me that he was Prem Rawat. The Father exists on a line, and the Son as a ray, in terms of the duration of their existence.

Good and evil are points on a ray, not on a line. The terminus is called "perfect honesty," and any given point on the line extending away from this point is just a relative deviation from perfect honesty. Any point on the ray of good and evil is a point of imperfect honesty, which is a deviation from perfect honesty. So if you make this association between honesty and dishonesty with good and evil, then it goes like this:

There is one point called goodness or honesty that is defined by perfect honesty, "You've got no more secrets to conceal," to paraphrase someone who knows what I am talking about, a guy named Bob Dylan... and then there is relative degrees of dishonesty or evilness, which are synonymous. And Evilness just does not work for human beings; nope, it really doesn't, it causes this thing called Hell to happen. It's no good. It matters whether you think a little compromise with evil OK, because you are actually incorrect in a very important way that will have dire consequences unless you can lose this attachment to what I have clearly defined here as "evil."

To exist in my Temple you will need to exist on this ray of good and evil, of honesty and dishonesty at the teminal point called "pefect honesty." There is no point on the ray of imperfect honesty that is acceptable for human beings who wish to succeed as human beings. No matter where you put yourself on that ray, if it is not on the terminal point of perfect honesty, it is called deception, and it's only a matter of degree of deception, and there is no point of compromise with evil in the form of deception that works for human beings. Any tolerance for deception leads to complete failure for everyone.

Perfect honesty is MANDATORY if a human being is going to have any experience other than the complete utterly devastating failure called Damnation. So if you want something better than eternal damnation, then I highly recommend that you jump on the Ken Kesey magic bus and head down to the Temple and get with the prgram of ridding yourself of the diseases that cause you to want to deceive others, which is to say, why you want to settle for less than perfect honesty.

If you fail to attain Heaven it will for only ONE reason and one reason only, namely, your own refusal to be an honest human being. And I will have no sympathy for you, because there is no good reason for anyone to have chosen to be other than honest, and my own self will live forever as living testimony to this truth.

If you cannot become an honest human being you won't have deserved what I had to offer you and you will have been the master of your own fate, entirely on your own.

I hope that all of the people whom I know who I consider worthy will be able to bring themselves to the point of giving up their will to dishonesty and get with the program of what works for human beings, which is simply honesty and only honesty. All else is dishonesty and it fails. It Bites really bad.

I'm sick of lies, deceptions, cheaters, deceipts of all kinds. I have been the host for innumerable dishonest parasites in this one lifetime alone; a veritable who's who of the most depraved fallen souls have all had their fangs in me sucking my life, doing nothing but taking from me and my family of honest people while pretending to be my friends. So I am fed up, and I will gladly partcipate in whatever opportunities there will be for the tormentation of the dishonest people who have been sucking me dry for six thousand years and who, in the end, will be exposed as liars simply by their inablility to enter my Temple and will be left out in the cold with others like themselves who only want to take and dont want to give.

I suppose they will give one another all of the torment that they deserve and I will be able to just forget about them, though I know that I will always love the child that they buried deep inside their shut down hearts. I will never stop loving that child in you, whether or not you come to my Temple, and somehow I feel that my love for that buried child that so many people have buried in a dungeon of denial will be my way of tormenting them, so that in the end the love that they rejected will be the source of their torment, and that's just the way the cookie of reality crumbles.


10:30 AM

I have King County Mental Health knocking at my Hotel Room door asking to speak with me by request of my family. Can someone please come and get me out of this town? I imagine the Police will be here to take me in any minute now. I really don't want to go through that Hell realm called Harborview Mental Health Ward again. My brother, Satan's minion Tom Fairhall is working the system to try in a last ditch effort to somehow thwart the truth. My mother is backing them up.

Who would the human race turn to as the arbiter of a dispute between the Christ, the very best person, and Satan the very worst?

Well, if left up to the mother of the Christ, Edith Fairhall, it would be the good folks down at Harborview who love Satan's perfectly evil alcohol and pharmaceutical poisons and who despise the Christ's perfectly good medicines, cannabis and psilocybin, and if allowed to thwart him Nurse Rachet and her friends at Harborview will take the whole world down with them, having locked up and drugged the only person on Earth capable from delivering them from the lies of the one who leads them into Hell, Satan, Joe Whinney, who is working with my brother to try to shut me up, and these two together are manipulating my mother to their purposes. I wonder if they've got Peter Toms on the case yet trying to help get me locked up because of the words that I type on a webiste than only three or maybe five people that I know of read.

here is an email i just sent to my mom

YOU WILL come to realize that YOU are the one with the mental disease, not me, my mental health is PERFECT by any good measure/

I have never told a lie that mattered
joe whinney has never told a truth that mattered and yet you side with Satan in his effort to DESTROY the christ.

you WILL realize that you were doing exactly as i say that you are doing by not REFUSING to support Joe Whinney's and Tom Fairhall's efforts to destroy me.

Tom Fairhall is a fallen soul who came into this world as my brother in order to become my lawyer in order to gain power of attorney over assets that his boss Satan wants to steal from me

I FIRED joe whinney from the choclate co. for telling lies about me that he used to have me kicked out of my own property';

I FIRED HIM and he has NO RIGHT to meddle in my life

and YOU have NO RIGHT to assist him in his meddling.




in the end, satan comes and takes over the christs assets, so that when satan has finished sucking me dry one last time, the money that satan invented, one more lie, becomes worthless and he is left holding all of my worthless monsy that he stole, looking like a great big idiot.

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